HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-03, Page 2INDIGESTION Thursday, May 3rd, 1917.. T I'i lr CLINTON NEW RICA. THE BRITISH MIRE CALLS FOR --2More Eggs and I'oulfiry It' Is therefore our dety to Increase 1 it these lines and prices produetlol 1 , promise to be exceedingly' high fOr all poultry prodwcts during this present year. Our Incubators are giving the best satisfaction and why not buy one and pay for it in poultry next fall? Fat Hens Wanted at 18c per 1t, Our waggons will call for your eggs as usual during 'the summer months, paying top prices in cash or orders given on the town, stores, 011ihi-zialQ•itis & Co., �flllllte�, The up-to-date Firm Quinton Branch Phone 190 rA.c,Ad t.aattit?.itAmfidlmAe4AG,AA4 h y .. r',1 4 4 ▪ See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and ar m 0 -4 O pans, Pianos and organs rent e3.. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. haste E 1►c►1`iaanl ty a.%a Aoi.at ', -r e• yi t, t )IONIC BARRISTER BOLLOITOtt NO'L'AlfY ?U13I,LC, 7'd'1Q (Infiltrate itt.ti a 16, Ilia<4i Oorinoyauco, ,Notary l uhlio, Conon iseloller, be, RISAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Duren tit,. Clinton, H. T.. RANGE Votary PubIio, (Ionvn;t anger, ,state Financial and Real L IeMURANCR AOaupreen leg1AlireIr an0om Division ()Cart GDlice. Piano Twain Mr, James Doherty wishen to ins form the public that ho is pee- pared reppared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. O,rders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, ICC. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Otliee on Albert Street, occupied by Mr; Hooper. In Clinton cit every Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made, C.ft'loe hours. from 0 am. to (i p in. A good vault in connection with the office. Uffice open every week day, Mr, Hooper will maize any oppointmeutsfor Mr. Cameron. IMS '`r. W. °If'III)mpsem Physician. Surgeon, Eta Breda! attention given to diseases of the Eye, filar, Throat, and None, Eras .efnily sau)sa 1, and suitable glasses ()Mee and R08140000. Tiro doors west or the Commercial Oteto Aaron et. DNS ea MN :laid <L/1,1,1'3110 O,r, VS, Gunn, 5. It, 0, r., L. C.O.S.. ECM Dr, :.:nun's office at residents° 111th Street Or .1 d1, t.audl4r. BA. KR, 011105 -Ontario Stress, Clinton. ctighiainryls al residence, Rattan"Hnr• St. c DR. 1N. tA. t :{t7iN1 DENTIST Crown and notelet Wort; a Specialty. Graduate of C,C.D.S... Chicano, and 10,0,0,5 Tomato. Cayfield an Menders, Maty Is; 20 Op IVA. N. i+ta ea (!eEitt, DENY -10T. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken oo -"eke '1001.4 mnns..c pai01000 As \10 ainlc.. THOMAS OU Live 2toalt'a.nd general Auction *sr G3DE.R1OH Ofd f.,, • 1tr t. .i 'ni .1,1,0,17.4 .-tCet N1t 1,13 ''-n.,a� 0.10 l,r n vi. disaonnted, •Fs:"u+.•o-..'4•'+P.,"10.015,.'^; ;,+xs7.s:br.0%., 4.50.4 -. •_.___tt...� gg' p II'\. Geo dtt, M. Ce `b n'?iit1e3t O "ieitemitain Sllsteoipatlaie Play. Piumbin .Heating .d tended to. ' "iusmithiing Repairs promptly at - A number of Second Ilatilill Heaters good o0 d repair. arremmoceessumfernissesuserese Byadn & Sutter Samtary Plumbers Phone 7, Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will neyer be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the )nest er.onomiaal That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet there le no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the band Now to get personal -.If you would like to miss that sartlaltogether- COM.E HE,RI4 if. yon would like to hay where nothing but high qualities are dealt in-OOM1, t1LRl: And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Wm ' `. `x' ounter Jeweler and optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses FORD 66 McLEOD We're new selling Ttmotby Seed (Government Standard.). Specialists in women's and Children's Dieeasea Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose. and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE, Office-Ratrenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, i to 11 p.m. G. U. Bit:Taggart M, ll. 1MoTagga, Mereatgew tiro% $pring Personals A Prominent Ontario Wetness. Speaks. Welland, Ont,—"I am glad Ir heard about Dr. Pierce's remedies, 'When 1, was tired -out and worn. -out 1 used Golden Medical Dieeovery' and 'Favorite Presorlp- tion; - it it true • that they aro grand d'- remedies, and 1 r\ 6' found that' they, built me up and r • made pie feel like fir a now person, y. Ji'�il '�%'" `` believe T used ,I seven bottles in all. I have recommended Dr, Pierce's reme- dies emo-dies to several of my )oqueintanoes. "I have one of the Common Senee Medical Advisors and think very highly of it." --MRs. MAX Cx,esx, 117 State St, Welland, Ont. i r. PiercesGolden Silodieal Dis- 'covery is a tonin and builder that brings new activity to the liver, stomach and bowels in a short time, thus causing sallowness, indigestion and constipation to dieappear. Good blood means good health; good health means strong men and women, full of vigor and ambition, with minds alert and muscles ever willing. Any medieino Healer will supply you with Di, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in either liquid or tablet form. 'Sent) to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Ilotel, Buffalo, N, Y.; for free medical advice. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Advisor -a great doctor book -of 1008 pages, cloth bound -answers many im- portant questions. Copy will be sent, customs prepaid, for 50 cents (or stamps) to pay wrapping,and mailing charges. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels, Fugar-coated and easy to take as candy. IiPli'1IISHIfi'S ALBERT ST , CT.tNTOIN. General Banking Business transacted ,.QOTES DISCOUNTED Drente issued. Interest allowed is deposits The Mei iliop Mutual Fire Insurance Cts. Farm and Isolated Town 5 ees erty Only Insured. Bead Ullice-Seaforth, Ont BRUSSELS. • Angus Brown has disposed of his S5'arre farnl..on the Dili Concession of Grey,,to John k1cIwen, of Bluevale, for the suns of 114,800, The 'fernier has since purchased the fine 100 acres of Teesdale L. Whitfield, on the 13tH Concession. of the sante Township for 88,00(1, John Duncan, who disposed of his house and lot on Main street this week has since purchased the fine property. adjoining, known as the Nicholls prop erty, consisting of an acre lot, large red brick house and frame stable. William locking, a well known resi- dent of Grey Township, died early Thursday morning after a lengthy ill- ness front consumption Ifs was 52 years or age. - The funeral took place to Brussels Cemetery on Sat urday afternoon. Fletcher itoe has disposed of his nine acre plot, bouts, etc, in Itrucel.; South, to ,Joseph \Vhitfield, of the 1'S:Ii Coreeosien of Croy, The receipt3 at the weekly 1111 Cross tea in the Public 1.ibrury this week were rd. ILA UP �rw7f, VA N.kt tf.';. EAU, 1350( .1', —w� used. in Baby's Own Tablets are the best med- icine a mother can give her little ones. They are a gentle laxative -mild but PI t _' thorough in action -and are guarntee11 by a government analyst to be ab sn- Cheap and rlt.1'. E , alive lutely free from opiates and outer in- poi ary Use furious drugs. Concerning thein ,Mrs, AERIAL DICTIONARY The giiliant members of the RJi'M. and the R.N,A,S, are fond of using slang terns In their" everyday talk sheet their worth. Bump ---is a patch of rarefied air. Bus. The -Pilot's Slang; means 41,1/Yaeroplane. • , Cold beet --A condition indicating that a plan has lost his nel'Ve, Control Lever, The—The lever with which the pilot .controls the i naohino, It works both the warp and the eleva- tor. be carried to either Drift To—To1 a rl d side of the true course by a current of air. Gasbag, A --Every aeroplane pilot refers eolitempttionsly to airships as gasbags. Grunlmett, A—No soli -respecting airman ever talks of his that, but rather his grummett. Hun, A --Is the Royal Plying Corps name for a youth who has not yet taken his flying certificate, Joy Ride, A—A trip up aloft is al- ways referred to as 5. Joy ride. ' Soy Stick, The—Tho air pilot's slang for control stick. Nose Dive, To—Sometimes the ex- pression "volpique" is used. A nose dive is wheu the machine is dest:end- ing in a vertical direction to the earth. Pancake, To—is for the machine to fall fiat to the ground. r Pylon Pilot, A—A pylon pilot is a gentleman who prefers flying before a large and admiring crowd at an aerodrome to war flying. Quire, A—The R,N,A.S. name for the youth who has not yet taken his aeroplane certificate. ▪ Spin, A—Is the most unpleasant sen- sation possible in mid alt,. It usually occurs after over -banking, with the re- sult that the aeroplane spins round 'like a top, and finally crashes to earth. Stunt, A—A bomb raiding expcdtion. Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 5, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Win. Chesney, Eg- nrondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jermuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- neweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F, McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G, Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, IlarlOck; Geo. McCertne, No. 3, Seaforth, We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose '.Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed'Corn iSlghest Market Prices paid for Hay and ell Grains, FORD & (CLEOD A Uarioad oi' Uanaadaa PONINgli COM 10ho11a US 1(Id' 3,'ileS Rt Wig pay you hn Hutt' li LONDESBORO See Without Danger Auguste, St, Brieux, Sask., writes: En- closed tinct twenty-five cents for an- other box of Baby's Own Tablets. I find tliemn the very best medicine a mother can give her little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' !Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The cold weather has beenhard on the Spring birds. -� DO YOU KNOW? That 34 states will hold a baby wel- fare week this year, That smartest spring collars are of hiastiste or organdie embroidered with wool, That one of the newest belts is are ranged like the folds of n Hindu turban. That Ruth Law, the American avia- trice who flew from Chicago to new York, has returned from France to offer her services to her country. That the new fabric of suits, Safalga, is just a new forte of the old fashion brilhuntine. That Lourie Closser Hale, tine writer and actress, has just returned from France, where, with her husband, Wal- ter Hale, illustrator and war corres- pondent, she reached the very trenches. That revival of English fabrics, par- ticularly covert cloths, cheviots and tweeds, is daily growing stronger since the .plain tailor-mades are now the smartest S'•"tb. That the pacificst who says: -"This country is no more to me than any other," is requested to go on any other as soon as possible. That the United States Department of Agrculture, issuing a bulletin in- structing housewives on the economy of foot!, declare that there is a wage of $700,000,000 in the oountry annually - seven dollars apiece for every man, Woman and child, f�s'and ,Sho 1 thand -, Vesterv�l'' Schoj $hiltiin• g criS-� ' L•ondon, Ontario lir College in'Session Sept. lot to Ja11�i. Catalogue Free. Enter any bine: .1. W. We.<tcrvelt, Principal 1 03 For Tem. Page Three AN AGED COUPLE Tell Trow They Regained Strength and Vigor Steubenville, Ohie,--"My Miele nd is 70 years 0111. Red I ala 78 veal 3 of age and we ales our good health to Vieol, the greatest strength creator 11(1(1 medicine there le, When either ono of tis get into a weakened, ran -down condition, Vinol hes never felled to ladle us up and restore strength, 'We Have often said we would not be linin;: uost• were it not for Vinol," --1a1AIIY A, 141010,.. We guarantee Vinol to create strength for feebin old people, J: 711 FLovoy druggist, ,Clinton, Also at the best druggists in a:ll ()utarlo towns. Endierrirnisiogrouild d'u113 ry I ii3ii'reil- ed two miles 110m the trenches to our rest camp. Everything on me' was a sheet of fee when I got in—bootlaces, socks, singlet, shh•t, all was solid ice,." Some Wonderful Operations 'Very remarkable" is indeed but a mild term to describe some of the operations, particularly in regard to bone -transplanting, which has been performed with success on &turned soldiers. For example, in one case, a man with a smashed Jaw, presenting a fearful appearance, had one or his toes transplanted 'into the angle of Ills jaw, with wonderfully effective re- sults, Government Not Representative Before we are able to sign any peace we shall have to insist en dealing with some Government totally different in essence and constitution to that which Is now misgoverning Germany. -Mr, L. W. Lowther. Artificial legs, made from papier' =mile and costing less limn 15 cents each, are being supplied to wounded. Artificial lags, made from papier mts(illo, which are the invention o1 a Dauisli surgeon, are merely for tem- porary use, but with care, will last from six months to a yeltr. They are made on the spot, can be used a fort- night attc • the amputation, and ob- viate thefor crutches while necessity y. the patient is convalescing. A hos- pital orderly can cat out, alt and com- plete a paper leg fol• a patient 1n about half an hour. The work takes a day to dry and set, anis may be used the next day by the invalid Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R i A Ansi haw readily the people fell for Borden ee Co.'s anti-teclprocity elec- tion pap in •1915. The Borden Government will soon be as expert as the Hearst Govern- ment i11 adopting its opponents' poli- cies. 3911 -No truck nor trade with the Yankees. 1917—Reciprocity for increased trade with tiie formerly despised Yankees. 'Get out the flags! The Tories can wave fish for both. if Mr. Bryan i$ willing to enlist as a private wily did he telegraph the Presi- dent? The other privates are not do- ing it. 'SURGICAL NICKNAMES. Baptismal Names :Vanish in Military Hospital A soldier writes': at the baptismal font our god -fathers provided us with a distinguishing mark such as Tom, Dick, or Harry -by heredity we were saddled with surnames more ur less elegant, but at this professional hour all those are forgotten. Otte becomes an "arm," a "neck," a "trench root," a "stump" or (sinister word), a "spine," ` in any own case I am a "knee," by many surgeons considered the aristocrat of battle wounds,• Children Cry CASTFLETCHER'S '14y1 A S- 3 Q G tel. A Clothes, a Sheet of Ice A war correspondent wriiea: "The cold," a private told me, "is more severe than I over knew before. 15 manes your hands burn le agony to touch four rifle or bayonet, and your clothes freeze on you when ;vet.. A few nights ago, wet through to the very_ skin after,wericin4 ankle deer Ili HAD U DOCK 1134LCPa�^ I���Ii"'S CURED., A • HOUSEHOLD HINTS fer an easier Situtatiou to that' wblcll confronts us alt p515e115." General Review. The conditions al Lite Mines, eke., are .surveyed by the Conal Age, which, in a general review, says that algll prig- es, heavy -demand th1lt Minty tineertante ties Is, the dominant note of the anthra pita trade, Bituminous buyers going slower, but situlalion tense. large shipments expected to 51111'1(1 up latices Soon, Difficulty is fixing contract pile, e3. Anthracite -Tile sales agencies have been completely swamped with Orders, the rush at the opening of the week atiaing to almost panic proportions, and any doubt that an enorinous tonnage will be stored this spring, if avialable, has been definitely removed, War con- df1ioni have 11150,'10035 beconne a factor, and in view of the violent fluctuations to which the market Is subject, it is likely to be only a question of time before Governmental regulation of some sort makes its appearance The public has not yet learned the seriousness of the situ talion, and is not in the market, to any extent, but the retail interests are buying aggressively. It is becoming obvious that only the most favoured customers will get )ouch coat at the spring discount, and that very little headway will be made in tiling the big gaps in their bins. Vanilla, and orange is a good com- bination for flavoring, When the top of the kitchen range is red hot your feul is being wasted. Plot egg sandwiches make a good inexpensive dish for luncheon or supp- er. Fine linens and all pieces of hand- some lingerie should be rung out by hand and never through the wringer. The young carrots pulled up when thimrine the carrot bell can be scraped and cooked and served with cream sauce. Tha sugar for jelly should always be headed in the oven before using. Stir frequeetly and tel not allow it to brow_. • 7lltij� r; rIFF(4ra1 Now for that"joyful• occupation of beating carpets. Where is there a pian who does not feel sufficiently strong on the job to beat a hole in any "old carpet' that can be Bung on the line? Baseball scores are tante reading com- pared with the records being made on the battlefields of Europe. Anyone knows that peace is coming, but he he is a knowing one who can correctly predict the exact time of its that old sore Trona which Yon aro sintering is Incurable? Ja41-13016 has allrel t110111a11d1) Of' Raeea Of chrome sores. Miss Nellie 10005 of Silver Lake, Oregon, writes: "My father developed a sore on his face whittle became very swollen and painful. We tried numerate remedies, and several doctors attended 11111, but the sore got 110 better, and the doctor said the only hopeofcuring 1t was an operation. Father deter- mined, however, that he would Drat try 7.am•B3nk, "Even after the first foe appli- cations of this we nch:11W Maim he felt groat relief. Creduelly the pain was ended, the Inflammation was all drawn out, the swelling disap- peared .and the sore 15111 54015 healed." Zam-Buk is egl.mally good for eczema, rinewarte, bl0otl.poisoning, bait legs, piles, brims, scalds and cuts. All fruga:i t.e and stores, or Zam=Balk (10„ 'reroute. (1(00, box. 3 for 12125. a ri'ival If you have any friends visiting you mention it in Tho New Era. Perhaps Borden figures on finishing Laurier's work. In the Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine. One of the surest signs that the blood is out of order is the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema that come frequently with the change from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor life of winter has left its effect upon, the blood, and that a tonic medicine is needed to put it right. Indeed there are a few people who do not need a tonic at this season. Bad blood does not merely show itself in dis- figuring eruptions. To this same con- dition is due attacks of rheumatism anti lumbago; the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and heuralgl,a, poor appetite and a desire to avoid exertation.. You csnnont cure these, troubles. by the use of purgative. medicines-y.ou need a tonic, life-giving, nerve -restoring, pow- ers.' Every dose of this medicine makes new, rich blood which drives out im- purities, stimulates every organ and brings 'n feeling of new health and enery to weak, tired, ailing men, women and children. 1f you are. out of, sorts give, this. medicine' a trial and see how quidkly it 'will restore the•appetite, re- vive drooping spirits,- and'fill your veins with new, health -giving blood. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or- six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. That grand old remedy,- Burdock Blood Bitters, has been on the market for over forty years and we claim, with- otlt any fear of contradiction, that there is not another medicine on the luarket to -clay that can compare with it for the cure of all disturbances of the stomaeh. Mrs. S. Turpin, Colborne, Ont., writes: "I ani writing to say that I have used yourBurdock Blood Bitters. For a long period I suffered with in ication, and nothing I took ever gave me any relief only for a short time. I bought several bottles of B. B. B. from our druggist Mr. Griffis, and eau honestly say I can eat or drink anything I want without experiencing air bad- atter-effects. I e may say tht it is the only medicine I ever got any relief from." Murdock Blood Bitters is manufactured 'CJM'a . Ont. ` Mti:nusx Co.,,Limiodl. Summer Goal Prices Are Not Prophesied Uncertain Conditions—U. S. Market Reports Not Optimistic—High Prices Prevail—War May be Cause of Hard- ships—Toronto Market Said to be Better. C etlt$il (Toronto Globe) .•. , ....... Wh ether the usual drop in coal prices will take place in May or not is a question the Toronto coal dealers do sot want to discuss. The uncertain conditions forced on the market by the declaration of war by the United States Government has put the dealers on ed- ge; they are only utaking arefusing dens for r present delivery, for fall and winter nieeds. The con- ditions which neceSsated,v$9•00 coal in Toronto are declared to still pretain, and until the general situtntion is clear- ed up a guess as to what the future has in stone 15 not hazarded, "We really don't know what to ex- pect," declared a dealer to the Globe. At present I cannot promise a drop to old-time summer prices, because ' it. We are 1 ' not permit i ill a marketv p our 'future, giving any thought to the fui , • People ate bue yingilh ,89.p00sent 1041 fairly freely." Amytthing Expected. "Wltat'10 you expect to'happen an tits market.''' "We dont know what to expect. We don't know what conditions will be ivlposed upon us; there is lldt eve,; a hint of at1 etinbargo on Unlited States coal for naval purposes, so anything is likely to happen, We would itiiieh,pre• 11 want Ifeel you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. Take good care of these organs, and at the first sign of anything wrong—promptly take Beecham's Pills. cert I ly nee the help and relief of this world -famed remedy, to keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor- mal conditions, so the organs perform their functions as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and quickly improve the general health as Wortia a txuifutesl a Box Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England: Sold everywhere in Ca,Rada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. dr. t.2.o:Na i..Ir.111— r ;r P_\ y wen u Ibi i'!.i t ¢ y F E OUR S E G The diversity of styles in our Spring displays has but one object—to pro- vide the proper style for every man. It's all advant- age that this store has de- ' veloped to a re- markable degree —the styles we're featuring number rather a vast total. -ma tailored perfectly to your individual1 measure, in any of a variety of new Spring models, of a se- lection from hundreds of fine durable fabrics, are moderately priced—surprisingly so. The Morrish Clothing Co. Clinton, Ont. _ fi1rt1 Sep