HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-22, Page 3Page Six
Thursday, March 22nd, 1917
Ontario's Best Business College
Students may enter our classes at
any time. Commence your course
now and be qualified for a position
by Midsummer. During July and
August of last year we received caps
for over 200 office assistants \ve
could not supply, Our graduates
are in demand. Write of once for
our free catalogue.
1). A. MoLi1ui. Principal
Don't Worry
About the high price of grain and feed
for your fleck of hens as Eggs and
Poultry are expected to be correspond-
ingly high this caning season.
Now is the time to order your Prairie
State Incubators. Why depend on the
uncertain old hen for hatching when
an Incubator will do the work better
and cheaper? Get your chickens
batched early and get the big price for
broilers. The early pullets will be
your next winter's layers. Get an In-
cubator and hatch your chicks when
you please.
Gllull-Langlois & Co,, Limited
The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Branch Phone 190
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
Oi bails,
Dec -hal values in Art
Pianos and Ur^3Ps reel
el. Choice new Edison
phonographs Musc
variety goods.
iU 8C i;!npori6:lDi
Co Hoare,
IE,' r'; e't,l'V' lelri7`Ml7T TT-71P'41'f V `F u TW V V
ri~6iJ .i.ed,A•.`nnu eh...P.es1sPw,.orop2P.o
Plu robing
Repairs promptly at-
tended to.
A number of Second
Hand Beaters in good
Byam &gutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Price
W. 13RYDOL 11).
ORIBIlifLBS R. 81914
Ooneeyanoe, Notary Public),
Conuntseicnee, eto.
issuer of MarriageLicenses,
Huron St., Clinton,
Notary Pnblie, Oonveyancerr,
Irtnaueial and Real Estate
INSURANOR'AGIIINT-Representing 14 Piro Xs
surnncu Oowpauise,
Division Court Office.
Piano Tung
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that • he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W, Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
il, G. Cameron, KC.
Barrffeter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Lte
Mice on Albert Street, occupied ty
Mr. Iiooper. In Olinton on every
Thursday, and on anv day for which
appointments are made. Office hours
from 0 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any appointments for Mr. Cameron.
Physielau, Surgeon, Arc
sunlit] attention sire. to diseases at the
Eye. Aar, Throat, and Nose.
Eyes a ernlly samiued, and suitable glasses
Office and Residence.
Two doors west or the Commercial note
Enron St,
IDES. CT1VDi and Q:l6S1D33iI1
Dr, W. Gunn, L. u. C. P..1. m. C. S.. silt
Dr. (Iuon's oilleo at residence' high Street
or .1- C. Candler. II.A. M.n,
Oaloe-Ontario Street, Olinton.
Night calls at resldenoe, Itattenbnrl St.
nr at hospital
rn. te,i3.AXON
t'ratnr and Bridge 'Work 11 Specially.
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicano. and 5,0,10,8
5Ln3'iferd on ttnndIY+t, Mir let 80 1e
DR. IL li(1)Viar it Pa lt,
Otlioes over O'N1iIL't5 store.
Bpecial care taken to make dents
mint as painless as possible.
Live stook and general A"erinn
bat m stases eines 11 F5nrini1 J Ulcer, e'! t
' ,1•w FnA Mike, i Muton, 5rt a' y
0,, Tertua reksonal.ie, l:urnter -.,, 94•
it.,en.tnt.• i
di. Vt. l:It:e
YrIA. le�rC, ,
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Ear better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
You will never be sorry—for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical,
That has been said to often that
everybody by thee time should
know it—and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal—If you would
like to miss shat sort.altogether—
If ;you would like to hey where
nothing but high quthlithes are
dealt in-OOMR SURE
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
R V 0 a>, W m 1Gr u '' eL e ML
Jelve1Gk and l)ittlt fan,
Issuer of Marriage a Licetlses
iei'r°:111111 it
liDefeopribi'c tl'hy.
Specialiste in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Rye, Ear, Nose. and Throat,
Office—Rattcnbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p,ns
H. 1). Meiuggart U. D. M.:Tag5 Al
lk, 'Trtf t i _h"' i£ds ilrl"n4?L
4aenorei rtecfeiras1 1:'3t'ifrsoaa
Drafts issued. Interest meowed a
The Mc 1 . Mop Hint+r al
Fire Insurance "`oo
Perm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only insured.
Head Office—Seaforth, Out
T. Connolly, Goderieh, President
Jae Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres.
Thos.11. Bays, leaforth, Sec. -Treat
Directors—D. Y. Me.Grc or, bea-
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W,
Rinne Seafot`th; John Benneweis,
Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M.
Me.E\ven, Clinton; J, B. McLean,
Seaforthi J. Connolly, Goderieh:
Robt tFerrie, Harlocke Geo. Me-
'CartneY,, Tuckersinith
Agents—Ed, 'I.linehley, Seaeortb;
Yeo, of Goderieh; Alex. Leitch,
Yeo, 'Holtnesville; Alex. Leitch,
Clinton 1 R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen
Payments made at Morrish &
Co. Clinton, and Cuttt'e grocery
etore Goderieh and Jas. {Reids
store Baylielld.
A Carload of Canada
. Portland Cement
Phone us tor prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
We're naw selling iI'imothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on band, Alfalfa,
Alaike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Pees, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and; til Graben.
A Spring Tonic
Substnntlal ?roof by a Canadian
Beeehmont, Out. -"I feel Ib my duty
to tell what Dr, Pierce's remedies have
d;ono for rno,
4t Y When I oommonoed
;Aku ,yre , ,5' taking; them I Wait
/, completely run
Y. down. 1 have
taken altogether
nine bottles of the
e'Golden Medical
Discovery' and
I 'Favorite Prescrip-
tion,' together
with the 'Pleasant
Pellets' and can
truthfully say that
I feel like a new woman. I would cer-
tainly recommend these medicines to any
one suffering as I didl'-111ns. Wee Paull -
LST, lleeclunont, Ont,
An imitation of nature's method of re-
placing waste of tissue, enriching impov-
erished blood and increasing nerve force
is when you take an alterative extract
of herbs and roots made with ptue glycer-
ine, without the use of alcohol, like Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, This
vegetable medicine coaxes the digestive
functions and helps in the assimilation of
food, or rather takes from the food just
the nutriment the blood requires.
Pure blood is essential to good health,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
not only cleanses tato blood of impurities,
but it increases the activity of the blood -
making glands, and enriches the body with
an abundant supply of pure, rich blood.
It thus cures scrofula, eczema, erysipelas
boils, pimples and other eruptions that
Mar and scar the skin.
Write Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N, Y., for free medical advice or
for free booklet
re on blood,
1111;111 li11011:1111 1111111111111111i111111111111111111:11111111111IIP!Ii11111111110111111;i411
by Louise Kennedy Mabie
j ��I:il 1.ii II1,111�I':.,IP�IIil"I''�.I illll.li1i 1 lii;iwll:!rit111Ill,�liq-
(Continued from las: week)
Through the driving rain, as night
closed 51, we, splashing along muddy
roads, flying through villages with never
a stop, drei,I1ed, sure, :and weary, rode
a woman upon a mission --a wetnalt
\vial all gnod washed clean from her
face. and a brain that seemed on tire.
Platt atter plan shut through Alicia
\'anele'1's head, to be e11115' rejected at
(ince er thrust aside for consideration,
Con staalIv she struck her horse with
her ricin.. whip, though the poor beast
was aire.uly tical nigh.exhausted.
At in...rvals the black servant wile
rode beside her glanced at her uneasily.
11 Was Mysteri',us, this sudden depart -
Dire of herr mistress upon such desper-
ate bttsineSs, for desperate he guessed
it must lee She had been dropped at
Leer do„r be 31r. Dutcher's William, and
had run up the walk like a mad woman.
Within lire minutes. Abigail had rushed
d.,'anstairs. wringing her hands, to or-
der the mistress' horse saddled ,at once,
cad the bac for Peter,
"She's ,n a black rage," wailed Abi-
gail. 'i'<a de Lord, she cuff me twice
nd .only three minutes in de room!
Y'o:i s nein' a long journey, Peter. 1
hope site never come bake" 'Lite plaid's
teeth had snapped Yicic,asly. "She's
bent en murder, Peter. it you saw
her green eyes glemnin'1"
Peter recalled Abigial's terrified
glance over her shoulder, and her part-
ing shut: ••1's afraid you won't come
lime in your health, Peters" The
thought 4444 most uncomfortable..
"Make haste, mane' called back his
mistress. "You area perfect drag s:
:,'se's ilaeis. I r'ad left you behind, had
I known you riding qu:141 ties," on.: went
en impatiently. "Make h stet"
"Mistress, 1 jus' can't. 'lite nag's
near dead, an' it's so pitchy dark 1 could
ride into the black pit itself, and not
know till I was cotched." Peter was
afflicted with n melancholy spirit, and
present affairs tended but to deepen itis
usual gloom. '
"You are a whining booby, and the
black pit would scorn to receive youl
Neither good enough for heaven nor
base enough for hell are such as you."
Her horse stumbled wearily, and
t u
pulled hint up short. lestont, A p
horses and tnenl Brute cattle, all of
titenl! What is the light twinkling yon-
der? Can you see so much, blind
Peter peered at the light hopefully,
"Might be an 1115, mistress, Ought to
701T1,B McLEOD
Make the Liver A'
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the lira 'n rybn des
stomach and bowels are right.
psi ,tag five to
de lit duty.
Curet C.*-
Head.aba, oras 1Didr.0 after Eating.
Small (Plat, Small Does, Small Primo.
0.eaalubne must bear, Signature
be One near crosaroals."
"Small Matter to us, if it be, We
keep on till we drop!"
Peter groaned audibly' as they Mune
up to the light shining in the whitlow
of is snag tavern,
"We better stop here, Mistress," he
P'entured, quaking, "The holly Bush it
Is, and' the only place In tWellty 1111'e:"
"11014 your fongnei"
"iiorses'lI drop under another five
utile, mistress," continued Peter, who
was a persistent soul when wrought up
to it. "Can't go if they gives out."
The woman slackened her pace a little,
and 11e pursued 1lis small advantage,
"Good supper tt' sleep'11 slake '5111 go,
like SIltall was after 'cin to -Morrow."
Mistress Alicia was thinking quickly.
"I ant a fool to use them so hard. I
could not arrive in an exhausted condi-
tion without causing comment." She
put her hand to her forehead wearily.
"1 can perhaps think to better purpose
if 1 stretch myself fiat and rest my
She spoke to the man. "We will go
black to the inn. Let 111e clear no more
Whereupon Peter kept joyful silence,
and in due time had the delight of see-
ing Ms mistress disappear through the
doorway. It was as if a heavy load had
been lifted from his shoulders. l -1e con-
versed pleasantly with the horse boy on
his way to the stables,
It took small time to have a room
warmed and aired. The bustling land-
lady, arriving with a supper tray, much
as she was inclined to talk, was soon got
rid of.
" 1 ant not fit for conversation. Will
you leave the tray, and pray shut the
door behind you? 'thanks, I need noth-
ing mare.,'
As the door closed with a bang, Mis-
tress Wendell shivered and crushed
nearer the lire.
"The shame of it—the ignotninyl"
She spoke aloud, rocking herself back
and forward,. clenching and unclench-
ing her hands. ,"rii have so humbled
myself, and for naught!" But such pas-
sion wears itself out, and after a time
she became more controlled. "'Tis a
lung night ahead of 01e," she thought.
"if 1 sit here and think much longer,
My sense: will leave me. 1 must get
some rest."
Continued next Week.
mill WI 117
Victims Can Cure Themselves
With Dr, Willia,ns'
Pink Piiis,
\':'th flu• cumin C ]larch peek,
who are aiilicu.,i with rh•nnur•.1s111
f"gin to have III1pie:5hpt
of their trouble. '1"nr ace;, 11,1 is
•i,au5cabic--tapir a 11 ' ilk •
0110 14415, 14311. (•1)111
neat. 11 is such sudden 131155'' 3.1
are atter that sets tate pengs :;i
lures of rheumatism, aur. ,
e.ldti114 going. 11141 lI in 14, 1 1 Irl A.
in mind that Although. weath1 rli
Hons. shirt the 111•, the iron! le is
deeply r",ted in the nisi
only be cared thl, a;"
h.• lotions awl hwnteak, in ti:,•
world can't circ rl-Bnnr1511111, I ,,! •
lin; lilt seem to ease the pain l.l,i.'1
you ,arc rug btu', but tic -5 tt- ia'ue
ends. Only through the tilos. 1 „aa
you cure rheumatism. That's why
Ur. Williams' Pink fills have so
many th"us,uhls "f Sures of 1143
treulde to their cre,li1. Thr new,
51511 blood which they actually nt4kc
drives out the pnisorhnns acid and
rheumatism is vanquished. Amon41
many sufferers front rheumatism
who have been cured by this medi-
cine is Air. C. 11. i\leGee, freight shed
foreman for the G T. H , at Teter-
boro, who says :—"In the tonne
of my work I nil naturally exposed to all
kinds of weather, with the result
that about two years alto I contracted
rheumatism which settled in . my
legs. At times I could scarcely walk,
and often had to quit my day's work
owing to thestiffness and the pain.
I tried different remedies without
getting any help until I began tile•
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
used six boxes of these and ca., say
that, I am about as well as ever I
was. 1 still take the pills occassionalty,
and I hope that my experience may be
of benefit to some' other rheumatic
if you suffer from rheumatism, or
any other disease of Ole blood, begin
to cure yourself to clay with 1)r.
Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by ail
medicine dealers or by mail at 110
cents a box or six boxes for 162.150
from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ontario.
44,266 in the township population of
twelve counties of ofd Ontarto, select-
ed at :endow], ',i7..1
Oxford . 3,189
Laulbton 4,571
lluran 3,235
Middlesex 7,919
Perth 2,619
Grey 5,894
0rltee 4,825
Norfolk 2,021
1latdinland • 1,940
Ontario • 1,736
Northumberland . 2,814
The township population of these,
counties was, in 1911, 343,417, and
the decline was therefore more than
12 per cent. The loss, taking account
of the:.natural increase, was probohly
The causes, we repeal, are the in-
adequacy and the inequality of the re-
wards of farm industry. Tarriffs and
he limitation of markets leave a mea-
gre margin of profit, and the extrava-
gant expenditures of governments, cont
missions and municipalities create more
Profitable employment the farmer.sat-
uraliy turns. The puerile remedies de-
vised by bewildered ministers of agri-
culture and education have not only
failed utterly, but by locreasilig the cost
of government have made matters
worse, 'file civil service mums with
leaders, o. tsorterS and instructors who
have unfortunately, little or notating to
show for the million 51011ar5 a year
which they cons utile. it is amazing
that, in full view of 111e results, the poli-
tical fllctio55 vie, with the other, in de-
vising expenditures, which cannot fail
further to impoverish the farmer. When
the day, now almost at hand, arrives of
dependence on 11511 production in
5111555 08 foreign loans, war outlays and
men' um] s making„ goYernmeut "tinged
by enluton" may, perhaps, give place
to government tinged by common
551155,—Weekly Sun.
Forrr:er Govornor.General of Canada
l,s Bereaved in London.
London, Eng., March t5.-1le1 Royal
Highness the Duchess of Connaught
died last night.
During the last few days relatives
and friends of the Dune and Duchess
were aware that the close of the royal
patient was hopeless. Iu the latter
et:tg55 of her illness oxygen was fre-
quently administered.
11 is thought that the complica-
tions of broncho -pneumonia would
probably have been successfully oter.
crane but for the drain on the pa-
tient's strength caused by an operation.
As late as yesterday afternoon the
Duchess was conscious :and able to re-
cognize the members of her family who
were gathered at her bedside.
Nears of the death of the Duchess of
Connaught caused widespread regret
all of Canada.
Came to Canada in 1911.
ller Royal Highness the Duchess of
Connaught first came to Canada on
October 13, int 1, when she and the
Duke and the Princess Patrica landed
in Quebec 35 auceessors to Earl and
Countess Grey. liven after she left
the Dominion last October her interest
ie''.t•tined unabated, as 11101111 by her
last public acs. She had 1,5511 elected
president of the Canadian Iced Crass
reeler soon after the •sar broke out
and at the Last, meeting a month ago she
,•:t',lo,l graciously accepting re-election. 1
Daughter of Red Prince
lirfore marri+aate the D'tche5.1 was
t Princess :at the Court of Prince
redcrick Charles of Prussia, an
our•: dau:lhter too. in the Franco- tier.
OEM 01 la ,•1 157,1. 1 he got the soubri-
,plet of the 'Pod Prince" because of his
41,1411014 qualities. 'lite fluke of 4;1141
ucht first Ines the Princess while stay -
h,^ in P•'rlia glib itis •.istcr, the late
:inert -es Frederick, mother of the pre -
.ms + 1.11451' The marriage took place
ht 1Si") at St, George's Chapel, Windsor
111:n the Duke ty.ts . n ;and his bride
t•1 .s:14 ,d :r,e, 'Titer. hail ,: f'11 -
1u of t1rc'—one son, lri'ac,a Arti 111,
h , il.ea V••d x'041 t,i.a..old %WS at pus -
Now in Go Health -hrough Use
of Lydia E. ill h� m's Vegetable
wad. C(.1mp . Say it is <IDIusehol
Necessity. Docct'1,)r, Called it ail
Wilma e
All women ought to know the wonderful effects of
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on
those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases:
Harrisl,Ilrg, Penn." When I was single I suf-
fered a great deal from female weakness because
my work compelled Inc to stand all day. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound :Saar that
and was made stronger by its use. After I was
married I tobk the Compound again for a female
trouble and after three months I passed what the
doctor called a growth. He said 11; was a miracle
that it came away as one generally goes under
the knife to have them removed. I never want to
be without your Compound in the house."—Mrs.
Farms Rigour., 1642 Fulton St., Harrisburg, Penn.
Hardly Able to Move.
Albert Lea, Minn.—" For about a year I had sharp pains across
my back and. hips and was hardly able to move around the house.
My head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills I
ant feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight montes
old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be without your
reuuclies in the house as there are none like them."— Mrs. F. E.
]'OST, 011 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn.
Three Doctors Gave Her Up.
Pittsburg-, Penn." Your medicine has helped
111e wonderfully. When I was a girl 141 years old I
was always sickly and delicate and suffered from
irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said
I 011311d go into consumption. I took Lydia E.
i'int:1111111'S Vegetable Compound and \vitli the third
1, I t It begun to feel better. I soon became regular
131,1 I got strong and shortly after I was married,
Nov I Have two nice stout healthy children and am
:al,1,' to work Marta everyday" -- gars. CI.Eur:vTrNA
1%tr:nlllNr1,34 Gardner St:,Troyllill, Pittsburg, Penn
All Yvonlen aro invited to write to the Lydia 14.P althorn Me 11 -
sine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advioo,—it will be confidential.
5e re, ie ' 4 her parents in 0103141. Ces:•fn
Was Beautiful European Princess.
Print's' Ionise Margaret Alexandra
VI': 111 1 .5 �.1'.,, t 1 r l ir. 0.1034 1.nu1 11 :11
roar of the l: nsl l...ulitnl ..ttr"pe:u'
rri• ,i ,res '45.4,? were many other
ro :11 ...idiots for her hand• (1f • the
nui,m andre came the beautiful Prin-
•,:'5s 1 .,trica of Coonan; Itt, who, be -
1 e.ad h. the English and Canadians,
by all „tiler's. is still ut-
't.1ri,•I, a1t11'',''h site also b:ts 11:1,1
'1a ,t '111 r ii,r her h a'Id alining titenl
Hide (i, , t n n•-Genrr:tl: Princess .\iar-
c rl"'t ,d the (!r ,V-14 ;'ri'tce t
and the 1,,3141111411 f1•illees34
Pat ]C'• 1, r'ho ;tar, th:t .tinu st eonst;nt
WGalS t, le'u,t ' Lan
FOR 1561411:: YEARS.
when the 1'OWL '3 beC,.•rl^ c'ons.tiPafed
the stomach gets ,:,e n; order, the liver
does not work Prol::,:4, and then follows
the violent sick 1,e:ulances, tic sourness
of the stomach, belching of wind, heart-
burn, Water brash, biliousness, etc.
Reel) your 1,0114413 rr':ti„r by using
7lilburn's Laxa-Lkcr fill... They will
clear away all the effete matter which
collects in the system and thus do stray
with constipation and till its allied
troubles. 1'; •
Mrs. John Fitzgerald, l:rittauia Day,
Ont., writes: "I have been troubled
with my stomach and Ever for the East
five years, and have had constipation
causing headache, backache and c'iezy
spells, and sometimes r. would almost fall
down. I tried all kinds of remedies
without obtaining any relief,
I commenced using Milbnrn's I.axa-
Liver Pills, and they 11a4e cured me.
I have recommended them to many of
my friends, and they are all very much
pleased with lite results they have ob-
tained from their use.”
1\filburei's Laxa-Liver Pills, 211e, a vial,
5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers. or mailed
direct art receipt of prier by The 1'.
I,QiLative Co.. L1ttirIto, Toronto, Ont
I:inv.:010ln,, of Spain and the 1101,055,1
King Manuel 'a'',rrint.tl,
prileuss ala -ears'[, the tilde: &nigh -
4,4 of th;a Dnelless 11 CO11.1 all 011 t, war,
vevY ha; ;iii•: married to Prince Gass
t:nn34 , gown Nance of Sweden. Prince
Arthur of t'.n111aa511t, the illi: son,
Cones between the sisters in .age. 1'e
ii an officer of the Minims Scots Greys
served during the Muer war, and has
been in France since 191 1. '
The Duill ess was We:11111)' in her own
right, :and entitled to the sauce income
from the insperial Parliament as the
Duchess of Albany, 530,000 yearly..
The Duke and Duchess of Connaught
were a most devoted couple, as 'fermi.;
to sate a5 late as September last, when
their royal highnesses attended the Ex-
Her Illness in Canada.
Tlie serious illness of the late Duch-'
,ess and her return to England for al
seee+d operation tell' be recalled. She'
was then ill while at the Citadel, !
Quebec, in Jule, 1912, and Dr. A. E.
Garrote, of Montreal went down be a i
special lrsls. On January 8th, 1953,
while at Mclean Hall, Ottawa, She was
again Taken ill, and was removed to the
Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal, f11
an opelaulou for appendicitis. Later
site was able lo go to London, where a
second operariol was performed sue -
Simplicity Marks Duchess' Funeral.
1.4151 1, ',larch 1'1.—Simplicity citar-
ast:'rized the funeral today sof the
Ducleaa. 14 Connaught, wife of the for.
mei (444ernor•Generat of Canada. '1115
315hi•'rh„p of Canterbury conducted a
brief service at Si, George's chapel.
Prettier Borden of Canada and other
(-seen's! representatives were present.
y C
Me `r'1 �
t ` yin. 'fit
Your food will continue to dis-
a`-ree 'with you, and cause dis-
tress until you strengthen your
digestive organs, and tone and
sweeten the stomach. You can
do this quickly and surely by
promptly taking a few doses of
Their natural action relieves
the stomach of undigested food,
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