HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-08, Page 2Page Two Ready to Wear Cement* seeweienee,"'"71.' Couch PHONE 78 Pry Coeds and House furnishing. "Viyelia" Flannel to —0— ME WORLD'S FAVORITE FABRIC • FOR DAY AND NIGHT WEAR This is the. only guaranteed uftshrinkable flannel on the. market suitable for Ladies Blouses, Night Dresses, Dressing Jackets, Men's Shirts, Children's Dresses, PYjamitS,' Night Shirts, and Underwear, 3 inches wide; colors—White, Cream, Black, Navy with white stripe, and white ground with colored stripes. Price 70 cents a yard. Sold only at this store. We also open up this week several Hundred yards of light and mid grey flannel 27 to 29 inches wide. Prices 40, 45 50 and 55c a yard, Flannelette Blankets = Seventy-five pair of Flannelette Blankets, 'Best Quality, largest size white With Blue Border; White with Pink Border; Grey with Pink Border Very Special price $1.95 Scotch Fingering Yarn = Fifty Spindles of good Quality Scotch fingering yarn; mid grey and black 3 and 4 ply $1.55 per Factory Yarn = = $ii.00 a lb. Twenty Spindles of good Quality Factory Yarn, 3 and 4 ply; Colors -r -light and Dark Grey; Black; White and Black; Red; Plain White $1.00 a th 40,4,44.1. 04.0AM.444.74r4ZA4VOW4P04444.4.111.04:404 The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited Report of Twentieth Annual General Meeting The Twentieth Aminal General Meeting of the Stockholders of The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, was held at the Com- pany's Head Office in Toronto, at noon on January 26th, 1917. The Preeident accepted the their, and the General Manager was elected Secretary of the meeting. The President presented the following Twentieth .Aaanual Finan- cial Statement. BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31st, 1916. ASSETS. Capital Account Mortgage Loans; Call Loans, Debentures and other Securities, with interest accrued thereon $1,575,866,09 Office Furniture, Fixtures, ete., at Toronto, Calgary and Brantford 1.3,820.47 • •Real Estate ' 151,487.82 Cash on hand and in Bank • -99486.85 •• '41;840,661.23 tnealled Capital Stock 619,345.39 Guarapteed "rust, Account Securities On • Real. Estate Stoeks, Bonds, ' Debentures; etc. / $4,594,124.56 Cash on }rand and in Bank 67,401.11 " • $4,60.1.,55,67 Estates and Agency Account Mortgages on Ileal Estate $1,574,796.54 Other Securitieg, including unrealized Orig- inal .Assets 6,490,640.48 Cash in Bank 277,379.90 $8,342,816.92 LIABILITIES. Capital Account Capital Stock Subscribed $2,000,000.00 Dividend due January 1st, 1917 41,267.06 Sundry Accounts payable 2,368.87 Balance at credit of Profit and Loss 416,370.69 $2,460,006.62 $15,404,349.21 Guaranteed Trust Account Trust Funds with interest accrued to date $4,601,525,67 $4,601,525.97 Estates and Agency Account Estates and Trusts under Administration by the Company $8,342,616.92 '68,342,816.02 $16,404,340.21 JAMES J, WARREN, E. B, STOCKEAllit, President. General Manager. votes, of thanks were extended to the Board of Direotors, the Advisory Imard to the Alberts. Braneh and to the officers and staff. tor their efficient and painstaking servides in the Company's behalf, Who following Directors were nicated:—.1, M. Adams, 'Toronto; W. D. Da, CheoleY; A., 0, riamerfelt, Victoria, 13,0,. Lloyd Ilarris, Watford; it. IP, Mac- aren, Toronto; N. W. Rowell, 1C., MP 5'., Toronto; 0, lg. midis:, Alte.sa, Oh1.0.4 Lieut. -0a9, C., Itobinson, Waterville, Ont.Joseph !teddy, prenttordi 'G. 8choltield, Toronto; E, iL $toeltdele, Toronto; W. Thoburn, M,P,,,A,lmente; s,tie J. Warren, Toronto; Matthew WAlsort, Chathant, The Board subsequently met and unaultnenslY elected Mr. James L Warren resident; Menem, G, Scholtield and C. LBitable, Vice -Presidents; 11 B. f:ltecit.drite, General Manager, And 0, 9, Xlagnotoo,, eeeretary, THE CLINTON NEW ERA, DISTRICT NEWS • GODERICH TOWNSHIP 0066•0000000•80•0••••••••• Stoddard, mail courier of E, R, No. • pee wit week, Thie will be a great help to • d up the'News The old friends of Mr, Robert Thomp Mr, and Mrs. George Jenkins have been spending a few days with Blyth friends.• • ,, Council met on Monday at Holmes L, 0, L. lodges were well repre- eretnlet5eddanyt Exeter at the County Lodge on Word has been received that Ptes. Alex, Chisholm and W. J, ("Scotty") Johnston have been promoted to be corporals, and Pte. Joe Yu ill is acting as guide of an ammunition column to the trenches, All these are boys who left here with the, 71st Battalion, . Mr. 1'. McLennan was the purchaser of J. K. 13rindley's farm on the 4th con- cession of Goderich township, the pur- chase price being $4,500 for about eighty acres, Mr. Brindieymoves to the Fahey farm, which he has purchased. Mr. Brindley also purchased recently the farm on "Poplar Row" in Colborne township, owned by Mr, Frank Sallows. Mr. `Ames Bell has sold his 100- acre farm on the Bayfield ros.d, Gode- rich township, to R. J. Harmer, Who takes possession next fall. The priee was 95,000.• Mr. Belt has had the place rented. Bethany Church held its annual meet- ing on Wednesday after the business part of the meeting was transacted the ladies served lunch which was enjoyed by all. Although a small congregation the treas. urers report always conies out on the right side of the sheet. Mr. and Mrs. H. Balralm is •visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. j. McClelland, who is Very low at the time of writing. The Huron County War Auxiliary held its annual meeting at Clinton ou Tuesday. Among those present from the Township were the .Prcsitlent. Jas. R. S. Stirling,, Bert Lindsay, Daniel Gliddon and Will Middieton. Mrs T. Byrne, Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. A. McGuire this week. The Chosen Friends are holding their annual supper at S. McPhails on Thurs. day night, Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney of Southern Manitoba spent the week end with his brother, Mr. Robert McCartney of the Cut Line and needless to say the reunion was a happy Otte AS they had not seen each other since they were small boys. Mr, Dart f.avie deilvereri a car to Mr, s him in his work • son the 16th hope he will aeon emey A. few' at the New Ewe eget" . ing Is nusual good health, morespondente are slipping a • • nate behind itt the Matter th o Promptness in sending in their E • weekly budgets, with the result Fe" • Shat (meat:lona' batehes of nevetie o ape too late It 15 it safe rule to * eerl.nlyiy kief see 0 snre ;he reeve will Moll The • New Era office by Wednesday• 0000. 0 • 000004)000000e0000010010000•0 LONDESBORO. The Women's Institute is making pre parations for their annual Picnic Social to be given March 17th. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Fred Johnstone's on Tuesday last. Mrs. Dr. Young has returned home after spending the past month with her daughter, Mrs. Brown a t Brantford. 'Mrs. Vincent, of Manitoba, spent the past week with her sister here, Mrs. W. Govier. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lyon, of Manitoba, is spending the winter with friends here. Miss Johnston, of Blyth, visited at the home of Mia Alice Bell the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Hiles moved into the village this week. $'e welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hiles back in our midst again. Mr. James Woodman is at present in Chicago where he has secured a position in an automobile factory. Mr. Hutton, our Miller is very busy at present. Mrs. W. Riley is spending this month her daughter, Mrs. Moss, at Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs.Hiles have come to reside in the house which Mr. Hiles bought from Harry Riley,. • Mrs, Riley sr,. has sold her house to her son, Harry and bought the house owned by her daughter, Mrs. Robertson. Mr...Tames Good has gone to the States and intends moving his family there shortly. The Red,Cross held a meeting at Mr. Fingland'e off Wedeiteday, there was a large attendance. The ladies of the In stitute held a very successful meeting and realized about forty dollars for the Red Cross. The many friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. Sanderson does not improve. Mrs.Lyon is on the sick list at present. Mrs. Lear is very low et present. The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, for the month 'of Sanuary. Sr. IV -- Elsie Ferguson 340, Ruby Churchill 309, Francis Powell 278, Pearl Churchill 274, Verna Elliott 265, Bruce Holland 119, (not present for part of the exams) Jr. IV—Clifford Castle 195, Glenn Ferguson 182, Howard Currie 103, Sr. 1I—Elmer Trick 141, Oliver Ferguson 95, Laura Currie 71, The best spellers for • the month arm—Sr. 1.V. --=Ruby Churchill, Jr. IV—Glenn Ferguson, Sr. II—Elmer Trick. Erma Diehl Teacher SEAFORTH. At a meeting of the Sabbath School teachers held in the Methodist Church,. a township association was formed with the following officers President, James Cowan ; first vice.president,W. D. Hoag, Seaforth ; second vice-president, M. Murdie, Duff's Church, McKillop ; sec- retary -treasurer, G. Neelin, Seaforth'; issionary superintendent, A. A. Naylor, Seaforth ; teachers' training, Ray. T. IL Brown, SeafOrth ; temperance, Dr. F. Harburn. Seaforth ; hone .department, :Mrs. J. C. Laing, Seaforth ; adult class, A. A. Cuthill, Winthrop ; Secretary grades, Miss A. G. Genunill, Egmond- vine ; olementerY, Miss E. Croswell, Seaforth. There was a good attendance and eddresses were given by Mr, George Raithby, Auburn, Mr. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, president and secretaryof Centre Huron Sunday School Association and Rev, T. H. Brown, rector of St. Thomas Church Seaforth. The old-time dance held.in.the opera house Friday evening was a splendid success. The proceeds are h aid of the Soldiefs' Aid Commission recently formed in Seaforth. The ice harvest has begun and teams Inc daily engaged in drawing this coin modity from the slam at Iligmonclville, The quality is of the hest. Hydro "flickered" twice on Friday evening, The scarcity of soap in Germany' is likely to produce some dirty fighting. CAST° R IA. For Infants and Children In Use Far *Vet 30YCAOS Always beats the Signature of 4444 et IVOMICS AMONG BIRDS Bird, froni the ostrich down,. are imitative. The ostrich, where he lives `alone, is silent, but in a country where lions abouncl he roars.' Why? Be. cause for centuries, admiring the lion's roar, he gradually learned to roar himself. Among sm13.11 birds, buntings imitate pipits, and green- fluches imitate yellowhammers. They seek their food in the winter together, and they gradually steal each other's Calls. The jay is an insatiable imita- tor. Some jays 'will include in their repertory not only the cries of songs of other birds, but also the bleat of the lamb and the neigh of a horse. Even the nightingale imitates. In a nightingale's song it is sometimes quite easy to detect phrases he has borrowed from other birds. HOT CROSS BUNS Quaint Easter Customs. Survive In England If the old time Easter custom is still observed, anbther bun will be added to the Good Friday collection,, at the Widow's Son, a little tavern in Devon's Road, Bow, London. Many years ago the house was tenanted 'by a widow, who, expecting her only son, a sailor, home ou Good Friday, baked some buns, of which he was very fond, and hung one in the bar. The vessel was Iost at sea and the son was never heard of, but every year the widow hung up a bun as a re. membrance, and the custom has been maintained by subsequent licensees. So recently as 1908 a certain pious lady, Mrs. Catherine Stewart Petra, of Canterbury', left a legacy of $5 year to the rector of Cavendish, Suf- folk, for the purchase of hot cross buns. By her win they were directed to be distributed amongst the Sunday school children and their teachers on the morning of Good Friday. It may net be generally known that hot cross buns are in some parts ot England believed to possess certain mystic healing virtue, At least one bun- Is therefore set aside, and when any ineratier-Of the nottsehold 'happens to he afflicted with stomach or other aches during the ensuing ye;, usi4 t0401001114,144., an effective remedy. Toms, it Emma, used to be hung up as charms against evil and kept from one Good Friday to another, though whether they were then eaten as yearlings or not does not appear. Diseases of Calves Scours is the most common corn - plaint of the young calf and is in- variably caused by overfeeding though not infrequently by feeding sour or stale milk at varied tempera: tures. Prevention is in every case better than cure. On the first symp- toms of the disease appearing the milk ration should bo /mined/MO, re- duced to half. If the trouble still gets worse sive a drench of MO to two °Mules Castor 011 in a •pint of Milk, Care It necessary in bringing up to a full ration again, which mutt be done ' very gradually. A couple of raw.egga will, also be found seeful in checking' the •dieease.• The use of lime Water,' one' part to three parts at setUk.will. often Move of benefit . .... ASTOR "DOES HIS BIT" ::rr awqs..f.erc 4 oi.ktYbOtiod 1. toNdfs,1146cm, William Viecent Astor, millionaire member of New Yotk's naval militia, was on guard duty 111 blew York along with the rest of the. blireclad Sailors. As an officer he wet., iiere post to poet inspecting the al,ang,...irets for guara., litg bridges and other public propertY, BUN -DOWN WOMAN IVade Strong By Our Vinci Fort 'Illtbvitrd, N. Y, --(r1 was in it run- down nervous and weak oondltien, so Mad not CIO the housework for my Mae family of three. 1 heft taken sod liver 011 emulsions; and other remedies with. oet beziefit, A. frimul, told me about *Visiol, 1 tried it and it NMI built up my strength and mads me A well women iso I now do all of my honeework,"—Mos. ELUNR, GUMMI/N., WO glIftralltee Vinol to restore strength and Meld up rineelown, week and debilitated conditions. J. E 'HoVey._ druggist, 'Clinton, Also at the beet druggists in all Oetarlo towns. MEN and EVENTS 44M nffifinilimmiiimmonnomdmillitimmininn- agee. aims PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON The President who now faces a momentous decision. VIDE toff HER Can Obtain New Health Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Every woman at some time needs a tonic. At special times unusual de- mands are made upon her strength. Where these are added to the worry and work which falls to her lot, weak- ness and ill health will follow unless the blood is fortified to meet the strain. Weak wattle!: find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to their needs. Most ef the ills from which they suffer are due to bloodless. ness—a condition which the Pills read- ily cure. These pills save the girl who enters into womanhood bit a bloodless ,condition from years of misery, and af- ford prompt and permanent relief to the woman who is bloodless,and there- fore weak. Mrs. Wm. t1. Wagner, Roses:AIM!, Ont., writes;—"After the birth of my second child 1 suffered from troubles which most mothers will un- derstand, without going into details. The doctor who was attending me said an operation would be necessary, but as 1 dreaded this and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been of great help to my sis- ter I decided to try this medicine, and I can truly say that after using the pills for some time they made life more en- joyable than it had been for a long time, I think every woman suffering from the ailments of our sex should give Dr. •Piiik Pills a fair trial as I know from my own case the great benefit flea follows their use." You cats gatetliesa pilbs through any iliediclad dealer olt bytfilitt at '8 'Mita a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Farm For Sale Good farin of 90 acres, three, miles. north of Hohnesviller'soil is.good clay loam, with , spring creek 'running :through farm. 25 acres fall plowing done, 3Y.i acres fall wheat. There is an orchard of over 80 'good bearing apple trees. Also :el kinds of other fruits. The ,buildings are , good, the house .pertly new. ;There is a val- uabbe pit 'oil the 'fftrid and the farm is bordered at the front by maple trees. . Situation of house very pleas- ant. Wife's poor health forces me to dispose • of farm, which. will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply im- mediately to W. H: Tremblay, (East Street) • Goderich, Oet. Auction Sale of Farm Stock. . T. Gundry will sell by public auc- tion on Lot 14, 'Concession 6, Hullett, on the fern; of John Ferguson, on Thursday, February, 15th, 1917, the folloWing:—Horses—Two, four year old drivers, one it ladies' driver. Cattle—One registered Hereford cow in calf; Hereford heifer, two years old in calf, S Hereford steers, two years old; 4 Holsteth heifers in calf; 8 grade Durham heifers, in calf; 2, fresh cows With calves; 20 head of one and two year old steers and heifers; one huge Durham heifer in calfi 16 pigs between 80 and 90 pounds; 4 Shropshire ewes, bred. A quantity of seed oats' No. .72 grown on new land end willtest over standard; some millett seed; new buggy; Massey -Harris seed drill, gal- vailized tank, -12 barrels capacity. Terms—Five months credit on approv- 'ed joint notes; 6 per cent per annum off for cash. T. Gundry, James E. Medd. Auctioneer Proprietor NOTier, NOTICE' 1 hereby given Unit Mee, eimet Bed Oharlerworth, of the town of Bluth, in the °minty ot Heron, in the Novi:lee of Ontario, wife of Leopold Otto Oliarleswoeth, of the same place, 14'es:chant, will apply to the Parliement 01 Canada, itt the next session, thereof foe& Bill of Divorce from her husband the said Leopold Otto Charlesworth of 'the said town of Myth, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, Merchant, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba, this 19 elay'of January, A. O. 1917, MARGARET BELL CHARCSSWORTH By her Solicitor, WILLIAM THORNBURN, , Witness—A, y. bARRACH., Thursday, February SW, 1917, s A J, Holloway nted White Ash, Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Maple Beech, Basswood, Soft Maple Highest Prices Paid For further information Apply to Ford & McLeod Ont. Excellent results have been obtain- ed in Germany by experiments with ex, tinguishing fires with a mixture of so- lutions of caustic soda and alum, width forms 10) Mr excluding foam. FOR SALE Kennedy's S. C. W. Leghorns, trap - nest and tor Whiter laying, $15 a doz- en. Hatching eggs $1.50 A setting and $7.00 a hundred in season, L. E. Kennedy, R. R. No. 5. Clinton. FARM FOR SALE. .414.44444414 For sale south half lot 31-32, Con- cession 1, Tuelterstnith, containing 94 acres more or lese. There are on the premises a good frame house with kit- chen and woodshed, cement cistern, good bank barn 40x64 witestone stab- ling and cement floors, drive shed and hen house, water in house and barn supplied by windmill and cement tank:. The farm is in first class condition, fenc ed and drained and there are 10 acres of first class bush and small orchard. The farm is • three and one half miles from Clinton, five /miles from Seaforth, and 1 tulle from church and school, -rural telephone in house. The farm is all an the west side of railroad track and is in first class shape. Terms— Reasonable reasons for selling, the pro- prietor wishes to retIre,xfor further par- tircetisl:rs apply on the premises, or ad- dJOHN THOMAS CRICH Clinton, One Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the par- tnership heretofore existing between Seeley & West will be ended on Feb. loth, 1917. It is necessary that all accounts due this firm be paid nut later than Feb. 3rd 1917. After said date all accounts not then paid will necessarily be collected. Persons having accounts against said firm will please send thent in so they can be settled by Feb. ieth. Seeley & West. Wanted HORSE HIDES BEEF HIDES and RAW FURS. Jas. Steep & Co., Clinton, Raw Furs Wanted. Before selling your furs it will pay you to get my prices. 1 ant paying tip-top prices on all kinds of prime raw furs, Prices are high. Bring in your furs now before prices drop. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton. CREAM—PRODUCTION and THRIFT • Consists in producieg all the ere= Ly000ub.ye*CtchtesbrlyP:W frilik 1ParTfiihself caiis and pay. express We pay the highest prices for cream and we pay twice a month. We have the most up-to-date Cream- ery in Western Ontario. , Write us The L. J. Looby CrMunery Dublin, 0obiria, mionithuaregg WINTER TOURS Special Fares' how in effect ,to resorts in Florida, Georgia, North and 'South„ Caroline, Lbuisiana, and other Southern States, and to Bermuda and the West, Indies. Return 'Limit May, 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop -overs Allowed. for ln1 information write to -031. HORNING, • 'Union Station, Toronto, Ont John Ransford eity passen- ger and Tinket 'Agents. phone 67 0.0. Pattison station agent Place Your Order, • • ' for some of our Western Oats, which we have. just received and we will charge you no more than if they wore Just the ordinary grade of Oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats plaao your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full stock of Flour and Peed. Highest Prices paid for Grain WJenkins&Son Phone 190, Besides°, a op 1.4 COAL MERCHANT Attlee, Cerner Victoria & East St, j li°ourrieece P P hion o'nee 3 12 Uptown office at H. WittsiVe Grocery Phone 40 Fowls of all Kinds Wanted. SPECIAL PRICE FOR FAT HENS. Telesis at any time }lightest Markets -,rices W. MARQUIS, °Linton Houseior Sate. House an Rattenbury St., lbrmerly occupied by the late Mre. Wililant Murray. Apply to G. D. MCTAGGART Man Wanted. Merrier), for fax at work, meetly em ploN moot, with good house etc. Duties to begin March Inth. Apply to 0. &. FovreNter, Farm For Sale Choice too acre farm for sale being lot 11, Con. 8, in the Township of Hub. let. This property is well fenced and underdrained, thirty-five :tales plowed and balance seeded to grast. Frame barn 40x72, stone stabling with cem- ent floors; new driving shed and other. outbuildings. Seven roomed brick house with kitchen and wood -shed ad- joining, hard and soft water inside. The buildings are all in good repair. Rural :nail and telephone. This pro- perty will be sold cheap as the proprie- torwishes to gve up farning. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises or address, Joseph H. Brown, R. 11. No. 1, Londesboro. Voung Young men or others who are unable to enlist for overseas ser - work. EVERY MAN SHOULD BE DOING HIS BIT. Steady work to good men. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine and Threshes, Co., Limited, Seaforth, Ont. Strayed /From lot 24, eon. 6, Hallett. a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. A suitable reward will be paid for information leading to its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R. It. No, 1, Clinton, Phone 18 gIn 165. House tor Sale A one and a half storey frame house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, X acre of garden and orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDONE, Clinton. Farts for Sate Farm for sale, containing 55 acres of good clay aoarn, suitable for agriculture 'or grass, being north half of lot 11, 'Maitland con- cession, Goderieh, with five aerie of choice hardwood bush, and a never-tfailing .spring creek run- ning through, all under grasp at present, possession can be given at once. Apply to • WILLIAM BEDOUR R. R. No.2m Clinton or phone 12 on 143. 1 For Sale Property occupied by Dr. Gan - dies, including two lots hduse, 01* fiee and stable. Will be sold sop- aratery or togetker. Electric lightipg throughout, water in the stable. 'Hard ,and Bolt water in .bath.-soom, kitclien and • nummeie kitchen. Apply to DR, •GANDEER; II arm for Sale 150 ACRES of geed may land. Ph miles north of Londeshoro being tot 25., concession 1a, Eullett. Two hawses, bank barn and driving shed;• osever-ifalling Well, and spring at back of farm; silo; or- chard; convenient to church , and school; rural mail and telephone, Price and terms reasonable. , HOLTZRAUBR BROS., R.R. No. 1, Auburn. RAD INDIGESTION.' BUR BLOC OCK STTEIRS CURED. That grand old remedy, Burdock Blood Bitters, has been on the market for over forty years and we claim, with- out. any fear of contradiction, thr t there is not another medicine on the market to -day that can compare with it for the cure of all disturbances of the stomach. Mrs. S. Turley., Colborne, Ont., writes: "I am writing to say that I have used your Burdock Blood Bitters. For a Jong period 1 suffered with indigestion, au& nothing I' took ever gave me any relief, only for a elitist time. I bought several bottles of B. 13, B. from our druggist, Mr. Griffis, and can honestly say I can eat or drink anything 1 want without experiencitig any bad after-effecte. 5 may say that it is the only medidne I, ever got afty relief from." Burdock Blood Bitters is amain only by 1:7,../ilupoost ft* Utei