HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-03, Page 8Page Six
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Yourr"Newi ...Suit,
will look better, wear better and be more satis-
factory if it is wade of Pr estleyss Dress Goods.
QJ( Discriminating women the world over for years have
been asking and insisting upon Priestleys' the Dress
Goods of Fashion —They know that Priestley's on the
selvedge is their guarantee of quality in material and color.
this year come in a variety of fabrics and color.
Among the most Popular clothe are Salisbury Serge,
Meiotic. Serge, WoolSaoToy, Wool Sebastopol, etc.
From the large showing we, have you will haveno
difficulty in choosing a cloth and a color that will be
entirely appropriate, for your new spring suit.
We, would advise an early visit while our lines are
still complete, To come too late means disappointment.
Lock for the name on the sefeedge.
Dry Goods and
ITouse I urnishings
Phone 67.
Next to Royal Banit
Custom, Tailoring
Men's ;:urni,hings,
Plaine 103,
GppositloPunineLii,ra t•
,SZ "rust rc ttixM•_...�. zap l+..,.. ry o,.,...n...-.._..0.1-.^wssMS c•�aam>a
The time for the Big Drive is ap- Poarline
proaching and now is the time for you Lye
to prepare and get your ammunition
ready for the Big Drive of Dust and Pest Choride of Lime
that have accumulated during the long
Winter months Here we give a few
suggestions as to the ammunition you
will need for a successful Drive:
Powdered Ammonia .. Brooms
Dutch Cleasner
Naptba Powder
Scrub brushes
Stove brushes
Soap and Soap Chips
3i decided to purchase a supply of tarvia
rivI"eyr for use. on the streets. •
Bon Ami
Furniture Polish
Dust Bane
Our Leader -7 Bars of Pure Soap for 25
You would enjoy a nice cup of tea
during housecleaning season, We re-
commend our Bulk Teas, which is a
good buy now. Ask our prices f
this week, they will interest you.
Phone 11 1
S'I'<Dll2E or tl11a2II..a'Il'T�
Minor Locals.
Councilmeets on Monday of next
May. !
Tht Toronto Globe has advanced to
$4.00 a year.
The non -jury sittings of the Supreme
Court was held' at Goderich this week
before Judge Masten.
Trout fishing.
Presbyterinn Synod is convened at
Brantford this week.
Goderich Will Use Tarvia.
The Goderich Municipal Council has
Banking hours
Begining May .45th, the local branch-
es of tate Moisons and Royal Banks will
observe the usual banking hours, when
the offices will be open to the public
from to a.rn. to 3. p.m. '
Seafortii's Assessment.
The total assessment of the town of
Seaforfh is $1,012,439; the income as-
sessment, 553,004, and the business as-
sessment $62,400.' The number of
births during the year was 22 and the
number of deaths 12. The total popu-
alation of the town is 2,076, being an
increase of 116 over last year.
Foot Artificial; Could Not Push Brake.
G. Kellerman, of Dashwood, well
'known in Clinton, struck Mrs. M. J.
;Watkins of London with his automobile
!She was not dangerously injured, but
suffered numerous bruises and cuts.
The accident is an exceptional one,
from the fact that Mr. Kellerntan's right
foot is an artificial one, which pre,
vented his using the emergency brake.
First Map of Lines
r nil 1E B9 110-T T' ] v2' 07,1 Elft
t1 rat
' -
�° 1.M
- earn
7) 11
'41, "t1 'rdW fiziisttt
is Pio?mgp d.,tng his chores near
!(`�& his lop gauss , at Stonewall,
Manitoba, one day early in
June, 1881, put down his feed bnrket
to put a hand to his ear to listen.
'Then he threw down flsthucket and
emu toward the leg cabin, As he
:neared the calm the man shouted:
"I3e1'o she is at•omtter
His wife and children ran out of
Bite cabin to wal'I the first train en
'the Canadian Pacific Railway steam
•along from Winnipeg to Portage' la
!Prattle. A few days previous, the
Bret Wrap of the lines was Issued at
,Winnipeg. The map announced
"Special low rates on emigrants',
:moveables" The tariff Kent into
,effeet June 13, 1881, At that time the
railway linos ran from Rat Portage
Ito Winnipeg, 1l d00tance of 133 miles;
from Winnipeg to Portage la Prairie,
.66 miles, and from Winnipeg to limen
son, 65 miles. The total mileage of
Aloes in operation was 268 miles.
1n 1881 Portage la Prairie was the
:western acrodont of the railway, and
stat Portage, now Benoit, was the
eastern terminu9, The Pembina
Ssranch, 116 Mlles long, which was later
Oe mist loop or tires ever issued 53'
ca a.�. 'viz'' s X
taken over by the c2.nadiau Pacific,
was started In 1875 and completed in
1878. The first train over this branch
left St. Boniface en November 3, 1878.
The train o1lcers were V. Hayward,
conductor, G. D. rtanaana, engineer,
and J. Donovan, fireman, and it coni.
slated of an engine, three flat cars and
a caboose, It was a new sensation 10
Winulpeggers, who had gone by York
boats In summer, and the dog train In
winter who had journeyed overland
in the fled River cart; and after:
wards in etages or Red River steam
boat. A new era of affairs was usher.
ed i0 by the railroad. IC matte a trip
from Ontario to Winnipeg in three'
days possible, over the line to Rat
1'oriege. Previously it often tools l,vr
o",.lc., 10 nee.. !:u trip, and even 1,,
(1107'r polo; it: e: niter.
lV ten tic .1.1(1211 Par i0i, 1.001:
over LLe brats lines in ,.tatltoba.
onnstctfon avian the outside world
was 211,05 at L,,torson, 05 moue from
Winnipeg,. by St, Paul, Minneapolis
ants Manitoba Rai/wile. Pim :vain
line of the 0 P F1: wt it to Portage to
Prairie was situated c. little north of
1881 showed names of several,
towns and villages which aro bardly
hoard now. A. daily service was
maintained south and west of Winni-
peg, and east as far as Groes Lake,
from which point to Rat Portage a bi-
weekly serviee was run, The 65 -mile
run to Portage la Prairie was made
in 6 hours and 40 .minutes, with a
stop at Poplar Heights for refresh -
stems, giving the actual running rate
of a fraction more than ten miles an
hour. The trip to Portage la Prairie to-
day is made in ono hour and thirty-nine
minutes, including several stops, The
surveyed route, which for years had
been selected as the future direction
of the railway a est of Portage la
Prairie, ran northwestward. When
the first ma,p Of the lines was publish.
ed it was announced, thltt work was
proct-sding rapidly 011 western oaten•
cion from Portage la Prairie. Front
a total Or 263 utiles in 1801 the Cana.
dean Pacific Railway has extended to
38,233 solea of lines, Tlie railway
now has 1,500 miles of double traeltn,
Which exceeds that of all other Grana.
Man railways put together,
the' Present line, 1)10 time card in J
the railway company. The lines in X881 eittetided 252 utiles. Today there
are 1.8,020 1111100 lit operation,•
RA. i'j art �1; i i1 �- 4 Thursday, May 3rd, 1917.'
Council Monday,
The regular meeting of Council will
be held on Monday evening of next
Sold Property,
Mrs. John Bnutlprlosi• of Isaac it.,
has disposed of her house and lot to
Mr, Richard Jentieson, of Joseph street.
Snow Wednesday.
010 on the Ease Line on Wednesday
morning at 2 5,91„ over 4 -inches of
snow felt and in drifts it pilled up to
6 inches,
9glum®6eteteet2 p 0emetge 161101dQeq
S` tr.Mil 111011
mjyArewmreoreemeronctttemesnArem+ Doe re
Monthly business meeting of the
W, P, S. on Friday,
There will also be quilting and the
ladles are asked to conte early so that
the work only be finished• '
The plant given to the Society bye
kind friend, is In Mr, I'nn's store, ;tc1
it will be sold by ticket, each ticket Oc
'rickets may be bought at the meeting
Friday, or from Mrs. E. Saville at any
time during the next two weeks,
l fCh iia' !' iia` iii !ill:Ii I '1I M!rN(I! �''n '' i„Jilud�ll;!Ii, iiliJ ll;I,161 i' 1`E i'
Playedat Recital.
Miss'"Cleta Ford played Rhapsodie in
13 minor by Grahms at the recital in
London by the pupils of the Conserve-
tory of Music hast 77uarsdriy evening, y”
Toronto Doctor Licensed in England.
commander of the 74st., Battalion, has
has received a license from the Royal
College of Physicians. Itis needless to
say that Dr. Fred's old 'Clinton friends
will be glad to see he is'progressing.
Did Not Organize.
With a link Nerd Spring the baseball
"bug" did not conte out on Monday
night to reorganize the base ball team
—only three appearing at the town hall.
When the "really warm weather" ar-
rives they will try and organize then.
With The -Masonic Chorus.
program of the recent Toronto Ma-
sonic Male Chorus Club, concert was
sent 10 some of our townspeople and
among the litany names of members of
the chorus we find the name of J. E.
Shepperd, better known as Eddie, son
of Mrs. Shepperd, Townsend street.
The chorus has been giving concerts
for Patriotic work only.
Adam Got His Scotch Up.
A press report from Win.ghau on
Friday hint stakes reference. to one r'f
our citizens:—A pro -German at one of
the boardieg houses near the 0.'1,I0.
station made insulting remarks about
Great Britain. Adam McKenzie, of Cliu
ten, who was in the crowd at the lima,
landed hint a terrific blow on the jaw,
which left hint in a dazed state. Before
the police could get the pro -German he
Mut disappeared.
Country Readers.
Imes anything ever happen in your
district? if so send it to Tse New Era,
and help the come:lay on the map. We
are glad to publish news of surrounding
districts, and it will help your district
to publish abroad accounts of the do-
ings of its people. Lots of boys over-
seas gets' The New Era and will read
with added interest any news notes from
their own district. Send in those items
Women's Institute.
At the meeting of the Women's In-
stitute held last Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Lavis, Mrs. Kirke, of Dungan-
non, gave a very thoughtful address.
She spoke of the Personal Sacrifices
women are called upon to stake at this
present time. She also spoke of the
Franchise for Woolen, advising them to
learn all they can about it that some
tl;ty it would prove very helpful to have
a "vote" behind their requests to the
Doesn't Look "Roney."
The coal dealers throughout the
country have not been able to get a
price on coal for spring delivery as the
big operators are not yet in a position
to state 'what price they will have to
charge. There has been an advance in
wages to the miners covering the sea-
sons output of $30,000,000 which will
have to be made up by an advance in
the price of coal, but what that advance
will be is not yet determined. Coal
dealers throughout the country cannot
guarantee any .trice but will have to
charge the price at the time of delivery,
Our local' dealers are booking orders
and we are sure they will deliver at the
lowest possible price. .
MARQUIS,—in Woodrow, Sask., on
April 23rd, Hannah Monk, wife of
Jon Marquis, formerly of this f0eality
When buying Flour ask your Dealer
for "North Star," "Maple Leaf," or
"Snow Flake" Brands, do not let your
dealer sell you any other brands till
you try out the above, when once used
always used.
A Share of the public Patronage
Phone No, 8
'a 'a r 'a
'5 1' *
With The Lodges
x' * :F „ * '1' :1' '5 11
The L.O.L. meets next Tuesday even-
ing, This lodge has had a busy year
with candidates 't'i,i are now busy
drilling a degree team for the various
The Masons held a special meeting
011 Friday night and on May 11th wilt
be Past Master's night. The chairs
will be taken by'—
W. M.—A. C. Clarkson
S. W.—n. McBrien,
J; W. -,las, Ford,
IJ, D. --0.1. 13, Rorke,
D, of C,—Dr. N..Ball
Chap.—Dr, J. S. Evans.
I. G.—A. J, Holloway.
The Oddfellows Are busy putting
through the candidates tinct were before
the Grand Master recently.
After the Church service Sunday
twining the local Oddfellows passed
'a hearty vote of thanks to the Church
officials, the Rector, Rev, (Bro.) J. A.
Robinson, Choir and visiting brethren
who tool: part in the service, The
lodge had the pleasure of having Bro.+
"Tom" White, of Winnipeg, who was
one of "the boys" 35 years ago at the
lodge, lie promised to conte up some
lodge night and shote them how they
did "it" 30 years ago. ile was a wel-
come visitor.
Arrangements have been completed
for the biggest Oddlellows' gathering
in many years in London on Friday
evening, May 4, Dominion Lodge will
have as its guests the degree team of
Unity Lodge, No, 47. The ilamilton
lodge has a membership 'of over 700
and several hundred are conning with
the degree team in special cars. The
degree team alone consists of forty
members, and its captain is Deputy
Grand Master C. iI. Mann, who, it is
expected will be the next Grann
Master of the Order. In addition to
• the Hamilton visitors Oddfellows from
all over Western Ontario are coming to
witness the degree work. A line pro-
gram is being prepared by the local
Oddfellows. Clinton Lodge with the
Grand Chaplain, Rev. Bro. Robinson,
have had an invitation to attend and
some from here will go down.
Messrs. C.F. Libby and '11, B. Chant
expect to take In the Shriners' meeting
at London next week.
Seeding Delayed.
After the continued rain on Tuesday
seeding was thrown back again. Mon-
day was a great day for the farmer.
New Electric Light Users.
'010 following have installed Electric
light in their hones, Thos. Managaltam,
Iddo Crich, Mrs, Ivor, W. ilamblyn,
Mrs. Manley A, J. Holloway, also an
additional service in the new shop in
the Watts Block.
Has Auto for Route.
Mr. Stoddart, one of the Rural Route
carriers is now' using an auto for his
work and this is a great saving to him
as he has a long route, and he bow
waits for the noon mail instead of leav-
ing in the morning', so even those on
his route are benefitted
Divisional Commander Coming.
Brigadier Rawlings, tire. D. 0, and
Staff -Captain White, Chancellor of the
London Division of the Salvstton Army
evil! pay Clhnos a visit on Sunday and
Monday. Special services will he held
in the S. A, Hall Sunday at 3 p, in, and
7 p, in. On Monday the various officers
in the Division will hold an Officers
Council with a public meeting at 8
A Quiet Wedding.
A quiet wedding was solemnized last
Monday evening at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. William Steep, when their daugh-
ter Nelle, was united in marriage to Mr.
Harold Fremlin of town. Rev. J. E.
Hogg, performed the ceremony, in the
presence of the immediate relatives of
the two families. Mr. and Mrs. Frent-
1'in have taken up house keeping ie the
cottage on the corner of Dunlop and
Frederick streets The best wishes of
their many friends accompany them.
Express and Railway Must Keep
Record Books for Ligator Shipments.
Recent antendents 00 the Ontario.
Temperance Act regfiire that every rail-
way and express Company shall keep
a special hook for liquor shipments only
and all liquor shipments mast he plain-
ly labelled, The books' of the Com-
panies rimy be examined at any time by
the inspectors, Any person drinkfugi
liquor may be placed on the "Peellibited
list," 50 that they would be unable to
bring in liquor of any kind; o1' have it
" in their possession,. ,
-%tai's 4. t1e7 Irl Nre1 211 ': 'i.++:l ui?'F e
'1 itsNe '
!PDIIIIIIII!.Illilll'goggNlo PnIN,l liiiN161Vo!,,IIIIII,!NII!liIBVII i miliNdhWINIIINNI,IIVIVIIIVI Ih!.,IlVo f:li , l°I,Im:INVNUIgmllil!
Get your Wall Decorating done and it will
be a good advancement., We have in gall
Paper the variety and range of selection w'}ich
we hope will satisfy your taste. We can surely
assert with safety that In our numerous patterns
so varied in design, colouring and character,
'you will conveniently find that which will pro-
vide for any ordinary demand.
Oftel' the eheap t—..741woioy the Besa
nr.‘mannunermassmmran ns'5''P.15xszonEssram1155 ?Fsinx11,1442=14EME1r.•x148.7421Y1
4327a1243 frammiwalaani=t—- tarzetantram=201.2WCaSacm...clOWL– 'may= era=
If your nerves need nourishment and your system
calls for new strength, nothing will help you quick-
er than
's0isoertvee tmooOsct co-
ly• recommended nerve foods, such as potassium,
calcium and magnesium phosphates, quinine -hydro -
2 chloude and iron-citro-phosphate. The exact for-
k, mule is on the label for your protection, Won't you
. at least give it a chance to convince you of its
merits? Weare selling it continually to our most
discriminating patrons and they indorse it highly.
We have bad an opportunity to see just what
Penslar Dynastic TOPIC can do for those whose
nerves are run down, and we recommend it very
-highly. Fenster Dynamic Tonic comes in two
sizes 75c and $1,50..
e=12.51rrazrss c»easn,eschar. warn:rimavm.nzero.^,01..n..11.6M4114 ...,•-• :=ZA11anc
Thi Features 4,4 ear
t 11 ®'+
which acct invite special atteut011:
err• ifs !want y, its 411sured comfort, it-
Solid eot.,strt ction, and its below the
ncu-il prices. Any one of these points-
weed i Irr sufficient to I. -al n it yotlt
preference. When they are 001 con.
brood the feel same you will )eali2.,.
that this is 0 furniture fouls;; ol'por•
ttutity yon cannot afford to ignore,
i 5 D[iN
1lstla'rtaker and Funeral Director. l
'41ue 98.
Night and .ItndltyCalls answ'eredtit itesidette'o'overstore
The e0rater Grocery
• "Live and Let Live"
Heat no.
Work of
Ali Kinds
Leave your order sow before prices
!_ e
Campaigning against:
,the Household Pasts
The time for the Spring Campaign ap-
proaches. Soon the double windows,
twill be off and the sun will be warm and
!bright; you will be thinking of cleaning
thein. . After the long months that the
house has been closed, it will need it.
No matter how good a housekeeper you
intay be.
1 See that you have your ammunition
! ready. Be prepared for the Spring
Drive against the moth and the gent's.
Ilere is the ammunition to help you toe
1 success. Lay in you supply now.
Powdered Amonia Sweeping Powder
Chloride of Lime Liquid ;Anoxia
! Sink and Bath Cleanser Lye
. Furniture Polish Metal Polish
Brushes and Brooms Soaps
Plumbing :and Beating
Phone 53
Shop—over Rowlaaad's Hardware 1 PRONG 45.
1 Ep E. tiunniford.
Shoes dor the young Men
There's a Certain Shoe Feeling within Every
Young Man that makes him want
The Thin bii o tar
Young sten who are exacting in their demands—who are con-
tent with nothing less than the Very Latest Style features in
in both models and leathers can find Shoes here that will toe up
to their expectations!
There are both High and Low Cut, made from "•
all the Choice Dull or Bright leathers. There is
New Mahogany and Brown Shades—New Colorings
in Dark Cherry—Blind eyelets ---Beautiful perfora-
tions, etc.
The New and Smart English lasts so full of "Pep"!
$4.00, $5.00, $6,00.op to $800
We've the very Smartest of Styles in Shoes For Young Meta and,
we always take great pleasure in showing thecal,
ALU .T6li' aM.Y ISA 0.A14151Ab'Y::E YYi6LZZa.a4lSYBarFlaIF4.l,:G"J.i711`,S 1.4.11XX .+h4' 0,214i1149UU'.I