HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-04-12, Page 3____ - -FE
11 Ancient Gaza, Philistine Cit
Famous in Bible History as Early as
Time of Joshua,
• Bezokiah Fought There, Too. -It Is
' About 48 Miles South -welt of
f Jerusalem.
It would have been strange if in this
wand -war something very dramatic had
not happened at Gaza, at one time the
southernast and most powerful of the
Philistine cities, From the time it is
Mentioned in Genesis 10:19, as one of
the Balite of the border of Cannan, in
B.C..2347, it has always been more or
less ih the public eye. Joshua, Judah,
and Samson in 'their tuns won there
• their right to figure in Old Testiment
In the year B.C. 1459, Joshua with
the help of the hailstones from heaved
and the sun's kindness in standing still
all day, had utterly routed the five
kings of the Antorities in their attack
011 the city of Gibeon, so his hands
were clear. He had still to attend the
execution of the kings, but this dispos-
ed of he sought fresh fields of conquer,
and it is related that, high and low, hip
end thigh, he smote the country from
end to end, "front Kadesh-barnea even
unto Gaza, and all the country of Gos-
hen even unto Gibeon."
After this he turned his attention to
the Anakins, who he pursued relentless-
ly and with an iron will until there were
none of them left except in Gaza and
one or two other places of note. When
the land was finally subjugated and di-
vided among the tribes of Israel, to the
tribe of Judah fell "Gaza with all the
towns and villages unto the river of
Egypt." the Nile, from which the British
marched on their present expedition.
Gaza must !lava proved rebellious, be-
cause in 13. (:, 1425 it is related that
Judah and ,his brother Simeon had to
go north and slay the Canaafites, as
well as capture Gaza and the coast
thereof. The inhabitants, with tate help
of the Lord, he drove to the mountains. i
Samson put it on the Map.
But it was Sanson with really put
Gaza on the map. Samson had already ,
married a Philistine maiden, rent a lion
as if it were a kid, burnt his enemies'
crops by means of torches tied to foxes'
tails, won fame as a maker of riddles,
and Judged Israel twenty years when he
came to Gaza on a love affair. His
thoughts were on the skies, sn he did
not notice that his old friends the Phil-
istines had encompassed him round
about to slay hint. When he eagle to
earth and found 11e was entrapped he
did not worry —no, he merely lifted tine
gates of the city off their hinges, bar
and all, and walked off with theta to the
nearby hill of Hebron,
Another love -affair introduced hint
once again to Gaza. Delilah, his lady
love, at last learned where lay Ids great
strength and shaved his head till it
looked like a•conyict's. The Philietin;s
took him at last, put out his eyes and
clamped hint in brass fetters in the
prison -house of Gaza, where he lay
cursing .his fate 111111 waiting the day
when his locks would grow 1198111 vial
his strength be restored.
That day carie. The blind, proud
Samson was led forth to the temple
on the feast day to their god that they
alight enjoy themselves by making a
joke of him. Three thousand joyous
people were in the building celebrating
tate great ocasion. They could not re-
fuse his gentle request to stautl with
his hands on the pillars, be seemed so
weak who was once so terrible. The
sport would come later, but before that
the mighty Samson had exerted to the
utmost the strength that was in him
and pulled the heathen temple down in
ruins around their heads, He met his
own death there, but in dying slew
more of his enemies than he did during
all the fighting days of his life, even on
the Momentous occasion when be made
rings round his enemies with the jaw-
bone of an ass.
Hezekieh Fought There Too. .
Ln B, C. 1140, when the Philistines
returned the Ark of the Lord to its
rightful place, with it they sent five
golden etnerolds as a trepass offering,
including one for Gaza: Its next men-
tion is 111 .B,C, 678, when Hezekiah,
King of Judah, cleaned up the whole
country, removing high places and
breaking images. He smote the Philis-
tines from the tower of the watchman
to the fenced city.
In B.C. 690, during the time of the
Prophet Jeremiah, Pharaoh of Egypt
carte out against Gaza and sacked it.
razing the city to the ground, and
slaughtering the inhabitants, 11 is
possible that he followed practically
the route taken by the British, who,
had been waiting for the completion of
a railway across the desert which lies
between the Suez Canal and Gaza.
This is the "wilderness" though which
the children of Israel wandered for 40
years, and is situated to the north of
the Red Sea, where anotiher Pharaoh
met his fate.
G aza's troubles were coiling thick
and fast. During the days of Amos- in
13. G. 787, the inhabitants had behaved
so badly that a lire was sent by the
Lord which 'burnt the city to the
grounds: 81711 destroyed even fine pal-
aces. A hundred years later it is de-
scribed as forsaken, in the time of
Zephaniah. Zechariah promised the
city all sorts of lamentable things in 13.
C. 487, including the death of its king.
The only mention of Ga,a in the
New Testament is in Acts, Philip the
deacon had been preaching to great
55331 1n Samaria and had even led
eitnee the Sorcerer 0 111gher things
when he was told by the angel to go
deem to the way leading from Jeru-
salem to Gaza, "which is the desert."
Here he fell in with an Ethopian eu-
nuch. who was crcatly interested 111
the neva theology. They discussed
maters of doctrine, and Philip told
hien the atoi v , t C:•ist 1: su:.h effect
that the other exclaimed, "See, There
iswater What cloth hinder me
to be
baptised?" They descended. into the
water and Philip performed the isere-
- 5
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In the Prairie Provinces
University of Saskatchewan
N a municipality in Saskatch et van
settled fully twelve years ago
there are about 5,000 people. The
main line of the Canadian Northern
hallway runs through it. In this
municipality, there are 33 English-
speaking ratepayers, and about 1,000
Community Doukobors, The religi-
ous needs of 4,000 people are minis -
'Oriel to' by .one ' Follett Wriest, one
tareelt Can -one. and a studout mis-
sionary for a portion of the summer.
Beyond the borders of the municf'pal-
ity arel'two towns with a Iiberal sup-
ply of clergymen: 1
: Is1. the prairie provinces there are
it least 160,000'Ruthonians. They are
looked sifter' by approximately thirty
iantatp priests, a half dozen Greek
Catholics, about a Jotien Protestant
ministers and students—a total of
lgossibly'fifty. One shepherd to 3,000,
an the average. As a matter of fact,
there are large districts unvisited by
Priest or parson.
The immigrants to Western Canada
bring with them•the memory of tbeir
national religion, There are Nor-
wegian Lutheran, Swedish Lutheran
and two German Lutheran religious
organthations, each distinct and
separate, There are German Catho-
lics; French Catholics, Polish Catho-
lics, Ruthenian( Uniate Catholics,
Greek Orthodox Catholics, The free -
manta uprooted from their national
soli and cast upon.Canadlan shores
are lett many of them smeared for by
the National Church in Europe,
What more natural than that they
should leek to the national cihtn•ottos
in Canada or remain neglected.
There are, I have been told, groups of
the finest people from Europe who
;ra.rely see a clergyman oftener than
itwlce or thrice a year. Is it not time
i•for the churches in Canada that ere
national in spirit (if not 10 organi-
vation andname) to get together and
work as one for the religious up -
building of the 'new nation in Can-
r.da3 To these European peoples re-
ligion is a. national necessity.
One perecn in every three in
Western Canada has a mother tongue
fitter than .English, In large dis-
l.riets English Is as little known as
i; is 10 Austria,
A Presbyterian Superintendent re-
ports ops hundred and fifty mission
fields cloyed for lank of men and
means; W11118- a Preebyterhah Prin-
eloel wrote that -in ether Pregbyteri-
an mission fields the average num-
ber of communicants in a station 1s
about four. The Methodist stations
have probably no more. Union in
Alberta would save between $16,000
and $20,000 a year, a quarter of that
Synod's contribution to the schemes
of the Church. In Okotoks four Pro-
testant ministers shepherd 326 peo-
ple and draw $1,360 from mission
funds, In Lemberg 303 people are
divided into 6 denominations.
Co-operation by delimitation work,
ed well where there were few or no
People, In Northwestern Alberta the
Presbyterians went in with one rail-
way line, the Methodists with an-
other. All was harmonious until
crowds settled in .the townp, Then
co-operation chafed and' when the
hap° of Union became faint, It galled.
Co-operation by withdrawal work-
ed for a time to older Saskatchewan.
The two clergymen lived in the town,
one preached there in the morning
and went into the north country fur
the evening; the other was in the
eolith.. country for the morning and
preached in town in the evening,
11 worked better than competition
over the same trails,
In oldest Manitoba and Saskatche-
wan Union alone will reduce tbo evil.
The fields overlap so mach "30% of
the mission fields overlap," "90% of
districts where there are two
eburches want Union:" A score of
strictly Union conl;regati0ne have
been formed, and unless Union comes
soon they will develop into a new
church and will sweep Western Can-
ada„ There aro also two amore more
Which were formed under or in one
of the two churches by the two peo-
ples who prefer Union even at the
cost of withdrawing from their old
The people of the prairies have
been forced by, economic necesulty,
by the loneliness of ,large spaces to
0o -operate in marketing and buying.
Witness the bo -operative Elora -tor
Co., the largest grain bandling com-
pany 1n the world, The little towns
have lives and thrived only by de-
veloping a community spirit and a
eommuntty Prleie. Ila°1a1 difterenees
ha3'e intenaiiled the desire of comps-
trlots to get together, 6
Racial difficulties, the co-operative
epirft, the eomlnuntty interest are
driving tegothtr all who prise ire•+
ligfon and p51triotlbut, , _.-
manly, When it was 'over Philip van-
ished into thin air, and the eunuch pro-
ceeded on his way.
Gaza is a city of Palestine, two miles
from the Mediterranean, and 43 miles
southwest of Jerusalem. It is larger
than the latter. It is really more a
group of valleys titan a city, the houses
being comprised for the Most part of
earth and unbaked bricks, and Egypt -
tan in appearance, A rich mosque holds
the interest in the centre of the city.
Its iunportatice lies it the fact that
it is on the route for caravans passing
between Egypt and Syria, and is also a
market for barley. The population is
estimated at 35,000.
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simple fevers or any other of the many
minor ills of tittle ones—the mother I
will find Baby's Own Tablets an excell-
ent remedy. They regulate the stom-
ach turd towels thus banishing the cause
of most of the ills of childhood. Con-
cerning them Mrs. Paul Dinette, Chene-
ville, Que., writes:—"I can recommend
Baby's Own Tablets to all mothers as I
have used there for air little one for
conitip11tion and diarrhoea and have
found them an excellent remedy."
The Tablets are. sold by medicine deal-
ers or by Mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
, , By 'RUTH GRANGE , ,
often it is a difficult matter to de-
cide othh:md as to what is "junk," and
what is worth saving.
Some housekeepers there are whose
lifelong 91181 it is never to throw
away anything They count it a virtue
h, save everything. Of course they
intend to give it to some worthy per-
son some day, but the chances are
that most of it will never be used aain
1".' 8il y.1113,
Other 11011sei.cepers make a plan al -
'Nay!: to discard everything that is
"shabby" or "out „f date." Things
:1815 have reseed their first era ,4 use-
fulness are relegated to the scrap !leap,
Before re•' i o tofany
Bei re t 1111 n n the fate\
n'tiele where \ethic is in question, ap-
ply these three felts:
t.Gwlueltfor a17„,t711r else.
2. Can anyone else find a practical
use for he
a, Will it cost anything to save it for 1
possible later use?
The answer to•the last 'question de-
pends on the' spate at your disposal.
1f ynu have a storage attic or cellar'f
where articles •will not be spoiled, it
may• pay to 'preserve theta. 1f you
live in a (lat,'it may -cost yob something
in rent to accotnnl tate et fewarticles
which are not paying anything for
their keep in the way -,of immediate
13ut if you decide that it really is
"junk" 'don't }list put it in the garbage
can or furnace,'' Mtich'tlhdt is "junk"
to us has some possible use in another
sphere' of life: lir 'thele days when
everything is'lieieg taken into account
and Made 16'serve'50018 purpose, it has
bectente-a patriotic ditty to see that our
discarded stuff-fs turned again into the
Useful chantiels of industry,
March, 1 91 7, ,proved itself an un-
usually popular month for March, but
Ia I(aiser Wilhelm
the Anti- 3hrist?
Famous Prophecy of Brother Johannes
Is Republished by Request From
The Advertiser of December
(London Advertiser)
The foilow'ng famous prophecy
which was printed in The Adver-
tiser in December, 1914, is repub-
lished today at the request of
many readers. It was first printed
after the war in the Figaro, Paris,
which vouched for the authenticity
of the claims published in support
of it. Close reading will prove that
since its publication many of its
clauses have been carried out,
The reference to the anti -Christ's
efforts to secure peace are especi-
ally timely. The prophecy toget-
her with the same introduction
printed in these columns in 1914,
is given below,
Is Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany the
Anti -Christ?
The name of God is continually on
his lips, but his appeal seems to be
not to God of Incarnation, but to the
tribal War God of the Prussians, "our
good German God, 18110 has helped us
so magnificently, our great ally,"
"The Italy Spirit," the kaiser is re-
ported to have said, in his proclamation
to his eastern army, "has descended on
me. Because 1 am the Emperor of the
Germans, I am the instrument of the
Most High. Woe and death to those
who do not believe in my mission; woe
and death to cowards, Let all enemies
of Germans perish, God demands their
It is an amazing fact that sages of
centuries ago prophesied the corning
of the Kaiser Anti -Christ.
(inc of these sages was Brother
Johannes, believed to have been a
French monk. who lived and wrote in
the sixteenth century, and whose writ-
ings have created a profound interest
throughout Europe,
Allegorically, France is represented
in this astounding 9reaiction, by a
cock, England by a leopard, Russia
by a white eagle, Germany by a black
52913, and Austria by ''the other eagle."
The authenticity of this amazing docu
'mist can scarcely be doubted. The Latin
original was found among the papers
of the late Adrien Peladan, author of a
work in three volumes on "Prophecies,"
and editor of :h reveiw name 'The
Angels of the Supernatural," by his
son, who had it translated into French
and publised in a recent issue of the
Figaro, Paris.
ti. Peladan (tit` son), ,h deep stu-
dent ].f all mater, appertainitea to
the.doav, fraud the. 111211 US,: ript in
Igoe, on the death of his father, .anon,
a mass of other papers dealin:; with the
hitt of prophetic vision. Although even
' startled by h:
at that time It was vhs
•''rdinvnt—'•'.1nea. of the r' 31085
drawn by Brother Je annex, he never
thought of it again until the entrance
of England into the presentstruggle
recalled to his mind the "leopard and
his claws" lie rediscovered the pro-
phecy, and the deseriptiou of that bat-
tling nations led him to tragelate it and
give to the world what readers must ad-
mit is one of the most startling dome
meats relating to the present war yet
Following is the full text of - the
1. Several times has one seemed he
recognize ]nim, because all the sla„ ers
of the Lamb resemble each other,
and all the wicked are the rreeursors
of the Great Wicked One
2. The veritable Anti -Christ will be
one of the monarchs of his time, a son
of Luther; he will invoke God and call
himself His messenger.
3. The prince of lies will swear by
the Bible; He will call himself the
Arm of the Most High, chastising cor-
rupted people.
4 He will only have one arm, but
his innumerable armies, who will take
as their motto "God is with us," will
seem like infernal legions,
everybody ,is glad to See it go—like 5. For a long while Ise will act by
a lion or 'a lamb; it mattered not so ruse and treason; his spies will spread
long as it went, all over the earth, and he will be the
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master of the secrets of those in power.
6. He will have theologians in his
pay to certify and prove his celestial
7. A war will furnish 11:m with the
reason for lifting the mask. It will
not be the one which he will make
against the French monarch, but
another which will be easily recog-
nized by the fact that in two weeks'
time it will have become universal.
8. It will call to arms :11 Christasis,
all Mahonhelais, an even other vey
1115111115 people. .Armies tail' be formed
;n the four parts of the world,
Christian Words—Fiendish Acts
9, for men's minds :will be opened by
An„ell, and in the third we3l they
will u:ldsrstand that this is the Anti -
Christ, and that they will all become
s'•.r es if they do not (ramie down anis
conquering one.
fu. The Anti -Christ will be recog-
nizable by several marks; he will
chiefly massacre priests, monks, women
:and children, and old people. Ile will
show no mercy; he will pass along
holdint a torch like the barbarians, but
invoking the name of Christ.
t 1, His false words will resemble
those of Christians, but his acts will
he those of Nero and the Romans per-
5830(rs; there will be an eagle in his
c,:at-r't-arms, and there will also be
one in that of his cl'nfederate, the
other wicked monarch.
12. But this one is a Christian, and
he will die cursed by the Pope 135818-
de:ewe wile will be elected at the
h::;inning of the reign of the Anti -
ta. Priests and Monks will 110 longer
be seen confessing and absolving the
0810)051, b:c:u15e for the first time
priests and monks will tight with the
ether citizens, and also 1,0cause, Pope
ucdist,1S having cursedrsed the A1
it will be proclaimed that all
tune who ivaee wet- against him will
he in a state of grace, and should they
die, will, like martyrs, go straight to
11. The Pope's "hull” proclaiming
these things will make 8 great sensa-
tion, and will cause the death of the
mmmarch. the Anti -Christ's ally.
1 5. in order to conquer the Anti -
Christ, more men must he killed than
Ronne has ever held. It will require
an effort from all lands, for the cock,
the leopard, and the white eagle would
not suffice to overcome the black eagle
if they were not helped by the prayers
;and devotion of all the human race,
16. Never before has humanity been
in such peril, for the triumph of the
Anti -Christ would be that of the
demon, in whom he is incarnated.
17. For it has been said that twenty
centuries after the incarnation of the
Word the Beast in kis turn would be
incarnated, and would threaten the
earth with as many evils as the Divine
Incarnation had brought it graces.
13, Near the year 2000 the Anil -
Christ will appear; his army 19111 sur-
pass in numbers anything heretofore
imagined: there will be Christians
amongst his hordes, and amongst the
defenders of the Lamb there will be
Mahonnedans and savage tribes.
19. For the first time the Lamb will
be' entirely red, in tine whole of the
Christian world, there will not be a
space that will not be red; and the
heavens, the earth, the water and
even the air will be red, for blood will
flow in the sphere of the four ele-
ments at the same time
20. The black eagle will throw itself
upon the cock, which will lose many
of its feathers, but will strike heroic-
ally with its spur it would be soon
annihilated were it not for the help of
the leopard and its claws.
21. The black eagle, which wilt come
from the land of Luther, \vitt surprise
the cock' by -another side, and will in -
hada one-half of the land of the cock.
22, The White eagle, which will come
from the north, will surprise the.black
eagle, and the outer eagle, and sVill
completely invade the lord of the
Anti -Christ 81'0111 One end to the other.
Rivers Crossed Over Corpses.
The. Black eagle wi11 Ise foreed, tm
leavetlte 808910 fight, the white eagle,
anti 'flee COO will pursue' the black'
:eagle ilito..the land 0f.11ie Anti=Christ tri
Belli' the ^tvllite'eagle. •
24. The'bettles waged then will be
small in comparsion to those that will
take place in, the land of Luther, be-
cause the seven angles will at the same
time pour fire from their burners on the
impious land (image taken from the.
Apocalypse), which means that the
Lamb will order the extermination of
the Anti -Christ's race,
25. When the Beast sees he is lost he
Will become furious; during months the
beak of the white eagle, the claws of
the leopard, and tate spurs of the cock
must harass hien.
26 Rivers will be crossed over mass=
es of dead bodies, which in some places
will change the course of the waters.
Only great noblemen, superior oflicers
and princes will receive burial, for to
the carnage caused by firearms will be
added those who famished by famine
and plague.
27. The Anti -Christ will several times
ask for peace, but the seven angles who
precede the three animals, defenders of
the Lamb, have declared that victory
shell ratty be accorded on the condition
that the Anti -Christ be crushed, like
straw on the threshing floor,
25. Executors of the Lau l+'s justice,
these three animals cannot stop light-
ing as long as any soldiers remain to the
And -Christ.
29. The reason the sentence of the
Lamb is so impracable is that the
Anti -Christ has pretended to be a
Christian, and to be acting in His
Nance, se that if he did not perish the
fruit of the redemption would be lost,
and the gates of hell world prevail a-
gainst the Saviour.
Predicts Era of Peace.
30, 1t will be seen that it is not a
human combat which will be waged
where the Anti -Christ forges his arms.
The three animals, defenders of the
Lamb, will exterminate the Anti -
Christ's last army, but the battlefield
will become as an altar of sacrifice,
larger than the greatest of cities, and
the corpses will have changed its shape
by raising in it chains of mounds.
3 t, The Anti -Christ will lose his
crown and will be demented and alone.
His empire will be divided into 22
stales. but none will have either a
royal house, an army, or vessels.
32. The white eagle, by Micheal's
order, will drive the Cresent from
Europe, where only Christians will re-
main; it will Occup Constantinople.
33. Then an era of peace and pros-
perity will commence for all the uni-
verse, 111111 there will be no more war,
each nation being governed according
to its wish and living in justice.
31f. There will be no more Lutherans
or Schismatics. The Lamb will reign,
Bund joys of humanity will continence.
Happy they who, escaping from the
taste of its fruits, which will be the
seigu of the Eternal Spirit and the
Sanctfflc:ufon of humanity, only to be
achieved be the defeat of the Anti -
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ger To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario.
th.,ee J d 'lens is yea
GG and poultry,prices, the like of which have seldom
or never been experienced, certainly make it worth
anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so
you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same
, time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that
you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada
and the Allies achieve victory this year.
Inclrased production of food helps not only to lower
the high cost of living, but it Yelps to increase the
urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export:
It saves money otherwise spent for eggs and poultry'
at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose;
effort is needed for more vital war work.
The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give
every possible assistance by affording information about
poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how
to keep hens (address below),
"A vegetable garden
• for every home"
Nothing should be overlooked in 11172 vital year of the
war. The Department earnestly invites everyone to help
increase production by growing vegetables. Even the
smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro-
duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is
not essential.
On request the Department of Agriculture will send
valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete diree-
'tians for preparing soil, planting, cult:Nation, etc. A plan
of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow,
best varieties and their at'rangelhent in the garden, Will
be sent free to any address.
Address letters to'"Vegetable Cninllaign,"
Department of Agriculttlie, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto
Ontario Department of Agriculture
: 'tier. H, Hearst, Mhsiete of Agriculture
•• Pas-Iiametst }3ttiltlings Toronto 11