HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-04-26, Page 3Thursday, April 26th, 9917.
i ---More Eggs and Poultry ----
It is therefore our duty to increase
production in these lines, and prices
promise to be exceedingly high for all
poultry products during this present
Our Incubators are giving the best
'satisfaction and why not buy one and
pay for it in poultry next fall?
Fat Diens Wanted
at 185 per ib,
Our waggons will call for your eggs
as usual during the summer months,
paying top prices in cash or orders
given on the town stores.
G111111-LaHglois & Ca., Limited
The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Branch Phone 190
special values in
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
Pianos and organs rent
e.i. Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
iTl?tlSle EllII1D1'iUlli
. Hoare
A number of
Hand Heaters
Plulnbin g
Repairs promptly at -
ended to.
in good
Byaln & Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't he tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
You will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical,
That has been said an often that
everybody by this time . should
know it -and yet there is no
dbarciby of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to mise that sort;altogether-
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -COME 1IJfRE
And even at that, no person ever
said out' prices were unfair
W. R. eounter
Jeweler and Optician;
Jssnor of marriage Licenses
Yi. kiIle Yil»olrl
mammas B, HIU.E
Qonneyyanee, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of MarriageLicenses,
Huron St., Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
E'ivaneial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Eire In
suraneo Companies.
Division Court Office.'
Piiano Toning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive nrompt attention.
M. G. Cameron, K,C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert Street, occupied by
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thureday, and on any day for which
appointments are made. Office hours
from 9 a.m, to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any appointments for Mr. Cameron.
DR '. W. THOMPSt3t
Physician, Surgeon, Etc
,eeolalattention given to diseases o1 the
Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes s dully xapresmined,cribanded, suitable glossae
ORlee and Residence.
Two doors west or the Commercial Hato
Huron St.
DRS. GV 1e rand 4;A All1]LHi
lir. V. Gunn, L. 1t. 0, P.. L. It, C. S., Edl
Dr. Cunn's office at residence 'High Street
Dr .1 (1, Candler. n.,1.. 51,15,
Once -Ontario Street, Clinton,
Night oair' at rs,adenos, rbatcenhar• ht,
or at bo+pitaI
Ella, t`, FB, AXON
(frown nor Bridge Work n Specialty.
Graduate of C.C.D,S,.. Chicago, and 2,0.0.5
Barfield en Holidays, 21a5• tat to 1D
7303, aril ST.
Offices over O'NEIL'S t:tore,
Bpeoiel care token to mike deatsl tr-e t
man es painless as ooeeible.
Live stock and general Auction •ee
Esta; 0t51ir stiles a speoalnl. (J,rer2 et e
Naw PIRA entre, (Tinton, pr,.m• t 2 u,r,r.n,
'P..rms re+:.onr.n?r. T^n.rnraa ,r•1• r,rt.
Drs. Geo do ul.. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m.
0. D. McTaggart M. 1J. MaTaggas
We're naw aeitiagg Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We hirer hope on hand, Aldatttt
MOM, and,'Bed Clover.
We oiwatya havo on hand --'B Oo(e-
Wheat, Pees, Barley and Feed Coro
Efigthheireldiaikett 1 mese , p,aid fob! 1 '
Bind all Grains.
P�ff & le L ED
MeTag art §:lct^ros.
+ General Banking Domineer
Drafts Wetted. Interest allowed n
The MciKillup .Mutual
Fire insurance !o.
Farm and isolated Town Drop•
tarty Only Insured.
Tread Ofliee-Seaforth, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; .32s.
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. E, Hays, Seaforth, Secretary -
Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
Hinchley, Seaforth; WW1. Chesney Eg-
mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G.
Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben,
neweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech-
wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James
Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor,
No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4,
Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo.
McGartne, No. 3, Seaforth.
A Cartoad or Canada
MO111Mlid cement
Pholie us icor prices
It will pay yon
John Hutton
The cold weather has been hard on
the Spring birds.
Business and
Westervelt School
i x •• Y KC, A.Bwl�in5' 20
-a- 0#r1If 9'' • fy" ,
t;nlltge fn Setsi•,n Sept. 1$t '-. Joie.
'C1ita',t'gtr Frets.* E"iter An' time.
't." \`'e. s' i't f e cep s;
In the Spring
Ontario Women's Advice,
Hamilton, Ont. --"I am a great be-
liever in Dr. Pioree's medicines, I am
speaking from the actual use of there and
the groat benefit I have derived therefrom,
Shortly after my marriage I began ailing,
had a very bad cough and got very thin
and was run down. My 1)001)le thought
I was goinginto a decline. They got 17r.
Pierces 'olden Medical Discovery' and
this medicine completely cured mo."--
Mna. ADOLIA IIIDuARD, 20 Cheevor St.
Kilbride, Ont. -"When I was only
eleven months old my mother procured
Golden Medical Discovery for me,
I have taken it several times myself since
and about one year ago I gave it to my
two children.' They t recovered very
quickly with no bad results, after taking
one bottle. I have recommended it to
quite a number of late" -Mus. W. J.
Simians, Kilbride, Ont.
The beet time to cure a cough is when
it etarte. Ordinarily,.a few doses of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
cure a cough at the beginning. But even
when the cough is deep-seated and the
body ie wasted by emaciation, Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery will in most
cases effect a permanent cure.
Get it to -day from any medicine dealer;
it is a powerful blood purifier, so pene-
trating that it even gets at the impure
deposits in the joints and carries them
out of the system.
Remember it his not a patent medicine
for its ingredients are printed on the
wrapper. It's a pure glyyeerie extract of
mote, made without alcohol.
Depend upon this grand remedy to
give you the kind of blood that makes the
skin clear and puts ambition and energy
into the entire body. You will notibe
disappointed. For free advice, write
Dr. V. M, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Trial
package tablets 10 cents.
National Service Commission Furnishes
These to Militia Authorities.
Ottawa, April 40. -The navies of
"military prospects" throughout the
Dominion to the number of 500,000
have already been submitted to the
Militia Department by the National
Service Commission. These "pros-
pects" do not include mill -Wrights, tool
setters, miners or farmers, nor men
with more than three dependents. The
majority are unmarried men or widow-
ers without dependants.
The names are sent out by the Militia
Department to the various local head-
quarters. Recruiting officers are then
at liberty to approach the men desig-
nated and to urge them to recruit.
It is pointed out here, however, that
there is no contplusion attached to the
these notifications as voluntary ser-
vice is still in force, but it is believed re
cruiting will be facilitated.
Release Some from Prisons.
A large number of sten serving time
in penitentaries throughout the Domi-
inion are to be allowed to expatriate
their crines on the battle fields of
France and Flanders, after the author-
ities have satisfied themselves that their
cringes were not such as to forbid
their mingling with their fellow men.
Many Women Suffer
From Pains in the Back.
When the back begins to ache it is a
sure sign that there is something radically
wrong with the kidneys.
What you want is a kidney medicine.
Doan's Kidney Pills are not a cure-all,
but a medicine for the kidneys only.
Mrs. L. Melanson, Plympton, N.S.,
writes: I am sending you this testi-
monial, telling you what a wonderful
cure Doan's Kidney Pills made for me.
For years I had suffered so with my kid.
nays I could hardly do my housework.
I used several kinds of pills, but none of
them seemed to be doing me any good.
At last I was advised to try a box of
Doan's Kidney Pills. When I had
taken the first box I found relief. I have
used five boxes and to -day I feel like a
new woman. I einem recommend them
too highly."
Doan's Kidney Pills bear the trade
mark of a Maple Leaf and are put up is
en oblong grey box. See that you get
"Dean's" When you ask for them:
Ptice 501. a box, 3 for =1,25, at alt
dealers, or mailed direct an receipt of
*ice by O T. Mummy Co. Linda►
WMillattiobagdirect specitll
• •
Local News
• •
The price of shoe leather will in the
next few days take another step up-
wards is the unwelcome news that
comes from the local shoeman,' and, to
snake matters worse, they say that at
the present time there is no likelihood
of a drop for some considerable time.
Material for the snaking of shoes cannot
be obtained.
The minister of education has ar-
ranged that pupils shall not pay snore
clueing the war for any of the former
text books than was paid for them pre-
viously. In spite of abnormally high
prices for paper and other materials
used in bookmaking, arrangements have
been concluded for the repiubication
of the former text banks (contracts
for which expire' in June, (19i» at
the old prices. The arrangements are
for either one year from next June lir
for longer period&. The list includes
five public school, text hooks and three
high school text books, to replace oth-
ers which Will expire in Jane, and unr`der
preparation by the department, and will
be ready far the openitng iii iCjloolt next
Sepfembdr, , ..., e.
When my dog looks at yer friendly
outer nteltin' pretty eyes,
An' he wags his tail an' tries ter lick
yer hand.
Then l don't care wot you look like an'
1 don't care wot•yer been,
Yer good enough for me-yer under-
Sotnetinies a human bean' judges by yer
fancy cont,
Au' if yer gloves an' shoes is new
tan' whole;
But a dog, when he looks at yer doesn't
notice little things;
A dog -a dog he judges by yer soull
When my dog looks at yer friendly like
he wants to see yer smile,
An' jumps upon yer, !ovin', when yer
I'd like yer if yer was alone without a
' home or friend,
A burglar, tramp or -anything at all.
Sometimes a human bean' likes yer
surface -polished up-
Yer talk of table manners plays their
But a day, when he looks at yer, goes
beneath tate top yeller;
A dog -a dog he judges by yer heart.
-Christian Hearld.
April ROD and GUN
Rod and Gun for April is on the news
stands and its table of contents reveals
much of interest to the devotee of rod
and gun. Bonnycastle Dale writes in
Phis of "Laddie the Boy 'trapper"; A.
H. Haines contributes a story "The Big
Buck of Bald Knolls", descriptive of a
deer hunt under unusual circumstances
in 13, C,; and there are other tales of
hunting, fishing and canoeing equally
interesting to the lover of the out of
doors. "Fishing notes" edited by Ro-
bert Page Lincoln, is replete with up-to-
date- articles for the disciple of the im-
mortal lean while such well known
writers as Lieut, Townsend Whalen and
Chas. Asktns contribute Splendid arti-
cles to the Guns and Ammunition de-
partment of this issue, W. J. Taylor,
Ltd., Woodstock, Ont., is the publisher.
Childhood constipation can be pro-
mptly cured by Baby's Own Tablets.
These tablets never fail. to regulate the
bowels and stomach thus curing con-
stipation. colic, indgestion and the
many other minor ills of little ones.
Concerning them Airs, Louis Nicole, St,
Paul du Boston, Que., writes "My
baby suffered from constipation but
thanks to Baby's Own Tablets he is a
fine healthy boy today, it gives me
much pleasure in recommending the
'Tablets to other mothers." The Tab-
lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Summary of Bye -Election Results
for Ontario Legislature -What
They Indicate
Eye -elections in Ontario usually go
with. the government in power what-
ever that may be, but the records
Mese 1114 pr,1eent a change: Now
flbit'tlze hes-agreed t0 the
government's proposal that . there
shenld be • no more bye -elections dur-
ing the war for seats' vacated br
death, it is' a' good tithe' to review the
iltlitf:Etea; when- ba' by'eteleetion 1'e+
corittcau.eloset, sips' fallowing •Etats•
meats are taken from Mr. Itowellfe
t�i yy���ttis of the situation even -at
6lintie'' 1914 there• have been seven
byeoeae tins;' some in'rural and. others'
1n when. constituencies •and. in differ-
ent seotiona of the province.
in a general election the Llber-
ali' iii+ the' constttuenoies, now repre-
sented by government meritbere reduce
Ma' government majorities. by not
more than the smallest reduction they
have made in any bye -election, the
government will be defeated.
4-rf the Liberals reduce the gov-
ernment majorities by the average re-
duction secured by them in all the
strN•bn bye -elections the result will be
as follower-Coneervutivea, 17; Liber•
ali 94.
$-,If the Liberals reduce the gait -
ointment majorities by only one-h"alf
ox' the average reduction In the bye -
elections, the Liberals would have a
eaajerity of about 95.
4 --If the Liberals reduce the gov-
ernment majorities by no more than
one-third the average reduction seem,
ed in the bye -elections, the govern-
ment will be defeated and the Liberals
will have a working majority of seven.
Mr. Rowell's Statement Regersiiiire
Stiitienston of Bjralftttttitla'
At the Hamilton tiesirereaisie, )4r.
RoWell, explained Why the ideate a
the legislature' did not'ui.+po15 tf,eptld."
will et the gevornrnerit to"li,IIaainet
the law'reenlring tile'to1dfd* oflisy4-
etsettitub Within three • aitiatils'c Uttar;
, a • vsoaney oeeurred hb" P' i<fir
p/it 1," Bald Mr. • ftlowdll.° ' a ' Wet
*WAS Were vaaat,9d by tieatli;
. 0•0•01 ba uo it ' t*et1ott drib
iliot atee W i . 1!ialEll s,
Page Tilree
rinds Health In. Our Vinol
Collinsvilha, Ill. -"1: suffered from a
unt'vous breakdown and terrible head.
Wee and was tired till over, totally
worn out and discouraged, but as I had
a large fmnily 1 lied to work despite any
suffering, 1 saw Vino] advertised and
decided to try it, and within two weeks
1 noticed a decided improvement, and
now I am a well women," -Mrs. ANA
We guarantee Vinol, our lion -secret
Milk , to strengthen and build up
weak, run-down, overworked- mothers,
delicate children and feeble old people.
J. E Hovey druggiet, Clinton,
Alec at the best druggists in all
Ontario towns.
irthe vacancy Wad eediadea ey action
of the government in appointing a
member to office, or occasioned by
causes other tllau death, he would not
ask that the bye -election be post-
In this moot critical stage of the
war," said Mr. Rowell; "1 would prefer
giving my time to aesisting in the pat-
riotic work so urgently needed to sup-
port our men at the front and to in-
crease production, than to he engaged
in bye -elections, no matter how great
the party's success, and when we were
suddenly asked to decide the question
in the closing hours of the session, I
felt that while the bye -elections would
mean further party successes, we
would best be serving the public in-
terests if we sacrificed any party ad-
vantage which might thus accrue to
us. . , Our present parliamentary
term expires next year. It will then
be necessary to have a general elec-
tion whether the war is over or not,
and only by a general election can we
secure what tate electors evidently de-
sire to have -a more progressive effi-
cient and economical administration."
Among the many Institutions direct -
y affected by the granting of Woman
Suffrage is the Provincial Women's
Liberal Association. Suite apart from
the vote, this Association has been in
existence for two or three years and
has done good work in keeping
women informed on public affairs.
Individual clubs in the Association,
particularly those in Toronto and
Hamilton, have done magnificent ser-
vice in patriotic work. The Toronto
Liberal Club, as a matter of fact., has
established a high water mark in the
amount of supplies furnished to mili-
tary hospital,, in ('a nada and Europe.
with the coming of women's fran-
chise tltese cluhs Will not relax in the
least the.it' patriotic' emicavors, but in
addition, 'boy will have the responsi-
bility or pres.nttng to the wanton elec-
tors the facts on public issues of the
day in which now, for the first time,
woman have a direct. part.
In addition to individual members
scattered throughout the. province
there ale eight clubs at present in the
Association -in Toronto, Hamilton,
Brampton, Wiarton, Dunnville, Cale-
donia, Matheson and Collingwood and
a number of others are in process of
formation. The Provincial Women's
Liberal Association Is fortunate in its
directing 'officers and the administra-
tion has always been marked with
efficiency and business skill es well as
by broad idealism. The honorary
Presidents are t,ady Laurier and Mr's.
Rowell. The President is :is s. J, A.
Macdonald, Toronto; the \'ice-Prtsi.
dents, Nies. henry 15r; e•'.mr Of Nam-
ilton and Mrs. Jos. Hamm, itranu+.d,
and the Seuretary1'reasuror, Aire.
Ross Stewart, Toronto,
It was the Provincial W'omen's Ent-
eral Association wonting through- ice
Hamilton club which organized t11,
women's part of the reccbL suceuasfni
Hamilton Confers tee. Tian a:meal
meeting of the P:ovincicl Association
is scheduled for some time in May and
will probably be made an opportunity
of consulting with women from all
parts of the province in regard to their
new responsibilities and opportunities.
Cured by Toning the Blood and
Strengthening the Nerves.
It is the opinion of the best medical
authorities, after the long observation,
that nervous diseases are more common
and more serious in the spring than
at any other time of the year. Vital
changes in the system, after long win-
ter months, the familiar spring weak-
ness and weariness from' which most
people suffer' as the result of in -door
life, in poariy ventilated and often over-
heated buildings. Official records prove
that in April and May neuralgia; St.
Vitus danec, epilepsy and other forint
of nerve troubles are in their worse,
and that then, more than any other
time, 0 blood -making, nerve -restoring
tonic is needed.
The antiquated custom of taking
purgatives in the spring is useless, for
the system really needs strengthening,
while purgatives only gallop through
the bowels, leaving you weaker. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are the best medi-
cine, for they actually make the nein,
rich, red blood that feeds the starved
nerves, and thus cure the many forms
of nervous disorders They cure also
Stich other forms of spring troubles as
headaches, poor appetite, weakness in
thellinbs, as weir as 701110ve unsightly
pitttples and eruptions' In fact they
unfailingly bring new health .and Stren-
gth.to weak, tired 'and dispressed-znen,
wonted and children:
Said by' alt tt1'edictne• dealers or by
matt at 50 canthi aliorl or six boxes flit'
$23b irtrtn'`i`he dr, WThl'ai»s' Medicine
Co,, draok%ille; Chit; "
The siot'3niaehise, .which ?attacks the
'Miffing ovil,•?Iucki •the grow, touch:l'
iThat'sawhtrt',Makes it sp popular.
Foe.•4tfie Weeks; cyerybcatty will look
nervously out of the window, each
morning, to see if there kits been 'at1-
sotber fail elf snug.
0 *
B Y T 1.1 E
+rr 0 M O, it a M• N t4 9F W M.
At the United States Congress, the
Vacant Lot Association includes Sen-
iors Stoue and La ]Collette.
!f this production enthusiam keeps
up we may have distinctive fashions in
hoes, rakes and spades.
An ounce of keep -your -mouth shut
is better than a pound of sorry -you
Berliners will soon be eating elephant
meat. Crow is the next dish to the
a:Vi'ood:'s !hoophoaiaoi
The Great English(' Remedy,
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous eysto,e, makes now Blood
in old Veins, Cures Nervous
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon-
dency, Loss of Energy, Palpftatfon of the
Heart, Fading Memory. Price $1 per box, six
for $Ist One will plane, six will eura•Sold,by all
druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of
Apnse. Ncao pampldetmailed�/a•ee. THE WOOD
Manicnea CO..TOSONTO.ONT, (Fersi.t Wiodmr'
Cheer up, it will soon be time to
get into the first litre of potato trenches
It seems that after all Woodrow is
not to proud to fight,
The spring poets are falling down on
the job, being too busily at work hunt-
ing up another ton of coal.
King Winter seems to have acquired
tliis habit of torpedoing without warn-
* nil P, -'i+-13 )211.41 IMISIs,.
You will find relief In Zam•Buk 1
it eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops blood ng and brings
ease. Perseveranoo, with Zeus.Buk, means pure; Why not prove
this? du Druggistroes anal Stores,-
It's not necessary to urge people o
buy ,their coal in the summer. They
have to do it.
It must be hard work. for the pat-.
rlotic songsters to keep track of all
these new national anthems. There's
Brazil and Cuba for instance.
Germany's greatest air fighter is
Hindenburg -hot air, that is.
- -se--
If the weatherman only knew how
impatient a lot of people are to get at
their garden he might be more merci-
r --••--
Early house cleaning is on the pro-
gram. catfi,4r,1
It was the Canucks that put the vim
in Vimy, all right.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
• A nappe, reliable reps ating
medicine. Sold in three de-
grace of strength—No. 1, $1:
No. 2, $3; No. 3, $9 per bon
Sold by all druggists, or sena
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address:,
TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Wind era
!'1:CL" OO.
052'5! .Y9
r: tryy is , 2q;•
C.:VZ'tee Cites. Lrn-
;w rsi
y CT
ONE OF •a•.��S
Why? Primarily,
for the manner in
which the suit is
made to suit your
display of models
and fabrics is vast-
ly diversified and
we're careful
that you select
the right one.
Secondarily, for the quality—
cost you no more than others,
but we're rather certain you'll
find. them finer.
But all this is really not convincing—
you must wear one; you must have it
tailored to your measure from one of
the hundreds of fine fabrics and one
of the many Spring models.
0,„..,r .,.....g1ar t t tai ,.stiff irl8: ti
nr. .a, t S.C? Sl fl