HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-04-12, Page 7lee '1
— —
'agent. +++++ r++,*1474
.X4+4444444+444+4"71"444%41 ,10
en are going
'n England next. Not many ye;u's Will
;elapse until Melly' a moral wrong will
Sloe righted by the process of female
:Suffrage. •
Fergus )las elevated its Poli Tax
Brom $2.00 to $5,00. This is in keep.
ing with the general advance in assess -
newts nd the increase of public ex
Good roads pay big returns to those
hi svhn have. to use them in the wear and
care on horses and Vehicles to say neth-
'r ing'about the personal comfort of the
—0 •
Kaiser Wilhelm has diabetes, so the
doctors say and he will have other
.symptoms before many months. go
past, Ddctors i-laig and Nerville will
' :look after the case with Russian help.
Russian Bear has set his teeth for a
.finish tight with a vigor that will count
inresults. Great things are
pe.ted from the new Russia that is
„expected to be evolved frost its exper-
iences of the past few years. The
masses, if they are patient, will be
great gainers by the new conditions.
Canada will continue to do her duty
oven to the last mean and the last dollar
se long as the call from the Motherland
is heard. The floating of the recent
Victory War Loan so handsomely is the
best evidence of the way Canucks will
"shell out” when the cash is required
to supply the necessaries for the titanic
struggle that continues with such vigor.
— —0—
t0u 000 000 wasconsiderable a
b cans d able of
:surplus over the ratsubscription
to the 3rd War Loan. It does not look
as if Canada requires .to do much hunt-
ing in other lands to secure the finances
desired. The way to keep your credit
good, however, is to avoid borrowing
:as far as possible. (Many a man's ruin-
.ation began because he had apparently
unlimited credit.
Already the leaven is commencing
to work and Roblin (Manitoba) consti-
tuency may have a woman candidate
carrying the Conservative banner in a
bye -election. We notice a Miss Galindo
-was chosen to a seat in the lower house
in the Mexican Congress, the initial
step by women kind there. Perhaps she
. may be able to shoot a revolver as well
as any of them.
We would not accept of the position
,def Czar of Russia if it were offered to
us tomorrow. Under present condi-
;tions, however, if we were in his place
we think We would carry a- large ac-
•.cident policy for a large amount as an
•"accident" is likely to happen almost
:any day. The Czarina and the Queen
•of Greece have not been much of an
asset to the royal household and have
lost sight of the best interests of their
subjects in attempting to play the
traitoress part. It's about time the
flaws were changed to prevent the inter-
.:marriages of royalty as they are often
:;the hatchery of evil deeds.
Governpient House in Toronto is an
.expensive bit of property in its main-
genance. The Lieutenant -Governor gets
.$1-0,000 salary per annum but last year
$7.2,210 were expended in addition for
salaries, contingencies, repairs and
maintenance. Most folk will require
-double strong specs to ascertain where
.Jsconomy is practised in these days when
loud calls are heard for its practice.
-Guess it would be safe betting to wager
that bills would be well scissored if
-the Gov. had to cash up for the sup -
Idles. It makes a great difference in a
-.transaction whose money is being ex-
pended. A white elephant is an ex -
'pensive' breed of animal to have about
.,anybody's premises and usually they
F SureEy
m Nee'I.i
is a healthy, active, in-
dustrious liver.
Small doses, taken reg-
Idarly, insure that.
M 'y'nPel o ItNeed.
a purgative sometimes,
Then take one larger
Keep that in mind; a;
will pay you rich divi-
dends in Health and '
nu/no bears. •S/Cnot'aro
Colorless faces often slao,w .1
the absence of Iron its t.to
will help this conditiozl
;all D OA, t `.t4 e!0
There is something in Zam-Bek
tied malice tl;ie fa notes beim via
teelega over obstinate elrin diseases,
`.1 lehn L. l enette,. of Niga-
c n, ti 1a., Writes: .1 rush appeared
on ms .teed and quirlkl/ reread until
ley bead an entirely covered with
Mice [ v,r. n a Shut•icing sight, and
wee stt";:s'hig a ,^resat that with the
bLiming end irritation. 1 -consulted
e, doctor, who told me 1 had eczema,
and although he prescribed several
metiicents which 1 tterd, I did not
aeeat to pot any better.
"Tam i tried ZIrl-P.uk, which I
bed nen rl highly rt emteneuded, and
was 0000 delighted with the im-
erovensent 1n the sores. The burn -
Ina and :irri'ation get less by de -
grecs, and then disappeared. The
inflammation was drawn out, and
before long the soros were entirely
Zans•P,ult is the worm's great her -
eel skin cure, and is unequalled for
ulcers, old sores, bad legs, boils,
blood -poisoning, ringworm, and
piles, as well as cuts, burns, scalds,
and all skin injuries. All druggists
or Zan-Iluk Co„ Toronto; 50c. box,
7frar'. "
stick like glue.
Botch the: Dominion and Provincial
Governments have roused up on the
question of increased production and
if there is not a marked increase in the
acreage cropped in 1917 it will not be
because these bodies were direlict in
their duty of trying to enthuse the
tillers •of the soil. A small increase on
the part of everybody would in the ag-
gregate 055.01 a very praiseworthy ad-
dition tiu
n to the•field. There ale has been .
disposition for years to cut down the
quits illy of land cultivated and turn it
into pasturage and hay but the war
has changed conditi(Sns and it is now
up to the Canadian farmer to be ready
to respond to the call of the overseas
people, and at prices that should shake
it profitable to cater to this trade. In-
crensed Production are the watchwords.
—0 --
To keep tab on forest tires and .head
then, off in the incipient stage is no
easy thore in Northern Ontario and the
losses from the flames have been very
disastrous for the• past several years.
A new method is proposed viz the em-
ployment of a scc4ht aeroplane that
would be able to take observations,
keep the fire rangers posted and as-
quaiet the settlers of any danger.
Trouble has been that rivers, lakes,
swamps and tangled logs and trees for-
bade much speed on the part of the
rangers in many sections but the flying
machine would obviate much of this and
could travel fast enough to soon carry
tete news to interested districts. One
bad fire causes almost untold damage
and the use of the "bird machine" looks
as if it might be "the very thing the
doctor ordered.'
Cullud bruddern in Chatham have
been having a financial unpleasantness
that has got into the Courts. Rev. Mr.
Franklin declines to remove front the
Parsonage until certain monetary obli-
gations he claims are squared off. The
•Bishop has given Brudder Franklin a
new charge but he apparently neither
fears the trustees nor regards his sup-
eriors in office so long as the ducats
are not forthcoming. • We would sug-
gest that the theme for next Sunday's
discourse in the A. M, E. church be
"Let brotherly Love continue." A
church row sometimes livres a long time
after it is supposed to be buried as
some good brother or sister is usually
willing to assist in an early resurrection.
It usually pays better for both sides in
the squabble to carry a white flag and
nsake a compromise that will (seal the
breech. The devil has many a chuckle
over a lively church or family scrap.
Merl Touches on Small Gowns"
Sometimes it is just the sass.. touch
that is different wisich will lift the em-
broidered frock or jutin,er salt out of
the ordinary class, 11 is sve11 to (keep
ot,o's eyes open for just such details
and then make good use ul' the;n on
the frock or jumper in the sewing bag,
;1 Mlle gill's theses nisch 1n a long
waisted style hoe a peplum with seal -
loped outline put on at the long waist.
The peplum falls dowuwned at the
sides, but et the front and, back it is
held upward in bib fashion, after being
split and buttonholed, fund the .ribbon
sash passes through these two tabs.
r'r0cheted buttons hold the front and
hack sections in place.
For the Boudoir.
A dainty spindle legged side table
and a gilt oval mirror take the place of
a dressing table in nae attractive sutn-
r,ier hoino, The seine an singement is
leen in the mimic roans, drawing room
end boudoir. It is disiinrtly modern
fond effective ns well. The table is low
and has a pair of old fashioned candle-
sticks for the only ornament. Tho mir-
ror hnngs dhretly over the table on n
line with the beholding eyes. 'Toilet
articles may be kept in the shallow
drawers of the table. It is a happy
combination t u of 'unrelated
objects, such
es decorators call the harmony of
For Evenings,
A most desirable material ,for even•
lief; wenn is checked mousseline de
sole. io white patterned tat.n nerl wi
1 tb bindle
sante extremely euwcess rni models have
been worked Ott 'the touches of color
introduced being of a daring chara
Brlflan, Prance and .fells have rscog
' w
Lesson I11.--Seoond Quarter, For
April 15, 1917.
Text of the Lesson, John x, 1-10—Mem-
(try Verses, 11, 12 --Golden Text, John
x, 11 --Commentary Prepared by Rev.
R M. Stearns,
The Golden Text seems to be the
heart of thelessou this time if,not al-
ways, While in our lesson Lie is the
Good Shepherd laying down 11'13 life
for the sheep and giving unto tbenh
eternal life, with the assurance that
they can never perish Iron any power
take them from Him (verses 1'1, 10,
27, 20), to Heb. xiii, 20, 21, Ho is the
Great Shepherd risen from the dead,
living His lite in• us and working in
us that which is well pleasing in the
sight of the God of Pence. in I Pet.
v, 4, He is the Chief Shepherd wis°
shall give rewards to His faithful fol-
lowers at Ills appearing, In Gen.
alis, 24; Ps. Issx 1 He is the Shep-
herd of Israel. This last shall be fully
seen when Ezelc, xxxiv, 11-111, lied
verse 31 shell be fulfilled, and then
shall be seen the siguiticanco of Ps.
xxili as never before in the history of
the world. In nue lesson chapter He is
talldng to Israel, but He spoke of oth-
er sheep whom IIe must bring (verse
10), and some o1 those we are now
gathering to complete Itis body, the
church, but the full gathering of the
nations to Hlm shall be aftor Israel
has ]earned t0 say, 'lite Lord is my
Shepherd," according to Zech. ii, 10-13;
"many lumens shall be joined to the
Lord in that day and shall be my pm
pie." Also ,ler, ill, 17, "At that time
they shall call Jerusalem the Throne of
the Lord, and 1••nations c
c u d a t41 the ,.hall be
glith e ed unto it, to the name of the
Lord to Jerusalem."
II0 hail been dealing with and tans
in the midst of thieves awl robbers,
who sought to cuter the fold, but not
by the door. Thee were persistently
robbing God and rmskhng 11 is house a
den of thieves 1:1L•sl, lit. 8; Matt. xxi,
131. I -ie is the doer as well as the
Shepherd, the 1s 1.' way 01 5(0(55 to
God, God's bum r1pp"luled wny, and
it is not possible t , cause to God but
by Him (verses 7-9; chapter xis, O1.
But by Ilfm, the doer, any elan may
enter fu and be saved and iu IIim God
pastures green and waters of quiet-
ness (verse 0), pence as a river and
righteousness as the waves of the sea
(Isa. xlvUi, 17), All %vho are not
Christ's are in the employ of the lead-
er of all thieves and i•oblieis uiid 11urs
and murderers, the dec•11, of whom He
said in a recent lesson that these re-
ligious hypocrites were his children
(verse 10; viii, 44). With righteous
wrath He denonuced them in these
words: "Ye serpents, ye generation of
vipers, how can ye escape the damna-
tion of hell?" (Matt, staid, 33,)
The' Spirit through Patel said to I17ly-
mas, who tried to tutu a man away
'from the door to life, "0 full or alt sub-
tility and all mischief, child of the dev-
il, enemy of all righteousness, wilt
thole not cease to pervert the right
ways of the. Lord 1"' (Acts xiit, 7-10.)
Contrast: the ,Good Shepherd,who by
layfng.down; Hie life for, ns has pro.
;sided life, and ;fife abundantly, for all
who will receive Him. He gives free-
ly that which fie has purchased at so
great a price, even the sacrifice • of
Himself. Life eternal, the water of
life, eternal redemption and all that
is included in such expressions be-
come the sure and everlasting, posses-
sion of all who receive Him, and there
is nothing in the Bible that in any way
conflicts with the positive assinanees
of verses 27-30. See Eleb. I. 3; ix, 12,
26; Rom. vi, 23; iii, 24; Rev. xxil, 17.
There can be no contradictions in the
Bible, for the same Iloly Spirit wrote
the whole book.
As to life abundantly, compare par-
don abundantly and an abundant en-
trance into His kingdom (Isa. ]v, 7; II
Pet. 1, 11). The Lord gives not only
freely, but fully, ail that He has pur-
chased for us, and He desires to be
able to give full rewards for service
in that day (II John S) vehicle He
certainly will do if we have been faith-
ful Salvation is wholly of grace and
the same to all, but the rewards will
be according to our works (Rev, xxii,
12). Note the wonderful statement in
verses 17, 18, that no man could take ,
His life from Hies, but that: He laid ft
down of Himself, having power to do
this, and to take it again. His was the
only life that could not be taken from
Him, It is true that they killed Him
but it was because Ile allowed there
to do it. He willingly suffered 011 that
was put upon Him, leaving us an ex-
ample that we might follow His steps,
who, when he was reviled, reviled not
again; when He suffered Ile threat-
ened not, but Committed Himself to
Him who judgeth righteously. Then,
having lett us' a 'perfect example and
having no sin of His own, for He was
without guile, He tool; the sinner's
place and suffered in our stead, His
own self bearing our stns in Ms own
body on the tree (I Pct. ii, 21.24).
Hirelings seek their own welfar°
rather than that of rho flock, but true
followers of the Good Shepherd seek
the welfare of the sheep, not consid-
ering themselves, Daviel took his life
in his hand when he delivered part of
his flock from the lion and- the bear,
but the Son of Dnvid actually laid
down His life for Ills flock. When Ile
puttetb forth His sheep He goeth be-
fore them, and IIe only risks that we
keep close to Him and follow Hilo
tally Molt/ xxxl, 8).
5'gcr®061ea PhoSLi iia b1o;
The Great renotdbMb1SeetcdV,
'tones end invigorates the whole
norvcusn slam, mattes nos Blood
of dNervous
]n. d ns C ores -
drsog, f 1lO.q of renes Bra(a. 11 orrih . of ttss
herself, boast of room, 120,Ipftmttoa. of the
• 7,...01,7/10....01.6040, r < ,tt
- :;,•rw:,
The Dangerous Condition
Which Produces Many Well
Known Diseases.
°FRUIT-A-TIVES" — The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine-- will Protect You
Autointoxication moans self-poison-
ing, caused by continuous or partial
constipation, or insufficient action of
the bowels.
Instead. of the refuse matter passing
daily from tiro body, it is absorbed by
the blood. Asa result, the i'idneys and
Skin are overworked, In their efforts to
rid the blood. of this poisoning,
Poisoning of The GloodiuthiswaJ
causes Indite tion Loss of Appetite
r .tit
s , 110 e
and Disturbed Stomach 71 may pro-
chico Iieadlaches and Sleeplessness. Il
,uayirrilale the .itidueys and bring on
Pilin in the ..Beek, Rheumatism, Gout,
anti Rheumatic Pains. Itis the older
cause of Eczema—and keeps The whole
system unhealthy absorp-
tion into the blood of this refuse matter.
"Ifni /-a-t i 'cs" will always cure Anto-
in/ot-ica/ion or self-poisoning—as
" Fruit -a -tires " acts gen I ly on bowels,
kidneys and skin, strengthens the
bowel s and (,,iiia u p t 11 nerve. us systelu.
50e. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
recd pt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited,
One of the New Fa:'a In Foot -jeer
Rivals Lacers.
The seasons chews are stilt freakish.
and "fret tit -'t" Is yet the sidereal.
Colonial pumps are in the lead jn•'t
now, but laced boots sure giving way
is (TER STILTS. " rw.•.y5Ya
to buttons, Those illustrated are black
patent leather combined with gray
suede, which gives the effect of gaiters
across the vamp.
Children Cry'
Sunday afternoon a mass meeting
of sten (vas addressed in the Metho
(list Church by the pastor, Rev. D.
Wren, M. A.
Mrs, L. Holler, mother of Mrs.
Denman, Grey Township, celebrated
her Med birthday on Wednesday of
last: week.
Alex, .Brewer, of Morris Township,
and Miss Crystal Engler, of Ethel,
were united in marriage, and have
gone to live on the groom's 200 tame
A. L. Booth, who was .seller in the
Bank of Nova, Scotia, 11000, bas been
promoted. to the Hamilton branch,
He has been succeeded) by Miss Vera
Hoover, who has been on the staff
Veru for nearly +t year.
R,uslun 'hioDonalrl, proprietor of
the Oenteal Hotel, has purchased the
Chemin butcher shop and is now in
The following shipment has been
made by the Brussels Red Gross circle
for the month of March : Two help-
less shirts, 0 suits .of pyjamas, 188
Pairs of sociks, 33 trench suits and 34
trench towels.
- Mrs, R. G. Wilson, who died in Lose
don on Tuesday, Wes Lb 'Former 111915ly
esteemed resident of Brussels. Orem
Milne S. Wilton, of town, attended"
the funeral,
('0snaad Engle, a well known resi
dent of tise 1.111* concession of Grey,
died team, a few days' illness from
erysipelas and kidney trouble. Ho
vests atMit (i0 Mrs of age,
Children Cr''y'
One Good Idea,
If you hake in your wardrobe one of
those old embroidered voile dresses
With the narrow end: of two years
back you will appreciate this way of
fixing it over into 'a wearable freak.
prom the narrow skirt, if it is not too
narrow, you can cut a Russian bicnse,
using the border of the skirt for the
o (ler of the blouse. itun
y be acme-
to sot In side sections to widen
the blouse, but these may be tucked
and look es if they were intentional.
from the aid blouse you will probably
got sleeves and enosigh embroidery for
a collar. Then you will have to make
It new skirt, topping ing i • w 1 r
L i[ t set to the
PP � e
depth of the blouse and using plain
voile with graduated 'lurks for the bot.
tom, This extra,material wt11 not be
11111011 expense, at the
0 1 el Se, rd 10
from Using up the good embroidery and
,.•c t new frock 111115 fisc bargain
entmeaauro 11,
.eg si -t r
4e. e•iVO0444 0***14 044, ,4^C+�O454,4+DLJ
BOTH 1£RTJ !n r�p7ts
Whereto Su•r:ort Lill t or Enlarge-
ment to: L.. -,w in P'..tr.w.e..—
1-.n utt'.afes Delete •
All the the -eel* Libers'1 members,
from hit ltoi i do, , so.. - u h the
Government on 'u 1 t r'r 1 III 1, a:, -
point a (1011151Counnieelon to talc, the I'are.
Of the Otlaiee Ot eetee» :1e1.01!' , 'rd,
ii' it c t' lett t:* re''un- a to i,t: v the
settee] law.. le: c ..';'.', r (net's
were the way 0_:05 10 cele agate(.
the. nteasu"e.
Lir, .tong'.l r,:.: l th •t the Privy
Council hud r,id, r.l pia de( lieu on
the Ottawa .<'ie:s ...t.., „t. s, "hem
declaring i.e. 70]:,iun 17 to be valet
and the 0th,: a,ci.t ' ,; lit
A.et whereby the c o ] c'' the c I .•'.wtt
Separate beho.:le wee, freest eeed Lo
a tiovert uteat t'uniogieelea, to be in-
valid. 7 e Priv} ieounc•ii's disci-i,s
should be creep' -.'l be .'_1 c' u;cer: ea.
He hoped that the 5711 Seen(.
Board would 01; the Law and he •
thought it their (hay to do so.
Although t.owefl •l urI think
that the 1 Governmeets ririns0sed
method of dealing with the matter
DOW was the +4010:1 1: • sure..
of securing the enforcement of the
law, yet since they .had"taken the re-
sponsibility of introducing it he would
not put anything in the way o1' the
Government giving full (ricer to lin
policy as he fully agreed that the law
should he obeyed.
Both lir. Rowell and the Prime
Minister hoed harmony would be
maintained Lit r:cx 11 11' 050
1e., L U
Provincial Revenue Will So Greatly
Incrcna d i i',e Lr soilt
e •1
t ustnu e
A e, Mere:leo 01 great
the province
c o
e s.its � 0
u r Id tend l t
relieve 1t11r 54- 1.i.”;..11:0
other t: i 15 (50:110a 11111501 re -
suit of the u,.-ta11: Carried on by the.
Liberals in the 1'-'g lienee sh.c'e lel(
for hc'teyi;1 i, : m ant et: sic 'i t •r-
n'atiwt.ii t i.r• . , L. 1.0,.'..,1,
islr. Carter tied ,lir 1) wart with other
members have be- n lig;ttin$ for this
change tied now It in coming.. It le
roughly 0.,e.it,ta :d that untie.' Ilia tie: .0
system o: taoatiut1, if the Act follows
the basis of the Commissioners' re-
port, the 1v!(:'notional Nickel Cash.
patty will have to pay the provimce
this year nearly te iuillien dellen.; is
taxation instead of the paltry $40,000
a year which they have been pr.yieg
and which the Government was al•
lowing them to pay until the Oppo
sltion forced the issue. w' The...a(�uyerdnseut, bill affects 5 1
egay i¶ickel mend. -s, but,All Inking c9.1.1*
terra rfiltai profits a seed
$10,000:- whose
ta'c le 1711ee4 from s to
6 per pat.„,i Istat trending guile 1E1
Vel''1 11t., additional for every five mil-
lion dollars extra annual profits.
Fads' In the educational system In-
terfering with the children' of the
province securing an adequate train -
fit fn fundamental subjects were dis-
cussed by Wm. MacDonald, Liberal
member for North Bruce. Fie turned
his attention particularly to the, regu-
lations and examination papers In art.
Qne,pj the questions which bad been
relluuire(f of the pupils was, "Dre.w and
paint the wig ct. ry�,)•t et. j�; flt ,,weer " °Why
hot hag; s e 1 rent sl`ct�c1 ia�r.
Maeirlald, "taught to pull them out?"
"A more practical question," he sug-
gested, "would be to draw a picture
of 'the Attorney -General with 111§ ear
to 'the ground." Another example of
a question asked was: "Draw the
noisy geese that gabbled o'er the
pool." "What goose," demanded Mr.
MacDonald, "put that on the paper?"
And then he turned to the Minister
of Education and said, "Why not clip
the wings of these jackasses who put
such questions on the papers?"
"You mean the ears," called out
Sam Carter, and everybody laughed.
"The teaching of such stuff," conclud-
ed Mr. MacDonald, "is good for neither
this world or the next."
On the same evening Chir. Mac-
Donald scored another hit with refer-
ences to Government 1Touse. The
Government Is cutting off a grant of
$600 which it has given for several
years to a country road in North
Bruce, "Fourteen hundred dollcirs,"
he said, "for a Donegal rug for Gov-
ernment House and not a cent tor the
fanners of Malabel; seven hundred
dollars for a commode for GoVerti-
house and not it cent for the farmers
nf•Malabel; $446 for curtains for the
ball -room of Government Nonce and
not a cent for the farmers of Male -
bell." And so lee wont on, contrast-
ing item after item of the treatment
accorded to Government House and
to the farmers.
New Registration, Scheme
A complete change in the method
of getting voters nn the lists for pro-
vincial elections is embodied in the
Government's bill to include woman
voters and soldiers who' are may
from their homes. in the counties of
the province a board., consisting of
two Judges, a sheriff, a clerk of the
County Court and the Crown Attorney,
will be responsible for the appoint-
ment of enunseratorsfor each town-
ship to put on the names of all voters,
Livery woman or legal age, who is a
British subject or who becomes such
,will be entitled to vote,
Racetrack gambling Is still a vory
live tssue. Lambert. 'Wigle, .Liberal
member for South Essex again ap-
pealed to I•Ion. Mr. McGarry to take
action timeliest the evil. The Windsor
Record Hays McG(u•ry should' resign.
Tire Government rejected the rasa
ltttton of J, C. Elliott M,P,P• for West
'iddlesex calling ter the proseoution
For I
1£ants and Gd
InUse For Over3OYears
Always boars.
Tfllursday, Apfi1.12t11', 1917
EE trtivivea&
Get a package of the new "Juicy FRUIT "—
See what a joyous, lasting
flavour has been crowded
in to give .you a great, tIG
5 cent package of refreshment!
Private Seal—,
he guru'ds
the gam/
. s
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Base, 2—First coating of Asphaltum.
3.—Second coating of Asphaltum. 4.—
:Coating of crushed elate.
Yesterday and To -day
Wooden shingles of twenty or thirty years add were of splendid
quality, and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing
better at that time. In foot no other roofing material was on the
market. Yet who would thinit of putting on shingles to -day? Whet)
the deterioration of wooden shingles became noticeable, efforts were
made to invent a roofing that would not only be an economical
and permanent substitute for wooden shingles, but one that would
outlast them in service. .p
Brantford Roofing was the result. It has "made good." The
secret of its success is this; First, the base is of pure, long-flbred
felt which is thoroughly saturated with asphalt or mineral pitch.
The asphalt and crystal roll roofings are then thickly coated with
crushed rock particles, which adhere tightly to that base, and the whole
forms a permanent fireproof, water -tight roof.
Brantford Asphalt and Rubber Roofing are made in three
different weights. Crystal is made in heavy weight only, and
in red or green natural colors, All three grades are pliable and
well suited to either fiat or steep roofs.
comes in rolls with protected ends. The layers do not stick together
and the roofing is easily laid. It requires no painting or tarring
when put 011. It does not crack with the cold nor melt with the
summer's heat. It does not curl, split, rust or blow off. It gives
permanent weather and fire protection ata reasonably loss initial cost.
May we send you our roofing book and samples? They
will show you the realvalue of these roofing materials.
rantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada 87
"For Sale by HARLAND BROS.
ma:;wr i05rasrst 0 U R
WUNICEDWLa +aacw106rnsa •
Is now ready to oto your work. New
type and new stock of pliier just: placed
Let Us Do Your Printing