HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-08, Page 4Pale 1~Qt THE CLINTON NEW EI'GA, PAM ALL BROM LIMO 198+/3 Rue Victoria, Qpoboa "I bog to inform youthat ter a long tilos X bad been suffering from my kidneys and eouaeq)eut pains all through my limbs, I tried several remedies without euauaes, After using Gia rills T Was soon relieved of nay pains toad now I am perfectly well, which e, 3e One. I MAIMentirely to Gin rills, Mrs. 3. Guy," A11 druggleta seg tt 1111; FORTfs t'° KIDNEYS) at 2Oa, a bar or 9 boxes for $2.90, Sample tree fr-you write to NATIONAL S1RUG & OHEMIOAZ 00, or CANADA. LIMTTRP Toronto, Ont. 64 U. 2, Address—Na.Dru-Oo: Sac. 202 Main tit., Buffalo, N.Y. KIPPEN. O'nSaturday the 27th inst W. H: Johnston, teacher in No 14. Stanley and a load of his larger pupils went to Sea- i forth to see the Agricultural cars sent out from the 0, 1n,, C. All enjoyed the trip and the information given there. Mr. Wesley Harvey met with the mis fortune last Tuesdy of having his driver break his leg while driving along a smooth piece of road near Seaforth. A veterinary surgeon of that town put a plaster of parts jasket on the leg and he is now doing well. Mr. Harvey expects to be driving hila again in about three month's time. This week. Dr. Aitken and Messrs. Alex Monteith and ,James B. McLean are repreeeating the Presbyterian Church in Toronto at the Social service and Moral Reform Convention in Toronto, • Children Cry �m FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R II A A patent has been granted for a sim- ple metal container to hold coins of small denominations in convenient pack ages instead of wrapping them in paper. English figures credit British ship- yards with launching a greater.tonnage of new vessels in the last two years than ail the rest of the world combined. For keeping a woman's hands warm in a muff there has been invented a Q91111IIImiIIpI111111111111iIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII21111111iIIIIIiIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIII 1111Ii 111111111111111 11111 I I hili IIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIiNIIIIIIIINIIiiIiINIIIIIIIIIIIIINIWNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIIiIIIIINIIIIIIIIII II I IIIIUI IIN MEN atad EVENTS W. S. MIDDLEBRO, M. P., of North Grey, assistant Conservative whip in the Canadian Commons, who is to succeed 'Col. John Stanfield as chief whip, Col. Sheffield has resigned. nickel cylinder which, when heated on a stove will retain the heat for several hours. THE 'TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE CO P NY, ,eI ITED BUSINESS INCREASES Annual Report Shows Satis- factory Condition of Gen- eral Business for Past Year. Ai the annual meeting of the Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, held at the head office On Jan. 26, the com- pany's twentieth annual financial statement was presented by the pres- ident, James J. Warren. The statement showed that the pas year had been an exceedingly prolit- able one for the company. Total as- sets amounted to ,15,404,349, an in- crease of almost a million and a quar- ter for the year, The estates and agency account totalled $$,342,S16, an increase of $389,327. Trust funds now in the company's keeping with inter- est to date amounted to 84,601,525, as against $4,266,807 at the end of last year. After snaking due allowance for BY UR tLO :wc E LIVE If you tire easily, are subject to cold hands or feet—if you catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains—your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you need OF THE PUREST COD 'LIVER OIL which is nature's.easily-assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles and charge the Wood t17, life- sustaining richness. Scott's creates warmth to throw off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. Always Insist on SCOTT'S. Every Druggist has it. SCOTT & BOWNE. Toronto, Ont. Is-ta isiseHtermanormoma MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AT THE FRONT., UY DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR WAR Sin/OROS CERTIFICATES $ 25.00 50.00 100.00 POR '4 4' $21 .50 48.00 86.00 INDIVIDUAL, PURCHASESLIMITED TO 21100. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 riNANom EIAIOTMIENT • OTTA WA TIlE TOIC TIIAT BRINGS HEIM "Frult-a-iiaesl" Builds Up The Whole System Those who take `IFruit-a-tivee" for tIhe Arlt time, are often nstonish.tii tit the way it builds /hem rip end makes (lam feel Geller at( over. They may be taking "Fruit -a -tires" for some 21)Oeirie disease, as Oonstipatiou, I'ndigogtSou,' Chronic Headachesor Neuralgia,P Kidney or Bladder Trouble, lillelo' nlatis1n or Pain in the 'Back. Anil they find when c"Bruit-a-tivcs 11aa enroll the disease, that they feel hotter aunt stronger in every way, This is duo to the wonder/id Ionic prnprrlies of these famous tablets, made from fruit juices. 60e. a box, 6 for $2,60, trial sire, 20c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by !Fruit. a•tives Limited, Ottawa, dividends, sundry accounts payable fund the capital stock subscribed, the capital account is $2,420,006, as COM. pared with $2,436,276 a year ago. The balance credited to profit and loss was $416,370, as compared with $393,041 at the end of last year. Votes of thanks were extended by the meeting to the board of directors, the advisory board, to the Alberta branch, and to the officers and staff for their efficient and painstaking ser- vices in the company's behalf. The following directors were elected; J. If. Adapts, Toronto; W. D. Bell, Chesley; A. C. Fiunterfelt, Victoria, 13. C.; Lloyd Harris, Brantford; A. P, Mac- laren, Toronto; N. W. Rowell, K. C., M. P.P•, Toronto; C. E. Ritchie, Akron, 0.; Lieut. -Col. -S. C, Robinson, Walkerville, Ont.; Joseph Ruddy, Brantford; 0, P. Scholfield, Toronto; B. 13. Stockdale, Toronto; W. Thohurn, M. 9„ Ahnonte; James J. Warren, Toronto; Matthew Wilson K. C., Chatham. The board subsequently met and unanimously elected Mr. James J. Warren President; 13. B. Stockdsie, gen- eral manager, and C. S. Hamilton, sec- retary. C.P.R. Miiifary Medal Hero Corporal• Ralph it. 'Morrow, woo -for four years previous to the out- break of war was In the Passenger Departmet.t, C.Y.R., Liverpool, has won the Military Medal, Corporal Morrow joined the K.L. R. the day war waa declared and Met/elf, ICXa 181fi. Heti•' known member of the Harrowby Football Club and It Is interesting to record the feet that the ant which won for him the coveted me- dal was performed in the rescue of a club. mate, A. H. Robertson, who had been seriously wounded. Cos, poral Murrow picked up his t cons- paaion and carried him some 500 Yards under a heavy, fire tie the British lines. FOIR "LiVERISHNESS" USE MiLBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS THEY NEVER PAIL TO DO GOOD. 1 Mrs. J. Slieilswortli, Halifax, N.S.; writes: 1 take pleasure in writing yoµ concerning the great value I have re ceivcd by using your Ivlilburn's Lime, Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my liver got bad I would have severe head- aches, but after using a couple of vials , of your pills I have not been bothered with the headaches any more," ' Milburn's Laxa-Liver fills clean away all waste' and poisonous `natter from the system, and prevent as weil its cure aB complaints arising from a liver which has become inactive. Milburn's Lata -Liver Pills are 25c. a vial, or 6 vials for 81.00, nt all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of prime by That T.lvlu,nuate Co., tiio2ritn, Toronto, Out Scientists investigating an epidemic of pellagra in 1talt fount) the outbreak rwas coincident with the appearance of the full fledged sand fly and are trying to connect the two facts, lit':�jj�f;hro: SUNDAY " SCHOOL Lesson VI. --First Quarter, For Feb. 11, 1917. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, Text of tho Leeson, John iv, 1.29, Memory Verses, 13, 14—Golden Text, 1 Tim, 1, 15--.Commentory Prepared by Rev, D. M.. Stearns. 3.11 every ]essmt we must see Idfan with. whom +Voile We Imo to do, the Creator a1dtup11o1der of all things, the Only Savletu'"ol' sinners, the only Judge of .all swenidfid, the seareber of all hourta,-from w)lotn nothing still be hidden, Last week we caw Tltm deal- ing with a very roligioas elan who stool high in the esteem of Ills fellows; but now we see Il,lui dealing with an immoral, low down woman whom per - ]taps no one heal in esteem, and yet her soul was precious In His sight, and Ito sated her and used her to save others, The "must needs go thrmtgh Sama- ria" of verse 4 probably had special reference to her anti the need of her soul. This reference to Joseph a4 the well' in verses 0 and d takes us bade to Gen. xlix, 22-26, where Josepb is call- ed a fruitful bounh by r1 wolf whose' branches 1.021 over the wall, in the same passage thn true Joseph, Terael's Messiah, is spoked of as the shepherd, the stone of Israel, who was separate from Itis brethren, 1n our lesson Ills branches are seen running over the well to reach this Si nnaritan outcast. See Ills bualanity in IIIs weariness as He sat on the well, for Ile was a real man, often weary, hungry, thirsty, lonely, and Ills words inc heart words, from His heart to ours, "Come unto me till ye that labor anti are heavy laden, and I will give yon rest" (Matt. xl, 98). Ile knew 'hnw to reach every heart, and He tools such a vory differ- ent method with this sonl from that which Ile pursued with Nicodemus. , Note the time of day, the sixth hour (verse 6), for strive John reckoned time as we do, Roman time, it was either d a. m, or (1 9. m„ as we saw in a previous lesson. Instead of telling her bar need, as He diel to Nieodemns, lie began the conversation b,v asking ilei to supply Ills need (versa 7), mak- ing Himself dependent neon her for Physical refreshin.'. In the conversa- tion which followed our Lord spoke seveu times, and the woman replied six times. Deeper and deeper He re- vealed her life to herself, that life of whleh she probably thought no one knew, and as the conselousness of her guilt grew upon her Ile increased the revelation or Himself to her soul until Ile Beatty told her plainly that it was the Messiah who was talking with her (verses 29, 20), What en unheard or time it was,ras Ile laid bare to her the sinful life she was leading, told her bow it might all be blotted out and she become a well of living water to others! The great change rime. She had seen and received Finn. and, leaving her -water pot, she went away' into the city to invite the men to come and see the Messiah, who hall told her an that eve1 sire slid (verses 27-301. .Many believed because .of the testi- mony of the woman, and many more believed because of His own word, whirl they heard for themselyen (Verse4 ile-4 ), And tihev said, ''We 'Vow that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world," So they obtained life in Him, for to that end this gospel was written (John zx, 31). in His conversation with the woman IIe drat 'asked her for, a drink of wa- ter. Then lite offered to give'her liv ing water, which would he In her a well of water springing up into ever- lasting life (verses 7, 10; 14). At first she was as ignorant of spiritual truths its Was Nicodemus,' and' she' thought' that TFe spoke only of water from Ja- cob's well. Then when Ile 'began to' lay bare her, sin she attempted to avoid the issue, as many do today, by saying something like this: "I do not belong'to your eompany" He laid everything low in her by speaking of God the Father as a Spirit and desfr- ing true worshipers who would wor- ship Him in Spirit and in truth; by saying that salvation Is of the Jews and Ile was their Messiah (vers$s 21-261. We cannot but think of His saying to Israel in the long ago that He was the fountain of living waters, but they bad forsaken ram for waters Out of thbir own cisterns (Ser. il, 13). Tiley bad ceased to draw water with joy out of the wells of salvation (Iso, xl1, '0). When .the disciples calve to Hire with treat which tbey had gone into the eity to buy His reply, to them was, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of; my pleat is to do the will of Him that Sent me anti to Hulett His work" (verses 8, 31-04). But the disciples tbougbt that Ho meant such' meat as they bad brought, as the woman tbotight'that Fie meant water from,Taeob's well and Nicodemus thought that He meant an- other natural birth. Can We wonder that He said: 'Elow shall yo believe tf I tell you of heavenly things?" "How ig it Mat ye do not understand?" (,Folin ifs. 12; Matt, xvi, 11.) We seem lust as slow to entlergtand Ills say- ing abort fields white already to hay- vest, aytest, and reaper's receiving wages and gathering fruit into life eteriml, and sowers and reamers rojolcing together (verses 30.38), Believers seem to think that so many things are worthy of their attention, whereas there is uot11 inn `really worth while but to knelt Flim and help others to know Filth and to he as diligent its whining souls es Ile was, Cook's Fitton Robb Cotgpatacntt Abaft reliable rcgrt,ati:n0' 2514410132Aof e 8oldta 55,60 d6, rho sx $8;'rl:1:18, *5 narltaw Sold by di dragillbto or (" nt LYopro? prdd bn tea / ,+1 o 91 stptdr, ' YtH6 &7001107.0Oda' 140404, out (hoiItlllala%Gid Tl1'orscla,y, Fobrultry 8th, 1917. To show piling students the correct positions of the Angers end wrists is 1 the purpose of a new stereoscope which carries a number of pictures on a baud which passes behind n len& liy the use of steel instead of brass in rifle cartridges the German et•nty 1 has increased the number of rounds of ammunition that a soldier can tarry from leo to 76.0, 4'Womit rixasphodin4 1?le creat 0404fa400lfetnetio, Tanen cad iayi8or110a the whop, nervous system, mahoa new );land la 014 Pen% cures NNrveue IJe11lity Mental and -wain Wo Deep'dra- ricncll, boas of 'Deerpih Paindoftof '0T .1he JI'eard, lrailfnnp Mpnorp. Price *5 per bo>F, ex per soy O>?o wa0 ploaee, ala will eure,,8o1d lri nil dryeeiots or mailed ]a plain eke. on ruooipt et prion, Neta atnphtatmalledfri•a• THE W002 WIEPi00C 6Ee,.TosoNto,o i, (rvirmis WW, CIGARETTES lite blending isfjoti'onal FIT CE' ' 9 NMVL,O 3J505(4 40 1143111a Nd1ct 2161 '0 'Ntlt NYOI EVM .1.X3N 311-L °:iO1 311x'8 MON NlO31J O L 'sr'OVNVO�+ Ory�c�31�9dO3d TH.L 3ONVNI, .40 1i,LSINIW 3f-1.1, LAPG1ST P IVAIM SWITCHBOARD 11,41 CANADA? (1) Sivitcgboard at Vancouver Rotel, showing 'L'elantogrnph, i(2) Vancouver Hotel. VI). Wire connections behind Switch - r OND• realizes the immensity of the problems whist confront the architect of a modern hotel When one sees the switchboard • at which the "hello" girls operate at the huge C. P. 51. hotel in Vancouver. 'hero there are 100 guest rooms, 16 large public rooms and other roams nullifying intercommlinicatfon, so that the business man giving orders to his valet or making an appoint- ment, and the lady guest tanking gossip to her friends In the city may get their connection with ease and celerity. The private branch ex- change switchboard at the Vancouver notal is the largest in Canada, and embodies Interesting new features each as the Teiautograeth and the Maids' Signal Service. The 'i'elauto- graUh is an Ingenious instrument by white messages handwritten at one e station are reproduced by electrical means at one Or more other stations,' The 'Celautograph transmits halide writing plat as the telephone trans- mits speech. It provides a means by 'which any switehbottrd operator re - (relying an order can write that order to the station which is to 813eeu(e 1t. The instrument operates on the prin- cilllee,. of the threat current voft- meter, The magnetic field is electrf- oally produced and tivd varteblo eme rents controlled by the transmitter are nseci to actuate (Wo moving colts eo the 2eeeiver, Willdlt le turn Impart , tilt. pen 'tt the 1'eeel0er the move. 'meats tde�ths by the polish Ist the 1120A .9, taus Ow*. .,r The Maids' Signal Service helps the guests to finch mottle When re- qutred. Oa the telephone switch- board are hundreds of email lamps bewaring numbers corresponding to the numbers of the guest rooms Bach maid is provided with a mini- ature portable lamp, and before en• tering a great room, she planes title lamp in a socket on the outside door trite of the particular room. Immedi- ately after tieing Dittoed in the socket the lamp lights, and anybody passing can know 11141 there Is a maid it room whoao door IS 11111 tlltatte h t11ap•C !lie1404taAt lump in the locket also muses a: lamp bearing n similar number sta- tional on the telephone switchboard to light, thereby notifying the tele- phone operator of the room In which a maid is engaged, From the lamps on the switchboard the operator knows where all the maids are to be famed, and should a Peet require the attendance of one she can be fm- mediately summoned by tolephona .. message. Tba a