HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-21, Page 6PAGE LINTON •NEW ERA tau iliduiumdilmo l i Snappy, , Stylise., Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SEI GES are ,in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men and women's suits. . They ey are made of the finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craftsmen. ,They are soft and pliant ----yet firm and strong.« They are rich in feel and lustre-- - and will neither grow shiny with use ----nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weavers art. INCIDENTALLY ----We stock "INDIGO SERGE in all weights and prices. We sell guaranteed indigo serge at $3.00 less per yard than the ,manufacturers now charge ; for unguaranteed and unreliable goods.' • If you like blue serge.' cloihing----do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because 'we are behind it with an abso- lute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and see them. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings: Phone 67 Next Royal Bonk MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103, • Opposite Public Library Atssmuss+—nt 11 aphs ifts Sur Christmas stock is the best we have had yet. You had better erne early and get a good choice. Just think, one dozen `photos will make twelve Christmas gifts. Your friends can buy anything give them except your photo. GIVE T EM ONE FOR CHRISTMAS ,ALL Photographer TIDE OFFERENCE IN SHOES ! H E Difference between the sort of shoes we sell and the "Other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to any- one who compares our "GOOD SHOES" with "Just Shoes)" Our Better Shoes! Our Shoes are built up to a standard and Not Down to a Price!. The result is that our shoes are more econ- omical than uncertain Shoes. They wear so much longer and look so much better than "Bargain'Shoes," that they are a Better Investment Dollar for Dollar, than any shoes which sell for less money. The true test of Shoe value is not the First Cost, but the final cost — not what they cost Per Pair, but what they cost per Year.. It is upon this simple test of, value that the successful growth of our Shoe Business is based. THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAN' Ih 1�111➢III)llllpunoloul m � y qy-�-�yrg' �t11 3' .��. q�t1 fl �t t tY� r •e3a. s As a nourishing school lunch for a child— ' or wit). cheese, or with milk in the evening -Teller's Graham Wafers are unexcelled. The nut -like flavor is due to the natural sweetness of selected flour brought out by perfectbaking, . Always crisp; fresh and appetizing. Packed in air tight packages. For sale at all grocers, Te1fe rc “The Canada Bs y Word for Biscuits" Food Aoord 8 w, %'.'9 r. 'GicaoauNo.iC•S99 _ II p i nnnmm�nonnnmmlmllmmllhmllniusn�ldl II OIIIIIIuuuullt IIIIIIIIIIIIU Lltlllllllll1 VIiIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIVII�VlVIIIVIII�IIIIIIIVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIVIIVIIIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIVIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIVfIIII�IIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIVtlIVIIIIIIIIIVIIU� L(Lical News, 1 ... uIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIVIVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIgIIIfIIIgVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIVIVIIIiIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWVumIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIVIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV Victory Loan Business I L. O. L. At -Home. Both the. Royal and Molsons' Banks f, Murphy. Lodge, L. 0. L. Clinton will hold their annual At -Bone for,mem- bers and friends on Thursday evening, Noy, 28th. U. S. Casualties Not 100,000. Officials at Washington estimate were opened, Saturday afternoon to attend to the victory Loan buyers. C. 'C. I. Open Saturdays The C. C. I, is holding school on Saturdays so that the pupils can catch up with their school work, that the total casualties of the Ameri- Mexicans Here. can Expeditionary Force in the war A gang of Mexican workmen !rave will not exceed 100,000, been here this week working at the Bazaar Postponed beet crops in section. The Bazaar and Tea that the Ladies' sugar thims t' Women's institute. Guild of St. Paul's church intended The November meeting of the Wo- holding on the 28th of November has men's Institute will be held at the been postponed until a further date. home 'of Mrs.; B. Kaiser on Thursday, e Coat To Come Nov. 28th at 3 o'clock. -A good at- tendahce is requested. The following Is 011 extrace from a rNew Officer Of Chosen Friends letter received by Mr, A. ,J. Hplloway, from one of his coal firms:—There is Mr. J..W. Miller, who is Vice Con- considerable coal coming to youthis minder of the Chosen Friends, has 'month, but for some reason Canadian been appointed Recorder and Treasur- •shipments have been extremely light er in the place of Mr. David Cookti'1to due 1 think, mainly to the shortage of removes to, Toronto. The annual oars. I hope, however, that the change election of "officers will be held next in the situation twill come quickly anti month. that some of this coal niay be got out No Cancellation. for you at an early date. It was, stated at the police station Rev. J. E. Ford that no orders -in -council effective for Heads Goderich Ministers months past on account of the war' have as yet been ordered rescinded. The annual meeting of the Goderich The matter of ' carrying registration Ministerial Association was held last cardsstill stands as much as ever. The Wednesday afternoon, with Rev, R. C. police authorities were inclined to ex- McDermid in the chair. Prof. KH- pect that the matter of foreigners re- patrick of Knox College, gave a very porting twice a month would be nodi- 'helpful address on hindrances to the lied somewhat, but as -yet no change ministry. Rev. J. B. Ford, former pas- has been made. tor of 'Wesley Church, Minton, was elected president, and Rev. J. E. Mc. Missionary Sunday Exchange. Cauley secretary of the association for On Sunday, Nov. 24t11, there will be the, ensuing year. a general exchange of pulpits for Mis- sionary work on the Goderich District Separation Allowance Rates— as follows:— 'Mid' rates of separation allowance Goderich—North St. 11 a.nm., Rev, payable to the dependants of private T. E. Sawyer; 7 p.nu, Rev.A.E. Jones. soldiers, non-commissioned officers Goderich—Victoria St, 11 11.51., Rev. first-class warrant officers and lieu - A. E. Jones; 7 p.m., Rev. T. L. Sawyer. tenants serving with the Canadian Clinton—Wesley, i1 a.m., Rev. 11. Expeditionary Forces has been !n - D. Moyer; 7 p•at., Rev. D. Rutledge. • creased, effective September 1, 1918. Clinton—Ontario St.; 11 a.m., Rev. Dependents of private soldiers and Dr. Rutledge; 7 p.m., Rev. H. D. Moyer non-commissioned officers from $25 Seaforth—Rev. 3. H. Osterhout, B.A. to $30 per month. Dependents of llolmesvllle—Rev. J. A. Agnew. first-class warrant officers front 930 Blyth—Anniversary Services. to $35 per month. Dependents of Dungannon—Rev, J. W.• Hisey- lieutenants from $30 to 940 per Nile—Rev. T. A. Stedman mouths. This is largely a matter of Benmiller—Rev. F. S. O'Kell, B.A. bookkeeping in reference to the Auburn—Rev. H. J. Bentley, B. A. mien's pay Most people will be agreed Walton—Rev. P. S, Banes, 13. A. that the dependents are entitled to Londesboro—Rev. A. Sinclair, be as liberally dealt with by the gnv- Bayfield—Rev. R. L. Wilson ernment.as Is possible. Varna—Rev, 13. L. Anderson. S londid Service' December 1st will be final missionary P day when each minister will secure as- The service of Song and Thanks- sistaece, if possible, and take a sub- giving for Victory and Peace held- in scription and collection in the congreg- Ontario St. Methodist Church last ation followed 'by an every-menilser Sunday evening was enjoyed by the canvas. Remember that our district Sunday congregation that gathered. The programs was as follows:— Organ prelude National Anthem, No. 410. Invocation. Hymn No. 9. ' Prayer Anthem, "A Prayer for our Native Land." Lesson, Psalm 98. Solo, `Humility" by Miss Marlon •Gibbings. Persons Embarking at U. S. Sea., ilynm, "0 God our Help in Ages ports Must Procure Fermis- Past," 47. Sermon by Pastor Organ Offertory. Quartette, "Recessional." Mrs. Git+bings, Miss Wiltse, Messrs. .Weir and Gibbings, Marselllaise Anthema "Honor. and Love to the Soldiers." Hymn, Abide with me,"' No. 237. Vesper - 'Concluding. Voluntary Benediction. Sorry To Part With Officer And Brother The members and their wives of the C.anadian. Order of Chosen Friends, held their annual supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G`ovier, Oait- tario Street last Wednesday evening. During the evening the members of the Lodge presented Mr. David Cook with an address and umbrella, as • a token of esteem its which he has 'been held by them, andfor his work as . Women BitI.Posters Woilieo bull -posters are adding to the fame of Coney Island. Ties Or Railway Life Railroad ties last about eight years under normal conditions, when they have to be renewed, which costs a good deal of money and calls for a large force'• of labor, says Popular Science. it is estimated that treated ties which are first kiln -dried and then immersed„ in hot creosote until saturated last twice as long. They are absolutely waterproof and linger - 'nous to rot. COAL All, who can use grate coal will kindly leave orders at.WiltSe's grocery store or at the coal office immediate - The Grate coal is the next size lar- ger than egg size, and contains only 1% impurities as compared with 7% in other sizes, We are expecting a car of Pea coal and all who wish same will kindly leave their order immediately, SOLE AGENT FOR SCRANTON & D. H. & L. COAL TERMS "-- Strictly Cash: • A. J. Holloway PHONE 3w meeting we endorsed the missionary objective of our General Missionary Board which is $1,000,000 foe the whole Church, $144,000 for London Conference, 910,000 'for Goderich Dis- islet, or 25% above the objective for last year. . New Travelling Regulations sion Before Leaving Canada. UNDER an order issued by the - Secretary of State, Washing ton, effective November lith, la1S, all persons going from Canada to foreign •destinations by way of United States seaports must procure permission tor emoarkation before loaning Canada, Such permission must be arranged for either by executing 'declaration and procuring vise ,on passport be. fore one of the American Consuls in Canada, or by making Forman appli• cation before any of the United States immigration officers located in Can- ada upon forms furnished by the said In prdar to allow suiliciei.f time for investigation, tro• emission of papers to Washington,' etc., applteatlous should Ire filed either with the Con- sul or the Immigration Officer at feast 17 ditits prior to the date of pro• posed depa tore. Recorder and Treasurer for the past. The State Department tacs spa 15 years. Following is the address:— ciat attention of prunlecti vve travel 'Clinton, Ont. Nov. 13th, 1918 the said Department mustdecide aro to the fact that unless they have Mr D. S. Cook, Clinton Ont, attained vise by an American Consul, ' Dear Friend And Brother:- ' whether er not departiire from. an We, the members of 'Canadian' Ord- Attierlcan port will be allowed, such er of Chosen Friends, No. 145, know - decision being based upon tlfe appii: sing that you are about to depart from cation submitted through the immi- our midst, to take your abode in Tor- gration officers. Passengers are onto, take this opportunity of express - accordingly. warned net to proceed to Ing our sincere regret a>: yoUr depar. the port of embarkation until they tire. As a malt, and as a Friend, in are in poesossion of either the Con. our Order, we have always found juin solar vise, or proper certificate from upright, Iiosorable and true. In tine the U. a, Immigration anthorltles Lodge Room, you will be greatly miss- showing that permit for departure ed as a Recorder and Treasurer, which has been granted. Oftiee you have so long and faifhfuly • 'Phi, foregoing applies to all per filled, In fraternal, social and business sons not citizens of the United States, circles, you halve eve)' been courteous and 1t. tS effective regarding all des,. and agreeable. We aSsure volt that tlnations, Including Mexico, U. S In. you and your fancily will be greatly ruler possessions, etc., but not in missed. We Wish you every happi- cludiug llermuda, mess 0111 pt'osperity'11 Yain° mew home, United Slates citizens seeping to' and ask you to accept this umbrella as proceed to foreign points are reduir- a slight ibken by which yoi nvi,y the ed ro have passports issued by the better reeall the happy associations of State Department, applications for former 'days.( G sanir, being obtainable from the viii SignedEORGE 11ANLBy C. C. one American 001ssuis. f 3, W. MR -LER,' V. C. 1"l]til'4aay, 1 Ivelllheg 21st, 1931, DON'T GE'%',,EKCITED IT'S NOT A RAILROAD DISASTER NOR SIIIIPWRECl NOR MURDER NOR CYCION>. NOR PRIZE FIG'f-U T NOR GERMAN VICTORY %No ,nothing 'of the sort, batt something of significance to the boys who want good reading. One hundred Alger books just. received, liberal assortment of titles, two styles ok binding, one for twenty cents per volume and a better one for thirty- five cents, The • D F MINE D 1 Often the cheapest--lltWaeyS the Best piaxasmorimmomosium A Tested Lens ---- An Accurate Shutter --- Simple Operation G?od Pictures— ' All these are assured when you purchase aKodak. Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Corrie in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results m. IL -10 -7=Y Y Despensing Chemist .r. ate. •^ten-- .,�,a,�_ li j, rV The Feattti>i es of Our' 1 ur it re 1'o which we invite special attention,' are its twenty, • its assured comfort, its solid construction, and its below>thrs'"i usual priers. A.ny one of these points would he eufticient to earn it your preference, When they pre all COW - Wiled the feel sure you'will realize that this ny you cannot afford t a furniture buying ignore pot tuit AS. tlaltlt a t:alca r ::nal iter aerial 8Air ect0:.. t'iiatnc 28. Night and Nrtualaty Calls answered at ttcsialeaice over store fins x v,.mva m�ns+aw.amev.eiam eep up the Christmas S PEACE AT LAST -- after after four years of fear- ful struggle we have Peace. - Let's celebrate. this year with a nice big FRUIT CAKE Our Window Demon- strates the Quality of our Fruitsand at prices that cannot be repeated. ,CHRISTMAS IS. ONLY A FEW WEEKS AWAY PREPARE EARLY THAT BIG FRUIT CAKE AND CALL IT THE PEACE CAKE WEEKLY SIIECIAI✓S GOLD SOAP, 2 Bars for 15c LAUNDRY SOAP 3 Bars for 200 EXTRA GOOD BROOM 90 cents Yost will enjoy a cup of our 'BULK TEA 65c per lb 5 Tbs tor HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunniber 8-7241 NS-xl TERMS—CASH (WAGE EARNERS THE USUAL TWO WEEKS)—PHONE 111 -- ' PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Cold • Weather s Coming Be prepared by having your old furnace • overhaul- ed or a new one installed by T. Hawkins Phalle 53 Agent for HECLA Furnaces Shop—over ltowland'0 Hardware Piping And Fittings Always On nand. FROM THEIR SPEECHES ' Tan read the speeches Of tine )tuns, You'd think they were The injured Ones. You'd think to hear ` Them haw and hemi, That Belgium backed Right into them India Producing LAI of Cee India is producing more coal lawn all ot11er British dependencies. The Corner Grocery "LIVE AND LEI LIVE" Seasonable Groceries . We keep everything in fine family groceries for the holiday season. Ask for what you want and we will try and • get it for yob. SPECIALS Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Grape i~ifrtit, Grapes, Celery 'arid Sweet Potatoes. Es E. Hunniford BUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canadian 1~eod Control License.. No. 8-3123. PlIONIS 45 NEW SCHE"ULE Trains from East, Arrives 81.10 a.m. Leaves 11x0 a.m. Aarives 6.0$ p.ni, Leaves 6,45 p,m. Arrives 11,18 p.m Leaves 11,1,8 p.m Trains from West Arrives 6,18 lust Leaves 6.18 a m Arrives 2.58 p.m, Leaves' 2;58 pan Trains from t4ortlt Arrives 7,33 a fu, Leaves 7.50 a.m. Arrives 4.15 p.m Leaves 4.15 prnr Trains from South Arrives 10,30 a.m. Leaves 11.11 a.tn. Arri'Ves 6.40.p,m. Leaves 6.40 p.m