HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-22, Page 323 IIIIIIIINIINNIIIIIIIIIIICHIIIIIIIiIIININIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIHIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIINIIIIIIIIIG IIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIllliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MEN and EVENTS 1'agt pots: blathers is no bullying no lend sheet. L fq fll ing of °adorn or command, During lay iiB� EB rr !^ u Y S1tr� 0. �U'd ALL 5'pY I IIlE CLINTON NEW ERA. FROM EXPERIENCE. Canada ought to be able • to give United States a little.advice on the war equipment business, like this;-- Don't take married then with fam- ilies and leave the young and single eligibles at Moine, Don't let a man called Allison 'save anything to do with your munition sales. Don't send a buyer to Brampton, Ont., to pick up any painted horses, Don't pamper to the votes of the Germans for the next election. Don't let a ballot look bigger than the safety of the republic. Don't let the Wives and families of your soldiers follow them to Europe. .Don't appoint any honorary colon,- Don't olon-Don't give commissions away, or sell them. Make' every man start the war game as a private. Make sure that the rifles your men get for service are not good for target work only. Make sure that you don't spend millions for equipment that will be scrapped before it ever comes into use at the front. If a man's not fit for active service, be sure to find it out before he's been in uniforms for a year, ® e Local ins • ato ens eeV®eastoeseaeoa0me1eeCeecoeo TO LIGHT A FIRE. Fill an old pail or tin can with wood ashes and keep them saturated with coal oil. When ready to light the kitchen lire put two tablespoonfuls or more on your kindling wood, and light the ashes. They will burn sufficiently long for the wood to ignite and there fs not the slightest danger of an ex- plosion. 'Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OUR GOAL DEALERS. • St. Marys Journal: -No town in' Ont- ario has had cheaper coal this winter than St. Marys. It is to the credit of our merchants that prices hao'e not ad- vanced ever $8.So as it has in ninny of the surrounding towns. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 0 ro_► S,T..O R I A. MINOR LOCALS. Have you paid for your New Era for 19072 Don't neglect the little things. BRITISH ARE BEST • IN "IHI 1TARY SYSTEM fie ISunaling In France Where Sol- dier* Are Wonderfully Well Cared For -Correspondent Amazed Vidal; Toepfer, a correspondent of a Vatted States press agency, writes; ,4 vlsit- to the British front is like an jbarigorating and. remelting salt water birth on a sultry day. The moment you enter the British mil'" try zone you feel that you have eom4; le a. new and virile country. There are no bungling or slipshod methors there. 'Everything makes for efficiency, everywhere you find the most wonder- ful organization. Things run on well oiled ball bearings, Happy and Popular Tommy !The meat perfect-disoinline rales, Z-95 '700 '010010. '01:05001511008 '5aloos ut injtux;ny su'91ot1i °pool-tpSua els pus pool-auoq 'pool -gsap lump saAl.R •pun sulea gs poolq atagi 01 saptlenb aAr}la;nu esus sauna 1.a pule Sa.L LO s t(stlax uaxplty� ',fugaE warp flaw! pus .Rurt,,oaa ulalll l lugs oa 1 entire visit I failed to discover among the ten thee :ssisi of Tommlesa single I sully or (1 cl face. Moen and men alike •1, i :loved by the popu- lation, "Mac. , 1 %i.y all treat in the most censiile 0 .,'uitner, I found the whole military cone, outside the area or actual fighting, a perfect Arcadia, One of the reasons of Tommy'e hap. pinese'aud good humor le undoubtedly the ideal manner in which ills ma- terial'wants are catered to. His food is excellent and undoubtedly he gets considerably more variety than he was used to at home, I am certain that his boarding house mistress will have a hard time of it when ho returns trying to food him in the manner to which he has grown used tq in the trenches. Rations Excellent The paternal military authorities supply him even with such things as matches and tobacco,. As for bread, he gets an ample quantity, My own London baker does not supply me with anything like it' in quality or taste, I also sampled the emergency rations, the so-called iron rations, and while they are ideal In their compact- ness, I felt that I could live and light a whole month or more on them, and be none the worse for it. i think with a shudder of the hard- tack and canned meat on which I was• fed while a volunteer in the Spanish-American War. But I heard that the ci ality of the canned meat supplied by our American packers in this war is everything that could he desired. The way the British military authorities have organized and are providing for these millions of volun- teer soldiers is beyond praise. The American war department could learn a great many things here. Especially in the way of economy, for nothing is wasted. The immense repair shops at the British bases, where clothes, boots, harness and everything up to heavy guns are repaired are worth travelling thousands of miles to see. COUGH The 0fault's +°., +-'st Dage o s Dmsease. Whooping Cough, although specially a disease of childhood, is by no means con- fined to that period but may occur at any time of life. It is one of the most dangerous diseases of infancy, and yearly causes more deaths than scarlet fever, typhoid or diphtheria, and is more common in female than in male children. Whooping Cough starts with sneezing, watering of the eyes, irritation of the throat, feverishness and cough. The coughing attacks occur frequently but are generally more severe at night. On the first sign of a "whoop," Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup skulk be ads iaistered, and weeks of suffering prevented, as it helps to clear the bron- caeial tubes of the collected mucous aad piblegm. oa Ides. Nellie Harley, Aaaherst,y,N.S.; writer "I have nuclo pleasure in saying that there is no eaugh syrup like .Dr. Weal's Norway Piae Simla. My iritic Mai tank whooping comb from a little ell who has slam died with it. I trials late of tbiei•, but. found 'Tar. Warne to give the greatest relief, It lualpe4 ilial to calm the patens, and ire is rave' ballaw, My yoealt brother is alio *kin OM. week, earl Tam eattaalf Di•. We 9I' W, weft aliaix." - Dr. VVeudos Norwayitit Syrup Ras mit up in a yellow arrapp ee pine to ani the tide -meek price '•2:rm•;..d if@i> 141k, o �INIHNI'WNNNNIRINNN�11<�NIINiN�NIIVI(RMHRNI�II MEN and EVENTS NOMENIMINHINIMININEIMIMIt ORES - iut'ontre:u, Quo, "1 have been tinkering from Eidnoy Troublo for sive Iona years. 1 bad ono r3samatiam in all my - Mines and muselea, couldnot sleep nights nue on ee0,0 ocoaal0ne could hardy walk. Ono day I mot one of our lon4ing botalkeopors who bad boon curls by your 411 N fs voarma BlCrNEIP and he advised me to try thorn, So S bought two boson at my drug.. set's acid before I'had Used one boil 0 felt a big change ; before T itntolhorl the soaond one 5 was com- pletoly oared. L•'ngeno Quoonei." Ail druggists s011 Gin Pills at 66a. a box, or 6 boxoa for t2;pa. Sample froo if you write to ;NATIONAL DRUG & OfE11500AL CO. OF CANADA,, X,2110IT77n Toronto, Ont. 70 Navigation will open later this year on account of heavy ice in the harbours etc., The Federal - Government is taking effective means to insure a supply of newsprint paper. [HEIEBE BABIES Mrs. John M. Weaver, Blissfield, N. B., writes: -1 can speak very highly of Baby's ,e Own Tablets, 1 have used them for my children and find they are the best medicine a mother can give 'her little ones. I would strongly recommend them to all mothers who have fretful babies." The Tablets regulate the bowels and stomach ; break up colds and simple fevers ; expel worms ; cure vomiting and indigestion and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. We awawat panic sur" prayer,' by asn ti.r aid trlOA. ► .r71a� {It111>N. :odaelpeti eenelaa 'es i%irk i,f s r.'vaaut Ea 40 for us 'tJsat which we'ara alifrLr capaider of debar camel?``," -:sten V1'.• T. lfierridge, In a.;serf in i11 St An'' "Algernon, you meet.' or ws.. Mart." "Oh, you just ieategine you don't litre aka look's of my neaetstaehei Tou woeldn't like my locks any better wtlihseat it." "My looks are concerned," snapped the girl; "not yours. That ra0Wetachf keeps brushing my complexion off." He Had Webb Feet t1 CO Ce utiz1 - Vigor: -"Remarkable how heshe, ceeded in swimming the Channel with. oat: nnv arms!" LI! OO'.yl`F>ia'i 1sk ysaand alp pacm i p3o WWI op p1,172 smoD gaga Ael -po y .Kati, tiwa Ik ad .rl, 47t.ii arc . ofniiY1 Major W. T. Eaton, brother of Sir Jo in Eaton, and manager of the'Plamiltoar breech .of the T. Eaton Co;, who has been appointed to the staff of the Assistant Director of Recruiting. John S. McDonald, ex -M. P. P. for Centre Bruce, passed away at Ripley, q • • SWAY 13 Cl O tm5. .• Lesson VIII, -First Quarter, For Feb, 25, 1917. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, Text of the Lesson, John v, 1.1O -Mem- ory Verses, 8, 9 -Golden' Text, John ix, 4 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns, While the lesson assigned to us to. day covers only fifteen verses, wo must consider, as far as possible, the whole of this wonderful chapter con- cerning Him who is the fountain of living waters and the only judge of all mankind, These feasts were all originally '`feasts of the Lord" (Lev. xxiii, 2, 4, 44), but they had degenerat- ed into mere religious formalities as feasts of the- Jews, Jesus attended them because there He found oppor- tunities to teach and to heal, and it was His custom to go everywhere preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all sickness and disease (Matt. iv, 23). The scene of the heal- ing of our lesson was at a pool in Jeru- salem called Bethesda, which was by the sheep market or, us in the margin and the Revised Version, the sheep gate. Bethesda means house of mers cy, but mercy can only be found in Him of whom the sheep gate is so sug- gestive, aegestive, the Lamb and the sheep 01 Isa. ilii, 6, 7, on whom all our iniqui- ties were laid, the Lamb of God, who taketh away sins. It is interesting to note that the building of the wall by Nehemiah began and ended at the sheep gate (Nei. ill, 1, 32). This pool, with its troubled waters, was as useless for a really impotent person as were the feasts of the Jews to help any one, for he must needs be a lively impotent ' who : would get in first. The poor, hopeless impotent of our lesson had his infirmity, thirty- eight years, and we remember that the infirmities of Israel in the wilderness lasted just thirty-eight years(Deut. 14), and only the Lord .Himself could and did deliver Israel. Without help from any mortal man or 'without ever touching the pool this poor impotent was made whole, for surely the foun- tain is better than the pool, and there is none other who can do aught for the really impotent, and such we all are, for the whole world is guilty before God, and there is not one thing that we can do, not one step that we can take toward the righteousness which God requires. We can only pseud our guilt and ut- ter belpiessness, and then cornea from Him the word of life and health, and 'me 'become justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Rom. ill, 19-24). As itis Mated in verse 24 of our lesson chap- ter, hearing Bids word and receiving Marc we hare everlasting. lite. have P8rse4'..fient death to BE% wad awl stotcowe lilts Judgment for our alas. The 3'urge 'Riasseit sails ao (reuse and. 'that settles it. This is the life Mit is, given •to. ail tis dead M.Wm*who' sew' receive'Mit, end the .rear atilt .centimes, though it bac *lewd* lasted nearly • l;9ll9 nom: (ler46.22). The other hoeir of reaeee Inst :1;460yea on .ear(i5 art t'tbegliel istth . 'eini ,, .hiss •nf s tigez boils ;rani''at' 'te oemia of (t heeat i+, •144 ; Ike, eta, 14), and „wall cad igidt_Alfili �111111111111:, WO* v-, xr, g, 6, 11-1g. Iftde some or tis teatitamiled of 'Hina win) *lane eaa give life, before' whom all utekaerw Bees, and to whew all judgmatt brae been committed: The Son Om do Roth- ing of Rhos:elf; the rather fovea the Son and aheweth Aim all things that . Himself doeth;" the Father hath com- mitted all judgment unto the Son; he that honoreth not the Sot heihoreth not the Father which 'heath sent Him; I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which laath sent me; the Father Himself bath sent me; I am corse in my Feather's name; had ye believed Moses ye would have believ- ed me, for He wrote of me (verses 19-23, 80, 37, 43, 46). Xet this is the man whom they sought to kill, accus- ing Him of breaking their Sabbath and of making Himself equal with God One would think that His words and IIis works would have convinced them (verse 86). But when people allow themselves to be blinded by the devil he does his work very thoroughly. When the truth is rejected God allows lies and strong delusion to grasp the heart (II Thess, ii, 0-12). One great hindrance to believing God is the temptation to seek honor from men rather than from God only (verse 44),. the desire to be held in esteems by our, follows because of learning and schol- arship, the unwillingness to bo wbollp for God and seek in all things only Iris approval. Testis Christ came In iris Father's name seeking in all things to glorify Him, and all Ills words and works were the Father's through Slim. But there is one coming in IIi>i own mune. and it nano be soon, who will exult himself aril whom 011 the svorld will worship except those whose names ern in the book of Ilre (verse 43, with il.:u in 33 11 '1 ii 3, •1). • 1 1,'ot s Doubts. .„ h iliet of the whole 5-1.n milt' h, u d by flim u!,9 11,m1501 tar' t 7 1 sit man at I vn, anal 31, will `:,nae 117 1213 :,i0 1.9'' ,n i11'I5, P^i. n. 1i t.,.s of .:in. tic. 11. ••:!'3 ,. •, it ''t i , ..:•x ir;•ri;. lilt.1, 1:: . 1,4,1,0. • I1.0 r!:nh, i. IL*„ hi'+11"us5.,: ! , a:11 1',15' `i'1. of t' t'f`411!; :',1..•,1; (1,1 ) &MO i1 Red roelfi2) i rfbf1l, .t snfr, rc?err.blr.7 r'gn,rili110 1n deC11lo Brad in tiro, d,:. gge�nas of ntrnnl1015"Nn i ;1: Sol dr 6, 36 o r ll0x. Sold by rl ell n;relah r, esnl prupaitll on tnerip1 of price. Pres pamphlet, A,hlre:+a1 Glfli"a 100Ct rd2ltcif;E ea9„ mos. y,,XI (torearla meet) Thursday, Febr'uar'y 22nd, '(917 ^tw.x�nrawr . aranA+a^a, FIFTEEN F(N CENTS THE SEVEN DEADLY DON'TS OF COURTSHIP By a New York Y. M.C. A. Official l, -Don't "mush." That is, don't hug and squeeze and kiss an the girls before marriage. Youl'1 tire of it too soon when you are married, 2. Don't try to rush matters, or seen over-anxious. it does more harm than good if you call on her every night in the week, 3. -Don't get her a ring she will be ashamed of. Strike an average some- where between one she would turn in and one that can be seen ablock. 4. -Don't dangle other girls in front of your sweetheart Just to show her there are others. Cut out the ethers and concentrate on one. 5, -Don't be a parlor or porch de- coration and nothing else. Take her to a theatre, buy Iser candy, bring her flowers, show you're alive. 6, -Don't marry for money, or on love at first sight, or if there is too much difference its your ages, or if you are in poor health. 9.. -Don't forget her another. If she's the right kind of girl she'll heed her mother's advice and you will need a friend .at that coati-. The Saskatchewan Government will introduce a bill permitting the election oftheir own members by Ike troops on Retire service. A Stamford, Ont., wi'dow's request to have her sou released from the C.B.F., because of her need may be granted by King George.. .. .A pieilminary ahnduiiceniest slates nkat $a71,000. has already beengiven by citizens of London; Ontario, totile' Children' Cry ' FOR 'FLETCHER'S CASTORIA AT THE FOOT OF THE KAISER. (Montreal Star) Who soothes the infant in its cot And feeds the starving orphan tot (whose parents he has hanged or shot -Ed. Note.) THE KAISER. Who cries: "Peace is my heart's desire, I weep to see this carnage dire?" (who first used "gas" and liquid firer -Ed. Note.) THE .KAISER. , Who, when the fight is raging hot, Leads on his Hien, through shell and • shot? (whoever it nsay be its not- Ed. note) THE KAISER. Who weeps for poor unhappy France, Fair land of Beauty, Art, Romance? (and shells her Red Cross ambulance Ed. note.) THE KAISER. Whose eye is bright; complexion clear, Whose smile is gay and full of cheer? When there's a correspondent neat -Ed. note.) THE KAISER. Who when we turn out stuff like this Gives us the iron cross few miss? (and holds Isis boot for you to kiss( --Ed. note.) THE KAISER. How to reel Ureal During Middle Life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Cie of Liffe is a most critical period of a' monies existence, and neglect of health at this time invites l disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there i& so other remedy known to medicine that will 1 seg successfully carry wow throughthis trying period' as Lydia X. Pilaiidiam's Vegetable Compound, made fitall native rii and 'herbs. Read these lettere:- „.. - bNki Ctiael�+li yard .. W kid., !' 4 ala@•, ,t►e8a with �1r sten got Peite14,. ileus l no more troubled w the whoa and potion I ilea Wore I took your won- darl''atl remedy. I aseawaaarud it to. my frteziaits far If onsumt; Rise onge.JIa' , I(ifa5alir x N, a elphie, Pa, Beverly, A[aaa.--" I took Lydda E. I:'iekkeene Vegetable f3frdipouled, kr nervounmes and dyspepsia 'when I wee going them s& the Cloo ,=pe of Li*. I fmsntt it very 'helpful and I have always eiearan of it to other women who stiffer as I did and have had theca try it and they also have received good results from iitf0-Ides. GaMitein A. Dorman, 17 Roundy St., Beverly; Mme. . Erie, Pa. - a I was in poor laaadtah when the Change of Life started with me and I took Lydia E. Pinkhoma's Vegetable Compound, or Eathink I should not have got over it as easy. as I did. Even now if I do not feel good I take the Compound. and it restores me Irl a ahort time. I will praise your remedies to every woman for it•'may help them as it has me." --Mrs. E. E15sLING, 981 East 24th St., Erie, Pa. No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman's suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answered by women only and held in strict confidence. c , HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING I NVI_IETM?.~P' T MAY PLJ PCI-1,1,SE AT F1\ iiib0000 •s.l 0&-r'alao:'Fah.'. :less A`. 5045450' . 50la r,;, VN STO R S 0 (Amp.' !1 7," 0, IN SUMS CF ? 11 AN? i',lULi'li e G Ti ILI; EOr. lac orE 01 j Pti:,cipel Inns'+s3 P011'r .. L..ir yc.rri 1 t e,! .. ;i 14:1 Octt-,bor by eh'.yua (fret] of oxehs;;';o et any e1 rr.'rc i i :,, ,c in Ca:maa) ,,t n P ; ,::, i.0 GIRL per 5:A00m from t,r:i cast of purchrn.'• , H .,,, ,., . <: 35."1145:'-,0% wail 10••.0 i.;,, cYi' '•n or 44:0:C;,1,.,+ r7 •„ i.c::r .ii 1 r.t;ril:al hi�fnrli. as the c,t i;, s'. -:..n ui .?;r lyd.,n' ;t 1•:, :r any fut:nc w,.r 10411 issuo in Cala;,:,! c+ u r '... n . ,1 n.: ass ca a or 1,-, t,; li;,.: I;ert (1411-41 urity. I'rls,c' ills of 1, _ , . ,ar;k are ter war poras,.0150 only. A cend:nis::ifn of orla-ettlar :r of min per tent Will be :.Uoroed I.n rc.;:atlari,::,�1 sleek IsisSess tot .:1,a ants mads in respect of applieat cans for this stock which ' • For application farms apply to the Deputy' Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DaPARTMENT Oi' rimANer, OTTAWA, I 0070170il 7"N, ,.!1,;. { k.l4 i1_„,r_.41...w, erne .,aV"Y�,w:SZ«seg r; naw' bund and boar their a