HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-21, Page 2•
Trig CO
'ON' N E W E R ,a,.
Tjilirsdiiy, ovQltabfie: • 181,,e1 18.
I'HOlG 78.
iI Something
11 Now
Ilene! lievher
Salle Of .ter
This will be truly one of the
greatest events ofi the season so
Complete is the assortment, so
excellent the Qualities, so perfect
the workmanship. Every suit is
guaranteed all wool and fast
colors, - Most- women will be in-
"terested when we state that these
suits are this seasonsfashionable
arnittrr' models. Saturday 25% 'discount
of all Suits.. Colne early for best
Of tallies Muter : Coats.
• A special line. of Ladies Winter Coats oh sale Saturday.
They are made of the Newest cloths and the most fashionable.
shades, .25 coats only,all this seasons stiles. les. Colne early tot
best Choice.
Cashmere Rase
Baturtlay ofl
25 Dozen Ladies Cashmere
Hose, Black only. Good
color, would be good value
at $1.00. Sizes 8%, 9, 10,.
Saturday 69c a pair
Blankets At
24 pair orgrey flannelette
blankets, largest size, finest
quality blue- and pink. border
Worth $4.25 a• pair, Satur-
day only $3.69
Over The Tciju
• Mrs: Elizabeth ' Ervine received a
Scable notifying icer,that leer son, Pte,
1 Witham henry Ervine of the infrantry
: had been officially reported admitted
• Ito 2208 Genera! Hospital at Camieres
• Ion Nov. ,4. , with gunshot wounds its
(both thighs, Pte. Ervine enlisted here
at .with the 1 Gist Hurons, He has another
brother, Harry, also in France..
M'r. Fred .Tucker was a visitor
Exeter over Sunday.
-Rev. J. A. Agnew was a visitor at the
Walton circuit or Tuesday.
Miss Kathleen Quigley, of Toront
is visiting at the parental' home.
o, Children Cry
Mrs. Clifford Keys, spent a few days. C A s -r 0 R 1
at the home of her parents Inst wee
Master Maleolus McTaggart returne
to Ridley College, St, Catharines th
week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Conn, or were a
Toronto last week to see their ne
visitor witheMrs, Chas. 13of artliff forwas
few days.
Rev. Fr. Hogan was in London thi
week attending the thigh Mass to Com
nnemorate Peace.
Reeve' Ford was at Blyth on Thurs
day last to attend' the funeral of the
fete Reeve Taylor, •
Mr. George McRae and Master Edwin
returned — to ' Detroit after spending
several weeks in town. •
' Mr. John Claves, of Bright spent the
week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Will. W Connell 'tel o
n the Base
. Mr Roy East,' of Montreal, visit-
ing with his sister, Mrs; G. Cunning-
ham, before leaving for Siberia,
Mr. T. White is now waiting on cus-
tomers at the klub grocery store, Mr.
White is an old hand at this business,
Mrs, A. McRae left 'for Detroit this
/week where she will spend the Winter
Mrs, McRae has three sons in that city.
Mrs; Walter (Manning was a delegate
to the Western Ontario Liberal Con -
emotion 'at London on Tuesday of this
week. '
Rev. Mr. Clark, of Goderiph, was In
town lastThursday
evening mug and de-
livered an address at the V1atory Loan
Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Doan and dao-
ghter, pf Hensall; were visitors for a
few ddys with Mr. and Mrs, E. E.
Mr. David C. Forrester is spending
a -short
Soth Anniversary, —Mr. and Mrs,
t George Brogden celebrated the fiftieth
of their marriage on Mon-
day, Nov, 18, A small gathering of
a' friends assisted in the celebration.
aMrs. M. Mains, who \vas present was
also present at the wedding 50 yearn
s 4 ago.. Mr. and Mrs. Brogden are active
and enjoy good health. They have 4
+children living. Will, of Winnipeg;
_ i Lyon,Lo tdesbytirofand tBeldhas'01 Lou-
don, all being present at the celebration
i excepting their son Will.
1 Mr. Will Shaddick who is home
from overseas visited his relatives here
I the past week.
Mr. Brunibly has sold his fine farm
of 1513 acres to his son Willie
The service in
,was, with drawn on Sunday evening
last owing toy the Presbyterian Auui-
versary, which was well attended,
,1 • Mrs, Edward Bell is at present visit_
i ing friend's in the West,
Miss A. Bell spelat last week with
Blyth friends.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Adams spent Sun-
, day at the lionte of Mr': Stackhouse in
IWe are pleased to say the intlueuza
cases here are 1111 on the mend,
, Mr. Hutton an received a carload of
bran and shorts- last week.
1 Mr, Mason and daughter Emma 'are
the guests of Mrs, W. Brundsou at
' present.
t a•
Y a the P :ental home. 1
He take
over '
s v r the Mitchell Express oF-
lice this. week.
Mr. S. 13. Stothers, District Agricui-
Thurura)sd yrattetdiing'111eafunerin Balyof the
late Reeve Taylor,
• Mrs, Ralph Tiplady' returned iltst
week from Montreal, after spending two
months with her daughter, Mrs, (Rev,)
McLeod' in that city,
Mr, George McLennan was in Lon-
don on 'Tuesday attending the Western'
Ontario Liberal ConeentIon. He was
one of the delegates from SoutlrHuron.
Mr, David Cook' left this week' for
Toronto accompanied by Ilse best
wishes of his malty friends in Clinton
and vicinity. Mrs. Cook will visit at
tier mothers hone 51 -1110 Nile before
going to Toronto, •
Mr. Thos, ,McMillan attended the. big
Laurier meeting at London this week
Mrs, Harold Morrell received word
that her brother Pte. Saville, who en•
fisted wi;lit the 151st Batt, had 1'•n'• •
Casualty " A
Pte. R. C, Angell;Zurich
Pte, T. A. Brinmcor4be, Exeter
Pte, 11. H. Palmer, Goderich
Sergi. T,' 1-1, Bissett, Exeter
Pte. J. J. Rowland,. Walton.
Pte, FI. Bond, Wingham
Pfe; W, B. Hicks, Goderich Twp,
Pte. Harry Fox, Brussels
Pte, W, e1, BrVine, Goderich,
Pte. Fred Manuel, •Wht.ghatn
Pte, H; WsHer, Wroxeter
Pte, J. 1'. Tasker, Biylli
Pte. J. Youngbint, Goderich
Pte, W. Iten8411tl"c, Witt Ilan-,
IIIIINIfiI IUl ilillilllllNl U II1111N1VIIKUIihl ltllllllllll(allll)uIIiplVt
I'd C h o It c.1 11114 other
Refills of tut,t54' d -- from
Neto Era represent'ativss:
11UIIIfiII(uIIfP01f111I,' Ilillllllllill!!II!Illli!(IiIIIIIIIIIiIIUUIIIIIIiIIIG IINI
file London Road League suet this • Mr. 0. 13, l3rret1 has finished
week after It holiday of pearly fohr ing apples sold expects to ship a
weeks .on dccouut of the ''11117'' I Ioac} shar`tiyy,,
The West End Beef Ring finished up Lott & McDonald, of Whighem,'held
the season on Monday night of this a sole of cattle here on Szetiuduy. This
week, Is their second sale here this season.
A perm:meet visitor tuts firrived at Mrs, manning is in London this
the home of Mr; and Mrs, Leheoi. week visiting her son.
Mr, John McKnight is making' fire- Rev, J. G, Brown, Foreign Mlsslon
paritions to moving the old Methodist Secretary will epeak, In the Baptist
church at Brucefield to his farm. 'Fite Cimr314 here next Sunday at 2:30 o'.
church was recently soldl clock,
Tine League next week will, be od- While Mr, llttchann0u with others
0ressiliY by Rev. A. E,. Jones at the were going to Wtn. l3 lIes sale last
Home of. Mr. George Layton, Tliui'sciey the breaks on their car re-
fused to work when going down Sara -
'toga 11111 causing the car to run sway.
Fortunately pc) one was, serioeislyhurt'
'although the car was wrecked.
peak.. Miss 8essia Grieve has return
car- Toronto,
Miss Florence McKay has returned
10 Toronto, •
Miss Rose Dorsey has returned
her school in 1153111100,
Mrs, L G. item -nitre, of Kitcheue
is a guest at the parsonage,
Miss Lingfelter, of TorontO,is VISI
Inc her sister, Mrs. 13, Alexenc er: '
Mr. J, J. Merger, M,P,, has moved
into .his new borne on John street.
Sergeant J. Gillespie, of Londo
spent the week -end at h15 home here.
Mrs, W. Clark, who has been awls
t, 'The incomparable Tea -Pot results
always obtainable f o ,.• n infusion,
has given it a. prestige possesseci
by no other tea :s,n sale
The electric light plant is out of
'coal 'eltd' the consequences are the
town le in the dark WINGHAM,
Mis. Geddes, ane of our Teaching
'staff, is still confined tp her home with Mrs. Manuel received Word on 'Suu-
an :Week of influenza and Miss Mltr- day that her son, Fred. Manuel; had
jory Yuill is supplying in her place, been wounded and gassed in ',niece.
A pleasant time was spent ip the He went overseas with the 16est Bet-
!. 0, O..F. e
„ hail ! T hordey evening, . t g, fali07t,
when about 40 of the business sten of Mr, and Mrs, ft, liensetfffe have re -
town assembled to say good-b'ye to W. ceived word that then; son, Pte, Will
A. Grewar, who with his family, is i-Idnscliffe, who was recently reported
leaving shortly for Los. Angeles, Cat. wounded,' is now ill with pneumonia
The Township of Grey, which has in hospital In England,'
MI a deputy reeve 'for a great many Margaret W. Stewart, whose hone
years will have to get: along without is about two or, three utiles from Wing -
that officer next year owing to _ the haus and who has been teaching school
dea'ease in the number, of names 00 at. Windsor died from the Spanish 'hr
its assessment roll, John McNabb is fluenea, The body was brotlght to
the present deputy reeve.
Winghain for laternreUt.
Friday, 29th the Dominion Railway Thomas Dickson,'T
s, o icks, vent
Commissioners will hold a meeting in Whof D
ighafn, sonThos. Dicksononwent
the audience room of the Public Lib- to the barn on Saturday to feed the
t•ary, Brussels at 1D a. m., to hear 'ob.. horses. Not"returning after several
jectioils, if any, against the fixing of. hours, Isis people Went to look for hint
annual rates for Brussels, Grey , and found hint .lying behind the horses. lits
Morris Telephone Company, The ,head was badly injured and his body
10 year period has lapsed and this. more or less, one arm was broken in
step is necessary where changes in two places, the bones protruding
rates are proposed, through the flesh. The injured man is
At a meeting held in the Methodist about 20 years of age and was work -
church on Tuesday evening of repre-, 'ing with his father on the farm. He
sentatives of the Presbyterian and is now'resting nicely and hope is held
Methodist churches it was decided to out for his recovery,
hold union services for four ''months,
commencing on the first Sunday of
December, the object.being to con-
serve fuel: For the first two months
Melville Church will be used and for
February and 'March the. Methodist
church, Sabbath schools, ,young peo-
ple's 510511ngs. mid prayer tneetingse
w111 be included in the union,
Lieut, W; Proudfoot who was to
seriously with pneumonia at Lind
three weeks ago, is reported to be
covering front the attack,
Mr, M. 0, Cameron, K. C„ is c
valescing after the attack of pneumo
which has confined Min to the ho
the last two or three weeks,
As Conrad Kuhn was working .n the A. F. & A. M.. on Tue dayl'tmd l t
ed.andnostte seii''erly burned the s111s 1puds Ge- otMhacVcar1 S. W.,were 0, K. d: W.
and face J, W., W. 3. McNevin; chaplain, R
A public reception was tendered R. C,'McDermid; treasurer, R, 0• R
Sailor Roland Mote of the royal navy nolds; secretary, J. Straiton; tyler,
last Wednesday evening, Sailor Motz Kaiting,
is a Crediton boy, About five ,ears The Meiesetung Canoe Club has
ago he went west and ttvo years ago tested officers as follows for the comi
he enlisted in the Royal Navy, lle saw year; President, 13. T. Edwards; V -
service on one of the British cruisers president, L. L. Knox; secretary, L.
in Russian waters for a time. and later Young; tereasurer, W. T. Millar; co
has been engaged In 'tine -sweeping modore, J A. Lawrence; vice -conn
in the English Channel, He Is on leave dore, W H. Robertson; chaplain, Wa
until November 30, whein he reports er Shipman; additional members
at Halifax ,end is bound for Gibraltar. execufive, C. A: Nairn, 0, L. Prsoi
He is a splendid type of young man- , auditors, 3, W, Fraser, J, A, Lawren
hood. He was met at Centralia station
by a cortege of autos and conveyed to
t,rediton. It was a most impressive
sight to see the lighted autos corning
into the village. Mr Fred Kerr, for
whom Sailor Mote worked before going
''vest, conveyed the hero in his nfagni-
Eeent car. Arriving in the village he
was greeted by a cheering throng. The
children of the public school searched,
singing songs and waving flags... shore.
p esidedtin its usliillage 5lifel
'0)100s manner, Addresses 01' welcome
were given by Rev. C. W, Baker, pastor
of the Methodist Church, and by Rev.
S. Ranch pastor of the Evangelical
Church, A supper was provided byre-
latives and friends in honor of the oc-
+Ghildz en Crr
e -
1t -
was .
lied a
was f
Isis s
the to
they J
i eginn
11 schools started uplast week appendlcirie, Dr. Peck took him down
and the operation was successfully per-
le .a few started the week previous. formed. He is reported to be making
ir. John Glaves, of Bright, spent excellent progress towards recovery,
tveek end with Mr, and Mrs. Will His wife and her mother, Mrs, Rchar
nett, of Hullett. Fle also visited son went down to see him on Saturday.
h Ifs old friends Mr. and Mrs. After complaining of pain for two r
d Leonartf. The genteman was 1n three days James Crawford became set-
s district buying cattle, iously i0 last Tuesday night, Drs. Cens-
er, John Holmes of the Huron Road . pbell and 'Peck, being called in de -
out for the first time last week sided, that he should be taken to Lon -
r being laid op for -"leveret weeks don for au operation; Andrew Bell
owl' his fall out o an apple tree took him and his brother -In-law, _f, B.
11 he fractured several ribs, He McLean, there in his motor car at
happened with the salve accident once, It was found that, an ulcer
ral tithes. before, Nis sister, Miss eaten through his 1 had
nes has not been enjoying her. food had escaped into stomach
1 good health lately, cavity.. A little before five -
o ,Ir
ne t.
J was P Wed-
sh shocked ked
hear of nestle), dn•h
e passed away.
p e
dee Ti , .
tiThe I
i ofend'
, John 'Cox who was were brought here lin charge of his
ti'ell known throughout the entire brother, Williafn. Crawford, of Rile
ict, who had gone to London at once, th
rs. L. 0. Lashbrook, of Mitchell, funeral which was private was r
been spending several weeks at the cemetery On Saturday. Much sympathyp
e of her parents while her nus,- is felt foe his aged mother, Mr. ra
has been hunting up north. ford, who' kept house se f
Y: afor Y h''
Mrs -
Willie's) ti
n !i' .
s _ i
Gere n
Code- urn those ho
Township, received- word on n distance wereSeMr,1tnndsM s. William
relay last that their eldest son, Crawford, Mr, and Mrs, Munn; a twice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownlee were
in Goderich visiting friends this week.
Dr, 'and Mrs, Aitken spent a -day In
Goderich lately attending Professor
Kilpatrick's services.
Dr, Mary Johnston who was hone
for It short visit in the parental home
left•on Monday evening for New Brun-
swick where she has been appointed to
11 good position in the St. John 'County
Hospital. '
The Methodist church purpose hold-
ing anniversary services the second
Sunday in December, Rev. J.A, Agnew
of Optario ' St. Church, Clinton, is to
be the preacher.
Miss Greta !visa's has returned to
her school in Muncey.
Mrs sympathize
ti Horsey sincerely
t(e with
their babe last Sunday morning after
only six days of life. The funeral on
Monday to Exeter cemetery was pCi-
GODERICH TO.WNSHIP Last Thursday night Mr. A. Noakes
, became quite 111 and Dr. Peck being
calleGoderich Township has won its! taken tot London
that o should be
flag,on for an operation for
. Wilfred' Hicks, was killed 111 end Mrs, Jackson, 5 sister, all of Rile
it November 2nd. Corp, , flicks and another sister, Mrs, henry Moi .
in Goderich t h_1n November,' tettis,'of Powassan, Another Ironer,
, -,vitt the 71st Battalion and Robert, of Pott Elgin was unable to lre
ed the following winter at Gait, present on account of having been ill
g overseas in the early spring of from Influenza.
He went into the trenches the On Saturday eveningthe
fall and the .first day he was in Mr. Isaac Jarrott hainof a
wounded in the Bead and shoulder, prat was the. scene of a
a couple of months 1n the utas- Kate > McDonald cit a cousin Mne.'
he returned to the firing line and Gregor,'aprosperous ud un John Mcf
hgaitt wounded at the Somme, tiffs the and encesiofytiung farmer
ht tine k1150. She was sent to a ri0d by RevDr, Aitkeel inIko p e e a e
tai 30 England, nvhere Ibe re- ,of a weddiWtar ' p1eseuce
ed for over g party made etc s the ho-
d year;.. Lust ' sem_ mediate friends and relatives of the
le once more returned , to the .Young couple. Miss Plante
and saw some of the fiercest ed the tveddiu marc drs, pt
Ig In the great Allied advances: sang sweet) aurin h and Mrs, Aitkent
f lest, just a few :days before the register. Afterward the signing do of lolia
ion of hostilities, he received a sumptuous weddingdinner.'silt downs a
of wound in the abdomewwhiclt beautiful presents 'testified, The '05111
anal, Corp Hicks was twenty- laxity of the happy co the pope
years of age and eves liked by ill ply young couple,
ssocieties for his cerefr •
r 4 _ . ee, jolly
He e -,vas among .lite iirsff 1►f'nar Loeais
unship trays enlist: It
to is bro- Great we
00 Is its the Western Ontario help.get weather during pastape week 11-
ent, The family have the' sym terp everyth,'ng in shape for wish•
of the whole camtttuulty in the ' Oely 28 days for,Cliristinas shopli-
tltt'ir brave son and brother, ing;
for at fl1e home of Mrs, S. .Barter nes
t, Q[t w011?c"0 ✓6 and
returned to,twievelnnd.
Santeet". 'ul,Neiasse, :all of er teas.
"Tic a ' >t o Y
(Oyer 20o Christmas boxes for the
boys overseas were packed .and 101
warded by the War Auxiliary Hos week
Seaforth has made a magnificen
record in the Victory -Loan eampaig
With e t
n population around the 2;00
figure the citizens subscribed - $300,
000 towards the login. Their objectiv
was 0niy, el 7S,000, The canvassers
John Rankin, John Beattie and L. C
Jackson worked hard, .•
Mr, James Dorrance received word
last week that 1115'300, Lieut. Harvey
Dorrance -itad won the coverted Mili-
tary Cross. Lieut, Dorrance enlisted
With the First Contingent with- which
he went overseas four years ago on
Thursday last, file was the first: soldier
from this district to be decorated, with,
the military service order. n
Captain George.13, Ball, sou o Ur,
G L, Ball, of 8 Glen Grove 'avenue
West, North!" Toronto, and a former
Seaforth dentist died Friday at
Halifax, aged twenty years, Capt,
Ball .was a wireless operator on ' a
Government steamer running. from
Sydney. Hs was taken 111 last Sunday,
and his Mother and brother, Dr, Earl
Ball, were summoned to his bedside at
Halifax. Before going into training at
Otttawa last March Capt,•Ball was a
lacy student in the office of Mr,Shirley
Denison, Dr. G. L. Ball Jr.,, of To-
ronto, is also a brother of the late Capt,
Ball, F
The annual 'thank offering meeting
of the Woman's Missionary Society
was held in First Presbyterian church
On Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
An- address ewes given by Mrs. Grigg,
a returned Misssionary frolt1 Burn -tale
A social under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid' Society will be held in
the manse on the evening of Nov. 27.
ni ed9 t thiet ehomeofMr.awas
IsMrs. D.
McGregor, Goderich street, when their
daughter, Christens ("Tot") was
united in marriage to John McDermid,
Huron road west. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. Larkin, only
the immediate friends being present.
Mr. and Mrs. McDermid left on the
Afternoon train for Detroit and Cleve-
land, and 0n their return will 'mike
their ]tome on the McDermid home-
stead. ,
The postponed dance in aid of the
Christmas boxes for the boys overseas
will he held in Cardnos Hall on Thurs-
day evening, November 2lst, when the
music will be furnished by the Cortese
Memorial services were held in St.
Thomas church last Sabbath, when
appropriates sermons were preached
by the rector, Res. T. H. Brown.
Dr. Gillespie, of Baden, spent Sun-
day at his home Isere.
Mrs, Allen, of Toronto, is the guest
of Mrs. A. Young.
Mrs, Grigg, of Bunnell, is visiting at
.the home of Mr. Robert Govenlock,
north Main street,
141is5 Jean Hays who Is attending
the Stratford Normal has returned
home 111, with the "flit".
• d e
• George Glenn sold his farnn old the
L Ir
o dolt Road, south of our viltaye to
5Mr. Dow, of Stltffn, for $40,000. it is
, a big figure but the fano is a good ono
and well located,
Berl Collins has, bought 4 acres of
woods from Mr, Clifton for which he
bttends to cut into . firewood; This
ought to relieve the fuel question some
Pte. D.-Aikenhead, who has been
wounded+ some time ago, has been in
the Massey Harris hospital in England.
It is ; a large estate, with a large old
castle; tie says dhey treated this -,m tine.
He has done his 'bit' in the' big war and
expects to get Home ere long.,
Word has been received of the death
, o Pte. George Campbell, who went
from Saskatchewan to England for.
ftraining, He was the second son of.
f Mr. Campbell formerly of our village
who occupied the blacksmith shop now
owned by Thos. Wheeler. He died of
influenza. Sympathy is felt for the
bereaved father and sidter; Mrs. McCall
who -were well known 111 our midst.
The annual ' meeting of the Bible
Society will be held oh Friday evening
when the agent, Mr. Gibson will he
O 'Thursday n 1' U slay last at 2;30i
p, n., the
home 4f' Dr, E. S. Hardie, of liensalf,
was the scene of a pretty and inter.
esti-Jig event when the marriage of his
eldest daughter, Miss Gladys' C., to
Thomas E, McIntosh, of Toronto, took
Place. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. A. B. Doan of the Mento.
dist Church, Hensall, under a floral
arch-, The young couple were uit-
attended, but for Nora, sister of the
bride, acting as ring bearer. The bride
was charmingly attired in u travelling.
suit of Russian green broadcloth trim-
nred with fox furs, was given away by
her father, entering' the drawing -roost
to the strains of the wedding march
played by .Miss Elizabeth Rennie, Dur-
ing the signing of the register, Milne
R. Rennie, leader of the Carmel
Church chior, rendered a so1o. The
bride was the recipient of a number
of presents. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh
will reside at 28 Homewood avenue,
Toronto. Out-of-town guests in at.
tendance were Dr, and Mrs. Crooker
of'Tigsonburg and. their son 'liarey,
Mrs. McIntosh, mother of the groom,
and her daughter, Miss Maude, and
.Mrs. Cruise, all of Guelph.
your Cream to
Clinton Creamery
We furnish cans and remit
daily ---Price this week 48c
God Saved s sanctuary boys and the final hymn,
the Day in Darkest DuurS "Holy ,Cod,;We Praise Thy Name,' by
the members of the congregation.
High Mass at St. Peter's, London, t
0 1 what was it that stopped' the one
4 nig of the powerful enemy, and who -
held the foe when our great leaders
wondered if we should be obliged to
give up Paris or the Channel ports?
1 have no intention of detracting in the
least degree from the llerofc efforts of
our armies, i have not the slightest
desire o
e depreciate
ipower four
I .
ct e,
'tt stili
e fiery leaders, the soldiers and
Commemorate -Peace. •-, More than
Thanksgiving --.Eyes of Enemy Were
Closed by God.
The London Free Press makes re
ferenceato the sermon by Bishop Fallon
on Tuesday of this week:—
Pontifical high 1nass in recognitim
of the victorious termination of th
world war was celebrated this morning
in St, Peter's Cathedral• at so o'clock,
To give thanks to God, the congrega.
tion, which was to an appreciable ex-
tent non-Catholic, dotted here and
there and in groups with khaki -clad
men, presented an impressive aid
memorable scene,
• Praise to God for His deliverance of
the allied countries from the enemy
4455 eloquently expressed by Ills Lord-
ship Bishop Fallon, when, after the
dispensation of the ceremonies, he Said:
'Phe religious ceremony in which
you have assisted
is not
prayer a or a'
series P
Of prayers.
an action,
drama, a sacrificial actio-,, the wale
significance of which is to indicate and
to express Goat's suptpaine dominion
US and
our 1 C
e dependence
upon n Ilio I
repetition and the application
Divine v ne action, the sacrifice of Calvary,
upon which Christ redeemed the
world, It 110 act of adoration and.a
supreme act of thanksgiving stks e
Eying vin
hvrng Gad, >, g to the
Turn Hearts to God.
"Have we not cause to turn our
hearts to God in deepest reverence and
thanksgiving? Not mud more than
four years ago we were taken un-
awares, and therefore unprepared,
when the horrors of war were tet loose
upon mankind and. of such a war as
the world had never before known, in
the defense of civilization, for our
plighted word and 'for our owo inter
ests we were obliged til take our part, '
,ulpreparcd though we Were, to enter'
the world conflict, In view of this, I'
would ask you, Have there not been
occurrences since that time until now
that should make us all grateful? Have
we not more than once stood' on the
verge of'defeat? Have We 001 more
t1taW Dace been placed in eln1nst h41
evitable disaster? Who held the foe t
in the dark days of 1914 at leitena
the t the fine? Who prevented, tv
the i s+ , of the ea
1 their officers but when I've said it all
I; it .is the great God to whole we offer'
fifanksgiving this morning, who saved
the day ftr the darkest hours. There
1 is a difference I nthe God we call upon
and the 0tle who was so blasphemously
, invoked by the enemy, ,
I The Kaiser's God..
"The ex -kaiser addressed the God of
l Wright, of power and vainglory, but Sir
Arthur Currie, in his address to the
Canadian troops, and Marshal Fock, in
his prayers every morning and every
t before leo-,
g e the .f
•t tat ,
aff G spoke
s o
not to the Cad of might, but to the
God of mercy and justice. Our atti-
tude to God at this time is Something
more than thanksgiving. We are stand-
ing 011 the verge of a new era. Thrones
have b
e t !e
pp d and crowns are
the dust. Over and outside'rthetn op-
of t
J g hYol
t e s there is ti noage of
d snrder f
o rn
to i
n n the street. The
is unrest, There is what some peopl
Ire simpleenoughto call democrat
We needed the light of God to gold
our footsteps and to support us in th
way we have to walk and there is not
thing man but who understands ilia
on him. He made no resistance and
said he knew nothing of the McKay
murder, or of the presence of the other
men on his place, the lonely retreat
which he established 26 miles east of
Prince Albert, where the South Sas-
katchewan floe Into nto the great river of
that name, 1t is It wild plack, without
telephone communication, and the
roads are usually bad.
Motor Car Recovered.
McKay's automobile has been re-
covered in a hole which the bandits had
dug in tie side of the embankment. It
was at first thought that it was is the
wetter, but searchers to -day found it
covered swig. with rubbers. McKay's
body, after flee murder, was shoved out
on the ice into an open place, and into
the water, and as the river is now fro-
oyer i may ,
f tt spring i.
e s t1 ,
3 1 u l
!, esti
Mr, McKay was well known
throughot(t 'Canada,' 'having 'been int
one time manager of the Empress
Theatre, He is survived by his wife
and d on little e it e
t daughter.
Doubtful Where Bandits Are. I
When r
Corp.Horsley P se
Y which I i
re While Lifting the trap -dour tvlitch
e covered the bandits' dugout, both hien
rushed ort
vn ,cue of then-, again shouting
e Horsley through tate heart, though he .
e had already been wounded and was ly-
a ing on the ground. As the majority
t of the posse were at' it ti
there is as ,; ane on the
great danger in the world Itnk, They saw only in a'cnnfused mau-
to-day from this spirit of . inures-,' that -,ter what actually happened au
Is. surging through the masses as was nI them were tender the ilnl ±ressd same
faced et Mons, Ypres, 'Gambrel, or else- the bandits ran along thebankofihat
whets^., river, while others thought they went
'H' is for "lis reaSo1i 4lint we 111.0 this back into the dugout, g J went
morning offering praise and ndoratoti '4110 police nssunn do
to -the living God far having preservedP tis that the
, sues are still in some of the subierran-
us and' riven us victory and thereby ens refuges 1)111515 they had lilbarious-
selvation, to guide our steps and the !Y constructed, all over the place,' i,1•inciples of right and 'justice and of SYnlunite will be tried p and
ill nations of the world toward pro- the meantime iolfce aiid tomorraw. In
grecs and peace and iviil kee snldiers guards
prosperity. To 1> watch throughout the night
put aside poverty and misery, to wltcit in the hope that the outlaws 1vi1
so Maury of the childreni of teen hAve escape, 1 oat
been subjected. 'r, _..girt Him My S. A. O
Peace, Joy Gladness Officer
tt 1s believed that McKay's Slayers
filthy the blessing of God descend a thought th
and home and ung to Arrest the d'
an ofend fur
nd the eternal happiness of God beta. him. McKay i e upon
fter," Ile cnnrluded.' y 'vas at. 11re isle oP the
he order of the state: n b i that he was an odicer coo-
nay it bring iOY, peace and gladness Seri then, uu pi
t to Military
vhen men awaited it awe hire' doom ' a Service
Aet d
Who' was it, at the fast battle of 00(11 , a
ho closed..:ihe eyes of the enemy to The contended:
Chani and be Deem )10 texecutithe farm of Gervais to put;
le Ire tk 1s - ere 1,,,i,,,; on a writ for 14150 for a
of " t,,, .;. ,vhich Gerv, t
'.11''„r ant had re