HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-15, Page 2'.pap TWO Y. r.-,.,,,» Ready to Wear Garments Cooch &Co. Dry Goods and House furnishings, THE LAST CALL, FOR WINTER COATS We are determined to clear out every coat we have in stock --I4 coats in all—including Blacks, no spatter what the former price was. Take your choice on t6 98 Saturday fi VELVET SHAPES•a64C Just 1 dozen Ladies Velvet Shapes left,•made of good Quality velvet. This season's styles your 64c choice LADIES CLOTH SUITS Just 4 Ladies Cloth Suits left; Colors, Navy and Black, sizes, 36, 38, 40 and 44: Your choice Saturday 1/2 Regular . price. LADIES ODD SHIRT WAISTS. 75c Just 1 dozen Ladies Odd Shirt Waists, slightly soiled, most- ly tailored effects, made of Linen, and Pique For Quick Selling Saturday .79c WOOL IMTTS 65c Just to hand 150 lb Batts, good Quality Wool, well scoured and free from grease. Very Special per pound .65c 25 per cent discount off all Furs ONTARIO'S BACK GARDENS WOULD YIELD $10,000,000 "9n order to assist in meeting the shortage of foodstuffs, due to war con- ditions and the unfavorable season of '191 6, those teachers who are naw 'giving instruction in agriculture and ]torticu'ture in the Provincial schools should arrange, as far as practicable, to grow plants of food value in school gardens and to reduce corresponding- ly the space hitherto devoted to flow- ers and decorative shrubs," says a circular issued by .the Education De- partment to inspectors and teachers. "With the same object in view, the iiosne garden projects should be en- larged and modified and extensive use made of vacant lots and other un- occupied areas. in this way ad- vantage might be taken of the poten- tial labor of boys and girls from eight to fifteen or sixteen, much of which in the ordinary course of events is not utilized. "Inspectors might also take ad- -vantage of present conditions to en- large the scope of agricultural educa- tion in Ontario and to demonstrate mord• fully the important bearing which agriculture has upon the wel- fare of the people by using their in- fluence to induce School Boards which have not yet established classes in agriculture to undertake this work end to utilize the school garden or borne garden as recommended above. 91, indeed, the. urban municipalities in Ontario, having a population of from 4,000 to 9,000, would double the pre- sent production of their gardens and poultry yards, and use, as recommend- ed above, the vacant lots and other un- occupied areas, it would increase the food products of Ontario by $10,000,- 000 at yery consegvatlye calculation. "Boys and girle 'caiinbt be a*pected to fight, but by assisting in increasing the supply of foodstuffs they also can be of service." IMPERIAL HONORS CONFERRED The latest Imperial honors include the conferring of Knighthood on lion. A. E. Kemp, the minister of militia, and lion. William Hearst, Premier of Ont- ario. These were to be expected, but not generally expected is the raising of Sir Hugh Graham from a knighthood to a baronetcy. A SHORT "POEM". It's all very well to look pleasant when there's bacon and hen fruit for all; but the mean worth while is the 0100 who can smile when he can't get a fried egg at alt, MAY SCRAP PLANT. The Wiarton people have been given to understand that the immense plant of the Crown Cement Coe. of that town will likely be scrapped unless some- thing "happens" very shortly. It is es- timated that nearly a million dollars has been sunk in the proposition and a Wiarton Junk dealer estimates that as a junk proposition, about $3000 would be realized. Ink Address a postcard to un now and receive by fetum mail a copy of our new illustrated 80. page catalogue of Garden, Flower and Field Suede, Root Seed's, Grains, Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden Tools, etc. SPECIAL.—We will also send you free epacket (value me 154 of our choke Giant Flowering e Carnationn Gent Flowering Carnation This carnation is a grant favor- ite; the flowers are large and * a .and khs tants do well outdoors 'recti tlun[ed s t'ra r nt a7 into ots sit the 1Transplanted P early fill they hlanm profueely profuselyfrom October till the end of May, Extra plants are caeily propagated from thea by me tisgs, "pipings" or layering, Send for our catalogue and learn of our oilier valttaljle premiums. 18 OD ltd .. l_ .4i Hunter r,1 Co., T :. l a Y LONDON 7r >• CANADA an, eneosiag L oDe TIE CLINTON NEW ERA, DISTRIcT.. NF.W. HOLMESVILLE.. It wee decided at the Quarterly Official Board meeting to have a week of special meetings commencing on Monday 10th of February. Miss T. Crooks is visiting her aunt, Mrs Robert Acheson. League will be withdrawn next Man- de. night. lyles. N. W. Trewartha entertained her Junior Adult Bible Claes whichnum- hers about twenty eight last Friday sight. One of the features of the evening was a debate by the young men. BRUCEFIELD. Dr. Gianfield's sister • was quietly 'married at his home in aur village on Wednesday last. Two car load of Boal lately came into our station, which was quickly disposed of. Mrs. Simon McKenzie has sold her farm in Tuckersmith. She expects to go to one of the nearby towns to reside. Mrs. James Gemmell is visiting rela- tives at Paris, Ontario. All are asked to kindly contribute to the aid of the Tuberculosis home to be erected in London inaid of tuberculosis,. Soldiers who are returning, many of them being ill of that disease. Subscription lists have been placed in Messrs. Scott and Bowie's store. All try and help. Miss Lizzie Aikenhead, of London, visited at her horse last weeleelc. BAYFIELD. The Kincardine Review gives the following obituary notice of the late Jaynes Dewar, who was buried in Bay- field last week:—Mr. James Dewar. of Princess Street. slipped on the ice on Thursday last and fractured his thigh. He suffered terribly from the accident and on Tuesday evening passed away. Mr. Dewar had been a, resident of • this town for a great many years and was a quiet and much respected citizen and was always to be found in the pew in Knox Church on Sunday morning. Services were held at the residence on Tuesday evening by Rev. McArthur and his remains were taken to Bayfield on the early train for burial there. Mr. Dewar was in his 34th year and is aur vived by his widow and daughter, Ada. EXETER. Mr. 0. J. White,of LIarniota, Manitoba, was the guest of friends and relatives in the town. Mr. J. A. Sanders, of Woodstock, vis- ited his father last week, who at that time was very ill, but since died. Pte. William Davis. of the 03rd Bat tery, was home over the week end. Mr. Gerald Fitton left on Monday for Toronto to commence a course in dentistry, previous to his enlisting in the Army Dental Corps. Mrs. D. Johns and Miss Lila left for Sarnia on Tuesday for an extended visit to her sisters. Miss Verna Jefferson, cousin of Miss 0. MacDonald, has returned to her home in St. Thomas after a two weeks' visit here. Miss Aline Mack left for Montreal, Quebec, last week, to take a course in a business college. Her two sisters are already engaged in that city in their positions as bookkeeper and stenographer. HULLETT Mr. and Mrs. G. Henderson from the West are visiting at the home of her father, Mr. Weymouth. There died in Hullett Township. on Monday, February 5th, Alexander Rob- erton, an old and highly respected resi- dent of the.township, aged 30 years and 3 months. A box social was held at the home of Mr. Henry Young, of Hullett, on Wed- nesday evening. A splendid musical and literary program was given. Proceeds are in aid of the Red Cross and Women's Institute. CONSTANCE. The Adult Bible Class will hold their sewing this week at Mrs. Ben Tuella. Mr. Ephraim Clark now wears a broad smile, because of a new arrival as his place—a little daughter, Mr. Fred Wakefield is working in tlse Ammunition Factory in Seaforth. The C. I. C. held their Red Cross sewing in the Church last week.. ' Mr. Will Hall is expected home on Monday of this week. Ile expects to leave this week for England where . he has joined the Arviation Corps. HENSALL Mrs. Edward Glenn, of hear Clinton, i visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, of Ivanhoe Farm, during the past week. On Friday evening of last week Miss Jessie Buchanan entertained a number of her friends. A number of our business men and others have arranged by subscription to get the latest war repents by wire every morning during the shortage of mail trains. Mr. William Miller, of the State of Kansas, who has been there for some time looking after his interests, has joined his wife and will be here for some time. Mrs. Cooper Forrest and Miss Forrest have gone to London to spend souse weeks with relatives there. The heavy snow storms, accompanied with high winds have left the roads very badly drifted in many places. Capt. Hewitt, who wait in service at Saloniki with the allied troops and who was wounded. requiring an operation and leave of absence for a time, has been giving a numbor of illustrated lec- tures on the war and under the aus. picce of the Ladies' Patriotic League, gave it very interesting lecture in the Town hall on Tuesday evening last, illustrated big nearly I00 stereopticon views from pictures that lie had taken himself while on service. The attend- ance was very good' and the address and views 'were much enjoyed, The Rev. Mr. Moore, of St. Paul's Church acted as chairman and the Rev. Mr. Smith gave the lecturer splendid help in the way of operating the lantern slides, At the close of the meeting Reeve Petty moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker, seconded by Mr. C. A. McDoneli, The Messrs, William and ,John Craig and their sister, Myrtle Craig, recently were visited by a number of their friends frons. Saskatoon, where they formerly lived, among whom we learned of thedollowing s Mr and Mrs. Gilbert. Grigg,on their Wedding tri t Mr. and d t Mrrchie Ryckmatt,gastdp the Misses Boyle, all from neat' Moosejaw, Sask. Its rumored that tie Merchants sYe going 40 iiolcl $1.00Asey in t'' future, a .,.e ••••a•p•ete•0..e •••eo Speed, up the News • • • A, few of the New Era's county ; ¢ourespondente are slipping a • little behind in the matter of • promptness in sending in their • • weeklybudgets, with the result are to late. It is a safe rile to • that oeeasiona.l batebes of news mail the budget by Tuesdny, if'a' possible, In any case, make erre Che news will reach The Neil lira cities 4y Wednesday • • neon. i Cue•e•a••titi••••••a•••••ii•a8 BRUSSELS. The organ and choir recital, held in Melville Church on Tuesday evening, under the leadership of Mr. Mulheron, the organist, was one of the most success• ful entertainments held in town for many a day and the high-class program was fully appreciated by the large audience. The receipts amounted to $71. Miss Bell, one of the teachers in our public school, has not been able to resume her work since the beginning of the year through illness and is now undergoing treatment in a London hos- pital. Mrs. B. S. Scott is in charge of her department in her absence. On Thursday evening the annual meeting of the Presbyterian church was held when the financial report was pre- sented. officers elected and other matters discussed. Duncan Brewer, of the sixth line of Crey, was operated on for appendicitis on Wednesday. FIe is in a critical con- dition. The Red Cross tea announced for Tuesday of this week was postponed for two weelcs on account of the stormy weather. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Goderich Township Council:—Council met pursuant to adjournment with all members present. Minutes of last meet- ing read and approved. The auditors presented the financial statement for the year 1916. On motion of Councillor Holland and Ginn the Reeve declared the Auditors report received. The following accounts received the sanction of the Council and orders were drawn on the treasurer and signed by the reeve tor the same. Geo. W. Sturdy for valuating sheep killed by dogs -1;4.00, Geo. 0. Sturdy, sheep killed by doge —$20.00. Geo. Mcllwain, sheep killed by dogs —1615.00 Cita Lee, rails' --M.20. Auditors Gould and Sturdy—$5.00 each. Auditors postage and stationery -25 cents. Moved by Holland and Ginn that this Council accept the tender of the Goderich Star for printing for the year 1917. Carried. The following changes were made in pathmasters and pound keepers. James Johnston instead of Richard Chambers for pathmaster for road divis- ion No. 23. Russell Neal and Chris Beacons were appointed by rnistake for sane road division the Council decided that Russell Neal be Path master for road division No. 31. J. R. Holmes was appointed pound keeper instead of William Mullholland for polling sub -division No. 5. On notion of Vanderburg and Ginn the Council adjourned to meet the 1st 'Monday in March 1917. Adam Cantelon Clerk Tise many friends, of Mr. ,Robert Thompson in t iia.dietriet Oire'very sorry In hint of his Mill last week. IIe was one of the oldest and best known resi• dents of this township. Mr. James Miller of the lluron Road received the sad news last week that their eldest son Norman had been wound- ed in France. , GODERICH. The Citizens' League held its annual meeting last week, when the following officers were ire elected : President, R. J. Megaw ; vice presidents, J, FI. Col- borne and Inspector Tom ; treasurer, M. E. Lynsburner ; Secretary, A. M Robertson. The different reports as presented showed everything to be in a flourishing condition. Addresses were given by Field Secretary Powell, of Clin- ton, and License Inspector Torrance, of South Huron. 0. W. Whiteley, former treasurer of Huron Lodge, No. 62. 1. O. O. F., was arrested in Detroit and brought back, appeared before Judge Dickson on a charge of misappropriation of lodge funds. He pleaded guilty. Wm. Proud foot, K. C. represented lluron Lodge, and announced to the judge that the funds had been returned to hien on Saturday, February IOth in full, and that he had not been advised to prosecute further. Crpwn Attorney Seager did not have anything to say and L. E. Dancey for Whitely addressed the judge, and pleaded for clemency for his client. Judge Dickson addressed the prisoner and gave hila a severe lecture. On a,ccount of the past good record, and the money being paid back and his pleading guilty, the judge released hies on suspended sentence. SEAFORTH. Frozen pipes were the cause • of two incipient' fires Monday night at the home of ex•Ald. Master, of Kent street, and 1VIr. Fred Stewart, of Laurier street, Torches being used to thaw pipes set fire to the flooring in both cases, but little damage was done. WINGHAM. The salt works industry, which was shut down a number of weeks ago on account of lack of coal, probably will not renew operations for some tines, and May be not till spring. BLYTH. Mr. Wm, Potter, from the West, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Potter, of town, has secured a position as fircmais oss the G. T. R. • Councillor N. A. Taylor returned last I where li n week from Cltat tatn tv so. e � was tak h,g Mai -actions in the nseithauisiss of the Grey (Sort car for Which he is the local' agent Mi Frank Greer, who has beea visit• ing his aunt, Mrs, Jos. Taman Sr,, left t is1, f,lne its Grand View, Manitoba,on S. ,nday morhidg,, Thursday, Fehrliar 15th, 1947.. U[ALTDI[ST ONE IN THE FAMftY Na Sign Of Dropsy And Kidney Trouble Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" HATTIE WAteREtt Port Robiniron, Oat,, July $th;1f15, "We have used "Fruit'a41ves" is our house for over three years andhays always found them a good medicine. Our tittle girt, faltie, was troubled with Kleine, Disease. The Doctor said she was threatened with Dropsy. Her limbs and body were all swollen and we began to think she could not live. Finally, we decided to try "Fruit -a -fives". She began to show improvement after we had given her afew tablets. In a short time, the swelling had all. gone down and her flesh began to look more natural. Now she is the healthiest one in the /amity and has no signs of the old ailment. We can not say too much for "Fruit-a- tives" and would never be without thorn". WILLIAM WARREN. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receiptof price by Fruit a•tivesLimited, Ottawa. EAST WAWANOSH The Young People s Club, of S. S. No. 10, East Wawanosll intend holding a box -social in the McGowan School on the evening of February 23rd. An ex cellent programme is being prepared con- sisting of readings, dialogues. drills, vocal and instrumental music, etc. Each lady is requested to bring a box filled with lunch for two. Boxes will be auct- ioned. Proceeds to be given to the Red Cross Society EXETER. Miss Lola Taylor, a student at the London Collegiate Institute. whose home is in Exeter, was so severely burned on Saturday night at 36 Victor street that she was later removed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where she is now in a critical condition. In company with several other young women, she does light house keeping at the above number. It was while stirring up the fire in a small coal heater used in the room that'tlte accident occurred that resulted in the young woman being so badly burned. A live coal fell out of the stove on the carpet, and Miss Taylor, who was only attired in a kintona and night gown, attempted to place the burning coal back on the iron base below the stove. The lace on her under garment caught fire and in an instant her entire garment was ablaze. A young woman companion came to her rescue and succeeded in smothering the flames with a quilt, but not until the clothing had . practically been burned front the young woman's body. Dr. J. L. Ferguson was summoned and had the young lady removed to St. Josephls,Hospitol. MiNOR LOCALS. At one -thirty Saturday morning the temperature was 13 degrees below zero. Don't forget the Patriotic Skating party on Friday evening of this week. Most coal bins are "has beens" these days. SEED BEANS FOR SALE. American White Pea Beans of good quality. Yield twenty-one bushtls to the acre. Apply to Wm. F. Young & Sons R.R. No. 5, Goderich Phone, No. 1426, Beniniller, Colborne, Township Auction Sale of Farm Stock. T. Gundry will sell by public nuc - tion on Lot 14, Concession 6, Hallett, on the Farm of John Ferguson, on Thursday, February, 15th, 1917, the folio wing Horses—.Two, four year old drivers, one a ladles' driver. Cattle --One registered Hereford cow in calf; Hereford heifer, two years old in calf, 8 Hereford steers, two years old; 4 Holstein heifers in calf; 8 grade Durham heifers, in calf; 2 fresh cows with calves; 20 head of one and two year old steers and heifers; one large Durham -heifer in calf; 16 pigs between 80 and 90 pounds; 4 Shropshire ewes, bred. A quantity of seed oats, No. 72 grown out new land and will test over standard; sonic Millett seed; new buggy=' Massey -Harris seed drill,al- vanized tank, 12 barrels capacity. 'ferns—Five months credit on approv- ed joint notes; 6 per cent. per annum off for cash. James E. Medd: T. Gundry, Auctioneer Proprietor NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mar- garet Bell Oharie*worth, of the town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, wife of Leopold Otto Charlesworth, of the seine place, Merchant, will apply to the Partin mess t of Canada, at, the next session thereof for a Bill of .Divorce from her husband the said Leopold 'Otto Charlesworth of the said towis of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, Merchant, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated atW Ug innf a in the Province of Manitoba,this 19 do of Januar A. D. J Y Y, 1917. MARGARET BELL CI•iARLt1SWORTl3 By her Solicitor, WILLIAM THORNBURN, Witness—A. V. BARRACK. LOCIS anted White Ash, Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Maple Beech, Basswood, Soft Maple Highest Prices Paid For further information Apply to Lord & McLeod Clinton • t s Oct. , Farm For Sale Good farm of 90 acres, three miles north of Holmesville; soil is good clay loam, with spring creek running through farm. 25 acres fall .plowing done, 3 Ve acres fall wheat. There is an orchard of over, 80 good bearing apple trees. Also all kinds of other fruits. The buildings are good, the house partly new. There is a val- uable gravel pit the farm and the farm is bordered at the front by maple trees. Situation of house very pleas- ant. Wife's poor health forces Inc to dispose of farm, which will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply im- mediately to W. H. Tremblay, (East Street) Goderich, Ont. FOR SALE Kennedy's S. C. W. Leghorns, trap - nest and for Winter laying, $15 a doz- en. Hatching eggs 14'1.50 a setting and $7.00 a hundred in season. L. E. Kennedy, R. R. No. 5. Clinton. FARM FOR SALE. For sale south Half lot 31-32, Con- cession 4, Tuckersmitli, containing 94 acres more or less. There are on the premises a good frame house with kit- chen and woodshed, cement cistern, good bank barn 40x64 with stone stab- ling and cement floors, drive sited and hen house, water in house and barn supplied by windmill and cement tank. The farm is in first class condition, fenc ed and drained and there are t0 acres of first class bush and small orchard. The farm is three and one half miles from Clinton, five miles from Seaforth, and t mile from church and school, rural telephone in house. The farm is all on the west side of railroad track and is in first class shape. Terms -- Reasonable reasons for selling, the pro- prietor wishes to retire, for further par- ticulars apply on the premises, or ad- dress JOHN THOMAS CRICH Clinton, Ont,, Wanted HORSE HIDES BEEF HIDES and RAW FURS. Jas. Steep & Co., Clinton. Raw Furs Wanted. Before selling your furs it will pay you to get my prices. I am paying tip-top prices on all kinds of prime raw furs. Prices are high. Bring in your furs now before prices drop. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton. CREAM—PRODUCTION and THRIFT ponsistsin pr,oduciagg s11 the crelun yiitf'dan tnd shipping'it til The II"J'; Looby Creamery. We furnish cans and pay express We pay the highest prices for cream and we pay twice a month. We have the most up-to-date Cream- ery in Western Ontario. Write us The L. J. Looby Creamery Dublin, - Ontario. I1AN13 TRUNK SY LWAN WINTER TOURS Special Fares now in effect to resorts in Florida, Georgia, North and South Caroline, Louisiana, and other Southern States, and to Bermuda and the West Indies. Return Lunt May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop -overs Allowed. B'or fall, information write to C E. Ii0RN114G, Union .Station, • Toronto, out John Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 47 1, O. Pattison. s'lntion agent Place Your Order for some of our Western Oats, which we have Just roeeived and we will charge you no more than If they were just the ordinary grade of Oats. If you wish to secure sone of these Oats place your order early as they aro going fast. We always• have a fsxll stock of Flour and Feed. Y,ighvsi Prices l►:e,id for d,rih r:till ..,J e W. erg �on s&Soy Phone 1118. Residesiaa $ AR X42 A. J. tiollowaY --INV-- COAL CQAL MERCHANT lel 1 Oflice, Corner Victoria & 11ast St.. i Ii Office Phone 3 House Phone 12 Uptown office at 11. Wiljse's Grocery,_ Phone 4o Fowis of all Mods Wanted. SPECIAL PRICE FOR FAT HEN%' Taloa at any time slightest Markets . nlcos W. MARQUIS, Clinton. House for Sale. House on Raitenbury St., formerly occupied by the late Mrs. William Murray. Apply to G. D. MCTAGGART e Man Wanted. Married, for farm wot'k, steady ern ployment, with good house eta. Duties to begin March Loth, Apply to 0. A. Forrester. Farm For Sale Choice 400 acre farm for sale being lot 11, Con. 3, in the Township of Bul- let. This property is well fenced and unnderdrained, thirty-five acdes ploweit and balance seeded to grass. • Frame barn 40x72, stone stsbling with cem- ent floors; new driving shed and other, outbuildings. Seven roomed I>rick house with kitchen and wood -shed ad- joining, hard and soft water inside. The buildings are all in good repair. Rural mail and telephone. This pre- perty will be sold cheap as the proprie- tor wishes to gve up faring. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises or address, Joseph H. Brown, R. R. No. 1, Londesboro. Young Nen Young men or others who are unable to enlist for overseas ser - work. EVERY MAN SRO ULD 14115 DOING HIS BIT. Steady work t• good men. Apply to The Robert Bell Bngine and Thresher Co., Limited, Seaforth, Out, Straved 'Prow lot '24, con. 0, Hullett. 'a yearling heifer with a mark elm dewlap. A suitable reward will be paid for information leading t• its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R. I,. No, 1, Clinton. Phone 18 Da lei. House tor Sale A one and a, half storey frame, house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, % acre of garden ass* orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to BRYDONE, Clinton, • Farm lop Sale • t i tcas� •••. •--'-.r Farm for sale, containing 55' acres of good clay loam, suitable for agriculture or ggrass, being north half of lot 77,''Maitland, con- cession, Goderich, with• five acres. of choice hardwood bush, and a never -tailing spring creek run- ning through, all under grass at present, possession can be given at once, Apply to WILLIAM BEDOUR R.R, No. 2,2n Clinton or phone 12 on 143. , For Sale Property occupied by Dr. Gau- dier, including two lots, house, of-,fice and stable.. Will be sold sep- arately or togetber. Electric lighting throughout, water in the stable. 'Hard and soft water in bath -room kitchen and stuximerr kitchen. ®Apply ,to DR. GANDIER Farim for Sale 150 ACRES of good clay land, i% miles north of Londesboro, being lot 25,, concession 13, `Hullett. Two houses, 'bank barn and driving shed; (lsever-tfailing ;well, and spring at back of farm; silo; or- chard; convenient to church and school; rural mail and telephone, Price and terms reasonable. HOLTZHAUER BROS., R.R. No. 1, Auburn. COULD NOT SWEEP BACI( WAS SO SORE. Women are coming to understand that weak, lame and aching backs from which theysuffer so much excruciating pain and agony are due to wrong action of the kidneys. On the first sign of any weakness in the back Doau's Kidney Pills should be taken. Mrs, 1.. Gonshaw, 683 Manning Ave., Toronto, Oht,, writes: "I take great pleasure in writing you, stating the bene- fit 1 have received by using Doan's Kid- ney Pills. About three years ago I was terribly afflicted with lapse back, andr was so bad I could not even sweep the floor. 1 was advised to useDoan's Kid- ney Pills, and before I had used one box there was a great improvement, and my back was completely creed. I highly recommend `Doan's for .lame back." Doan s Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box, the tr ade•Mark is a Maple Leaf, so accept iso other. Price 50c. per box 8 boxes for $1,25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on reeeip of price by 'Tone T. rfxrsauase CO. Iivxrp,T Toronto, OntFante- ?'i :%�R. dmtaDaateAn^ti°s"!