HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-29, Page 3CENTRAL
Qrttarlin's Best Business College
Students may enter our classes at
any time, Conlnsence your course
now and be qualified for a position
by midsummer. During July Lind
August of last year we received calls
• for over 200 office assistants we
could not supply. Our graduates
are in demand, Write of once for
lr free catalogue.
. McLachlan, Principal
!,--.--.-More Eggs and Poultry-----
It is therefore our duty s to increase
Production in these lines, and prices
Promise to be exceedingly high for all
poultry products during this present
Our Incubators are giving the best
Satisfaction and why not buy one and
pay for it in poultry next fall?
Fat Hens Wanted
at 18c per t6,
• Our waggons will call for your eggs
its usual during the summer months,
;paying top prices in cash or orders
given on the town stores.
G Zai lc�s & Co.,t;o,111C11 .
The . up-to-date Firm
11i:atun Branch Phone 190
Kte,actaisAAaaca�,�nAAi+A.esis isast
See and here our finest is
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
special values in Art
ro ed Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Pianos and organs rent i
Mnslc Twporium
C. Hoare
a ►ytnYyvit,
Repairs promptly at-
tended de
d to.
her of v
A num Second
Eland,Deaters in good
Byam & Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Price
.Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewellery. Far better to pay a tam
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
, 'Ston will never be sorry—for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
,everybody by this time should
'know it—and vol: there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal—If you would
like to miss that sort'altogether—
If you would like to boy where
dealt iti—(OtMl711gh .1 IRGalftfes are
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Fes• _ _.
Jewel eC 10nd,O141(slan ,
spier el 1wTriant Licensed
tt£, 11717T1PONI,
Oonneyanee, Notary ;white,
Oomnliseloner, etc,
issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St„ Olinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real sL1te
INSIJRANOE A017N'1'—Represeutiag 14 Piro in
saranee Oowpaniee,
Division Court (69'iiee.
Piano Titling
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and 'repairing
Orders left at W, Doherty's phone
til, will' receive prompt attention
M. G. Cameron, K C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Oonvoyaneer, Etc
Office on Albert Street, occupied t•y
Alt. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any clay for which
appointments are made. Cifice hours
from fl tt.t.o. to B p m. A good vault iu
connection with the office. Uifice open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Oanseron.
DR S. W. TI114)20Vr'SII51I
Physisrlan, Surgeon. F7te
aneetal attention niven to essew.aa of the
Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Brea + erutly Nominal, and suitable !dense
Office and tiosidenee,
Tw•n deers west of elle (loeuuterctal Unto
Huron tat. .
1.1IS (i,LNIS oval 1111
Hr. IT. Cana, le. E. (1, P., >t. Ht.4'. N., MAI
lir. Conn's onlce at residence IIMRI, Street
Dr J 41, Handier. 55.A. 11,51,
Wfsco- 5 entorin Street, Clinton.
SLght ret., at reel:tw e. iieaonbur. St,
nr at be ,vital
r31�, r. is. 0.XM1»AZ
Crown and Dredge `Work et Spent,' lee.
Graduate of C.O.D.S... CL ranee, and 1 ,0.L,c
Hayfield nes Menders. liar tat
)R. H. jt.+' i+w4WL N,
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Bpaoial care taken to snake dental tear t
meat as painless as pneaible,
Live stork and general Auction •e*
1.%.x. slay sates a spenu$ti, (beets se ,
Nem ERA Milne, ress r y aeteno
to. Terme reasonable. Clinton,Farmer• reale net
Drs. Geo. a M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, andN r
Disor dere
Office—Ratttenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m,
G. D. Mo'aggars Iii. ll. MoTaggae
McTaggart Bros.
terenerei Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed n
The NiicKiliop Mutual
Fire Insurance 1eoe
Farm and Isolated Town Preps
erty Only Insured.
Head Office—Seaforth, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas.
Evan's, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. E. Hays,' Seaforth, Secretary -
Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
f•Iinchiey, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Eg-
utondville' J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R G,
Ja•tfiuthI Brodhagen.
Wm,, Rhin,: No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben.
newels, Brodhageli; James' Evans, Beech-
wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; Janes
Connolly, Goderich; D, F, McGregor,
No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4,
Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo.
McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth.
A Carload or Canada
PorIken- Cement
Phone ifs for prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
'We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Sallee, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, .Bagley and Feed Corn
Highest Market 'Prices paid for Hay
and all .Cia'ainl.
FO -RD & �a�soo
""kle viii see you at dice. Kihdly.
come with use,"
She I
tl tI
_ ns owl 1 u
d theha , and
thrOegit a squire room to a boor on the
farther side. She was nervously cern
scions of much color to her cheeks, as
the officer knocked; but when a voice
within said "tinted" she swept through
the doorway proudly and sank deep into
n courtesy before n tali gentleman in a
worn uniform of buff and blue.
tie regarded her with kind eyes, and
begged her to be seated,. taking his
place behind a writing table covered
with papers. 1t seemed hard to be-
lieve that this simple gentleman was the
soldier who was upsetting the dignity
of kings and armies. He looked weary,
and there were tired lines upon the
strong face, but his manner was court-
eously attentive' as he waited for her
to speak,
"Your excellency," she said, "it is
true that I conte from Colonel Aaron
Burr, but without his knowledge."
"Explain yourself, ntactan7J"
"1 am aware that since Colonel Burr
left your fancily he has not been under
your personal supervision. Do you
know aught of his life recently, sir?"
She was gaining control over her
nerves and spoke in a steady voice.
"Much in his favor as to bravery,
madam; little touching his private life.
But what. concern has this with your
"Ili is my news, General Washing-
ton." She rose quickly and flung back
her head, "1 come to denounce this
mien as a traitor to .the American cause."
A heavy silence fell upon the little
room. No change became apparent in
Washington's face. but his hand closed
tightly over a folded paper, which crack
For Hang_
Coughs . .
k'or the eoughs that run into con-
sumption, a remedyis needed thht will
work on the bloodmake it pure, rich
and wholesome, build up the wasting
tissues and put the body, into condition
for a fight against this dread disease,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov-
ery, fights in the right way. Its first
action is to put the stomach, bowels,
liver and kidneys in goad working order;
that makes digestion good and assimila-
tion quick and thorn; it makes sound,
healthy flesh. That's half tho battle,
St. Catharines,. Ont,—"I owe forever a
great debt of gratitude to an army officer
and a particular
friend of inure for
recommending Dr.
Plerco'e medicine,
as well as to Dr.
Pierce for discover-
ing and preparing
such wonderful
medicines. I had
been a great suffer-
er for twelve years
u ' with bronchitis,
ff which I contracted
while doing service
'n India, I have been engaged in nearly
every country in the world and from hav-
ing to sleep out in all kinds of weather the
bronchitis became chronic and I was
afraid of consumption at tithes. The
doctors gave me no hope but that it would
eventually mean consumption, I was so
bad, I had tried every known remedy and
physicians in foreign countries but got no
relief. After returning borne a friend ad-
vised me strongly to try 'Golden Medical
Discovery.' I did so and took eight bottles
in all and to -day am entirely free from
bronchitis. I honestly believe I would not
be In the land of theliving to-daywere it not
for this wonderful medicine,"—Carr, A.
11111IIIIIViIH1l11111 IIIIIIIiIiIlUll111111lllililililllillll1101IIIIIIIIIIIUi 1$11IGli11111111;IIIIilll111111lll
by Louise. Kennedy Mable
"n`"r,nnnlllnt. l! nq!n1q!gIII IIII I!iI!!!1119�''!"4P IIIIII'!!IIn!IP'!!In1i
Intll!IIIa!L,I,In:.l..11llllw is6,ill�l,ll�1.,IIIII�I,Ij.r!Inn!illl.11jnll,,.,�:,.,ll;: ��.. i!;Il,�.,illlil
(Continued from last week)
Wearily she slipped off her drenched
gots., staring hard into the fire mean -
hila The blaze of the logs brought a
smart to her eves, and presently tears
gathered and fell.
Now she poured a little coffee, and
swallowed it without relish. It was im-
passible to eat. She pulled a coverlet
from the bed, and wrapping it about
her, sat gazing into the tire. Site was
still sitting when the logs crumbled and
there remained but a red glow among
the gray ashes.
Long after she had crept into bed,
her eyes stared wide open into the black
ness; yet with the first hint of dawn she
was up and about, and in spite of angry
stutterings from the landlady, and
sleepy yawns from Peter, she was soon
upon the road again.
"A high and nighty hussy!" sniffed
the lady of the (lolly Bush after them.
"Up to mischief, I'll be bound. I like
not folk who make one jump whenever
they speak."
It was late in the afternoon when
they came upon the outskirts of the
camp. Bad roads had delayed them.
Once they had taken a wrong turning,
and an hour was lost in regaining the
highroad. They had been fortunate in
meeting no enemy, but, truth to tell,
the the redcoats were glad enough to
lie snug in the city rather than venture
forth into the open jaws of Washing-
ton's army. There was a lull about
Philadelphia just then, while both sides
drew breath for another tussle.
"1 demand to see General Washing-
ton," said Mistress Wendell to the sol-
dier who barred her path. " 'Tis busi-
ness of the utmost importance."
"I•lave you letters for his excel-
lency? He has given orders that he can
see no one," answered the mats, respect
fully enough.
"1 have no letters, but something
more important—news." She consid-
ered a moment. "Tell the general 1
conte from Colonel Aaron Burr."
"Will you dismount, madam, and en-
ter the house? I will give your message
to one
his officers."
oft o
It seemed to the impatient woman
pacing the bare .hallway that she had
had an age to wait when the man ap-
pearedg I ai
again, followed by n officer,
who regarded her curiously. She put
up her hand. to straighten her riding
hat, andglatcc
d furtively fo
r a mirroe.
There was none in sight, but she read
admiration in the young man's eyes, and
was content with herself.
He was bowing deep before her.
"You cosine from Colonel Burr," he
began, "with a message?"
"1 have news for General Washing-
ton," size answered,
Had Weak and
Dizzy Spells.
Mrs. J. S. Nicholls, Listowel, Ont.,
writes: "I was weak and run down;
my heart would palpitate, and I would
take weak and dizzy spells. A friend ad-
vised Inc to take your Heart and Nerve
Pills, so I started at once, and found that
I felt much stronger, and my heart was
ever so much better in a short time. T
cannot praise your medicine too highly
for it has done me a world of good.
My husband has also beep bothered with
heart trouble ever since childhood, and
finds quick relief by using your:valuable
Milburn'$ Heart and Nerve Pills have
been on the market for the past twenty-
five years, and are universally known as
tlae very best remedy for all troubles
arising from the heart nr nerves.
Milbtt ti's' i•I ar
r e< t ande
Nerve Pi118 •nee;
50e, per box, ft boxes for $1,24, at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt• Of
puled by"X'ss t T Mwtiuxss Co J,wltrrin.
Tomptat �_.....
led stiffly, His eyes seemed to pierce
her as with cold steel.
"A strange assertion to make of one
of my trusted officers. Your proofs?"
]lis voice was as unmoved as his face,
5.ut site could feel the whole force of
the ratan instinct within it, and yet was
not frightened. Her eyes islet his un-
"Alas, sir, I have no proofs. "l'is my
conviction that this is 5o."
can be no conviction without
proofs." His hand slightly relaxed its
hold upon the stiff plater, and he leaned
back in his chair. "But pray tell the
your story, madam."
He was eyeing her narrowly, and 00
small detail of her face and manner es-
caped Iran. The gleaning eyes and
flushed cheeks argued strung excite-
ment. Ile glanced at her lauds, to find
them steady, elapsed tightly together.
"She is either a woman desperately
false or desperately true. 'Twill he diilf-
cult to Judge," was the thought in Itis
mind. 1
Mistress Alicia, as she began her
story, read the general's indicision, and
the rapt innocence of her manner might
almost have deceived Aaron'Burr him-
"I should hate to pain your excel-
lency with the tale of any man's duplic-
ity, but to speak ill of this man is al-
most beyond my strength. I beg you
to judge hint gently." Eyes and voice
were most appealing.
She was edging iter way carefully, tal-
king notice of every turn, and avoiding
an visible obstacles. At his business-
like answer, "Pray proceed with your
tale," she discarded sentiment at once.
"It was while he formed one of Gen-
eral Hancock's fancily that 1 first met
Aaron Burr. My own name is Alicia
Wendell, your excellency. 1 was upon a
visit in the city. He became most de-
voted to ole, and told me much of his
history." She hesitated. "Even of Isis
disagreement with yourself, sir," she
added finally.
The general's brow darkened. "Go
on," he said, and she continued smooth-
ly, showing no pleasure at the success
of her small diplomacy.
"Even then I suspected his dealings
with the British, but you may know
somewhat of the fascination of his man-
ner. It blinded ane to all else."
A flash of contempt passed over the
himself. Mis-
t ieofl s
' facen spite general's
1 exulted tut ardl but
tress Wendell exu t v, y,
shaded eyes told nothing.
"When he was placed in command
of a regiment, I MS thrown still more
into his society, i , g ociet living as i did in the
village occupied by his Wren. 'Twas but
the story of my New York visit re-
"Are you married?" put in the man.
In a flash she weighed the chances of
yes. Or 110,
"1 ant married, but most unhappily,
Continued next Week.
a •s
s BY THE #
1, at
+A M 0 , 5 4t tf * w * it it. A`
While Haig continues to roll up the
map of Europe, Maude rolls up the
Turkish rug.
"Too Many Many wives are like a Puilman
porter, they can snake a beautiful bluff
of doing a lot of things, but are only
expert in extracting money."
A wedding ring Maker wants ex.
emption froth military service because
he's doing a work of national import-
ance. Wielding the bonds of Empire as
it were,
'rliese gardening agitations are good
for the seednten, but they May lend to
a heavy waste of seed.
I thumbed tilt old seed catalogue,
aka and
i of the tihoe—
ytl3y heck When I looked out again
Site had begin to snowy,
Restored To FEealtb By Vjnol'
Shelbyville, Inc& -"I azo a dell• in a
hotel and w'ae nJl run down, do onei'gy,
my blood 11,118 poor and my face covered
With pimploa. I got en weak 1 had to
put up an awful tight to keep at work,
After taking many other remedies witty
out benefit, Vinollute restored any health
and strep th."—Rox P. Hots.
For all run-down, weak, nervous;
conditions, nothing equals Vinol, which
s a combination of the most $'access•
;ul tomos ;chows. Try it on our guar.
J, E Hovey druggist, Clinton,
Also at the best druggists in all
Ontario towns,
So Is This
This piece o1 news it quite stakes up
For any joy I lack
potatoes took a drop in price
Of sixty cents a sack!
' it is easy to win the war. All you
have to do is' to' call a meeting and pass
It resolution..
• Don't eat all, the potatoes. Keep
enough for seed. It may be hard to get
next May.
'l'I7is is the time of the year when
whiter "lingers in the lap of spring,"
The man who writes the seed catal-
ogue may be no Shakespeare, but he
stands a good chance of becoming a
„best seller,"
ilarry That,' has tied found isd,e
again and, will 1•e committed to ae
a.:ylu'n. The ve"dict is a vindie;itio• of
the sanity of the
Looking over the initials in the new
Russian Cabinet, the are forced to the
conclusion that the V's have it.
'l'he banana race is the latest ,thing in
sporting events. It takes the place of
the old-fashioned potato race, which
has become a luxury- to be enjoyed only
by the very rich.
You've Seen Them.
,Mary has a rope „f pearls
She wears then all the time;
She tools the Wren, but other girls
Know that they cost a dime,
—Cincinnati En,luir r
Susie's gut a diamond pin
She wears it on her waist;
But every outer girl in town
Is hep that it is paste.
—St. Louis Globe -Democrat.
Bessie gut a lavalliere
From her most loving Ben;
But all the girls in town know 0
Cance from the tive-and-ten.
—Allentown Democrat.
Walter bought a diamond ring,
And gave it to a
Of rourse all could see through the
Because 'twas made of glass.
—Yonkers Statesman
Agnes has a bracelet which
She takes off after dark,
And every night upon her arm
She finds its little stark
—Detroit Free Press
Twinkle, twinkle, little Czar,
Douala wonders where you are.
MrS. 'timothy Bowes, Blfsslieid, N.
B„ writes;—"I have always used Baby's
Own Tablets for my three children
and i can speak very highly of thele as
I could not get along without them.
Baby's Own Tablets are the only medi-
cine 1 would use for my children."
The Tablets cure all tate minor ills of
little ones andthe mother who alwaysa
keeps a box of them in the house may
feel reasonably safe against the con-
sequences of sudden attacks of illness.
i dealers or
h sold medicine a
1 hey areby
by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
pruned of old ships and some few good
ones, while the new shoots seen innum-
erable. Whole branches have sprung
out as though by magic. Barring
whispers in hated breath, nothing was
known of some of these mightiest of the
mighty till, with a roar that woke tate
echoes of the bonniest hills on earth,
their anchor chains rattled down in
hailing distance of one of Britain's
greatest squadrons.. . As one gazes at
these great leviathans, whose speed and
power are the marvel of the age, one
realizes the full meaning of what
maritime manufacturing power
mewls to her today.
Disastrous as have been the sub-
marines to merchant shipping, daily, the
navy grows stronger, more efficient and
more artful In countering Germany's
ruthless policy of submarine frightful-
ness. They have staked their all on
their U-boats, but they will fail to ac-
complish their end, thought they dis-
regardrales that the most unenlightened
savage would never question. They
will reap what they have sown, and as
a people will have a harvest of, shame to
reap never equalled.
;Me Canadians have made a weander-
tulnaine for themselves over here, and
it now rectuires an enormous support
to stilt keels ft at high level, as Weil as
't"ilttrsda}', Match 29th, 19I7
Iraise it to heights never before known
!You do not know what is requi
u. does until they 1
4 e d nth f y have seen fo
selves, My time in the treirch.
Inc that opportunity. We went
for which Canada is only famous,
The war is slowly but surely
tug in our favor, but to make
rapidly we need e preponderance
men. The navy has the situation
in hand, mid, ;sloes an opening, y
read elt breakfast how the German
IlIgh Sea Fleet was engaged Std
ed of being a total loss.---caugh
wares. There wait be losses
side, of course. They learned f
flow to fight, but they haven't 1
how to keep their :wads cool, W
ander-estinuale the German tae
we know they haven't a chance,
do they. When they are cough
will have to fight from no ch
their own. They are brave an
are daring to a fault, but they are
ed by their saereligious ethics i
their lack of weight to at grave
sandy bottom of that turbulent
the North Sea. Plenty of us t
there, too; but, like the lieutenant
floated by in the Jutland scrap, lye them-
bear a smile of satisfaction over work
well done. We max have a sea -fight
this spring, but ere you receive this it is
quite possible we may have taken or
given the worst, according to our des-
Storms such as have not been seen in
thirty years have swept us back into
harbor from our utter inability to face
it without being broken and rendered
unsafe. No ordinary storm bothers. a
maul -of -war. None of us are int 111
to urines, however. When the time
comes we, ton, will gb, ars have all those
who lived before us. All we hope for
is to get into battle before our "coup de
grace" is administered. In the Jutland
light those who saw claim we rushed
through water boiling with shell tire,
and caste out with one shrapnel scratch.
Ships have sunk III' around us; we re-
mained as with a charmed life.
rpl1 `4.5, Inconstant.,¢9 T�E,mD.
y[tY : .^I r1`iI t au o ^.`1 F ,'31l 471 1"'�`I t r9
LHY t�1 �+",IRi�Y Lfw' � wJ' 6j Y,i' Ri 'w✓ rFS.�' M� ie `�
Q R O NTO , O�oNtaE51reOffed
nonihs later the Tax Collector looms
up and he man, who Improved the town
by his investment, is practically fined
because he did so. Does it not look
like a foolhardy plan of booming a
place? Every good citizen brought in-
to a town is an asset and Sarnia has
Bold of the correct idea to encourage
"Turkey 'Prot" appears to be tate
lively step on the program for the
Sultan and his army in Mesapotamia
and Persia, Like Noah's dove at the
time of the flood, the "lurk dues not ap-
pear to be able to tied a resting place.
Part of their crowd are having a tem-
porary vacation in British and Russian
internment camps, No Nation, past or
present, could be effaced front this
planet with fewer regrets, we believe.
1t will be a slow process, if ever attain-
ed, that the remnant will gain a name
fur the things that are honoralde and
praiseworthy. 'their treatment of the
Armenians stamped them as fiends in-
carnate. The wonder was that the other
Nalt'ns were not cunsauied with fire
and brimstone for permitting the.
a tr,'si ties.
aqf C n 5 0
2-atasJ5 ,YI,C a 1
RAISED 7:9 ' Esc3.
Neves neglect what at first seems to be
but a slight cold. You think perhaps
you are strong enough to fight it off, but
colds are not so easily fought olT in this
northern climate, and if they are not
attended to at once will sooner or later
develop into some serious lung trouble
such as bronchitis, pueuutonia, and per-
haps that dreadful disease, consumption.
Miss Kasyc McDonald, Sydney Mines,
N.S., writes: "Last winter I contracted
a severe cold, and it settled on my lungs.
I would cough and raise phlegm and
blood. I had the cough for a month,
and had medicine from the doctor, but it
did not scent to do nue any good. I
really thought I Lad consumption.
My friends advised me to use Dr,
Wood's Norway Titre Syrup, which I did,
and it gave me groat relief. I am very
glad I used `Dr. Wood's,' and would
recommend it to every one."
You call procure Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup from any druggist or dealer,
but be sure and get "Dr. Wood's," when
you ask for it as there are a number of
imitations on the market which some
dealers may try to palm off on you as
the genuine.
See that it is put up in a yellow wrap-
per; three pine trees is the trade mark;
price 25c. and 50e.
Manufactured only by Tara T. Mrr.-
Bvsx Co., UNITED, Toronto, Ont.
Editorial Notes «
• •
To toil like a heaver has been an
n 'um with t a mellifluous sound. Up
North this winter, however, ever there
been such an increase in these indust-
rious animals, represented so frequently
in the headpiece of theCanadian Coat
of Arms, that they are being
or shot in large numbers owing to the
destruction they are causing in their
wood cutting specialty. "Enough is as
good as a feast" is a truism that holds
good in almost all circumstances in life
and tite surplus is not often valued
very highly. The individual who has
wisdom enough to know the physio-
logical moment to start and stop is
possessed of a key that should be
treasured. Be a beaver if you like but
stop at the right time.
Rumor has it that ;•ion. A. 0, Mac-
Kay, who was an active participant in
Ontario Provincial Parliament some
years ago, but more recently in the
Alberta Government, intends withdraw-
ing Irons politics at the close of ''the
present session. Increase in his legal
practice is given as the reason. Mac. is
a good head and will be greatly missed
if he withdraws. The trouble with
many a public man is that he does not
quit when his stock is good hence they
never are able to "come back" but this
is not (ate case with 1•Iot, Mr, MacKay
mid his retirement would be a distinct
—0 ---
Sarnia Cotncil s proposing to pass
a bylaw to exempt front taxes all dwell -
i115 houses erected for the next two
years, by way, of encouragement to
help out the problem of scarcity of
dwellings, Of all the crazy notions a-
bout the Canadian Assessment Act is
the minute a progressive man invests
131,000 or 111,000 iu the erection of a
new residence along COMeS the Assess-
or, ;and Cl,aiks the fact down and a few
No P..ed Bonds.
Honorary lieutenant -colonels will in
future hr re Iuire,t to wear plain -khaki
°Ricers' uniforms, without red mark-
ings or Enid decorations other than a
staple feat.
Married in England.
Word has just been received that
Corporal E. Bray, formerly of the Jack-
son Manufacturing Co., Goderich, was
one of the principals in a quiet tittle
event which took place at St. Ann's
church, Stamford trill, London, Eng.,
on Jan. 24th last, when he was home
on leave from Prance. The bride was
MISS 1'. Fawcett, formerly of Clinton,
Ont., and site was dressed in a dark
brown travelling suit, which harmoniz-
ed with the bridegroom's uniform of
khaki. The honeymoon was spent in
Shropshire, ;after which the bridegroom
returned to his duty in France. Mr.
Blay enlisted in the tst contingent and
was transferred to Bermuda, from
which place he later went to Prance.
No Easter Excursion Rates,
The Eastern Canadian Passenger
Association, after consultation with Sir
Henry Drayton in view of the general
railway situation and the war conditions
has decided to cancel Easter rates and
excursions this year. This will help the
railways in their fight against car short-
age and freight congestion and greatly
reduce travelling, which is very heavy
at tate Easter season. In addition, it
will tend to keep Canadian money In
Canada, as ordinarily thousands from
Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and other
cities visit New York at Easter time to
participate in the Fifth avenue parade.
Last year four special trains from 01-
mord than n dozen
each with
fawn en
New pullm;uns, went to N tv York at
Root Compound.
� ft U
A cafe, reliable repa aline
medicine, Sold in throe de.
rete of strength—Ne. 1 St,:
Nvo, 2, 83; No. 3, 86 per boat
Bold by all drupelets, or sent
prepaid en rocctpt of prem.
Free pamphlet. Address;
'e TORONTO, ONr. (FosmerlY Wladse.)
A. McKim Limited Advertising Agency
New Executive
The new Executive of A. McKim,
Limited, Advertising Agency of Mon.
treat, Toronto, Winnipeg and London,
Eng., has been announced.
During the last fete years, the late
Mr. Aston McKim had gathered
around ]rim an executive staf cap.
able of relieving his] of all but a gen,
oral oversight of the rapidly growing
business of the advertising agency
which the founded nearly thirty years
ago, and which now comprises four
offices in different cities and over 140
Since his death, these experienced
inert have been carrying on the work
characterized "McKim's" for so massy
years. The personnel of the execu•
tive as now organized is J. N. McKim,
.President and Treasurer; Mrs. Anson
Mci(itn, Vice -President: W. 13. ,Somer-
son at Toronto; Thos, Bell, Manager
ager at 'poronto; Tiros. Bell, Manager
at Winnipeg; W. Kceble, Manager at
Loudon, England,
Tire, appreciation of the value of
advertising spade in local and home
papers of modest circulation, always
a strong feature of this Agency's
policy, wilt be as marked as ever
under the present nlanageinent y5