HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-03-01, Page 3Page TWO
Dry Goods
)Ready to
and House
Tlitlrsttay, March 1st, 1917
The new laced
front models
in C/C d 1'a.
Grace Corsets
are on sale
Ask us for a
our beautiful
catalogue of
the new sea-
sons models.
It's free.
Just to hand this week live dozen Ladies House dresses,
made of gond Quality print, elastic band, square neck, short
sleeves. Would be good value at $1.50. Sizes 34 .98c
to 42. Your Choice
Another shipment of Flannletic Blanket:, largest sire.
'Phis will be your last chance to buy these Blanket
at this price ca
II been a well known resident of Morrie
It is understood that a leading Ont.! lownshtp fur Years and twos the
tarso knitting company will establish „ ee tem and
dlI( rise confidence
the e coismunit
branch here, provided f 50 women I who was a Miss D ament, of this place,
girls are guaranteed for work in the
factory, The Board of Trade is active 3 sans,. (2 of whorl are clever dentists
in tate matter, and is endeavoring to (n one,.PluiadelPhia and the iird son a
and 2 doeft,hters (Mrs, McIntosh, near
MolesworLl1, and Miss Coulees, Toronto.)
The bereaved share in the sympathy of a
large circle who admired the manly
qualities of the deceased.
secure the names of this number of
women operators
The firer Spring stocle and feed Show
to be held in Winghaitt will be here on
March lith. Some of the best stock
breeders in Western Ontario will exhibit
here, and some choice animais will • be
offered for sale. It is expected that the
attendance will be large.
Mrs. Wm. Wheelan, relict of the
late Wto, Wheclan,.died suddenly rat
the home of Andrew Wheelan. She
leaves a large fancily of grown-up dhild-
jack Wilson, en aged ratan, without
any relatives, is in a dangerous condi-
tion as the result of having both
feet frozen a few days ago. Steps are
being taken by the Turnherpy Township
Council to have hint, should he recover,
removed to some institution. where he
will be properly cared for.
Thomas Drunintond, butcher, was
rendered unconscious for a time Saturday
morning when he suffered a fall on Pat
rick street, opposite the office of 1)r.
Redmond. Several citizens hurried to
his assistance. 1)r.Reclutond was summon
ed and the man was removed to his hone,
He suffered eats about the face from the
ice on the sidewalk.
Mrs, Frances Diertnet, -wife of John
Harped, died here on Friday. The.
funeral will be held on Monday at ,i
o'clock in the morning from the residence
of her son in•law, John Locicridge, to
the Church of the Sacred iheart, where
services were held. Interment was
made in Winghain Roman Catholic
Cemetery. The deceased was in her 78th
Thomas Coutes, for some sears a
resident of Ill:meale. died on Friday in
her Tttth year. 'l he funeral was held
Tuesday with aer'y ice. at the house at
o'clock w ith inter mea, in liluev.tle Cetne-
le n'.
Just to hand this week Twenty -live pieces of striped
Gin''hams in all colors, all fast Colors. Suitable for 1, tee
c qqq
Choice, . yd fRl
•ti<'. your h. le
e .l
'i'Jli' 11
e t l t
ladies and chili , .
Just a few Winter Coats left to clear. Your
t? choice .of any coat in stock
'TZ -V-71 r a cat
�- s.e .. a .,.mom •M
s , T.v �. '. rT'.. ,7r rzmr ¢xa. lr. x,mv..wa-sv
I'I..ageD..,.?.ors inOlt trio
tt .,a tl ?7 s; 'yes. ;.�sj�
v ("r” t.ter F�-
•d R,+...�*7 JL 4a�' ab Art d✓:'.✓
\T this year of supreme
effort Britain and her
C:rnliesmust ha\rc ample
{ t / 1 „1 s•ttu Ali':s of food, and
.,-^C_-..:..•a.n L•,sl• r ' the great
'. ^• ,;', . which they
� tarilrCC upon \V
Everyone with a, few
square feet of ground can
contribute to victory by
rro\•;iug vegetables.
7Re.r.g Tcvs.
1 Bleat you would otherwise spendfor
a. .ft fi:�., - ; int 7 .�'' ,
O. i t i.:.1. ;•1 i'!neer the "Digit cost of livii:f•,."
111 t 1 t.. • ;11%, r:::: the urgently needed surplus of
p -o.lie ec f rte exhort. r
q.. Growing your (teen yeeeetables saves In' or of others
whcete effort is riceued for other vital war work.
The Department of Agriculture will help you
The Ontario Department of Agricultttre appeals to
Horticultural Socitaits to devote at least one evening
!n':ening to the: subject of vegetable growing; mann-
f act. r.:..t, labor union,, lodges, school boards, etc,, are
invited to actively en('uurage home gardening. Let the
!tog• n Iter for o be, "A vegetable garden for every home."
Orge.niztttione are requested to arrange for instructive
talk',',4 practical gatelencrs on the subject of vegetable
I1) e',eca ilhere it is impossible to secure suitnble local
;.p%:;1: •rc, the Department. of Agriculture will, on request, send a
c i ''li 1:1 1 -
^a - .::a ,14 (t r'p^^?. •••s will be Brent. The number of available
e ,, rt , n 11 sited the T),• nrancnt urgently requests that
1),+w m,'r n ,acctm's he mul- at ones; if local speakers cannot
tic.emel, send appiicntiens promptly.
'fee fo i tri stent suggests the fnrtnntiou of local organizations to
,'.,11•,1•.• 11+e wink by olfr-hili; prir(•S for best vettt•1.nb!c ('111 amts.
1't'�is pr_•p.1 rt'd to a1•,S(S1 in 01'y p"'c.;lble way any organization that
may be conducting a cartpaitmt for veeeiable production oil vacant
lets. It vv111 do so by sending' speakers, or by supplying expert
advice in the ficl,l.
To any one interested, the Department of. Agriculture will send
literafltre giving instructions about implements necessary attd.
methods of preparing the ground n.nd cultivating the crop. 'A plan
1)l' :t vegetable garden indicating suitnble crops to grow, best
vat'cties and their arrangement in the garden,' will be sent free of
charge to tuts address.
Wvite for Poultry Bulletin
'Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in .
fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells stow, to keep funs.
Acldresv letters to "Vegetable Campaign,"Department of Agricul-
ture, Parliament Bp(ldings, Toronto.
Ontario Department of Agriculture
VV, H. lesrit, Minister of Ag
ParlAtnent Euildicigs
Toronto 1
suedessful fanner In liullett Township)
Mrs. Gowell, of Godericlt is visiting
her sister, Miss D. Holmes.
The Lord's Day Alliance held a meet
ing in the Methodist Church on Tuesday
Mrs, Webster and baby and Mies
Agree Sterling returned from visiting
friends in Brantford on Friday.her
Miss Clara Hliddon is visiting
friend Mr. Lewis Lashbrook, of Mitchell
for a few days.
Last week the Holmesville Patriotic
Society shipped twelve boxes to boys at
the front, (some of these boys have been
at. the front almost since the beginning
of the war). The boxes each contained 3
pairs of socks flannel shirt, chocolate.
candles, soap gen etc. The Society
also slipped 51 pairs of socks, 14 field
shirts to the Field Comforts Department
of the Red Cross headquarters, Toronto.
This stakes a total of 87 pairs of socks
unit 20 field shirts, matte and shipped in
the last three weeks.
Some of our workers were astonished
at the Report from same 01 the Patriotic
Societies around Goderich and Colborne,
at the large number of socks sett in,
but tinct on enquiring that some of these
societies are having the legs knit by
machinery, which simplify their work
greatly. 'The question of getting this
part of the work dune by the knitting
machine was discussed at our last sleeting
but no decision reached. A committee
was appointed to get further information
on the subject •'Sabs.isiiption wa:, taken
up in all of the rot tweed (tiers hospi-
tal at Ileum, five d d(ar, nun; suns• r(b
ed. the ;meeting was well attended
twenty four 1)1. -'hers being present.
t (, • 9 this the s. a r S tie
t, t
ple.,s'• F.n•e their 1)l i papers, magazines
Capt. It 1). Iictvitt. who for
•+ere on leave from I ,ml nabb„1 s tor d . ..:x ety a, they unlit
t,...r t, has tri 1 e to 1 r I
]12x, IIugh bieMel le left here last
week to visit her sister, Mrs. Chapman
at Atwood,
M( and Mrs. ,raises Gilmour, of
1400selete, Saskatchewan, visited lust
week at the home' of their aunt, Mrs,
John Gilmour, •
Mr.Charlie Falconer, of Betyfield, who
has been visiting on the second returned
to his home this week,
!savored with a fine evening, the
concert given by the Maple Leaf Comedy
Company in No, :l School house on Feb
ruary 23rd proved a great success. et
WW1 highly apprsciefCd by the largo •
audienr.e, which was limited only by the
aeconlulotiittion evoUatblt no • enter
tainment ronsidad of Patriotic and cootie
songs, under the able leadership of Mrs.,
tunes,_ a comedy in five acts, (:Milled
''The Denton , which )te. ; performed
by six young (111(0s'and ' eigfil young
men, who proved thenseh'es comedians
of rare ability and dairy. maids drill byy
sixteen girls m pink and blue dress which
was greatly appreciated. Time proceeds
amounted to 001.00.
White Ash, Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Maple
Bench, Basswood, Soft Maple
Highest Prices Paid
For further information Apply to
The death occurred of Edward Lamb,
who had obtained the almost unpreced
ented age in.,this generation of 100 year's:
Time old gentleman, although an old time
resident of Morris Township, passed
away at the home of his son-in-law, M.
Rowland in McKillop `township. If is
wife died some years ago. '1•here are
ewe sons surviving Ale. Lamb who was
a member or the Roman Catholic faith -
He was buried at: Seaforth Cemetery,
Ile enjoyed the respect and esteem of
all who knew hint.
Thomas Brandon, formerly of Morris
Township, and for years treasurer of
that nim oieipatity, died suddenly from a
stroke of paralysis at buss honk in Wing
ham, He is survived by his wife, two
sons and two daughters.
The auction sale of Allen Speirs
farm stork attracted 0 great crowd and
totalled over 51,(!111). t1 r. Sneir's son is
succeeding, hint on the' homestead.
The people of this community were
suprised to turn of the sudden duo
of David `eniniervtilc, u( the fifth lire
Ford & Mcleod
Clinton, Ont.
Barred Rock eggs, bred -to -lay, Last
year 37 of my pulletts laid 161 eggs
each for the year, eggs from these hens
end their daughters „52.00 per 15; 43.00
per 30; 44.00 per 50; and 47.00 per
hundred, Fairview Poultry Yards,
Jabez Rands, Clinton, Out
For Sale
house and lot for sale, on Townsend
street, 7 rooms, and summer kitchen;
town water, and soft water; barn on
premises. Apply to
Bert. Langford , .
Anterictut White Pea Beans of good
quality. Yield twenty-one bushtls to
the acre.
Apply (n Wm. F. Young & Sons
R.R. ho. 5, Goder•Ieh
of Morns'low•'sufp, Ile' had bc•n in phone, Nn. 5-t�,i, 1euniller, Colborne,
his usual health up to Fri:I:iv noon when township
he ,gas seized with ,1 1 attack of acme
indigestion 1111, despite all that ccul'1 l FARM °OP SALE.
4e done, de tb ant tull"wed, TIP,: 1 I. ,
V - m.,1 r y all. was one of h1 u.', •: I
1. t r .-t•1) u.. f ,trier, int :o townsliiii. 111 I
WAS 0bUn1 4.. y,.al, of w' Int :rat I
uum:tr: ie,l.
Doslahl Lent -wt.., t r , bar f 1)•n•
front, n s r-tut.•,•:1 in Toronto, pre. the ti rh...
the,Llrst inn in ch •
n:-' t1 rc: ,.tin;+ in 1:nglaml t„r c „v oa the I the 1 girth: on :,at tula,
; a mt � I n!1',',O.,..., Lt. 1; to a Gray, - _
slut)'• work, n i lit ni L, d I1 : (. 1
31 1
ilir Sam `'ant d ;, of i:rntuor, `:n,k., 1
and \L. Nelson Sanders, of Detroit.
.�n••�--•... 'tudnti:•Ir t s 1•rt I:tt 1
were !nun l t week ,tier, 1e1 I L Nits. :\;it ; a.•t.n n , , f d e
11m5;.:11011,tilnts, of th.i: ny,t:ler, \Its.
r!, e 0111 a'nl lee are Leer.; In eelmt. , ,, =ion _1 'r 1-:..a lit t I
10,4 cul,m' r:et l tai a l,ny lr• Wia,"1t,l (Lt. to!r1).-,. .. ,. a ,. .ills.
f !din • t o !c plac'a in 1 ive m sit1 11 i•1- w, a ;1 r.•, h•0)111111,11U amt 1
t', t;v;l tett l tr It yes t,d,., w .m
1:1, t.:u.h,e1 r:I the 1 :.. i i 1t \y,....1 : 1
11;,1111,71,1,111 s r i +e. i,', t .1 •. R'1 rf t t tact,:-+ + hr.
I,,, '+ stn, th,a Lt: 1 r' ,'Yl ,-nr, 1.h.. ";i le.+t of alt, uJ,r.c• fl 1 a p•
f \u ,,.u•"',t yt,'ain, i,. I1:' r.l hi. 1.1) hi;v arra 1:1,c l',r-
art" :et t 4,t1 th, L,•1,1, l
1)1. .+.tl'•; h_J.1' :end 11, 111'. i,.ra 111„n
1+ ni,.1 ,1 Ir„i111. llr !l 1' rho
n alar
1+ i, ern ra'1 t 1, . (1,., , 1•;1,1•.1.•,,,a; 1:'hu i101
^r . i t
11,1 1 through
I -t
�h • \y. is r,_nm �
o g ,h �
,i t •1
is t t
• �n rinlint.
Ina boot
1' .
he the ,ar.t \ r 1)l .' .• ,i _i 1 t sly tad'' t-1 511
0hl.t 1 , i11c1. 11 The bride was I \Ir j.uu a 1 11p, wh yen (site
ow n d u ,. travelling suit 1)F wive!, poorly for a areal e s weeks, is now
triter:NI nigh fable. The bride was impro111 4 n::1)y and all„ to gra .ironnil
at little.
hl r. \Vnr. Buchanan, of the Township
f Cuc'.cr pith, regent!- sold a fine
epan 0t matched "browns” to James '13.
:if Inwood. This was •11t
esreptionally fine span, sired by the
well-known stock horse, Shethian
Stamp, awl brought a good price.
The 111001 merchants, hotels and res-
estitutions are getting in fine supplies of
lee this season.
Wal. Neil, railway agent and
son of Mrs. James Bell, of this village,
spent a - few days at the homestead,
•l1tevards leaving for his new home in
sot,rano soloist in 1'aven I'resbyterm 0
Church, Exeter. A souther of her
friends gave her complimentary showers
last week. -the ceremony ober, the h:y,pv
rnup!e and 0!Imer friends repaired to the
house 1)l' the bride where a dainty
wedding dinner was served. Mr. tend
Mrs. Nicldin kb on the evening train
for Toronto and other points.
Miss Alice Fingland, of Stratford, was
home over Sunday.
The Red Cross Society^ will meet at
tate home of Airs. W. 11, !.you on Friday
of this week. 'Chose who have knitting
or sewing finished are requested to bring
it in that ley.
Mr. Dennis Roberton is spendinga•few
days at his home here.
The 1 ed Cross Society intend holding
a rumm!ge sale on Friday evening
February Otto commencing at 7 o'clock.
Don't forget the date.
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, of Saskatoon,
are visiting nt Mr. Robert Youngs this
Miss Edith Sampson is spending this
week with relatives in Lucknow.
Messrs William and Cecil Oakes, of
Seaforth, spent Friday last at the parson-
Mrs. Geo Longman we are sorry to
say is not improving very fast.
Don't forget the Pie Social to be held
on November llith, A good programme
i$ being prepared and there will be lots of
gond pre
10!r. Albert Neal, Baae Line was
called to Toronto on Tuesday to attend
the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr
James Carter who was instantly killed
n a fall from a scaffold upon which he
yeas working in that city.
We are pleased to report that Miss
Grace 'rebbutt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Tehbutt, is doing as well as
can be expected from her operation for
appendicitis, which was perforated last
Mr. More from the West, is visit-
ing at the home of Reeve Luhb.
Miss Ceretta lvison'is visiting friends
Air. John Garrett sold a couple 0f in Peterborough, tier grandmother,
horses this week for the sum of 41110110, r Mrs. William tvtson is spending the
Miss Lizrfc'I'uylor is enjoying a wish i winter there.
froin her sister from Toronto at present. Mr. anti Airs. It. Parsons paid a
Mrs. J'anms Woodman and daugh•er visit to friends in St. Mary's recently.
Nettie is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. ,1ohnston spent a pleasant two
Abs, Ur. Young before leaving for thcii' (.lays"visit with friends in Exeter last
Ads. Dr. Net Eta
new (tome in New Yorlt.
ATr. John Cartwright has bought a
clue may, of hay from Mr. Wm. Brigham
and is busy drawing it home.
Mrs. Frank Woods is installing lights
all Mrs through
sof Clinton is this a eguest
of Mrs. (Rev.) Kane.
Mrs MoSridgc, of Clinton, spent a
few days with her daughter, Mrs,
Manning this week.
Won Victoria Cross. — Captain
Alex. Knipe, son of the late Captain
Kahle, of Gorrie, ' who enlisted early
in the war and who has been a very
successful scout, sending much of his
time on "No mans land" was wounded
while doing his duty and has been
in Ireland in a hospital, where he has
made a good recovery. For his dig.
tanguished sdrvice he Inas been honored
by King tieorge by the detnra•
tion of the Victoria Cross, a much
coveted distinction. Captain Kane
has won the desll;nntion of "The
snake" for his scouting qualifications,
somelanrly stating 110 could hide be
hind -a blade of grass, Capt. Koine is
a brother to Rev. C• C. Kaine, l.ondes
boro and well known to many in this
section of the country, and is a cousin
to Mrs Arthur Shays let line, Morrie.
We hope Capt Keine will be spared
to return n his !tone and roan
friends in H!iroa County. Ile will
have many an interesting story to to
of bus.experiettce while in the clanger
zone in prance.
Coundil titeets today.
Mr- I3en Mason, of Blyth, and well
kndivn ih Mullett, who for the ease
itelt of yenta Raga3 been en invalid, ie
edMcKenzie. .!asst: fart -
not itn[it'oVmng in health, which face' i9 Part -Jean h,
&flisit dofididetvible anxiety to hie H. A. Dinadtile, P M. McKenzie. 'T
ftierldsi beateypellers in the monthly sp
A W61l'' Ktioien Resident Dendtte matches were : riftlt---Tir}Col Rathwe'•
`l.'liis Life'-Letelt l41dnday aN ftetiYitdSenior rbdrth A -M Cooper. A _
the funeral of the late Tjit;tifi4 Foirtl B E,IIa 1fish 1)r •Seniorrd A hlrro-
Cdtlltls, 'if BltieVale, took place, i'he )4rn19 Hyde. Tani ,
service beit4 K 11 1-')tt•1 b' Rte. IX T Parsons, Junior Third 13—L,Jiiyd Work.
e e d i'd)lett df• tI4 man. f untor Second--tttttli t rl oat
Our skilful harness maker, Air. Ales
McKenzie is a very busy man this winter.
Ile is one rif the best collar makers in
Canada and as a result he ships collars
near and far. His latest shipment was
to Alberta. eat before that he filled
an order in Bownutnvillc, Ontario. Mr.
Ernest Taylor, of Exeter is his able
assistiln t.
Next Sunday at 11 a. m•, March 411n,
the Rev. A L. Smitih, of 'Toronto, and
able preacher, will represent the Educe.
tiottal Society in she Methodist Church.
The reverend gentleman was born in
Varna when his father was pastor of
the Varna Circuit..
The Patriotic Society (n S. S. No, 14,
Stanley, purpose holding an entertain-
ment in behalf of the Patriotic Fund.
LastSundny evening Dr. eeeitkett the
popular pastor of St. Andrew's exhibit•;
ed the second series of Palestine lantern
views in the church. As he anent a year
in Palestine he made the viewvs very real,
All were pleased with them and the in
formation given. I•ie purposes showing n.
third series during the Eastertide.
Miss Laura Johnsen, of 11.enssll, spent
the week end with Alis Silpha Moore, of
School Report—The following is the
February monthly report of S. S. No 14
Stanley Names are in order of Inuit.
W. Rathwell, G. C MacLean,
S, Il, Thompson. Senior Fourth—M A.
Cooper, R. V 1\1cClyrnont, J. B. Moore.
Senior Fourth—.le. P. Fisher, N. J.
Hood, G. J. Cooper. Senior Third—
Iv. 1.. Hyde, W. L. Workman, W. j.
Ross, Junint 'Third—L.5. Near, L NI
Foster, .F. IL, Parsons. Junior Third—
L, C. Workman, eV. A. Bross, D. M.
Foster, ,Jhnior Second—.T2s T. Jarrett
1`s. P. Anderson, O.M. Anderson• 'Second
The revival ,41„00..1)(. Nine e,mlin
tied tide noes.
Rev. Mr. Stevens, n, rsprss lltln_' the
Dominion Alliance. gave 0 very hood rt.. `<Ja:'tad
port t11 the, work being Carrion on. un _—
Tued:q• eventing in the Methodist
For .Ile scxttit heli tut 3 1
t, Tutkersmlth, containing '14
.teres 11101 e [had 01e 011 the
pt svn(S s 1)1 fru era hoe 0 tli kit-
chen rue w/tod::had, ce,nemt c'strfn,
od b.ink b rn 11x0 .1 with stowstab-
c1 n„ ani cement doors, drive shed and
sten 11ans 9ate1 in ho,.1 and '+:urn
supplied by wiadmull and cement tank.
The tarot is in fast class condition, fest,:
1);d •ir;t:sed iI't there are lit acres
of first class bit:11 and small urch,rd
he term is three and one half miles
1 from Clinton, tiy, m:!t.:• from ;tat ,rah,
and 1 mile from church :end sahoa,1,
maul telephone 1n house l ee farm is
1 ,n the :`t side , 1 r.i 10.:1 tr.0:t
n1 is n1 u -cl is sh•mo I •:nr
f ,ni :on 'die r'� 1 pro
Otlice, Corner Victoria & East St, )
Office Phone 3
House Phone 12
Uptown oflice at lis Wiltse's Groeery,
Phone 40
POW IS 01 all Kinds
:" ken at any time
Ilightest Markets , noses
W. MASLQUIS, Clinton
Girl's hat found on Main street, own-
er may have same by paying for this
notice, New Era. a
Kennedy's S. C. W. Leglmorns, trap -
nest tient tar Winter laying, St a doz-
en. Hatching eggs 4LS a setting and
37.01) a hundred in season.
L. E. Kennedy, R. R. No. 5.
Farm For Sale
Choi. -e sou .acre him for sale being
lot i i tent. 5. in the Te y us t p of !toi-
let. this property is well fenced and
thif scoes pi.•-ved
1 t,. ergss. Frame
2 .,, ;t..111+u:. .11t1 ee.a-
�•1 • 1 1, ,.1.1 :;1).'...I,., 'n'r
outbuddin s sty r, o:nel brick
house with kitchen and wood-shci ad-
joinine,, hard aeCt sr. t y ac's
'Che Imileimot arc, .a1 in ,'•il repair.
0011i_ lis m 1.a0 r00-
• i a 1d .e::p t 1114 proprie-
tor y + to c' !IP Duette. Igor fur -
1 tiL
tiler f u•ula t promisee or
fur -
c -'_,t ow-,
le. R. 5o. 1, t.1 t:iesh<,ro.
Y ,-'„ W11(. ere
.Hung men or •,th ':
tinablo to et,li..1 for • veree111 set'
5o:l.. 1.0 1' „elAN ,I )t.!,It 1'o
.•Urs(; :It:,
111 C. Steed e v. ore to
t t ,r y r 1 t, retire.letire. Hr bother her p.ar-
t+ ul.tr y'ph , 1 the rW r es, ,.r 1)l
Clinton, Ont.
church. 1IEEF HIDES
Mr. Gantelon, who recently return- 1
cd from the front left here for the West.
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Howell of Goderich is visiting
her sister Miss l-inlnmes,
The sad stews has reached tate home
of D. Gliddon that Percival, who enlist-
ed with thv 101st is seriously wounded
We join our synneethy with the family
trusting that Inc may recover speedily.
notice was in nis Sbth yetar and
First Part-'-Jeae McKKeneie.,
On Feb. (21.13, black and Tan fox
hound. Medium' size. Letters "J.11."
(showing indistinctly) cut back if right
shoulder. Answers to Pat. Reward
tar information leadingti his recovery.
Jim Heddle, Goderleh.R.R�4.
Ofhigh grade sews and young rattle
at Geo. Holland's stables on Bayfield
Line 1i mile south of Clinton. on Tues-
day,March 6th at 1-3o p. nt.:-2 new',
utilch cows 4 years: 1 extra roan cow 5
years due time cif sale; 4 high grade
Durham cows due in :March; 8 high
oracle Durham cows due in April; 2
Durham heifers due in May; 3 extra line
grass cows; t well bred young rDtu'hani
hull fit for service; 6 head of young cat-
tle; 3 young calves. The above stock
is young and tine and will be sold sub-
ject to the following guarantee.
Guarantee—Any claw represented to be
In calf and proving not to be one month
from clay of sale can be returned and
your note or money will be refunded.
Terms—Six months credit on approv-
ed joint notes, or a discount of 6 per
cent per annum for cash,
Geo. Holland, • - T-.•-Cundry.
Proprietor Auctioneer
For Saie
A mllsing cows for sale, in good con-
dition, ar_Jly to, Ike. Rattenbuay.
Por "Sale
co acres, part lot 40, con. 12 Hullett
Township. Apply to
Jars. W. Roberton, Auburn.
Jas. Steep & Co., Clinton.
Raw Furs Wanted.
Before selling your furs it will pay
get my prices, I ant paying
prices on all kinds of prime raw
Prices are high. Bring in your
before prices drop.
H. A. HOVEY, Clinton.
you to
furs now
Consists in producing altthe ot'eatn
you can and shipping it to The L. J.
Looby Creamery. We furnish cans
and pay express We pay the highest
prices for cream and we pay twice a
We have the most up-to-date Cream-
ery i1) Western Ontario.
Write us
The L. J. Looby Creamery
Dublin, Ontario.
Ncrrrohi is hereby given that Mer
Caret. Bell Ultarle.worth, of the town
al' •131v1h. in the ()onnty of Hur'ott, fn
the Province of Ontario, wife of
Leopold Otto oharlesuorth, of the
same place, Merchant, will apply to
the Parliament of ()rtnioda,, at the next
session thereof for a 13(11 of Divorce
from her husband the said Leopold
Otto Charlesworth of the said town of
Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the
Province of Ontario, Merchant, on the
ground of adultery and desertion,
Dated at Winnipeg in the Province of
Manitoba, this 19 day of January, A, D.
By her Solicitor,
YWl'tiwtgm4.e.6; Diafl3akals
teoml men. A 1 I 1,
The Hobert T(cll11, rna
Three'ter l( t rnite,r.
1 bt north, Out,
1 . n
'From lot 14, ton 0, .Linnett. a
a u nark on
1 • t 'fcr with 1
yearling 1 c a
dewlap. A euiUtblo reward will ('0
paid for information lending to
its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R. R.
No, 1, Clinton. Phone 18 on 165.
Special Fares now in effect to
resorts in Florida, Georgia, North
and South Caroline, Louisiana,
and other Southern States, and to
Bermuda and the West Indies.
Return Limit May 31st, 1917
Liberal Stop -overs Allowed.
For full, information write to
Union -Station,
Toronto, Ont
John fiansford .Son, city passen-
=er and 'l'felu't Agents, phone 51
0.0 Pettier)," Stanton eirr•n1
Place 'our Order
for some of oto' Western Oats, which
eve have Just received and wo will
charge you 110 more than if they wore
Just the ordinary grade of Oats.
If you wish to secure some of these
Oats place your order early as they
are going fast.
We always have a Pull steak of
Flour and Feed,
lI'ighest Prices paid i'or «raiaa
11(}llie (11. ysla'
A ono and a half storey frame
house, 11.1 rooms, situated on Mary.
street, barn, el acre of garden and
orchard; waterworks and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONE, Clinton.
Farill tor Sate
Farm for sale, containing 55
acres of good clay loam, suitable
for agriculture or grass, being
north half of lot 77, Maitland con-
ceesion, Goderieb, with five acres
of choice hardwood bush, and a
never -,failing 'spring creek run-
ning through, all under grass at
present, possession can be given
at once. Apply to
R.R. No, 2m Clinton
or phone 12 on 113.
For : l'!e
Property occupied by Dr. Gau-
dier, including two lots, house, of- ,
flee and stable. Will he sold sep-
arately or together. Electric
lighting throughout, water in the
stable. 'Hard and soft water in
bath -room. kitchen and summer
kitchen. Apply .to
1.911' Slat`
150 ACRES of good clay land. 1%
miles north of Londosboro, being
tot 25, concession 13. Hallett. Two
houses, 'bank baro and driving
shed; brevet -:tailing well, and
spring at back of farm; silo; or-
chard; convenient to church and
school; rural mail and telephone
Price and terms reasonable.
R.R. No. 1, Auburn,
Many Women Staffer
From Pains in the tJ aektl;
When the back begins to ache it is a
sure sign that there is so'uctlting radically
wrong with the kidneys.
What you want is a kidney medicine.
•Down's Kidney Pills are not a cure-all,
but a medicine for the kidneys only.
• Mrs. L. Melanson, Plympton, N.S.,
writes: "1 aro sending you this testi-
monial, telling you what a wonderful,
cure Donn's Kidney Pills made for me.
I7or years I had suffered so with my kid-
neys I could hardly do my housework.
I used several kinds M pills, but none of
them seemed to be doing me any good.
At last I was advised to try a box of
Doan's Kidney Pills. When I had
taken the first box I found relief. I have
used five boxes and to -clay I feel like a
new woman. I cannot recommend them
too highly."
Doan's Kidney Pills bear the trade
mark of It Maple Leaf and att put up ifl,
an oblong grey box. Sec that you get
"Doan's" molten you ask for them.
Price SOc. a box, 3 for $1.25, a
dcaxlers, or nailed direct on
• by 'r. MasisoaNcl10,4c
Plaine. tette . ' 08W84 o fit"'