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The Clinton New Era, 1917-02-15, Page 1
Established 1865, Vol, 51, No. 33: CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15th, 1917. W, FL Kerr $c San, Editors and Publishers. The r . Wants the News From Every SidelineEach week mwssmfv'wV4VVYYVVVVVOWVVW1/4'mrN4AAANNAAsoMa aIANN ,AAANNAAPON N e i T'S YOUR TURN ,The Holiday, season is now over, when you have been thinking of others and making them happy. Now y.0 must think of yourself, you may need a little building up—you may ;lia,ve a cold hanging to you -1f so. don t,detay, come to our store and get that good tonic.. 1 EXALL„ TASTELESS COD LIVER OIL It will, build you up and make you feel fine. ,:�":'►�..13,. HCS LIVI3M Phm.13. VVWVWi wv9,4V VVVWVVVWI/WVV�M' WV e oya1 ark OF CANADA incorporated 1869, Capital Authorized $25,000,000 - Capital ' Paid-up 12,900;000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,300,000 Total Assets 270,000,000 400 B R A N C H E S—With World-wide Connection Interest Allowed on Savings Deposiis. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch I talr ,.a.'...M...4a..a.....*. THE CAPITAL ANIS RESERVE $5,800,000 96 Branches in Cana.da A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK D'EP'ARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate C. E. ' DOWDING, Manager: Clinton Branch .kyi6�s•c�o••aeno ♦bur 41.04,6.19+4e.4.b • 444.00.0 lot* •40 04.00 04044444 • • • ••• • • 4 • 4 • • • • • 4 • ••• • • •Z' • 4 4 Y. • • • 4 • 0 0 • 4 p Here's the Best News hi the Paper. 14 r EARLY BUYERS ALWAYS FARE THE BEST' IBSERkrt• tAIda It's clean-up time for Overcoats and )ve want to clean out our entire Over- coat stock regardless of profit,or cost. "No Overcoats Carried Over" is an unbreakable rule •in this store. It will pay you to buy you next win- ter's overcoat now. They will cost easily double the price we are quoting, as woolens are advancing every day. Men's $12 Overcoat .$5.90 " $15 and $16.50 Overcoats $11.75 " $20 and $22 Overcoats $17.00 "$25 and $30 Overcoats $21.50 Men's. BIack Melton Overcofts, Fur collar and rubber interlined: --- $15,00 Overcoats.. ...... $10.75 $18.00 Overcoats $13.75 $20.00 .Overcoats .. .. $15.25 MEN'S FUR LINED, FUR COLLAR, KHAKI DUCK SHELL 56,50 .... .... ..... .. . $4.75 Boys $4.25 Overcoats .... .. .... ....$2.75 " $6.50 Overcoat $4.50 " $8,50 Overcoat .... .... $6.00 u $12.50OVercoats .... .,. .. ,.,$9.50 " $13.50 Overcoats .... .. .. .. .. ... .$10.00 5x The orr sh Clothing 'C; • 0 • b YOUNG HURON DOCTOR WINS A NAME IN CHINA Dr. E, C. Wilford; an Old Blyth Boy, Graduate of Toronto Uni versity Builtds Hospital. at Tze liutsing; a Big Industrial Centre, Then Returns to Canada to go Overseas as an,. C -Ray Expert. (By R, Partridge, li; Toronto Sunday ' Wot'd•of February 11th) 1. r. An interestsg' personality er;sonali'ty is that of Dr L G. i"ilford;' who left Toronto recently fo? overseas with the C.A. M.C., 'Where, lid' will engage as an X- ray expert.' A Canadian -Born, he has the ups' ue record of having'built the first i ospital at `rzeIintsing. West Chin, where lie went eight. years ago as, a inedical missionary for ' the Methodist Church of . Canada. Dr. Wilford was born' in Blyth, Ont., and graduated at Toronto University in medicine and took post -graduate work . in . London, England, and .Edin- burgh preparatory to taking up his work in West China. Tzeliutsing, in the Province of Szechwan, West China, is the centre of the salt industry for the 70,000,000 population of the Province of Szech- wan, and is approximately about 11,- 000 miles from Toronto, and the Cana- dian Methodist Hospital, which Dr. Wilford built, is the largest one in West China. T•reliutsing is a city of over one million inhabitants, and be- fore the advent of this young but en- terprising Canadian Doctor had no hospital whatever, but those who were sick had to stake a journey of over 100 utiles to the nearest one. With the keeh foresight of the earnest work- er, Dr, Wilford soon saw the necessity of such an institution, and in 1914 the first tactual work was started. Owing to conditions caused by the war, however, the work was stop- ped, and it was not until No ember, 1915, that the work was recommenced, when much of the work that had been previously done had to be pulled down and built over again. But such pro- gress was made that a record was set up in building in West China, and after only some three months the ex- terior was it,racticaliy completed. That the work of Dr. Wilford, which practically marked a new era in tate treatment of disease, not only in the city but in the surrounding country was a necessity is evident by the fact that during the last few years the un- rest and revolution in China has brought many wounded to the neighbor hood of Tzeliutsing, and then began another sign of the keen foresight of this young man, for at the request of the gentry, Dr. Wilford began Red Cross work, and both government and revolutionist soldiers were cared for. Even in the midst of the building' operations about three hundred cases were treated, and the Chinese showed their appreciation of the good work done by the doctor by raising a, sub- scription list, which amounted to about ;610;000 (Chinese currency, equal t0 about $5000 in our money), and when Dr. Wilford felt last summer for Can- ada he was assured that the full amount would be raised, and in fact twenty-five per cent, of the subscrip- tion list was 'then paid. TMs splendidly equipped hospital will destroy the power of the old Chinese doctor, whose ignorance .was paralleled by the su- persitition of the people. • A Difficult Case. Of the many cases that this clever young Canadian doctor has so suc- cessftilly treated is given one example. A few days ago'a' letter was received from a Mr. Jolliffe, a missionary in Taeliutsing, in which he enclosed the following unique testimonial from Mr. Wang Yii Wei; a member of the, gen- try enclosing the accompanyinng photo- graph of his son, Wang Yii-Beh Ling, whom Dr. Wilford had practically cured from what had before been Continued on Page 6 0 • 0 a • • • a b 4 •mss4 •+ 4.04aerw•••ti•4•O4•.•4.14, Try The New Era for Job work in 17 A Bargain. for you. We are selling this week large luscious dried. Peaches at only lee per Ib: These are away below wholesale •Trice and will notjast long. Just the 'thing for Pies. W Te O 4 N E I Il.d THE :13.i1B G1ZOCHR Pbnno 48 WOUNDED FROM BOMBS escomeemseesseeeetleroesecost .BEHIND TRENCHES relelle Notes Pte • Murray Fingland, of Hullett, •is Writes from Ontario Military t 1eo!"6"®eoa'ui°aeD' ai1"0®6"®mm Hospital, England. The W. P. S, will meet as usual on, Friday afternoon, Will the ladles �-- please come early as • there will be January 14, 1917. shirts and pyjamas to stake. Dear Father and Mother; -you will '---MD--' be wondering wltal has become of,me, The tea held last Friday was well at - for 1 suppose you will'have been nota_ teucied,.glti oo'being tlfe proceeds. fled' that I alit'on fife casualty list. 1 a•-- just, arrived in England last night•and" To •the Patriotic Worker, of Western was moved about So much before, that Ontario 1 had no chance to write. 1 might as well start at the first and tell you how The Croat War is:❑ow well on to it happened, On the 30111 of December a call was the third year and back to Canada are given for,volunteers for a night raid on coining the sten who In the prime of Fritz's trench., 1 -was taken in the party twelve i rall,,asid we went back behind the reserve' line .to rehearse the game so that every Manwouldbe sure of his part in the raid. About an hour or so after rehearsal 'we were gathered in a circle talking it over, with our bombs and grenades lying in a heap in the centre. They were all supposed to be dummies, but one suddenly exploded and threw the whole crowd into the air. I picked myself tip about thirty feet away and thought I was all right for a few minutes but soon began to feel weak and discovered that 1 was bleeding in the leg. A few fellows came along in about an hour's time and 'sent for the ambulance and we were sent back in the dressing station. 1 escaped about the best of any, the whole twelve were more or less hurt; three since had legs amputated and four had legs fractured. We were standing so close to it Hiatt , we were all struck on the legs, one piece struck me in the right eve which made r•- blind for a'couple of days which i don't want to see a- gain, went thrtmelt the rant or nay steel helmet. From the dressing station I was sent back to tate clearing station where 1 was opan,ted on the same nicht to have the shrapnel removed.After four days there I was put on a hospital train and sent to Letreport Stationary Hospital which is a small town on the north coast of France. Everything there looked good to me, plenty to eat and a good soft bed, 1 remained there until 3 days ago when I was sent in another hospital train' to Havre and thee placed on a boat and twelve hours later landed in Southampton and another hospital train brought me here last night so you see 1 have been moving some. My leg is healing up fine al- though there is quite a hole in it yet. I hope to get out of bed in a couple of weeks. There is no pain in it now but cannot bend my knee, This is a special hospital for Canadian and Aus- tralians and have every thing we need. There are several fellows who are able to get up Hum the day and things get pretty lively, There were a dozen of visitors this afternoon and my table is piled high With'gifts `viiiichrhey left be- hind them. This town is fourteen miles frau London and people conte out on the train from the city. I had a call from a Red Cross lady today who is going to see that 1 get some parcels. 1 'lost everything 1 owned except my pay book and , money belt but of course they will rig sine out new here when I need it. 1 left Sandy Wales in charge of my kit and he will use my socks and other articles, They don't let us bring anything to England ex- cept what we wear, as it is usually either too muddy and sometimes cruna- by. There was no Christmas mail in France when 1 left so i will miss all the parcels. I have written for my letters to be sent on, but they wont send par- cels to the hospital but the boys• in my section will get then and they will need then worse titan I. There are several fellows in this ward with trench fever and are only allowed milk to live on and we hive a great time stealing bread and sliding it acing thefloor to them; some of thein had nothing but milk for five weeks which is a hard blow to a man who does not feel sick and who has been used to solid food in France. 1 have no idea when 1 will go back again, but I guess it will be near Spring. We were only a few miles from where Will is, but there is no change of moving beyond„ our own brigade area. We were on a long slope called Vimy Ridge, between Arras and hill 60, a very quiet part at present, except for a few shells and areoplane flights which are very in- teresting to watch. I saw' tine Fritz take at conte down nearly a half iuile and there was not much to pick up. Our machine guns did the trick.' Every night after dark i'ritz.puts outhis eveuiIi hate OS it is called; titan is artillery fire lasting for :Mout tv,o liottrs or so, but our batteries soon coo' hint down. No one hos any idea of the weight of Brihill 111 leri and the piles. of 'shelli everywhere is n.'vor,d des- o'ipiion, i think I will close now and will write often, 1 alit better off here than I have been since 1 joined the army and I am afraid l,Wlll be spoiled if this continues long. Your son. MURRAY. Pit Murray., Fingland, No. 7611210 Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington, (Cent, England health and strength went ou't. to fight for freedom. They are coming back brokeif and disabled, and many of theta victims of the terrible scourge of tub- erculosis. Tlte,Governntent is erecting at Byron Sanatorium special buildings where a number of these unfortunate heroes may receive care and treatment, and the London Branch of the C.R.C.S,, has undertaken the furnishing and equipment of these buildings at a cost of at least $15,000. While this is dis- tinctly Red Cross work, it is a special object, and tate Society counts on the generosity of its contributors through- out Western Ontario to aid in this mag nificent work. A contribution of 8500 entitles the Society or individual so contributing, 16 name a roan. These rooms are to accommodate from four to six patients, and the buildings alto- gether will accommodate some• 120 patients, Is it not well worth while to have'a share in restoring these Wren to health and strength and enabling them to again take ,their places in the world instead of allowing them to return to their (tomes to be a sure source of con- tagion to their families and the cont- nnunity at large? 11 your Society or any individual therein, wishes to con- tribute any, sum to this fund, kindly communicate with the Treasurer or Corresponding Secretary, of the Lon- don Branch. Please make all cheques or money orders payable to the Red Cross Fund, Huron C. C. W. C. A. A copy of the above circular has been sent to every Patriotic Society in the County. Owing to this strong ap- peal for so worthy a cause, Mrs. Hamilton, President of the Huron C. W. C. A. wishes that instead of each Society contributing separately, that they unite and try to raise $500.00, the amount necessary for a room in the San itariunt. The roost to be called "The Huron Room." The C. W. C. A. Ex- ecutive thought if the trine Societies shipping from Clinton Centre could raise :75.00 they would be doing their share. This should be a very easy Mat- ter and it is hoped that every Society will respond to this most urgent ap- peal. Kathleen Axon, Sec. C.W.C.A. LOTTIE ALSO PAID CLINTON A VISIT Alleged Hawaiian, Advertised as Red Cross Speaker, Has Bad Police Record. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont„ Feb. S.—An important arrest was made here today by D. H. Reynolds, Travelling Inspector of the Dominion Immigration Depart- ment, as No. 18 C,P,R. train pulled in here at noon from the United States. Lottie L. Tillotson, alias Mary McLean, alias Melba Costello, widely advertised for a lecturing tour throughout Algoma promoted . J. H. docking 15 a 501 - District, supposedly in the interest of poral find George Forse is a sergeant. Red Cross Societies, and alleged to be Owing to the recent moves we do not a nvw, steppthe get oar mail very regularly, but now to fiatill,e asof sheHaexpecteaiid, nued engageoffmenttrain that Ove are settled It will start coning Isere at two of the leading churches to- better. ' night and tomorrow, But she was One thing we all got which .pleased taken by surprise when she found her- all of Sinncue's boys, a parcel from self in the toils of the immigration De- the Sir John Greaves Sinncoe Chapter. partnaent, which had been quietly wait- 1 wish to thank you, the ladies who are ing her arrival, doing so much for the boys overseas, The woman, who in reality is a Citi- The boys have nothing but praise for zea of the United States, has, it is al- the noble work they are doing. leged, had a bad record in Canada. On Well, pother dear, i must close and get my bunk made up. With best of love, Yours, Norman Werrett. PTE. NORMAN E. WGRR1 TT .WRITES' FROM ENGLAND The Simcoe Reformer of. February 1st, prints the following letter from Pte, Norman. 13, Werrett, who Wits a former lnentber• of tate Molson's Bank here and \vita has since visited 'Isere prior to going -overseas;— . West Sandliltg, Jan, 14., Dear Mother Well, we are settled again in another battalion, as the bat- talions attalions herehave been' re -organized, and with u's are the 33sd, 76th, 114th, 162nd and 18eth, which make quite a bunch. We are`Strifi1g oat i'n sev- eral companies, some in 13, come in 0 some in 13, and the permanent base men in F Company; I alp to E company and have just finished musketry at the rang- es. We are getting up at 5 a,nt., break- fast at five -thirty, fall to at six, and then for a three mile march, with full pack and equipment to the ranges, reaching there just as' it' is beginning to get light enough to start firing. On the way down it was nice to see the country waging up. We would meet the carters end laborers going to work. (They are all over age or'medically un- fit, lanae etc.,) About twenty minutes walk from the camp we. would reach the village of Saltwood, where some of the stores were starting to open for the day. It seemed fine to be march- ing through an English village at day- light with the band playing and people peaking through cracks between the blinds. Every morning we would meet a couple of post ladies going their rounds with the snail, and also a lady out delivering milk, and they have small push carts, as there is evidently a shortage of work horses here. Just as we pass Saltwood we conte to the edge of the cliffs and get a view of the English Channel and the town of Hythe, nestling on the side of the hill, while above us are aeroplanes and dirigibles out for training, as there is a school not far from Hythe. it is wonderful to sea them manoeuvering, doing the loop - the -loop, etc. A little further on oar way we reach Hythe, and pass through the waking towns and see the people getting around to work, mostly middle- aged men and women, as women are do ing a great deal of men's work here now. The men are nearly all in training. Oa the further edge of Hythe we come to the ranges and musketry school, claimed to be the best fit the British Empire, Our party was compli- mented on their shooting, out -doing previous classes by a wide margin. There were out of sixty-seven of the 133rd men, nine qualified as marks- men and will get a course in sniping, while the balance averaged pretty good as first and second shots. We finished Friday and on Saturday the orderly sergeant carte for me and I was put on routine work again in the orderly room, which will probably . be good news for you, but for myself would rather be on my way with the boys who are in the same battalion with ate; but will let nature take its course in doing whatever its going to do with Inc, and not push forward too the fight, but when called upon will be ready, 1 received a couple of Reformer's to- day and the boys sire perusing them, as they sure enjoy the Reformer and Hs news of home. Th t popular 09'rion here is that the war will be over in time to let us eat. next Christmas din- ner at home. How that word does sound—it nneans more than a great many ever think. Major Aiken has just returned from a trip to France. He says the boys who have gone over, with the exception of Harry Brown, are all in tine shape, and some have been Sept. 4, 1913, she was convicted in lbrontd on a charge of shoplifting and sentenced to six months in MercerRe- formatory under the name of Mary Mc- Lean, On July 22 of the sante year, on a charge of theft in iiannilton, Ont., tin- der the name of Melba Costello, she was given it suspended sentence on two charges; and again in the same city, on August 12, 1913, on a conviction of theft, was allowed out on deferred sen- tence. She Inas been tanner surveillance by the Dominion police for some time. After examination by the immigrat- ion officers she was arrainged before Magistrate Andrew Elliott at the insti- gation of Crown Attorney Goodwin, on a charge of a breach of the immi gration laws, and pleaded guilty. A fine of 556 and costs Was imposed, 01 in default three months' in jail. She ,paid the 11110 and was, deported to the United States. Accused was ropreseiit ed b$ 0. 11. flit; ward; it seems t11ait the speculators but not tins hens ' re laying for Me egg cotsultren+s, EDUCATIONAL FIELD DAY. Goderich District, Sunday, March 4th. Chancellor Bowles—i 1 a. 01., Victor- ia Street; 7 p. nit„ North Street, Dr, L. E. horning --11 a. in, Ontario Street; 7 p.m, Wesley. Prof, J. C. Robertson -10 ant, Lon- clesboro, 7 p.m. Biytlf. Prof. J. 11, Michael ---11 amt., Dun- gannon; 7 p.n. Nile, Rev, A, L. Smith -2,3o p. 111. Varna; 7 P.m. Seaforth, Itis recommended that Auburn, Wal- ton, Bayfield and 'eennnilier make the best local arrangements they• can for tate day. it being impossible to cover the entire district witih tite nen assign- ed. J, E. Ford, Chairman Geo. Mcftlnlay, 11111. -Sec. tre Over he TeocL1 n ®®Ord®BA�&9R1t4t'D2D©•+�w3e®�;t�let'JOiW'iLpJ� Miss Georgina Rumball is spending a few days visiting with Mrs, Fred Leoq and on the 16th colt., of Goderich township. Mrs. W. L. Rutledge is expected home MS week front her visit to South Bend, Ind.,wjtlt her daughter. Miss Nettle Brown of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr, Mrs. fl. Cooke, of Barrie, was here vlsttiug her brother, Mr. T. Watts last week, Mrs. Gosleigh and faintly are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Fred. Cooper at 'Toronto. Inspector Torrance was a. Goderich visitor last week. Miss Mary Brimfield was a visitor at Toronto over the week end. Miss Violet Argent left Monday morning for London to attend the Spring millinery openings. Mrs. W. J. Scott and children, of Rocanville, Sask., are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Alex. lanes. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon ac- companied the Girl's hockey team to Stratford on Tuesday. Mr. R. Jerrie, of Stratford, was a visitor in Clinton this week. Postmaster James Scott was called to Carleton Place, on Monday owing to the death of itis brother, Rev. A. A. Scott, M. A. Mr. Dies spent the week end at Tor- onto. We are glad to see Mr. Ernie Rumball able to be out once more after his sev- ere Illness. He got down street on Monday for the first time. Mr. H. B. Chant, Superintendent of the Public Utilities, is in Toronto this week attending a Hydro meeting. Miss (Nile Finch was a visitor at Stratford on Tuesday. Miss Laura McDonald accompanied the Ladies Hockey team to Stratford on Tuesday evening as chief "roter". Miss E. Stinson, of Bayfield, who has been a student of the Clinton School of Commerce, left this week for Toronto, where she has accepted a position. The rumor that Lieut. Porter, wino was the orderly officer at Headquarters with the 161st for some time, had been killed, is not correct, we are pleased to state. He is on duty in England, Mrs. Fred. Jervis and son. Frank, from the West has been visiting at the hone of Mrs. Wnn. Jervis, London Rd. Mrs. Wnn. Softley, who has been visit ing in Brantford returned and is spend- ing a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Wiggington. Miss Stella Copp, who has been at- tending the Clinton School of Com- merce has accepted a position in Tor- onto and left for that city this week. Her many friends in town will wish for success in her business life. Mr. Dalton, formerly of the Molsons Bank here, who was transferred last Fall to London, is seriously ill with pneumonia and small hopes have been entertained for his recovery. Mrs. Beacom, of Ontario street, has been seriously ill. For awhile she was making splendid recovery from pneu- monia, but hast week had a set -back. Her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Reeve ford will be one of the Co. representatives at the Good Roads Meeting at Toronto on Feb. 27th and 28th. Lieut. A. J. Grigg was confined to the house last week with an attack of la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kerr, of Smith Falls are the guests of their son, Mr. P. C. Kerr, Ontario Street, Miss Ruth Hale had a birthday party et her hoine on Saturday when her girl friends had an enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Humble and two little children, of Strathcona, Alberto, visited for a few days at the home of her uncle Mr. J. 0. Medd. Mrs. Galloway, of New York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ken Chowen, Mr, Ii.. Moore, of Fort William, le the guest at the Editor's home for a few days. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker, of God- erich Township, announce the engage• mens of their second daughter Clara, to Mr, henry John Pickett, both of (lode - rich Township, the marriage to take place early Mh. Pte. in Norman Fitzsimons, of the "Buff's" 'Toronto was home on itis last leave over the week cad. His Battalion which is commanded by Li.ut. John Cooper, another ofd Clinton boy, expects to start eastward this week. Norman's old friends hope for a safe return. Air, 437111 Hall, son of 11(1' and Mrs, Frank hall, of Constance, and formerly of tine Malson's Bank here, has been accepted with the Aviators Corps at Toronto and is spending a few days at his home prior to joining the company, He stay train in Toronto or be sent over to England to train there. This is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Hall to don the khaki. Their eldest son, Lieut. Charles Hall being in England with the 161st. Huron Battalion. "Keep the lronte fres lnitrtrittg, Is a iiar'd proposition tit*se days with 10 coal, STANLEY. Concert --Don't buss= ;t—Itncourtged by the successor last year's play the young people of Stanley have ck :;deci to put 00 nnather Inlay in Baird s School (louse, 2nd Concession of Stanley, on Friday, l' chat iY 23rd,rd. The play isi a comedy in 11 acts, entitled,Deacon" full of life and humor. Proceeds to go to the Patriotic .Association of Stanley, 5verybody conte.