HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-04-05, Page 81
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THE .Ol11NTO14,. NEW ERA, • ...A
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gxams in Progress, Special Music,
The Easter exams finish up today at dwht w"
the Collegiate bet the results will not thatliy itisreaChurcingelsehes oerere iIxnviugillbe speeiseenitl
• be published until after the Easter holt. MUSIC for luster Sunday.,
Easter Tea.
S The .Y.L,P.A,.will hold a special Pat-
riotie 10 cent Tea at the home of Mrs.
W, T. O'Neil,on Wednesday, April 19th
from 3 to 7 p, in.
Customs Collections,
For the year ending March 31, 1947
April 1, '16 to Mar. 30, '17.845756.19
April 1, '15 to Mar. 31, '16, 27725,55
NEVI I hi Il.dll IQ
tpideQZPe 1
1 1111E11
Yourliew Sprip# Suit,
will look better, wear better and be more satis-
factory if it is made of Priesileys'qDress Goods.
tqf Discriminating women the world over for years have
beenasking and insisting upon Priestleys' -- the Dress
Goods of Fashion—They know that-Priestley's on the
selvedge is theirguarantee of quality in material and color,
this year come in a variety of fabrics and color.
Among tbe most popular clothe are Salisbury Serge,
Mohair Serge, Wool San Toy, Wool Sebastopol, etc.
From the large showing we have you will have no
difficulty in chcsosing a cloth and a color that will be
entirely appropriate for your new spring suit.
We would advise an early visit while our lines are
still complete, To come too late means disappointment.
Leak for Me name on Me selvedge.
Dry Goods and
Houde Furnishings
Phone 67.
Nast to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring
Men's ,Furnishings,
Phone 103.
OppositloPubl icLibrary
To obtain your Supplies in Grocery Lines at Prices we.cannot repeat—by
purchasing some of these tines you can Save Money.
Our specials offered below are some we offer and more will be had at aur
store, Watch our Window.
Tea is one of the Best Buys, and we have some good Blends and are going to
offer to you for Show Day only.
Our Black, We Recommend JAPAN TEAS
Reg. 40c perib Show Day..5 for $1.75 Reg. 30c per Ib, Show Day. .5 for$1.25
Reg. 50c per tb, Show Day..5 for $2,25 Reg. 40c pertb Show Day ..5 for $1.75
.Reg. hoc pertb Show Day..5 for $2.50 Reg. 50c per tb Show Day..5 for $2.00
5 lbs to each CustomerSupplies are Limited so ComeEarly
7 bars of Pure Soap for .25c 3 lbs of"Laundry 'Starch for.... .25c
Other Specials we will Announce in our Windows on Show Day.
4J O H
Phone 111
Patriot Ni
There will be no sheeting of the W.
P. S. on Good Friday, but on Friday, '
April 13th there will be the monthly
business meeting and tea combined.
The tea will be given by the ladies
whose names begin with "M". Conte
and spend a profitable and social hour
svitln us. Everybody is made welcome
•snenlber or'otherwise.
Piano Company Reorganizes.
The Doherty Piano Company, Ltd.,
of Clinton has been reorganized and the
#few company will be known as Doherty
Pianos, Limited. The reorganization
' Dr. Gandier wishes to announce that
he is moving his office from the old
location on Ontario Street, to the pro-
perty on Victoria SL, two doors South
of the Rattelbury I•lotel, formerly
known as the "Whitehead Place," He
will be in his net4 office on Wednesday,
March 28th,
meeting took place here Monday and
the officers appointed are:—W. Jack-
son, Clinton, president; H. R. Sharp,
Clinton, vice-president; C. H. Ivey, Lon-
don, secretary, and the sane three
gentlemen are the directors. Under
the new management the business will
be confined to wholesale, whereas, the
old company were both wholesale and
retail, with several retail branches in
the west, which have now been discon-
tinued. The company has been doing
a very extensive business and during
the last year has been working overtime
but even then were unable to fill the
large number of orders Bright pros-
pects are before the Doherty Pianos,
Limited and Clinton is proud of the
institution which has been the back-
bone of the town for more than a quar-
ter of a century.
Orn •
Four 1: '190
Light $1 t.80
Six s�3
Prices Effective April lst
Light Fours
Touring . . $973
Roadster . . 5930
Country Club . $uro
Big Pours
Touring .
Coupe .
Sedan . .
Light Sixes
Touring .
Roadster .
Corrpc . .
Sedan .
Touring . . $good
Four '1'o ',,g Paso
Pour Coupe , 523rD
Four Sedan , 52730
POW Limoluine 52730
Elea Touring $2730
. ?nee
. $0730
. $r38o
. 5:360
. $0940
Advance in 'rice, Big
Four and Light Six mod-
.fs', May rsf, next--de-
ferrcd until that date ae-
count loo tate to comet
advertisements (Wearing
in lnagaeines circulating
throughout the month of
Ail prices /, o. b. Toronto
Subject to change without notice
Office Hours
1,30 to 3.30 P. M.
7.30 to 9 P, M.
Sundays 12.30 to 1,30 -
-Other hours by appointment only.
Wm. Mustard and wife who spent the
winter in Detroit have returned to their
hone for the summer.
Rev. Mr, Richard has returned from
his vacation but will not yet take his
services for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Spackmen entertained
their many friends on Wednesday last.
At the recent target practice of the
Guards the Rev, MacFarlane and Dr.
Woods made high scare on tie at 159
points , L. Thomson came next and
Banker McGee 4th, the two former con-
tested the tie after the rounds were
fired when the Rev. MacFarlane made
highest score.
H often pays to stop and think.
—0 --
Clean seed means increased crop
and cash,
—0 ---
The Allies are making the grade. It
may be slow but it is sure.
0 ---
Allah's reign has received a bad jolt.
More power to the jolters.
. he Investment
Buying automobiles is very like
buying investment securities.
You consider . •
--the relation of price to
—The security or integrity of
—the return.
When you consider the relation
of price to value, the Overland
Sig Fours and Light Sixes
conspicuously stand out as
more automobile for the
money than can be had in
any other cars of similar
As to security -the Willys-Over-
land industry, — firmly in -
trenched, --with more than
sixty-eight million of assets,
—with more than four thou-
sand successful dealers and
branches, is squarely back of
the integrity of value in these
cars throughout the Whole
period of their use in your
As to return—the. return these
cars give you in Service.
Their economy of operation
and rugged reliability are
established by over three
hundred thousand in use.
Value! Security!! Return a!
Until May lst, Big Fours $11901
Light Sixes $1380, while we
have them to deliver --there-
after $1250 and $1435.
.Gr .h ri ON.
rc�Att6Ma1U r
t i! i� r t. i
i•'..1, .Y. cw�i R,,�1
. ., 4ti`• Y• 1
y1r Al .t
Willys„ Overlrtncl, Limited
TIead Office and Worlcs, West Toronto, Canada
Increase 1 8030.64
Playing at Toronto This Week,
The Brown Brothers with their
Clown Band are playing at tbe Grand
Theatre this week at Toronto. The
leading Brown—is Tommy Brown, who
was formerly a Clinton old Boy— and
couple of his brothers are with hint. •
What We May Expect,
Straw hats.
Early onions.
Maple syrup.
Spring birds.
Lawn Bowling.
Enlists in Battery,
Henry J. Fleuty, eldest son of Mr.
W. J. Fleuty, Editor of the Oakville
Record, has enlisted with the 70th
Field Battery of Toronto. The young
soldier has just reached his 13th birth -
da). Gunner Fleuty is a native of
Clinton, having been born here when
his father was foreman in the NeWs-
Record office,
Entrance Examinations.
Examinations for entrance to the Col-
legiate Institutes will take place from
June the 15 to 22, inclusive. For the
junior high school entrance the first
examination will take place on June 2.
The morning subject will be composi-
tion and the afternoon spelling. In the
morning of June the 21 there will be
arithmetic with literature in the after-
noon. For the concluding day English
and writing will be in the morning and
geography in the afternoon.
Time For Gossip. -
1 laugh to myself when 1 read in the
different papers about the sarcity of lab
or for working vacant lots, etc. Why 1
was counting up and in this town alone
there are 16 so-called gossip clubs,
where retired farmers, capitalists easy
living men, etc., all able-bodied men,
sleet nearly daily to discuss war matt-
ers, etc. Every day you can see three
or four men assembled at these places
yes and sometimes seven or eight, and
they cry about sarcity of labor for
working vacant land.—Mount Forest
Minor Locals.
Now for a Spring clean up.
Spriig Show today.
Several from here attended Sea-
f+:r'h'sf 'n t)g Chow on Tuesday
Cotsncil if et on Mou•iay.
Dort fail tr, see Battle Cry (Yr P ace'
in the gown Hall today. There are 9
reels shown in the production.
Good Friday and Easter Monday will
be Bank holidays.
Clean up and get ready for the
Sanitary Inspector's call.
Maple Syrup. Yunnl Yunll
l'isllay of this weak is C'-od Friday
and consequently a public holiday when
business places will be closed.
Postofficer hours on Good Friday will
be from 9,30 to 10.30 a. nh. and frons
3 to 4 p.m.
Get your lawn mower loosened up
as the time of its service draweth on.
The Baster traffic will not be extra
heavy owing to the fact that their are
no cheap rates.
Hot Cross Buns tomorrow.
Mitchell has made plans for a 24111 of
May celebration.
Council met on Monday evening.
Just received a car of Corn also a car
of Western Oats,
Orders are being rapidly filed for
Corn and Oats and it will pay any one
needing same to get our prices before
buying elsewhere.
l ask buying• Flour a k your Dealer
for "North Star," "Maple Leaf" or
"Snow Flake" Brands, do not let your
dealer sell you any other brands till
you try out the above, when once used
always used.
A Share of the pubiic Patronage
We Wonder.
Sometimes WO wonder whether the
:G.'I',R. or the Deutschland has the more
variable schedule,
The New Era Wont be
Surprised to see;—
A lively automobile Season,
Setting hens at al premium.
Evidences of Spring gardening,
Sanitary Inspector Wheatley busy.
The hoe displace the snow shovel.
Clinton deserve the name of beauti-
Minor Locals.
Horse Fair to -day,
House cleaning C011105 11e55,
Among the nosy things that drug-
gists are not allowed to sell on Sunday
are postage stamps. People should
buy their stamps on Saturday, or, if
they neglect doing so, should wait un-
til Monday.
Expect Reduction
Tine expectation amongst the coal
merchants is is that there will be a re-
duction in the price of coal during the
coiling month. It is proable
that the reduction would be from 50 to
75 cents a ton, This news of a reduct-
ion will be hailed with joy by hundreds
of householders, and it is safe to pre-
dict that the local tirnis will be the
biggest summer's business in their his-
tory as people will not let themselves
be caught with empty bins next winter
if the placing of early orders can pre-
Chance for Lieutenants.
'there are in Canada many lieuten-
ants who are qualified and awaiting ap-
pointments in the C.E.F., who have no
chance of going overseas unless they
are either seconded or resign their cons -
mission. If they select to enlist they
will not to serve 'with units in Canada,
but will be collected at convenient cen-
tres and sent to England as special
drafts, as soon 35 troopships are avail-
able. On their arrival in England ar-
rangements will be made to post them
to any unit they prefer. No more aim -
missions will be granted for the C.E.F.
in Canada.
Cut Down Officers.
A schedule issued by the department
at Ottawa lays down the proportion of
officers that can accompany men going
overseas. For every 250 men short of
1000 available in a unit going aboard,
there is dropped the number of officers
utilized in one company of soldiers. If
the unit is less than 600 strong. then, in
addition it losses its second in com-
mand and the paymaster. l'nr Son men,
17 officers are allowed, and for less
number of officers are allowed,. When
battalions are only one company hi
( strength, it will take abroad officer of
! field rank. All units under 80u strong
Call have a conducting tiilictr, tt9iich
will mean, probably, that battalions in
i this district far below strentfh will be
taken overseas by its commanding offi-
cer. i-
The New Car-•egie Annex Opened.
The new c' negie Annex of the Clin-
ton Public .Drat.), is now being fully
appreciated by the multitudes of local
readers, as the splendid large stack
ronin with its twelve hundred square
feet and nearly eight thousand volumes
was last week thrown open to the
public. The live thousand dollar grant
which was secured from Mr. Carnegie
through the medium of the , Clinton
Board of Trade has been spent in the
erection of a roomy annex, and the
Library Board decided that as far ars
possible they would re -organize the
Library throughout and adopt the most
modern methods in an effort to make
the Library "up-to-date," in every way.
The Dewey Decimal Systems of catalog -
tieing and indexing has been used, also
the Newark System of changing, both
of which are considered the best avail-
able. A department not generally em-
phasized in small libaries is the Child-
ren's Department, but in the Clinton
Library special attention has been given
to this and twelve hundred volumes of
books specially suitable for children
have been placed in a large bright room
at the disposal of the children. The in-
teriorof tine old Library has been re -
papered, painted and furnished in har-
mony with the new part and a splendid
new systems of lighting introduced, also
a drinking fountain and lavatory has
been installed. While the circulation
of this library has averaged for a num-
ber of years eighteen thousand volumes,
and in 1915 went as high as ninteen
thousand, and which is about twice the
libraries 1
in s
1 'o
circa alt nt most
of this size, it is expected that because
of the increased accomodation tate cir-
culations will be still further increased.
Visitors and others interested in librar-
ies claim that the Clinton library is
one of the most up-to-date in the Prov-
ince, and is not excelled by any town of
its size. Much of the credit for the sue•
cess of this institution must be given to
the indefatigable President, Mr. W.
Bryd,me, Who has given an immense
amount of time and thought in the
creating of the library and in the com-
pletion of the new building, as well as
the librarian, Miss M, Rudd, who has
been most thorough In her work of re-
arranging the several thousand volumes,
Tllr.irsday, Ap i
h, '1'947,
Ls ere I
.„Get your Wall Decorating doneitnc1 it will
he a -good advancement. We hale in Wali
Paper the variety and range of selection which
we hope will satisfy your taste. We can surely
assert with safety that in our numerous patterns
so varied in design, colouring and -character,
you will conveniently find that which will pro-
vide for any ordinary demand'.
The Wo oFair el
Often the cheapest -_A ways the Best
If your nerves need nourishment and your system
calls for new strength, nothing will help you quick-
er than
4 / This nerve tonic con-
sists of the most high
ly recommended nerve foods, such as potassium,
calcium and magnesium phosphates, quinine-hydro-
cliloude and iron -vitro -phosphate. The exact for-
mula is on the label for your protection. Won't you
at least give it a chance to convince you of its
merits? Weare selling it continually to our most
discriminating patrons and they indorse it highly.
We have had an opportunity to see just what
Penslar Dynamic Tonic can do for those whose
nerves are run down, ,and we recommend it very
highly, Penslar Dynamic Tonic comes in two
sizes 75c and $1.50..
Jo E, 1-101/
The Features D
o -•
To which we invite special attend(
are its beauty, its assured comfort,
solid eoustruction, and its below t
usual priers. Any nue of these coin
would be sufficient to 5100 it yo
preference. When they ars all co
bfned we feel sure you will testi
that this is a furniture buying oppt
tunity yon cannot afford to ignore,
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 24.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
tH-fl f gs
Work a
I This earner Grocery
"Live and Let Live"
Special Price for April 5th, 191
Teas are good buying as We all rut
they are advancing:
65c value, Black or Mixed 40
45e value, Black or Mixed 35
40c value Japan Tea .35
•30c value Japan Tea 25
—Not more than 5 Ib s to Customer.
1 6c Rice for .5c
—Not more than 51,00 worth to on
Ali Kilda l Customer.
' 13 tbs for $1.00
Leave your order now before prices Speual SOAP priceson SPShow 1 A Lhundred
21 cakes, Sunlight, Surprise, Vic-
, tore, Gold and Naptha for$1.00,
16 cakes Comfort, Cosmos or
Electric Soap for .25e
i 1 large bar N. P. Soap - 152
numbing and Heating i E. E. 1iunnfo d
Shop—over Rowland's Hardware
. +
. ..,,
if the Boy is hard on his Shoes, bring Him here!
We've had shoes built to stand the abuse the average
Boy gives his shoes.
Parents who test our Boys' Shoes, find it requires less
money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when they,
buy the shoes we sell!
Gtm Metal, Box Calf and Uris Leathers. Inisde and oat.
side stays to prevent ripping. Said, durable Shoe*, hut
not 'clumsy .... $1.50; $2.00; $2.50 to $3,$0.
according to size.
b+t*t .'1.gli1*it, 1