HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-10, Page 6Page SII(' �,r.w '"lay'Tf
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A ,.,„,eyry c, � u $'THE CLINTON NEW ERA, "i"I I "1 ' ” 1.. ,.I "� t �!'Jiurstjay, ay oti7, 191 %. a
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IroueNew Seen() Suit,
will loop tetter, wear.better and be more satis-
factory if it is made of Priesrsleys' Dress Goods.
1j( Discriminating woolen the world over for years have
been asking and insisting upon Priestleys' the Drees
Goode of Fashion—They know that Priestley's on the
selvedge is their guarantee of quality in material and color.
this year come in a variety of fabrics and color.
Among the most popular clothe are Salisbury Serge,
Mohair Serge, Wool San Toy, Wool Sebastopol, etc.
From the large showing we have you will have no
difficulty in choosing a cloth and a color that will be
entirely appropriate for your new spring suit.
We would advise an early visit while our lines aro
still complete. To come top late means disappointment.
Look for rho name on the sefoedge.
M Eliii$ IMMIN
� ?Fri lmit, ,,,•. v �.
s!ieFZ '• ...C?..fi�! d�lha;'i:il':t�„�Ir
,Dry Goods and
House (Furnishings
Phone 07.
Next to Royal flank
�n .y� Lray 4. 1aid Ce .J priruP3
The time for the Big Drive is ap.
proaching and now is the time for you
to prepare and get your ammunition,I
ready for the.Big Drive of Dust and Pest I
that have accumulated during the long i
Winter months Here we give a few
suggestions as to the ammunition you I
will need for a successful Drive:
Powdered Ammonia .. Brooms
Dutch Cleasner Scrub brushes
Naptha Powder Stove brushes
Custom Tailoring
Men's rFurnifisings.
Phone 103.
OpposiiloPublieLl braxy
Glebe Now $4.09,
The Globe, commencing May 1st,
has increased its subscription rate from , ---
$3.na to $4,00.: When clubbed with 26th Anniversary W!Ii be Held on
The New Era it can he had at $3.65,
CLINTONA WEEK IN • 6ederith Olotrict
Y P 4tLA GiY
hess ,Jping e I�. ,..
1I I II1 �. InI Ln ..
Nearly $10 Realized.
Last Fridrty evening Miss lona Bouck
was hostess to her friends and nearly
$1 0 was realized for the Belgian Fund.
A very pleasant evening was spent.
Banking hours
Beginina May 15th, the bead branch-
es of the Molsons'and Royal Banks will
observe the usttal banking hours, when
the offices will be open ter the public
from 10 a.m. to 3. p,m.
May 22nd,
The Goderich District Branch of the
Woman's NRasion uy Society of the
Methodist C'hitrch -will meet in a C.'no
vantion in the Methodist Church, Lon.
desboro, May 22nd, 1017, beginning at
2 p. m., afternoon and evening sessi•m,
This is the '?alai An&'.areary of tiro
District and r ^t1 at'' le expecteel
and a rare eel.
we notice the
names of a Stewart of 1):o.
field and i.+. • non Wright, of 1 on
don. P. good pro/tam is provided,
May Buy Material.
A couple of men were in Goderich A WEEK IN CLINTON
from the Hydro-Blectric Commission
last week looking over the West Shore
Railway material with a view, it is un-
derstood, to a tender for the purchase
of material being put in by the com-
Last Sunday the members of the
Young Men's Bible Class of Ontario St.
Methodist Church, presented Mr.
Lawrence West with a fountain pelt be- 11ng the nurses training course in the
fare leaving teem. The address was Toronto General Hospitel, far the past
three years has been successful in pass_
read by Mr. Roy Tyndall, president of
the class and the presentation was made lug the final examinations. She is
by Alvin Leonard, the vice-president.
'rhe Knitting Factory
Winghant Times: -•-Mr Libby, Jr..
who will have charge of he WInghhm
Knitting Factory, arrived in town on Officers Elected.
Monday and is having the second storey Following ere the officers elected for
of Mr. John Ritchie's building on Jose- the Ladies' Bowling Club:—
phine sreet put in shape for installing Hon, President—Mrs. W. Jackson
the machinery. The factory will be President—Mrs, F. A. Axon
Vice—Mrs. J. E. Hovey
Sec-,Treas—Miss J. 0, Robertson
Committee—Mrs. Jack McKinnon, Miss
Maud Torrance, Miss Amy Howson.
Asked for Terms.
The Clinton Kiltie Band has been ask-
ed for terms to play at Brussels on May
24th far the big Red Cross Celebration.
Miss Elva Lavis Graduates
Miss Elva Lavis, who has been tak-
home for a few days holidays before re-.
turning to the city next week for the
Graduation exercises which will take
place on the 15th of May,
put in running order as soon as poss-
G9 Crowded Out. ible'
'el 'rh. Council report is crowded out
The people of Clinton and vicinity
Town Buys
Bon Ami Potatoes. will be interested in learning that the
Furniture Polish The Town Council has purchased steamer Greyhound of the White Star
Choride of Lime Dust Bane . 300 bags of potatoes which are to be
sold to the citizens for seed purposes
Soap and Soap Chips
Our Leader -7 Bars of Pure Soap for 25
this weak. Greyhound Excursions.
You would enjoy a nice cup of tea
during housecleaning season. We•re-
conlmend our Bulk Teas, which is a
good' buy now. Ask our prices- f r
this week, they will interest you.
j 1.11 �S61
Phone 111
only. They are from New Ontario and
are reported to be an excellent sample.
The price laid down here will be about
$4.00 per bag. They are promised
within a week. Leave your orders with
the Town Clerk at once.
Married in Toronto.
A .pretty, but quiet wedding was
r � 6 J Or solemnized at the Metropolitan Church,
fel �2 ei May 2nd, when Miss Lucy Cooper, only
113 STORY& On, QtUA)UI' b.' daughter of Mr. W. J. Cooper, former-
ly of Clinton, became the wife of Mr.
Was a Patriot.
A Goderich, Township farmer told
The New Era on Saturday that a neigh-
bor of his sold him potatoes at 52.00 a
bushel for seeding. This is what we car
real patriotism, Why is tlse price so
high for other people?
No Summer School This Year.
In recognition of the stressful tines
and the call for food production in both
town and country, demanding that all
should devote their energies to neces- York, !„oi: place qu:c.;v in 5t. James
sary work, it has been decided not to
hold the summer school which was Catedrr.', Toronto, on Thursday lust,
planned for Goderich this summer un- Rev. Cannon Plummer of ficiating, Miss
der the auspices of the Presbyterian Tiernay was one of Blyth's most estim-
church, able young ladies and she will carry
with her to her new home in New York
Ragsl Old Rags! :the best wishes of a host of B'vth fri-
Have you old rags that you wish out ends. The bride is a grand -daughter,
f ? The have them tied of Mrs Thompson, Albert St., Clinton,
and leave then outside your door on
Friday, May iSth, Those tireless little
workers the Public School children will
take them away for you, to add to their
large stock of rubbers and papers. 1'ro-
ceds all for Patridtic purposes.
Grand -daughter Married.
The mai -lege of All”Der,thy, daug-
hter of Mrs. A.A. Tierney, Blyth to Mr,
Joseph Arnstein, of New
C. H. Watkins. The bride was be-
comingly gowned in a handsome suit of
fawn cloth with gloves and boots to
to match, and with hat of black straw,
mounted with fawn satin and wheat
ornaments and wore a corsage boquet
of lily of the valley and roses. The
bride and groom were the recipients
of many beautiful and useful presents
among which were two substantial
cheques from her two brothers. After
the ceremony the bride and groom re-
turned to the home of her brother, F.
W Cooper at the Y,W.C.A. where a
dainty wedding supper was provided.
After an enjoyable evening he happy
bride and groom left for their new
home, having taken up housefieeptng vn
suit 90 in the beautiful Earnescliffe
apartments, one of Toronto's most
handsome and popular apartment
o your way n blocks. Their many friends in Clinton
securely in a neat bundle or in sacks, andwas a former C. C. I. student. wish then all. joy in their new homer
LSiht $ 43 5
EJ' rutivc Al as' est
f. u. b. Toronto
Subject to ei;atrge without notice
Beck of this season's new Over-
land Big Fours and Light Sixes
is a direct line of nine preced-
ing models front which they
were developed.
They directly continue the line
of models that made the Over-
land name stand in the public
mind for integrity of value.
Overland policy has steadfastly
son's -aced that integrity of
value in the car throughout
its entire service in the hands
of owners.
Oval- three hundred thousand of
these care are now in use and
the helpful suggestions of their
owners and of the more than
four thousand dealer and fac-
tory -branch organizations that
sold and served them, are
largely responsible for the bal-
anced greatness of this season's
131g Fours and Light Sixes.
Their new beauty, their perfected
easy riding qualities, their
proven sturd Mess and mechan-
ical excellence, their admitted
tire, fuel and oil economy
make them worthy of the coo
fidence we enjoy, that they
will still further enhance Over-
land prestige.
They embody the wisdom of
the unmatched Overland ex-
perience in building ears of
this type.
They ore dominant values, cars
of proven dependability and
sterling worth.
Let us show you theee cars and
demonstrate them.
R( a
Willys-Overland, Limited o�
toad Office and Works, West T.0611" Canada
Line will run the usual excursions
between Detroit and Goderich again sittings of the circuit courts in Ontario
this year The Greyhound will leave shall be combined, and most of -he
Detroit 'Monday, Junce 11th, arriving sittings have been arranged to take
jn Goderich in the afternoon and will placeafter harvest. The date for
give the customary moonlight excursion Goderich is November 5th, with Air.
Monday night. The steamer will leave Justice Sutherland as the Presiding
Goderich on Tuesday, June 12th, on judge. ,
the return to Detroit, and will lie over
at Detroit on Wednesday, returning
to Goderich again on Thursday, June
14th; last trip back to Detroit, Friday,
the 1 5th. The fare this year for the
round trip will he '2 'nstead of $1 5o.
An Illegal Act.
Autumn Court Sittings.
In order to meet the peculiar condi-
tions existing this year, it has been at-
anged that the jury and non -fury
Another Success.
The Y.L.P,A, is rejoicing over an-
other successful Tea and Shower held
at he home of Miss Marion Gunn, and
presided over by the young ladies of
St. James' Ward. A cheery welcome,
dainty refreshments and enliving music
It appears that there are certain mde athe visitors agree that 'las well to
hardware stores and general merchants help the girls who are cheering the toys
in Ontario that are making a practice who in turn are giving their best for us.
of selling formaldehyde, or formalin. The donations of soap and note paper
were most generous and form the be-
ginning of parcels to be forwarded
during the coming month. Proceeds
preset s > of tea amounted to $16.00,
articles which none but qualified drug-
gists can either sell, offer for sale, or Cadet Inspection.
even give away. The law is quite clear Capt. Barclay was in town on Tues-
onthe subject, and imposes a penalty day last inspecting the CU. Cadet
of 520 for the first offence and, 550 Corps. The roll contains 6t names,
This, the Canadian Hardware Journa
points out, is clearly in contravention
of the Pharmacy Act of 1914, 'which
iI'e formaldeI 'de as one of the
for each subsequent one. As the law
provides that ante half of the fine inn -
posed shall go to the informant, the risk
a hardware dealer runs who carries
formaldehyde fn stock is evidently very
but owing to the large numbers work-
ing on the farms, There were ony 24
present. The cadets were inspected in
physical drill, squad drill, and march
t. Capt. Barclay paid a very high
great. compliment to the Cadets and the Of -
Why Coal is Up. ficers illcharge, stating that it was one
of the best corps he had inspected. Mr.
An interview with our coal dealers Treleaven, also complimented the boys
t d the following reasons for the stating that it was the best inspection
he had seen since he had been here•
eau e
advance in price on orders booked for
spring delivery. in ordinary years the
coal operators issue a circular in the
spring announcing the price with an
advance of ten cents a ton per month.
This was done as usual and the dealers
assumed that the business .would be
conducted as in other years but instead
of the ordinary advance, they put it
back to the winter price withott a sy
that the
notice whetieer, and 1,...-. poy's nay, .
future price would be what was current sister, W. A. and Mrs. Matthews, since
at time of delivery. This is very un her mother died two years ago, oast
•to both dealer and con -
Enteed into Rest.
Saturday last, on the morning of her
birthday, Mrs. Rosetta May Turnbull,
youngest daughter of the late Rev. J.
L, and Mrs, Kerr, Brussels, met her
Pilot face to face, and entered the har-
bor of Blessedness. She had shade her an
hone at the Methodist Parsonage, Col -
11) her trotter-in-iaw d
sans factory
sumer but it is to be hoped that this
as well as othes lines will sons be on a
better basis, and prices will again be -
cane lar111211:
Get your Wall Decorating done and it will
' be a good- advancement. , We have in Wall
Paper the variety and range of selection sihicil
we hope will satisfy your taste. We can surely
assert with safety that in our numerous patterns
so varied in design, colouring and character,
you will conveniently find that which will pro-
vide for any ordinary demand,
x IMIZOSnsrsaa ..t. ,,,...,• ..,. zu:tr^.,..,.^ TM^=VPZ,,11=asa�m
T et
,'' `.` j , (too
Often the heapest—T?iliways the /Best
11,tanital',==t gg• MOM It"W I:�..+x,. r•..• .r w,nnp^flu' m. W %tt•771t05SP 1^'J,^QI`�'us�v'
IFOCLtliiMon.....F�nvx�.....nrv,cs�ouan,uea.nu,nuw�v�at� ✓.• uar
though not rugged for the past year
was only in bed seven weeks prior to
her decease. She received every atten-
tion from medical attendance and good
nursing but gradually faded away and
very peacefully and with glorious anti-
nticipations went home• A short memo-
rial service. was couductedSunday after-
noon at the Parsonage by Rev. Mr.
Prudham, of Wiarton, who spoke on the
recognition of angel life. Carl Witcher
sang a very appropriate solo "There's
a beautiful world on high,” Monday
morning the casket was brought to
Brussels and a funeral service was held
When buying Flour ask your Dealer in the Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Rev.
D. Wren, pastor, wd by
for "North Star,!' "Maple Leaf," or B G Powell, Clintoasn, a forassistemer pastorRev,
"Snow Flake" Brands, do not let your of deceased, who gave an appropriate
address on The Heavenly Life." The
pastor also added words of comfort.
Miss Carrie llingston rendered a solo,
Miss Bailey played the Dead March as
the cortege moved out, Pallbeares were
W. J. McCracken, P. H, Gilroy, S. T.
Plum, S, Carter, It L. Jackson and A.
0. Hersey. The plan of the service was
chosen by deceased. Floral wreaths
covered tine casket from Oxenden and
Colpoy'sLadies' Aid Societies, Misses
Kathleen and Stella Witcher, Colpay's
Bay, Mrs. Maxwell,. Sarnia, Mrs. A. J.
Lowry and ,Mrs, Jno, Oliver, Brussels,
J.L. aid Mrs. Kerr, Dr,Rntiedge, Clinton
local relatives, ' interment was made in
Brussels Cemetery, The subject of this
native was learned .to 0. B. Turnbull
Phone No. E and her baby daughter. Elva Margaret,
• 2 months old, is buried in. Brussels
dealer sell you any other brands till
you try out tate above, when once used
always used.
A Share of the public Patronage ,
A Tested Lens—
An n Accurate Shutter--
Simple Operation—
Good Pictures—
:.- 'es --
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up, Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
—We do developing and printing and guarantee good results—
V twrr @4''1.3
• f
Despensing Chemist
'a9rsa's tso Yi22r.taa2seasomv...7l:f:,egosz.acsmaae.1r;eime,-„IrO'si„r7
rma,. _.nom-rs,m~--,, .,cam iare, .ammeff. ac' ---- tt...b.,
".14; l(°t°eHltitl Pa alfln'
I I, i `,, .: Cu which we fnvitn v ,,'-1 attention,
-' , i•��`,_
- are its beauty, itsaesut•cd comfort, its
qq i2t r solid corstlucstion, and its below oleo
t uts
at prices. Any One of these pointe..
f• . `yyt.q L, • '�'"„•- <u world he sufficient to earn it yous•
• __ :-. t preference. When they are all com-
bined we feel sure you will semlira
that tilt, is ,+. furniture buying oppor-
i• tunny you cannot afford to ignore,
•pr , r-�aa yr<. , r ""+1
N r -t ' .
Ec a.
T'ztdertaker :and Funeral Director. Phone Ltr'.
Night and :annoy Calls answered at Reside/ace over store
smxxn-x+•n+���^ „�..aR=�"'=s` a'"°�n ..,R.
The free tie r Grocery
Piunibing I"Lived gt� and Let Live' PIjCarnPalgtlifl against
st„ t " ' rile IIovsehoid Pests
'a,, it Campaign ap-
time for the Spring Canspa g p
proacises. Soon the double windows
will be off and the sun Will be warm anti cleaning -
eli:Qa 1 bright; you will be thinking of
y ,a that the
After Ilse ion 'months
them, g
house has been closed, it will need it. .
No matter ]sow good a housekeeper yov
may be.
1 See that you have your ammunition,
ready. Be prepared for the Spring^,
AllKinds Drive against the moth and the germ.
h A 1-Iere is the ammunition to areae you to.
success. Lay in you supply now. •
Leave your order now before prices !Powdered Ansonia Sweeping Powder
Chloride. of Lime - liquid. Amania
advance. Sink and Bath Cleanser Lyn '
Furniture Polish ' Metal Palish
Brushes and Brooms Sony?,Thos. Hawkins -n
Plumbing and heating; I E. E. ■ H titilil„flyfor
intone 53
Sloop -over Itowland's Hardware PHONE 46.
Work of
Foot Cornfort!
For Conservative Men. Men who travel in the middle of the
Road of Footwear Fashions, and who appreciate the limit of
Foot Comfort we have Special Shoes!
Shoes that are Dignified and Good Looking, but built for Com- r,
fort! Shoes that are made so perfectly that they cause men to
say as soon as their feet are inside of them "Well! that1's the is
best feeling shoe I ever had on in my life!"
We're at hi SerViCE
if R} Ore lookingfor Foot Ease
The leathers are blacks, tans, patents, very soft and pliable. s'
Low flat heels, self supporting arch and easy tread.
$4.00, $5.00, $6.00 to $9.00
' We fat these Comfortable Shoes with the greatest care and a
roan's Foot troubles are gone forever!
r 4 is i., msec tencsrevasezeoggantst rse nmaraste i haessiorsvr,tmemw ati^e esses
.m+ R ED..11 Ree,,4 S O