HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-01-11, Page 27 Goods
sst,ul. sea -
:merit Ave
its lt:ft to
es. They
rf a great
n this. Sea
's pVrcll-
ese have
lots for
Mrs, S. Jowett, Hayfield has purchased
a Delco i leetrie Light Pant for use on
her premises, It is amidl and compact
and enables anyone to provtde'their awn
electric light and power, without 'recourse
to the ordinary electric power lines,
James Sturgeon, of Hayfield, ,branch
manager for that district for, the Pro-
ducers' Fish Company of BulTalo, was a
recent visitor with relatives at London,
St. 'Thomas and Port Stanley. Mr.
Sturgeon is one of Hayfield's pioneer
fishermen; and reports the fishing in•
dustry this year potup'. to the average,
The deereesed batch of fish he attributes
to the high gales that prevailed all fall,
preventing the setting and'Iiftieg of nets
during the season
D..D.•G„NI ,Mc,Vittie and• degree
team, of Blyth, were here on Thursday
eveliiegand metalled the officers; in West.
ern Star Lodge 1,,0. 0, F.
' Mrs: Alex. I' c .auchlin, formerly of
Brussels died suddesilyat her home in
Toronto on Wednesday ,morning. The
remains were brought here for interment.
the funeral being held on Friday after-
noon from the home of her 'neices, the
Misses .MeLauchlin, Turnberry, Street:.
She was in her 72nd year. •
A week of prayer'was observesl this
week by union services being held in the
Presbyterian, Methpdist and English
At the aunuai meeting of S. S. No.4
Mprs Township, it was decided to build
a pew schoolhouse, and the work will be
p?oceecled with at' once,
y 'h of another
ha"`I oe r resident of nTer in
11,11 eatsneaftacGrdoi1/4tfyoung
tghtrohe le. H gMOu;og
and sister of Ilugh McGregor the present
oaetipent of the farm, She had been in
1,tiling health for some time and passed
eway'0n January 7111 at the • age of 48
Years, Miss Margaret McGregor never
had very robust health so lived a quiet
and retired life with her sister Bessie who
tenderly cared for her, . She was of a
quiet unassuming and Pleasant manner
and was highly respected by all who.Icnew
her. The funeral on 'Tuesday January
Oth was largely attended by sympathizing
relatives and friends to the place of
interment in Third cemetery. The services
were conducted by the Rev. •llall Woods
of Brucefield, The 7allhears . were
James McQueen, Time. Fraser, • Thee.
Baird, John McEwen, Frank Ailcenheadj
John McCowan. Those from a distance
who attended the' fnnerat Were; Miss
Grace McInnes, of Detroit. and Miss E,
M, McFarlane, of Clinton.
s. 1\4iss Mary Cameronspent a few days
be first of the week in Clinton visitirg
her sister, Mrs. P.. Campbell.
Miss Kate McDiarmid•, of Seaferth, is
at present visiting• her sister; Mrs, Thos
disposition, and hie relined tastes and
they most deeply mourn a loving,
brother and a true friend.' HIS body
was brought to Seaforth, and the funer-
al took place On the 1 4th lest., from
the home of his sister, Mrs. W. P.
fiilichley, Itis remains being laid to
rest In Egmondville cemetery,' His
pallbearers et ^Tessalon were Messrs.
John Jackson, S, McGuire,. S. G. Mane
Mean, '1'. E, Williams, A. A. Burke and
S.unsol Hagan, and at Seaforth his six
nephews, v4.: Dr, Howard 'Fowler, > of
Clinton; 'Foster Fowler, McKillop; John
and Scott Hawthorne, Flullett; Anthony
and Fergus Van Egmond, Clinton:
Prlcil a Torrance spent New Years with
her sister, Mrs, Sloan, of Blyth,
Mr. John Cox was in London for a few
days this week.
:Miss Vanetone returned 'to her horse
in Goderich last week Annie McPhail
returning with 'her for a few days.
Mrs. Wrn, Proctor, of Clinton, spent
Sunday at W. Vanderburgh's.
The Bodrd of. Trade is' at present
negotiating with a firm which contem-
plates starting a box Factdry in town.
Mr. F. G Neelin has received word
that his daughter, Nurse Edith F.
Neelin, has sailed from. St. John for
England. Miss Neelin has been appoint-
ed matron of the overseas nurses.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Grieve, north, of Seaforth was the scene
of an interesting event,when their eldest
daughter; Hellen Agnes, was united in
marriage to Thomas B. IIarianon, of Logan
Townships The ceremony was performed
by Rev, F. N. Larkin, pastor of the
first Presbyte tan Church. The young
coaple will reside in Seaforth,
A deputation from the Board of Trade
waited on Ex -Mayor Stewart, with the
request that he consent to be nominated
as Mayor again, Mr. Stewart promised
to give the matter consideration. The
date for the nomination has not as yet
been announced.
Mr. Roy French, who was unable to
go overseas with the lalst Battalion, is
at present in London hospital eulTering
from an attack of inflammatory rheu
n Sat -
L. 0. L., No, 428 recently held their
election of officers and installation.' Foll-
owing are new officers for the new term --7
W. M, -L. Johnston.
D M. -T. Mason
Chap -R. Watkin..
Rec-Sec-R. Beacom
Fin -Sec -C. Tyner
Treas-C. 'Beacons
Lecturers -Fred Johnson
N. Rapson
• 1st Committee -S. Lansing
The Lodge meets the first Monday of
each month and bad a successful year.
Mr. Ben Reed, of Racoon, Saskat
chewan, is visiting old friedds in this
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, of Strat-
ford, visited at the parental home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill, of Taber,
Alberta, are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Norman Ball.
St. Peter's Church has been closed
for the next few months.
The Ratepayer of 5. S. No, 12 hell
their annual meeting and Mr. Norman
Ball was elected Trustee in place of Chas:
Tyner who retires. Messrs. Albert Neal
and Oliver Jervis are the other trustee,
The caretaker was let to Geo, Johnston.
The Council of the corporation of
GODEIIICH TOWNSHIP the County of Huron will meat in the
Council Chamber in the town of y Gode-
Mrs. Teo. Crooks and Miss N Mary are rich, on Tuesday the 23rd, day of the
visiting with friends in Brantford and present month, at 3 o'clock.
All the telephone lines in the township
have been out of commission owing to
trouble in Clinton.
The first meeting of the new Council
took place Monday at Holmes' Ytall. It
was well attended.
We are pleased to state that Mr, Aaron
Huller, one of the oldest and hest known
residents of the district who was confined
to his bed for a few days is able to be out
Measles on the Base Line -Where next?
Mrs. Bert Lobb who has been suffering
from and attack of tonsilitis is better
Small Pox oie the 16th.
Bliss Edith Harvey spent a week at the
home of Mr. Ilenry Adams,
Miss' Mary Johnston, who has been
home for holidays. left for Toronto to
resume her studies.
Mr. Alex McKenzie spent a few days
visiting friends in Lindsay and Toronto.
Mr. Herbert \Vitenian and sister
Mabel,. of Toronto, spent a few days at
home here,
Mise Mae McGregor who has been on
the sick list, is on the mend.
Mr. C. Bechler, son of Mr, John
Bechler; Of Blake; had the misfortune to
fall from the top of a freight car at the
station yesterday, breaking his leg above
• the ankle, Mr. Bechler had come out to
unload a car of oats and was trying to
loosen the brakes, when he slipped and
fell to the ground. Dr. Moir, of Hensel],
was called and the young man was taken
to his home at Blake. ' It will be a long
time before he will be able to do any
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams
couple of days last week with
Mr. H. Arthur Andrews has retnrned to
Windsor after spending a couple of weeks
at the hone of his cousin D".r, Henry
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Louis
Augustine Saunders, on the 13th con•
cession of Hullett, at 6 o'clock on Wed-
nesday evening, December 27th when
their only daughter, Agnes Louise Maude
entered hold wedlock with William
Austin After the rites were concluded
the company were served to a delightful
dinner. The happy couple will take up,
their residence on their fans to the
south of Blyth.
Death of Mr. Van Egmond.- Mr;
Rich;hid .Van Egniond, a well knows
and. highly. respected resident of Mul-
lett .for many years, •died on December
10th, :at.Thessalon, Ont., after a short
illness froni'pnetunonia.. lie was born
in ,4853 near. Clinton, on the old Van-
Bgmoild homestead but afterwards
purchased a.farm nearby, where he
resided with his sister, now Mrs., W.
E. llinchley, of Seaforth, for sixteen
years: Afterwards he removed , . to
Thessalon, where he was engaged chief
ly in the real estate business for 17
years till his death. Mr, Richard Van -
Egmont' belongs to a most distinguish-
ed family, being the son of the late Ed-
ward Van Egmond, one of the pioneers
of Huron 'County, aid a grandson,' of.
Baroti Vati Esmond, a noted veteran of
the Napoleonic war's; and a lineal de-
scendant of Lamoral, Count of Egmont,
Prince of Gavere, ruler of Flanders,
who was the Most artistocratic, wealthy
and powerful of all Flemish princes at
that time, a full account of ;whose
Potable career tray be found in .Mot-
ley's history, "The Rise of the Dutch
Republic,' He leaves to mourn tris
loss six sisters and one brother: Mrs.
'Jahn• McMullen, Michigan Mrs. John
1'owier; Hallett; Miss Eupheiiia.'Van-
Egn0Ond,, Clinton; Mrs, Edward HinCh-
ley, , Seaforth; Mrs, 13, Jones, British
Columbia and Mr. James. Vali Egmond
of Clinton.. Mr. Van 'Egmond was •a
man ;of g eat abilityi aid was elierget-
ic, sihrewdd, .and jiist in his dealings with
others, • He was very. successful in
business and accumulatedconsiderable
wealth. He was unmarrie i and his es
tate was bequeathed to. the Shove men-
tioned sisters and b`l'alli rr, with the ex-
ception of 82,00.0 wiii,dtt he left .for the
care and •innprovemeet of LgnidtidViile
cemetery. 'He Wal ft Methodist In re-
ligion, aihd h Man V. pleasing perdonll-
ity'and a ;general favorite with,'liil{`bee
its of a cheerfu and obligati dis-t
g g
pds,tidn Noife atui'MS, sorro�viifg. re-'
Iatiges'• 'Ma apo „iiniate Maids
could fully and; ,u4 appi:Cyiate.
li.,: „vier, lits• kindly
spent a
^ Mfr, Will McGregor who. spent the
holidays at the' home of his father .return•
ed to Toronto this week.,
Mr Frank. Morton, of Ivloosomin,
Saskatchewan who is spending thewinter
here visited last week at the ' home of
Hugh McGregor •
Thursday, Jan, 11'tis, 1917,
Tenders addressed to the undersign-
ed will,be received ftp to Jan, 15th In-
clusive, for snowplowing. State price
per hour for one or two plows,
Town Clerk.
Wesley Cblu^oh,
The monthly, meeting pf the Women's
Missionary Society will be held in the
Sunday School room, .Thursday evening,
at 8 o'clock. A good program is . being
The Liteeary Department had charge
of The Epeorth League Meeting on
Monday evening, Miss . Olive' Cooper
having charge of the meeting. Several
chapters and readings from "Mrs. I-Ium-
plhrey's 'Wards" Book on "England's
Effort" were given by Miss Olive Cooper,
Misses Irene Langford, Susie Powell and
Mrs. (Rev.) Dr. Rutledge and Messrs
holland and Jackson. These chapters
emphaeing the great work clone in the
hospitals by the women of England and
Canada in regard to the war. Nes
Monday`s meeting will be in charge o
the Missionary Department. ,
Of Choice Cattle, Hogs, Clover Seed
• and Seed Oats
Mrs. Dan Sutherland was called to
Toronto last week owing to the illness of
her daughter. We hope she may soon
Mrs, Cole is visiting her daughter in
Clinton, Mrs. Achim Glazier,
Miss Lois I-Iolmes, of Clinton, spent a
few days the guest of her friend, Miss
Mayne Hall,
Mr. Howard Armstrong remodelled
his house. Mr. Kennedy is doing the
Mr. Wm. Ilugill was a caller in Blyth
last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Morell near Clin-
ton spent one day last week the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley.
Miss Ruth Wilson is home from the
West visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Wilson and other friends
Mrs. Colclough spent a week or so
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Thuell, at
Ormond R. Alcock left Monday morn
ing after a two weeks visit with his
mother, for Orilla accompanied by Harold
The W. M. S. met at the parsonage
on ilFuesday afternoon.
We are glad to say the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mfrs. N. W. Trewartha is
on iter way to recovery.
Wm, Alcock left fcr Guelph ou Wed
The .Patriotic Society wilt meet at the
home of Mrs. Robert Acheson on Thurs
day afternoon.
Mr. F. Smith left Wednesday evening
for Woodstock to attend the cheese makers
Convention, ,
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated January Mh, 1917.
Mr. and Mrs. Eastman our station
agent has returned. after spending two
weeks visiting Mr. Eastman's parentis at
The Coral Class will hold their first
practice in the Forresters hail next Mon
day evening
Mr. and .AIrs. Henry, of Maple Creek,
Saskatchewan, are visiting at the home os
Mrs. Lawlor.
Miss Sturdy is visiting friends in God
Anniversary services' in the Presbyterian
Church next Sunday.
ldiss Frances Scott the are sorry to hear
is under the doctors care,
The undersigned have instructed a Mr.
Thos. Gundry to sell by public auction
on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock,
14.:"mile south of Clinton on the Hay-
field' at tike barn of Mr. Holland,
the foliowingi
1 thorn bred, Durham cow due In
January; 2 new Milkers 4 years, calves
at their side; 2 new milkers, 7 years
of age; 7 high grade Durham cows due
In Feb. and March; 6 grade Ayrshire
cows due in 'March and April; 3 Hol-
stein grade cows due in March and
April; 3 young calves; 4 young brood
sows.; 20 bus. Clover Seed,; bonne
grown, clean and a good quality; 100
bus. good clean seed oats, variety
"Abundant'.'; -Mr. R. Roberton. Will
at the same time and place self: -9 Hol
stein cow 7 years due in March; 1 Jer-
sey heifer, 2 years due in March; 1
Jersey cow 7 years due in March; 1
aged cow due in April; 1 Herford cow
3 years due in March; 1 Herford cow
4 years old freshened in Nov.; t grade
cow six years due in June; 1 red cow
5 years old due in April; 11 black cow
3 years old due in March; 1 cow 5 year
freshened in October; '4, young calves.
The above stock is young and in fine
condition and will be sold subject to
the following guarantee. Guarantee -
Any cow represented to be in coif and
proving nut to be by March 1st, can
be returned and notes and cash will be
refunded. Terms -$20 or under cast,
over that amount 13 .months credit on
approved bankable , paper or a dis-
count of 6 per cent. per annum for
T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer.
Chicken house and fence 00 my pro-
perty on lligh street. Apply to
In The
Mr. George Elgie, of Stanley is pery
ill with pneumonia,
Mr. L. Beatty, of Varna, received aa) car
of coal last week, .lie ihad no difficulty
of disposing of it about 50 sleighswere
waiting to ace it opened. He gave half
ton to all of thee.
Estate of Janet Young,
NOTICE is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate of
Janet Young, late of the town of Clin-
ton in the County of Huron, widow, de-
ceased, who died on or about the 29th
day of November 1916 are required to
deliver to the undersigned executors or
their solicitor on or before the 3 1st
day of January 1917 a full statement of
their claims together with particulars
thereof and tate nature of the securi-
ties, if any, held by then duly verified
by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the executors
will proceed to distribute the estate of
the said deceased amongst the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to
such claims as ate shall have received
due notice and in accordance there-
Dated at Clinton this 5th day of Jan-
uary, 1917.
James Scott,
Gertrude W. McIntosh,
W. Brydone, Clinton.
Solicitor for the Executors.
9 degrees below zero on Thursday
'here was a big crowd stet t the home
of Mr. Levi Wiltac's to hear Rev. Mr.
Robinson give his .address ort "Missions."
If !louver comes to give anoth r address the
is assured '01 a big audience
31t'. James Nott returned here this
week after spending a couple of weeks in
f,eague meets next Tues ay night, ,atthe home of Mr. Authur Wiltse. Mrs.
11. Peacock takes the topi ,
Pal Teri are busy cuttufi next summer's
We have this week to record the death
Annual Meeting
3. Holloway
Offico, Corner Victoria & East St
Office Phone 3
House Phone 12
Uptown office at 11, Wiltse's Grocery
Phone 40
The annual meeting of the members
of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will be held at the Town
Hall Seaforth, on Friday, February 2nd
1917. The business will be to re-
ceive the annual statement and Audi-
tor's report and the electing of 'three
Directors and other business which
would he considered for the benefit of
the Company. The retiring Directors
are James Connolly, Robert Ferris and
WilliarnRinn, who are eligible for re-
Special Fares now in effect to
resorts in Florida; Georgia, North
and South Caroline, Louisiana,
and other Southern States, and to
Bermuda and the West Indies.
Return Limit May 31st, 1917
Liberal Stop=overs Allowed.
,For full information ..write to
s Union Station,
Toronto, Ont
]nhn Rensford & Son, city passen-
g,'r and Ticket Agents, phone 17
\, O. Ps alarm. station agent'
James Connolly, President
Thos. E. lictys, Secretary.
Good General Servant wanted. Ap-
ply to Mrs. M. D. McTaggart.
Money Lost
Large sum' of money somewhere in
central part of town. Pinder will be
liberally rewarded by calling at this Of-
Fowls (lt all Kinds
Taken at any time
Hightest Markets J. rices
W. MAIIQUIS, Clinton
Place Your Order
for some of our Western Oats, which
we lsa•Ve ,9nst received and we will
Charge you no morn than if they were
Jag the ordinary grade of Oats.
If you wish to secure some ofi these
date place your order early as they
are going fast.
We rilways have a full stook of
Maur and feed.
Ili xlliogt Pric(is pnld ter Grain
1'ttuiie iii 11,6iielbitiee 9 6h L42
House for Sale.
House on Rattenbury St., formerly
occupied by the late Mrs. William
Murray. Apply to -
Kennedy's S. C. W. Leghorns, trap -
nest and for Winter laying, 815 a doz-
en. Hatching eggs 81.50 a setting and
„7.00 a hundred in season.
L E. Kennedy, R. R. No. 5.
Plush 'rug MT back of cutter on Main
street on Tuesday evening. Finder will
leavve it at The New era MIL,:
For Siale.
A Happy Thought range. 6 lids,
complete new copper reservoir.
apply at New Era Office.
.Clinton Machine Shop
For Sale.
Throe Colts 2, 3, and 4 ye:.rs
old. Deansley Terrace, Stanley
We are now prepared to recut
crusher tolls. All kinds of machinery
repaired. Circular and cross cut .saws
gummed. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Carving knives, scissors and skates
sharpened. .Seeley & West.
Shorthorns Por Sale. •
Three young bulls, 2 reds and a
roan; 11 to 1S months old, sired by
a bull .from a record milking
strain and are good growthy
kind. Come and see them or
write. B. H. WISE.
Phone 12 On 15'. R.Et 3 Clinton
Jas._ Steep, & Co., Clinton.
Raw Furs Wanted.
Before selling' your furs it will pay
you to get my prices. I alt paying
tip-top prices on till kinds of prime raw
furs. Prices are high. Bring in your
furs now before prices drop.
H. A, HOVEY, Clinton.. ,
Farm For Sale
tlttl111•ty' Sae (la
Young men or others who are
unable to enlist for overseas ser -
DOING HI5 BIT. Steady work to
good men. Apply to
The Robert Bell Engine and
Thresher Co., Limited,
•Seaforth, Ont!.
Choice 100 acre farm for sale being
lot 11, Con. 8, in the Township of Hul-
let. This property is well fended and
underdrained, thirty-five acdes plowed
and balance seeded to grass. Frame
barn 40x72, stone stabling wit!, cem-
ent floors; new driving shed and other
outbuildings. • Seven roosted. brick
louse with kitchen and wood -shed ad-
joining, hard and• soft water inside,
The buildings are all in good repair,
Rural ,nail and telephone...' This pro-
perty will be $old cheap as the proprie-
tor wishes to gvs dp farinng, For fur-
ther particulars apply, on premises or
address, Joseph H. Brown,
R. R. No. 1, Lottidesboro,
'Prone lot 24, con. 6, Hullett. a
yearling heifer with a mark on
dewlap. A suitable reward will be
pa.ici for information leading,to
its recovery -Thos. Tighe, R. R.
No. 1, Clinton. Phone 18.On 165,
Consists in producing all the cream
you an and slipping it to The L. 1.
Looby Creamery. We furnish cans
and 'pay express We pay tine highest
prides for cream and we pay twice a
We have the tn0st up-to-date Cream-
ery in Western Ontario.
Write us
"Salto 1., J. Looby Creamer •
IlIUSe for Sale
A one and a, half storey frame
house, 12 rooms, Situated on Mary
street, barn, fi acre of garden and
orchard; waterworks and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONE, Clinton.
Farm lor Sale
3i'arm for sale, containing 55
acres of good clay loam, suitable
for agriculture or ggrass, being
north half of lot 77, '1itaitland con-
cession, Goderich, with five acres
of choice hardwood ibush, and a
never -failing spring creek run-
ning through, all under grass at
present, possession can he given
ah once. Apply to
R.R. No. Om Clinton
or phone 12 ,on 143. ,
For Sale
Property occupied by Dr. Dan-
dier, including two lots, house, of-
fice and stable. Will be sold sep-
arately or togetAter. Electric
lighting throughout, water in the
stalble. 'Hard ,and soft water in
bath -room, kitchen and summer
kitchen. Apply ;to
F41,1111 for Sale
150 ACRES of good clay land, 1114
miles north of Londesboro, being
tot 25,, concession 15, Hullett. Two
houses, ;bank' barn and driving
shed; (never -,failing well, and
spring at back of farm; silo; or-
chard; convenient to church and
school; rural mail and telephone.
Price and terms reasonable.
R.R. No. 1, Auburn.
Painting tt Pager Hanging
Painting and Paper Hanging neatly
and promptly dons, Orders left as
tiugnitord s Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
61, L IV E H d'd Es r
Mrs, J, Shellsworth, Halifax,
vriites -•II-take-pleasure in writing yes
concerning the great value I have re:
teived by using your Milburn's Lara-,
Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. • When my
liver got bad I would have severe head-
aches, but after using a couple of vials
of your pills I have not been botheteti
with the headaches any more." teed
Milburn's I,axa-Liver Pills clean away
all waste and poisonous matter iroin the
system, and prevent as well as sure rat
complaints arising front a liver which has
become inactive,
Milburn's Laxed Iver Pills are 25e, AV
vjal, or 5 vials for $1.00, et all dealers, oil
abed direct on receipt of 7�deb W