HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-01, Page 4Page Poll: Ask Your Druggns l`. for 3,d See You Get This Box CIVit,4 SaelnaaGl 11,5 ✓FdJf v d, ' , tII&3R EY5 'ALT Toad N.S. May 1st, 101G, "My trouble wan gravel in tiro bladder. My anon wns very serious and my death VIVO daily expected, No miaering could bo worse than I had to endure. I hes you to publish my letter ao that people. nww know what Gini Pills had dorso for me. The first bOX relieved ma a groat Ileal, Eight boxes were analclent to cure oto entirely mid to bring„ WV book to perfect health. Ieadoro Thomas," Your druggist soils Gin Pllla-00a, a box, or 0 boxes for $2,50, Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DRUG k CHEMICAL 00, OF CANADA, LIMI'1E2D Toronto, Ont. 03 4, S, Address—Nit-Dm-0o, Inc 202 Main. St., EioIelo, N.Y. MANY ARTICLES ARE NOW BARRED Sweeping Restrictions on British Im- ports Announced by Lloyd George. • London, Feb, 23.—The Oficial Gazette tonight gives a list of articles the importation of which is prohibited. The decree takes effect today, the list includes agricultural machinery, boots and shoes of leather, raw fruits( ex- cept lemons and oranges), hides, lea- ther, gloves, glass manufactures, linen and yarns and manufactures thereof, canned lobsters and salmon, manufac- tured silk and skins, furs, food articles containing sugar (except condensed milk), tomatoes, typewriters, wine of all kinds, wood and timber. Other Articles Barred. • Other commodities specified are: Aerated, mineral and table waters, an- timony ware apparel not water- proofed, works of art, baskets and bam- boo basket ware, books, other printed natter, including posters and' daily, weekly and other periodicals exceeding sixteen pages in length; materials for the manufacture of leather boots and shoes, brandy, clocks and parts thereof, cloisonne ware, raw cocoa and prepara- tions thereof, coffee, cotton hosiery, cotton lace and articles thereof, curios, diatomine and infusional earth, cmbroid ery and needle work, fancy and or- namental leathers and down, fire ex- tinguishers, flowers (artificial and fresh), hats and bonnets, incandescent gas mantels. jew mat, and matting, mops, perfumery,. photographic appar- atus. pictures, prints, engravings, photographs and maps, plated and gilt wares, hce quails, quebracho, hemlock, oak and mangrove extracts, ruin, soya beams, stereoscopes, straw envelopes for 1',ttle, and straw plaiting, tea. Both wet and dry hides and dressed and undressed leather are included. Silk yarns are exempted. The prohi- bitions do not apply to goods imported under licenses given by the Board of Trade. The country has large supplies of coffee, tea and cocoa. More Lumbermen Needed. Premier Lloyd George announced that the United Kingdom would en- deavor to depend upon its own re- sources for timber, which heretofore largely had been imported, the chief obstacle to its production being an in- sufficient force of skilled workmen for cutting and finishing it, it was announced that in deciding what commodities should he excluded from the United Kingdom 'in order to economize in tonnage the Government had to take into account the interests of the Allies. Threatened restrictions aroused immediate protests from France, as the imports from that coun- try of mineral waters, wines, brandy, silks, needlework and of all kinds of garments and luxuries, such as bonnets feathers and flowers, represent a con- siderable income to the French pro- ducers. Much Wine in Britain. The power given the Boards of Trade to issue special licenses, however, may be freely exercised in behalf•of the, Allies of Ure..1 Britain, as ships taking munitions and other supplies to France and Italy have ample tonnage to bring return cargoes. 'There are now heavy l stocks of French wines in Britain. American firms dealing in type-. writers and photographic apparatus al- most monopolize the British market, but have factories here. ut\ I•I L'S 'Le nv , rhe Mrs. V: ili',r,1 ' Tisboro, I.B., wrae,:' :��i;: •:me'hi^.:;:racial wiL11 lie'.;�i1 :1�'.: - Ira: I would be..,oe I,.ltl .:d t�, a'.trc severe ],:tins in my t r c:;aand have a 1•: t t., ;:l 1.e t very morain;. i v,lrl t �.m_, friends about it nisi 1 0; 1 t:, i a111 - burn's L:rxa-Liver I':iL;. it i'. I did and and they cured in..." When the l.ver inactive, the bowels 1.0,'., cons*;:e.,1 the t' o;cue be1`on ,:, c. ,;to.1 t:1.,..cL,....ac•1t foul and';i i . u r err. 1\ltlbnrit ., 1, h.. -t 1,it n hal the foul co; c,t bnr,.:c i..1 1 am: ch and buns b stn 11'. ' i., !.1;•1;.•;, 1;:i'; ;;r.• per Vial, 1 v r t I .tit :di dealer•;, of price by The; T. ° In.nuax Co., L1.11tr,o,'foruuto, Out, ._—.-.a.-,,,—,...----..."7.7),-,,,,,,,,, '— — - -"'---"-'\'' r � r h `erg Sealed Tight l�. 4tf rfr frfept Hight Millions of bars supplied every month to the Army and Navy. Every bar means more power to our forces—at home and abroad. Send some in every letter and parcel to the Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit. Delicious—Antiseptic Cleanses mouth and teeth: Helps appetite and digestion. Refreshes, soothes and satisfies. WM. WRIGLEY, Jr. CO., Ltd. Wrigley Bldg„ Toronto re Flavour Lasmo I THE CL,INTON NEW ERA. metVii,VIVIROMORMIMAKILINVVYTATIOVOYMBWVIIIMMUUSSAMKaY MAY SOUL t Lesson IX.—First Quarter, For March 4, 1917. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lessen, John vi, 1.21—Mom• ory Verses, 10,11—Golden Text; Matt vi, 11. --Commentary Prepared by Rev, 0. M, Stearns. This Miracle of !lie reeding of 0,000 men, besides wmnoa and children, with a few loaves and rimes is the nilly miracle recorded in each of the fotir gospels and seems to 1110 to stet before us the 0n0 thing which believers ought to be (loing, and that is to give the bread of life to every creature, for the gospel of Cod concerning Ills Son is n trust committed to us to use for the benefit of other's, •and if we are not faithful In the ministration of the trust 1t will prove a scrlous natter fur be- liever's at ttte judgment seat of Christ. if any should Mil:, Willa can I do about it? let sack remember that the bread and fish of this 101rue10 canto from a little boy and was possibly Itis lunch which Inns mothe•i had given him, but it came lute the hands of tho Lord Testis, and Ito multiplied it and used it. I believe these facts are tho rea- son why of all that bus been wrought In and through my church and Bible classes for over twenty -lire years, for 1 asked llim to let 1110 be like one of the boy's loaves, in His hands to bo Blessed and broken and passed op to help feed hungry thousands. And has IIs not wrought wondrously? Auy ono who Is willing Ile will ac- cept :anti use 1110 IIe shall see fit. The second part of our lesson, the lailinp, disciples in the tingle night with u con- trary wind and Ile ou 1h0 mountain praying be so 0105310011ce of this whole ago During which we are in the con - Pict with the world, the flesh and the devil, but IIe is at the right !rand of tate Father for us. Ile sees us toiling, and in the morning w'atell Ile will come, and we will be suddenly at our destination, forever with the ).ord. It was Passover time, a greet feast of the Lord to conunommrato their deliv- erance from Egyi.t, but it had become merely a feast of the ,Yews. Not until Israel shall be delivered the second time and the nation be reborn and the Passover be fulfilled in the kingdom shall the whole v:nri'T beans of the I,iv- in>; Bread, for then shall Israel Mon - 00111 and bull ;and 1111 110 fare of the earth with fruit. In the nnvud1mo we sill are re- deemed should b:- wholly 1,•rui:icd int giving the ,Bread ' Life as far oma as fast IN possible 10 0011114010 Iris cluurh and bring the morning er Itis l00::la. Ito is, no then, full of co ugi.h>irat 10- O'01d Iia nihil ;1111(0 1114 10 Sn iu r h, 0171, "010.0 r1 theta to ,, `.110(1:. lug Mark 0i, :17; l.t:l:e L:,11a : But, li:' the Iliscipi, 5, 10:(113 ander 1.1 , es.l array as I!' i; 001'4 tib, e"110e1'11 r'1 'ars. Some, 111:, I` hilly furs.! ,tl,11'ow, what night be dem, IF we bad the money or ;;1'ee o1' what is 111 siabt 110 wlieelly nlsu lic101ll. to ncrntul,,l:I( 1111y- 1 bine, forgetting that tion. silml' ,10,1 Ile 001,1 arc 1118, mol Inc 1'1wny5 kn':w>: wlu't Ila iOli'a!s 10 (lo :1171 1,.,w' 11' k going to do it, rind 1i;' r.. •a1 Ian! i.i,. I.e diseour.UroA, 1''0 110 -tri+l so.' ,:f the travail of ills soul 111.1 011:111 he S111s11011 (1s11, ilii, •h: hit. 1I1, I1,• 11`.;1 not say that III: would t:egint or make the attempt or ends n'or l0 61111,1 Itis church, but lie said, "1 will build illy, church" (Matt, fry!, 111), aid all His "1. wills" are as good as a:,compiished, for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed, and no tib ught of Ilis can be hindered 1Ps. xaxii1 11: Isa, xiv, 24; ,ler. II, 20: Job xlil, 2, margin), In- stead of tho people receiving earIl n little food, as Philip had suggested, they were all filled, and twelve baskets full remained over, for Ifo would have all eat and drink abundantly (verses 1, 12, 13; Song 0, 1). The limitations are all on Ont• side, not on Itis, for He does everything abundantly, whether it be pardon or giving life or an en- trance into His kingdom t7sn. lv, 7; John x, 10; II Pet. 1, 11). It does seem strange from our stand. point that the multitudes should be sent away in peare for a night of rest and those who had ministered to them be sent out into a night of tempest and toil and perplexity wltile IIe *bo knew all and did all anti was full of Compassion for all was away In the mountain alone talking over things with His Father. As we shall see id our next lesson (verse 571, and we can- not call too mach attention to 11. He ever llved by the living Father who had sent Mint, and w0 are not as right as we might be in our daily life with Wm unless He Is all in all to us, as the Father was to i -Ism (Col, til, 11). I-Iis doings and leading's often cause us fear, but Ills word to His disciples is always: "13e of good cheer. It is 1; be not afraid" (Matt, xiv, 27; Mark vi, 50). His own good cheer was His Fa- ther's absolutely perfect will, and when we can truly say that wo al. ways accept His will concerning tis ns perfect we shall walk on the waves of all circumstances without sinking, for FOS perfect love will cast out all fear, an.d He never gives a spirit of fear (I John, iv, 13; 11 'I'Im, 11 7), Inwardly w0 should always be saying, "Not 1, but Christ," and concerning all things outward, whether people or circlnn- stances, we may have (trate to say, as Joseph did to His brethren, "it was not you, but Goll," We may continual- ly dwell in (;cod and in His love, sing - Ing "My home is (100," and let flim dwell in us and work In us both to will and to da CASTOR For Infants and Children In Use 30Years Altvayt e � 10• ' th Signature of 9 ', hi ovvii.W.a.°lvavvi a coop4arvvvvivos,iww r 00 Thursday, March 1st, '1917 IV,biuLl.M4 Are your hands chappoii, cracked, or sore? have you "cold Cracks" which open and bleed when the skin Is drawn tight; ]'lave you a cold sore, frost bite, or ahlib ants,', i,ich at times makes l t agony for you to go about your duties? If so, Zana-Buk will give you relief, and will ileal the frost -damaged skin, Miss B. Strobe, of Plast Hans- ford, )'l.S., writes; "My hands were so badly chapped 1 was tin - able to put them in water, All remed1ea l'ailedr to heal until I tried Zam-Ituk, Perseverance with this balm completely healed the s01'e0." Znn 'l)uk heals cuts, borne, bruises, cures eczema, pitta, cbupped hands, cold sores, frost bites. and all skin diseases and injuries. Refuse sub• arttutes, At all druagluts and stores, 50. n s. PARLIAMENT WILL MEET ON APRIL 19 Premier Borden I:xpe,pted Back From England Before That Date. Ottawa, Feb. 22,-11 is announced that the Dominion Parliament will re- assemble on April 19. Premier Bordeu, whose safe arrival in Bnglitnd is an- nounced, is expected to return before that date. EL ttdI This Trouble Can I Be Cured Thtou ;h Lila Use Of L`r. 'MI - Pink Pills, riff TW a•b CENTS 720 JI.d'Oe.vt 0147.1011 'W molls reetr ease. apt .'•1' • 'went, ■M.rt•., Me:fa) "*'( rni e.•'IL4a.. ' t, 1L ;1.arscw .... soros e.___.. wns.mim.specov,.r.,.....,.,,V.-...., ask inn to read, and read a second time, the statements of the First Lord' of the Admirlty, and you will then get a perfect view of the state of things, and itis undoubtedly one that calls for the graves t measures to Ileal with the problem. If we fake it in hand, and take it in hand at once, and take very drastic measures, we can cope with that peril, If we do not, I am not going to withhold from the House the fact that if the nation is not prepared to accept drastic measures for dealing with the submarine peril there is disaster in front of us. And I am here, wills all the responsibility of a Minister of the Crown, io tell the !louse and the nation that fact. "The Government are proposing measures ;yhi'.r11 we think will be ade- ,nate. It dyes mean enormous sacri- lire:; on the fart of 20ery class in the 1,'nnunit'.•, and ih,.• national grit is ,inr; to 110 :1071, 1., the statements I make t„ d,t) on behalf of lite Ckwern- 1:.1. es 111-:,0 is 111 11 nogg (1010n1. r 111111 ,11 Ibnn t 1: -•r -hl inr,I �h.IrJ. 1 be 11,111 l,• i" u n !,en "\'''e utast be x1'10 to carry the war n:,-111 Itrr•r:.0 u,•7 ,` ur .r;: lay. a.nlay. ,,, thro,t4!,h G, tit ci. !,:n.:as end, however it n.u1,liy att.,rks yoen, rlulir,•n hong victory may tarry, even though n�rs1 «10)1 11 w'oo the ;Igen7rd sio we fail to hunt the submarine out of :ntdt tholovn. -11..41)11 pt•r:o15 nay 1 c 1 4011•:I milli 1.. '1 he 1.10-:1 condom. ,.niptom in t mitching of tine muscle's f 1I c t t nit! 11111,. :\s t1'0 ,it I _r 1,; r It .e.5 'tin.; Ucitltltil n taken the form at spans in wild. the ,jerkin. ('1Otion Inas he confin,:,l to the heal, tar all the limb; may he affected, 'fbe 1,.,1100 is Ironically unable 0, hold .011'y-111111,7 in tl:e hands or walk steadily,'and in severe cases the speech mac lay af.vete,1. The disease is due 1, into.,veti,h,.1 n , crv,, uin( to 'the blond I -Icing out ul e"•.libion .tu,l can 110 cared by the u�cni lir, \\'illi:ons 1'ink Pills, which enrich !be blo,"l, strengthen the nerves, tool i1 his w.ty 0 7110 re the safer,''• to g, nd befit! . Any S31110tom or acne trouble in young children should be proompt:"r treated els it i, almost sure to boat! to St. \'itog Dance. The following; i; prouf of the power of 1Jr, Williams' Pink Pills to cure this trouble. Miss Hattie Cummings, It, R. No. 3, Teterboro, Ont.. S.1yS :--"I 0.115 attacked with what the doctor said was St. Vitus Dance. Both my hands trembled so as to be pract'cilly useless. Then the trouble went to my left side, and from that to my right leg, and left mo in 'such a condition that 1 was nal able to go out. of the house. 1 tool: the doctor's medicine without getting any benefit. Then I 160(1 an- other remedy with the same poor re• •sults. At this stage T was advised to try 1)r. Williams Pink ('ills and slid so, with the result that they holly restored me to health, and I have not had the slightest symptom of nervous trouble since. T can recon• mend these pills to anyone who is suffering from nervous trouble, and hope they will profit by np' experience." You can get Dr. Williams' fink Pills from any drug dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 32,50 from The Pr, Williants' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HISTORIC SPEECH BY LLOYD GEORGE must never be repeated. The position was serious enough. He wanted the country to know that our food stocks Were alarmingly low—lower indeed than within recollection. It was iin- perative that more food should be grown at home. The greatest obstacle to immediate action wa0 the timidity of the farmer when it came to cutting his pasture. State Aid to Agriculture The Prime Minister tackled the pro- blem in the boldest possible spirit. Ile announced a far-reaching scheme of State assistance. 9'he chief heads of tine Government land programme can be set out as follows. The Government would guarantee a price of 38s 60 for oats this year, 32s for the next two years and 24s for the three following years. For wheat the Government will guarantee the farmer tine following minimum prices 'per quarter; For the present year. 605; for 1918 and 1919, 555; for 1920, 1921 and 4922, 45s. Potatoes would be guaranteed a minimum price for the coming season. A'Maitftain wage of 25 slrillings a week would be guaranteed agricultural labor- ers in Great Britain. Wages would be settled by the Trades Boards in Ireland, Landlords Would not be allowed to raise rents except with the consent of the 13004. National eo4t tt1 hs Tearer, "I. ha:O ***In st:!(it.t0 Sa7.i stn. Y d: a the deep. There is no sure foundation for victory except that. I want the !louse and the c:-,u0try to realize that we cannot build on anything else. A great deal of our tonnage has been sunk, and 1 dare say that :t good deal more will be sunk l'ef are we succeed in (0er0Vlnir7 that menace." 2 P_er (J a'.1. it p '10 0 ry ©eelV rfj2)61 ttU3£9v&a annsvaa,.t. lei SAVE ALL TIN CANS 15 THE ADVICE TO CANADA. Officials of the Department of Trade and Commerce state that there is a shortage of tin plate in Canada. This is due to lower production in England and to the shipping situation. The de- partment thinks that steps should be taken to collect all the tin available, such as tin boxes and cans, in order that it may be used over again, It is believed that if some systematic plan of collection is adopted the shortage of the lin-plate will be largely made up. Children Cry FOR FLE�TCHER'S �q C A S a O 1 A, ONTARIO'S TOTAL LARGE. Sir John Hendrie has received a letter from Sir Robert Hudson, chair- man of the Finance Committee of the British Red Cross Society, acknow- ledging the Peceipt of the remainder of LA. the proceeds of "Our Day." He states '� ;: th:0 this brinks Ontario's contribution The cold weather still sticks to us. up to 51,736,128. Ile conveys the thanks of the society to the people of Ontario and the organizers of the cam- paign. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S LE���TCHER'S C A S �pd R I A PROHIB1TtPRINTIiD MATTER, An order by the Post Office De- partment issued says that no news- papers, books, magazines, or printed matter of any kind are to be sent from Canada to prisoners of war interned in neutral or enemy countries. <111101,31,71-,70.:1-1._... -117,drr: [7 ':�'.'.,'�_ '1: ' x ' ". ` ,ta` °"w.wli '5.: •; *'1, ,'S":, �sv.�•. •ati :x:.,•�.;onmr..x,:vrw,o*m-�-�«:�.,.,-:�,,.a.,,._r..:'+.,+..+im.,.,,.....:•.•*..-.:».•,-:.=„o+>,e._.:.= Iiy ..til t • tat. Gent Glowering Co•.natinn 'T"1a carr:'!'gym t:. + t ❑- f 0, 1I,71,',00,1 1 e' fr'3r en' 171)1 l'1e planta da wen olol,ioars 'lt t- r-st.le 1 n- ,t. (arty fall th•.' 1 I , nn pr lowly frons Ctrl, i rt MI tl e t M7.,' 1 piens mu c.t,ay ttrolwgatol front theo.n by cuttmgo, "poi 01 Sand for our catalogue and learn of aur other tvlaable prersfsns. .1'i Darch & Hunters Seed Co., .Limited,, ; ; „n ) ®es®- st1 f a' ssecyawl s a) satry;twat 'Rem nea-F*1•MIY.M.MG.M107.1MNIFIO.a.2 EST s TOSE WHO, FROM TiME TO TiME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STICK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of ono per cent will be allowed to retwpnized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stook which boar their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa, DEPARTMENT OF mance OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7th, 1950. c