HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-02-01, Page 6'Page Six THE CLU4TQN NON,/ ERA, noday, February 1st, 1917 1 Snap v t er freabla. FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's scuts. They are made of the finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craftsmen. They are soft arld pliant yet firm and strong. They'1rt:'ridh id feel grid lustre—.and and will neither grow "shiny" with use nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weavers art. INCIDENTALLY- We stock "INDIGO SERGE" in ail weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing ---do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee,, ieRi" 3t Our stock of GUARANTEED, INDIGO SERGE ada. Conte -in and see them. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and' House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank is one of the largest in Can MEN'S STORE. Custom. Tailoring Men's 'Fu•nish.ings. Picone 103. OppositfePu b I ieLi braxy ST fe Are you looking for something to make Dessert for dinner—if so we can supply you with Quality Goods in that line— Some very. nice Prunes 21b for.... .25c Extra choice Cooking Figs, per lb 10 Nice Cooking Apples per pk 25 Rice,. Tapioca, Corn Starch, Etc., all make a splendid Dessert for Dinner, at this time of year. 0 Magnolia Peas, Coni and Tomatoes are the highest Quality. New stock of Catsups, Sweet or Mixed Pickles (bulk or Bottle) H. P. Sauce, Olives all add zest to the ap- petite. Our Leader—Pure Laundry Soap 8 Bars for .25c Phone Orders Promptly Attended to, Highest Prices For Produce. . 14 r Phone 111 1' t • %-aer ' 0 art STORE OF Qli;,Ah.lTY at','triY.nlP:;�'N %`rk •.5.'9t. 0000000008000007)0008006409 es SpeeL up the i e is O CO 0 A. few of the New lira's conal y 0 correspondents are Flipping e is (a little behind in 11te matter of c', promptness in sending in their f? Ce weekly budgets, with the result o that oceacional betehee of news 4 ti are too leo. it is a safe retie to 0 ® mail the budges; by Tuesday, if O possible, fo any ogee, tneke oe 0 sure the news will rennh The 0 a^ New Bra office by Wednesday m, 0 noon. O 00000000©tD0 0t4CCt 00000000496 The investment in the electrical in- dustries of this country is equal to the assessed valuation of real property and improvement in Greater New York. 0 (D 0 W"yti'ft. Jia Sheri. Every mar. ried man in the ranks of Canada's sol- diers means that 'his wife gave her con- sent. His the sacrifice, the danger, yes—but his also the interest of a new ex- perience, the (companion- ship of comrades, the in- spiration of. - action, the tilirill of the advance, and the glory of victory. Her's the pitiful part ing, the weary waiting, the fevered watching for the dreaded +message, the gruelling grind of daily responsibility for those dependent upon her—and her alone. No, No; not alone,! Not alone, as long as the people whose battles her husband is fighting have a heart in their bosoms or a,dollar in their pockets. Not alone --as long as Canadian manhood. and womanhood knows the meaning of the word "trust." Not alone, as long as Generosity is the hand- maiden of Duty and Privilege. Only an appreciation of the need is required by those of vs who here at home keep the hearth fires burning. Not for some of us the supreme sacrifice, but for one and. all of us at least that whole -hearted answer to the cry of patri- otism that never yet has failed to go ringing around the world when the call has come. GIVE --- GIVE — GIVE as your own heart prompts you, give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. $6,000,000 must be raised in Ontario for the vital. necessities of the great work of caring for the needy families of Ontario's men at the front. Every case is carefully investigated, everything humanly possible is clone to eliminate mistakes and prevent imposition—but to the needy is held out a helping hand, without lavishness, but with the determination to see no real want unsuppiied. You are again offered the great privilege, not of charity, but of recognition of the magnificence of Canadian Wifehood. ._.. Remember, if the Man is a Hero, the Woman is a Martyr. t she couid " She hath done what she could " Ontario Lv twbwk+ las a to suisurn the Osturiiilan Patriotic Ihrvd that It can depend en laving six minion doltattiu. ifi17 for tlta mttios or Ontario'e so c)tors. • . %.011). otysc'srltonktipdtOOatrt37ttre,no3eearbety0trr tyn r » d y%u ircp4dr6W .Caaaae r+efohiePcs4lheFundt,t, 5 ittorla sfzeot, dttgi'ral; 33 A4A444.4AAo441A44444.4aAAA44AA44A44Aa444AmAAAAAAAA.4kt TS Gr, . s_ ► io Y'V'vt9r9''GYYYTTYVVYYVVVVY/ /VVVVvWbWv," VYVVYVVVVVVVV'Y.tl VVII'N �p, COUNCIL MONDAY, • GIVES UP THE GHOST. The regular meeting of Council will With last week's issue, the lleusall be held on Monday of next week, • Observer quits the newspaper field for I the time being, Lack of appreciation EVERY CARD RETURNED. I by its citizens and the high cost of The national service carols that I production are the causes named by were distributed at Allsa Craig through the post office department are all re- turned. This is said to be a record, as not one card was missing. BOUGHT OUT STUDIO. Mr, Otto Fink, formerly of Clinton, is now the owner of the photo, studio in Hamilton, in which he was Manager in after leaving 'Clinton. His old friends will hope for his success, HORSE BUYERS FAILED TO COME, After ordering bills and advertise Ment that horses were wanted for the French Arn)y the buyers failed to get here last Thursday. There were man; who drove in 8 and 10 Hailes to sell ane 114 not like it on such a stormy day. A CORRECTION. James Connolly, President of the Mc- Killop Fire Insurance Company, wishes to correct a mistake in the annual re- port sent out to the policy holders. The report reads: --Mr. H. Walters, horse killed by lightning $250. It should be 5150. CLINTON CLUB OFFICERS. At the annual meeting of the Clinton Club on Wednesday, Jan, 24th, the fol- lowing officers were elected for the present year — President—S. J. Andrews, P. M. Vice Pres.—F. S. Jost Sec.-Treas.—Fred Jackson . Auditor—Jno. Wiseman Entertainment Committee—F. Jack- son,'J. W. Treleaven, '13. A., A. J, Mor- rish. MAJOR LEWIS, M. P. MADE A BRIGADIER. Cot, L. W. Shannon, district com- mandant, announced last week that Major Lewis, M. P., Goderich, who went to the front with the 55th Bat- tery, and who recently returned to this country, has been appointed a briga- dier with the rank of lieutenant -colonel, to supervise the recruiting and organi- zation of four batteries of artillery, the 03rd and Goth, of London district, and others in Montreal and Halifax. Ile will have his headquarters in London. IJU12(1N GC). WAR AUXILIARY. The first annual meeting of the Hu- ron County War Auxiliary will be held at Clinton on Tuesday, February Gth commencing at ten o'clock. A repre- sentative of the Soldier's Aid Commis- sion will be present to address the meet ing on the very important subject of "Vocational Training for invalided sol- diers." and the annual election of of- ficers will take place. As the matter of procuring new occupations for the returning men, who are unable to re- sume their former occupations is of great interest, and the utmost import- ance. It is desirable that every muni- cipality shall be well represented. Huron County must see that the Huron Wren who have been to the front shalt be properly cared for and to do this an active organization is necessary. The Auxiliary will look forward to an en- thusiastic meeting in Clinton on the above date. AAAAAAW,AAKAAMAAArVadtMM c To The New Era. Correspondents : Neave matter mailed to The I New Era in unsealed envelopes does riot conte tinder the postal classification of 'letters' and will not require the special war tax, Editor Buchanan. In the meantime the job department will still be. run. WANTS THE NEWS. Mr, Geo. A. Logan, of Tuxford, Sask, writing to The New Ere says;—"1 see by the label on my paper, that 1 acn a long way in arrears, but I still want to met the paper,' We like to get the news from home, eyen if we, have been away for eighteen years. Enclosed you will find $3,00 to pay up to Dec. 1917, DEMONSTRATION CARS, Despite unfavorable weather con- ditions there were many visitors at the two Demonstration cars at the Grand Trunk railway last Friday. The ex- hibits were well arranged and with the demonstrator's explanation were worth a great deal in the way of practical in- formation upon many topics of interest to the farm specially. There is no doubt but this is the most up-to-date method of imparting instruction and one such visit to a community is often worth a dozen meetings with cut and dried speeches. In the evening in the Town Hall short addresses were given. by W. J. Cook on Nome Gardening and by J. W. Clark on Poultry, Many questions were asked the speakers and satisfactory answers given. • LETTER FROM LIEUT. C. HALL. Last week's Hensall Observer pub- lished the following letter from, Lieut, Chas. Hall, to a resident of that village; The following letter is an acknowledge- ment of the receipt of several copies of the Observer which were subscribed for by some of the business men of Hensall, to be sent to the Ifensall boys ,while they remained in England. The papers were sent to Lieut. Hall for dis- tribution among the boys: Mr. Dave Dew, 1 -Hensel), Ont., Dear Mr. Dew:—Your letter received and also the papers. 1 distributed them among tate boys. 1 ant afraid I will not be able to do it for long.. You see they do not leave. us with our own boys, worse, luck. 1 wish they did. 200 of the 161st are already in France. Went in a draft. Gordon and Arthur Parker are among; them. I hated to see them go. Wilbert is still here. It seems a shame to separate the three but that is the wear they do things in this country. War is hell Now I roust close. I en- joyed my Observer and I am sure the :"ant's did also. Regards to Mrs. Dew. Yours sincerely, Lieut. C. S. [Tall. LI6k Headache mea CURED 13Y WO 1 EL LP kJ rvs (LAm LIVER PLS Mrs. Willard Tower, Hillsboro, N.B., writes: "I have suffered something awful with sick headache. At times I would become bilious, and would have severe pains in my stomach after eating, and have a bad taste in my mouth every morning. I told some of my friends about it and I was advised to use Mil - burn's Lam -Liver Pills, This I did and and they cured one." When the liver becomes sluggish and. inactive, the bowels become constipated, the tongue becomes coated, the stomach foul and sick and bilious headaches occur. Milburn's Taxa -Liver Pills clean the foul coated tongue and stomach'' and banish the.disagreeable heaclafhes, Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills arc 25c. per vial; 3'vfals for $,1.00, at all dealers, 'on mailed direct eft receipt of price by, 'P/ix'1.1.1.donuatt Co., Lns rrtn, Toronto, Ont. At - RATTEN.BURY• HOUSE., on Wednesiday, February 14fli, 1917 DOR EN WEN D'S Of:. Toronto. Canada's foremost hairgpods manu- facturers will ex - Whit. for your in- spection their fin- est ancl.latest'hair creations in ladies Switches, Coronet and Faney Braids Pompadours, Transformations, Chignons, Waves, Bangs, dnd FOR BALD MEN toupees and Wigs of hygenic and scientific construction that are as ifelike as nature, cannot be detected from a person's own hair, and will render long service and satisfaction, They make the appearance years younger and improve the health by the protection they offer. A Demonstration of any of these Hair -Structures is FREE OF CHARGE. It will not obligate you in any Way. Rernentber the Date WEDNESDAY, FEB 14, '17 `J D0RENWEN•D'S 4lead Dike and:Sliowl;o(tms 105 Yonge Street Toronto The greatest' boon to both mothers andbabies since the cradle was invented, Every move of the baby moves th swing and keeps it interested, Ihappy,heathful, out of.yoEt, and out of the dirt, It is made of white duck on covered steel frame and can be washed. Hung on a single hook from doorway, porch ceil- ing or tree branch. The baby can't possibly fall out. It helps mother get their work done. The W. Do Fair eo. Often the Cheapest--1.tiways the Best Tell Your Ph ne Just tell your 'phone what you want from the drug 'store, We are on the other end of the wire, capable of under- standing your needs, fully capable of selecting your wants, and delivering them immediately. Telephone trading is a time -saving, bother -saving method. u' We guarantee this service correct. The Features crf Our Fur Ur To which we invite special attention; are its beauty, its assured comfort, int solid construction, and its below the usual prices. Any one of these points' would be sufficient to earn it ynun preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sm'e you will renliae- that this is a. furniture buying opium. tunny you cannot afford to ignove,02 1 'Undertaker and funeral Director. Phone 25. Alight and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Plumbing Heating Eavetroughing Agent for Heela Furnaces Get our prices on your eave— trough and save money. Shop—aver Rowland's Hardware Thos, Hawkins P1wubirg and DlieatiMg Phone 08 The t,raaer Gr teery "Live and Let Live" Telephone Your: ' Grocery Wants to Our Store. We are.always glad to have you visit our store In doing yourpurchasing, so that you inay personally select your goods, and. so that we may become better acquainted with you and your` needs, :When you find it more conven- ient to telephone, however, you can de- pend,ouus to look after your orders in a Manner that will please you. C.gLL 4,5 andyou will have your order taken, packaged and delivered- in a satisfact- ory manner. We appreciate your phone trade. E . E. Hunnifor r PEONS 45. 1'+++++++++++++++qt+++++++a.4.c.,941 ++ 1-4.4'.14+-t"IW.++++++3F++4 If the Boy is hard on his Shoes, bring Him here! We've had shoes built to stand the abuse the average Boy gives his shoes. Parents who test our Boys' Shoes, find it requires less money to keep the bay in good looking shoes when they, buy the shoes we sell! Gun Metal, Box Calf and Uris Leathers. Inisde and out. side stays to prevent ripping. Solid, durable Shoes, but not clumsy ....... .....$1.50•, $2.00; $2,50. to $3.50. according to size. - FR Fir D, iPteicsoN GOOD SHOES. tAm tp ***4 4*M.1.t'.s.4•4,. 't' 3.,b„4„f:+.g.*,