HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-29, Page 2!'.age SQYe1
•.,..^yu s1. p,rc+'rap,y. )14,(1),NY.
Carried $afely Through Change
of Life by Lydia E.1Pinkharn's
Vegetable Compound,
Nashville,Tenn,—"When Inas going
through the Change of Life I had a tu-
mor as largo as a
child's head, The
doctor said it was
three years coming
nd gave rite medi-
cine for it until I
was called away
from the city for
some time, Of
course I could not
go to him then, so
mysister•in-law told
me that she thought
Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound would cure 't. It helped both
the Change of Lae, and the tumor and
when I got home 1 did not need thedoctor.
I took the Pinkham remedies until the
tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I
have not felt it since. I tell every ono
how I was cured. If this letter will
help others you are welcome to use it."
—Mrs. E. A, BEAN, 525 Joseph Avenue,
Nashville, Tenn.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, a pure remedy containing the
extractive properties of good old fash-
ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs
of woman's system at this critical period
of her life. Try it,
there is any ysymptom in your
case which puzzles you, write to
the Lydia E. Pinkham 1VIedleine
Co., Lynn, plass.
Pay! Pay! Pap!
Simplest tiring in the world. You will
have no difficulty in borrowing what
you require, upon your certificate, It
will be as good as a bunk note—better,
iii fact, because the bank note carries
no interest. But that is not all—for
every 55 of the great loan which you
take up. you will pay only §4 15s; the
government makes you a present of the
balance. Now d,, von see what a "good
thins;" you are nm? flow do you go
about it? ,.lust calk into the nearest
post °diet and they will give you a form
and tell you what to see Bu; if you have
any didiceliy, write to ate, and 1'11 put
you right. Reser mild the'_r'tuble.
And just think hely proud you «ill
feel to be a real shareholder in the
British Empire: There has never been
such an investment. Y ou will get so
fond of 'our certi:iceae that you will be
quite sorry when one day you will get
a letter from the treasury telling you
that the Government is truing to pay it
.di at its full face value—giving you
poor proet of : for every §5 you have
lent It, But you will know that the use
of that money had helped to end the
;,ar---that :t had thus dune its bit.
Anti tot '>i;.. . 4*1C 1, a bleeer,
grander ase, -et of the matter. Du you
remember that some months ago the
preset,- Prima Minister expreesed the
view that it would 1e "toe hist few 11 11 11- '
dyed millions telt valeta? .ovitt And
I; is en ape:; eaeret that our enemies
are deubtfnl whether we can raise !latch
mere. poor del tdeit fools'—w•e !must
dieillusion them, N0 ,l few hundred
cnillitls, bet a tett' thoesend milii„n:
shall he our response to this appeal.
Faniember that Paris is watching and
ovula';; Petrograd looks on in hope;
Washington wonders—and Berlin fears
and sneers. Aet, then, is the time to
show that the wealth of our old Empire
is inexhaustible. We will laugh at those
who think that Britain cannot stand the
financial strain; and when the money
has been found—as found it will be—
the wonderful alchemists of industry
will transmute 0 all into tempered steel
—will vaporise it into lethal gas; will
forge it into shot and shell— will met-
amorphose it into a thousand deadly
shapes. Every pound subscribed is a
stab at the heart of the Hun—and what
a cheer will go up in the trenches when
we flash across the sea the news that
Britain's El Dorado is illimitable, and
that in the truest sense she has the
Men, the Munitions and the Money—
the Trinity of Triumph.
There must be no mistake about it.
I confess I did not quite like one'sen-
tence in the speech of the Chancellor
of the Exchequer the other day at the
Guildhall. "if," said he, "the loan
should fail, there are other methods
which can be applied, and the rate, in
that case, will not be 5,4 per• cent"
There is really no necessity whatever
for this kind of tail:. The loan cannot
fail. We shall ail recognize that, quite
apart from its intrinsic attractiveness,
there is a patriotic' duty resting upon
each of us to subscribe to the utmost
possible extent, And, after all, It is the
"little man" who counts for so much
in these matters. if everyone who can
possibly rake together §5—or, rather,
§4 15s—will just walk to the local post
office and fill up a form of subscription,
the end of the war will be hastened by
512001hs. it will mean a sharp offensive
here—stout reinforcements there—
steady pressure at this point, and mass-
ed attacks elsewhere. So whet are you
going to dot Whet is ya1lr 410ntr1511-
tdan to the cost of Victory? Taxes, You
say, 011, yes, 1 know all. flboll5 that;
but surely yea Will derieg 11 sebsi1nl1t11
volenta•y offering • to the eh wce110r1
not as a free gift, but 'ts a patriotic cone
lrlbutiou to the great Loan. Conte,
don't hesitate, protlees that §4 1055,
Aud-sou Who can afford more, Tint
smart nurtur car of yours can very well
be "Jacket! -up" untlI after the war--.,
vltether the chauffeur is of military. age
or not; we can find plenty. of work fur
hint to do. And instead of "1004" and
"'goo", suppose you try a non-vintag.e
wine for 11-10on15 00 two? You 1115111
also cut out one of those favorite dish-
es and content yourself with, say, a
couple of cigars a day less, 'Oben, too,
you have probably 11 bit of property
here and there, upon which- your hank -
week! 111)1 make you an advance. You
11111y even have Made a' little money out
of busieess, directly or indirectly, con-
nected with the war. Just slt down a
moment and think 0t over. Surely you
can apply for §100 of 111e loan; and then
you can ask the ratan neva door how
utuch he has taken, and by constantly
flourishing you certificate 111 his Nee,
shame 111211 into subscribbing—nlwnye
Assuming that such a neighbor can be
Believe me, the counting house is
not loss important that the munition
works, and 1 am quite sure that when,
in year's to come, you are asked what
you did in the great war, and you reply
that you were too old to tight, or were
ineligible for any oilier reason, the next
Question will be, "flow much did you
subscribe to the great Victory Loan?"
Let you answer be, "Every penny I
could spare."
And to each of you, my friends, 1
want to say this: Have. you reflected up-
on the price which others are paying,
in blond and life and limb, out in those
damp, cold trenches? 1 say to you, in
all solemnity, that if, through your
neglect to back them up with shot and
shell and guns and other equipment,
heir lives are endangered, and their suf-
feriege intensified, you are Its much
their enemy as are the cruel Buns. For
God's sake, don't let your name appear
in the same book as theirs when the
great Audit of Armageddon. !s made. For
aught I know you may not have tasted
the clip of sacrifice at all since Destiny
flung out her challenge in the autumn
of teal. It is not much w'iach le asked
of you maty, is it? 'rhe state calls to
you to bring to its treasury all you
have which is not essential to your ab-
solute necessities. But it guarantees
its safety, and pledges itself, on the re-
putation and security of the wonderful
wealth of the British Empire, to return
your contribution, not only with inter-
est. t'ut even with profit, Verily a
:mall s;tcritiee to ask of you,
1111 the tither lucid, I know, you may
have scaled the front. ,taunt of human
;grief, You may be mourning with
pride and courage, the less of a gallant
son, or a brother, or It father, or a
friend. Web, don't you burn to a;2i1Ge
itis death' If your burly were as young
lord as yin orou5 :u your indomitable
spirit brow el.tdl•: ty..nld you 501se n
Title and &eh into the fray! But 3,cm
01111,1 do that. Yee c:10, 5 ,svever, re-
spond to your ceuntrv's appeal today;
and in tint oat you will be putting a
i !c into 11l.r heeds et a younger nem,
equipping another potential hero—to
:a epee the death of your dear one.
Possibly there may be flays in' the
government's scheme; perhaps someof
us might have suggested improvements
upon it, But it is the only one before
ugto degree. I
s and if is generous a e
can almost, indeed, hear the battled Ger-
man. as he reads of tine wonderful suc-
cess of the loan, turning up his lip and
sneering, "Patriotism at 5 Ve per 00101"
It will, after all, serve to remind him
that in the end he will have to pay the
One word more, 1 have spoken of
Ole "interest" and the "profit" you
get in the loan investment, Apply
those phrases to a higher conception
of the thing, and think of the golden
usury of glory that will inevitably ac-
crue to you—in the realm of' moral
values. To ransom a world's liberties,
to safeguard the treasures of civilization
to slay the Demon of Despotism, and to
secure for mankind the boon that the
Monster of Militarism shall never again
make hellish sport with the souls of
mien—surely no premium could be too
high. Yet instead of paying a premium,
the state actually gives you a discount!
General state'
Ne gives twice who gives quickly—
and so with the lender, So hurry up—
Pay, Pay, Payl
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 3OYears
Always bears
Signature of
Pointed Paragraphs,
We never know how happy we were
until we aren't.
Candor is always a good thing, hut
there is no room for it in official war ree
Many a ratan is ricin in experience
who can't raise the price of a areal,
Some young Wren proprose to a rich
girl on their knees and some on their
frlisfortut0 comes often to the mat
who makes an effective effort to see
it first,
Do not try to please everybody or
you will Soon be a wornout weather
NN �E1M13°
"FIWXT-A,-TIVES" lSroug it The Joy 011
Health Aster Two 'X a aro' Suffering
85 St. Rose St;, Montreal. April 4th,
"For over two years I was sled( and
miserable. I suffered from 00)011 cart
Ifeadackes, and had Fbllpitatiou of t/ae
Heart so badly that 1 felu'e,11l would. dio.
There seemed to be a lump in my
stomach and the Constipation was
dreadt'ul. 1 suffered from Pain in Me
.Back and Kidney Disease.
Twos treated by a physician for a year
and a half and Ile slid. me no good at all.
I tried "fruit-a-tives" as a last resort.
After using three hoses, I was greenly
improved and twelve boxes mado me
well. Now 1 can work all day and there
are no 1teatlac:hes, no Palpitation, no
Heart 'Trouble, no Constipation, no
Pain or Kidney Trouble and ffeel like
a neF) being—anti it was "Fruit-a-tives"
that gave me back my health".
50e, a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruits
te-tiees Limited, Ottawa.
After a man is married Ile thinks it
frightfully taste for his wife to remind
111111 of his prenuptial promises.
The Passing of Winter Leaves
People Weak and
As winter passes :sway it leaves
11111115 people feeling weak, depressed
and easily tired. The body lacks that
vital force and enemy which pure blond
111,1/1e 0311 give,
Dr. 1Villiants' Pink Pills for Pale
I'coplr are. 1111 a11-year-rmmnd bhe•:1
bufictcr anti nerve toeic,'hitt they .tt'a
especia"• useful in the spring. Every
dose helps to make new, rich, red
blotad. Returning strength commences
with their use and the rigor and cheer-
fulness of good health quickly follows.
There Is just one cure for lack of
blood and that is more blood. Food is
the material front which blood is mads
but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills double the
value of the food the eat. They give
strength, tone up the stomach and
weak digestion, clear the complexion
of pimples, eruptions and boils, • and
drive out rheumatic poisons.
If you are pale and sallow, if you
feel continually tired out, breathless
after slight exertion, if you have
headaches orbackaches,
tf3 •ou are
irritable and nervous, if your joints
ache, if your appetite fails and food
does not nourish nor sleep refresh
you, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will make
you well and strong, To build up the
blood is the special purpose of Dr. Wil-
liams Pink Pills, and that is why they
are the best spring medicine. if you
feel the need of a tonic at this season
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
trial and you will rejoice in new health,
new strength and new energy. Do not
let the trying weather of summer find
you weak and ailing. Build yourself up
with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills—the pills
that strengthen.
Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People and do not be persuaded
to take something else. If your dealer
does not keep these Pills they will be
sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont. •
Hint About Carrying Food Daintily
and Gaslly.
In hones where automobile lunch
eons or picnic parties are frequent it
!e a good idea to have 00 hand seversl
fresh, clean egg boxes with compart-
ments, in which eggs come from the
store. Stuffed eggs can then he rolled
in paraffin paper end stood upright In
each compartment so they will laurel
without crushing 00 losing shape. Noir
:her need the halves of the egg bo kept
together with tootbpieks, as Ls fro
fluently done. Dainty rolled sand.
wiches also keep their shape in these
individual compartment's. Tont cake
can be cat in pieces of a size to fit
these partitioned boxes by lifting out
the divisionsand pressing the pastor
board edge on the freshly frosted sur-
face of the cake. Replace the ;Arta
tions in the box and allow the frosting
to become firm. ',Chen cut in squares
as tudicatod by the markhigs. Eaci1
piece of cake will be of a size to tit.
'rung animates carrying, a knife and
lusnr•es the neat appearance of the
Emperor Willianils titreacene.t with
a 11111151 brenktllnw'tt. Sc le Cie'n'any
threatened with a military breakdown.
a ++ t+ +y!rttc 4,+ujmr`, %.gar
MY LL�r7ADpYt'S *y
COLITh4.t�. ' fb
p0 you KNOW?
That silk poplin is again being seen
on the very smartest spring costumes
and soutaChe braid is also lintels seen.
That it was fortunate for mother that
guaranteed stocks and moving picture
theatres came in at the same bole,
That black and white, platinum silver
grey, westarla, chartreuse, chicory blue
and biege are favorite shades in new
spring silk frocks,
'1'httt China has n lively Suffrage
society, agitlltiug for three great re-
forms—the abolition of opium traf-
fic, of foot binding and of child slavery,
That when a roan talks about being
confined 01 day in a stuffy office and a
woman tells of being. cooped all day in
11 two by four house, both are bluffing.
That sports hats are seen with bands
painted with flowers or pastoral
scenes, and beautiful mush -room -shap-
ed hats are made of Georgette crepe in
the new blue which Paris calls "bleu de
is 'Marne,"
What Horsewomen Approve
of For I -lot Weather Wear.
This severely 115110 ed habit is rat
up in linea crash In tinter:II Lour., 'i'he'
breeches button at the knee irregular-
0010 Von A 511077 •'t.
1•r, while the Coat of lent: ic•'rr6 lake,,
u rirrular sl.lrt, 1:r -.cru b.,.,e bu110115
a the o! • n1in1 „ ii• t 11
err 1. only ill .u. t .tt hhn:. t
brow 11 • oeg .lu band of the p1101111211
and ttilKsian leather bouts,
How to Wash Your Face In the Right
One of the methods of acgtniring a
clear, white Complexion Is so simple
tbat it is almost amusing. It is mere•
ly to wash the face properly. This
should be as regularly a part of the
toilet at night as brusbiug the teeth.
The procedure is in this wise: With
hot water and a pure white soap thor•
ouglrly cover the face with lather,
using a good complexion brush. The
latter is better thuja a washcloth be-
cause it "scrubs" better and acts as a
good stimulant to the blood vessels
of the face. One need not be afraid
of this thorough scrubbing, for long
hours of rest in bed prevent any harm
coming to the tender skin afterward.
When the faco is rinsed, well with
tepid water and gently and thoroughly
dried with a soft towel rub a good cold
create into the open pores. When this
has been thoroughly spread over the
face and has remained there five or
ten minutes gently wipe it off with a
east cloth, preferably silk. Do not rub
150 face too dry, for some of the cream
should be left in the outer tissues of
the sidn. The severe scrubbing thor-
oughly softens and cleanses the skin
of all dirt and stain, while the cream
nourisbes and whitens it,
Children Cry
Let us Lary awhile at the sign of the
Your Liver
has important work to do. Un.
der favorable conditions it does
it well, If sluggish, relieve it with
!tamest S. o of Ams` Medicine in the wont$.
Sold everywhere, In bonus, C5e..t
Thursday, March 29th, 19 J 7
....G60.<64) 0.004 OesseateeeteSeieeoes
House Takes on Agricultural Look
Talks About Potatoes, Chickens,
Butter and Eggs
Occasionally the farmers in the
Legielature got a real field day when
they have the floor practically to
themselves and w11e11 at any rate
nothing is talked for many ]tours
but problems alfeolieg the farms,
Such a debate was the very interest•
iug one on the Government's proposed
re -organization 011 the Department of
Agriculture. The talk encircled all
sorts of 11r,1Cure interesting to the
farming romntuuily._..pnlatecs, hogs,
wheat. fruit, poultry, silos, horses,
butter and cream. The 1,<'gislatnre for
that day at. ary rate because a Mtge
Farmers' Institute.
Nelson 1'arllalnent, Liberal fanner
frohn Prince Edward County, 1id the
Opposition forces 111 the introduction
of a resolullcn calling for efficient
leadership lit the Department of Agri-
culture, e;i.i,ciully owing to the con-
ditiunn.' 51 113' the !tar: the ap.
poin a :.lini.;ter rat .1r;1•Icltl•
tame to sero, ,,. tee late 1lone Mr. Duff,
who would i,, :its':• 10 ft100 his; 05(11,)
1111110 to Coo weria WIC! who by prac-
tical tr501112 52 (1!,! be tilde to give
lead ii, i , - :ruiiu5:11 ,-m11.+rs, and
(L,. :l,r•r,in,;:,.ut of a Deputy Minister
1115•;1 fry ,c,-!colc•11 a11,1 practical 15lto50-
le.lti0 51 (1)1tre to till this most
Tie• ,....'a,w was rejected by the
Go' t 1 ; 1:1 55110 persisted 111 their
ova: ,,, Il r 1110 re -organization of
the t t...1,;:, mt i:t,'1uli , a :Minister,
n. l'oi int:: io!.er, an Assistant Commis.
stoner ll l Iwo Deputy Ministers.
'r 115(11, ee arer, said that he
hhn . 't , • I net to! -1 ,1 to keep the
ports 11 , l' rtnuneuily.
During the course of ' the debate air,
a cl ,
Rowell of ,red on behalf of the Oppo-
eit! n tact. i1 the Government would
appn1:•1 the 1.11 •st and most outstand-
ing man at'I1111ble us Minister of Agra
cnittu•e rota with 111111 an equally suit-
able man for 0 utv Minister, they
o 1 not oppose se sac 1Minister in
w till l o 1 10
a bye -election, but would allow him
to tette his seat without a contest.
The Prime Slinleter in his reply mado
111) reference to this offer.
George S. llenry, Conservative
member for East York, slated as a
possible Minister of Agriculture, saw
no pa•tic•nlu• rcasml why Sir William
Fieatwt shottll not be head of the
Department of Agriculture, because
"lie had been raised on the farm and
had been a student of farming all his
G. A. Gillespie, Liberal member for
West Peterboro, the well known dairy-
man, called the Government's plan a
"spare time" arrangement.
Several of the speakers referred to
different articles in farm Journals
criticizing the Goverament's re-or-
ganieation plan.
Mr. Rowell Urges Their Claims For
Equal Treatment
Thanks to the twice -repeated sug-
gestion of Mr, Rowell, Ontario nurses
Serving overseas will be put on the
voters' lists here and thus be entitled
to vote at the next general election
as well as the soldiers.
The Government b111 from 1.110 be-
ginning had the provision regarding
the soldiers, ,and, later, Indians were
added. Theee were admirable ar-
rangements but Mr. .Rowell claimed
that surely the Ontario nurses in
Great Britain, Prance, Saloniki sad
other centres of the war, should have
the same privileges and rights as the
soldiers for Whom they were caring.
The Provincial Treasurer promised
that Mr. Itowell's suggestion would
e adopted,
Tune—"When the roll is called up
(Wards by 0. iierelewood, with
apologies to the author of the original)
When my King and Country call me
1111(1 I'ni wanted at tine front,
'Where the shrapnel shells are burst -
in 'the air;
When the foe in fury charges and
we're sent to hear the brunt,
And the toll is called for service I'll
be 1.110081
Clio:-- When the roll is called toe ser-
vice,— etc„ etc.,
When the Kaiser's lines are broken and
his armies out of France, rice,—etc., etc'
And the Belgian desolation we re-
God of Battles help me to be ck—,,,
When the final muster's ordered and Si.—
1110 bugle
May the
Ch0.--When the roll is called for ser-
vice,— etc., etc.,
m v
mise us ss
When the Allies march through Prus- AAX2�L§lEr' POLLS.
silt with the foe in full retreat,
"That 'our hearts be kept from
hatred" in our prayer:
When the "right of might" is ended
in a crushing last defeat,
And the roll is called in Beriin,—
I'II be there.
Cho.—When the roll is called for ser-
vice,— Mee etc„
When for me "Last Post" is sounded
and I cross tine silent ford,
I've a l'ilot who of "mine fields" will
beware; •
When "Reveille" sounds 111 Heaven and
. the Armies of the Lord,
Sing the hallelujah chorus, -11l be
Cho—When the roll is called for ser -
airs. 'Villard Tower, Hillsboro, N,B.:
writes: "I have suffered something awful
with sick headache. At tines I would
become bhlious, and would have severe
pains in my stonaclt after eating, and
have a bad taste in my mouth every
morning. I told some of my friends
about it and I was advised to use Mil -
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. This I did 4115,
and they eared 1,e."
W1teen the liver become. sluggish ansi
inactive, the bowels become constipated,
the tongue become;, coated, 5!m stomach
foul and sick and bilious headaches occur,
Milbu n's Laxa-Liver Pill; clean the,
foul coated tonr;ue a1151 ::i„utueh and
banish the disagreeable hcadae5r. ,
Milburn's Laxa-Liver kills ora 4Se,
per vial, 5 vials for $1..” It all 11.•slen ,
or mailed direct of to ,ipi: of price by
T1tr'f.11111,13511)10 Co., Li irr:.v, Toronto,
t i :),sii;'i eft
"More bread and a:atter bread"
Larrived ts:e dzy the zun first
.oihonG 011
10 years of better
home- rnade bread.
Address a pos card to us note
and receive by return mein a
co is: of our net' ihustr5tvd 811 -
page catalogue of Carden,
Flower and Yield Seeds, Root
Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small
Fouts, Garden Tools, etc.
SPECIAL.—We 011 also
send you free a packet (value
,'Sc) of our choice
Giant Flowering
This carnation is a great favor-
ite; the !lowers are large and
fragrant and the plants do web outdoors. Transplanted into pots in the
early fall they bloom profusely from October till the earl of May. Extra
plants are easily propogated from them by cuttings, "pipings" or layering.
Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premiums, 13
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, LONDON
WOME `t` ''S Nei. Vr k "1
Women, .more than men, have excitable nerves, because:
tiring work and physical strain tax their more delicate
nervous systems and bring premature age and chronic
weakness—unless treated intelligently.
Drug -laden pills and alcoholic concoctions cannot build up a
woman's strength, but the concentrated medicinal food properties in
build st 'ength from its very source and are helping thousands
of women to gain control of their nerve power—overcome
tiredness, nervousness, impatience and irritability.
SCOTT'S is a ligt.Tcd.fooid-- free from drugs.
Scott ba Bowe, Toronto, Oct. to -r