HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-01-18, Page 3RISING
'phare are good points In near-
ly all makes of Watches-.
there 'ate few that are had
in every respect. In REGINA
WATCHES yon will find em-
bodied ALL the good points a
watch can have, Judged from
the standpoints of SOLIDITY, ..
The oldest established Jewelry,
store in Clinton. '
1340 000110•000000•0•011000.0111
0 e
oeeoe annoesmeaceienne®eeeon
The regular meeting of the W. P. S.
:,viii be held at two o'clock on Friday.
There will be trench Towels and always
The tea held last Friday was indeed a
success, the proceeds being about
Standing of the Teams.
Won. Lost
'Clinton .. , , , , . . 1 0
Mitchell.,., ,... 2 0
Goderich ,,,, ,.,, ,. 1 4
.Seaforth , . , , . , .. . , 0 3
With every dollar that you can spare
buy a government war certificate,
' to New Subscribers
will. pay for
ew Era
an. lst
19 1 $
To get the .Olcl. ;Hornet
Paper that gives all the
news of Clinton and Distr is
that's worth printin4.
aaiso Etr-
Chtu'sday, Jan, 18i11, 1917.
Thirteen Prizes to be Awarded
in a Letter Writing.
Some years, ago the Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co,, . of Brockville, Ont., of-
fered a series of prizes to residents of
Ontario for the best letters describing
cures 'wrought by the use of Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills,- for Pate People.
Hundreds of letters were submitted in
this' competition .and yet there must
have been thousands of other users
of the pills who died not avail themselves
Of the; opportunity to win a prize. To
all these another letter writing compet-
ition is offered. Thousands of cures
through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills have never been reported, These
will furnish the material for the letter
to be written in this ,contest There is
no demand upon the imagination every
letter must deal with facts and facts
The D'r, Williams' Medicine Co„ of
Brockville, Ont„ will award aprize
of $25:00 for the best letter received
on or before : the 17 . day of Febru-
ary, 917, from residents of Ontario,
on the subject: "Why I Recmtunond
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." A prize of
$10.00 ;will be awarded' for the
second best letter received; a prize of
$5.00 for the third best letter; and ten
prizes of $2.00 each for the next best
ten letters.
The Cure 'or benefit from the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills described
in the letter ,may be 1s the writer's
own case, or one that has come under
his or her personal observation.
A7are than one cure may be de-
scribed in the letter, but every ,state-
ment' must be literally and absolute-
ly true.
The letter should he not longer than
is necessary to relate the benefit ob-
tained from the remedy in the case
Every letter must be . signed by the
full name and correct address of the
person sending it. If it describes the
cure of some person other than the
writer of the letter, it must also be
signed by the person whose cure is
described as a guarantee of the. truth
of the statement made.
The writer of each ,letter must
state the name and date of 'the paper
in which Ise or s announce-
he saw ce-
t this .r
Fine writing will not win the prize
unless you have a good case to de-
scribe. The strength of the recom-
mendation and not the style of the
letter will be the basis of the award.
It is understood that The Dr,Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., shall have the
right to publish any letter entered in
this contest if they desire to do so
whether it ruins a prize or not.
The contest will close on Febru-
ary 17th, 1917, and the prizes will be
awarded as soon as possible there-
after. Do not delay. If you know of
a cure write your letter Now. Ob-
serve the above conditions carefully or
your letter may be thrown out:
Address all letters as follows:
The Dr. Williams' Medicine, Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Letter Contest Department.
* e- * * * * * as 41 * * .s
* *
4: *
*41. **** * *
One thing we cats sat our dinner in
peace -seeing the morning papers do
not arrive in time for dinner.
-00 --
Now that the G. T. R. have slaught-
ered the service up this way, let us
hope that they will be able to haul in
some coal. We are getting tired of
shovelling i0 pea coal every ten min-
There is lots of sickness in town
and vicinity and the two doctor's have
all they can handle at present.
Besure and see the Poultry Show.
Our "fast" "fast" mall trait has been off
schedule front 50 minutes to two hours
since Monday, so that it Is well on in
the afternoon before we can discuss
the war and how we would boss the
t100oosolloou00oolifl il00000eon
Local News
By the end of the mouth tate partner-
ship which has been under the name of
Seeley &' West, will be dissolved ;and
Mr. West will retire. In speaking to
The New Era, Mr. West.liad not decided
what he would do, but his friends hope
he and his family will not leave town,
i The Huron Presbytery which met at
Blyth last Friday, has sustained the call
I of Rey. J. E. Hogg, B, D.,: of South-,
1 :unpton, to the Willis • Presbyterian
Church, it Is expected' that. the Rev,
gentleman will be inducted at Clinton
on January 25th.,
l CARD OI' 'APP>tl»CtA rlaJ•N,
The. family :af fire Into: Mrs, John
13rick.enden, wish to thank the Pastor
(5f;Ontarib„St Methodist ChurehiiRev.
• Mr, Agnew, the 'trustees of the church
and also ,the choir, for the stye of the
church, and for the services rendered,
wldeh was greatly appreciated by all
Neat Friday evening, Jan, 26t1t, there
will be a big Arch meeting at the L.
0. L. lodge room, All members ketiP
the date in mind.
1, 0. 0, 1, iNSTALLAT1ON,
The installation of offieet's in the.
Clinton 1, 0. 0. F. lodge will take
place on Tuesday evening of next week.
All. members are asked to conte out,
DIt1.ATIi 01' IU1V. T 8, JOLTY '
Front the West .Winfield Star, of
Friday December 22nd we . take the
following obituary notice which refers
to a former• Clmtonian:'-
'rhe Rev, Thomas .. Smith Kitty
entered into rest Monday orning at 4
o'clock after a severe and painful illness
eta -ming more; than 3 weeks, On Friday
lastDr. ,Grant of Utica: and Dr, Fair
bank performed an operation to relieve
an abcess which had troubled him,bit,['
he was too weak to endure the last fest:
Ile gave up this life only after a gallant
struggle against many and severe diffi-
culties. Mr.. Kilty was.born. in Clinton,
Ontario, .Canada,. June 22, 1364:
Educated in the schools. of.. Clinton, -. in
my*.life 1>.5 removed. to Michigan..
e had desired to study for the ministry
the chnrch, but an attack of illness
forced him for time to give up
his aim and ambition. After,. regaining
his health he begun his theological
studies in hetroit Ile'' was ordained'
deacon by Bishop Davies in 1904
and served several parishes in the state
of Michigan. About 1900 he removed
to this state and . ministered to the
parit+hers at and West Burlington.
Bishop Doane of Albany ordained him
priest in 1908. From 1909-11 Ise, was
rector of Sb Mark's church Clark Mills.
111 health compelled him to give up
his beloved week and soon after he
removed to Winfield where he has since
resided. He leaves to mourn his death
Isis widow, Jennie Walworth Kitty,
and three children, Walworth, Mary
and Fieda, his mother-in-law, Mrs.
Walworth, also brothers and sisters,
most of whom reside in Canada. As
a priest, Mr. Kiity's ministry was
marked by devotion and the utmost
sincerity ; as a man and friend he
was true and given to unsparing sevice
for others. May he rest in peace and
may God grant him eternal life and
light. The funeral was held Wednesday
morning at 9:80 o'clock, his successor at
St. Mark's, Clark Mills, the Rev. henry
Curtis Whedon, read the Office of the
Burialh Dead, tand at 10.3
o theU
celebrated the Holy Communion as a
special memorial. The interment was
made in the afternoon in the Walworth
Kitty plot in the Burlington cemetery.
Friends were present from Bridgewater,
Paris and Clark Mills to testify to the
very high affection for the deceased.
Rev. Mr. Kilty was married December
27th, 1907 by Bishop Doane.
sloe ®ro.aeae caasoeronsa
O a
O 0
Salvation Army.
Capt. Kean, who has been in charge
while headquarters was snaking ar-
rangements fora new Officer, left last
week to resume her Work at Chatham.
Capt. Jones, who has been stationed
at Forest, is now in command here.
Willis Church.
Rea', Mr. Seer, of Toronto, took the
services on Sunday last.
Wesley Church.
The pastor will preach next Sunday
both morning and evening.
Last Sunday morning the Pastor's
Subject was "The Healing Touch" and
in the evening he spoke on "The secret
of Failure."
The League on Monday eveniug
was under rhe direction of the Mis-
sionary Department., Rev. CJ, A. Rob-
son, of St. Paul's church, gave an ed -
dress on "Missions and the Importance
of Missionary works The evening
lesson was read by Miss. Leona Nediger.
Two well rendered solos were given by
Miss Nellie Rapson and Mr, Clifford
Andrews. Next Monday's meeting will
be in charge of the Good Citizenship
Hullett District Loyal Orange Lodge
held' its annual meeting on Tuesday of
last' week in the Lodge room in Clinton,
Bro, 'W. E. Southgate, District Master,
was in the chair. The Following of-
ficers were elected: -
D. W. M. -W. E. Southgate, Sea -
D. D. M. -R. J. Watkins, Summer-
hill. •
D. Chaplain -Rev. W. Moulton, Clin
D, Rec,-Sec.--,l, Bullard, Winthrop.
' D. Fin, -Sec. -J. Montgomery, Wip-
D, Treas,-Thos, Rands, Seaforth.
1), D. of C. -Chas. Tyeer, Summer-
Lecturers- T. J. Monaghan and W.
J. Falconer, Clinton.
Past D. M., John Scarlett installed
the officers. Good reports were pre-
sented by the various lodges and they
showed a good advancement over the
previous. year, A letter of condolence
was sent to Bro. Wt's. Walker, W. M.,
of Clinton lodge, on,,the loss of bis son
at the front. The next annual meeting
will be held at Seaforth,
-00 --
Goderich l5istrict L. 0. L. held their
gluten( meeting at Lodge' Hall No. 145
i.n.Goderich Township. There was a
good cellent Following we
attendance dreports te
wotlicer s
elected and installed for the coming
year: -
D. W. M. -J, McClure, No. i45
D, b. M.-0. Welsh, No, 306.
Chap.-Jno Woods, No. 139.
D. Sec, --J. E. Carter, No. 18.2.
Treas.--Jiro Sturdy„ No, 132.
Leaturer-aJ.no, E1nlnetson, i'to. 139.
A..0.V, Cochina
lieu, 3 pullet, Mr,Martin,
1 sockerel,'2 pullet, 15. Bogue.
2 cockerel, t pullet, 4,'B: Doan,
Burred Rocks
.1, 2, 3 cook, 1, 2, 3 ,.cockerel, Bert,
llovey,•. '
1 and 2 1itn; Cohn Walton.
White Rocha
1 coal 1 bets, 1 and >2 cockerel, t
and d pulsar; M 1'. Liifliuriier;
hen,' --Doak '
Silver Laded' Wyan+ciottea
acid 2 pullet, M, 0. Lytnburner,
White Wyndottes
1 and 2 cock, 1 teen, 1 and 2 cotlk-
erel, W, Sherwood,
3 cock, F, W, Angus.
3 hell, 1 and 2 pullet, .4, Reith.
3 cockerel, Mr. Doak.
Silver Pencil Wyandottes
1 and 2 cock, 1 Auld 2 hen, C. J,
Partridge Wyndottes
4 and 2 cook, 1 and 2 hen, 3 cocker-
el, el, 1 and 2 p:unlet, W. L. Gibson.
3 pock, F. R. Martin,
3 hen, 1 cockerel, 3 pullet, R. 0,
2 cockerel, Edgar East,
Saving has been made- unusually at-
tractive by the offer of the Dominion
government of war certificates in de-
nominations as low as $25, and at a
price which will yield arc interest re
turn of over five per cent,
112r. Il, Peacock has sold his farm • to
Mr.. Lorne.Tyndall, who gets possession
about the 1st of March.
Mr. (•leo Hanley is retaking, quite a
slaughter of his orchard.
The League will hold a social evening
at the home of Mr. Peacock on Tuesday
evening next:.
. A great deal of sickness on the Road,
among the children and grown tips.
Grippe andwhooping cough are the ail
Mrs. ,john Ferguson sr., has taken a
serious stroke of paralysis and is now
lying. in an unconscious condition, The
doctors have given up hopes of her
The Rev. Mr, Macfarlane has returned
to 1119 duties after spending two weeks
with his sister M Collingtvoud, A student
from Toronto officiated (luring his
ab ence,
We are pleased to hear that the Rev.
Mr. .Pickart is slowly improving and will
soon resume his charge of Trinity Church.
John MacLeod Sr, is seriously low with
the grippe.
Charles Dressler who has been ailing
seine time with paralysis is not as well as
The Patriotic Concert was not the
expected success owing to the impassable
roads on that evening.
The fishermen are now busy with the
ice harvest, the sample being the best
known for several years.
TheSta ey nl Maple le L of Patriotic
Society donated 610.00 to the Belguim
Relief Fund at their last meeting.
Mrs. Janes Hoggarf. Huron road,' is
laid up as the result of a fail on tate ice
in the yard at her hone. Her right leg
was broken and she was severely shaken
up, but is doing as well as could be ex-
Rev. J. B. Fotheringham closed his
connection as rector with St. ('3corge's
church with Sunday's services. No
appointment of a successor has yet been
Grand Master Parks, of 'Toronto, of
the Oddfellows, is expected to visitlduron
Lodge, No. 62, f, 0: 0. 1P., on Monday.
February 5th, when a class of ten candi-
dates are to recieve the initiatory degree,
That there: is big money in raising
hogs is shown by sales just made by
Donald McDonald. A load of nine
brought -him $225. Another load of ten
netted stint 81213.
D. Glassier has bought the 50 acre
farm of his uncle, D. Glassier, Calgary,
paying $3,000 for it, It adjoins the
farm of the formers's father.
Tuesday of this week was nomination,
M (Grey Township to fill • the vacant
councillor's chair, as the former nominee
declined to accept office.
TGos. English, ex•chief of police at
Calgary and a former Brusselite, is dead
in his 71st year.
Alfred J Lowry, aged 57, is dead after'
a long illness. His wife, three sons and a
'daughter survive.
Judge McFadden, who' died at the
Sault and was buried at Goderich,- was a
brother of Mrs. D. Walker here. Tse
wase former old boy of this community.
Wm. Gorden w;ms buried here Monday
under the direction.r'f the C' 0. F, . He
died at Niagara Fafla, to which town he
moved from Brussels six years ago,
The Huron Presbytery met here on
Friday to take into consideration the cali
of Rev. Mr. Telford, of Cornwall to the
Presbyterian church Isere, and Rev. Mn.
Hogg to the Clinton Presbyterian
Church, Itis the intention to have the
ordination and induction of Mr, Telford
here on Thursday, January 25th
What might have been a fatal accident
took place at the embankment of Use
Grand Trunk Railway on Saturday after -
twee, when Charlie Hoggitt,, with a
number of other boys, were sleigh riding
on the etnbankment, lie was coming
down at a great speed, when he ran up
on the archway over the river, and in
M. S. Walters, Matapedia, Que.,
vrrites `•1 :rris'h,to let yen know how
match400ri,,1 Have received; by taking
y:oo r Heart and Nerve Pills. ' I was
SsIfcring from palpitation of the heart
and ,shortness of breath. The trouble
with lay 'Itrxirt • wass eaused iaj*'etbtarto.'t
X had tried all kinds a medicine, both
Patent and dircters but. I forbid none
relieve rode' lIi'Ee /Althorn's Heart, and
% rse Pills. 1 hebetic anyone suffering
llifre i did afttoald est,'thets 1 oily used
Nur bated end 1:'now 'fez! like a'elrfiereat
MilMua'r :Herat t• SairII Nret Mils Jtad6
heel txl lbs. market teethe jinet itiro+at r..
flare years and shave a, most welideif,l
ripastakloh"as K remedy for ail heart [
laying to stop the Sleigh hie foot caught
in the rope, throwing him over elle edge
of the tunnel, a distance of about 15 feet
on to the ice, lie was taken borne at
once, when it was found that his leg and
arm were broken and also two ribs.
A considerable amount of dissatisfae•
tion is expressed here on ecpgunt ef. the
G. T. R,. cuttingoff the two mail tralne
a day, but as the C P. R,. are stili going
to continue their trains we wilt not be se
badly off for accomodation, •
The annual meeting of Morris Distriet
L. 0, L , was held in the Orange Hall
here on Saturday with a delegation from'
each of the lodges, when the following i
officers were re elected for the year i W.1
D. M„ Bert Bradburn, Belgrave 1 D. M.,
Robert Townsend, Londesboro ; chaplain,
Rev. W. 13 Hawkins; Blyth ;recording
secretary, Mei. Bradburn, Belgrave ;
financial secretary Murry Johnston, Bel
grave ;'treasurer, F, I•Joggitt, Blyth, D.
of C., M. Bruce, Londesboro ; first
lecturer, John,•lvZe1,arty, Auburn ;.sepond
lecturer. John WWightman, Belgrave.
Mr. Richard Somers. as bailiff, held an
auction sale of the fixtures belonging to
Mr, James Barr, which had been seized
for taxes on Saturday afternoon. Mr. W.
McBride purchasedthe goods in block,
bidding the amount of taxes. Mr. Mc
Bride formerly conducted a grocery and
baking business.
be served. :Par once the men gave
orders thud the officers were on
parade. The o1Ilcers, who were: not
carving, ware flitting abort from
table to table with plates of turkey,
etc, -and generous 'plates at that -
and then it went front' turkey to
Christmas pudding.
1 wish you home yolks might have
stepped in and seen we oflfcere to
white seeks aud-ap., us ; Oapt. Allen
at the dishwashing ; the Chaplain
drying ; our Band playing or Pte.
Cowell coaxing from the putno some
lavobite chorus such as 'Pack all
your troubles in your olt! Kit Bag,
etc." ',Chose wh,, were not eating
sa'een singing 4150 serni ng sat lih,m saute
Oh ! 11 was a great time we had
together, and it helped its to forget
for a little while that we were so tar
from home.
What was the Menu
Dorn Cabbage Salad Potatoes
Plum Pudding and salutePickles and Relishes
\TutsCandies Oranges
!'etc Coffee
Did. we have enough 7 Wall, we
had enough to btegin with, but 1 can
assure you dein when the "Hurons'
got finished there. wit; not much of
the 60(1 'pounds of turkey left. aud as
little of the 000 pounds of (]hristnnits
To one angio(263of one boys were
in France and voulil not join with us,
but• they were not. forgotten ; every.
one of them wag: sent a five -franc
riots with our good wishes.
We may be together but a short
thug longer as it leattalien bet our
dinner together on Christmas day
1910, will always stand mit as one of
the happiest of the many hours spent
together. We believe that; our boys
are just as clean unci manly it bunch
of fellows as ever left Canada and
Huron may well be proud of theist.
To the folks at home we would sent
(greetings and nuty the New Year
bring to us peace. that will enable us
to return home to dear into Iiuron.
Si seemly yosst's
(Signt+tl) J. JC, 1�ASIR,FULL
Oht'plai n
161st Os 33n. 0, 15,
thing and got so badly cutup. Here
was where Bruce Bairn's •father made
many of his war cartoons, "Staying at
a farm," and others, 1 ,save a lot of Isis
drawings on the wells of the faint house
They are all •kinds, and show what a
fertile brain he has. No doubt they
were deeive.for pastiche,
Senitry`an Watch.
A sentry watches the place now; the
outbuildings are a dressing station, in-
cessantly mutat ine gunned, • 1 have •re-
edema- Service's ,book,and have read
some of the poemsthey have the
right touch to tltetn. What a wonder-
ful( conception he has o1 1115. No one
who has. seen' what Ise has seen can
complain of never,. having lived. t
greatly .envy a man who can' put his
soul into what he has written, We
read itis. stories tied, liked them as we
liked a song, but how little we under-
stood „ or felt the inspiration he had.
That mutual understanding is the key
that opens our fuller comprehension
and allows one to feel his emotions. I
like him better. than Kipling because .1
can understand him better rsow.
"Dec. t9-Yoursof'November 12
crone yesterday after a 5015 week at
The Suri only peeps above the sea
inceglow. down it goes about half -past two
with no preliminaries and little after-
"1"sa(V a beautiful Sunsat the other
day; It was awesome ie its strangeness.
• Page Five
dadies Mantcs
During the next two weeks it is' our Bim to turn every
Ladies or Child's Mantle now in stock into "Cash."
In order to do this we have simply ignored the re,
gular prices of these gdods and are marking them at
prices that must mean a quick clean-up of every gy ' artiient
As an Extra Shave putp Special we
p v_ in (111e lot about 1 5 S
ladies coats that originally sold at from $10 to $15 and
have priced the lot
Choice.. , , , . , , $4.95
Also some Children's coats at $1.98 up.
We are also cleaning up at big price reductions a lot
of odd lines and broken sizes of winter goods which we
positively will not carry over another year.
Plumsteel Eros,
Sinai( Profits Phone 25. More il:ttsiness
Agelts-New Idea Pattern--Septi-Ready Milting;
1111,1•1•10•0111.111•1=01•11.311M.4•1•111.MmeremiNr .2211061•11.11.1,
Above hung a flat; greenish -blue cloud
that covered the whole sky, trimmed
with a fleecy pearl -grey edging. Be-
neath it, like a curtain, hung a number
of the same grey clouds, fleecy but not
brillant, though between them, in odd
rectangular spaces could be seen the
crimson of the sky beyond, while here
and there a glimpse of yelluw and pink.
1 have never witnessed such an odd
stage -like effect. It takes the extreme
north to give the effect of strangeness
to the ordinary views of life. The long
deep shadows that lurk everywhere„ as
though the lights were b b e being extin-
guished, appeal to one as almost un-
earthly.. Without the sun the earth
seems cursed, the sea is a sullen bottle
green rolling force that works its will
with all that floats M its depths.
Only Worldly Link.
"A glimpse of sone snow-covered
mountains, perhaps a hundred utiles
away, seems the only connecting link
with the world,
her social system, which is really her•
governgient, depend upon it it will be
a model and a substantial construction.
Nothingis done here by halves. 11 is,
the most hopeful tiring 1 see.
Reform Everywhere.
f. "Social reform is in every mouth but
those who are stone blind, i don't be-
lieve any British army reservist or any-
one fighting for the Allies will en-
counter any trouble ill the States after
the war. 1 trust they will stay away
for a much better reason. Those who
have dot their e ie t err bii can stand the sul-
lenlen Hun anywhere. What galls ine
is the self-sufficient, snug patriots who
have stayed at home for their own
We are now practically off the
earth, yet nothing seems to matter any
"I wish I could tell you so many
novel little stunts that are pulled off. 1
can tell you this, things are very dif-
ferent to me as time rolls on and one
stiffens to the resolve to do or die.
Life in itself isn't so desirable as to
have lived. To caistiuue to live 11, af-
ter all, a doubtful sort of compliment
in my mind,
"They say at the front, and seem to
have good reason for it, that the fel-
lows who pray are the first to go. "I
wonder," a red -hatred Irish sergeant
said to rite, "if the devil takes care of
his own. I ought to know." lie cer-
tainly was a likeable limb of old
"With live, Yours truly,'
"The redeeming feature of tete north
is its stillness. The winds that lash the
more southerly waters seem to 'have
tired of their efforts, so 'that nothing
but a long, lazy swell, starting at the
'Banks' and rolling across to Norway,
is encountered,
"What tt sleepy, drowsy swell it is,
and its wave -lengths would lull me to
a feeling of security were it not for
tete presence of the 'unter-zea boten,'
which lays nets for the unwary.
"It's worth a khig's ransom to live
itr such times as these. When England.
does.:uiything it cones out right in the
long run. When she starts to rebuild
You will like its
.Fine. Granulation ,
Buy your .sugar in these neat 2 ,or
5-1b.; cartons; which you -can place
directly on your pantry shelves.
Just cut off the corner and pour
out the.augar as yolx„needit.v
Laittic Sugar
comes also in 10 and 20-1b bags for house-
wives who
ouse•wiveswho like to buy inlargerquantities
2.and 5-Ih cartons •
The Ali-Purpose.,Sfir tar" 1.0 aid 29-ib•�,�,,y,
t' "
0 11
ow ready . to do your work. New
r°.ype'and new stock of paper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
^ PAR•
•Principal'ropayable 1st October, 1919, '
(merest payable half -yearly, 1st April and lot October by cheque (free of exchange at
any chartered -Bank int Canada) at the rate7of•;five per cent per annum from the date of
Holders of this•stock wilt' have; fti4'priviiega' of'siirrerldering at par and accrued interest,
as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue
in Canada' other than an testae of Treasury Bills or, othtsr like short date security. •
Prodeeds• of this stock are for .walis purposes only. ' '
A commission of one-quarter of one per, cent will ho allowed to recognized bond and
steals hr6kai'st,tot aliotmonts'canoe• in'"respect'Of''sp)ilibatiaris for this stock winah bear their
sta;rinii pd 5.;.1 v,, li
Foreapplicatfon ;forms apply to the- Dept(ty Minister of Financo, Ottawa. '
OEPART101ti$1T OF I tNA0t`iE'ni Ott'A0/A,