HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-01-11, Page 144. Established 1365, Vol. 51, No. 28 LINTON' ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY 11 1917 The ..New Era Wants the News From -very Side]: 4111ANYVVVYVYWWWWVVVYYVVAAAAAAAAAANWWWWWWW. The Rexall Store We carry a complete line of DRUGS, OILS, PATENT MEDIC IN E a11dTOILET ARTICLES Our prices are always right We appreciate your trade. . B. P . HO LailEXIS Phm.B; wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvwvvvv40~04#4, 'T`' °e Royal Balk OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital paid up 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,236,000 'I'otai Assets. .. .. 234,000,000 3€40 E.R.AMTUBLIEIS with World-wide Connections Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. N. E, FANNING, Manager Clinton B11Ich vvvwvwww.A.WwwwwWvvWWvariVYtarawvwvvwvvvkOrWvWVVVV INCORPORATED 1855 ,..:...-.•.,......: ' 1 3AP/TA L ANIS .11E+EIIIE $8,81ctl,4100 96 Branches in Canada tleneraA Banking eking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LITTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS vin o Barik' Department 3atttirest All ovtent It c's1 (111fr4tt1 Rate C.B. IThe 4'diHF.,'„r, i't.l<itBSffer d lInton OitFsll;lch tirondson Wins Military Cross• Lieut. Lionel Dunsmore, of $t. Thomas and Grandson of Councillor W. Paisley, Wins the Military Cross. The St. Thomas Daily Times of Jan.' 2nd snakes the following reference to, Limit. Lionel Dunsmore, son of Post- master and Mrs, R. J. Dunsmore, and a grandson of Councillor W. J. Paisley, of town:— The names of two St. Thomas of-; ficers appear in the list of men dec- orated with the military cross for bravery on the battlefields of France or Flanders. These' two men are Lieut. Robert Lionel Dunsmore,son of Postmaster and Mrs. R. J. Dunsmore, and,Capt. Robert Marsden Luton, son of W. F. Luton, Governor of the Elgin County jail. The news was contained in an As- sociated Press cable from London, England, and was the first intimation that Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmore had that their son had been honored. A letter was received on Monday last, but it did not contain even a hitt that he was decorated or likely to be. Lieut. Dunsmore enlisted with the Royal Canadian Engineers while a resident at Queen's University. He won his commission after enlisting, and he has been at the front for a consider- able time. His name has appeared on the casuality list—once as having been wounded, and as suffering from typhoid fever. Ile is a former captain of the St. Thomas Collegiate Cadets. Lieut. Dunsmore's wife is a daughter of P. J. Voaden, of Peterboro, former- ly of St. Thomas, their marriage taking place in England since the war broke nut. The old friends of the family here are glad to see the work of the young Lieutenant is recognized. '450,3.44,404444.40 - ®OOOeoa410 .a•^c'.:'D ,04•»•wa,�ro p,w•r�c wvcv .,.:•tt •; +Adi44*Qd> 4r A • a Here's the Best News • in the P per It's clean-up time for Overcoats and we want to clean out our entire Over- coat stock regardless of profit.or cost, "No Overcoats Carried Over" is an unbreakable rue in this store. It will pay you to buy you next win- ter's overcoat now. They will cost easily double the price we are quoting, as woolens are ddvancing every day. 0 P 4, B 9 • 0 0 Men's $12 Overcoat $8.90 • " $15 and $16.50 Overcoats $11.75 • $20 and $22 Overcoats .$17.00 e "$25 and $30 Overcoats .$21.50 : • • • • Mens Black Melton Overcoats, Fur . collar and rubber interlined: -- ;$15.00 Overcoats. , .......$10.75 $-18,00 Overcoats • $13.75 $20.00 Overcoats .. .. $15.25 • 2 MEN'S FUR LINED, FUR COLLAR, KHAKI DUCK SHELL a $6,50 .... . . .. ..... .. ....$4.75 • Boys $4.25 Overcoats .... • ... .. . • . $2.75 $6.50 Overcoat $4.50 .i, 4, rttommanemmenenormasammmosumaminavemusionmsreare The Morrish Clothing ( iii ,+s kssasa eser _. _.. ... " $8,50 Overcoat . . . " $12.50 Overcoats ... " $13.50 Overcoats ... $6.00 ......,$9.50 $10.00 EARLY BUYERS ALWAYS FARE THE BEST • • 1 4 0 4 0 b 0 yt 4 a 0 m .4 e • s e 3 i PASSINGS THOUGHTS EY THE WAYFARER .. .. .. .. .. ., 0 ., .. What's the natter with Mary? of conure Are mean Mary street—Reeve Ford, Councillors Sheppard, Nediger, Mi Eweti and Paisley all reside on that street, Some street. Pte. " Billy" Walker Killed in Action Popular Young Clinton nton Boy Malcea the Supreme Sacrifice in France, And we inight add that St. John's Ward' in -which that street -is situated seems to have captured nearly every- thing, else, as Mayor Thompson and Councillor ,'Miller also reside in the ward. The other .three wards will be looked after by Councillor Wiltse, but he also has his store in St. John's ward. --•e-- What about Clinton taking up the Daylight Saving Scheme this year? --ea- The new Council got off to a good start. TryThe New Era 11917 for Job Work 111 '1 Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, of High street, received official word on Monday, that their only son, William Walker had been killed in action on Dec. 19th, Deceased was a fine young man, and was clerking. in W. S, R. Holmes' drug store when he enlisted with the 33rd Batt). which was organized here. He was with the medical corps but went to the front with the rest carrying a gun to do hs duty. Mr. and Mrs, Walkerand daughters have the sincere sympathy in the Toss their son and brother, who was doing his duty for King and Country. 00•00000e0000e000001500011100 at 0 COUNCIL MEETING • • oes••esetseeelmemetee•sws• The Statutory meeting of the Coun- cil of 1917 was held on Monday morn- ing at 11 o'clock. Mayor Thompson was in the chair, Reeve Ford; Councillors Wiltse, Miller, McEwan, Paisley, Sheppard and Nediger present. Minutes of .last meeting was read and confirmed, The election of Striking Committee took place and on the first ballot Reeve Ford and Councillors Wiltse and Shep- pard wePe appointed the Striking Committee to report at the evening meeting. Councillor Wiltse spoke on behalf of the Committee, that it was not always pleasant, but hoped that in their re- port to be presented at the evening meeting, anyone who was not satisfied should state his position and they would try and fix the matter for the best. 'On notion of Reeve Ford and Sheppard the Council adjourned until 8 o'clock to await the report of the Striking Committee and other busi- ness, Evening Meeting The first order of business was the receiving of the report of•the Striking Committee. --01,--- We --••--We hope that the present high price of paper will not keep people from turtling over a new leaf, Better be a good loser than a grouchy wirier, The two ex -Council- lors carried off the palm in this re- gard. --••-- The Guelph Mercury laments that at the municipal nomination meeting in that city there were but 40 people pre- sent, and at the public meeting held in the evening to hear the .addresses from the candidates only 38 people were in the hall. The explanation is that at this time of the year the average citizen is 'to busy about his own t affairs and the remedy is to change the date for the municipal elections to a more con- venient period. o„® FORK 'AND l$o you selling, Large two pound Cans of Pork and Beans at . 15C only.. ,.... .. BEANS. kno;':: ? We are Also good 13. C. Salmon Q.... l Oc And sonaeat,,,, •'15c per tin w. T. O'NEIL' THE [UB GGfOCEit Photo Oft To The Mayor and Council: Your Committee beg to report the sol lowing as their draft of the Standing Committee for the year 1917. The first named in every case to be the Chairman. We have given the work our best effort~, and should any member feel he is nut receiving lustice, we will do our utmost in Council to so arrange, natters that all will be satis- I The young otiicer went to England fad. in September 1914 with the first Con - Street — Miller, Paisley, Ford, 1 tin., nt, lulling for France in February Wiltse. ir15 as a Lieutenant of the lath Dat - spring Show on April 5th Annual Meeting of Clinton Spring Show Held on Saturday—Of- ficers are re-elected. The' annual meeting of the Huron Co, Stock Show was held in the Coun- cil Chamber, Clinton, Jan. 6111, 1917. The minutes of the last sleeting: were read and confirmed, The Treasurer's report showed a bal- ance on hand of $80.04. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: 'President—John Shanahan ' Vice Presdent—Geo. Hoare Treasurer -Win. Miller Secretary—A. J. McMurray Auditor—L. Tyndall There were added to the list of Directors John Stewart, Wnt. Tebbutt, Jr., Samuel Switzer and Earnest Rozell. It was moved and seconded by Thos. Coleman and Thomas McMillan, that we hold the fair as usual the first Thursday in April, this being the 5th. After a lengthy discussion of who should select Judges, the motion was made by Charles McGregor, seconded by John McFarlane, that the Officers have power to select the Judges. Mo- What kin tion carried. minutes apes The prize list was also left in the hands of the Officers to make any improvemen changes they might deem advisable. A motion was, made by Wesley Mar- quis, seconded.by Thos. McMichael, that no stock be allowed to compete for more than one prize, excepting for sweepstakes or herds. Motion carried It was moved by L. Tyndall, second- ed by Thomas. McMillan that the sunt of $t0 be paid the Secretary and $5 to the treasurer for their services during the year. Motion carried. A hearty vote of thanks was also tendered the President. After the re- sponses of the President and Treasurer the Secretary gave half of his donation to the Clinton Patriotic Society. After a friendly discussion regarding the gond and welfare of the Show the meeting adjourned. All the members determined to make the coating show the best ever held in Clinton. Now isg Hydro has tension is now Canadian speechesof th the matter an Short Cott cultural Colle themselves of "Restitt is the short b discuss terms doing of the i earth, good w aine ill Cep„ Haig' losp R't LL acts Mmol' Broder McTaggart, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, G. D. A'icTaggart of town was :tmnng the other Canadian .officers and soldiers mentioned its Gen. I-laig's despatches last week. Pro,erty—Sheppard, Wiltse, Ford. Fire end Water—Mcliwan, Paisley, Miller. Cemetery—Paisley, Miller, Nediger. Cil i y l'urd, ht.uig.r, i , )watt. Parle—Nediger, Paisley, Sheppard. Dy-Laws—Nediger, Wiltse, Ford. Pular.•-e—W:Itse, l'ord, Sitappard. Cour: of Revision •,— 'l'honipson, Nediger, Paisley, MiEtvan, Mil- , .. Special—Sheppard, Mel w•an, tMliller 11. Wiltse, Secy of Committee. The report was adopted on motion of Councillor Wiltse and Reeve Ford. The Clerk who is the Returning Of- ficer, reported the voting on the two bylaws passed last election day. By-law No.;1, 1917, was read times and passed appointing:— 'Auditors—J. Wiseman and Cantelon. C. C. 1. Board—Dr. Axon. Library Board=R. E. Manning. Board of Health—D. L., Macphertson. On tnotiop of Councillors Miller and McEwen, tenders are to be asked for snowplowing. Mayor Thompson spoke a few words to the new members as well as to the old members. He was well satisfied with the new board and hoped they would do business in a business way. Councillors Wiltse, Sheppard, Pais- ley, aisley, Miller and Reeve Ford also spoke following the line of the Mayor, on the, procedure of Council meetings, There were practically no reports from. the various committees, On motion of Councillors Miller and Paisley, all accounts. must be in the Councils hands the Friday evening be- fore regular Council meeting, other- wise they will not be paid till the fol- lowing regular meeting. The notion carried. On motion of Councillors Wiltse and Miller—. -that notice be given to house- holders to keep coal ashes in a heap until .Spring and the Council will re- move then free of cost, This motion was passed after a short discussion. The Council will advertise for ap- plications for town offices on motion '_of Councillors Sheppard and Mc - Councillor Miller, the new Chairman oo( the Street Committee, asked for the feeling 01 the Council as to the work oflrepairing of the macadam roads, but the cold weather yet did not get the Councillors warmed up to the subject. 0:'t motion of Councillor Wiltse and Reeve ford Council adjourned at 9:15 a. ut, te+y, 3rd Artillery Brigade under Manor Leonard of London, Ont, remaining with hint until December 1915 when he received an appointment as aide to General I3urstall of the Canadian Arti! lery. ' - Later he was given a position as Ii- telligence Officer.. In the Spring he was given a Captaincy, when Major Leonard was made Colonel of the 3rd Artillery )3rigade, Ile was given com- mand of his old battery, the 12th, with the rank of„Major., --Our soldier—has been'Wounded three times, slightly, and soon gets back to his work at the front. We hope to see more honors for hint before the war is over. three a QA Peter' aril} th ��611tl A • Sala ultotttssr moos,ettosocooee usaeo Tea will be served at the W. P. S. meeting on Friday afternoon and a sil- ver collection charged for the same. Everybody conte and in this way help to send comforts to our soldier boys at the front, The Society very gratefully acknow- ledge the following donations in Decem ber: W. P. Shillingtott, South Bend, ,•'$30 Girls' Patriotic Auxiliary, St. Paul's Church Lecture 25 Willis Church Covenant B. Class, 5 Mrs. Gandier.... .. .. . . . . . . • 5 Mrs. Shaw .. , .. .. • • • • • 1 Mrs. McCaughey 'O. 1 Mrs, Robt, Thompson, jr . • • 1 Ladies who have promised fruit cake for the boys please bring to the Cou- ciI Chamber, Wednesday of:ernoou, Jan. 17th ',' nt three to > r Anyb. dv that may have been 5110.5d, please'ac- cept this invitation and conte and bring a pound. inated as an product need each day. Official cultivation Population f stand where broader fiel Lope steady HOCKEY. There will be a hockey hatch in the rink on Friday evening of this week when the Juvenile Hockey League op- ens with Seaforth vs, Clinton. Game 'called at 7.30 sharp. Admission 16c, G. T. R. TRAIN CHANGES. The following changes have been givenus ns advance approximate figur- esL and are subject to slight ntodilica- thifit To take effect January 14th, the fol- lowing changes will affect this vicinity: Willis Church.Train No. 29 from Toronto, which heretofore was due to arrive in Clin- Rev,Vit'ir. McFarlane of Bayfield, took lou at 11.07 a, in, will be cancelled. the seincces last Sunday. Train No. 217, which heretofore was due in Clintonat 1.35 9. Ott Wednesday the congregation metnisi will ar- to see ifl they were prepared to call arive at 12,45 p. nt ,itfnister ` and after adiscussion a uu- Train No. 219, which heretofore was auimous , alt has been extended to Rev+ due in CI 'ton at 1.1.03 p.'m., will be Mr, flog , of Southanpto,r. The ns: ists I due its Clitt ton at 11.18 p. nt, are now r ady to be signed by the tnen ClTritltt inton aN 51522, p. n15eior}Stratfordvwilgl bet's, be cancelled. OLIN I ON OY ENLISTS. On the Lond*n, Huron & Bruce Div. Cite Stra ford Beacon tnalaes the fol- Train No. 4611, heretofore due In lowing reference +f a new recruit down , anion at 10.3 b a, m. will be can - there who e, listed on W'cduesday morn celled. ittg •--DA"V(R w. CAR"CER, so3 St, Train No, 11.4, heretofore due to Davit) street; born (5intb'u, aged, 18 leave Clutton at years, single, tool fleVilrenl 515,tk Witt will be cancelled, Canadia train, said "slackers” Ontario in backbone. hood and how many Keep car being is scall'. f i,1n lti selves i employ Watch till Godes the Se menti Milne low ii will year' Boar A queti: Muni progr the o This Thos etahl fyin grea until larg for draf grea rea will tits wi w l-1 p_ b a s Si