HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-08, Page 3Cllursday, Februitry tii, '1917, di CCENTBAI," og sTRATEOR1 . ONT. Ontario's Best Business College Students may enter our classes at any time, Continence your course now and be qualified for a position by midsummer: During July and August of last year we received Calls for over 200 office assistants we could not supply, Our graduates are, in demand. Write of once for our free catalogue. D.A. jlicLachlan, tertncipstl Don't Worry About the high: price of grain and feed for your flock of hens as Eggs and Poultry are expected to be correspond- ingly high this coming season. INCUBATORS Now is the time to order your Prairie State Incubators. Why depend on the uncertain oid hen for hatching when an Incubator will do the work better and cheaper? Get your chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers. The ' early pullets will be your next winter's layers. Get an'In- cubator and hatch your chicks when you please. Gull-Laaglois & Co,, Limited •, The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 YAA,a AkAAA LLAAAAAAAAAAAAG®a AA � n 8 4 ''4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of !Doherty Pianos and Organs, 3 4 • 0 o . Pianos and organs rent ee1. Choice new Edison a phonographs, Music & 41' variety goods. 41 Special values in Art Cases a Hume Emporium C. Hoare 1, es ► WISTIVvvecTivvvirrrvvyvvrvv Skates Hollow Ground While YOU Wait .e® Byam & SuttC.r Sanitary Plumbers • Phone 7. Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jevrelery. Par better to pay a fair pride and know exactly what von are getting, Yon will never he sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the moat economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -St yon would like to miss that soettaltogether- COMJd nnitIt If you would like to buy where dorhing but high qualities are dealt in -COME alifrtF. And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfit& WO R. Counter Jee•t% r atild Oplttlstseii et '' issuer 01 04101' 41r1 434,lct f f0,4 va', 19O y itSo+N t. letealtlSTlli1 130I4OITOtt tlOV'ARY !.'UB1t0 P')'Q 0.01NTCN eurA 1,Es 113, 14 11,13 Oonneyanoe, Nptary Lnbiic, Commissioner, aro, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Liceasas, , Huron kit., Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Oonveyancer, 9'inanaial and Real Estate neetattNaE er,111Ne-Rarreaantleg 14 VIVO In serenme Companies.. Plvisioia Cutlet Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty') phone el, will receive prompt attention, U. G. Cameron.! K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Ebe Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Moe hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connecpion with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr, Cameron. Medi...al. OR tee W. THOMPSON Phyeiolan, Surgeon. Eto sneeial attention given to diseases at the Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyes sillily seminar', and suitable glasses prescribed, Office and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial Het. Huron Bt. I111CS. DIVAN and GA 1I11]iR Dr. W, Gann. L. n. C. P.. L. n. 0. B.. 5011 Dr. C unn'e oflic,at residence High Street 1)r J. (1. Gaudier. B.A. 55.15, Office— Ontario Street, Clinton. Night mills at residence, Battenbur, St. or at hospital , 1)R. 1l. Ft. Axieeny nnvTisT crown and ttrtdfia Work a Spcehlltr, Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and P.O,D,S Toronto. Italysetd oil conchs$, star 101 to t) OR. i1. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S shore. Special care token to make dental firer t cent as Painless al Possible. THOMAS CUNDRY Live stork and general Auction ate GODERICH ONT Bear m etoaa seles a specieltl, O1te11 er . Naw Erin orBme, Clinton, prLma y attend. to. Terms reasonable. 'tanners tal,• not discounted' Drs. Geo tt M. I. Whitley 1401chilinn Osteopathic 1'hy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Bye, Far, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTA'T'ION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 pin, McTaggart M. 11. •MoTaggar McTaggart Bros, HANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOli Genera! Banking Business transacted elOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Ieter.al allowed ■ depoetts The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Parma and Isolated •Tor. Preps. arty Only inaared. Head Oce—Sralfea tb, int OPIdeitcb, J: Connolly, oderleti Preside* she FTaas; Beechwood, trice-Pfr'ss. ThoseE, Hayti, Seufortb, Sec.-Trea. Direetors-D, F; MefLO3re:gger, zee, forth; :T. G. Grieve, Winthrop:;. W. Rine, Seaforth John Beetneweis, Dublin; J. Evans, -Beechwood; M. .lnEiveri Clinton; J. B. McLean, Seaforth T. Connolly, Goderii h;: ROA' 11)errie, Harloek; Geo. Me-• Cartney Tuckerumith Agents -Ed. 'Hinehley, Seatorth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo.7lolmesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton t R. S. Jarneuth. Brodlaagen Payments matte at Morrish' 'Az Co Clinton. and Cutter greeery store Goderich and; Jas. (Rel store Bey/Rade A Carload of Canada Porllaod CtmeuI Phone us tor prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO FORD a McLEOI) We're now eelliegp Timothy Seed (Government Standaro.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Bed Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, barley and Feed Corn highest Market Prieeapaid for Hay. and all Grain. soap MoL LOb SUFFERED FHoii1 BACKACHE HHEU{19A1'ISI1, 3napsy. .pear Mr, Editor•- I wish to tell you of a repent experience 1 hail when wife feting from backache, weak back, thou statism, dro ey, and congestion Of the kidueya. i tried a new medieine oalled «Anuric," which bas recently been d1s- coyered by Dr. Pierce, of whoa) medi- oines and Surgipal Institution in Buffalo, N. Y., you have no doubt heard for years. This; medicine acted upon me In a wonderful manner. I ltever have taken any medicine so helpful in such quick time. I do whet anyene in need of such a remedy would give it a trial. (Signed) G. 23.Ileen. Nam: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using "AAIU,RTC," the newest discovery of Dr. Piero, who' is head of the TNvenrns' Hoene and Suna1OkL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo,N. Y. Those who started the day with a backs aohe, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head ( worn out before the day began beeause they Were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfprt and new strength they obtained' from Dr. Pierce'e Anurio Tablets. ' To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used the "Anuric," cut this' out and send tee cents to Doctor Pierce for large eample package.' This will prove to you that a tlnuric a is thirty-seven times there active• than lithia in eliminating firm 'acid and'the most perfect kidney: ajd' bllddei' oer- reotor. If you are a sufferer; go to your best druggist and ask for a 5,0 -cent box of eAnurio." You rtir no risk for lir. Pierce's peel name stands behind this wonderful new discovery se it has for the past half century for his eGolden Medical Discovery'" wbtoh makes the blood pure, his eFavorite Prescription" for weak women and ePleaaant Pellets" for liver ills. IIIIiiillI IIIIIII01111!IIIiII11111111111111110111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!1111111I!VIIIIII! O. . € MEN and EVENTS Gi1i1110111111111!Cllillllllllllll!I!!I!IIIIIiIII!i!!�IIiIIIIICIIIlilll':IIIIIIII!Illllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllb FREDERIC NICHOLLS, of Toronto, who is among the seven prominent Canadians appointed to the Senate. ad `I' II1®018 DR. WOOD'S NOR 'AY PHU SY `'UP CURED HOPI'@. A cough is an early symptom of pneu- monia. It is at first frequent and hacking, and is accompanied with a little tough, colorless expectoration, which soon, however, becomes more copious dofa rusty red color, the lungs be- come congested and the bronchial tubes filled with phlegm mating it hard for the sufferer to breathe.. Males are more com- monly attacked than females, and a previous attack seems to give a special liability to another. On the first sign of a cold or cough you should get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup and thus prevent the cold frontdeveloping into some serious hung trouble. Mrs E. Charles North Toronto, Ont„ wine 1'Two years ago lay husband had a tier• bailat1 bk of pnrUUsOm,' and 'the doctors s11d be'was gett'hag constrmption. A friend came id to see me axed told me to get Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I got:three bottles,, and they seemed to quite clear his;'cliest ofthe phlegm, and IC1r, be is tine talid w.li: I ellail !}ever be without it in the Louse a's at is: a. vary valuable medicine.'' • ''l' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 4 put up in a yellow' wrapper; three pine trees tate trade mark ; price 25c. and' 50c. t The genuine is manufactured only., by Tali T. Mrr,nvaN 'Co., Intimate Toroljto, Ont. The ieeareest is one Don't for et to renew for your New Era. INOWISHINANISMismissimam Make the Liver Do lits Duty Nine times in ten when the lire w flea dos stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybuifirmly corn - psi a lazy lira to do its duly. Cures Cosi. etioation, indiaee- /ion, Sick Heedash., one Dienes. after Entity. Small PIIII, Small Dese, Small Pelee. Genuine mai beer Signatutta i THE CLINTON .NEW ERA,,. OUR NSW SERIAL STORY THE TRUE LOVE OE AARON BURR: by Louise Kennedy Mable (Continued from last week) Suddenly Mistress Prevost raised her head front her hand, Her eyes flashed 'at her sister, and were. answered, It utight be more of the same Satan's brood; it might be decent British sol- diers with an officer; it might be Conti- nentals! "A rescue; A rescue!" screamed Mistress Prevost, flinging up her hands, "Help, for the love df Godl" "Gallop, ince," cause a quick com- mand, and 0 band of ltorsenien swept down the road. The marauders 'became demoralized. They dropped the women; they left the boy, and swarmed for their horses. They were sweating in craven fear of that galloping knot of sten. They cursed; they bungled; they beat their tired horses! into a trot, arid the two women, on their knees before the boy, wept and clung to each other for Joy.. The horseinen swept on and by. To those beside the coach they seemed a party direct, from heaven itself, Mis- tress Prevost kissed her son softly. Chapter 0. It was with eagerness that the young officer ordered his sten and their pris- oners back to the coach. He had caught one flashing glimpse of a white face a,;d great eyes under a wide black hat, and the sight had served to "take his lingers itch more fiercely to get at the flying rascals. There had been despair in that clear cry that still rang faintly in his ears— despair, and hitter need, and perhaps a dawning hope. Ile was eager to see the woman who had called or him for help in her need. They were standing at the door of the coach, as he pulled up his horse, bowing low, three-cornerecl hat in hand. Two of them—but his eyes flew to the one who held the child's hand in hers, and there fastened themselves. The great eyes under the hat looked up at hint, and be caught his breath at the look in their depths. "Did they harm you?" he asked. "Did the aught to injure you?" He was panting— partly because of his haste. "We are unhurt," she answered sweetly. "They lashed the boy twice, but he is brave and complained not. For that he shall have the puny that he has long desired," Again she stooped and kissed the child. "You have then; safe?" she asked anxiously, staring into the darkness behind him. "The villansi" he exclaimed hotly. "Did they attack your carriage?" Ile had dismounted and was standing before them—a slight, young officer, not tall, but with a wonderful pride of bearing and eyes that seemed. to burn through one's own. He looked always at Mistress Prevost, but turned instant- ly as the sister spoke, He had been a- ware that there was some shadowy other woman, and now it seemed the shadow had a voice, "My sister and les -Mistress' Prevost of the Hermitage," she interposed, with a tilt of her head towards the other lady to whom the officer bowed low—"were returning hem tram shot visit at e short q k. the House of a friend, ttveitte"tittles dis- tant. Our coach stuck fast in the stud; then along come seven pretty gentle- men the worse for wear, seeking for whom tltgyorteake aeypur:, We, y,'g e helpless, ,:our • coactkman •a craven . Co-' ward. You arrived most opportunely, sir, and we do heartily thank you." "A right straightforward nhaiden," mused the officer as the bowed over the hand she extended him, "whoin 1 should peeler as friend rather than enemy:" "1 must not be behindhaud," said the other. lady, and another small hand Was ,held out to him. "You did not terry to a;certain our polities, whether we were Whig or 'tory, high or low. 'ewes in the tree spirit of chivalry, sir, that you ,assisted us. Again we thank you." "It was nothing—nothing," he man- aged to'steinther. Such hesitation was strange in n youth whose college prenl,s• had set the gossips nodding, "Alto --so' report, saide-had left a.trail•of pierces' ,hearts behind him, .and who had ti?ec repute of being ready, to beard the deeill himself, if the humor seized him And all'the tilnc, some small fiend, seemed to 'be halitineri'eg, hainintrllig nab hie brain 'three blunt wards: "She is,teer- tied! 'She is marrieds" with a deadly persistency that was fairly maddening, He cursed himself inwardly for a booby, as he imagined how he mast appear-- a staring, Stammering lout with, neither wit nor address; but all the cursing was of no avail 'There seemed to be a spell upon him. It was with a feeling of relief that the heard his men approaching. Here wan something to be done, and he became himself again. "Is it far to your home?" he asked. "We have not gone half the distance, I fear. They kept us for a dinner party against our will," answered Miss de Visine. I regret exceedingly that 1 cannot bccompany you thither, but 1 must take those ruffians With pre. Nor can 1 let you proceed alone, in the present state of the country. One course 1 call sug- gest; if you will consent. Let me invite you to headquarters for the night. There is Dimple accommodation, and in the morning we will send you safely home." "Yours is the Continental regiment that lies near Ramapo?" asked Mistress, Pre, "vost'Phe same;" he answered. "But your colonel? We )tear tales of a martinet colonel, who is Argus -eyed, and demands heart and soul of an offi- cer, as well as body and bland. Would this gentleman relish unexpected guests?" Perhaps reports exaggerates," he smiled, and the ladies at 'te1igtih Con- sented to iris plan, It was but tate work of three min- utes to pull the coach out of the slougih, when lusty country arms and legs aided the horses, A few quick orders, and the Cavalcade was in mpiton. .Ttie pris- oners' now disarute'd and half 'e(ispee with terror were the, center of a knot of a l,,, looking Colentals wild saw lip oflicer in the lead. Stich was the jolt- ing ofethe eslrriab""e that little conversa- tion was attempted, save a few scatter- ed words. Continued next week.) MURDER CAMPAIGN BRIEFLY SKETCHED Lt ellect the German note to the li sited States, published last Thursday, declares a blockade of the British .Isles, the French coast and certain portions of the coast of Holland. It leaves a route for steamers engaged in trans- atlantic and other deep -seas trade to. the neutral ports of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Holland by way of a des- ignated sea lane extending from the Faroe Islands to a point near the Nor- wegian coast, thence southerly past the Danish and Dutch coasts to the Ter- schelling Lightship. There is no open entrance to the English Channel under this scheme. The Germans propose to prevent all tragic farther east than Fal- mouth. American transatlantic steam- ers will be permitted to ply only on con ditions laid down by the Germans. They will be permitted to land and em- bark passengers at Falmouth, but will be within the danger zone if they pro- ceed therefrom up the Channel. All vessels plying between American ports and Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Hol- land must use the northerly route around by the Faroe Islands. The Germans have also' served a notice on Britain which means that they Intend to sink all hospital ships, plying between France, Belgium and Britain in the waters of the North sea tying south of a line drawn from Flambor- ough Head due eastward to Use Dutch coast, and in the English Channel from a point between Land's End and the French coast near Brest. This means that all wounded must be shipped from Brest or French ports south of it, and must be landed at ports in the west of England or Scotland instead of ports in the English Channel and the North Sea. The excuse given is that such vessels have been used to transport munitions and troos. This charge the British Government vigorously denies, and ands that "if the threat 'is carried out reprisals will immediately be taken by the British authorities concerned. AN EXCREENT MEDICINE EON DM ONES Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent medicine fur little ones. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and stake teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. 0', Quinn, Parente, Que., writes:— "Baby was troubled with constipation and nothing helped him till !began us- ing Baby's Own Tablets. They are an excellent medicine for little ones," The T aresold bymedicine dealers or Tablets by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A gravity clock which winds itself as it moves by, its, own weight (Iowan 'standards• is a novelty, . all the atten- tion which it requires being to lift it to the top every eight days, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA. A new type .of tailless eroplane which is meeting with success in Teepee 'was invented by a British 'army officer and rejected by the government offici- als as unpractical. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S ' TO R I, ►; An auttilnatic stopper to he its ttch- '0el to decanters opens when the latter ,are turned to pour but their contents, .closing to exclude dust when the de- canters are righted, So that a large number of ..mall ,par- cels CO, he curried on a motorcycle a Californian has designed a woven wire reek to be suspended Over and on both• sides of the rear wheel. Numerous cases of lagrippe. to feel FreshandFit —you must keep your stom- ach well, your liver active, the bowels regular, and your blood pure. Your physical condition depends on the health of these organs. When anything goes wrong 0 stit Fr �f w e r, is ,t a few doses of Beecham's Pills and avoid any serious illness. They are a fine corrective and tonic for the system,, and a great help in maintaining good health. A single box will prove the remedial value of tfSEll ' 'ILLS humor in tertrirtyirig' *time% , The coach. kept well alteae, with the I l+rae.tSele of Any fYtedlelee lntbdgroild. SoldiYarriwhete. le Were, a6n, rage Three o muvu mo 'wuuni 11 5.19 4 The ProprielaryorPatentMedicintl r! I; AVcgctabtePreporaiionrerAM " h similatuiglherooclenditepula 1!1 tutsliteSletnocbsandBPIe !sof Promotes DigesilcltChterial ness and Reat.contains nr!liler l� Opium,Morphinh nm llieerat. ',NoirTZArzCO't`i' ., J � egasteee A /frR ra,Jsl."r Afu¢J''J1G //pfkJNIf/IC fgrn,dr i' •t'/•�D NnuL'"g;r NW? farox ' Aperfect !tweedy lt conel' liolt , .sour ,sten Worms, Feverishnessaad LOSS OI'S lEI',i', Aaestain@ S54"51zure of Kira 1.4 l THE CENTAUR 49harlr� MONTREAL e NI:rn oihlt. JF'os. xl dant s a,n Chilti2 tel, Mothers Know a emine C storia Always Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper 1 als i'fm t "1i71fi1I8WeeitelertMee,91:s 'a'Neel S r le4i, elfeereeteellatess CP 5 licit or K ed action HE Canadian Pacific Rail- way has lost another of its valued servants at the front, Lieut, Jas. Mc- Naught, a Scotch - man by birth, was one of the come pany's solicitors, with office in Montreal, and his death was recent• ly reported in the casualty List. Lieut. McNaught was one of the most popular offi- cials of the C. P. R. He was born a t Walkerburn, Scotland, thirty- three years ago, and came to Can- ada in 1906. after qualifying as a so- licitor iu burg h. Shortly after his arrival he Joined the law department of the railway company. His abilities were Loner. Jns. McNAucne. quickly appreciated by those In higher authority, and his efforts were rewarded by a promotion .as Assistant Solicitor on Jan. 1st, 1912. It was nearly three years afterwards that Lieut. MCNaugbt was made cue of the solicitors of the C. P. R., but when the war broke out, like many other Scotehmen, he bad the fighting fever. He commenced his training with the McG111 Battalion in the summer of 1916. On Nov 17th, the same year, he went back to Scotland and enlisted for active service in the Royal Soots as a private.. Ila trained all through the winter until June, 1916, sihen he ties 'selected to take an officer's training course. Lieut. Me- ' Naught had no difficulty in qualifying, and in October last he was ap- pointed to. the 2nd Batt. Royal. Scots, and went to the front about the bee ginning of December. He was on the Somme .:out and was killed on January 7th. At RATTENBURY HOUSE en Wednesday, February 14th, 1917 DORENWEND'S Of Toronto Cauada's foremost hairgoods manu- facturers will ex- hibit for your in- spection their fin- est and latest hair creations In ladies Switches, , Coronet and Fancy Braids Pompadours. Transformations, Chignons, Waves, Bangs, and FOR BALD MEN roupeee and Wigs of hygeuic and scientific construction that are as ifelike as nature, cannot be detected from a person's own hair, and will render long service and satisfaction, They make the appearance years younger and improve the health by the protection they offer. A Demonstration of any of these Hair -Structures is FREE OF CHARGE. It will not obligate you in dttUs. e¢n.sio , any Remember the Date WEDNESDAY, FEB 14,'17 DORENWEND'S Head Office and Showrooms 105 Yonge Street Toronto way. Pave he Your Ads. in New Era