HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-22, Page 2Page TWQ HE CLINTON NEW ERA. tea,tlasnanagerter __ Thursday, Mardi Ti411, 1917 "COMA) NOT STAND UP STRAIGHT ti0o iwanl0, an. 2s. "About a year ago T vote sub, tering front a dread1111 10.100 back and bins, so mob no that I could got stand up straight by spells, A friend told a10 shout 11 1 FOR THE ` lidiDNEL f" 0 got a box; they helped Ino inl- hnsdiatoly, "I leave taken about 12 bodes. The pains in any Muds and 11 ps are 011 gone. I cannot speak 00 highly of the wonderful effect of your Gin Pills, You bey use this 1t you s0o at to. Sincerer yours, B, 0, David," All druggists sell Gin rills at 600. a box, or 0 boxes for g2.50. Sample bee if yon write to NATIONAL 0'1?.UG fe OHE1II0AL 00, or CANADA LIMITED Toronto, Ont, 0.0 esiseeet esapeeseeemeasaessoo y 11awf1 and Coun' ry fiCG>eOnagtOftOillLSG7ee QtisOTOCO mWOO Poll Tax for Women. 'rhe extension of the franchise to wo- olen in Ontario may rn'ea 1 an increase in revenue to many Ontario Municipali- ties. At the present time municipali- ties have 111e right to impose a poll tax of one dollar upon all men not other- wise taxed, and it is stated that with adult suffrage in force municipalities may be riven the right to extend the poll tax to cover women as well, carry- ing out the principle of equal privileges and equal responsibilities. The point will likely he decided by the Govern - mere along Mill utter questions. More About Mies Tillotson. CIbis:,tn Gutidiane-.Since publisll- tug the article in regard to Miss Lottie Tillotson in a recent Christian Guard-" Ian, we have been 3n teach with the Donentone Immigration Mime in 0t- tam, and we lied that Miss Tillotson never saw Hawaii, where she was sup- posed to have spent years. Moreover, in entering Canada she declared that she was born in Quebec, whereas she WAS born in Uncle San]'S 310111111ns. 'rhe result is that she has so compromised herself that if she ever daces to set foot on Ca nadl n soil again a notice to the local police office or to the immigrat- ion 1')tlice in Ottawa hill ensure her prompt deportation, 'rhe probability is that for a time at least she will ex- ercise her peculiar talents in church Circles on the other side of the bounce ;try line rather than on this side Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S I CAS`l°"O R tart National Service Literature. One of the most valuable of recent literary contributions to the great cause ]s a booklet by Professor Stephen Lea- cock, entitled "National O1'gallilati011 for War." 111 this booklet Dr. Leacock slakes an urgent call for national thrift and national saving. He attacks in vig- orous style the evils of extravagance at this crisis in Canada's history, and by trenchant phrase and apt illustration disposes of various common errors in Church U : ; ion , n a Greater Canada By The ,lila. Charles G. Pateruorl, D. ,, W tar:.p cg. Q the enemy axri to ourselves 0113 war has revealed a ul ate e Cau- oda. 111 1133 tr0ne11cs a, 1ro i th^ • Oee1n men from all parte or ev y :,province of our Dominion etaud rt• by side, ti n to hero z , ',v ! m 1'; hearts ands 7 ere,.es joined to v the, i tleee era t...... ! •t11e113 1'aliill0'CCCniQ11l .;. A erGd;3.1 •t ii'.. of oar 1-. .. . 1 1 1r•".11 p . nt,1.1 s+ • t .; 11d t rain r ticutar d t am ah. t cr a ii the 311'111.1 0. ,. L1:.,1° t. 331 rr1 111.,e,3 I; lies a solid suostrU1ture o1 c,nvl ,..'r ,Rud purpose that hives unity to it all. 'ljndoubtedly there i., a reel Canartiete tanseiousnc?s, 11. distinct n3110h311 Spirit, all htclivi able 31n10n of '_',riti='1 tnlljects within our bord:ors, To mho, t `the problems whiclt are fast an. r.'proacbing us from out the my=,xerious ;:futhlre we g0 forward as a Caeadien ,00mmonwealtb, which iu its emateltn- 'eat parts may be separate as tl:e lingers, but in its totality is one Gs the hand. Something even more important is slow clearly recognized by the thoughtful observer, The war has 'demonstrated the existence througb• out Canada of vast reserve powers of iaighteousness and love and has proved Itinat they can be sunhmosed and mar- ishalled on behalf of an enterprise 'that kindles the imagination, grips +the heart, and rouses the determine, ition of the people. There Is evidently .an enlightened and sensitive public moral consciousness which is of ;greater 'value to our country than all the wealth with which the Creator 'Iles stored its land and water. Only too numerous and scandalous, it is true, are the instances of unscrupu- lous and treasonable conduct which n'ecemtiy have been brought to light 'through our courts and commissions. But the very thoroughness with which all such proceedings have been con. demned and their agents repudiated, and the universal and insistent de - weed -,tor radical action in other asses of a like nature, gives ground dor the conviction that the old virtues mf truth and honor are securely en- ithmned in our midst. And more par- iiitulerly may be noted the extraor- dinary display during the war of that mutual kindness which underlies all ty,igher phases of social evolution, and la essential to national fitness. The ishoak of combat with our cruel and mighty foe has released aa.110od of sympathy and good -will that has cleansed and fertilized our land and prepared the soli for rich harvests in the days to come. Naturally, therefore, we are look- dng for a greater Canada henceforth: not as regards territory, nor primate fly in growth of population, nor in - ',crease of material development, but greater in quality of spirit and ex• ipressfon of life. And we are sure that such a hope will be abundantly :realized, provided that these ethical mowers am'd this moral passion bo con• tserved and augmented, and enlisted .tor national progress after the war. :Especially must this "fusing kindle Zess," now so much in evidence, be- 'eome even more general and active; for the strain and irritation of the 13eadjusting process when normal ;times return will be severe and den- gerous.1.Mnny of the forces now working together for the winning of the war will afterward become again ,antagonistic and divisive, and there will be an imperative need for that kindness and forbearance which are indispensable to national unification in thought and action. Our genuine soolal upbuilders will be those who strive with energy to bring Canadtane together in larger bodies of mutual appreeiatlon and good -'Evill, and so ex- tend the reach and increase the eiree- tiveness of kindly feeling. And any proposal merits our cordial Support CnauLes G. PATEIhSON, D.D. which will promote closer fusion of minds and more mingling of emotions with fellowship, aiding In the weld- ing of an entire people into a moral unity. Ono such proposal is that which would merge the Methodist, Congre- gational and Presbyterian Churches into the United Church of Canada. No one would pretend that this union of churches would furnish the key to milennial condttions. A change to ecclesiastical organization, on how ever large a scale, could not insure a higher type of national character and life. But such action taken by more than half a million of our adult cite tens would have a very great effect for good upon themselves as Cana- dians, and would make it easier for other union movements to come to maturity. The tendency to -day is to- ward greater simplicity and flexibil- ity of structure in every province of life, and toward united emphasis up- on the essentials held in common in every department of thought and be- lief, Let this trend of sentiment and conviction find expression in the call- ing tato existence of one great Church to take the place of three lesser bodies, and it will be seen that some- times the whole is greater than the sum of all its parts. Should these hundreds of thousand& of our church members take this step, ,of wouldin so doing lay upon the altar of true patriotism the sacrifice of inherited customs, tender associ- ations, deep-rooted preferences and cherished opinions. Such a sacrlftce would be oost3y and hard to snake - but the reaction upon those who onion,' ed it would be most wholesome. Ire losing their denominational life fon the sake- of others they would fend a larger and more worthy life of useful - mess and power. They would give to the nation• also a manifestation at good -wall In action thee would greet, 1y facilitate the •increase of fYfenaiRi nes* and the growth of.kindiamset The aeiontlflc discoveries of last cerebral have made the world a neighbor{ hood.; the religions spirit of this Meat tury mast make it a brotherhood Oita of the first. requisites is the kite ordination of.organisation to Ufa, ental willingness to give tip what Ls essential so that the institittlpsa i render the largest possible service the people for whom ie ouster Thiel is what Church Tinton would involveel and Christian spirit and religion* life .of Cenade'.wouid be purified and energized by this dleplay of genuiinal magnanimity and doctneightm��o(4 �r� earnestness., .Pora green�g veneer ataste!M we need a. greater Church. regard to illd3vid11al spending of motley during war thee, 'rile pamphlet was originally peb11511ed by Dr, Leacook himself, but the National Service 1300rd was so convinced of its value hl MA - 11 00 tion an-1100tion with their Thrift Campaign that they have had it rept/1100d and have undertaken its distribution. Co- pies may be oetaifled by writing to the seerelary of the National Sel'vice Board at Ottawa, or by itjlplyiug to theNat- ion311 Service Director in any Province, c Sy0. �4ru� R For Infants and Children lire Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of tie Canada in War Time Capt. James E. Smith and Capt. Benj. Smith, brothers, who both sailed the lakes for years, are dead. Sarnia workingmen allege that aliens are getting Jobs there, while Canadians including returned soldiers, are work- less. Wholesale sugar dealers have been in- formed that they must comply with the lent' forbidding agreements to keep up prices: Sergi, Wanless, formerly of the 99111 0. S. Battalion, has been appointed Guveruor of Essex county jail. Ile is a Liberal Subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund' in the rural parts of Quebec, are com- ing in well. In the city of Quebec they :Iota' have reached 03.30,121. ;.,greed's PZaasplaoti,srie The Orent Irnplie,h+"! Remedy. ' Tonna and invigorates the Wloin nervous system, masses near HI"ud i ❑t 01,1 Voirm, Cares hrrruuu 1Jrf•ii1111,,1fcntnl owl Brain Worry. (J,' pun• 1 ncy 7.osn of X nerp+l, f'alpilrriiog of the 1 140 hug 27,',,,,,,'y.f'r;re SI I+„i hm, sic < 110 v, nil ..run ur d '11v aft• .. l upf hi , n,.lu1 r,r r,tt.•$.2`rt .... _...at: CO.,.. -i0110010.010. tf.ec_r4 r,!r Ou rn ` R'i r = MY LAbJ;i'Ll COLUMN. 5, r.v v;s 3 1,o%S 6L •lna y 3 aoa 4ao a , 4r/1a `s0.' DO YOU KNOW? y'° 41 You will find relief in Zam-fink It oases the burning, $tinging pain, stops blooding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Ruk, means cure; Why not prove this 7 ,Rif X)rug c•boxy ,Staree.-- Ft Siff n owner of the big and flourishing porce- lain works at Citdineu, which return him 11 pruli1 of about, 9 per cent 00 a capital of $5 00,000. King Peter of Serbia owns a shaving saloon and chemises shop in Belgrade. Before the war, his majesty was the agent for a well klhotvt11 French motor car. The Queen of li0tland supplies from iter dairy, near the Palace at flet Loo, a large proportion of milk consumed by buyers in Amsterdam, Before the war the King of Wurtenl- berg drew a 1101 profit of at least 3350,- 000 u year from tile hotels he owned its the Black Forest, The beautiful Queen of sorely - stricken Roumania started, a few years ago, a factory for 11121111fachlring tooth- picks, So successful Was. this enterprise before the war, that her majesty was able to make quite a comfortable in- come out of it. The Czar of Russia is a Umber mer- chant. The Duke of Ulrich of Wan'tenl- here owns one of the largest corset factories 3n the world, The Grand Duke of Saxe -Weimer is a butcher. The Archduchess Frederick of Aus- tria invested nearly 51,5 310,000 in a candle -staking factory near Budapest. Trite Kin_ "f Denmark confines his com- mercial ventures to the stick exchange, orad has made malty cunsiderablc 'deals.' The ging of Sweden has a large 1111- 31,31311 brewery, A i.*';' brandy ristiliery interests the u r0.. Emperor tif Austria. lee!, 'el- , 1 of Uielgium, when a ytt1111'•1 man, courted tickle fortune as 11 n•eori,2r ,.n ,1n .nl:r3.an paper at a ,d l 5 a week. Tit, liar, f 113 'i 10. en'ov0 the re- { , ,,ring tho shrewdest and eilieet of ,til royal al I, l'0. r s uten. lie t! e:tires, cinemas, tobacco fact - I "ries, d.tirta, .and has cuusid.rahlc sums on the Austrian Stock Exchange. ENFORCE MILITIA ACT ON MAY 1? That the girl who has never earned Belief hxpressed by E. R. Chapman a dollar by her own elTort has never Manitoba Member of National Come of age, I Service Commission That tate new Basque is nothing in the world but our good old friend the middy, dressed up for Sunday. That there are more ways of killing' a man's love than by strangling it to death -but plat's the usual one. That short coat -that is to say coats which cover the hips and not nivel! store -are the correct thing this sea- son, 'That ,airs. 11. P. Whitney travelled seventy-two miles from Patin Beach to Miami, in one hour, to join her ]husband on ills yacht. That the newest skirts are of three types, the peg -lop. the direelorire and. lastly the hour ghees of Louis XIV„ which 3s being prepared re at eext sea - tem sensation. That in the teal ;310111110 'I( 3ls exist- ence the Woman's Hotel of Minnea- poll:: has cared for .1,500 women and children at 5pc It uixih`.. EMERGENCY SHELVES. Winnipeg, Man., March 1G.- That the Militia Act will be put into force on May 1 was the 1OBef expressed by E. R. Chapman, !member for Manitoba of the National Service Commission. Chapman said that en that date seed- ing would be practically completed and recruits are sorely needed. The Com- mis•3on will Meet in Ottawa early ill d 1"31. Col, Williams, :roof r,cruitina,' ()di- cer for Canada, sail all the farmers should stick to their eeedule acd leave Tilling up of the overseas battalions to city men, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. d safe, rrliable repnratina vnedic1ae. Sold an three de. gr ea of strength --No. 1, $L• Na.e2, $3; No. 3, $6 per boa Sold by all druggists, or sent ppropbid on receipt of price. ]tree pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ 'd TORONTO, (017. (Ferently Windsor.) One housekeeper employs this MINOR LOCALS. method to keep '1 well stocked larder; Advertise in The New Era. "When for instance, 1 order a can of What are you going to raise salmon from the Stora, if I find my year in your garden plot? weekly bili is not as large a: usual I order two and put one on what I calf nay emergency shelf," she says. "1 vary this with sardines. peas, tomato or other soups, olives, shrimp, etc, in this way I stock up my 111031 without great expense, and 1 always have some- thing on hand to fix up met serve quick- lywhen unexpected company comes in, without staving to go to the store." ROYALTY WHO HAVE BE- COME MONARCHS IN THE BUSINESS WORLD Royalty does other things than rul- ing, In the business world. many of Europe's crowned heads are said to have achieved notable success, the fol- lowing examples of which are pointed out by a writer in Tit -bits: The King of Spain is the proprietor of n large motor and bicycle factory near Madrid. The Kaiser funs a cafe at Potsdam, close to his castle -gates. He also re- ceives dividends from a lager beer brewery in Hanover; and he is the sole After Every this Doerr have Catarrh One efficient way to remove nasal catarrh is to treat its cause which in most cases is physical weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested liquid -food, and you should take a spoonful of after each meal to enrich your blood and help heal the sensi- tive membranes with its pure oil -food properties. The results of this Scott's Emulsion treatment will surprise those who have used irritating snuffs and vapors. Get the Genuine SCOTT'S • tiVAIWW4wwwvwdvaimieet Local News f litTAWAM WARPAARANIVVA4 Fine Pictures Coming, 00 Wednesday and Thursday, April Ash 11031 5111 the moving pictures "The Battle Cry,of Peace" will be s110w11 in the town hall with a matinee Thursday afternoon. Tl,e pictures come under the auspices of the Young Ladies Pat- riotic Auxiliary and the Spring Show. In The Spring Etc. The Brantford Expositor advises its readers to use that old-fashioned spring medicine prescribed by our grandmothers, sulphur and molasses, which is a reminder that the tate John Robson C.umerou, of the 1•lainilton Spectator, used to advise his readers to keep sulphur in their 5033x5 its a pre- ventive against grip. '('here are less useful spring medicines than sulphur and molasses and less efficacious pre- ventatives of the grip than sulphur i11 the socks, Make It Criminal Offense. The Minister of Justice has been re- quested to add to. the criminal code of Canada, a clause making it at crim- inal offense to tender for publication a false birth, engagement, marriage, death notice, or other mischievous advert- isement. Tom. Elliott in Khaki. Mr. T,13, Elliott has given up his posi- tion as Western Ontario editor of the London Free Press to "do his bit," He has joined the Gard Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, London, as :l gunner. Mr. Elliott, who has been a hirhly valued 111e111bel• of the Free Press edi- torial stall', has enlisted out of purely ratriotic motive, Ile is a son of Mr. „e,,r , "3, i'ain11, of Goderich, and the th:rd sent of that gentleman rally to the colors, Children C:'3 FOR FLETCNI 'i S g Must Not Shoot Muskriete. +4eSEh r 1 ,` yiti,',==u Chip( en Cary f, etcher" ., tea..° a'n.1".1";ts•'t,`1\°i. The 1L3.n i \;`.rota lI ., i1....,' --'3)»8j1"13', r"ld which has been. ' in use foil over r..;r'rl 30 yt , bras bor_;o Cm signature of .49 „, . til it 1ras • boon made under his per. rr..; �� � z ..� a s t, 1 supervision since its infancy. i' n.3 onet to deceive you in this, All Couatcljfolt!a, Ii -7,1'4",,i,%., a find " Jurat -a0 -greed " are but Bxperinc.1ts tbe.t t:ifs wL1(ia en.d endanger the health of Infants and I C.haldren FII fe: ioltco against Experiment, iiiiher tare , Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing 8'rrups. It ib pleasant. 1t contains neither Opium, 1 i'(?ne r_cr other narcotic substance. Its age is its gtt ran: -.ac. 1.':yr more than thirty years it has been in constant it'...., nor ll;o relit of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic andhri 1100133 allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, axil by , iir. ating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation o i?'r o'.; r•'^;in:g healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. NE CA ' , 'AL JAY .4" E a0.2;1 .L:,.. ::, SignaLlile of xxlmx e s t2 u r • d 1) 'tom y.�y �V,�qf� R,,iV" se Use, FoT Over 30 Years rite e Kind enou Have AliVi'Iyays Sought THE CV N J C! AN N W Y p,0. ITY, iA7l ' ''i:'a:`"cw'79;:.. ,m x45v; P' w � er.i I,,ri`• .a �y; .e�fsr , '. 18 ."' to- Minor Locals The Black Knights met on Friday', evening in the L.D.L. hall. Half of March gone now. No Laster rates on Railways this yeare Reed every page of the New Era this' week. Ordinarily the open sc:uo t for ntu'k- rat; begin March tat. Thie Spring, l o 'r f'icl'e i. lo 1'e 1 :1 open season fol shieeing these rats, though they may he trapped from Marcia 1st, to April 31 s1. 'I'!he game latus warn fur dealers of heavy peualities fur buying shut skins, and the hunters will like- wise be prosecuted. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R I A Will you be a producer or a parasite. this yaar' Get down your- spade. your hoe and your rake if you have 1116111; if not go to the hardware store and buy a set of garden tools. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture is conducting an advertising cam- paign in the interests of bacic yard gardening. The series are published on paste 1 311 3'he New Era. Pmol your subscription! Saturday' is St, Patrick's Day, All papers to the boys in France require two cents postage when mailing consequently 01.04 postage must be added to the year's subscription. If you have anything to sell patron. ize The New Era Want Column. Some people may want what you have to sell, '-iszr1r1,34,?+ sa�lu "i oy5L''1Y71vc= Keep u d el e Victory t 1 +03113.+50': ,1033303010081330010'1030" 11030 0333" `11 AM. assured that my people will re- spond to every call necessary to the suc- cess of our cause -with the same indomitable ardour and devotion that have filled me with pride and gratitude since the war began." THIS MAJESTY KING G'EOEGE UR. soldiers must be fed; the people at ho:l. e must be fed. And -.-=in spite f Germany's murderous campaign to cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking every ship on the High Seas -an ample and unfailing flow of food to England and France must be maintained. This is National Service - Not to the 'Farmer only - But to YOU -to everylody- This appeal is directed IVIVE must unite as a Nation to SERVE -to SAVE and to PRODUCE. Men, women and children; the young, the middle aged and the old -all can help in the Nation's Army of Production. Ek VERY pound of FOOD raised, helps •121 reduce the cost of living and adds to the Food Supply for Overseas. For information on any subject relating M the Farm and Garden, write: INFORMATION BUREAU) Department of Agriculture OTTAWA PLANT a garden -small or large. Utilize your own back yard. Cultivate the vacant lots. Make them all yield food.- • �- TOMEN of towns can find no better or more linportant outlet for their energies thanin cultivating a vegetable garden. Be patriotic in act as well as in thought. Use every means available... Overlook northing. Dominion Department of Agriculture OTTAWA, CANADA. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister.