HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-14, Page 5illi'iSti8 . N�v 11bs r 'l ellh, 1 9 18, THE CLINTON NEW EltA„ tt . e, eCV'11 history' . ' w'ts 46"'!t broke your marded sift civili;uts showed My teach - I FAVOR IN yr. POULTRY WANTED 1000 BENS lete0 .CTITCF�ENS. 500 'TUCK$$ •4 t Each week atour Poultry x Feeding Plant for the balance 'of 191% Prices paid according to quality and fancy prices' paid for large properly ,fattened milk fed chickens, NEN LAID EGGS kin 119eahless days are making very high prices kr eggs. Al- though grain prices are high it will pay you to take special. care of your Hoek of hens and outlets, j?r imited U�lrr l,�A 'l�ls & Co,,,, The up-to+date Firm Cijnton Brandi Phone 190 V. W. Trewertha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 442, A�ABCa41•AAAaAAaaAAAAAis6** d A 110 Ir 4, N4' m . 9 Pianos See and •here our finest 0 .New. Stylish designs of '11'Doherty .Pianos and Organs, peciai values Isl Arl, eases Planks and Organs rent. a ed. Choice new �dtson phonographs, Mu* & variety goods. Hume fll:7Ulturittal sir •C. Hoare tC it 5- 5r HOW TO MKT INPLUDZA a ,11 PR, 1., ik :110 W 6116, rowds coughs and eowards, ,void o , bnis fear neither germs nor Germans'! Keep .the system in good order, tape • plenty of exercise ifs the fresh air and p. y praetico oloatflitiess, aeinoitfber a 010110 mouth, a clean skin, and glean boweie aro a protecting armour against disease, I To keep the liver and bowels regular and to otrryi tit ay the poisons within, i ver r t to pill every ayes tib 'b to take l a � b 1 t -le be_ other day, made up c1 May -apple, aloes, jalap, and sugar-eoatecl, to bo ltnd =kb julep, drug stores; known as Ar. J'lercois Pleasant Pellets. If Mere is a sadden onset of what appears like a hard' cold, one should go to bed, wrap •,,arm, take copi—a hot mustard foot -hath and drink ously of hot lemoutde. If pain develops in bead or back, ask the druggist for Annxfb (anti uric) tablets. These will flush the bladder and kidneys and parry off poisonous 'genns. To ,control the pains and ashes take one Almelo tablet every two hours, with Tretiueiit drinks of lemonade. The pneumonia appeare in a most treacherous way, when the inflp, en0a victim ie apparently recovering and anxious Eo leave his bed. Iu re0avering• frpm a bad attack of influenza or pneu- monia the system should be built up with a good herbal tonic, such as Dr. Pierce' e Golden Medical Discovery, made without alcohol from the roots and barks rens or his Irontfo of American forest trees, (iron tonic) tablets, which can be ob- rained at moat drug.etares, or send 10o. to Dr. Pierce'a Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package. Another thing's certain You'll find in the end, A knock at a door is Worth two of a friend." —Yonkers Statesman And this, could 1 do it, I'd publish in red, One cheer for the living is • Worth ten for the dead, s.81 Tereever levy,. veer, MMnwM/nAiIMNMMM PLUMBING, ROOFING, TROUGHING AND FURNACE WORK KINDS OF PUMPS ON HAND' .,ELECTRIC WIRING ' AND; FIXTURES Call or Phone for prices eireeinseilimeaecomeetesteceeeneissneiree ' ,Byam & Sutter sV, I3g-yDON Lr BAklet$TT1R s3OLIOTTOR NOTARY PCBia0, ETU ••re Nine T. 1-t A N V E Notary Public, Conveyancer, t inaociitl and Real testate INSW%ANOI4 n GIN-Repeong 19 Fire In nn Division Court Office. a9 lumbers and Electricians Phone 7. ,yy W v Wv vvvvM'vvwv wwww vw .c.e.tter Pay The 'Price Rs'�iww•pMWry,wW.4r�"�'M1+},1N•.wMM.rM.aXMI°�3!'AW`�, �•'4�'.I4•R'vp'. friend i'lfoatirck to fan the flame 1 kin- the infernal regions.'alike,Ymade the war troves how well on friends and foe SATAN. did It rl KAISER'S our tvoo; ' f`f't 4. orur ork w's heart,but -1 gained my int;sd had borne.gtvi ffls well treachery purpose, • 1 toward uetrtrnf nations' hastened a t THE "The Inherited disease of 1110.liolteu- universal upheaval, the tiling rt,M'/ Kee. S MARE EVEN TIG u'st 8 It most desired. Your undersea war. Wil Ti C wi wilt killed your father, J s tram the pEVli. CxICK-�••-SiVEFY ENCl.,4NIP l� will lcili you, and you became the ruler fare ig a master stroke, SUBJECT OF HATE— of,Germ:Me and a tool Of 1111110 sooner sinallost mackerel pot to the great C ESTER. SKIT OF CI'CIEN Mewl expected. Lusitanin you show„ 00 favorites; es LEVEtt QI "Ta assist You and further hasten a war, lord .yam stand supreme, for 11NTTGD f q',5, KcIAG y Oesjpsrtcb will prove interesting read- would, be wllliht ' and loyal subjects to be torn apart duel , Iresurely de- voured by sharks clown among the corals, e e battle-, 1 have strolled over th. have I It v France, fields of llelgii9rn and seen your hand of destructon every- where; its all your work, super - fiend that l made you. 1 have seen the fields of Poland; now a wilder- boss tit for 'prowling beasts' only; no merry children In Poland now; they all succumbed to frost, and star- vation --1 drifted down into 'Galicia, where formerly Jews end Gentiles lived happily together; 1 found but ruins and' ashes; 1 felt a curious Pride in my pupil, for it was all above, 'my expectation. 1 was in Bel- gium when you drove the peaceful m work I sent you three evil spirits, you .have no , merayt you have no. Nietzsche, Tretsc'hke and later Bern- consideration. for the baby . clinging d the to Its mother's breast as they both • from its 5t Paul both orae teachings inflamed t The following r 1n t omits of .Gorntnlay, sync. iu goad onto ga down into the .deep l'ogetherc°.only 1I e asgautho. notch sa satire in recent lh l�s spenll lase been perfect --you cast your t Kaiser Wilhelm, n K.is a W r - as quests, Of a s ase , unbitious °Yes toward the Medite Y 1'�equest5 have seine to him from Tum- ;mean, Egypt,India and the Dardanel- ulty, Secretary Daniels and Roosevelt, les, sulci You laega1 your great railway And, people in every stale of the melonlos, Bagdad, but the ambitious archduke and in Cauada have asked for copies of and his more ambitious wife stood in Mr, Syberkrop's article, It is; your wily, 11 was then that I sowed the "The Infernal Region, , seed in your heart that blossomed into mg: e'•'op of Creston, has and eager to set their their blood and pa • ti {.outs Syb ter 1, "'IT, hestnnts yours and mine, x • 'lune 28, 1917, the assassination of the duke and his 4rt King wife and all •hell smiled when It saw 1'fo Wilhelm von tpe or ofe t, bItOW er au sitddl d the eriiti0 on of Prussia, Emperor of in Ger- Serbia, s� w you set sail for the fjords many and Envoy Extraordinary of of Norway. and I knew you wodld Almighty God. 1 rove and alibi, How cleverly done, My Pear Wllltelnu 1 p is cit like our noble grandfather, "I an callyou by that f3113'""ei„' w s use securedan assassin to remove p who al name, for I have always been very old' King Frederick of Denmark, and population before you like c1 later robbed -that country of two pro- into slavery; you separated man and close to you, noels 01055' than you could ever know. et v'inces, that gave .Gernuuty an oppor- wife and forced then, to labor in .the "From the time that you were y tunity to become a naval power, Mur-, trenches. 1 bave seen the most fiend - an undeveloped •being in your motif- der is dirty work, blit it takes n NO- illi repe committed' on young, woman, er's womb 1 have shaped your lies henzollern to make a way and get by, and those who, were forced Into me - tiny' for my owe purpose. 1 "Your opportunity was at hand; ternity were cursing the father of "In the dslys of Rome 1 created a you set the 'world on fire and bells their. offspring. and 1 began to doubt rough -neck known iqt History as Nero; of hell were ringing; yourrape' on if my own inferno was really up to be was a vulgar character and suited Belgium caused much joy -it was the date, • my purpose at that particular ,time. beginnniii :the foundation of a per -I "you have taken million of dol- t' p p 6 gl in these modern days a classic, demon feet .Yell on • earth, the destruction of lure from innocent victims and called is needed, As '1 "knot, the liohenzol- noble, cathedrals and other'infinite it indemnity; you have lived fat on cern blood. 1 picked you /as my -spe works of art Was hailed with joy iu 'the land you usurped and sent the tial instrument to Place on earth at - -' 1 real owners to starvation; You. annex of hell. 1 gave you abnormal AND ` have strayed away from all legal - ambition, likewise an over septet), iLEMONS WHITENi iced war methods and introduced a of egotism, that - you might not s BEAUTIFY THE SKIN code of your own. • You have killed own ,ii e e that � their I to dencies to carry lotion chea ly for hypocrite and a bluf you by, g your face, neck, Fer of the highestg placed in power; gaveyouare a part o none an n Y cover your tv f1 I ngs 1 twisted O 1 and robbed the people of friendly your iniad to ti t of a madman i with ' nations and destroyed property eertairi normal n Make this beauty . o on P. '. you are a bar; n ypocr e - a most dangerous character ck arms'and hands. magnitude. Piano 'ruining Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be Is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. FAGS 3 .. (Al and lireil, thele OW teachings did stop h 0 have been not .l p wIt you, but extended to the, whole German u0, tine. I confess any Satanl,c'sclul grew sick, and .there and 'titan I knew, the it1 ' n� ' af, #•, tt pupil had become, ilrr, t 4s (r i It hack lumber, and, my dear Wil- helm, i abdicate is your favor, The great key of hell Mit h0 turned over to you, The gavel that has struck he doom, of dammed souls since time began as yours.,•1 ant stislied,that my abdletion in your favors is for the very best interests of hell-ip the future 1 on at your n-,lesIy's serviee, Aifee- ionaately and sincerely, "LUCIFER 11, You 1 thn power f d yet ou pose a hypnotist and a certain • "snag force, thatyou might sway your At the cost of a small jar of ordinary , as a personal friend o"de �d Yoir want neticot g Wil - people. ! .sip respo»sibie for. the. de- cold cream one can prepare a full guar- • helm, you 'are a formed arm that hangs helpless on ter pint of the most wonderful lemon 1 onlyato destroyll for thiings in your a h your left• for your crippled condition skin softener and complexion n bfreak Tam,., anions, e nothing g embitters your life and destroys all by squeezing the juice pf tw that 'mi ht otherwise` one into 15 bottle containing three ounces l "1 Was amazed when ls1 saw you umorm noble impulsese g be sauce me anxiety, but your Strong to' strain the tl raugh adfine taken. sibleparTurk, hrpa chronic' killer p of s - that squelches arm fall s by tl your and pity,,, j All sentiment and pity; so no lemon pulp gets in, thou this lo- Christians, and Lutheran you era devout chord%lworl that aced aerg shipper in the uth n I .placed in your sou! a deep time tion will keep fresh for months. 1;v chann,to this cold -weather hat, hatred woman lmowe that lemon juice is used confess, Wilhelm, you are a puzzle for all things English, for of all nations to bleach andoymove such tan blemishes ae commanded Ay Mohammedan oha German officers, cerarm on earth. I hate England most; where freckles, as - ever England plants her flag, she brings the ideal skin softener, whitener and sisting one another in .massacring beautifier. Christians is a new line of warfare. order out of chaos, and fub hated. Cross Get three When a Prussian officer can witness follows the Union Jack; under her ode Just orchard' tihitelat any- drug store and a nude woman being disembowled and due become tillers of the soil two lemons from the grocer and make up by a swarty Turk, committing a and in due tune practical globe,s; she a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant double murder with one cut of Itis, is the great c1. Ala r of the and ! leon lotioand piussago ft daily foto saber and calmly stand by and see hated heri 1• planted in your soul a 'a house full of innocent Armenians cruel hatred for your mother because 'the face, neck, arms and hands. It femarvelous to smoothen rough, redhands: locked up, the house saturated with he was English and left my good H. G Cameron, K C. Barrister. Solicitor, .Conveyancer, Etc Office on A.-Ibdrt Street, oorepied ry IN r. Ilooper. Iu Clinton on every Thursday, and on env day for which appointments etre made. CMcs halve from 9 a,m. to 0 p m. A. good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmente for Mr. Cameron. • Don't he tempted to chimes cheap 1 "rjewelrry. Far setter to pay a fair ,price,and know exactly what von epee getting, r! 'Yon will never be em`ry--for as•a -natter of money, it is easily the most economical. that has been said en often that everybody by this time slioitld know it -and vet, there le no scarcity of cheap jewelry 'in' the ri'g land Now to gat personatl-If you would like to miss shut sort altogether - COME BRIM If you would Bice to hey where nothing but high qualities are •dealt fn-OOV1E HERR .And evr,rtatthat, no person ever "geial a ar$prieee were unfair SQA ounce .� Jeweler and ltpticiiut u el' of Marriage Licenses • Medk,ai. DR. J. C. GANDIER Office at Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, — Ontario Ato NERVOUSRECK U S. FROM HEART AND NSB E There are many people at the present time whose nervesareunstrung,, heart affected, end general health impaired. To 50511 we offer Milbure'e Heart and Nerve Pills as the beet remedy that science has produced for such troubles. These pills have a wonderful effect on the nerve cells of the body, giving them new life and energy; they strengthen and regu- late the beset and make the blood rich and nourishing„ M'r, Joeeph Daly, Wolfe Island, Ont., t u Nerve Pills. �01 was uregular 's nerrvous wreck from my hoarb and nerves. I saw your Advertisement in the paper and decided to try your pills. I took five boxes of them, .and now I am as steady as a clock. People said I could not be' cured, but I fooled them with Milburn's heart and " Nerve Pills. DR. W. GUNN Office at Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton Ontario DR. Ile. fit ttX0i11 DENTIST crown nod. 'fridge work n Specialty. Graduate of 0,0.0.8... Chicago, and 8,0.0.8 Toronto. naylleid m1 aio11d1fye, Nov lel. 11115 DR. N. FOWLER., DENTi ST. Offices over O'NEIL'S shore. dpeoial ogre takes t0 make dental trop' mace as painless as poedihle. s• plfd' i k) f'Si'?i kb b.�w r - rd d":t'"i 2rfs +1n f v is i'rFtA?yA4 ��'r w�srit.. i�Q'MAS GUNDR ` Live stalk and general Auction .e GODERICH ONT b 51 1. 91510 513155 9 epetal.lt, thee, 9- ., r New Etta adios, illlntou, pr1.5' ' y often° 0,, Tonnareasonable. Narrner„ .olu not lleaonnted ' ti. D. etteleggat;e 51. U, MoTt140cf•' . McT'aggar'' t:ro A E:ANICERS A.1.4BERT tr , (ILINP11 tessneral Banking ituatfleset transacted eiOTBEI DiSOOTINTED , FOR)) i0MelLtOn A, Carload of Govt. Standard.. HOG FEED Just Arrived. T'OR1&LL ROD Deafte halted. interest stowed a denoeite The Mci ilaoIp ±fl 1'ttaasl Fire Insurance c cs. RRrm and Isolated Tanen "Preps. erty. Only Insured. Mead Office -Sealer 0111 Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Flinchley, Seaforth; Wni. Chesney 5 nfondville; J. WW Yeo, Goderlchi; R. G Jarmutll, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben., newets, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech., wood M. McEwan, Ciinkon; James' Connolly, Godertch D; 1, Me(lregor,, No. 3, Seaforth J. G. clrleve, No. 4, Wkiton; Robert Ferris, llertocks Geo, Mcf.lartne, No. 3, Seaforth. Ihw M ny Cr.wns for k�", Your!on.r 3 lag? Of course every city, town and district will earn its Honor Flag. But how about the crowns? For every twentyrfive per cent. in excess of its quota, each city, town and district will be entitled to add a crown to its flag. Can you do fifty per cent. better than yourquota—:that means two crowns for your Honor Flag. • But double your quota and it Means four crowns. , Hang : a Flagin -oiir hall, that for �' years to come will show that your city, town or district did better than well--- Thai it was a real factor - in the huge. success • `of CANADA'S VICTORY' LOAN 1918, Issuecl,,by Canada's Victory.L oan Committee' in co-operation'tvith the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada ACCEPT RESIGNATION SI 14 yt*t S��ttpp1'1�t"71��!/�A"r1lryi�t�•�r�� �^�)�i ©F HON, tr , CRO HERS Hon, 0111500 Itobortean S4aceede lib lViini$ter of ,Label.,—CrQtliera in Ill'iienith, Nov, 7, •-1.1 was oi1iei;lly tu•day that lion. T. w., C roibers, Minister of Labor, 1,110 ' is now. en ropte f o r O n11 fornix, rdec 1 s h t t t a Itis resigoat inn to Sir Robert 8or {Flen surd Ihai It has been ae espied, Mon, Gideon .°i.Y flit. T2s Ro beetsop, who ha' re' vn s pre s opted Hon.T. vY• VrOrher5 Labor in the Cabinet fo sometime past, in addition to actipg as chairman of the Canada Registra- tion Board, has been appointed Min- ister 10 succession to Mr, Crotlters 'ted was sworn in sit. noon, to -day, Mr. CL'others re- ' signed on the - grosinds of health. eetuttor Ro- n bortson, the new Miister, has been olosee ly in touch' with the work., of • the Labor Deparhnent Milburn's Heart and Nerve' Pills are, since entering. 60e. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct the Govern - on receipt of price by Tho T, Milburn meat • a year Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ago. Senator Ro- bertson'will beHOn,G.Robe r Ort. the second Min OWN with '1 ortfolio holding 11 sal of BE YOUR site, p *AN the Senate the other beteg Sir James FURNACE M (>ttawrt, ❑ mate:cad Urging the importance of personal attention to, their furnace by house- holders this Winter, the. Fuel Admin- istration for Ontario declares that 25 To of the coal used in the gverage home can be saved by proper damper con- trol. "Your firing line tbi§ Winter is the furnace boor." • Some -suggestions are:— Don't trust your furnace to an itin- erant odd -lob 13811youave 1e r own fire- man. "Every 60 pounds 01 coal you have saved enough to make another 3 -inch shell for the front, It is assumed tbnt most heaters are installed large enough hforthe e ,With provided they are properly fi the average; heater the trouble it local. The fret essential is cleanliness. One one-hundredth inch of soot has the same power toresist heat as ten incites of iron. Give the heater a thorough cleanint and 'stop all air leaks in furnace and fire pot. See that chimney and furnace pipes are in good repair, that ash -pit and clean-out doors are tight, that smoke -pipe is not in- sertederiah too far Into the chimney and is not obstructed by soot or other mat - Cover all heat pipes in cellar with asbestos. • Hot-water and steam boilers should have a covering of asbestos or mineral -wool, Lougheed who steads the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishlneltt. More Changes Two other appointments have been 0335515: • Col, Hugh Clark, M. P., Parliansen- tary Under-Secretary for ERternal Affairs, becomes Parliamentary Un- der-Secretary for the Department of Militia and Defence. P, lit Keefer, M. P. (IFort Artliur and Kenora) has been appointed Parliamenttiry Under-Secretary for External Affairs. The position of Parliamentary Lin- der -Secretary for the Department of Militia and Defence has been vacant since the appointment of F, 13. Mc- Curdy, M. P„ as Parliamentary Secre- tary of the Department of Soldiers' Civi l.' Re-establish sten t, NERVOUS MUM I'S Few people realize that nervous ail- ments often arise from digestive troub- les. The stomach fails, for some rea- son, to digest food properly. Then the mlanguishes and the nerves be - conte exhausted in strivine to continue their work; Impure blood also causes nerve troubles, but frequently it is in the stomach where the mischief starts. As the nourishment is carried to the nerves by the blood, it will be .seen what an Important connection exists between the stomach. the nerves and the blood, and how- such troubles as nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia and insomnia may begin. In such cases relief is easily obtain- able by means of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. These pills replenish the blood with 'the food elements on which the nerves thrive; at the same time they Board, Ottawa. exercise a tonic influence on the di- gestive organs, enabling the ,system to Honors For Canadians derive nourishment from tire' food tak- is pointed out in the latest en, By this perfectly natural process Itissue of The Military Gazette, test 05. Williams'ills are Pink dispelled rey there have been, since the begin- atO WiPink Pil.s, if you are nine of the war, 32 Victoria Crosses blood -making front ne, g, or require a the highest military award in the a aialtome, give these -pills British service—given to Canadians. , a fair trial, and see hot, speedily the Of these men, 15 were Born in Can - best of health willl be gouts• b oda, and 14 of them we're killed in You can get these pills through s5action either while perforating the dealer in medicine, or by moil at 50o i deed that gained them the honor, or later. Fifteen others were natives of the British Isles, one was a Rus- sian, and. the other born in the 0, S. Seventeen were oflieers. Twenty-six of these heroes belongedto the in- fantry, three to the cavalry, two to the air force ,and one, an officer in medical services, attached to the elf an try. cser.'onot eeoe9sinsomsoA@O9®• Local News o6aC1vieceo00mee meozesee'fate Send Subscriptions Direct to Office. All newspapers are under a strain in these times. Paper has advanced • sharply in price and wages and other materials have gone up, Consequently The New Era „like other leading week- ly papers, is con 4pelled to ' withdraw ' all agents or. postmasters' commissions and the price received for all subscrip- tions must be the hill $t.5o at the al- iice. Subcribers therefore will not ask postmasters to send the money in as they now receive 'no commission for doing so. ' Warning To AU Who Get Married Under the Canadian Registration Act, any person failing to give notice of marriage or change of residence is, liable to a fine of $50. The wording of the section is as follows: Any per- son registered under these regulations who later marries or changes his place of residence and who without lawful excuse, omits, neglects or fails to notify the central registrar of the date of his marriage and the name and place of residence of the person wltont he -married, or of the place of .resi- dence and post office to which he has , removed, as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offencee,,,, and liable to a fine not exceeding $50. Letters of notification should be sent to the ten- irni Registrar, Canada Registration cents a box or'six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicne Co., Brock- ville, Ont. SAWS RESET 'There's one thing that's certain," Says old Mr. Peck; "A ;boil on the stove is Worth two On the neck." Minor • Locals 4- —Chincinnati Enquirer' Schools re -opened on Monday. iLarge quantities of sugar beets and Says wise Uncle sen, 'turnips• are behsg shipped trout Clin- •(Uncle lives in a flat) ton station, "A stove in the kitchen's I The 'Saluda" Tel Cannpany have Worth two in the snit," subscribed to the VICTORY i3OAN a —Zanesville Signal. quartet' of a million dollars in To eento , and Montreal. ee Will our correspondents,please let And 11010 is one spieled‘ B old Uncle Jock: us have news. every week. Nothing is By looked for ltnOYe eageaiy then the 805- "A 'crick' in the fields respondent's' budget.' Worth two in the back." The prevailing perfumes these days 'Youngstown Telegrnm. are camphor, sulphur .md a5s$foetida. You, can perceive the ardor of one of Says old Mr. Grumpy the three in almost any old place, Whose learning is wide i Take the was' loan and influenza "A stitch 111 the vest is news out of the daily papers' 'these Worth two in theside." days and thea is little left for any- -Peoria Journal. Oleg 'else, p DOP1'T SUFFER‘PAIN BUY HIItS`I"St l,adi1d be prapas0d againstattacks et rheumatism, lumbago, nonralg'i+; tootliOC lc and earache. Itaaallg 000011vo for relieving swollen Saints, 01 �, . /(RAint sera throat and outer painful aiimepts. For over CO years q at�„- family irle • Doniteflierimeri-bnYHtietl-•-alwatabavca iwttlein the mum. Bade hunpred uses. .. y. A,d♦Wars;60 write us. 1111581' RE11tta17X; CO., I'Iamilton. Canada,