The Clinton New Era, 1917-03-08, Page 64 Page ••"771711% FIRITEM ) renWririm'' THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Thursday, March 8th, I97, ,aossameleesisaissuaseseesussammussisisassissassaiaosite 1 i1 1 401 MU II 1 t .8 ouee sts\ Skirt 18935 . k . 8924) BulitericiPatternsi -..„-.....--........,•••••••••••••••••••••••T••••••••.•••••••• .1•••••••••! Over the Fence is out, but it certainly will take a long time to get over the delight in the possession of this fence collar, which by rights is only an added attraction to the newest of the new—the peplum -blouse costume. This one can't make up its mind whether its pockets belong to its belt or the belt to its pockets, but it is perfectly sure that its back entrance is quite fasci- nating. The chief require- ments of the skirt are that it shall be simple, with no ful- ness at the top. The blouse can be made of satin, char- meuse, gros de Londres, taffeta or crepe de Chine. Soldl'ABROWN'S '67 hone at taterick Pattern Frocks of to day for the Belles of tomorrow ,..mm,01,00=1011M4 THE DELINEATOR THE FASHION AUTHORITY REGULAR PRICE $15O OF THE WORLD SPECIAL TO -DAY .75c FOR A FULL YEA R—AT THE PATTERN DEPARTMENT. PANCAKE ME ARE NOtil Now is the time of year we desire a little change of Food. What about? I PANC AK ES—made 'from Old Virginia Pancake Flour, are fine and you certainly would enjoy them with CORN or MAPLESYRUP Puts the finished taste to pancakes WATCH FOR OUR SHOW Try a jar of Corn .Syrup, price 25o per jar. Also put up in pails or bulk. To add zest, to appetites would re- commend our lines of:— Catsup Olives Sauces SWEET or MIXED PICKLES Peas, Corn Tomatoes Pork & Beans, Etc. T./AY SPECIALS 7- .'",• !`":: Phone 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*A444AAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt Lr- cal INevvEi; p. . 0. if. Ir VrIll'YVVVYVVIVrif V7VVVVV‘VVIP VVVL,VVVVVVVVVrryvVVVVYVVVI,to Hockey. RENEW FOR THE NEW ERA Last, Friday night the Doherty I hickey Club defeated the town team 7-8 and on Monday. night they played the Juniors again and won it by a score of 11-0, they play .the Pastime Club on Friday evening. IHuron 'Promotion Examinations,- ' The uniform promotion examinations for the public schools of Huron will be held on 'Thursday and Friday, March 29t1i and 30th, 1917. Papers are provided for junior and senior second and third classes and -Junior fourth class. Teathers Must notify their school inspector et once, stating the number of papers required for each class taking the examination. Pastime Club Picture. Photographer Roy Ball has an ex cellent group picture of the Pastime Club on view this week. As the picture shows there are a good many of the boys in khaki. Lecture and Supper at Wesley Church .In connection with the Anniversary services of Wesley Church on March 18th and 19th, the Rev. Dr. Barber, of London, is to preach and on Monday evening and Anniversary Tea Meet ing will be given by the ladies of the Church in the new Wesley neatly completed at the cost of 51,000. Dr, Barber will lecture on "Our Escape front Cerniany", Monday evening after the supper. Working on the Railway. Mr. Jacob Braun, of Clinton, is ni3w working on the G. T. R., at Clinton station. Mr. Braun's former business was a book seller and was on the road from Monday morning till Saturday night in the summer time Mr. Mann is going to Senforth for a few days to write on examinations. Mr. Braun think, thinks he will 1.1:1v o19lt until 512or Ow wtr„tA 11 ;5 bard tr, lmok, from Fity4land. lr Itritun's friends wish him success in ids new job. Met Here. The House Of Refuge Committee met here on Tuesday morning to pass the quarterly accounts etc:, • RENEW FOR THE NEW ERA Ministerial Meeting The Centre Iluron Ministerial Asso- ciation will meet in St. Paul's Anglican church, Clinton, on Monday. March 12. :tt 2 p.m. Entertained His Class. Mr. Thomas Hawkins entertained his • A Good Show. The ladies' minstrel sholv and play p,iven by the Ladles' Patriotic S:wictv 1.i the t' '''.'n +ias a 12511»? ,ve- e,es :e'd the repeatod R4 00.0000000000(060000 WiTU Dint CLIURCRES. 0 00 0 0 erate 0 0 0 to elan 0 0 000 Ontario St. Church. Rev, Mr. Dewey, of Stratford, is assist ing at the revival services in the church this week. Wesley Church. Rev. R, Fulton Irwin, of Glencoe, took charge of the special services on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Rev. Clay ton Moorehouse, of Forest, takes charge tonight and Friday. The pastor will preach on Sunday. menceetogeexceeesmeeceeeeeet •4 Over The Teacups • teellin2201E11610.6)G,61911/004414MTAatat4 St. Marys Journal:—Mayor Thomp- son, of Clinton, made a liurried call to town on Friday to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.Thompson of the West Ward both of whom are getting up in years and are not enjoying the health they once did. Mrs. John Bailey, of Stratford, is visiting friends in town and at Bayfield. Mr, Noel Marshall, who is a promin- ent bpsiness man of Toronto, and Presi- dent of the Canadian National Exhibition has an interest for ClIntonlans in the fact that his wife is the youngest dau- ghter of Mrs. Vantassel, formerly a well known resident of Clinton. Nev. A. 11» Drumm, has resigned the pastorate of St. Paul's Presbyterian ch23 rch Powma Ivi 1 In. Mr. Drumm is a former Clintonian, :Ind in atiditior t,i, bele.; a successful and popular p.'e.,cher is a 1...00d printer as well, hevine served :ime • n The New Era. .mi•••• E. Mains, of Elyth, has taken a 1' 3221011 in minors Restaurant. TM. hiest S. A. ()dicers were at Goderich on Wednesday night assisting in the. there . Wittinghain left on l'or his Italie in lier,-:•:11,,11, Sunday School clans last Friday even- 10 a crowded h,,,use The first part was a pl.c..• falltai',. and othei. Ife has 11:•; way he will visit at fliS 1111 it;•le "1:21'cdt11.''us%: 3 1 144 141 1:.11.a" and t il Iliwint.er v ir.11 rolatk•c•-:. to say that the hots13111441 theinsell'es• +,ta Tht 5.2. '2'» par, --. +,55+:;! 11 ,11 +.„, 1, P. isaa+++1.-+1 SPRIDIG SHOW, APRIL 5111 airant. 1th1.1. . MoTae.:ai-t a:•,1 b. chat 11+,1' l"'11.1i1-'111 • 31 rl ; r .1 ..... th.. ,.i.i 1:,,•,, n3in,,,,.,....1 .1,...,,, ,.,,,„2 ,:r .2 .!ir,.., a le w dAyS ,,V1 1 11 his 1-•k1:1'. NV. S', I., 1 Elle. -',;(', :+31,1 ',Cies 1.at .".cr -, +an, 0+... ,:e +1 : I!, +•::: :111..1 .+311e -i• -1.151++.1.-. in ilac 3'''.' 1. ' +.: +-. -•-1.,...ar.. 1 iat +'r.a,.. 9.' .2 1., a ..- .' .".1+1s++. 1i...to's. Fr--msall 1'.-- 1,....,:a .Y11', 1. :++.114' -.++.+.3.1 uni+t+s .1., . • + - • +::.+++ + the +11,..11:”.1 ..f +'..19111,...1:::: .,.:, 1,1 .' .1+..1 th,+ - ..•.1.1 111.+ +4- n. ” a..! th- _ o :+tr.. .•++.112 • i Uhl ass. 11.+1+ 11.ny tr;:nda lia+5..- ,+, E. ,:,....,.. .:, '2!. `."..W.1 ; 1...i. -C1 ,..1..7.:.. 4,1 til., : 11.. "id 1,...,11 1.,., 1....wic. ,++!i pui:. 111.! 1.+.11,2s 11 ',-+ (11 -nn .,I CI.2+++)-(.1".11.11'li.. Tor IIIc-',12 21....... a 11,...,1 '''1ll t:. a:.+.d 3., 311' +.2.1.+. + '.i...a:.1.11:-. 11-....ir l'asIti.--c! ST. 2'.2. ‘,...P. i treasmw. , 1 . : 1 1.••,:: el, l..,..,,la. :":lr,.+11 ; 1. a i ! ' +3 f. -1 • .,,, i .. —,.:.1a++1 .'i,:i,.,...':.t.:.,..':1',u'..'.,i2; .': ,.'.'..'.:..:'.i1c:1.:.In: , :,1 t l;,3. .':2,'214'''117::t':1':1''11:iai, lsitiitu+,r t:,111,1,1s,tli,1.::lh1211.11-.+i .1i .1,1:,,,i:,,i.,,,1.„.,lr.\,.l„a„rn.5r.,,:,:21:,1:i1i,.:,,,it1t1.1+e.11. 1! otowniIlle f21ner9i1 of Th",.+41,1c.,.cadcit.n..trathni. '',.+1+11,1+was1,-Id iriday at 21,. to from ,A..E,,tt. .,ci.,..,,,„1 u.do-, :.1,, + '71 '1' • ("".; -...,, %....., ,:, el'I-'' 5--.... -4 ::. ; , ; . ... - ” -,) - ."'-::'', C •.‘,..../1 ,,,...-1133'.:::.-. r,.; 1.-.-1:, , . , i i7:•..., ,. 4.'l '.Y '', 'k.-19:\.. 1 I i'.1 e' ' ' • -•" •.,..., 1.) 1/4:: : aa,..;., ..z.a. , • .. • c:.,71e. 5 `.......' •,•4:C,' :' • '..:i.'1 C.•:1' 3? .-........ 20; U:1 o t'Au 5::.1 4 ' 0 sPEND 10 DAYS IN. raham, (47f TINTON The well known Eyesight Specialist, will be at my store giving FREE system, -tflThl THURSBAY MARCH 15th ontrer examinations with his advanced 1 ti': Ilhik' 2 t1 k 0, 0, 82,111e - .' . - ."-- {-,....-,!,-: ,, .:, ; 4! ‘....---------,---- ; i'iks-',k:,011 - - - .,eneilg I., ---- ( 4 ------ n111, 1111111 : - ,_---. • tow 1).0 ::,, i /„1.'. 1 1,„. . 11 s .1,11 1 , .., Until SATURDAY MARCH 24th 1"He Looks Into The Eyes" Weak muscles strengthened, headaches cured and cross eye in many cases straightened when glasses are fitted by this advanced method. This is truly a great opportunity to consult a specialist, whose reputation and ability are so widely recognized, and no doubt hundreds will take advantage of Mr. Grabani's visit to Clinton during these ten days. VT, Come early as the last few days are usually busy. Hours 9 a, m., to 8 p, m., daily. Night as good as day time as artificial light is used, • 6116.41,61a• • I will complete my instruction in this advanced method while Mr. Grahtun is here. W. H. Hellyar JEWELER and OPTICIAN Clinton, Ontario. her 1240114 on Talbot street 1,2 Oek- womi cemetery, Rev. mt. street. St: James' church officiatinz. (le:wrat- h regretted 53 her death was by her many friends, 'cit a feeling of relief that she has been relieved from her sufferings is entertained by her friends. Por many months previous to the deaths of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Counter, some tft inonths since, Itliss Counter devoted all her time and strength to their care, and very shortly after they were taken, was stricken by the dread malady that finally caused her demise. She is sur- vived by Messrs. W. R. Counter, of Clin ton and Norman Counter, of Simcoe, by Mrs. G.F. Collins, of Brantford and Miss Alm counter of Simcoe, her brothers and sisters. Miss O'Carr, an aged aunt, is also a member of the immediate fam- ily circle, For many years Miss Coun- ter formed one of the contraltos in the choir cif St. James' and funeral music on Friday supplied by a double quartet from that body of musicians. The fam- ily have the sympathy of the towns- people in their bereavement. Sister Married. The following report of the Arm- strong -Tuckey wedding teferS to sister of Mrs. (Rev.) Powelli—A Pretty wedding took 'place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jetties Tuckey, oh the fifth concession of London Township, at high noon Wedneadarof last week, when titbit yolitigeSt daughter Pearl was united, in marriage to G. Chester ArteStreelt, of BfusSelS, Ont: The beide leaning on the erm of her father, tered the root td' the attains of Lohen, Millie Wedding March, played by the groones sister, Miss Bertlea'Ariti§tfOng, The bride was 'beedinitigly attired in White AIN crepe de ehittenti cathed a shower of American Bettuty roses. Rev. 0, G. Powell, brother -iii -law of the bride officiated, and was assisted by Rev. J. licking, of Arva, and Rev. 0, H. Tuck- ey, of Marengo, Ohio, brother of the bride, After the Signieg of the register the wedding breakfast was served, only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom being present, The groont's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace, and to the pianist a ruby blood' inlaid N. B.—Beware o'2 Canvassing impersonators, as Mr. Grabens does Business ONLY at Hellyar's in a circle of pearls. The bride and Jewelry Store m grooleft 011 the afternoon train for 13505151S, where they will reside The • hide's travelling dress was dark copen- ha' broadeloth and whit hat. ill her many friends hope fer a 'p,' 411' recovery. Clak Lane 1.1115 in town on Tues- day attending a meeting of the. House f Refuge Committee. Mrs. William 'rownsend. of Macklin. Saskatchewan, returned home Monday mornin0 after spending the winter with her mother. Mrs. George Nott, Signaller George Webber, is back to town again 'visiting his old friends. He still feels the effects of his operation. Rev. Mr. Dewey, of Stratford, is the guest of Councillor and Mrs. Jas. Miller while in town. Mrs. Howard Elder and little son, Gerrtld, from Norwich, spent over Sun- day with her grandmother, Mrs, Geo. Nott, of Ontario street. Miss Hazel Belcher of Goderich was a visitor it: town last Friday. Mr. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, spent a couple of days in town last week. Mr. John Tufford, of Goderich, was a visitor in town on Friday last. Miss Minnie Gledhill, of Goderich, was calling on old friends in town last Fricmy. Miss Jennie Holmes has returned from her visit to Southampton and other points, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of Glencoe, MIS the guest for a few days with his broth- er; Mr. J. A. Irwin. CAistOres Officer Davis, of Winghatn, paid our local officer, Mr. John Wise - filen a fraternal visit on'Friday last. Will. leolloWay left on Monday morning for his home in Peterboro, ef- ter a couple of 'Weeks argued his old Mine here,' Ref,end Mrs. Hogg and daughters were hOtpitably entertained 'at the home of W. T. and Met. O'Neil be- tween their arrival froin Southainpton and their takiiig possession of the 21541555, Mr. Ike Rattenbery spent a few &Lys at Toronto oft business and took a run °eat to set Mr, and Mrs. Otto Fink at Hathiltoe. Otto's old friends Will be glad to hear that he 11 working up 11 fine business in that city. Mr. W. R. Counter was milled back to Sinicoe last Thursday owing to the death of 11111 sister, In the past 18 Months Mr, Counter hes lost his 'Mother and fetter end siSter, The funeral was held on Priffiry. ets. This exceptional Bargain i,s; for you! lin3P4Cit1MON niiT9) INSIGNER AN IV THE twelve consecutive lumbers 0 Household Magazine publisit,ALL of this Ieuling Pastuon and ed by The Standard Fashion 1 Co. containing council) good for 1 5c in 6TANDAtio ,,,Luarlicdhaarsde paot-f 511 tern. -OR 12. rh. Designer will be delivered to you each month at our Standard 'attern Department. The Quarterly will he delivered when you place your order. The Standard Quarterly contains hundreds of the smartest Spring' styles. You can not afford to be without it when planning Spring Clothes for yourself and your children. This offer good for limited time only. T W. D. F ir eo. Often the eheapest—Fliways the Best If your nerves need nourishment and your system calls for new strength, nothing will help you quick- er than • DYNAMIC TONIC This nerve tonic con- sists of the most high ly recommended nerve foods, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium phosphates, quiffine-hydro- chloude and iron-citro-phosphate. The exact for- mula is on the label for your protection. Won't you at least give it a chance to convince you of its merits/ Weare selling it continually to our most discriminating patrons and they indorse it highly. We have had an opportunity to see just what Penslar Dynamic Tonic can do for those whose nerves are run down, and we recomthend it very highly. Penslar Dynamic Tonic comes in two 6 sizes 75c and $1.50.. 141 12150 t.„ v AsaRimeassasenumoRsasmaft, R2081MMI, r DY NA TON 515(15,4 1555 OR 1205 5522 51.E€ DYNAMIC TOtsitC0 FM I ect•teismeetrAvardetzem.,„-ee. eee-wee ..,e.,..-„,x,eeeeameeerazazanra estozr...sato....R.oaszonoce=oa...aazomovo=amoavoRmomealaorsN, IT 1.1 The Features 411 Our Furflture which invite special ad tentioi. are its Foamy, its assured comfort, aolid tots! tile! wan, nnd its hplow (111 13-122+ p11 .3W of 111.4' woohl stilliciciit to vim] it las-fcrelicc. thcy 411,P ill! hi 01 (i ,olt, you xi.: ; 12 9- 3:2 1 110ja ittt 4+tiyi,i +12,a1 1,_ i 1 N 1.ta,11,1,11'..7.er orl Plume tile,. 1.1.1s.ils aas2+o1e21 221 Inniiideneg• over stove 'e -a• • A ;1::,;: at 11 ORDER YOUR SAP PANS AND BUCKETS NOW, AND BE READY FOR THE SYRUP SEASON WHEN IT COMES • Shop-- over Rowlaud's Har dware Thos.Hawkins Plumbing and Heating Phone. 53 PHONE 45. TASTY AND NUTRITIOUE LENTEN DISHES • The faintly that denies -itself meal• during Lent will find in our store a great many wholesome foods as sub- stitutes, found in the following list:— Fresh caught Herring. Fresh Halibut Finnan Haddie Filletts and Cod Fish Canned Salmon, Kippered Herring, Sardines, Lobsters, and Crabs SPECIAL — Oranges; Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Lettuce and.: Celery. 2 Highest Market Price for Produce ' E. E. Hunniford +++++ +++ 4.1•44.41+++÷^ +++ .1...1-1.++ 4. 4-1“1 oys' Shoes If the Boy is hard on his Shoes, bring Him here! We've had shoes built to stand the abuse the average Boy gives his shoes. Parents who test our poys' Shoes, find it requires less money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when they buy the shoes we sell! Gun Metal, Box Calf and Uris Leathers. inisde and out- side stays to prevent ripping. Solid, durable Shoe, but not clumsy . .. . $1.50; $2.00; $2.50 to $3.50. according to size. issasamessseamsesmseamczyworzwystanmensk-assonsw,nor=answeessvms R ED. RV', :'SION GOOD SHOES 4444 ‘,..:44144.14 40So. t...e...11.11 6 5.