HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-15, Page 5ursday,•February 95th, 1917. 1 There aro good points in sear• ly all ` makes of watches.-• there are haw that ars bad in every respect.' la REGINA WATCHES you will find sun- hodtrd ALL the good points a' watch son bows, lodged from the standpoints'of SOLIDITY, DURABILITY, RELIABILITY. 11. BELLVAR The oldest established Jewelry store in Clinton. YOUNG HURON DOCTOR :brought to be an incurable disease. The letter says: 'Wang Yii Wei Tzeliutsing, Szechwan, China. Dr. E. C. Wilford, a Canadian, grad- -sate. of Toronto and Edinborough Medical Colleges, came to China to be superintendent of the General Hospital .at Tzellutsing, Szechwan. Dr. Wilford is one whom, tho retiring in disposi- tion, it is a pleasure to meet. His whole mind is bent on works of kind- ness, and he is pre-eminently prof': cient in his profession. For years now die has been the means of bringing no small joy to the people of this place. I was Introduced to Dr.' Wilford by . t'4fr. Hung Chih Ho, and soon learned the kindness of his character and the ,proficiency of his medical work. My son, Wang-Yii Beli Ling, was - afflicted -with a permanent disease of the arm, - which for ten years defied' treatment, and now at twelve years of age was almost a cripple. Securing, however, .'the services of Dr. Wilford, in less than three months the disease was more than half cured. On account of !the fact that Dr. Wilford is now re- tufning home I have given my son • ever to the care of Dr, Crawford, who takes Dr. Wilford's work, and expect that before long my son will be en- 'grey cured._ Dr: Wilford lea -Vet- for his Country -With our deepest feelings of love•and of gratitude for his work in healing arty son, which kindness can never be xepaid. Yours respectfully, (signed) Wang Yii Wei (A member of the gentry). Now, having fulfilled his mission in the far east, the doctor is off to alle- • viate the sufferings of his fellowmen in the war zone, yet, another striking tribute to the deeds of the Canadians who have responded to the call of the, Motherland, ' Thorough mixing is what ' makes cake delicate and tender Lam: makesthebest eakebe- causeit creams quickly, and thoroughly with the butter which is the hardest part ofthe mix- ing. Its .purityand extra f°f ne" grannie - lion make it dissolve at once. 2 and 5 -Ib. Cartons 10 and 20-1b. Bags "The All -Purpose Sugar" ammosessimiduleillmoms Most of the fellows that Jack Lagrippe sent to the mat during the, last two weeks and had to take the count are up and shaping for another round. FELLOW -PRESIDENTS HONOR COL. COOPER Commanding Officer of 198th Battalion One .of Canadian Club Founders. Toronto Globe:—Col. J. A. Cooper, commanding officer of the Buffs, who are shortly to leave for overseas, was the guest of honor last Friday evening ,at a gathering at' the National Club, of /the Past Presidents of the Canadian • -:Club. Col. Cooper is not only one of aforst Presidents of this splendid organ- ization, but was instrumental in its ' - foundation. Fie has always evinced the keenest interest in its.,,welfare, and his associates in ,the promotion of this stub tnet Iasi evening to do hint honor, on the eve of his departtire for active service .at the front, Complimentary addresses were made by the several gentlemen present, ex- • tending the best wishes to ,the depart- ing Colonel, During the coarse of the _evening' he was presented with a club - nag. Two weeks until Lent. Wednesday was St. Valentt:te's bay. Use The New Era's advertising col- mmns. This is the Semi -centennial year of ..Confederation, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years . Alwaysbears ?fgnature Of e 44.44 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Birthst Marriages & Deaths , MISS MANBirths Tells Flow To Cure Cltronio floc LAWSON,-s In Clinton,, on Feb,lithgh to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lawsuit, twins_, I I d $Isar, ppes1151* am a aarllenter,. (boy and girl,) and the Tit-�tpe lett worn outlt n weak, cough, rqn•down, out and weak. ADDISON-In Hullett, on rcbruary I took all kinds of cough syrupe without Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. William Addison, help, 1 read about Vinol attd decided to try it., Before 1 had taken a bottle 1 felt better, and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely oured, and 1 have gained new rim' and energy.'—Joscrr L, Dnxxrs, Vivol is a delioioun non -secret tonic which is gguaranteed for eoughu, colds and bronchitis and for all weal, run. PATRIOTIC BRANCH down conditions, J, E. Hovey, drug'•gist,Ointon, Maoora the best druggists in all Onta a Son, • • Deaths 'i'l•IOMPSON,—In Clinton, on Sat- urday, Feb. 19th, Robert Thompson, Aged79 years and tt months, ECONOMICALLY MANAGED Sone Facts Regarding The Patriotic Fund Work in Huron As there"are frequent evidences that the work of the Patriotic Branch for Huron County is not as widely known as it should he to prevent misunder- standing, the following items gleaned from the procedings at the last month- ly meeting of the Executive, in Goder- ich, should prove of interest to those wishing to know the facts, es well as to the people of the County as a whole. Slitce the opening of the work not fewer than 350 facilies have been dealt with from this office in Goderich, and at the present time about 300 are on the list for monthly allowances. The total payments for the month of Jan- uary will aggregate $4,500, including the amounts retained and placed in the Savings Batik to the credit of the bdn- eficiaries. It is worth noting that this system of saving one-half the monthly allowance, adopted by this Branch, has been found of great benefit to partici- pants who found themselves in an em- ergency which needed the help of a little ready cash, and the example of the Huron Branch has been urged by the An audited statement front Ottawa Shows that, in the years 1915 and 1916 a total of $53,026 was drawn from the general fund for distribution in Huron County, and this large sum has been bandied here without the disagreement of one cent with the audit at Ottawa. A report from the Executive of the Citizens' Campaign fund of 1915 and 1916 in Goderich showed that, includ- ing the town's share about $2,395 was in arrears on Dec. 21st, but, with the town's balance paid, the amount to be collected and considered good was $452,75, and this is understood will be all in ,4lfortly. - The expense 'Of the working of the Patriotic Branch in this County is less than 34 of one per .cent., made up of a small salary for clerical help, office rent, printing, etc., and notwithstand- ing an occasional impression to the contrary, not one cent has ever been paid to the officials who are conducting the work. Two other branches of war work are looming up, and will likely entail a large amount of labor separate from the ordinary Patriotic branch. These are Ottawa Executive for general adoption. irst, the Pensions branch. Within the )113026MILMs+a a,awae.nxrr_rrtxe dt.11•76tIMMIWIM nse✓:sz�.yapav,za(t5 9,1=5r�}mnw,smPretSdeTa tam_M.Z.MFAVKn�wCULUcn�tireASSFIIts:� F i tla 0'• °:Mraf ttealit'ara (encMMINsora¢Ms Marl j 6116SE'4Rtc'..liti,alit[W+K agrt fttYl: YtRAl.: `.'.ICffl , N�E rgel t4a+YJ+-'JT %" LLtiavviAltiis-'Y�Y.' 1,151' lrS 24�'fibIIITAIWCRE4-V a...^`Nti'"f"r ) 1 ix ME9,R' ." ' 11Ur Alf* P 1:412 4l6tlLtui6:LL9CaA:tFn✓1Q:._'- .saa>l2Y wsfzs@q 't.6-•' .M+n+,Sd�S'Amrscrs,}JoR9[xs �tirrExr s:W'A TdN 1 � ?s M1Gt ,l.U'1T..1'S'�rmln last ten,days about thirty sets of papers' for settling claims have been received at this 0010e, Mud these are now in the !rands of the respective Reeves where the soldiers' families (lye, to ire filled up and sent in to the Patriotic officials here and then forwarded to the Pen- sions Board at Ottawa for settlement, Altogether about 31 casualtles are un- der consideration for this County up to date, Then, second the care of disabled soldiers who are returned to this. County. Titis work, involving contin- uous and careful attention, will be undertaken by the War Auxiliary of the County, Mr, W. Brydone, of• CHu- ton, the County President, addressing the County Council at its recent. session for co-op'eratiolt in the work, It will be seen from the above that the work in connection with Huron's share in the war is no small matter, but the Executive and the officials who are carrying it on do so with a desire to do "their bit" willingly and cheerfully. For a time the work was conducte's `under extreme difficulty, with no pru- ner office accommodation, but now a room in the Masonic Temple building is occupied, and with adequate equip- ment there is no decay PI .311Xn+aaygtt Pi the wonky ,s.n issati '' ^79'F# 15igt MINOR LOCALS.. ' It is reported from Walkerton that the cast of the' machinery of the old twine factory there has been removed and Shipped away. The empty building is another motnutnent to the failure of Good day Sir; have you a few pounds ' The New Ere welcomes all items of the co-operative movement which had of coal you can spare? • interest for its columns and is glad toe. considerable strength in Western On- News consists of reports of events get it by phone, mail or dropped int* tario twenty years ago.#hat have taken place. Notices of them the office. In remitting subscriptions send before they take place is advertising. February :list will be Ash Wednes•... Postal notes of money order. 11 priv- There is one bumper crop this year day ate cheque, exchange must be added if anyway—the ice crop. Renewed your New Era yet? payable outside of Clinton Page Five hb5 Ladies Mantles • Duriilg the next two weeks it is our aim to turn every, •Ladies' or Child's Mantle :now in stock into "Cash." , in order to do this we have simply ignored the re- gular prices of these goods and ard marking them at prices that must mean a quieklean-up of every garment. As an Extra Special we have put in one lot about i5 ladies coats that originally sold at from PO to $15 and have priced the lot choice... , ....., ,.E.,..l -.,i f.44.4 $4.95 *a., Also some Children's coaly at $1.98 up: We are also cleaning up at big price reductions a lot p�4 of odd lines and broken sizes of winter goods which ,we positively will not carry over another year. ammasammusauumr l Bros. Plumstee • Small Profits Phone 25. More Basiness Agents, --New Idea Pattern—Semi-Ready Clothing 0 point'From your •.Jof view thia.For we operate on the bas_ c —one c;-ecutive organization. —one factory natnegarnent .—QS1C purchasing U11C cc!Cn cr... ]CID20 ---one fvrou) Cif dealers —to plan, produce a..d cell- all Overland, Wily a �t el'e. c. -1d 1tJ11Yy5-1.S.YtY�:,Ylt L cCl. . iuyingr power is concentrated. Cost:, are Cris- t.i",Di:te -o.rerr all these caro. The cavinge are e: or..-- oizs. ct result �: re are producing caro of c_:.; veti o tl gj"loli ty —and marketing them at unu ri cs.:y low prices. ' Every car is built to a rigid etmncar;l ci _ fn 2a?::cc, cor_ifo:t and appearance. The now r.eodcls are Listed in thio announcement. They include Overland inodc?n from the snappy comfortable $n O Light Four to the beautiful Light Six Sedan at $2220. They include also . the big !Dandcome Willys- K nights from 1 the Four at ya1C0O, to the super c`'-acic>.t ?",i;^,' t at $2730. These new :models establish price records, value records and performance records which we believe will prove to the public conclusively that the vast economies of vast production ' are the key note and manufacturing secret of tl" a greatest value for the least amount of money. ,lnOSt iulportant. For herein we 'let forth the achievement toward which the Willys-Overland organization has c±ncd for the last eight years. This achievement incl word iii the completion of the gigantic"Willys-Overland organization to a point where a comprehensive line of automo- biles can be made and marketed. under one head. This means tremendous economise --races Cream- er than ever before. • This means the elimination of alt waste, all lost .motion and much greater factory efficiency. This meats an even higher grade of cars at much more attractive ve prices. AU of which means a substantial saving for you on the next car you buy. For now and. for the first time in the history of the automobile 'business we as one single organization offer the public a full and, cane prehensive line of automobiles. t0;. This concentration—this greater efficiency—this more effective means of pulling together is going to set a new standard of low priced . high-grade automobile values. R. GRAHAM PHONE 5 CLINTON, ONTARIO - Overland A.iblit Four Models ref. °:,daaxLn"*'?ti'fierdiaSU..� ..sfttva Roadster, 104 -in. wheelbase $+' 910 Touring 1.06 -in. who.11.>so is 930 Sport Model—Country Club— (Illustrated) $1030 Overland Big Four Models • err"g, ,4r til I, :Pad ter, '11.^. -in. wheelbase .4'4170 Touring, -112-sit, whrclhsce--(Illttstrtte4) . uiio0 • (.5.:5.11su C .sed Cars) W+ ia: my„.ry • er. z e'?,, Ltd. Head CL'. is e rasa! 'V+j fasts , `Blest. Toronto, -Canada. 211621111 ^�'4ttii i' '.. t ; -SegsfflarzwrnrTi"t •.mow ' Tifi3 +1 ls., Yaaf IAMOZSn'1 Yl ..rAr t Maraud i3tiSOMMEW 7V1'aHIaiONASIIM8L^:.Ya' IMMIX' MPI IIMUKtlO7YMMR21 4 - t1 6kr Overland Light Six Models :t Roadster, 116 -in. wheelbase --(Illustrated) , 2136,0 1oa.ing, 110-itt. wheelbase $1380. (:,es alto CIosod nus) Willys-Knight 7 Passenger Models Four Cylinder Touring, 121 in. wheelbase .. 54800 Eight Cylinder, 125 -in. wheethrot•(1 astratcd) 52730 (Zee also Closed cars) Overland azsd Wiltyr-Krnight Cloned Cars ' • Overland lei Four Conne. 11S•4n wheelbase t1.760 Overland lite tvur °•i :.:a, :sl -i.. wt•hc:c,u: a $.:000 Overland 1.,9;11t. Sc'c C,;tnpo, 110 in. whcclbare 51040 Overland Li;,ta..aie au an, flu -fay t:lrcaiuHs�j 0 ( r t.trn adtf Willy e- ttir,tt 'Pony Ceime, l t : t rite l' on t o Willye 1s.ui+. alt i onr 5c l tt 791.4:t. w01e1',.c a r WillyrrlstubhtFoun l.itnout,t:t.i,1 1-;n. " 714, All prices 1. o. b. Toronto and azalea to change wi. iol.tt notace., uwmasd u" t ire va« atteaValaer t : t + u,