The Clinton New Era, 1917-02-15, Page 4Thursday, February 15th, '1917,
sTfy TFO'W. ONT.
Ontario's rao
s Bestuslness
$ College
Students may enter our classes at
any time. Conlmeliee your course
now and be qualified for position
by midsumnlor, pitying July and
August of last'year we received calls
for over 200 office assistants we
could not supply, Our graduates
are in demand. Write of once for
our free catalogue,
1D. at, J1 clLachiau, Principal •
Don't Worry
,About the high price of grain and feed
for your fleck of.bens ,as Eggs and
Poultry are expected to be correspond
ingly high this coining season:
Now is the time to order your'Prair`ie
State Incubators.' Why depend on the
uncertain old lien for hatching when
an ;Incubator will do the work better
end cheaper? Get your chickens
batched early and get the big price for
broilers. The early pullets will be
your next winter's layers. Get an In-
cubator and hatch your chicks when
you please.
Gino—Laniois & Co., Limited
The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Branch Phone I90
.,pecial values in Art
i Pianos and organs rent
• ed. Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Mune Emporium
, f!"I,T,v f
�6fld6aa.ta FaaneaAAm.edd dA1.A 6®d4
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
e Hoare'
Repairs promptly at-
tended to.
A number of Second
Hand Beater's in good
Bya y & gutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Piton( 7.
Bette° P..i y
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what von
are getting,
You will never be sorry—for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical,
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it—and vet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get pereoual—If you would
litre to miss that sortlaltogetber--
If you would like to buywhero
nothing • but high qualities are
dealt m--COMEMERE
And evbn at that, no pommel titter
)laid our prises were unfair
W. R. counter
Jeweler nod Optileiilna;
honer dt $logit+,') Licemseli
W. 1i 1t Tf Ryti All E WELL-ICN0wVN ONTARIO
PCBfl(), l'1"iO
OrazareOla Welland, Ontet-"x am host pleased to
en/ARLES • s, I,U UJ3
Qonneyancel Notary Public,
0oinngssioner, etc,
Linnet. of Marriage Lieeuses.
Huron St., Clinton,
H.1 .rN OE•, •
Notary Publio, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSViANOif A0w '.-Repiosenting10Flrrslh
savant) Oompaales.a
1114vision Court Oiliee.
Piano '!'linin„
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine . piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention
M. G. Cameron, ILC..
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert. Street, occupied t y
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on anv day for which
appointments are made. Mee hours
from 0 a,m, to 6 p in. A good vault in
connection with the office. Omoe open
every week day, Me. Hooper will make
any, oppointments for Mr. Cameron.
Physician, Sermon. Etc
eneclal attention. given to diseases of the
Eye. Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes >. (fully stained, and suitable Masses
Office and Rosidenoe.
Two doors west or the Cemmerelai Moto
Huron St.
J1ES. C1t1C1'i mad GA lIllt I
Dr. W. Gunn, L. 1¢. C. P., L. E. C. d.. mai
Dr. Cunu's office at residence nigh Street
Dr J. C. Deadlier. D.A. M.D.
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night calls at residenoe, Rattenbnrr St,
or at hospital
IlrOWn all !Cringe York a Specialty,
Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and F,O,D,S
goyim on Mondays, May Ist to D
Offices over O'NEIL'S (tore,
Speoial care taken to make dental treat
ment as painless Me possible.
Live stork and general Auction °ee
Bat m )loos sales a specials/. Orders d i
NEw BRA ot8oe, 011nton, praametiy c.atnnct
to. Terms reasonable. Tanners' sats note
Drs. Geo d M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
WE. .
Office—Rethanbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. MoTaggart M. Ii. ttaoTaggar
McTaggart Brost
Gemara Banking Business
Drafts leased. Ietterset allowed a
The McKillop Mutual
Fire insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated Town (Props
erty Only Insured.
Head Office—Seaforth, Out
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres.
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas
Directors—D. F. McGregor, Sea-
forth;,,T. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rinnt Seaforth; John Benneweis,
Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M.
bk$wen, Clinton; J. B. McLean,
Seaforth: J. Connolly, Goderich:
Root Werris, narlock; Geo. Mc-
Cartney,, Tuokersmith
Agents—Ed. FI'inchley, Seaforth;
Yeo, of Goderlch; Alex. Leitch,
Yeo, Bolmesville; Alec. Leitch,
Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen
Payments matte at Morrish &
Co Clinton, and Cuttt'a grocery
store Goderich and Jas, 1Reids
store I3aytieiid,
A Carioad of Canada
Phone us:iorr prices
it wilt pay you
John HUtt.On
%Ve+re now' selling TLmoothy Seed
(Government Stanclaru.).
We also have o,n hand, !Alfalfa,
Aisike, and Red Clover.
We alnaaye have on hand —Doime
Wheat, Peas, Badley and Feed surra
!!Wheat Market Prima paid for Ba
and illi Rr1111R11,; .
ally that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preemie -
'Hon .hila proved
a first-uln
roiiedy. I was
rull-down, W'eltk
and 'hayed. out, and
needed..a wolr?tln'a.
tonic. I heve,just
finished using one
bottle. I. feel much
S�trronger and better,
Ono eat better 'and
!'- {sr am lees nervous.
.. `�; ,it I ]ml may•sayithat.
tloAr is ttrit; the' ! avonite ltrederlp.
1 oledtoino'for tired,out,.
Worn out wdmen xt :does Woncierel for
those „ Mtty Clrlo, -Fina roam, E. Main
and State Ste, Welland, Out,
Tf you' suffer fauna het .flaehea or d7 imz.
;ness,,faipting spells,; hysterm,,headache,
or. •nervoueriess you fate not beyond; re -
Dr Pierce's Favorite'Prescgi}ition is
"directed` to the reap pause and promptly
removes the.,disease, and thereby briugs
cemfort in the place.of prolopged misery.
It has been gold by druggists for nearly
50years, in fluid forms at $1:00 per bottle,
giving general sat efaotion, "1°t can now
be had in sugar-coated' tablet form: sold
by'all medicine dealers or trial box' by
mail on receipt of 80 cents in stamps,
Every sick ,woman may consult us by
letter, absolutely without charge..
Write without, without fee; to
Faculty of the Invalids' Hotel Dr: V. M.
Pierce, President, 663 Main St.,: Buffalo,
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are unequaled as a
Liver Pill. Smallest, easiest to take. One
tiny Sugar-coated Pellet a Dose. Cure
Sick Headache, Bi ioue Headache, Dizzi-
ness, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangement of the Liver,
Stomach and Bowels.
The True Love of Aaron Burr
(Continued from last week)
"What think you of our preserver,
Theo?" demanded miss of madam. "ls
he not an ideal gallant? Faith, i feel
like a story -book lady who has Sir Gala-
had rush up in the nick of time to res-
cue her from ruffians. 1 fear niy heart
will melt before his black eyes, though
he glanced not once in my direction.
Are you not set up at his gazing and his
stammering, Theo?" She laughed a
mischievous laugh. "His eyes never
once left your face."
"Fie, child, you do chatter to deafen
one," answered Theo, but site blushed
a rosy color in the darkness, and quick-
.ly turned the subject,
:They knew but little of the roads
they were following. Ladies drove nut
but seldom in those troublous days, and
then in a direction -that left camps and
armies at a good distance. But the
round harvest moon was flooding the,
land with its mellow light, and the sight
of it shining upon the river as they
drew near was enough to make a Puri-
tan write a sonnet upon its beauty.
"'Tis a silver path reaching straight
to heaven," murmured Mistress Prevost
The noise of war had drifted far away
and there were left only the moonshine
and the river and the chirp of crickets
in the tall grass at the roadside. The
officer drew up his horse at the coach
"We are now but half a tulle away,"
las said. "1 fear you are weary?"
There was an anxious note in his voice.
"Not too weary to enjoy the moon-
shine," answered Mistress Prevost.
" 74an iilurnipation i~n your,honor,"
lie said lightly, "and the one thing in
the place worthy of you. t am begin-
ning to tremble for your comfort. We
enjoy a Spartan simplicity."
"Will there be no powder save that
its your muskets?" demanded Miss de
Visme in mock concern. "And no
rouge to be gotten? Heavens, Theo,
what a poor figure you will cut In the
morning lights Perchance there is a
"There will at least be a supper," he
"And 1, for one, will be ready for it."
He rode beside the window for a Short
way further, but the shadows in the
carriage were dense, and she looked no
more at the moonshine; so presently he
turned his horse and galloped back to
the troopers. But when the coach
swayed up a long avenue lined with
trees and stopped in the light from an
open doorway, he was standing ready.
to hand the ladies out.
"Never did 1 see a more princely
manner," whispered the girl. "My M.
Don't Persecute
your ',..wels
Cuk at cathartics and purgative.,
brutal••hareh••um,cecaanry, try
Purely vegetable. Act
gently on the liver,
eliminate bila,anel
,ourho tbedcli-
afllich soma)
Odic bowel.
Sick Hendaehs and halation, no millions kniten,
Small Pill, Shall Dose, Small Price,
Genuine mu* !tsar Signature
They an
fections are engaged at
"I'Or the five -.hundredth time,"
joined her sister, laughing,
the wide hall lounged seve
officers, who ,Sprang to their feet
the er
itr,M1asof e
11 ladies; the '4di s •.
e and seta
, t
et sight of their preserver, lie w
carrying the boy in his a1'Ins. A neg
servant appeared at the door.
"la the south room in order, 'Cato?
"It ahi, sill,"
lie turned to the ladles. 'tlf you w
come withline.*—•--" His manner w
busjnesslike in the extreme ils tb
6)110 ad him up the broad stairway,A
the doprof the south room'!) aet,dow
the boy. .' 1 trust you will 11nd !t eon
fortable;" he said, ,looking at ,Mistres
Prevost. "1 shall order supper at One
You will 'come down?" he added, •sag
eyes on hers.
'We will come down,t? she nodded
smiling, and his heart sank strangely
She was so lovely, and •there would b
alltlje other ofticers•to meet her down
stairs, '
"I must see your fiery colonel," sh
called to him softly,
He turned at the stairhead, and start-
ed towards he? blindly.. Then sense re,
turning, he stopped short and walked
with 'determination down the -stairway,
cursing himself roundly at every step.
"1 have gone silly,"" he concluded dt
the last one.
Ile was pacing the hall anxiously
when the door of the south ream-opan-
ed. Miss de Visine carne first, looking
pretty and coquettish enough, but his
eyes passed her swiftly to the
lady behind. Mistress Prevost's small
hand slid down the mahogany rail and
rested lightly upon his sword hilt, so
great was his longing td lay it upon
"Where are the pretty officers?" de-
manded the girl, pouting.
"Gone to make themselves prettier
4n your honor," he smiled, as he con-
ducted his guests into a spacious room,
lighted brilliantly with many candles,
where a small table was laid for supper.
Cato sprang towards the chairs, but the
gentleman waved him aside, and settled
the ladies himself.
B thecolonel?" r'
"But ca ane 1 queried Mistress
q d
Prevost. ""He appears not. 1 sin be-
ginning to tremble for our lives,"
"He will be with us presently,"
"Many tales we hear of this Colonel
Burr," put in Miss de Visine. "Gossip
calls him a small man. Is he so?
"Quite dwarfish," the officer said.
""There are many stories of his gal-
lantry to the ladies, and how they fight
over hint. i believe you have put us in
his room, for i saw a letter fastened in
the mirrow, which was addressed to
Colonel Burr, and a pair of muddy
boots in the corner."
The officer gave Cato a glance, at
which that delinquent cowered visibly.
""1 believe hien a black villain," con-
tinued the girl calmly.
The man moved quickly. "There is
no occasion for concealment," he said,
sinning. "I myself am Aaron Burr,"
Continued next week.)
These Bring the Wrinkles and
' Phtllid' Faces That Make Women
Look Prematurely Old.
Almost every woman at the head
of a home meets daily many little wor-
ries in her household affairs. The
care of her tittle ones, the work
about the house all contribute to
these worries. Most of then` may
be too small to notice an hour after-
wards, but they constitute a constant
strain that affects the blood and the
nerves and make women look pre-
maturely old. The effect of these little
worries may be noticed in sick or ner-
ervous headaches, fickle appetite, tired-
ness after slight exertion, and the con-
ing of wrinkles which every woman
dreads. To those thus afflicted Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills offer a speedy cure;.
a restoration of color to the cheeks,
brightness to the eye, a hearty appet-
ite and a sense of freedom from wear-
iness, Among the many thousands of
Canadian women who have found new
health and strength through these pills
is Mrs. G, Strasser, Acton, West, Ont,
who says:—"I ani the mother of three
children .and after each birth 1 became
terribly run down, i had weak, thin
blood, always felt tired, and unable to
do my household work, After the
birth of my third child I seemed to be
worse, and was very badly run down.. 1
found the greatest benefit from the Pills
and soon gained my old time strength.
Indeed after taking then 1 felt as well
as in my girlhood, and could take plea-
sure in my work, I also used Baby's
Own Tablets for my little ones and
have found thein a splendid medicine
for childhood ailments,"
Dr.- Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all dealers in medicine, or you
can procure them by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $$2.5o from
1'he • Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
SenatorrLaii'dry says the French-Can-
adian i:duOational Association will re-
sist Regulation 1`7 of the Ontario De-
partment of Educatio,i to the end.
In a rear -end collision of a passenger
extra on the C.N.R. with a snow plow
train, near Saskatoon, three 01051 were
killed and six injured.
The officials of the miners are Satis-
fied with the proposal of the operators,
consumers and Government to settle
their trouble and advise the Bien to as
sept it.
Sir Robert Borden, on the suggest-
ion of Mr, P. F. Pardee, M.P., for West
Lenibton, prolisised to Appoint a•speciai
committee. to start work immediately
upon adjournment 1111011 it plan to pro-
vide for, return soldiers.
War horse purchases in Canada have
been bungled sail W. R. 'Smitfi, M, P.,
to the tforse Breilers' Association.
Jajwt Toree
`'o• Lydia E. Pinkhaan's Veg.,
etable Compound)
Washington Park, In,— "); am the
mother of four children and.have suf-
fered with ' female
trouble, backache,
nervous spells and
the blues. My chil-
dren's loud talking
and romping would
make ane so nervous
I could just tear
everything to, pieces
and T would•ache all
over and feel so sick
that I, would not
• to me at times. Lydda F. Pink am s
Vegetable Compound and Liver- Pills re-
stored me to health and'I want to thapk
you for the good they have done. me. 'I
have had quite a bit of trouble and
worry but it does not affect my youth-
ful looks. My friends say 'Why do you
look so young and wall '1' - I owe it all
to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies."
—Mrs, Itowr. STOPIEn, Moore Avenue,
Washington Park, Illinois.
We wish every woman who suffers
from female troubles, nervousness,
backache or the blues could see the let-
ters written by women made well by Ly-
dia L+', Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have any symptom aboutwhich
you would like to know write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free of
Nationalist Leader Will Introduce
Motion in House of Commons
London, Feb. 8.—At a meeting of
the Nationalist party held in the House.
of Commons today it was agreed that
John Redmond, the Nationalist leader,
should ask the Government leader in
the House to grant an early day for dis-
cussion of the following motion:
"That, with a view to strengthen-
ing the hands of the Allies and to
achieving recognition of the equal
rights of small nations and of the
principle of the nationalities against
the opposite German principle of
military domination and government
without the consent of the governed,
it is essential, without further delay, to
confer on Ireland the free institutions
longpromised her."
;Wood's ThosphOG Ste;
Zhe Great Englialat en:edrt.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous a stern, makes new Blood
in old Veins, Cures Nervous
Debility Mental and Beain Worry; Deepon-
deney, Loss of Rneroy, Palpitation of the
Heart, Failing Memory. Price $i pee box, six
for Sao One milldam, six will aurae Sold by all
druggists or mailed is plain pkg. on receipt of
mire. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD
MEDICINE CO..rosoerO. ONT. tnrmerie Maser
A Country Courtship Burlesque
(Written for the St. Marys Journal)
He met her in the pasture lot
Just as the sun was setting red;
He wore a homemade, big straw hat,
She'd nothing on her shapely head—
They walked together up the lane,
They didn't smile or say a word--
ord—The beating of their own glad hearts
Was, maybe, all the sound they heard
He didn't help her o'er the stile,
Instead he let down all the bars,
Her mild eyes, meantime, filed on him
As iridescent as the stars --
Nor thanks she spake, nor kiss she gave
• In fact, I doubt If she knew! how—
He was a simple country lad
And she --a dark redmuley cow.
St. Marys, Ont. A. C. WOOD.
President Butler of Columbus Univ-
ersity, Says He Has Positive
Knowledge of This.
Pittsburg, Pa„ Feb. t0,—Nicholas
Murray Butler, president of Columbia
University, declared in an interview
here today, that the submarine
Deutschland has been captured by the
"I have positive knowledge," he de-
clared, "that the Deutschland is one of
85 German submarines in one British
port. I know that the British have
captured not less than 200 German
Canada in War Time
The Irish -Canadian Rangers of Mon-
treal are to go to the front as •a com-
plete unit in the 5th Canadian Division.
lion. Charles Murphy has
tice of a resolution of censure upon the
Government . in connection with tine
Ross rifle matters,
The Germans used captured steam-
ers as a temporary refuge for captured
Bright Eyes
indicate buoyant health. When
the eyes are dull, liver and bow-
els need regulating. Quickly
restore healthy conditions with
a dose or two—in time—Of
Lemma EOOMercrirwheae, Iukbeset.21scWurh9
Appointed to Oversea Forces. f
W lr
F vb
e Promotions.
London, Feb, 12, ,.-.Tile Duke of
Connaught will be -appointed thspet-.
tor -General 01 overseas troops, accord -
there is nothing so $ootbirYeg and
healing as Gam uk. This great
herbal halm allays inflammation,
draws out soreness, and reduces
swelling. Those who have once
used ent
of winter ail eaic ts say thr the eywoul4
no other remedy, as experience •
Proves that nothing can equal
Zam.Buk for 'chapped hands, cold
sores, cold cracks slid chilblains.
It is also invaluable for all skin
injuries and diseases. All drug•
gists and stores, or gam•fiuk Co.,
Toronto. SUc. box, '3 for $L25.
Seed lc. stomp for postage on
free trlat box.
The Duke of Connaught, to the ani
form of a Field Marshall,
ing to the Times. The paper inti-
mates that the Duke will investigate
the duestioi of the promotion of
Canadian officers, which has been a
subject of criticini here.
Canada in War Time
' A Grand Trunk Pacific train carry-
ing the 233rd Battalion of French-Can-
adians eastward was wrecked on ac-
count of a broken rail forty miles west
of Winnipeg about 1.25 a.m., live cars
rolling down an embankment. No one
was seriously hurt.
Children Cry
Premier W, M. Martin, in the Sask-
atchewan Legislature, moving the adop-
tion of the Brown -Elwood Commis-
sion's report, read out of the Liberal
party S. R. Moore, M. P. P for Pinto
Creek, and said he would move the ex-
pulsion of C. H. Cawthorpe, M. P. P.,
for Biggar,.whohad reufsed to resign.
The Rhssiaus w i a notable success
in the Carpathians.
Children Cry
France has established a fund to re-
ward vessels capturing submarines.
The King and Queen visited the Mas-
sey -Harris Convalescent Home in Eng-
A conservative estimate is that the
population of Serbia today is 1,150,000
less than it would have been had times
remained normal. From this figure
must be deducted about 200,000 Ser-
bians who are on the Saloniktfront or
in Corfu, France and Britain, and an-
other 200,000 who are prisoners of
war or are interned in enemy coun-
tries. These deductions leave a total
of 705,000 as representing the mini-
mum losses sustained by Serbia in kill-
ed or died through epidemics between
1912 and 1916, during which time
Serbia has been almost constantly in a
state of war, In short, war has, dur-
ing the last four years, wiped out at
least a fifth and probably nearer a
fourth, of the Serbian people.
February Rod and Gun.
in the February issue of Rod and Gun
now on the news-stands, Bonnycastie
the naturalist writer, descril3cs in
"Hunting with the Nloder 1 Camera"
the methods by which he gets near en-
ough to the forest birds and beasts to
take some of the remarkable photo-
graphs with which his stories are illus-
trated. "The only danger is from falls
and falling trees," lie says. "There is
not anything in the woods of North Am-
erica that will attack you if unmolest-
ed." "The Woodduck," by F. V. Wil-
liams, supplements the cover picture
of this month which reproduces in
colors that are true to life this rarely
beautiful and comparatiaely scarce
species of duck. "Old Facing Pau," a
bear story by It C. Haddon, "Hawks
and other Game Destroyers" by Regin-
ald Gourley, "With a Watch and Com-
pass," "With the Timber Wolves in
Northern Canada," etc., etc , along with
the regular departments which are well
maintained, snake up a particularly in-
teresting number of this premier Can-
adian magazine of outdoor life. W. J.
Taylor, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont, is tke
Constipation is one of the comnioiiiiii
ills of mankind and one too often allowed
to go unlooked after until some striatum
complication sets in.
If the bowels are properly looked after
there will be no constipation, jaundice,
sick orbilious headaclses, heartburn,
coated tougue, sour stomach, floating •,
weeks before the eyes, etc,
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will keep
the bowels regular and cure all liver ilia. ,
Mr. Philip McLeod, Tarbot, N.S.
write : ' I suffered from constipation
ever since I can remember, and for years
had pains in the left side of the ban..
If I walked across the kitchen floor I
would have to sit down, and rest. That
I think was terrible for a man of 20 years
of age. , The condition of my system was'
shown by pimples breaking out on my
face. I suffered so muck pain and, stiff-
ness in my back I am sure my system
was full of poison. Milburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills have entirely cured inc.
I thoroughly recommend them to
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 260.
a vial, 5 vials $I.00, at all dealers ca,
mailed direct on receipt of puce by Tum
T. Mn.Ruart Co., Lrauri,n. Toronto, Ont,
F R O N %
$ 25.00
FOR $21.50
JAN. 9, lai7 re1NANoet b'EPA erTmKENT