HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-22, Page 6Thursday, March 2211d, 1917 .,-•• ��- gym.,...-w"''--�.+Yxn • ••••..d�efM.r.-�M4M•M THE Gi.TNTON NEW EIi• 4 page Three v, War has been declared. The issue at stake is the high cost of living.. The army or honest merchants represented an this page are batter - down big prices by taking fair profits. They're making a determined attack, and by good merchandising have succeeded in bringing prices down to a low level. They deserve recognition -for their services. Patronize them and save money on Thursday, April 5 et F eFS�R. r ° d_ DRY GOODS AND HOUSE e"'PURNISIzINGS Phone -67 MERCHANT TAILORING AND ° M E N' S FURNISHINGS Phone 103 SEE OUR The Strongest On Earth $13.75 Per Set Line Mug reds No, 1 Alsike Clover .$ 14.50 No. 1, Red Clover..$ 14.50 -Northern Grown Alfafa.. $13 f' Sweet Clover Timothy -•—U— $112 $4.50 [1'(i �C ► c'�1co EINFOR ss PER DISCOUNT SALE ' APRIL 5th Dining Room Suites Living Room Suites Parlour Suits Brass and Iron Beds. Springs and Matr eases Wilton, Brussels, and Tapestry Rugs. Linoluems and Oil Clothes. Pianos and Organs And the famous VICTOR talking, machine and Records. Sp.tci•d prices on every article in our store. Always a pleasure to show our Goods. 08—Phone Day or Night-28 doh 'Cake this opportunity to invite you to make their store your headquarters when in Clinton, April .5th,, the day of Clinton's Spring Show• Watch in our Regular space for partial list of Specials for Show Day. Highest Prices for Produce, r90o THE QUALITY STORE Phone tut —Phone Orders carefully Attended to The' Ratt rebury House. The Old Reliable Under the Management Rates $2.00 per Day. Most Homelike Hotel old On Show Day, April 5th,—one day only—for cash, Ik attenbury, Manager. a;', !'lig!,.��''ii!"VAI'n.�.hP"...i,'::,,4111'Illnllllllil!�'Hr6Vlii�c!;I11,11!,IIIVIId,V���,li,l o Yo r "' ` tm Foot Comm . rt Means Mind Comfort® We will run a specia/ price on GRANULATED in 1001b sacks. SUGAR It will pay you to call. See our regular advt for other Bargains. WT. Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes Mean Foot Comfort • There are many makes of Shoes that are stylish and durable, though few indeed are also comfortable. Dr. A. Reid Cushion Shoes are MADE FOR COMFORT in all styles and leathers, and have many individ- ual features that are exclusively their own, snaking them vastly different from any other make of Shoes. WITHOUT A DOUBT THEY ARE YM,, , •.. T3:�Easiest Shoe .On Earth to be had only at FRED_JACKSON 11 THE NEW ERtES CHEVROLET ,, UNRIVALLED AS A HILL CLIMBER The pawer furnished by the valve -in -head motor en- ables the driver of a Chevrolet to take on high gear, dills which.baifle other'makes of cars. The Chevrolet delivers maximum power to the rear axle which accounts for the basoline economy and Bill climbing ability, . . Own a Chevrolet and enjoy the thrill of passing the other fallow. $695 f.o.h. <j'hawa, roadster $6$0, including electric lights and Martcr,'r:peedon'ieter, oil indicatod fight equip- ment, non-skid tires on rear wheels, etc, E OR E LAVIS Clinton Dealer nifie 1;L YOU WANT VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY WE ARE HERE TO GIVE IT TO YOU --Eelow• is a list of Articles of Exceptional merit Pearl Tooth Paste Harmony Rose Talcum Harmony Violet Soap Rexall Tooth Paste Violet Dulce Talcum Harmony Rose Soap 1'ucia Talcum ...Good Value 25 cents, . . 5 FOR $1.00 S.R. kOLES THE REXALL STORE BEST QUALITY DRUG STbRE c 1!111111111111111111IHIIIII!1111111111111111111111!IIIIIIIIIIi11111111111111111111111IIIIII111111II1111ilillill!IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIil11111111111i III!1!11111!!IIIA!!!iH111111111111!HIII!IIiGIl1111111!111111111!IH;IIill111!1111111111111111111111!III11111111111T111Gi1!llll!11111:'1 The phase may be somewhat superfluous but assuredly not inapprop- riate as applied to our New Wall Paper the sampling of which is now well advanced. The W. D. Fair e 100 Often The Cheapest _- = Always the Best fl111111IIII11111111111111111111111111HI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114111111111111111111N1111111111111111111111111H1111111111111111111HIIIH1111111111111HIH11111111181111HIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111V1111111111111111111 For ENGAGEMENT RINGS ; WEDDING RINGS•, and MARRIAGE LICENSES —CALL ON unt r Jeweler . „ : Clinton NHl11(HIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIHINII IIIIIIIII!111118!!'11{II�I11C�IIIII!IIII!il!!IIIIIIHIIIII@IIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIilllllllillllilllllll!III!!iliHlllifllllllllllllH111111111H111!VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllm11 e • Having opened a o. Garage in Clinton and having agency for the OVERLAND CAR I can suit my Customers from the cheapest OVERLAND to the WILLYS KNIGHT 4 grades and would be pleased to meet intending purchasers. Garage along iuie, of Graham House A full demonstration on Thursday, April 5 Agent Clinton R. GRAHAM, Phone No, 5