The Clinton New Era, 1917-02-15, Page 3THE CLINTON NEW ERA.
Thursday, February 15th, 1917,
"Although It Rad
Little Faith la Them"
That is the fooling of hundreds vrho
leave been helped by Gin Pills. They ad-
mit after the cure that when they used
Oin P1110 it did not seem possible that
such a eimple remedy pould relieve poen
severe stowing. Tho lino above, for in-
stance, is from. the letter of Mr. H. r.
Norbert, Pl000iwvlle, recommending
Ho Saye, in part, "I suffered harm
lgidney trouble for several yearn. I have
erred numerous remedies and need medical
prescriptions without having permanent
relief, my ease being .chronic. I decided
to try Gia Pins although I had but little
dalth In them. The drat dove gave mo
relief. Since, I have taken four boxer of
these pins. and I And myself oompletely
It' yon have lame bank, awoken .amts,
constant headaches, urinary troubles, atone,
experience wadi tri Gin Pilles, Herbert's
At all druggletc---60C. a box, or 0 boxes
for $5,00.
Remember our guarantee of satisfaction .
or your money batt.
Write for a free sample to
National Drug & Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont.
V, 2, Address-30a,Dru-Om Inc.
202 Main et., Buffalo, N.Y. 53
Ing, sending one parcel -every week to
each prisoner. Therefore, existing or -
1 ganization$ should continue their work
of cotlectiog funds' to be sent to the
EC:median Red Cross ,Society; Slid it is
Imost desirable that they should not re-
lax their efforts In this respect.
Persons desiring to have additional
food or supplies to a Canadian
prisoner, should send the looney for
that purpose to the prisoners 'of war
department, Canadian Red Cross Soc-
iety, and should contain information to
the following form::—
orm:-No, 12345 Private A.G. Robinson,
440 Highlanders,
Canadian Contingent, B. Ii, F.,
Canadian Prisoner of. War, Gottingen
Care Prisoners or War Department,
Canadian Red Cross Society.
Send Money Orders.
'rhe remittance should'be in the form
of a postoflice money order drawn in
favor of the Prisoners' of War Depart-
ment, Canadian Red Cross Society, for
the prisoner of war In question. .
Any person wishing to send a remit-
tance direct to -a prisoner of war may
do so by means of a post office money
order which is issued free of commis-
sion. Instructions as to how to proceed
can be obtained from postmasters of
accounting postofiices,
Parcels for prisoners of war contain-
ing articles which are not prohibited.
may be sent fully addressed to the
place of destination in the form above
care of Prisoners of War Department.
Canadian Red Cross Society, London,
Englund, to be forwarded after they
have been censored. .
Detailed regulations respecting cum
munication with prisoners of war are
being issued to the postal service sten=
erally, and full information niay be ob-
tained by making application to any
Red Cross Society Sees That the
Canadians are Provided For
No more parcels for prisoners of war
in Germany will be accepted at the
postoilice, The following announce-
ment was issued last week:—
The postaffice department is in re-
ceipt of a cablegram from the Britishl
authorities stating that no parcels con-
taining foodstuffs or articles of cloth-
ing should be forwarded In future from
Canada for prisoners of war in Ger-
The British authorities represent that
it is absolutely necessary that the
above regulation should be, complied
with, Therefore, on and from the tot llama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
February 1917, the pgstotiice depart-
ment will refuse to accept oiny such
parcels for prisoners of war in Ger- 80 ACRE FARM,
many. The department: is advised by SOLDIERS'
the English authorities, that such par-
cels cannot be accepted for•trausmis-
sion to the prisoners,lumd•couid not get
through. .
Will Get Supplies.
The Canadian Red Cross Society
through its London office 'Undertakes
that every Canadian prisoner shall re-
ceive adequate relief in food and cloth -
�5WN, pORONTO.011;, 110•
of charge. For each day's work that Is
done from the time 'he enters the train-
ing school at Montieth until he goes
upon his clearing be will be paid a
reasonable wage.
An advance up to $500 will be made
to cover the cost of stook, imp'lenients,
equipment and any assistance in
building that may be given, for which
a lien will be taken against the set-
tler's holdings and chattels.
The lien will be repayable in twen-
ty years at six per cent., but no pay-
ment on account of •either principal or
interest shall be required until after
the expiration of three years.
At the expiration of five years from
the settler locating upon his land and
upon the due performance of certain
conditions in the nleantinle, he will be
entitled to receive a patent from the
There are also facilities for co-
operative marketing.
Lesson ViI.—First Quarter, For
Feb. 18, 1917
Text of the Lesson, John iv, 43.54..
Memory Verses, 49-51—Golden Text,
Matt. viii, 13-Cohirnerntary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.'
The story of today is called the sec-
ond miracle ,in (Galilee, and it was
wrought at the same place as the first,
in Cana of Galilee. Verses 44, 54, com-
pare chapter 11, 2, 11. At the marriage
he manifested forth His glory, and it
was on a third day (chapter ii, 1, 11),
and I must confess to a special delight
In working out ,the thih'd day and the
glory or kingdom veins of truth in the
Scriptures, believing that it is only as
the glory of His kingdom takes hold
of us.that we shall be the faithful fol-
lowers we ought to be in this present
evil age: :I t would seem, from verses
43, 46, that this was another third day
event, though it is just possible that
there may have been an interval of a
day or two between the two verses,
but I think not. The marriage of the
Lamb Is the next great °vett in the
future, and,'countiug a thousand years
as one day, it will probably be the
third day in the morning. Somewhere
about that time will be the redemption
of Israel, as it is written in Hos. vi, 2,
"After two days will Ile revive us; in
the third day He will raise us up, and
we shall live in His sight."
Our Lord seemed to have the same
thing in view when He said, "Behold,
I cast out devils, and 1 do cures today
and tomorrow, and the third day I
shall be perfected" (Luke xili, 32). It
will be the time of the resurrection of
a righteous Israel. according to Isa.
xxv, 8, 9; xxvi, 19 -21; Dan. sit, 1-3,
when "the Iling of Israel, the Lord,
shall be in the midst of them and they
shall not see evil any morn" (Zepb.
15). Note the sayings already in this
gospel concerning the Son of God, the
Icing of Israel; heaven opened rind Ja-
cob's vision a reality, the temple of
His body raised up, the ldngdom which
can only be entered by the new birth,
the saying about the bridegroom and
the bride, His declaration that he was
the Messiah and His reference to the
harvest (chapters 1, 50, 51; ii, 20, 21;
Hi, 3, 5, 29; iv, 26, 35). Surely we can-
not but be fully persuaded that the
kingdom and the glory were the i"y
ever before Him which enabled Him
to endure (Heb. x11, 2). And how can
we, His followers, hope to endure in
any other way?
This teaching will not bring us hon-
or from men, but the honor which com-
eth from God only will more than suf-
fice (iv, 41; v, 44i. The Galileans
Ileved because they saw the' things
Ghat $e .did at Jerusalem, and 'I do
not know any truths which Will work-
in us the Christ life like those con-
cerning 'His Coming and kingdom. A
letter just in from the Philippines tells
of a worker whom many people thine
queer because of these troths, but the
remark was added that her lovely life
wins ninny people to Him. That is the
one thing worth while. The 'beating
of the nobleinan's son in this connec-
tion makes us think 01 the time of the
kingdom when the inhabitant shall net
say, I are ick, the people that diwell
therein, OA be fon'$lven' their lnle*ufty
f1sa. vti i#ii, 24i
After He had spoken the kingdom
ta'uths. of ),tett. v -vii Be gave 4%101"
of the kingdonl in . healtengs
:bapters vifi.aud ttie ix. V(bfle,tbe kingof.
dem`is'postponed because of His re-
jection, we' May. not expect kingdom
!".metes, tough in His great grace He
.tile v ought 'many for' many of F is
idrfiplq miiidod ti°lievgrs and has 11fNde
10 mani1ttetly (nig 'that Sia wooa1 sterids
"according to your faith be it unto
you We may journey with this no-
bleman and imagine something of his
hekktatehe ns haying 1e2t his sbn at
tiki polpt of death, he peeks'the Great
l'hysp Wd,ma3' mot know hoWv
prxe eacgttraged to belieyg that the
Log ' Jeetle would lujP him, • for the
heaiings at Oapernaam of the demon
pbeseesed mast, and Peter's wife's
mother, and the Centurion's servant,
rind the milers ,dsutgtiter, ,seen all to
.rave taken pbetp''.aft¢r this. But be
must somehow . ]alive seen or heard
enough to convince trim thalt here there
was help for hind,—though he seemed to
think `it :necessary that Jeans should.
atdomgavy Iiome (verse 49). That
Mrs. Win. Artlett, Ancaster, Ont.,
writes:—"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for three years for any little girl
and baby boy. 1 have found them of
the greatest help during the teething
period and always keep them in the
house." The Tablets aid teething
babies because they regulate the
stomach and bowels, thus preventing
constipation, diarrhoea and convul-
sions. They promote healthful
and keep baby
are sld by medicine dealers or by mai
at 25 cents a lox from The Ur. Wil-
Bush*s-s"--ai d
' Shorthand
Westervelt School
Y. M. C.A. 851f11 Sg '- 2e
- London, Ontario
•College in Session Sept, Int to July.
lC:atelogue Fr'ee. ;Enter any time
t-W-Wesfervclt. Principal ,
Ontario Government Makes
Known Settlers' Scheme—$500
Loaned for Stock.
Cul. 1', W. Marlow, who resigned as
A.D.M,S. in the Toronto fvlilitary Dis-
trict, issued a statement to which he
says inordinate waste is inevitable un-
der the present system of operating the
military hospitals,
Brantford's Patriotic Fund campaign,
aiming at 3150,000 in three days, con-
cluded with $155,000 obtained.
Canadian troops to the number of
316 officers and 3,360 other ranks
have recently arrived in England,
The Lake Brie Fishermen's Associ-
ation will ask the Government to .place
two substantial patrol boats on the fak-
ery protection service in place of the
two small ones at present there.
Toronto, Feb. S.—in a menmorandum
to Sir Robert Borden with reference to
facilities 'for settling returned soldiers
on the land, G. Howard Ferguson ex -
Plains Ontario's proposals, some of
which may be mentioned. Farms not
containilig more than 30 acres will be
laid out in such manner as to bring the
different farms houses as Close together
as possible. The work of the leen will
be directed, to clear.rg on the front of
each'farra an area Wien aceeS.
As soon as a soldier desires to go
Mrs. S. Walters, Matapedia, Que.,
writes: "I wish to let you know how
mach goiod I .Nave received by .taking
your Heart and Nerve
ells the heart
suffering from palpitation
and shortness of breath, The trouble
with my heart, was caused. by stomach
I had tried all kinds of medicine, both
patient and doctors', but 1 found none
rdpeye rue like Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pitta.I believe anyone suffering
like did'shoiild use tllenr. I only used
rnirr and I now feel like'a different
14tit1xun's Heart and Nerve Pills have
. , 'went -
five years hid have a Most wonderful
berm oaths market for the past t Y
ion as a remedy for all heart and
upon a' farm and work for himself anve•
will be alioted to him. $1.24, at all. dealers, or mailed direct on
$0 -acre lot pith ten acres clearing Price ft0 cents. per box, 3 boxes for
The eighty acres with ten acres of ieeapt` of price' by '1'10 T. Mil.huan
Co.. 7,atr'rsD, 'Toronto, Ont.
clearing will be given tire settler free __
The French were successful In minor
SLIER op'hhe Czar0)1 tlformed arcommittee to
The P't>hlic Health Set:wee`>reti,��p"o�,rts,the —r,o,pt�E. olla,'.lye (0
L'_� age pi rags to -day, b'w% nom f"';y r ws
modality is increasing from degener*tive dllaeanve¢,>ant4e ti S
Thitutsands of weld fo Lined men and waren to -day are
learner the true value
arrange for the reorganization of Po -
Seventeen German 'vessels interned
in Manila Bay were seized by United
' States authorities.
Seven survivors of the Shackleton
jparty stranded on Elphant Island, in
Anti -arctic have been rescued by
SCOTT'S EMULSION the relief slop Aurora.
as a Powerful bloadeuricher 'and strength,, buillder
to ward off the headaches anti `backaches that mean
weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify'the'body against
grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through
• its force of medicinal nourishment. -
Refuse Alcoholic )Bartreein`a'tiat Do Net Catfwia Cad Liver Oil.
$0.&'e. Towpath. Ont. te-t
Children Cry
.CAST 0•R. I A.
Electrify the Tiiniskaniing & North-
ern Ontario Railwaty, is Chairman En-
glehart's proposal.
Mr. Allan Studholme, speaking to the
Labor party, at Toronto, critized Gov-
ernment efforts for soldiers.
ti tint
onrre atinvo t`a'WA 0r 00 50441*
lof 411 011•4111 .11,11111.1.1. Ve
TO STRIKE Li. S. • other, written by Gan. Maxiniihut Klos,
FROM MEXICO. an artillery officer in Mexico City, in
_ �`` which he declares that the distri-
Bernatorff and His Aides 1 -lave Been f placed button
Superintending Departure of 300 4
Teuton Officers.
Providence, R. i„ Feb, 8.—The Pro-
vidence Journal made the following ed-
itorial statement in its morning paper:
"If Germany succeeds in dragging
the United States Into war her first
blow against this country will be
struck through Mexico. For the past
two weeks the German Ambassador,
working among his own Consulates
all over the United States, as well as
superintending the. departure of over
300 officers -of the German army, both
regulars and reservists, from various
American ports and railroad centres
to Mexico City. where orders govern-
ing their future activities will await
then. it- has not been generally
known that a large number of Ger-
main army officers, who have been
captured by the Russians during the
present war and have made their way
here at various times through Chloe,
have been held in d.'s country with-
out any attempt being made to
smuggle them back home. The De-
partment ' f Justine has had infornma-
tion for • r' anal months thyi several
of these officers 1111.2 bean with both
villa and Carrasza in Mexico. Since
1st ;.t•a• day there has been a whole-
sale exodus of those that have re-
moved to Mexico City, and' at least
200 officers, of reservists have accpl0-
panied them or gone in, small. parties
to the same destination. The Govern-
ment is in possession of inforalation•
that a large cjuadtity.of'arms aid1 1301-
ajiunition, collected here at the be-
ginning of the war and stored in two
large warehouses in New York, has
found its way to Meslcd "City. ighere )t
has been held .intact since its arrival.
Increased Hatred of "Gringoes."
Some months ago a long Gernun .
Consular report was sent from Mexico
City to the Foreign Office in Berlin by
way of G. Scn,adt, an employe of the
German Embassy at 1 t Broadway, New
York, under seal to F. Gersdorf, No. 5
Martensallee, Copenhagen, Deninark.
This communication, a copy of )which
has just been received in this country,
goes into the conditions in Mexico from
the German point of view very fully,
and declares that what is known as the
Gentian Alliance in Mexico is support-
ing every effort to leereane the hatred'
against Americans in that country by
inaugurating a series of German gather-
ings in behalf of Mexican nationality,
mixing socially with, prominent Mex-
ican leaders, and flooding the country
with, pamphlets of pro -German char-
"This couiunicatioi incloses an -
of military material has been
in his control."
Jessie Biggs, three years old, while
as '.....:..... ....
playing with matches at her home in
Brantfodr, set fire to her clothing
and was fatally burned:
The special Parliamentary Commit-
tee on Returned Soldiers will meet on
February 21. Sir Herbert 13. Antes has
been chosen Chairman.
gracietis`it;ord,' "Go thy way; thy son
Opts" (ver e'50, did its work In beth
father and lion., for the fattier went his
way believing and found on reaching
home the next day that the boy had
been healed at the very tittle that Jesus
hart said the word, One 'result wni
that the man's whole ,household Uelie'v.
ed in :testis. Just as the (i-alileans
who had been to 1fernsa10n1 saw' >31s
works and believed, do this household
saw and believed, and there are Still
those who need t0 see something of
the power and grace of God in human
lives td lead them to believe, and they
ought to see it; for His life should be
manifest in'IIis redeemed (II dor, iv,
10, 11), Far saved scilla like Thomas it
is always true "Blessed are they that
have not seen, yet have believed"
(John xx, 29). The verb "to believe"
is found in some form in this gospel
ninety-nine tunes and reminds no that
witlhout faith it is impossible to please
Gori, 'and also that the Mily way to bo
tilled with joy and peace is by believ-
ing (tteb, xl, 6; Isom. xv, 13). We may
well ask ourselves, Do we know this
same Jesus?
Cook's Cotton Root Compotstt&
l e. reiiiatate 1 o/,L. tf;tp
• d of etrou,th • No. 1 o1;;
• 2. lila No 3.33 tact lion.
Sem by ell-dtinaidts. Or Ohl
W1le'r oa acoetpt of ��pprou,
. .r'rea pampinot, tAdtlrennl
'rim COOK M telcit1l Cllr
D 7010).11 1, Oar.' (Iumirq *too
arid d Emit!"
ire aslrn �a`.41.'° rkY:��
"Thank you for the wishes and for
The Flavour Lasts
Thi 3 great little pick-me-up
is full of vigour and vim for
the jaded soldier. Quenches
thirst, allays fatigue, gives
new life to enervated spirits.
Every letter or parcel
for your soldier friend
should contain a few
hars. Appetite,(liges-
faan and spirits are
the better ter it.
Sold Everywhere
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd.,
Wrigley Bldg., Toronto
The FlavourLaois!
Principal repayable 1st October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at
any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of
Holders of this stook will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest,
as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue
in Cithada other than an issue of Treasury bills or other like short date security.
Proceeds of this stook are for .liar purposes only.
A commission of ono -quarter of One par cont will be allowed to reoogfi9d bond and
stock brokers On allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which ben' their
stump. -
For application forms apply to the Deputy Mitiilter of Finance, Ottawa.
OCTCH$R 7th, 1815. '