The Clinton New Era, 1917-02-01, Page 4Page PoL
7NE IM!'oRT`
ito remember with regard to Zoo
Buk is that, unlike ordinary obit-
meuts, Zaneauk is so refined that
It Is capable of penetrating to the
sent of the trouble, Which In the
naso of skin diseases and old sores
is found in the dieeased underlying
tissues. Thio is due to the fact that
Zam•Bulc contains no animal fat or
Coarse mineral drugs whatever, but
'Is entirely of herbal orlgle. Ordin-
ary ointments, on the contrary,
owing to the animal fat and mineral
drugs contained in theta, are in-
capable of penetratingbeneath the
surface skin, eo that the relief, it
any, can be only temporary,
In addition to this, Zam-Buk to
a strong germicide, and having
reached the underlying tissues, it
destroys all germs and thoroughly
cleanses the diseased parts. Then
Zam-Buk's healing essences promote
the growth of new skin and a per-
=anent cure results.
Zara-Buk. le beat not only for old
sores, eczema, and all skin diseases,
but also for blood -poisoning, ulcers,
abscesses, boils, scalp sores, piles,
burns, scalds, cuts and all ,skin in -
Juries. All druggists and stores, or
Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 50c. box, 3
for $1.25.
Complete Prize List Given this
(Intended for last Week)
The poultry and pet stock show just
closed is said by experts to be the ,
best in the history of the county. Real
Satisfaction was given by the judge and
he management, and the Huron Poultry
and Pet Stock Association has made
many new friends.
President Wm. Hamblon and Tiros,
,Watts, the obliging Secretary, deserve
much credit for the success of tlio show
The prize for the best bird at the
show was won by Mr, S. J. McKay, of
Goderich, on Black Hamburg pulletts,
Prizee awarded at the .Heron
County Ptitiltry Assooiatioa Slice
held in Clinton hist week
Lt, ]f3rahuas--'1'hos,Watts, let, cook,
let and 2nd, hens.
E, .Gymburner, 2nd, coon'.
Mr, Martin, 3rd, cock, 3rd, hen,
Thos. Watts, 1st, cocPterel, and
2nd, pullets.
l)', Dopex, and, cockerel.
Dark Brallmas-J. Howrie, 1st,
cook, 1st, hen, 1st, cockerel.
Laugshans--J, Howrie, 1st, hen,
1st., cockerel, let, pullet.
F. Do Gex, 2ntl, cockerel.
Partridge Cochins-W. Edwards, lst
cock, 2nd, hon, and, cockerel, ,1st,
F. De Gex, 1st, lien, lst, cockerel.
Buff Cochins-W. F. Edwards, let,
A. O. V. Cochins-Mr. Martin, 1st,
ben, 3rd, pullet,
D. Bogue, 1st, cockerel, 2nd, pullet.
A. Pl. Doan, and, cockerel, 1st, pul-
Barred Rocks -IX. A. nivel,, 1st,
2n1 and 314, cock, 1st, and and 3rd,
John Walton, 1st and 2nd.
White Barred Rocks -E. Lymburn-
er, 1st, cock, 1st, hen, lst and 2nd,
cockerels, lst and 2nd, pullet.
Mr. Doak, 2nd, hen
Silver Laced Wyandottes-F. De
Gex, let, cockerel.
Golden Laced Wyanclottes-A. I.
Doan, 1st, cock, let, hen,
E. Lymburner, 2nd, cook, .2nd, hon,
1st and 2nd, cockerel, 1st and and•,
White Wyandottes-Mr. Sherwood,
1st and 2nd, cock, 1st,. hen, 1st and
and, cockerel, ,
F. W. Angus, 3rd, cock,
1. Reith, 3rd, hen, lit and 2nd,
Doak and Johnston, 3rd, cockerel,
Silver Pen Wyandottes-C, J, Staf-
fee lst and 2nd, cock, 1st and 2nd,
Partridge Wyandottes'-W. L. Gib-
son, 1st and and, cock, lst and 2nd,
hen, 3rd, cockerel, 1st and 2nd, pul-
While Mr, Hamblyn, of Clinton, car- let.
ried off the prize for the best bantam.
In all, over 600 birds were exhibited.
need careful treatment
from within more than
they need bundling wraps
during changing seasons.
The pure cod liver oil in
at, helping thousands to strengthen
the tender linings of their throats,
while at the same time it aids the
lungs and improves the
quality of the blood.
Throat Specialists endorse
J� r !
Scott & Bowie, Toronto, Ont, 16-11
F. It. Martin, 8r6, cock.
R. 0. Miller, 3rd, hen, ist, cock-
erel, 3rd, ,Bullet.
Edgar East, and., cockerel.
Black ZVyandottes - 1 cock 1
hen. 2 cockerel, 1 pullet, A. E, .Doan,
2 aookerl, 2 hen, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet
This, Bowers.
Black Java -All to F, Bell.
Rhode Island keds -All to Lash-
Buff Orpingtons,-1 cock, 2 lien,
1 and 2 cockerel, 1 pullet. M. E. Lyin-
burner, 1 lien. 2 pullet, F. W. Angus.
Black Orpingtrurs.-1 hen, S, G.-Mc-
White Orpingtons-1 and 2 cock,
1 and 2 hen, 1 cockerel, 2 pullet, M. E.
Lymburuer; 2 cockerel, 1 pullet, A. E.
Blue Orpin tons -1 hen, A. E, Doan
2 hen Doak & lobnstos
Dorkings S,G.-1. cock, 1 hen, F. De
Gex, 2 cock, 2 hen, 2 pullet, W. F.
Edwards. 1 pullet 0. 13ouge
Dorkings A.O.V,-2 cock, 2 Iren.'2
cockerel, 1 pullet D. Buuge, 1 hen, 1
cockerel, 2 pnllet,t A. E. Doan
Red Caps -1 cock, 1 and 2hen, 1
cockerel, 2 pullet, 1 pullet F. DeGex
Sussex -All to Lymburuer
Cornish --1 cock, 1 and 2 hen, 1 and
2 cock, 1 and 2 pullet R. a. Miller, 2
hen 0. 3, Steffen.
White Leghorns-1 cock, 1 and 2
hen, 1 and 2 cockerel, 1 and 2 pullet,
W. Ezerman, 2 cock W. G. Nott
Leghorns R.0,W-1 cock. 2 hen, 2
cockerel W.H. Dearing, 2 cock, 1 hen
e dawn -o:
"Mare 'bread and better bread"
arrived the day the sun first
shone on
BREAD and ) is BREAD
iU years of better home- made' bread. s
n Skino With
Clear,Smooth es C m
W ls
The Use Of "FRUIT-A,•TZVES".
86 Drayton Ave., Toronto.
Nov. loth, 1918.
A beautiful complexion is a handsome
woman's chief glory and the envy of her
less fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear
skin -glowing with health -is only the
natural result ofpure Blood.
"1 was troubled for a considerable
time with a very uufileasant, disfiguring
Rash, which covered my face and for
which I used applications and remedies
without relief. After using "Fruit-a-
tives" for one week, the rash is com-
pletely gone. I am deeply thankful for
the relief and in the future, I will not be
without "Fruit-a-tivos".
50c, a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
1 cockerel. 1 and 2 pullet, Wm. Ezer-
Leghorns 2.0,13 ---t cock. 2 hen. 2
cockerel, 1 pallet, F. DeGex.2 pullet,
W. H. Dearing; '2 cook 1 hen, 1 cocker
el, Howrie.
Leghorns, R. 0. B.-1 cock, 1 and 2
hen, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet, 11. H. Poncl:
2 cock' W. H. Dearing.
Leghorns, Buff -1 cock 1 hen, 2
cockerel, 2 pullet, Doak & Johnson;
2hen 1 cockerel, I pullet F. \V, Angus
Leghorns, Black --1 cock, 1 and 2
hen, 1 and 2 eookerel, 1 and 2 pullet
A. E. Doan
Ancones -1 cockerel F. Defcx
Andalusian ---1 coakerel 1 pullett, F.
DeGex, 2 hen \V. 11. Dearing, 1 lien, 1
cockerel, 2 pullet Howrie, 2 hen, Dear-
ing, 2 cockerel, 2 pullet DeGex
Buttercups -All to Blondin Cook
Minorcas 5.0,-1 hen, S. G. McKay
Spanish -1 hen DeGex, 2eocic, 2 hen
1 cockerel, 1 pullet, Bonge, 1 '.ren
Polands 1V, O. B-1 cork, 1 hen, 1
pullet, Bouge, 1 cockerel. DeGex
Polands A.O. V-2 cockerel, 2 pullet,
DeGex, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet Bourse
Ilamburgs Si. 8-2 noels, 2 cockerel,
DeGex, 1 cock, 1 and 2 hen, 1 cockerel
1 and 2 pullet S. Gibson
liarnburgs 0. S-1 cork, 1 hen, 1
eoekerel, 1 pullet DeGex
Hattrbur s ($.P-1 hen, 1 cockerel, 1
pullet S. Gibson
1:Ianlburgs, black -2 cock DeGex, i
cock, 1 hen Doan, 2 cockerel, 1 and '.T.
pully¢ Mcliay, 2 hen, 1 cockerel S.
Houdans-All to Angus
Guineas -1 cockerel, 1 pullet Stiffen
1 cock, 1 lien, 2 cockerel, 2 pullet T.
Watts ,
Rt. Games -1 and 2 hen, 1 cockerel
1 and 2 pullet Doan
Pyle Game -1 hen DeGex, 1 pullet
O. E. Games -1 rock, 2 hen, 1 pullet)
Miller, 2 cock Reith
Games A.O.V-1 cork, 1 hen, 1 cock-
erel, 1 and 2 pullet Miller, 2 cockerel
Bantams, black and red game -2
pullet T. Bowers, 1 and 2 hen, 1 cock-
erel, 'pullet
Black -Red Game -1 and 2 lien, 1 and
2 cockerel, 1 pullet (Mir Levy
Dnekwing Game -All to towers
Pyle Game -All to Bowers
Games A.O. V-1 cock. 1 and 2 hen,
2 cockerel, 2 pullet, Bowers, 2 cock. 1
cockerel, 1 pullet Levy
Golden Seabrigbts-1 cock, 2 hen F.
R. Martin, 2 cock, 1 lieu, 2 cockerel
Steffen, 1 cockerel 1 pullet Gibson
Buff Cochins-2 cockerel Martin, 1
cock Angus, 1 and 2 hen, 1 cockerel, 1
and 2 pullet Gibson
White0eohins-1 atnd 2 cock Stiffen
1 hen Wm. Hamblyn, 2 hen, 1 and 2
cockerel, 1 and 2 pullet Gibson
Black Oochins-1 and 2 cock, 1 and
2 hen, 1 cockerel, 1 and 2 pullet W. F.
Edwards, 2 cockerel Steffen
Rohe Comb Black -1 cock, 1 and 2
hen Gibson
Rose Oemb White -2 cockerel, 1
pullet H. Rance, 1 cook, 1 hen, 1 and 2
cockerel, 1 pullet Gibssn
Brahmas, Light -1 cock, 1 and 2
cockerel, 1 and 2puliett W. Hamblyn
2 cock, 2 heti Steffen.
Best bird -hamburg, McKay
Best Bantam -W. Hamblyn
- +agar esimeGtefUleme ee a ar,. -""^• • •,
a orsome tern cry PIMANCr
Lesson V. --First Quarter, For
Feb. 4, 1917.
Text of the Leeson, John iii, 1-21.
Mernery Verses, 5, 6 --Golden Text,
John ill, 16- Gomtrhentary Prepared by
Rev. D. M. Stearns.
1f we take the last sentence of chap-
ter h and. the first of chapter ill from
the revised version we will read; "He
Himself knew what was in man. Now,
there was a man of the Pharisees
named Nicodemus," This man there-
fore comes before us as a sample of
all religious men of 'his stamp, and as
our Lord dealt with him so He still
deals with all such. Ho was one of
the rulers and evidently a man held in
high esteem by his fellows, but he was
not as yet born from above. Ile was
very complimentary and courteous to
the Lord Jesus, but our Lord had no.
heart and' no time for mere compli-
ments. Re saw all people as either
having life and not condemned or un-
der the wrath of God and condemned
already (verses 18, 80). Seeing before
Him a lost soul and not being willing
tont he should perish, He at once
spoke to his heart, for He knew what
was in him.
We may sum up His threefold refer-
ence to the new biirth (verses 3, 5, 7)
in the emphatic declaration of verse 7,
which Ls n word for every unsaved
person, however religious he may be,
"You must be bora`` again," or, as in
the margin, "from above." It has been
truly said that if we are born but once,
merely a natural birth, we shall die
twice, and the second death will be
the lake of fire (Bev. xx, 14, 15), but if
we are born twice, have had the birth
from above, we shall die but once, and,
if alive on earth nt His coming, shall
not dle at all (I Cor. xv, 50-59). 'While
our Lord often used the word "verily"
(a translation of amen), only in this
gospel is He recorded as using the
double verily and just twenty -eve
tines, the first timo being in chapter
1, 51, and hr reference to the coming
kingdom. We find it in our lesson
chapter in verses, 3, 5, 11, and in the
first two also in reference to the king-
dom. It requires a new birth inwardly
and a new body outwardly to eater
that kingdom (I Cor. xv, 50), but if eve
have the first we shall in due time
have the second (Phil. ill, 20, 21).
Nlcodemus, being merely a natural
MD, although a religious one, could
not understand spiritual things, ac-
cording to I Cor, ii, 14, therefore his
many questions. As a master of Israel
(verse 10) he night have known mare
than be did. but he needed some one in
hint whom he bad never yet received
(chapter 1. 121.
Our Lord then took him back to an
incident in the wilderness story. with
which he must have been familiar
(verses 14, 15), and from it taught him
bow to be born again, and we conclude
from chapters vii, 50. 51; xix, 110, that
then . or later :Meadernns was really
born again and became a true disciple
of .iesus (':hrlst.
'1'1)3 new bichli Is wrought in us by
the word of God and the Spirit of God,
as our Lord tans`^bt in verse 5, the wa-
ter eifniryhig the word as in Epb. v,
20, Potts .fames and Peter are in per-
fect accord as to the new birth being
accomplished by the word of Ceti (Jas,
1, 13; I Pct. r, 20, „1, and our Lord said
that His words were Spirit and Life
(John vi, 03), i have often seen John
iii, I0, bring abort the new birth in a
soul just by writing the person's name
in the verse instead of the words "the
world" and "whosoever," and as quick-
ly as the bitten Israelites looked upon
the dead representation of that which
bad bitten them and lived SO have I
seen shiners looking upon Jesus made
sin for them and obtaining life by a
l00k. IIe came to save the lost, the
sick the hopeless, and He does it all
We have only to let Him sive us, to
see Elim dying in our stead, bearing
our sins in His own body, and, receiv-
ing him, take Him et His word, that
by virtue of His great sacrifice all
such have everlasting life and can nev-
er perish, People are condemned not
because of any ordinary sin, for all
are sinners, but because they will not
receive Efine who alone can save them,
because they will not look and live
(verses 1S, 19). By receiving Him we
honor God as true, but P7 refusing to
receive Etim we make God n liar and
join hands with tbo father of lies
against God (verse 33; I John v, 10;
John viii, 24).
Only one who was truly God could
speak of himself as "the Son of bion
who is iu heaven" while yet He was
on earth (verse 13). Note also His
words in verse 85, "The Father loveth
the Son and hath given all things into
His hand." Compare Matt. xi; 27, and
let us, like John the Baptist bear
faithful testimony to Him, and, like
the servant of Abraham seeking a
bride 'for the only son to whom hie
father had given all that he had, let us
live to help obtain tbe bride, the
church, for the coming Bridegroom.
See verses 27.31 and compare the' beau -
Wel story in Get, xxiv. As Abra-
ham's servant talked only or the wealth
of the beloved son and carried samples
of it, by means of which 10 obtain the
bride, se we me to speak of Him and
Bis wealth Of grace and glory, seek -
Mg only to magnify Him, that He may
draw Bottle to Tallnsel$.
The One thing that believers are on
earth for is to let Him so live in tie
that others may be Wou to Him.
Cook's Cotton Root Colltpollati.
A kayo, reliable rennardtan
medicme. Bold in novo do,
yowl of otrongth-No. 1 $t;
No. 2, $3; No. a, $5 ser bor.
Sold b) ail diugsints, or eont
prepaid on reao,pt of routice,
Sr4A tintnpblat. Addr
TOioelik9N3. (Ward/ 'grin?)
The next time you suffer with
headache, indigestion, bilious•
ness or loss of appetite, try--
Lerae,e Sale of Any Medicine in the'` na
sold everywhere. le hemp., 25e.
Rev, A. L. 0. Clarke to
he Godcrich'Rector.
Goderich, Jan.. 22.-11ev. L. Doh-
erty, secretary -treasurer. of Huron Dio-
cese, who officiated in St. George's
church on'Sunday, announced to the
congregation, that upon instructions
from His Lordship, Bishop Williams,
that Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, rector at
Waterloo has been appointed rector of
this parish to take charge in about five
bruary 131, 1917,
This appofrltmeet fine the vaetncy
paused by the resignation of Rev, J, B,
Fotherhighaln, and his removal to
Brantford, During the interval Prof.
Wright, of Huron College, will conduct
the services,
Rev. Mr, Clarke has until receuily
been chaplain of the 118111 Battalion.
A piece et insulating tape is said to
make a line substitute for a leather
beltfor driving light machinery. 1t
folded over itself and is jeintles.
A machine has been Invented that
Bus ooh s and
Westervelt -School
Y. M. C.A. Building 20
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. lstto July::
Catalogue, Free. Enter any time..
5. W. Westervelt, Pnncipal ••f.
'Restored To health By Vino!
lumden, N• J. -"I had a ,deep seatede
cough, was run -mown, and my lungs were'
weak and sore, 1 had tried everything;
a u g g listed without help, One eve.
ning I read about Virtol and deoidei i
t it. Soon n X noticed to an improve -
Y r v..
went, I kept on taking it and today I;
am a well man. The eorenees is alt
gone from my lungs, I do not have Gley
cough and have gained fifteen peunde.M'
We guarantee Vin el for, climate
coughs„ colds and bronchitis and for all
Weak, run-down conditions,
E Hovey, druggist, ;Clinton.
Also at tbe best druggists in ala
Onte,rio towns.
plants from 10,000 to 15,000 forest
tree seedlings in a day when operated
by three Wren anatwo horses.
The heat radiation of an air-cooled
motor las been greatly increased by
the simple expedient of attaching is
the existing iron fins a number of al-
uminum fins, Apart from increasing
the radiating surface, the aluninum is
aa much more efficient radiating met.
hum than is lite iron.
The blending
zs c ptaona!
r r1.9i.,:jer-,1'.,0.N• el Et"1n"a 114"si.0R, i
ew1'v'1i;r'H1 aerm,01.Ru11l1 s."
`i'�, e r477,P-
r, 11 NFtr )tyt j'�R,� � �g J ��j t(. •1-
..) ee,u? u1 4.r:•r ! f".�rt�jti ft�rt' u� �' . 17.
1'. R. Demonstration Farm.
N 4
\U. _.--t'ltlit.fug Dairy toes.
110. 3.--Scicutllic Buitermaldag.
�� 1Vh1 us t.his'tiny our daily butter.
64.x_ With the price of ilas com-
modity soaring to pointe that
may almost be described as famine
figures, every housekeeper or pro-
vider• now feels as personal interest in
the 'source of butter supply, and in
what is being done to meet the world
shortage which exists.
The Western Provinces of Canada,
'with their immense free grazing
areas, naturally afford a natural held
for the dairy industry, hut here an
unforseon problem has arisen. The
high price of wheat and other grains
is rapidly making the farmers inde-
pendent, and when a man can get
$50 to 360 an acres for his wheat
crop he is not disposed to milk cows,
no matter how loudly city folk may
clamour for milk and butter. The
same applies to farm labor; general
prosperity and high wages have en-
abled the laborer to select the work
he prefers, and there is a dearth or
dairy help as a consequence.
Offsetting these conditions, to some
extent at least, are the statesmanlike
provisions made by the various gov-
ernments Mr the encouragement of
dairying. This ie betng done by as-
eistiag with the financing of cream-
eries and cheese factories, by govern-
ment supervision and grading, which
has greatly improved the quality of
the butter produced, and by a govern-
ment system of marketing, which se-
cures for the small producer the same
advantages as are enjoyed by his
competitor who manufactures on a
large scale,
As far back as 1914.the Saskatrhe•
wan dairy branch adopted the system
of grading each churning of butter
made at the co-operative creameries,
and thls practice has since been close-
ly followed. During the past season
four grading depots have been oper-
aied in different parte of the pro-
vince, where cold storage facilities
were available and every creamery in
the province was given the privilege
of having its butter graded. Almost
all ofthem took advantage of the 011"
`i'he Canadian Pacific and ether
satlroads as well operate a coal ear
on each of their lines once every
Week, and atter being churned the
butter is held he the refrigerator at
the creamery until this' cool car
comes along, when it is than shipped
to the grading depot, where one or
moresemptea tram each churning is
earetully examined by one et the ex-
pert graders employed by the dairy
bramwh. This expert Malta% 001 three
score cards, ono of which le sent to
the creamery t`ile`d the Batter was
anther k1 neat, *4 the proett
dairy comm.f toue'r, amd the third
Qe hoot at rho goading, depot, r
.tali butter mentos 80 poinI
te n fiat'
vote cat of a lrosedble 4ii, and having
°3 $ AM& kiValat
as No. 1. Butter scoring less than 19
for flavor and with a total score be.
tween 87 and 02 is released as No. 2,
and tliet scoring less than 87 is
classed No. 3. Space is r'eeorved on
the scorn cards for remarks and the
grader uses this to point out defects
and also 10 make suggestions for 3m'
prevenient. This constant check has
the effect of making the buticrmakers
more careful as to details and results
in better work being done than if the
creameries were visited occasionally
by inspectors, :it also tends to make
the butter more uniform in grade, n
feature which is worth much when
the marketing is considered.
During the past season sixteen ea.
operative creameeles have been aper•
rated by tiro :haskatchewan laity
branch, and in addition the brannh
tnted to grade and market butter
for any private croaniery. The offer
was taken Advantage of 1• ly
alt the Memeneelet e10
this way ditto was h um.,to as
Weil as a uniform wt's13 r...,4 fist% :i
M. Oil itiliOUSCift .'nt41t
Ever since the grading system has
been established the uttuost care tuts
been exercised by the graders as well
as the dairy branch to maintain the
high standards that were first set,
with the result that buyers on the
Pacific coast, where most of the but-
ter Was Marketed, now daunand a
grade certtfletate and willingly pay
more for batter, thus eceotnpanied.
Altogether the system has been a big
factor toward improving the quality
Of the butter, for whteh also a much
better price hail been obtained.
Notwithstanding the fact that but
ter -making is very profitable, the sup-
itly boutinues to be less than the de-
mand. While wealth Is being quick-
ly made by tbe grain tarsiers, the
governmeti.ts are elle% is the fact that
all permanent agriculture trust In-
clude llvefttock ion) dairying, Shed aa.
Mr As the departmcnte Of
e Alda to