HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-01-25, Page 41gE• ci..XNT:O,l\l N VV gRA,,. AAAAAAAAAiAA/AAe11AA& eA,4/4114L88�8AAAAAfieAAA0 .4lem�d. er le o. Lcdi r[�ty�y' ��'fV/J7���//y' �y 10 b Pe IW tr VytiV7vV'f'7`WVVY' elfir'fVD'9'WVVVVVV`r`i'.J'PTVVVV'VVVVVVrtr'P'0't'Y'YIVN';e* t., 0.00,MPalifielle.demailan*Iaisis.101101.10 aaseseasaineuesuonuen*den WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and • House eui'nishiags Phone 67. Neixt to Royal Bank Snag h Stylish? ry FADELESS. INDIGO SERGES , are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits., They are made of the finest Australian wool in the hands of skilled and competent cra'ftsmeli, They are soft and pliant yet firm antd only , .,. ., . strong. They are rich in feel and lustre -and will neither grow "shiny" with use nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weavers art. INCIDENTALLY 0000We stock "INDIGO SERGE". in all weightsand prices. if you like blue serge clothing do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are behind ' it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Can- ada. Come in and see them. MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Mens Furnishings. Phone 103. OppositioPub l icLi hrary MalliEf•.y=3L101=10X02 '!y%^"""�•-= = r u n r sncc�'•'i srvss:w•v'a,ar, x`s'.-. "'", "s 00088888e00000000e08088080 4 IT 0ERIN Speed up 1,1 e Mews ie) y"! Are you looking for something to 1 Magnolia Peas, Corn and Tomatoes are t% — — v e3 tri, few ,,i. the New Era's county i, make Dessert for dinner—if so we can the highest Quality. cotieepnoJents are slippiu„ :a ,,,',Ssupply you with Quality Goode in thatNew stock of Cataups, Sweat or 8 little behind in the matter of r:) line— Mixed Pieklns (bulk or Bottle) 13. 1'. ® pr mptneel •n s sending t in rthole 0 c •ti@_ f'rnnas s1b for. , ..25c Sane:, Olives :dl add zest to the ape, m H Some ter, , petite. O th:.t. uccnsiututt Bnh'bes of Hens c+) ® are ton !n•e. It. is a snfti role to L''' Extra choice Cooking Figs, per Ib —10 i Laundry r nrtil the budget by Tuedav, it Nice Cooking Apples per •pk 25 Our Lceder—Pure ry Soap e, o �C O poesiblO• In any Paso malt o Rice,. Tapioca Coen. Starch, Etc., .nil o S111resell The the t•we will resell a make a splendid Dessert for Dinner, nate,. 0et this time of year. Phone Orders Promptly Attended to. 0 IHiighest Prices For Produce. }•;. ,^y :{ .'s(' coomesity;c>seouccer t3ecse•9 Ao^',221? C5 � The investment in the electrical in- dustries of this country is equal to the assessed valuation of real property and improvement in Greater New York. V1,, C. T, U, The W 0.'!'.U, will meet at the home of Mrs, J, A: Irwin on Tuesday, Jan. ! 30th at 4 o'clock. There will be en Interesting program. A ten cent tea will be served from 5 to 7, Everybody is Invited, REMEMBERED THEIR FRIEND/ The School children do not forge! their friends in time of sickness or even in good health. Last Thursday they had a beautiful boquet of (lowers sent to London -to Mr,'rhos. Jackson, end needless to say "Uncle Tout" has a kind ly feeling to the boys and girls, WILLIAM GLENN DEAD, On Mondayt4f this week Mr, William, Glenn, answered the Gall after being in ill health for the past year,. Deceased. had only moved to his new home in tpwn from Stanley township about a month ago. He was a life long resi- dent of Stanley township and served for Many years as its Reeve, retiring only a eouple of.years ago: "lie was 57 years of age. 'Besides his widow he is survived by orate soli, .Edward, on the,` . A meeting of the Perth and Huron Homestead• and three ill be held. iii the Board Rooin of the City Hell, Stratford, on Friday, January. 26th, at 10 o'clock In the morning. SECOND 1610 130Y WOUNDED. 'rhe second 161st Batti. boy to be wounded is Pte. F. H. Boyce, of Varna who enlisted with the Bayfield'contin- gent. He, like the Winghant soldier, was enly in the trenches a few days. 8 gars for tat, e Phone 111 'I'H6 STORE OF Q rAmITT Go.dby sr yn I:)oi:ft t, 9 t er, Good-bye—trusting in God to bring him home to her safe- ly—if that be His will. Good -bye --trusting in you and me to see. his. Mother. tb►rough, while lie, her .natural. support and defender, is some-' where in France,. facing . shot and shell for God, for right, and ,for native land. In the name of Christen- dom, men and women, what sacrifice is this ! What con- • - secration to duty! Whatre- 'sponse to the . call of the Motherland 1 What clarion challenge to the world to ';Watch Canada!" He goes joy of his Mother's heart—idol of all her dreams 'from the day she bore him— hope and bulwark of her declining years., He goes—and, Heaven bless his belief in us, his people, he goes, leaving his most beloved possession to our careand protection. He trusts us. Who will fail him? What man or woman, rich with the possession of the memory of a Mother, will fail his Mother as a reward for her sacrifice? • 'This trust of our soldiers is a holy legacy; Give to the Mothers of our soldiers in the name of your mother- -as your testimonial to Canadian Motherhood. Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. $6,,000,000 must be raised in Ontario for this Fund for 1917. Mothers, wives, and children of' Canadian soldiers shall never say that their own people neglected them after their men went forward to suffer and to die.. Every case helped by the Patriotic Fund is carefully investigated. Only where assistance is really neededis assistance given. Everything humanly, possible is done to avoid waste and prevent imposition. Give as Your awn Heart Pro pts You to the: ,Pettriotic Fund Ontario in being talked to assure the Oauadien Petriotle li'ttnd that it eec depend On having ere 'Miltlan denten in • 192.7 ter tb.0 m T irr million neof these aousllit are et bde setur ditn p ind1 Ids ad ebsetip iene, It Moro fe no Brandt or else Pond year tU11Ap Pattietkti,Foitd, Vitterie atredt; - If The New Era is not up to the mark this week, blame Mr, La Grippe. We cant guarantee to keep everbody well these days. The,staff has been doing itsbest while the Editor has been off duty, mom mss .,, !ltursday, January. 25th, i9 7, 2, ,.0.:2.52.. unto SOUTH' HURON L.O.L, CO. LODGE., The Co: Lodge of South Huron Mill meet, at Exeter .on Tuesday, Feb. 5th. Clinton will send a good representa- tion. PERTH AND HURON COUNTIES DISTRICT PRESS ASSOCIATION. C. Elliott, sof town; Mrs. Saunders, of Goderich; and Miss Bessie at home. Ile was it consistent member of Willis church and was a Conservative in ,pol- itics. The funeral is being this afternoon. SOCK SHOWER. The great success of the Sock Show- er given last Wednesday afternoon in the Council Chamber by the Patriotic Auxiliary was due, to a large extent, to the kindness of the ladies of the town who attended in large numbers and 80000088806.)088088808 • e ® WITH TER CHURCHES. brought with them fruit cakes ruin m socks for the Clinton boys overseas. pacmaeomes®rav2omoe0n0les Asa result one hundred and seventy parcels are now on their way taking Willis Church. cheer to those who are Lighting for us or will be in the near future, So much fruit cake was donated that the young ladies found they had enough to send two pounds to each elan rn France. The Auxiliary wish to thank •all those who contributed, especially the Girls Club of Willis Church for their splen- did donation of twelve pairs of socks. The proceds of the' tea were nearly 510. CLINTON 10 MITCIiELL 6 A fast game of hockey was played here on Wednesday night of this week between t:lirton and Mitchell in the Juvenile Leagte and the Clinton boys demonstrated their ability as puck ht is by panne up a score of 10 to 6. Referee Thorn of iMilverion was very partial in his decisions. Following guers were glut iu have the oportunity of dstening to tit,, reverend gentleman. Rev, Dr. Stewart. of Toronto, a for- mer beloved pastor of Willis church, took the services last Sunday. Ontario Street Chinch. On Monday evening Rev. i). Norman of Nagano, Japan, who is back to Can- ada for a holiday, addressed the League. Ole gave an interesting account of hi; work for the past 2u years and told of tate scarcity of ; ,fikers le the province he is in, as one million people have been set aside for the M th,dint church to look after and he ,lone is re- presenting the General Board, with two lady assistants. Ile states that the M- eets of ',e war on the church, were for the beat and excellent work has been done in the past two year;. The Lea - was the line u:— Clinton Mitchell Miss Syb 1 Couruce ;cos stili. ,std at one time with tete u:i,eister at Nagano. Hill goal Lederman Wesley Church.Wheatley R. d. Lederman Eliott 1. d. Davidson Dr. Rutledge will preach at both ser- Kilty rover Aiorenzo vices on Sunday. Livermore centre Cook Rev. Mr. Agnew, of Ontario St. Carter 1 w Blowes Church addressed the League on ,Mon - evening. Cooper . r. w. Gaberty 1. O. 0. F. OFFICERS INSTALLED. On Tuesday evening of this week Rev. J. A. Robinson, Grand Chaplain of Ontario, installed the officers of Clin- ton lodge. Following are the names:— J. ames—J. P.G.—Bro. Mulholland. N. G.—Bro. Watson V. G.--Bro. Sutter R. S. Bro..Gould P S.—Bro. Wiseman. Treas.—Bro. Chant. Warden---Bro. Miller Conductor--Bro. Johnson. 0, G, .' ro. Kerr. I. G.—Bro. O'Neil R.S. N. G.—Bro. Moore. L. S. N. G.—Bro.. Mitchell R. S. V. G.—Bro. Managhan L, S. V. G,—Bro. Helstrop R. S. S—Bro. Hellyar L. S, S.—Bro. Draper • Chap.—Bro. Hall. -LEFT OVER Owing to illness we have several Obituary notices, Personals,' locals, Pa- triotic lades, ; District ' news, and the Poultry Prize !sat that we are unable to gel rico' 1ypd:'for Thursday: We are Sorry 'but they, will be puiblished next week. To The Near Ern, Correspondents • News' matter mailed to The New•hlra •in unsealed envelopes does not come under the postal. classification of letters' and will not require the special war tax tANYVVVVVVYVVYVVVNIVNAAitevsne Turn About "I thick I'll go into baseball next year," remarked tete actor who was out of a job. "But you don't know anything about baseball," objected his friend. "What's that got to do with it? (ook at all the baseball players that are drawing big salaries on the stage. They don't know anything about act- ing, do they?" •r1 Only - Kid -ding ! - `,. Recruiter: ,"What! Join the army! Why, you re only •au infant!" Boy: "Well, let me loin the tu- fantry! " • 9 'fhe greatest boon to both mothers and babies since tl cradle was invented. Every move of the baby rnov., swing and keeps it interested, happy ,heathful, out of your wa and out of the dirt. it is Made of White duck on covered steel frame and can b washed-, 1 -lung on a single hook from doorway, porch Coif .. ing or tree branch. ' The baby can't possibly fall out. It helps mother ge their work done. The W® D0 Fair a Often the eheapest--73ilways the Best Wife (icily)': "Yogi needn't speak to me for a month!"' ' Httaband: "Then You expect to have finished talking by that time?" "Truth," said the ready-made philo- sopher, "is stranger than fiction." "Yes,'t replied the cynic, "but. 10 suf• fern under the disadvantage of seldom being so well expressed." AWASIVI 11111!111111111111111111111111111111811111111111118111111111111111111111111111111111111181NI111181111111181JIIIIIIIIIIIII811111181181III!tllllllllllllll11111111111111181IVIIIIIII!III!!IIIIIIIII!IIIII!IIIIIIIII81l!1111111!IN!!1!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!II!!!94 PRINCE S',IT EA.TRE-, ;',Clinton '1,;;;;;;-„ t °1 sl' litilO "�lDt'1tY aandi"I'UE5101C 17 n�" n,.� tti br ary, th a .6th iw Doly't, tom to see lhi91140.liiugitu pule flints, MATINEE 60Tit A 'TERNOON$, Admission c and c 1 , ., . 1 ; tH�fII �IiVIII f11181118m11!ill!!Vfl(i iJV Gm9GWGi�iG itivi!1118tlIIlfU�illNitll i ttf(i1u1811111818111181! 111�IIftt ibl!81!tlla118I ;4 Tdll r Just tell your 'phone what you want from the drug store. We are on the other end of the wire, capable of under- standing your needs, fully capable of selecting your wants, and delivering then immediately. Telephone trading is a time -saving, bother -saving method. '' We guarantee this service correct. --+--.-..-: ,..•a--00-00 .-..-.,.,..,.v,.-......e,._e^_.a.'^.anx.�.:n.•—c�^e¢z�wc�rxuzl f + T, rite lv."ecattl{1s F::' e7 Ei r it k� To which we ir ve c. "pc'ct l 11 rare its t. auto t "._,,rand rn.6,y,. solid c cn .title tin , :111.1 its 1;1; 1151111 p13,ee. Any one of tl ,.• would he eutliici,'ut to ton it preference. When they are all hired we feel 141114 you 551.1 that tbi is n furniture buying c tunity you cannot afford to ignot 'Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28 Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over stor a Merry Christmas a Happy and Prosperous New Year The corner &r'oe "Live and Let Li Telephone Your Grocery Our Store. We are always glad to have y .i our store in doing your purcha that you may personally sele 1 goods, and so that we may better acquainted with you an to my. customers and the world at'! needs: When you find it more i r I lent to telephone, however, you 'Brad 001 us to look after your lin a manner that will please you 4 CALL and you will have your orde packaged and delivered in a cry .Manner. We apprecia phone trade. large. Thos.11awkins Plumbing and Heating Shop—over Howland's Hardware E. E. Hunni PHONE 45. >`e'••3' •F'o° d••1• •A o'•e`• �°•A3.4• •i•,°•i••,°•h•:••f••'r't•3.3•'N t•ti°id'_'t:°i°t••t••7'•Ftir•l•�"t'•S3� 8••P 4••l�•p ■ 4 4 •0- a• •c• If the Boy is hard on his Shoes, bring Him We've had shoes built to stand the abuse the ave WSYNei3.wl,r •... e Boy gives his shoes. Parents who test our Boys' Shoes, find it requires money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when t al buy the shoes we sell! Gun Metal, Box Calf and Uris Leathers. Inisde and side stays to prevent ripping. Solid, durable Shoes, 'not clumsy 4 y , $1,50; $2.00; $2.60 to 0$3.5O. according to size. smostansvatesaszemahaszaszezemmzIrpotalsamatatmarmarmaaa Pit M'6 6�S N GOOD SHOES - 440444+0! HOES - 4 4 4+ + t+++++4044.4.44+++