HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-04-05, Page 6Page Three THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, Aplil Salt 1917,. STRATFORD. ONT.. Ontario's Best Business College Students may enter aur classes at any time. Commence your course now and be qualified for a Position by midsummer, During July and August of last year we received calls for over 200 office assistants we could not supply. Our graduates "are in demand, Write of once for, our free catalogue. ID, A. ;Il1c141teltlan. Principal, THE BRITISHC MPIRE -- CALLS FOR -More Eggs and Poultry It is therefore our duty to increase redaction in these lines, and prices promise to be exceedingly high for all poultry products during this present year. Our incubators are giving the best satisfaction and why not buy one and pay for it in poultry next fall? Fat Hens Wanted at 18c per Our waggons will call for your eggs as usual during the stunner months, paying top prices in cash or orders given on the town stores. G ll—Laois & Co., 'ANC' 8a The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch 11`1 tone 19O .oeeseetnefeA.A.Amt al Gal See and here our finest r' New designsSt)1lsh of Doherty Pianos and Organs, Cases Pianos and organs rent • ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods, special values ill Art. Co Hoare Plumbing Heating r �znsmithing , Repairs promptly at- tended to. A number of Second Hanel il4eaters in good repair. YStitt; 4 q am & �. ttCr Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. C 'lY t,' arnetevvWvvvvwtiwv+0vvVwnrw Better Pay The ]Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewels*. Far better to pay a fair puce and know exactly What von aro getting, You will never be sort'y-for its a 'natter of money, it is easily the most economical, ',Melbas been said an often that everybody by this time ehonld know it -send yet there is no scarcity of cheep jewelry itt the land Now to get personal --IP you would like to miss chat snrt,altogethoe- OUMIa 111411,111 If you would like to hey where nothing but high n�r�ealittes ere dealt in -001411e HERE And even at thea, no person ever Bald our prices were unfair Age Re user jeweler a.101 dti clate, /,ssncr" of Marriage Licenses W, ;C1RDratOfV 1. 1341111ISPER I30?U)ITOR NOTARY KIS [,10, ETC nnilfPON 4HARY.EL'i• 43, H*l.B Pionne) atloe, Notary i?ublltt, Vornntlssionee, ate. Rll4It 101iTA:i'E AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Heron St., Olinlon, H. T. RANOE Notary Pointe, Uenveyanoer, Pinnucial and Real Estate [NM RAN.= AGENT --Representing severe rt, impute) Companies, Division Court Ounce. Piano Tuaing Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-: pre- pared the public thath o is p i no tuning, pared to do fine pea g, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at `V, Doherty's phone 61,: will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, k C. Barrister, Solicitor! Conveyancer, late Unice on Albert Street, occupied ey Mr. liooper, In Clinton on every Thert+lay, and on env day for which appointments arernade, Cance hours from it it. M. 1:0 ti p M. A. good vault in connection with the office. Office open every e eetc day, M 1. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Oarntron. 1VT.ediLai. • OR `:. '1(R'. '1' IIOIHPPSQ? I Pln•eloinn, Burgeon. Etc snots! attention given to,1letetsaa of the Dye, Ear. Throat, and Noss, Eyes ofnlly ,, i tsm•iboad, odand suitable Biasses nra. 00:o and Residence, Two doors west of 010 91 mrnerclal Elute Huron et, eats+ d'Dla'at ar5,Gt?AA&lt3' Dr. W. Qum., L. ft. 9', P.. L. le, 91. a.. kilt 1)r, nuun's canoe at residence" high Street 0r .1 11.4:a,uncr. l:..t, 51,8, „-•.o..(,uteri° 54re-t, Clinton. blest mal" at reaidonao, R.attettb^r P,. or AI 110.nit:ut R. AXON DENTIAT Crown nod Delano IA on/ n anceiahty., Graduate of Mecca, and 1,,0,D,5 Toren tn. naserent. ou \londnrs, May 1st ie t► iiC'A'(re ii . ViDVt'Heat B,, se63RT'fil��r'. Offices over O'IEIIL'E store, Pci a a al are takers to make donlel ire,' mem pa palDle88 69 p0a,sihl9. THOMAS GUNDR'Y Live etoek and general Auction tee GODERIOH ONT hath at°7,r salol 0 sppanrr.t31• Otaeta .r , NR1r ERA etnoe, Clinton, orum' 1.,5 oaten° _to. o. Tering reasonable. harmers ease . no' eieonuntedi Drs. Geo, c& H. E, Whitley Hellmann Osteopathic Pity. Specialists to Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders. Rye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbuty Rotel. Tuesday and Friday. 7 to IA g,11;1 G. D. 111u'laggarc el. D. dlo'1'aggu. ineTaggert Bros. TillPt110E1 S ALBERT ST , CL'INT(.». treyoral Sanking Buetaeatt transacted ,.VOTE@ DISCOUNTED Drafts tweed, Interest snowed n aepoalte The McKillop Munn& Pure Insurance Ce. Perm end Isolat.ed Town Prop. 'f erty Only Insured. Dhuu1 011icc-Seaforth, Out Officers J. Connolly, Godericil, President; Jas, Evans, 13eechwood, Vice -President; Thos, E. Bays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward 1•linchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville.; J. W. deo, Goderich;, R. G. Jarnnith, Brodhagen. Directors Wln. Rittn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; James Evens, Beech- wood M. McTi an Clintor • Jetties oma if od r'McGregor, G n y, tch G de D P. No. 3 Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, flarlock; Geo. McCertne, 140. 3, Seaforth J A Carload or Canada CCilietti Phone us tlDF prices (t win play ,you !kid u sten LONDESBORO FORD at lieL iOi) We're law Selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Al(alta, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand .-Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corti Rtgheet Market Pritgea paid for My ated all Grains. lotEOP 11 The Sp • 1 fug in her ears, and the general's face• Away, She tried to eaten his ,'4ltswer, Soldiers on, fife Battlefield. but the effort was beyond leer, Sile � had fainted in earnest, V "There is no gteatoratriot-••not even the soldier on the bettielleld-titan the ratan who battles With the stubborn soil and makes it yield for the support of the nations," We slave in Canada a power of dominion in our resources that will make the power that comes with atrateg,, brute foreo and armament, iusignifioartt. If we know what we have and use it wisely, we will make :others dependent upon ua. The stomach is the center of the body from which radiates our vitality, strenu- osity, our lighting strength, A healthy stomach turns tate food we oat into nour- ishment for the blood stream and the nerves. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical] Dlecoyery refreshes and tones up the stomach walls, Removes the poisonous gases from the system. • The r ou start to take this 1 e fl st da y Y reliable medicine' impure germs and accu- mulations begin to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the liver, bowels and kidneys. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Die covery to -day from •any mcdieine dealer; it is a powerful blood purifier and tonic. Depend upon this grand remedy to give you the kind of blood that makes the akin clear, tho mind alert, the vision keener and puts ambition and energy into the entire body. Contains neither alcohol nor nar- cotics. Its ingredients are made public and printed on wrapper. It's a pure alterative extract merle with glycerine from native roots and herbs. Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form, or send 50 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial box of tablets, Send fifty cents (or stamps) to pay for Wrapping and mailing a copy of the Common Sense Medical Advisor, in cloth lending, 1008 pages, with color plates. IIIIII l 1111llllIll111111 d 1111 lll!11118iaillClltll ill!!I duff iii!Iii111111ll9iVl!I'i;IGl91111!Ilt OUR NEW SERIAL STORY THE TRUE LOVE OF AARON BURR by Louise Kennedy ALabie IMillalldhi lid,. .diliiii�l,i au �ill�li I!='Ilii fill] 'i'!i;IllliiJ!tcl (Continued from lass week) sir." [ler voice sank, and her lip quiv- ered like a child's. The good mans eyes Softened to 1 pretty woman in distress. "'Twas only yesterday that 1 became convinced of the truth about Colonel Burr," site. went on, with a sigh. ,"We were walking k tugother without the town -I know it was wrong sir, but the 111111 laid a spell upon me --when sud- denly he declared his love for me in boldest terms d urged auk u r me to fly with g hint. i demurred, shocked at Isis vio- lence; but he was beside himself, and spoke words which, as 1 believe in my soul, Ile did not know he uttered" "What said 11e?" " Let us leave the poor rebels behind us. 1 have good friends on the other side who are treating with IOC con- stantly. Once in New Yerk, 1 can aid then[ openly by my knowledge of American pians. These beggars will have their little day and be crushed, and we shall be 011 the winning side. Let us run away to wealth and love and free- dom." Thus he whispered to Inc, sir, so taken with the strength of his pleading as not to notice my face of white horror, His conceit believed the a willing lis- tener and an eager light -o' -love," Her voice was laden with scorn. She was watching the general's face like a hawk, and saw it grow more'wearily lined before her eyes. The drooping pose of his figure, the averted head, the lingers moving nervously upon the ares of Isis chair -these told that she had made 511 impression. Truly, her voice had been tire and passim[ itself, and her temperament was a dramatic one. Al- most site believed her own story. Tise general was speaking. "What did you answer hies?" "Oh, sir, my.fright and shame were such, I gave no definite answer. 1 hesi- tateT+ and fir ally put him offforn week, sorely against his will. My soul was filled with loathing of such a traitor, and, yet my heart spoke for isinm. I am but a woman, and weak." "H'ntan," pondered the general. "It appears that madam has a strangely well regulated headpiece upon her shoulders -warranted to work under the most trying conditions P' "1 was tortured to know what to do, sir; whether it were my duty to g`ve hies up or to take the easy course and say nothing. He left the same day to meet other officers ata conference. You know of flus . ? „ • Washington nodded, and his hand reached for a asap. t•Iis eyes were faxed e )On hers, . 1. "I determined to coupe at once to the highest and most just. 1 have rid- den for the best .part Of two. days to corse to you, sir, and anis weary unto death.", She sank into n (hair, looking spent and white. "And you reason forithls ride and Interview?" put the general 5larply, "My zeal for our cause 'JS my only reason, your excellency." `She spoke with a simple dignity.; "I hojse I have proven'myself n true pallet, though any heart is torn asunder in doing The great point passed, reaction, was cooling, and she hall overdone ' her strength, Washington - poured water' into a glass and cause towards liar, She saw doubt in. his eyes, and determined• to be hold, "i know it is my bare word," she -said faintly, "but in such. a great cause- send for shim, and confront Min with.usy talel Make .him answer you 'Yes" or 'No,' and L shell- not have come in vain." Whereupon there came a wild ring. Ciecies Cotton Root CoBopoi is ,. A safe, relivable m'e(1ilealia6 tact/tante, te, Sold ,n free CB0, 1451 140 5, ec b° t' 1 Bold by nit druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt al rice Prot, pamphlet, . Address:` 'ran coot( MeblCt1lk co„I 7000117%.011t. (Marsh, tangs ,) , eiteierie MPSI CLAYTON'S LETTER Run -now, Norf.= Women laouisvillo, fta'.� "I was 0 nerardus 'yrrolc, 411111 in a Weak, r'ln•duwn COM (Mien When a Plena aeked etc to try \ iuol, I' disk so, end as a result I have Il was ate 1n the .evening of the samegioIi ed1,',„,1,1„”'0,1:,"i tth smeltetef1i1gtl hu tnr ttcl blitic day, 'ow clerk comities hind been drawn flet a 'tak, n- cleave syn add the candles 'brightened the glbofit and fur elelen)y copp1e.ru'L Mrs. 1Yaito, U, about the writing table. The cow- •OLerr051, Loulevalle,'i mander-in--chief sat in bis •Itecustalned lritml, whielr Conning beef inti cod chair, his hand robbing his forehead livor peptones, iron nod antingunesn wearily.A )pass, of unfinished 1101rto lu'tll and g'lyeerophos tl sten, papers , as g'ttaramteed to overcome till ruu- awaited him, bat his thoughts were not down, weals, clevitaliuul cw'tditfons, fur them, J, 15 Bovey, druggist, C1inlpn, '!f they have made cud time, theyAlso at the best druggists in all y 1 ` g ' Ontaa'lo towns, should bo Isere shorl'ly,l ran through his Mind. It was ;1 necessity to get at the root chine ,and Georgette; of this matter >vith all possible speed, That an exhibition of furniture from Ile had small hope of an honest out- the London houses of the Duke •1 croe. To his mind, the case o s n' d a e of Burr h' n Impartial arti a looked dark at the outset. t p gl . s was the general's mind, ills opinion of Burr was, surd hack always been, rt lowly one. Like, fire and tow were, these two risen, whenever they met, The one was known to be prone to recklessness, prodigal with money, gaily gallant to- wards woolen. He represented every- thing that Washington did not. There could be no sympathy between them. The tale, alas, was probable enough to one who knew the colonel, and 'vilo liked hint little. - "His bravery -perhaps a mere ,nat- ter of foolhardiness," argued the gen- eral as he waited. "What more attrac- tive place for a man of his wild life than the British army? We Colonials can hold forth few inducements -poverty, work, death, are our wages. And the woman! A heroine or not? A true daughter of the Revolution or not? 1 wonder " Continued next Week. Pli 1 r nlla DR, C'rf0V'S ikiObz`>` UAY ciP,IftlE SYRUP C81lf7ED §.11 Ms, ncu- o i an earl • symptom of Acugh s ypneu- monia. It is at fit frequent and hacking, r,nd is accompanied with a little• tough, colorless expectoration, which soon, however, becomes more copious r the lungs be- come of a rusty •red colo t nd 3 bronchial toes congested and the b filled. with phlegm making it hard for the sufferer to breathe. Males are more com- monly attacked than females, and a previous attack seems to give a special liability to another. On the first sign of a cold or cough you should get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup and thus prevent the cold from developing into some serious lung trouble. Mrs. 33. Charles, North Toronto, Ont., writes: l"Two years ago my husband had a very bad attack of pneumonia, and the doctors said hewas getting consumption. A friend came in to see me and told me to get Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I got three bottles, and they seemed to quite clear his chest of the phtcgnt, and now he is fine and well. I shall never be without it in the house as it is a very valuable medicines', Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark ; price '25c. and 50e, The genuine is manufactured only by Tnn T. 1M ILnURN Co., LISirTIED, Toronto, Ont. ONE MILLION TONS, TOLL OF PIRATES SINCE FEBRUARY 5 Destruction Since War Regan Totals 5,500,000 Tons. London, March 30 -The figures for British stripping losses from submarines end mines in the first eighteen days of December, Janu- ary, February and March, were given as follows today in the ' House of Commons by Thomas J. MacNamara, financial secretary to the Admiralty: December 30; Janu- ery,6; February, 66; March, 55. New York, March 30. -The Associat- ed Press says: - Germany's destruction of merchant ships t 1i during ria two months of unre- stricted stricted submarine warfare has amount- ed to more than 1,000,000 tons or more than one-fifib as grent as the total losies duringthe previous thirty months of warfare, aeco'ding to figures published here today, The destruction of entente 1111c1 neutral vessels of this class since the war started totals ap- prortmately 5,500,000 tons, it is indl- cnted by this summary. 1t shows that during the present 01011111 at least twenty-seven skips of more than 5,000 tons each, are known to have been lost, Including two American vessels. --- DO YOU KNOW? That there is a lovely new shade maned heart -of -rose. That a corps of woolen now drill every, Monday at one of BoSten's ar- llto111ee,. That slip-ons and skirts made to go 'with them are made of mustard - colored linen. That short suede jackets are being made to wear with jersey dresses. Tisat crocheted hats in everything from angora wool to cotton novelty brand are the latest vogue in sports hats. That a Woman rate collector has ap- peared in support of sun)luonses at Hendon, Middlesex. fashioned color, ale That thec old fashlc o , P great is a favorite at the oro- n151ltfol' ell blouses of silk, crepe de uccleu 1 the Duke ofDevonshire, B c D e tr alai the Duke of Westininister, which have been devoted to war work, has been opened at the Victoria and Aibert Museum. A RICH ONE, THIS; Tinder the heading of "Contrasts,” a lvriter in One of the Toronto dailies, igning Irrself "One.lndignaet woman," pertinently remarks: "Have you Space en your page for a brief study in contrasts that should make us as WORM/ do a little plain thinking?" " Item from„the cost of furnishing Government 1 -louse: Four rugs, 54,904; and the women of Ontario are asked to boil potatoes in their skins to save waste, , "Item: -Six pairs of curtains, 51,365 and we are asked to make cake with one egg instead of two for the sake of thrift. "[tent -One cabinet 5700, But let the women af,the country do with last ye u•'s hats trimmed tilm tihe money may be used for patriotic work. Surely comment Is not needed. THE OILI) CARDN'ER People who buy Easterlilies make 1 mistake in throwing them away after the flowers have faded, 1f the foliage is allowed to ripen naturally and the bulbs are planted in the garden when warm weather comes mere flowers will often be.procluced out of doors, 'these lilies have been known to bloom bea titi- fully in summer even In the tittle back i ,;\ ;eel of a city tenement. -OS-- The I1 seeds d ofthe new Cardinal Climber should be started indoors 11000, one to a pot, and in the open ground in a s 1'Y place in thee open ground when danger of frost has passed. This is one of the brightest, showiest climb- ers (hat can be grown, and when 111 full bloom is sure to win the admiration of the neighborhood. Many persons are planning to plant Jerusalem artichokes this year because seed potatoes are scarce and high, These artichokes contain about the same actual 11111011111 of nutriment as potatoes, although the average man does not like their flavor so well, They can be boiled or pickled or used as a salad, and they are much easier to grow than potatoes. The Old Gardener i5 not recommending artichokes as a sub- ! stitue for potatoes, but merely stating a fact about their growing popularity. It pays to make a careful test of all seed purchased this season, fdr much poor seed is on the market. The test is easily made by placing a few seeds of each variety between snail sheets of blotting paper in a plate, the bluottng paper being kept moist and in a warm corner. You can judge the quality of the seed by the number 0111411 sprout. 111...1masa nsan Chea € r, �-^•.....' J z. DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON art e«,sv ..eeattail OF HONOR. w ilveral thousand officers suck e111l eyees of the Canadian Pueifie Cniiwny Company enlisted for nctiVe Military duty with the Canadian blxpetittieuury lbrc•es, end the majority of theirs are now in Europe, bruvi iy Lattling for Canada 111111 the Empire. This 1!at of those who have then up their lives for their country or been wounded in action noes nut include the Arley 1:eservea. Alexondel. Geo. B. Laborer All Ingham, J. I7. 14. Brakeman Arlt:stru,,5,.?,lu::r'c P, Dratceutan ''alley Arthur Clerk Legs, P. J. Switehmau ]'ell, Gerald Joseph Clerk t'ennet, .John George Nut Tapper hibuy, Lav: relive Wiper 1'1t1,11.:colt hc, Geo, A. ('m,siahto liisitop, Gilbert Clerk blots. Gebreet Lose, 14sgineer Bowden, Cot is. J. C'hec'ker ]brown, .lohtt Aylmer Trainman Huck le, Thomas W. Loco. Fireman Campbell, George Fireman ('haffey, Joseph Waiter Clhapman, George Checker c 'algary dledirine lint C'rnnbrook Out rem ont Glen Yard Winuitu'; Winnipeg Calgary V'nnreurer Mons real 11101e New W,..atnniaster Regina Brandon 13.0, Coast Strs. :Montreal Vancouver Clark, C:is: s, Branch Cleric Angus Colley, Vincent Loco, Fireman Pfiunedosa t'n[lping. ]];meet Noe! [net rumrntwan Weyburn Corbin, Herold John Stearn 'Fitter McAdam .Inst. Cornwall, Chas.W. Buffer Angus (' o Porter Port an:Nicoll ('reggne1,.,JJoseaepitl Tinsmith WestToronto t r Camino, Butler P. Davidson, Henry Davies, John Thos. Decker, Archie Dulaney, Martin Dicltineou, 01105. E. Dove, Andrew VLach[nist VVin.uipeg Dubois, John Janitor Regina Edgar, John Painter not. Col. Dist. Fawcett, Archie Cleric Moose Jaw Gallagher, James W. Checkei Montreal Wharf 'Gatemen, Lee Loco. I iremau Craubroolt Gordon, ITarry Willer Medicine Hat Cray, llat•Id el'.oco. Fireman Brit, Col. Dist. Green,.Tohn pc)' Mieredose Greeentree, Geo, D. R:301dman Stnthnsore Guyon, Alfred tlerm1ers. Aper, Angus Dun more ' JGavIilnn.7o, sCec11il SVtoipreer1oh Montreal Harrison,obt, 0Trimmer West Toronto Henderson, John Loco. Fireman LK dsmnona t an Horn, Loftus Roy CCalerrR-. 1111 lb'rt ePaitOr North Bay Hinton Thomas Car Repairer iteu Windsor, oil Ont. Jenkins lexaeder Clerk Johnson, W. ChhoanRFearolnten Varitryman ac Kay, Oohed 1 ook MontrealKeay, George Ness Loco. Fireman C,•anbrook Kiane, Hudson P, Trainman . 1 o, Riviera Lamourir, Peter Switchman Winnipeg Lawson, Frederick Lineman Revelstoke Leonard, Frederick Specialist Angus Detvts Arnold rook Montreal Longmire, Harold Transferittan North Bay Loveridge,Tlarold D.,Laborer ' Glen Yard Iaowe, George Loader Lethbridge McDermott, Charles Dell Boy Winnipeg McTIeneAr, Alexander Cook Montreal McNieoi, ,TamesTrainman North Ray Marr, Lionel,Geltlea t Gardner Duneen Mead, Mork Coolc Montreal Merkin, Francis ill, Trans, Student Toronto Ne Mean, George S, Clerk Winnipeg Torten, Cecil Herb. Pra t:man• 1i0711real Pnrkdncon,Aifred Q, 13i'akoman' heel DoerParnell, Reginald R, Laboler aluskeka Pope, Christopher L, Stoneman hoot, Dent, Illy. Queenville, Stephen Sectionmun Green Valley Renton, Sidney C. teen. [Engineer Lethbridge 'Robinson, Alfred , Loading Handler Montreal Robinson, John R, Cook\sentare[ Moughton, Clifford G.Rnggago Cheekcr t'ni;rary Sexton, F. J. • Laborer Winnipeg Spencer, Kenneth M. Clerk CranMeek Sweeney, James A, Purser 13.0. LAIN!, Strs, Toric, Artlulr Brakeman 1.:nnrentian Divtt. Wade, Rolwrt 0, Loco, 7r'iroman \Vinnipeg Wes! wood, William • Chef ritnnirent R'ond; \V. t. 'Waiter 13, C. Cost. Str•s, Woodward, Fred'ic. Car Repairer Cranbronit • Mon•rm5xt. March IA 11, 1017 (List No. 15). Nott'',• --'Where "preatuned dead" rippears above, the empleyrns r',fctred 11 have boon missing ler long periods, and their deatc. U .res,.:t d bz tttd' !Owe DSirttrtlnettt, .. - •.a..-.... •.. ,. Night a%etch man Glacier House Ahpr, Carpenter Winnipeg Brakeman Moose Jaw Apprentice Coquitlnm Loco. Fireman outremont ?,tach. Apprentice Winnipeg Wounded Presumed dead Presumed dead Wounded \\'oulntt•ti Wounded Wounded Wounded \Venndud Wounded Presented dead Presumed led dead Sufu-ring from shock Died of 110011ds killed in action Died of wounds Wenn anti Dred of wounds Killed in action Wounded Killed in action ]'resumed dead Wounded Died of wounds Presumed dead Suffering from shock Wounded Billed In action Wounded Presumed dead Killed in action Presumed dead Wounded Wounded Presumed dead Wounded Presumed dead Wounded Wounded Killed In action Suffering concussion Wounded Presumed dead Wounded Wounded Presented cleat Presumed demi 141lied inaction Dietl of wounds Ki11ed In action Wounded Wounded and missing Wounded Wounded Wounded Presumed dead Wounded Died of wounds Wounded Wounded Presumed dead Wounded • Wounded Suffering from slack Died of hounds , Killed In action Wounded Presumed dcari. tined in action Wounded I'resunned dead Wounded Presented dead Wounded Wounded Preeemed read Wounded Killed in action Died of wounds Died of wnnntla Killed in union. Relieved dyad Presumed doll Billed in action nseraeW In normal limes most of the azaleas ratan In this count • are imported 1 '1 e m e b uY ci Y P from Belgium. Anybody can start slips, thought, and have flowering plants in three years, It is an easy matter to flower an old azalea for many seasons, in spite of what florists sometimes say. Tile plant should be kept watered and growing until the middle of July, for it makes its burls immediately after bloom, ing. Then it may be set in a half shad- ed spot out of doors and watered spar- ingly until fall. --1®6 Spireas, popular as Easter plants, of- ten lose their flowers as soon as taken home from the shop of the florist. This would not happen if the saucers under the pots were kept filled with water. These plants are among the few kinds 1vhic1, seem to like wet feet. After they, have finished blooming they may be set in the garden, and in a year from next fall will be ready for forcing in the house again, 'd[..1100 A Toric IDie'eeis, is a Necessity at Thea frit' a Dr. Williams' link ]'ills ler Pala People are an all year r„und t„nie, Hoed -builder and nerve -restorer. But 11150 :u•e especially tcduaele in tihe spring „•len the *stein is loaded with impurities as a result "t' the indoor life 'i, o '1no 'd the • t r.tu• months. here is I� 1 other sca51 5 when the bawd is sir much in need of purifying And enriching and every dose of these pills helps to make new, rich, red hl"od. In the Spring one fell (•1111 and tired -D1. Williams' PfnkPilis give strength. In the spring the appetite Is often poor -Dr. . Wil- liam' Pink Pills develop tihe appetite, line the stomach and aid weak digest- ion. It is in the spring that poisons in the' blood find an outlet in disfigur- ing pimples, eruptions and boils -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, neu- ralgia, erysipelas and many other troub- les are most persistent because of poor weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes 00 new life that the blood most seriously needs attention. Some people dose themselves with pur- gatives at this season, but these only, further weaken themselves. A purgat- ive merely gallops through the system emptying the bowels, but it does not cure anything. 1)n the other hand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make naw blood 0115211 reaches every nerve and organ In the body, bringing new strength, new health and vigor to weak easily tired men, women and children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills this spring -they will not disappoint you. sent medicine dealers or . 'll all n e Std l Y by mail at 5o cells a box or six boxes for 52.5o by The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. SHIRT DONTS. Dont slake French seams, sew sit seams tial'., Dont leave thread ends. Dont leave ;any raw edges. Dont turn front overlap, all way back leave Half way out. Dont turn front overlap all way back leave a trifle more than half way out, to allow for buttonhole in centre of bosom, . Dont sats 11050111 on right side, but oft left side f d of shirt. Dont sew sizes on by hand, Machine stitch sizes on the inside of yoke, not on neckband. • Dont stitch garment with two colors of thread. Dont put sleeves in wrong armholes., . J)oni forget to ask for further direct - Ion If necessary. Sir Chi.rics havids)I: reports that he tends n, among -dc» : is .n connect -10a. with ear hies of Government food saDpi' e t',temps, ast•.''Lase•in the Rt ;1.13 ,tr rt, Eva 7"'1'i.!, ; inlets+"e: 11'011.;1, mar- t sentenced 1) seven years in. the pe"if•, •. •y for lnan.,ln,carti)', hav- i :, so.) 1 a•1 tl ki'lleJ lel iuvcr, ,\ldert H.,}'5'. . Heuer, ., , , el1meal A Decided Change in Tgste. A very noticeable cihange Inas conte over the Ilditoriai utterances of many of the American newspapers and mag- azines as it relates to Great Britain's part in the tear. Instead of the Anglo- phobia once apparent there's a re. cognition of the right eot,sness of the support accorded the 'Weaker Nations and the necessity c 1 f defending trouo i l and rectitude.. Uncle Salt's p1see frair the start wad along with the A11Id:* ;14,