HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-01, Page 7' *age SIX
Over the Fence
41110 in the possession
take a long tinie to get over
the delight
of this fence collar, which
is out, but iit certainly will
by rights is only an added
attraction to the newest of
the new -the peplum -blouse
costume. This one can't
make up its mind whether
or the belt to its pockets, but
it is perfectly sure that its
back entrance is quite fasci
1 -
its pockets belong to its belt
nating, The chief require-
ments of the skirt are that it
B OU5e
Skirt can be made of satin, char-
shall be simple, with no ful-
8935 8924) meuse, gros de Londres,
ness at the top. The blouse
5 u'tte ri ck Patterns! taffetor crepe de Chine,
BRewrs Phone
O.Uttericli Pattern ,Butterick Paftere
Frocks of to day for
the Belles of tomorrow
r• ' O.
Loci News 0
tp, IN.
ir t:
Rohina Here.
Robin -red -breast was seen in town
0.0 Moisday ofthis week. Spring is
, High Merle.
' R. Fitzsimons et Son paid $14.10 per
cwt for hogs last Saturday. This Is
the highest ever paid in Clinton. "
Gets Appointment.
Rev. J, E, Fad, of Goderich, former
pastor of Weslee. church, has been al,.
Ipoleted a member of the tioderich CoI
leglate Board,
A Fractured Arm,
Mit Thos. Trick bad the misfortune
to fall on the icy walk last Monday and
fracture her arm, 1 -ler old friends will
hope for a speedy recovery,
Will Hold a Banquet.
The choir of St. Joseph's' church are
holding a St. Patrick's banquet in the
basement of the church on Monday,
March 19th:
Cousin Killed.
Mr. Roy Ball received a telephone
messege that his cousin, Pte. Clifford
Stokes, of Kitchener, was killed in
action on the Somme front.
Baggageman Enlists.
Mr, Holloway, who is baggagemaster
at the G.T.R. station has donned the
King's colors and will serve in the Con-
, struction Battl. He has a wife and two
FOR A FULL YEA R -AT THE PATTERN DEPARTMENT. small children residing here.
iseavrocasatoz=vasesto -
Moving to Town.vsstteowcowestattcumw.tuuctz creass=sunantasacc=ceeoscv-J' Mr. James Cornish has purchase..1 the
residence of Mr. William Harland 00
Rattenbury street, east and will get poe-
PANTAKE DAYS tirl NOW ON Obituayy lis the spring. Mr. Ilarkted will
remove. 10 Isle other resider::: Prie-
cess street.
Now is the time of year we desire a
little change of Food. What about?
PANCAKES -made from Old
Virginia Pancake Flour, are fine and
• Try a jar of Corn Syrup, price 25c !
per jar. Also put up in pails or bulk.
To add zest to appetites would re-
commend our lines 01: -
Catsup Olives Sauces
you certai.ily would enjoy them with
CORN Or M A P I E 5 Y R U 1' Peas, Corn Tomatoes
Puts the finished taste to pancakes ' • Pork & Beans, Etc,
' .• . ,
• +
Mary M. Colclough.
On February 2411) in Goderieh town-
ship, der an illness one week.
Mary M. Ostrander,, relict of the late
Mr. Colcluugh, aged 93 years and 5
passed away at the home ttf Mr. J.Sher-
man an the 1 -ith con, Deceased was
ions n eel Cu, Ontario, and lived is
thie section for years.
Sarsh J. Carter.
•A3 11 rasislani of town WAS 2.11,3
aw.c.•1 he l',11*:fI•i of Sarah Jane Heil,
Successful at London Conservatory.
Cdets Ford bad three pupils
imeaessill in the recent examinations
i.,1. 1.,,,113,./1 rouservator,, 01 itvIc:
leani,--leret class honors,
Med.: :\1.1.(.r,!. Gead..! 1, Piano-ilirst
r:11112 Ford and Lina Wise.
Good Stank.
.ut , In. ,
• •
Commit Monany,
The regular meetintuf Cutnidil will
be held on Monday evening.
But Can't Get Coal.
Coal appears to be about as searce
down Detroit way 411 it is up here and
The News• recently decorated Its front
page with an amusing cartoon, the react-
ing mister to which rep; You may be
Ole exalted grand pluito of the Ancient
Order of Nighthawks and president of
the.Sons thd Evolution and you may
be 010i:suiting terms with the trailic
cop and be the receiving teller of the
D.H.R. allrphis department; and maybe
you turn afford dollar cigars and egg on
your vest; But You Can't Got Coal,
After the Tussock Moths.
The Parks Commissioner of Toronto
Is already laying plans for a campaign
against the tuseock moth, and it `may
be applicible to Clinton. 1•Ie is al -
questing the co-oPeration of house
holders in exterminating the pest.
"Now is the time to make a start,"
he says. Householders should search
the ceilings of verandahs and over -
sheltered pieces fur the cocoons of
Use tussock moth, and when found
they should be burned. I intend to
make a dertimined effort to rid the
city of those pests ruring the spring."
Some Howl.
The Stratford Beacon of last Weitnes,
clay makes the following "howl" about
the hockey game here. "The imports"
as they talk about included Miss Nlary
Brimfield, who has lived in town ever
since the Editor came to town, am! the
referee -well Billy Johnson he.; beee
to long in the game not to klutz a few
thinns about it. III' coine,.: 111,2 Sea -
forth and Bruseels girls on the stele.
March 1st, 97
The greatest boon to' both mothers and babies since the
cradle was invented. Every move of the baby moves 11:
swing and keeps it interested, happy ,heathful, out of your w
and out of the dirt.
It is made of white duck on covered steel frame and can be
washed. Hung on a single hook from doorway, porch ceil-
ing or tree branch.
The baby can't possibly fall out. It helps mother get
their work done.
11 Faire
Often the eheapest-Mways the Best
161•664riviAiwm t.'Or, Nori.446t.; W.144,4C474:1.
If your nerves need nourishment and your system
calls for new strength, nothing will help you quick-
er than
ftr, 4'd This nerve tonic con-
. S IS S of the most high
ly recommended nerve foods, such as yiotassium,
calcium and magnesium phosphate's, quinine-hydro-
chloude and iron-citro-phosphate. The exact for-
mula is on the /libel for your protection. Won't you
at least give it a chance to convince you of its
merits? Weare selling it continually to our most
discriminating patrons and they indorse it highly.
We have had an opportunity to sea just what
Penslar Dynamic Tonic can do for those whose
nerves are run down, and we recommend it very
highly. Penslar Dynamic T01114 comesAn two
sizes 75c and $1.50..
ford Liam tion't fitn't‘ 737% "..75
22,A1122.2 the reforaa three l'import2"
.V.11:11011 311,1 foqr 01 the (-;11 abet
, 11'="=613 ii•1-.N2St•..1agrifirtnr'"'"•"116,, agnj•
th:- git-14' e • :11 1,2
1: 3d the Clinton 11'
The seer,: veal 3
"1111.'cL',:1111.' 1-- ,11,, t
riil ,;1 . th. • 1
, • .., ,t ••• • i• 11 ' "1
r.1"11 11 1
• .
1l 1
1..1.1nt ' • ,•1, ; • +.;....; • • k..
J.:1.1 I 111.‘11:1 th,! ' ' ; .!,, 1 . •1
1,..,-1 • 1..,r son, 2,4'. 1,1104'.
.1,0,11.4-4^44.474' , f7, i1i:1:;::1, ;.; h"".h ' "- •
..,-;•,e,1 • ,. 21v., •i:111111Y. 1"'" '3". •
. • ,
Ite :1) . 5e-teee ee
V, In. T2 h+2.1.
In,. ;:13 in Toronto 1111,
the weekend, end ui,11 rri mls
, 'y V1,111.111g IA ;1 11
file, •1111' ;11k
1.211I1,1 ;a or this week.
Mr. ml :Mrs Henry l2250,,112 have
movv,t to 10201 wilt be greatly
misse,1 in this section, 6 Mr. Cadzow
has mov,s1 to the I\ IcEtarzie farm 51)11111
of 1:ravefield
Mr. Cyndall in.tved to the Peacock
farm t Inc week.
League meets next week at the home
of Mr. William it anbory.
Mr, Milton•VdItse talus possession of
the ktrm (TA not by his ierentifather,
1-1,e Rev. :Mr MacFarlane attended
n urtM convenn tioat 0)&111 on Tues•
Let. •
3 he case of Blair, \'S. Dolsen brouelit
10111''his is'th-lgo Dirkson last week
wa5 tleoided in f:tv..-.1- Flair Indian
1.),,i• on was tatt. nhle 1o provide necessary
(met:nee forint, (lr`Ieire.
The llifle (1,1,11:1.iised their first
shots on Tuesday last making the usual
to,0,1 record as Iter.:,Iisetibed. Capt. 1..
Thomson highest- .core. Reeve I\
Erwin, second. Rev. 1.51421:arlane, third
and fir. \votals„, fourth. tile rernaulder
of the guards tacit:Kling a number of
ladies ranged so closely on," The inner
chines was to be called remarkably good
A good response was made in our
neighborhood for the 'Tuberculosis Sold-
iers flospital in Landon.
Airs. •(..arr of our village has made
200 pairs of socks for the sokliers since
the war began and is still knitting.
Mr. Niley has moved to Settforth
where he has. taken a position in the
shell factory
:Farmers are getting ' spring grains
ready for sowing
Potatoes at present are very scarce.
112 pail's of socks have been sent this
•sveek to headquarters by the Society and
83 sets of pajamas.
Mrs Roy French and daughter from
Hoderich spent the week with Mrs,
Wesley Vanclerburgh,
Mrs. Wesley Vanderburgh and child'
ren visited in Seaforth on Saturday last,
• The Ladies Aid will meet at the home
of Mrs. John A. Cox, on Thursday
March: 8111, At the meeting held last
week the following officers were elected -
President -Mrs. Milton Woods.
Vice President -Mrs, George
Secretary -Sophia Lindsay
Treasurer -Mrs.. Wesley Vander,
Miss Beatrice Mary Garrow, &ugh- •
ter of the late Mr, Jdstice Garrow anal,
of Mrs. Garrow, wns married very quiet-
ly on Saturday Morning at St, Andrew's s
Chureh, Totonto, -ot r;
Ken2112 2,1 2,!•-•
P.v. Dr. Thomas Eakin ofii
ciatcal. The service. was entrei:-
ieorman Ander ,es we.: at the '5,51)
51' elia'xita
Crer,..! 21.0 cau,•:111.
a large bunch of violets at the waist.
liar 'tall,: SCI v, W1111 0:41)1.ti.
She 2.:1710.0. a white. prayer
';',210.o was given
her Crolliar„%lr. 11, F. Garr','. ()wing
fo recent bereavements only the Mi-
me:data ralativos '5 22 present after
the ceremony at the wedding breakfast
at the house of Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Gar -
row on Ruxborotigli street, Mr, and AIrs
MazDougall left for a short triP, and will
live 1;1 'Foronto on their return,
1, , 1•. . :.• • 2 -, .. i11'7 -11 "...•,"
- 1; ." ; !' 1 • •.• t 1 , 1 •
On 50111110; March .115, Prof. 3, C.
Hoherton, of Victoria College, Toronto,
I will speak itt the Methodist Church,
at the evening service The professor
1 is an old Goderich boy and will lee here
111 the interests of the Methodist Piclucy.
dotal( work.
Fite Pa trios ic da tire given 1.y
Myth Orchestra at the Commercial
on 1.1londay evening. uas 1 thorough
success notwithf-tInding the inclement
weather n11,1,41500 was realized for pat-
riotic purpose
Mr. R. H. nut -Anson has purchased
MIN. lei. Cari ers 1 ce, Victoria
Street, and will take possnssion early
next month.
Mr,: 0 :11(70mm-in who was taken
ill (mite suddenft- on Saturday night
s now con5i Illy im )0) 1 we src
P1111.52(1 to report.
Word 115lieen received that Miss
Lillie al, Carr is at present in the
Isolation Hospital, Toronto, suffering
1ro1)1 scarlet fever. Ilei' many friends
here wish for a speedy recovery,
A inciting of th 1to cric.1 District
'Methodist Associatien was held with a
good attendance of ministers and lay-
men, considering that the trains are so
bad pow that those who 201115 had to
either come on the (1, 1 11., or drive.
There were delegates from Goderich,
Clinton, Auburti, Benmiller, T.,onclesboro
and Nde. Rev. J. E. borcl, chairman of
the district presided, The meeting 'was
ms the fotsn ofaspiritual
the subjects taken up were helpful ism
the work. The, largest attendance was
at the afternoon session, when the church ,
was well filled, a number from town
being in attendance
A lumber of changes are taking place!
this week. A. Hooper, who has been
conducting a draying and express bueie 1
ness for s few years, 11111 disposed of
his business to Win. Johnston, who i
conducts the livery business, Mr.
Hooper oleo disposed of his house and
barn to Mr. Ilrunedon,
A. Sanders, of linnet, has purchased 1
a residnce from H. Homey, and will!
;novo into town, as he has sold his farm,
and It Robinson hes purchased the,
residenee,of Mrs. -Carter, who will/
have an auction sale of her household
effects on Saturday and Mil spend 111
few weeks with Isar sister al: Oshawa.
A great many logs are now doming
into the satvtitilt but not 111 many ak,
expected, on account of the scarcity Of
, labor, the tamers being unable to get
them out.
The coal question is still a serious 0I5
tare but it is somewhat relived this
week when a carload arrived.
The electric light plant is getting short 1
of soft coal, and tailuis "01013arrives
oon the town wsll hem darkness.
, ,,, . , i. .1. 2 t. ,• :
' ' • ; '
• . 1., 1 ;:••• • '
• • !,. ,
v , • .
111 1
1 1. I". !*"., 1111;
•. .
, • • , .1 '' 1 ' 5 • 1 it; . • , 1,,
'and 1 s2i102.1 bvi 1,5 . , , 1 1 ,
, .1, up 1,, C1111,011 and. .21.11 „ . ,
ever 0 1.. I.. 1 1 1:11.2.1V.211 '01;01.. T •
11110anti ttredeeea litir some 15 y gars .; ; 15, 4'4. ''''t " 1 '' ' 1'
ago, She is surviva,1 three sone, P. ,„ 1„ ,
ir'11.5 •
ni•iya in Florida; J. 11. in St. 1:atharineS
'id I 1r.:e Winnij•eg, and one tiang11-1,ultto ba ,"11;11 ion 1 ;
ter, .Airs. \V, i'...113er of town. Another 1,1.1 tite an imorniation 1'4,1'5 1,11°' lls ..;11 11 thc 1!' O&DER YOUR SAP PANS AND
it.. 11 't1
,k • "
edaughter, Airs. ;Biller, died only a e be b,g,.,..„.„/ by , 211111351,,m 1'. V.111. It ;,;••!•"
f ;he 111.1.1•,he.
2.2m, v.,?oks ago The funeral was held ' ,,,1;11%, ANII)
..•• alte.-, •vin ',ad the tir..•iit_hell rink this 0 intm: amt 1111211
vice at the tal.en the; The Juniors Gel it. c,thusi,rm The C.111,
deceased's old pastor. Rev, Dr, •t, 11', i',' 11;,' night a eltallettee 'I''::. ,t Sa,t
and R•w. Mr. Robitrmn toot. the se-.••• '.'1 MicIev I•as 1.1.o•ed In the arena, be- '1111 into the come t, hetaire: 11:s'
vice et grave. !te,een Juvenil, dna the I 1,212arty had Played in 0.1 14:5• 11114125. T11 01'
- -ilas illeans- and the way .111,' places were tilled by W. 1'111.0 and H.
I 11..r: -.'s at the juniors it WaS t Hine -•1. Aftee Mira m Is trilli•••
crime, aonsidering that they had not Ilitehell came off victorion; 11 a -
been in the game for some years. 'rhe ' of 9 to si•
Iw" 1 3-c It bit The 1r'r Az.knowledge
Juniors -Goal. A. AlcKenzie.; 1.d.,
Carter: \V. Dixon; centre, 0. Kitty;
it. cooper; r. w., Livermore. llralefolly 1,2 aeknowlad.',., the ioilowing
eniribittiods received in le' the
A. McGuire; r.d., G.
- • Fecr,!tary of the Natl.:nal S,teiter-
, McKeneie, I. 'd., :1 1. Elliott; centre, C.
inm Ass,,21.tt1on:-
'1104 1.41111.1i7111".1
5).1s:ration Army.
Salvation Army entertainment Will be
held on Tuesday evenir g. March eilt
at p, to. 'rhe Juniors will give a
gtstd programme, consisting ,,1 ;clue-
ing, recitations, dialogues and drills etc. ' M40!•lltald1 1". W., W.
Also the distributing of the prizes to
the 8, S. scholars. The On -leers of Sea -
forth and Godersch will he present, All
are invited to come and spend a happy
evening in the S. A. Hall, Admission in.
Ontario Street Church.
Owing to illness in the family, Rev.
Mr, 11Ihbert, of Whighain, was tillable
to be present at the special meetings
and Rev, Mr. Millyard, of London, of
London, arrived on Tuesday and Is
helping the Pastor. it is expected that
Rev. hit. Dewey, of Stratford will' he
here next week.
Wesley Church,
Rev. J. W. Hadley, M. A., of the Nile
took the services on Sunday. His morn-
ing subject was 'The Abundant Harvest'
and at night his subject was found in
John 7. 17,
Special services are being held this
Week and Rev.Mrelledley preaches each
The Pastor will preach next Sunday.
Wesley church will celebrate their
63rd anniversary on Sunday, March 22.
Rev. Dr. Barber, of Loudon is to preach
and the Trustees are asking for 5500.
WIDIS Church,
Rev, Mr, Stevenson took the morning
service Iasi Sunday in the, interests of
the Dominion Alliance,
Rev, Mr, McFarlane or flaytiew took
the service at night. .
The induction of Rev. Mr. Hogg will
take place on Friday evening- And the
new Minister will commenct Isis work:
on Sunday,
ihe .:Id It.'11111 11,15 1,111 cul
the winners ;Ind they play at 7 o'clock
rrniaY nigut at the arena,
Minor Locals.
Ministrel show tonight. The tickets
are going; fast,
Council inedrs on Monday evening.
Ilse next holiday is the .170 -for
1 Irishmen only,
The winter will soon be over.
Induction service at Willis church
on Friday evening of this week.
Have you renewed for your New Era
The spring assizes will open in Gott: -
rich on Tuesday, March 1315 before
Mr. Justice Middleton, •
The defeat of the Government in New
Brunswick leaves only two Provincial
Government Adininistrations. The next
election in Ontario mid Prince 'Edward
Island will probably remedy these de -
Hogs 514.50
Butter 31 to 35
Eggs 40 to 41
Wheat ........ 10 55.60
Oats 60
Barley .80 to $1,00
Peas $3,m, to $2.25
Hay ,,, ,,,,,,,, .$8 to $10
Bran $35.00
Shorts, , ,,,,, t $40
Mr. Adams
Miss 311ted1 'ttgall
Miss Sinclair
Rev, W. 1.. Rutledge, D. D
Ji.)1115 T. Harland
11, Willse
1' A Aeon, 11, 11. S
J.A. Irwin
\V. II. lieklyar
11. Bartliff
11, Plunisteel
J. 13. Hovey
Miss Isabel Draper
Miss ()live Cooper
.1iss 0. Courtice
A friend
Town Clerk 2.00
J. W. Treleaven 1.00
Mr. G1'11114/11 2.00
Miss Kilty 2,00
James Scott 2,00
It Fowler, DAM 2.00
G. D. McTaggart 1.00
A, J. Morrish 1.00
P, Jackson 1.00
R. Rowland 1,00
RdV, W..13. Moulton 1.00
J. P. Sheppard 1.00
Rev. Jno..A. Agnew 1,00
Miss M. Wittse 1,00
Miss L. Stevens 1,00
Miss W. Thoinpson 1,00
Miss Wilson 1,00
Mrs, hi, Ross ,So
Town of Clinton „ 5,00
Geo, A. Reid, Secy.-Treas.
ei 35
N hope
-1. ad,l , f.
t11hot' 1,'1
R -b
i", • e • ••,i•
i• ,
The feinily that denies it -:J1 maah
dine ne Lent will find in our :Lure 0
great many wholesome foods af2 sub--
stitutmt, foulid in the following list: -
Fresh caught Herring.
Fresh Halibut
Finnan Haddie
Filletts end Cod Fish
Canned Salmon, Kippered Herring,
Sard:nes, Lobsters, an.2.I Cribs
SPECIAL - Oranges, Lernens•.•
Bananas, Grape. Fruit, Lathe...) :Inc
tlYt!,' Si rt•
Highest Mark.?1 PriCe for P:'' 12,11
PrIONin 47.
If the Boy is hard on his Shoes, bring Him here!
We've had shoes built to stand the abuse the average
Boy gives his shoes.
Parents who test our Boys' Shoes, find it requires less
money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when they
buy the shoes we sell!
Gun Metal, Box Calf and this Leathers. Inisde and out.
side stays to prevent ripping. Solid, durable Shoes, but
not clumsy , .$1.50; $2.00; $2.SO to $3.50
according to size.
444'11' 42.°P'.44t,2124,.+4.4