HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-01-25, Page 1•
Bstablished 1865, Vol, 51, No. ;30 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY asth 1917.
The New Era Wants the News From,Every Sideline
vesooeieoyvkAo,n,o.ovvveo.,NrioviakovivaimAmikoNivio~imAmArAio.okAAAA" +.v.a.4.4-4,44?4++4e+o-a?..4.4•4•44-44•44
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W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers,
The Holiday season is now over, when you have been
Reeve Lobb WAA3 IL visitor
thinking of olhei•s and makin,g them hippy Teo wbridge last week, tied; near
Now v.:m mast.think of yourself, you may need a little The annual meeting of the Goderich
building up—you may have a cold hanging to you—fl r so Townehip Telephone Systhrn was held
in the Holmes's Hall. Hohnesville, on
don't delay, come to our store and get that good tonic- Friday last. Ex -Reeve Samuel Sturdy
, REXALL TASTELESS COD LIVER OIL was in the chair and ex Secretary Adam
Cantelon wee Secretary of the meeting.
It will build you up and make you feel fine.
The financial report showed the County
to have a balance of over $400. The old
officers were re elected: -E. H. , Wisew. s,
• . President, Robert ThompsonSecretary
1..10 LIM' :MS Phin.B. 'Treasurer ; John McClure, Commissioner.
There was a good attendance ' at the
tweverovvvieseoveeeervvyvvvveovveovvels vvvyVvvvvvvvvvvVvvvvvvvvvy meeting,
VVVVVvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvyu AAA.AAAAAAAAAWAMAA
We are iorry to report that Mrs, Wm.
e o al 1ark
Capital Authorized-- .. .. $95,000,000
Capital paid op 11,560.000
Reserve and undivided profits 13436,000
Total Assets ... . ... ............. 234,000,060
}lures No warden i rtroopt971aMOPOCMOCROCatXttoo
Reeve W. J. Milne, M, D., of Blyth, Ina ikiii...0 I... r ...._13._
Ilan ll
was selected as Warden of the County 1 0 0
of Huron, on 'Tuesday of this week at
The genial Dr, was born at Streets
Mrs. (Hew.) Robinson is visiting at
the parental horn° in Markdale:
ville, Peel Co., in 5857 and came to(101;ii 11:1:,0(1.1",10diesvicabbl,tTliilsdill;,Eoek.Cooll1+Y
Blyth with his parents in 1 880, He was
Miss Ross Levis is visiting 'MSS
educated at Blyth and Palmerston Pub- Florence Seattle in Seaforth.
lic Schools, Clinton Collegiate Institute Rey, Mr. Kat:lemon, of the Dormin-
Toronto University and graduated from lon Alliance, 'NUS in town on Frieley.
Trinity and Queen's University in 5888. MitvisiisssgiNiil..siHeice,11.m.ldshoint,00N'vf.riBtivoyt,fis,elclievs
Shortly afterwards he commenced pra- days.
ctise as a physician at Blyth and has Mies Ruby Maineghan yeturned to'
built up a large practise, He also has a her de Hewitt Detroit atmr visiting her
drug store in connection. . parents here.
Mr. John Wittinghani, of QuApplle,
lie has been Reeve of the Northere is visiting; friends and reilnAVOS ill and
village for a goodly number of years mound (Hinton.
Stanbury is etill under the DoCtor's care
now, and with his ability should make Miss Violet Argent, of town, visited.
but is impr. Moulton assisted thLeague an excellent Warden for 1957. The
roving. . her unt, Mrs. Andrew, of, Auburn
in the Literary entertainment at Mr.
New Era offers hearty congratulations last aw6e1"
Mrs. Sani ' ,Carter, or Brussels,
Peacocks on Tuesday evening. His
to Huron' pew Warden. ' visitett over Sunday with Mr. and
selections were much appreciated.
League meets next week at the home Mrs. George Davis.
of Air. GeorRev. Mr. Dyke, fermi Toronto, is a
ge Henley. AUBURN. visitor in town in the interests of the
St. Andrew's Church at Hespeler 31viskoka. Hospital.
annual congregational meeting was held Mrs. Clackwortny. of London,
on het 9h. It was an enjoyable affair. visited hor parents Mr. and Mrs.
:2; t. St 4.:30 33 izt...A.IN-unue-1,*4.4 z The Trowbridge correepondent to
Business of impot.tance was transacted. eel etengloatti ore, the weon end.
"' Stratford Daily Herald had the toll -
Afterwards luncheon was served and a Mrs, Frank Babilon, of 13lyth, was
Wilt,it •Wr Orlefle-NV id e Conn e Ceti Cell PA owing persontt; -- Mrs W, H. Medd re -
social time was spent. The meeting was
a ViSit.01, 'With Mrti. (Dr.) hall. Friday.
turned home Saturday after spending
largely attended. Rev. J. I.. Small, 13 A. The ladles Wera old friends at, Ohesley.
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits a week visiting friends at, the old
received a substantial increase in salary.
General Banking. Business TransaCted. home in Londeshorough.
Mr. Charles Criewfoed. Londesboro, Ile is 'fleeting with great success in his
a ow G. 6.. ., WaS (.1q duty a couple
Mr. Graham, Mathematical teacher
.. work at Flespeleri-The reverdnd gentle
Wan ill rectdpt of the following intei
man was 21 former pastor at Auburn and ar daYa laia' wta21( havflig hall a slight'
R. E, BIANNING, Kloilaggr, Clinton Branch ).. esting letter from his son, Pte. (lar-
ili ence, wile is now itt France:
Soinesvhere in T,titril'e I31yrie
Japan, who is on furlough agel his
attack of the grippe.
Rev. 1). Norman, a Alissionary from
'1.,....tedvvvido.ovvvia,../vvvwvvvyviovvvvtiokeviskovao.orokovvvtiowwwkoWtie Dear Fatlier:-I will now write BAYFIELD. svife, and family were visitors al. . the
11 f OW lines Is). YOU1 guess yolwould The Rev, MacFarlane will attend a home (d' Mrs. Itl. G. Conctieri.
n.......s..n., ...F.I.nn..ank.s.comm,rnaa•••Droust,mccoacc.......-morm, amovanassmorammaaawymwozarrstmentasn=tamralso* . i
be surprised to hear we ins' ill Pritnee meeting of the Presbytery during the Postmaster Scott 'Id John'nap-
so soon. it, is lust four weeks rl•vu.L. coming week. 11110. are attending the Bruce Pre
r-------..... -; INCORPORATED 18 55 "---201-77,:na,,,---I:7f;
.. day w,, Icft ( 'amide till we lanwei
n Feel,. 1 ha ve tra veiled quite a our village during the past week. and no , it• ein(
e newel, mil to n . e
eeh, Hogg
few miles since I saw you last. Nor- less than four being recorded. The first of Son( leutipton.
Death hu. been n ft-cc/tient vtsitor In tory id: Wialltiiiiton dealing wall 111.12
1211111 11111111ll0,1111,1 1 wee,. together oil being that of :`,Its. Williallaion aced 70 1)/.. re„11111 1 /11,14, will 1,"(021 to
our lcitve in File:laud. and '22 ((2) Wt, Nvars. The late Airs. Williamson was Cliiittatiatts is a surgeon at the llavetis
got back to camp Norman was '2 ((12 barn in ALerdetnshire,
ea for the ii,•st dcaft, I trb il to get in . came V. illi her husband to this country
Scotland, and croft Military 1 loepititi tit Seitreeih,
s,,,,, and hp, sIstuv Amity J. ti twist
lou Inv vouldn't. it W,1^ 1,I)daV 12l'On a youEt; 1,1)5,1e and lived about i„, 12211.„ing ti.,,,,„ 111,..„.. oh/ 1.21,1„1,
1211,11 (1 '2 {l /.2, W;,:•111,1 Alia ft.it. 011 I hiS \isinity f, a. quite a lintudier of years Init.,' Of the sisters /will wish them
01(1 ,1 1li.anie.4. i ;Ittplc•noll It) 11.. :-..., !c,o v.; a family of two $ Ala antinal 11,1Ilh. in their duties 101 t.Mi
Itteksi '11 (.1 1 i i-,:01 ill Li," '''''"11:1, 11 tliree datic.iii 015 and her hash nal to 7,ing „„d c,„1,11.,.y.
IN) lied '12)1:' 1v (212)1 "jag `2"" g."1 moan' ter loss. T;,,, retitaies were ‘5,,. s.nu J. 1 J111,1, „wt.,. or 1110
into Prance' next tigamitien Pe', h ' 101121(1in Goderich i einetery on Sunday '
Pc.1 hie :Sews of Clavatt, isiaskateltewan
drafts are ti.getlicii ill 2111' tit 11 1111 1 11. last.
It w-n,a lot din..!-:. le "-('1,1.1.11111('1,1.1.11('1,1.('1,1.1.11111 Ili''
elm Fecuned to `receive ,th
e C-a-li ‚21,22,.'‚21,22 1a1„s ',i imei. principal 1 ,1' , the Z, uvieli
En;11''1, 1111"".111'”"1heAVffl'Ii“1Charles DrsslT 1;ed72years and11'111,,,,ir,11(2,2111...,,esti' noininniett
lad 21"1n )21 21". 15. 1. 2cure I 11' 1)211 a lima resideet 0this PI i"Te„ ,,Lilicral candidate for thSaskat
--i OWN% an 1,i•pislattiro al the convention
I'llib"1 °ill "Iill "'lit L" L'1'.111' 111 1 1,1'. Charle3 Dressler \stet Ittirn in Eirglide;
held in his !Ming recently. The
mornittg"ween 1 wolte up I ‚2221)1. in toe ,
tine migrated to this country when hut 1
,econt11,T wits it NV01111111, Mrs, (1111.1.ie
11111.1)11V 111 Fri1111. • . T111` first (111111 got : very young man and nearly all his lite
old this is undoubtedly the first time
halt Wy aZeln
l,. ad were chased haele. followed the 1 ishing husineIIis (12 1111 'ee. 1
hat. it W0111:111 Illt8 (011)11 in thie
inter e st Allem I ( ;It IlEie 1. t t 5 ( 111 1 3 u 1 Rate ,
The 1(1' 15(11' in England nod lermnp , was due to a etroke of paralysis taken
h1 1)) in the 101(1(1) of Oanatla.
C.E. DillItlillnr, Malla,tral' ClintOla Itrittlich ' • :,,,,10 lis have an awkward way of some years ago from which he never
limiting. In England I saw ii. raM".1. I
eerightlyTrecovered. i
wing, there n es a horse 1112)11)1)11112)11)1)1to ,
i he next to pass away was Mrs. John STANLEY
the drill ii lid a team hitched on ahead, Ferguson aged 83 years. NIrs.Ferguson's
' at
it took three inen to handle the mth a ,± death was caused by a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Woods, of St. Helens is
present visiting her Sister, Mrs. Thos.
one man at, the drill, one, leading the She was Canadian bora of Scotch descent,
goe horse and a man dPiVI.SI4 1111' [earn , Presbyterian in religion. She enjoyed a Cainpbell.
Mr. Hugh McKenzie of Nioosejaw,
p*oose*.*****Goei.- ereeeee..1,VG.13,7)0.Sq.: ‚55, 000'04944444 long healthful life and was always ready
4) They Nvere the only good lookingleirees
Sask., arrived home this week to spend
• I saw there. I have eeen about three to meet everyone with a very friendly
O good horses in France, they were Pet- 1 disposition which Wa5 very natural to lileweinn7tr, with his brother Mr. Duncan
cheroos (21111(21111 very pretty 1 have 8e" her. She leaves a husband, four sons
e a, number of small kids ask
sk fellows for
and four daughters to mourn her loStanley residents regretted to hear of
4 cigarettes and go off smoking them..
The next to cross (he bar was John the death of an honored reeve, in the
The English_Inonev 'V"1)01(1 10 get, MacLeod aged 84 ,,ears. He was born person of Wm. Glenn, of Clinton.
in tile r'„,, aper.. 1
.., to, but lerench money Is worse, it in Nova Scotia and moved here about 33 1 ,
I would not be so bad if a fellow could
years ago. His parents having emigrated
miderstand what they say, The I
from Rosshire, Scotjand in earlier days ! MCK1LLOP i
• ground was very inndcly when we got and settled in Nova Scotia. The late The Annual Meeting of the McKillop
• here but it is :drying Oat /10W, 'rile John MacLeod devoted his entire life to telephone system was held at Winthrop
It's clean-up time for Overcoats and • everethehas been like the spring of
his religion -which was the Presbyterian on, Friday the 20th inst at 2 p. in. There
faith. He is a brother of Mrs. James was a large attendance of the subscribers.
o. get,
We want to clean out our entire Over- ' ir.' up ahopelye o'clockAnd statqethe year in Ontario We have tdrill at
;.4Thomson who survives him together The meeting was called to cutler by
.; .,,ssr 0(1,,w4,9.3.148tii UM 07 01W p110155011 111)11with. his wife and son, . Dr. McLeod, of President James Snell after which the
coat stock regardless of profit'Ot:Cott- ' • '''s all; three miles up a hill larger thw enaesee
ie, reecthr. There
' main's. wei'S in'terred in Minutes was reed by the Secretary and
... . ., . . .
, S..
• t ,t140;one,at Thos.Lyon;s' We are bet- this cemetery on, Tuesday last. • i :--.‘, aob`thd.r 'Thrreasurer *dye his report
. . .
"No Overcoats Carried Over” is all •; ill.l, .1"t/i, fed Wien we were in England, and
adopted. The auditers presented! the
• Alter Some little S discussion it
ae. long as "1 am fed well 1 will be sall - . ! -
unbreakable rule in this store. right , ,The, people Me 'Femme don l,
To provide Turkish baths at home
'.' e report and found ' 'everything correct
, r • es: • havefieac the style thates in 'Cemada.
there has been invetited a frame to.Jec ....sting,
which was ver' :, satisfactory to the
covered with blankets. th. ienelose, ;na "'` The5•'election of °officers then
It will pay yon to ,buy you next win!. . ,,,, 1111116.0iMailian ever haVe'eo live the
took place whieh is the.sarne tallest year.,
'tciat'ie.the;STill think there re a war.
person, vapor or steam being' made by
ter's overcoat now. . They ;Will COS t i ;:l',', '14ss stilditers 14.6.4 1W -better *to each
an alcohol stove. leines'SneleePresiderifi John 11/1.;•00vern
i ,1:, lockt-Seeretatry G. D. C. Harnstreaearer
"other, thari they Were in Caifitila, every
easily double the price we are. quoting, . •
fp' beiflY being a frieuch The instructors
, we,have are 490c1 fell9W8e 111°8t.' d ',elves on top of a San .FranciSO: errearl tatlddl'iO'faxere and is
ST t:eineia.g!.
• An electrically lighted cross We, ,Chielee McGregotiis.DIrector.,, The phone
aS:woolensartadvancing every day. ..:?:,
'Lb* iinye been about , teem years at
• . eetki the.4tnit and they know what they steeple, .
• arettillong about, idid spot of them
a, canteel:you genie *ery interesting ••
Men's $12 Overcoat $8.90. 4 45tories. . YeSterday morn ingWe had. a,
• very good sermon, 1 d.on't know what
" $15 and $16.50 Overcoats $11.74,...,4: , 'part of the bible he took his text from
'gut the verse was, "Whosoever ie a-
'. 2O, and $22 Overcoats ..$17.40 :. -:., .iiia and faint hearted let hind return
f %.34, ,.,, lily_ 139313331: but there are :not many of us i
erieel , 2 1$.2,5 ..and $30 .0Yercoat . :$21.5.0
:.h: feni)we whin to return its long as we
i he cheerful the boys ere, . There are a lot
are needed here.' It 'beats- all, •how
...... 111411.11.)••••••••••,••••,1111.41,111.... ..... ......... ..... • ...... •••••••••1
it AN I1) V SS,8 ;..*4p4i9
5)0 :4,r:inches le Canada.
2 itCr Vt, I .41.a ittailig W:111121S Tral38lcte0,
SaviIos Bank-' Department
• _Here's the Best News
Each week
The Departing Soldier.
He leaves Canada knowing that his mother, if in need, will be looked
after by the Canadian Patriotic Fund.
Perth County Temperance Alliance Pledges Support -Huron Co.
Executive alsa met at Sh•atford.
(Thursday's Daily Stratford Herald)
several field
The decision to hold
days during 19 17 in Perth and Huron
counties, the re-electing of Perth oili-
cers, the passing of several resolutions
regarding the work of the year were
the chief items of interest at the dos-
ing session of the Perth County Tem-
perance Alliance at the 1'. M. C. A. here
on Wednesday afternoon.
President T. L. Hamilton, of Listow
el, made a short address, in which he
congratulated the Alliance on the suc-
cessful year the members Ine:e had
and the mount of work. they 11.1:5
done during the year. Ile expressed
the hope that the 0. 1'. A. was here
to stay, and that a short time would
see a dry Dominion and Mr. Hamilton
urged that the Society do its best to
prevent the repeal of the Act at the
end of three years.
Field Secretary E. G. Powell then
gave his report for the year. He did
not make a written report, as he said
he had been sick .since he received
the notice of the meeting an11 had
been unable to prepare one.
Evidence Needed
"We want you men and -your wives,
wheli you hav5 any evidence of law
breaking, to tell las what you know,
if you want us to succeed in the
Men's Black Melton Overcoats, Fur .',, • Botb,,sottylii:ei,..,s,heleliclee,Not‘aecrenlizeFilt.t.a.eiel aist
H E times were indeed troub- The speaker rose and leaned from the
• 4, 'right-bee:nide 1 do'not letroW' where I lous ones, and the roads dan- i window. "What is it, Isaac?" she Said,
.,s1, , collar and rubber interlined:— • , 'eon 411/00 111.Veles allowed to cell. This
' ' .
gerous to travel. The entire quietly. "Is the road so bad?"
$,. 4 Yin 11).p eheefir'st Christmas that 1 corer Jersey landwas traMpled andbeaten "No, mistress!, The negro gulped
15 00 Overcoats. ...... $10.75 spent fl.WaY froirilfoine. , down by the marching hither' and yen audibly. "Done heard pistol shots
of ttvo armies, ' Not only at tine of ahead. I-1 thought 1 better stop 1800 Overcoats ...... . $13.75 3,. I l'eniltfu Vith love to all,
where 1 was. Phyllis don't like shots,
broad,' for there were riotout bands nohow. She's all a quivers It's likely
$20.00. Overcoats .. : . ..$15.25 :
* .nidnoofffetennsivtos some o' theni red devils plutederin'
in plendty,piruelaiddyer±0thlennal0oYSta
MI) air round." . .
wayfarer, regardless of his politics.
The heavy carriage that was rolling
O ---- along the country highways on this
• moonlit October evening wits an ex -
4 --------\ ample of the disregard shown to actual
, $4.75 4 dallger by some headstrong spirits. 11
4'... Is in feminine tactics that this care-
ee el., PORK AN 1)
lessness most often appears, the fair
4,, eti B E ,A N S. vastly preferring to leap in the dark
sex being averse to well regulated paths
O *
• and trust to luck, livery woman is it
a), * gambler at heart, arid will chance her all
4* Boys $4,25 overcoats .... ..... . • .. .... .. . .$2.75 *
Itt. $4.50 1' Do you know? We are
, upon the cast, Whether the play be for
I selling ' money or for life, or a yard or blue
i ribbell.
4' " $8.50 Overcoat . , .. .. , . .'. i Much against the wishes of their
,..., $6.00
" $12.50 Overcoats . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . $9.50 . Large two pound Cans of hosts, these two self-willed ladies had
0-1•• 15c .
, set out for home unattended save oy
" 4 3.50 Overcoats .....' .. . • . • .. $10.00 Pork and Beans at the black eoachmati upon the box, Who
. had no mind cif his own, and by the'
• only . . . . . . . .
lurch. One wheel stink deep into the
4 little boy fast asleep in his corner.
! Suddenly the coach stopped with a
ee Also good
1 mud of the roactivey, giving the stately
ek it, u.... ' of keeping
vehicle an appearimce of giddiness out
B. C. Salmon .... 1 n_
wiiii its character. The
'cl, 0,
by Louise Kennedy, Mabie
lovieg son, acted battle was it perilous' to be a -
Pte. Clarenee OPrawford
•No. 054841,
58tle Battalion
C. 11 1',
" $6.50 Overcoat
The Morrish Clothing
There was a pause, while ears were
strained to catch a sound. Nothing an-
swered but the rustle of leaves in the
strong October wind. The little boy in
the carriage crept closer to his aunt.
lie could feel her heart beating hard
against his ear in the silence.
His mother was speaking again.
"Best drive on, Isaac. 1 hear nothing,
and we are weary for our beds. *The
"There! D'ye floe that?" the man
interrupted, triumphant in spite of .hiS
terror, "It am shots, mistress!" •
There was no denying the fact.
Even the Child had heard this time.
The coachruan's teeth were beginning
to chatter.'
"Best drive out Isaac," repeated the
quiet voice. " "lis too long a distance
50 1:e-turlii.d"
‘1on.'t like shots no better'n
Phyllis, ma'am," protested the coach-
man. He was almost blubbering in his
vehemence. •
"Start the horses at once,' 0001-
horees Were breathing heavily.
'(‚lis, Theo," cried a plaintive VOICa minded the lady in the same quiet
from the black interior "what ts the voice.
delay'? Pray look out atisi tell me:" A she resumed her gest, end /me spoke
Try The New ra•
fobjob,Work in
i I
And some at ....
l,y4011 Wits smothered behind a to the m. teaPeople envied IVtistress
______ee. --.,.....e....-........---; SO liaPPilY Of the bail Isst flight, and of The' little boy climbed into his mother's
pretty hand. "And I was dreambig Prevost the obodfo„oo of ho. setyantt.
Per 0..n.
-- - . , , . , 100 f::laplain 'Blackwell Aid of illy Ores- lap, and her arms cloSed arounci,httm
W I (j7NFIL Matching the sky --Lor was it the stars? 'rhe horses pulled willingly, enougli,•but
eomething heal/el-OM surely was. Are to no purpose. The eoaeh.seented le!.
a a L,IK
„,,,,.,...,,. .,Vitt rlookiafsTheo[" Another YaWn Solved to remain an •untligiiitioa-re.,
THE MI ti .GRUcirpit', was huirdared ilithlesSly• °0hPail 'proach to the bad roonds of the country:
Shall we -oiler' gowl .
• phone 48 ' utse stiii,, ols,,fo., Auw.e•r•ed A sweet • • ren 121111 to whfp.them,n .wgg,ested
' - • .lsaat 55 ti. 1,1 of la m1'.1 , continued , au Page'
work," said Mr. Powell in his address.
Ile denounced the system of .the Do-
minion Alliance in telling the province
how to run its affeirs, and said that it
would not work. Making a plea for
co-oreration, ?4r. Powell said that it
was the ann of the Perth Alliance to
work with the Government officiate,
ney did not make any charges them-
, selves or appear as the prosecutors In
nay cases, as the Govenrment looked
, after this if the inspectors were given
the information. Through the church
. pulpits it had been made easier to
ve.telt tee people and with the help of
the W. C. T. U. it should be possible
to keep actively in communication
with the people in all parts of the
Touching on the St. Marys trespass
case, (McLaren versus Knight) which
was heard here recently in the County
Court, Mr. Powell explained the case,
saying that it was impossible to se-
cure anyone to search the hotel, or
Rev. J. J. Knight, of Ilensale would not
have had anything to do with it, The
result of this case was that Mr.
Knight had to stand the costs of a
trespass case, which amounted to
150. Mr. Powell said that arrange-
ments have been made to tare care of
Continued on Page 5
ditorial mewls
Belgium's call. is not falling On deaf ears. All the heroes and
heroines are not in the battle front,
School Inspedor. Cowley' backs up the School Garden as an ob-
ject lesson that confers lasting:benefit. He's an authority.
That submarine—Deutschlandiuust have as many lives as the
proverbial cat, judging by marine dispatches, of the past Great
Britain does riot appear to have much necessity for underwater mer
I chantmen. '' . • '
Our opinion is that no more dependence can be placed in so called
1 led •es of King Constantine. than in a weather vane when variable winds ,are blowing, , It will take more than saltpeter to save turn if
the Allies are monkeyed With much longer. It looks very' much as if
' h2, was killing, time irithe hope of 'giving the Kaiser timeto concoct
schemes, ,
Naval battles of great Significance are promised by the Kaiser in
the near future. Well: the "Mistress of the Seas" is quite willing to
:do her part any time the . sea craft of 'Wilhelm comes within range.
It should not be of a -touch-and-go variety but a finish combat. We
still believe "Britannia rules the waves." The British sea dogs are
ready and willing to prove it by occular demonstration..
Amidst declension and some evidences of backsliding it is good
news to read that Knox church, Stratford, has a membership of
1,119 and that the pastor's salary has been boosted to. $3,000. We
are of . opinion With such a lighting force the triple enemy -the
world, the flesh and the devil -should not have as cosy a time in the
Classic city as it sometimes appears to enjoy. Of course we may be
wrong in our judgment.
0 •
What are some of the necessary and desirable forward steps that
should be taken in Clinton to promote its steady advancement?,
There is not inueh advantage in a boom, especially one of mush..
room c.ontinuance, hut a healthy progression along lines of practical
helpfulness is always welcome. With an alert Board of Trade and it
wideawake Council, phis the assistance of residents not on either of
the organizations mentioned, th6re should be something
Many .people„ in Many places, are going to do- wonders aftcr the
war but it would do no harm to consider ways and means now so AS
to be ready to launch these enterprises when the dove of Peace has
gained t4q, ascendancy, The "bub i 11,ii-on" should lead the wa.y
‘'Ioronto schOol inarmS knit 1,227 pairs of socks in 1916 for men ,
at. the front and forwarded nearly double that number. SOMe folk