HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-7, Page 5flifflscl'ay1 Novellab4l' 7th; '494$ 4j1 Glasses In the iiialting of ,,lasses one of the important considerations is, the prosier selection and adjust - Meet 01 the fame. or mountjitg, if pm are to take the comfort from glasses haat shouldI00010- punyproperly corrected eyesight theJ1'suue or mounting must tit We can p tee you this 2011.1 fort and 4n from n»-. i10',)'anee in the, patented Fits-U- •Eyoglesses and spectacles. The r lts U is made in an unique yet simple Way, by which it is poss- ible for us to obtain the greatest latitude. in adjusting the guards to' your features, This means absolute comfort and freedom from nerve taxing annoyance and irritation. . '. Fits -U Glasses pOSSess tllthsltal. merits—they are handsome, very inconspicuous when worn, and, can be most comfortably adjust- ed. 111 the eyeglass forst they may be put on 'and taken off with one hand without touching , the lenses.: We carry a stock of the coitplete line of Fits -U Eye- glasses and Spectacles aild use our judgment of the selection of the one size and style that should Let, us show the FITS -U, W. R. PPEL.I:Y*R JEWLER &' OPTICIAN Issuer t f Marriage Licenses 130 IT 130127025 People 'ask who the Czecho-Slovaks ?1e.. They are 111e men who put. the "trot" in :Crotnity..r.London Opinion. CLINTON MARKETS - pings $17.00 1 Biitt'er ttgs 42c 54c & 55c I. 'S ring wheat 1.09 The Minister of the Interior has Ell wheat 1.i4 been authorized to make November 30; Glias 70 to 75c 9918, a set date from which to calcu-_ 1.0,to$1.05 'Burley. $ $1,25 late'the increased rate of interest on Buckwheat' 2.00'' to•.16.00 all arrears on principal and interest 4 Bay $1�.0 5 ,, Btaan 845.00 on school land sale, provided.the at - ,t. Shorts,..- rears are not paid by December 31, 1 lifeed r ....... $2.75 cwt..... 1918. Local �® ice Wf3©t�Qrgti99D�r�P,iQDd149Q9tYQiQE`rsg+P=+av Obituary. I The Daily Kingston Standard; of Oct, 213Ili refers to the death of the brother-in-law 0f Mr. R. Marshall, which we made reference'to'1051 week ;— Death removes ale of Kingston's most prominent and prospe't'otts bus- mess itten in the person of William. JaLmes Baker, who died at his resi- ' deuce, 183 WillbMm street, on Satu1• day eti enttttg' after two weeks' illness of pneumonia About foto' weeks ago ile contracted a 'cold which he was unable 30 check, Two weeks ago he was cntined to his bed and 00 Sat- urday evening be passed away, The deceased was in his 53rd year and. conduct- ed o for the hast 28 years be had 1duct- ed the College Inn tobacco store on princess street. He was 0 muni whom all . admired for his fine qualities and straight -forward manner, He was. ever, ready to help those in need and was un- tiring in his efforts to please. In reli- gion he was an Anglican and a mem- ber of St, Paul's church, lie Wats also 0 member of the Masonic Order, the Chosen Friends and the Oddfellows, lie leaves to mourn •his"loss, his widow, one daughter, Mrs, H. Bongard of the city, and one son, Cecil," at •home, and one brother Mr. H. D. Baker of Ottawa. The funeral took place 'this afternoon at 2.30 from his late residence, and was conducted 'under the auspices of the Masonic. Order to Cataraqui ceme- tery for interment. Deep and sincere sympathy is extended to his family in their sad bereavement. Viet** '***1P$+*+" **t Personal Notes those having•reletives or. friend 4.4 visiting in town. or Knipe away notify. vs of. the PAT weak, wa 'a! wpnld annouvee in in Cha Naw 01,0 X4+4,441+4 ' '4+ae+Irll Mr, Tunny ,was .avisitor in Blyth on Saturday..• Beacom is having her'furniture moved to Toronto as she is taking up her residence there. Her son; Pte, Elmer Beacom has entered Faculty; Mr, John Shaw who has spent the past. summer in Toronto returned to town last week. Mr. Shaw has had a busy time during the summer with his war garden in the Queen's City. t, an Military Service Act, lsa7e EMPLOYMENT OF MEAN IN D'EMILILT UNDER THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT. The following Regulations, recently approved by the Governor General in Council, impose strict obligations upon every employer TO ASSURE HIM- SELF THAT EACH OF HIS EMPLOYEES OF MILITARY AGE AND DESCRIPTION IS IN POSSESSION OF DOCUMENTS P RO V I N G' THAT HE IS NOT IN ANY WAY IN DEFAULT UNDER THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT. An employer who is charged with having a defaulter ' in his employ must be able to prove THAT THE MILITARY SERVICE RAPERS' ISSUED 13Y THE REGISTRAR, OR MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO THE EMPLOYEE IN QUES- TION WERE PRODUCED FOR HIS INSPEC- TION at the time when the employee was taken into his employment, and that it was reasonably estab- lished to his satisfaction that the man was not in default under the Military Service Act. It should be clearly understood that the Canadian Registration Certificates given on June 20, 1918, at the time of general registration, in no way define the status of a mari.under the Military Service Act. REGULATIONS. ".106. Every person who obligations or requirements employs• or retains in his service aforesaid. , any man who has deserted' or " 106.1. Every person who is „absent without leave from IIARBOURS OR CONCEALS the Canadian Expeditionary OR IN ANY WAY ASSIST Force, or ':_who is in default.in ANY MAN WHO IS.A DE - the performance of any obli- S 1RTER OR ABSENT gation or requirement for re- li1WITHOUT LI AVL PROM porting or for military service, THE CANADIAN EXPE unposed upon him by the Act DITIONARY FORCE, or ,or Regulations, or any'procla-, Who is in default in the per- mation' thereunder, shall be forma:nee of any obligation or guilty an offence punishable requirement for reporting': or -.ot1,.5ummary conviction by i.in•; for military service imposed prisd,Iltnent, not exceeding . six Upon him by the Act or Rfigu- a nont its, or b penalty of not [talons or: any prorlainu,tion Y, a less than Ono Hundred Dollars, thereunder, shall Inc guilty of and of not more'"than Five an offence punishable upon Hundred Dollars, or by both summary conviction by Im snob Imprisonment and fine, prisonln0nt not exceeding six unless such person prove that months, or by iL pc11alty of not he made clue inquiry and less than One Hundred 1Donnra q Y that TIIL MILITARY SER- and of not more than live, VICE PAPERS ISSUED BY 1.1'undred Dollars, or .by both THE REGISTRAR OR TII1; such iinprisoninent and. fine, MILITARY AUTHORITIES unless Such person prove that THE EM- hr, was not aware and had no TO 'lI•iE MAN b0 HIS '. OR RETAINED reasonable ground to suspect; PI,0harboured,' IN HIS SERVICE WERE that the man so , PRODUCED FOR HIS IN - concealed, or assisted was a ECTION and that it was deserter or absent from the n bl established to his forces without, leave or in reasonably , y i faotion bysuch inquiry' default in respect'of.n:ny of the arLt S and papers that the man was obligations • or requirements' not a deserter or absent from aforesaid." the force without i:&WO, Or r n iefn,ttlb i11 ^'~' ,1 . MILITARY SERVICE '' l,,>;N'( �a Ill111111IitiIIII111111g LINTON JN+W RA, nillili1oviil0u1111111 a'Pfilifl asutimin Ira fers One satisfied P 4 A said; " I never knew Graham Wafers could beso good . until it .tried Tetters, Theyare .perfectly deo lioious". She's right. ht. YOU try them, Packed in air tight packages. For sale at all grocers: 1rte. v>rs Word ,�+ �,1 r 'y l'p' Cooed. "The Buy Word for Biscuits r, ,,, ,'t``;m '' a x200, 1 6 1 , i _ LIIIII111111II1111111111IIIIII11II III I 1 1 11111 5 1 111111 II III IIIIIIIIIIII 1111111(1111 'iii,lIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111tItt1 1 II WI II I VIIIIIII IIIVI IIIIIIVIIIVIIVIIIIII IIIIIIIIII� 11141111111IIIIIIIIIWIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIi�IIVVIIIIIIIIVIW IIIII II V I Loc1. 1111111 IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIiI� gVIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIJIVIIIIIIIIIIII I Drastic Order Expected Varsity Opened Tuesday ` That the New Era in common with Toronto University opened up' on all other newspapers in Canada, will Tuesday after being closed on account be.forced by the government almost• of influenza, immediately to put its entire subscrip- Guy Fawkes' Day tion list on the strictly paid -in -advance basis, is practically certain. Already , 'Tuesday of this week was Guy Paw- thie new regulation is in force in the kes' Day. The customary effigy burn - United States and the Canadian Pacer ed on this anniversary ma, safely be Controller purpbses'=very shortly to labeled "Wilhelm IIIc follow suit, Mail Your Parcels Where Are You Going? \ Christmas parcels for linen In France Before buying your railway tickets should be in the post office by Novetn- drop into The New Era and tell us ber 15. Parcels for sten in England where you are going. We want to stay. with safety be left until November publish all the news but bole are we 23. simply of e. Car of Nut Conl,. away and buy a ticket to a certain point. Ne 320111d spedtlly Ask all our I Dr, Gunn got a, surprise last week readers and friends to give us the 1 when a car of nut coal came ,and he news of ' the goings and comings of was busy a few days getting it divided 1 News going to get it if people steal t G themselves and their relatives. up among old friends lie expected a • 1 car of ,fafrnace colt] for his home and Women Vote In North Huron, I the hospital. The voters' lists to be used in the Court postponed forthcoming" by-election in N. Huron are being prepared under .. the direct- Owing to the epidemic apostpone- ion of the registration board for the Inent of ou Supreme Court sitting for County of Huron, composed of. Judge Huron County, which, was to be held Hickson, Judge Lewis, County Crown November 4 th, 1305hbeen made to Janu- Attorney. Seager, Sheriff ' Reynolds cry 5th, The Jurors have been noticed that their attendance would not be re - nod digit Court Registrar' D. Mellon- aid. Enumerators prepare the lists qured, for the various polling sub -divisions; 2nd Car Went Quickly these are submitted to the registra- I The car number 2 of soft coal tai tion board and are printed or type- „the second lot that the town has pur-' written, and provision is then made •chased was unload last week and plac- for hearing appeals, The system is a ed in coal hilts of the citizens. Two new one which has come into effect more cars are on the way. The town along with the extension of the Fran- purchased these for storage to be used parcel post Is' a s fohwso-m-For troops nown to be' to tate : United Kingdom, , lc per pound or fraction thereof. j limit of weight_ is 11 poiruds Psle'eels for troops 111 1h'0110e or Flandersa Parcels weighing up,tal 3 pounds, S 0t parcel � weighing more L71an 3 pounds and not more than 7, 321 i.iinit of weight is 7 pounds; 3'lutels ,(ur the Meditelraneat and Salonika I;xpedi- tionary Forces etre subject to the fol; lowing rates; '1 113:,. 32c1 2 ahs., 40e,;. 3 lbs. , tttc ; 4 lbs,, 74e,;',5 lbs,, 829; 6 ilii,, 900.1 7 lbs„ 98e, 'i'lte 'limit of e weight 1n this case is 7 pounds, CONSTANCE, Mr, Henry Taylor, of Canstance, re- ceived news 113111 bt5 son, Pte. Law- 'rence 'Taylor, is seriously iii with the "flan" in a hospital in %Simonton. fie 010051 with several others were en route to Victoria 51 . members of the Siberian expeditionaryforce when they were overtaken with th,e malady, pour of the party having since succumbed to the disease, chile to woolen Two More Papers Amalgamate. this winter when.a shortage might arise but the citizens are not going to have the sante crePgg�,py feelingg.� as they had The first,issue of the Owen Sound last year, if Utley can hal'p it. Sun -Times made its appearance Friday. In it are incorporated the SIM and tate Married Wednesday. Tines, the two leading newspapers of A quiet wedding took place on Wed - that district. Janes B. Rutherford who nesday afternoon of this week, when was the publisher of the Times for Rev. J. A. Agnew tied the matrimonial last 30 years. has disposed of his knot between Sadie H, Walters, dab - interests to the Fleming Publishing Company, publishers of the Sun, who have amalgamated the two papers, un- der the name of The Sun -Times, pub- lishing from the former Sun office Mr. ghter of Mrs. Edwin Walters, of Tuck- ersmith, and John A. Horton, son of Mr, Nicholas D. Horton. of Seaforth. The young couple were attended by Miss Rae Horton and Mr. Wm. Walters. Rutherford is retiring from newspaper The young couple will reside in Sea - work in Owen Sound and after a va- forth. cation will enter another line of busi- ness. The two newspapers were for- y merly political opponents, The Sun being Liberal and The Times Conser- vative. The new publication indorses the Union Government, but on ac- count of the unionity of party align - stent after the war does not admit Mel( to any political allegiance, Death Of Harold Yates • The- following ' item from a recent copy of the Toronto Globe refers to a former well-known and popular mail - clerk on the L, H. &$, whose par- ents at that time resi' in Mitchell but havelsince moved''''''iii��� Orangeville. Orangevllae was saddened this week by the news of the death of Flight - Lieut. Harold. Yates, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Yates, West Broadway, at Dayton, after a week's illness, of pneu- monia, at the age of twenty-three years and seven months. i -le arrived 110010 from overseas on March 4 last, having been given leave as n result of injuries sustained 111 a flying accident. His health improved rapidly and last July he left for Chicago to take a posi- tion as instructor in military tactics Saturday afternoon Rosetta Pearl Carrick, eldest daughter 'of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Crarick passed away at the age of 16 years and 5 months. The young girl had been sick with influenza and' pneumonia for the past two weeks. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon • and the services. were conducted by Rev, A. E, Jones assisted by $s Capt. ett and Lieut. Tucker of the S. A. The pallbearers were Earl Cooper, Willis Cooper, E. Libby and H. McGuire. Interment tocM place at Clinton cemetery. ' Christmas Parcels The special parcel of Christmas eheer that each Canadian prisoner of 'war will be sent will contain. as pound tin of roast beef, half -pound tin of sausage and bacon, one pound tin of turkey or fowl, one pound tin of Christmas pudding, quarter - pound of tea, half -pound of loaf sugar, one pound tin of milk, one tin of sardines in oil, quarter - pound packet of plain chocolate, two packets of Wrigley's chewing 140741,43-44rJ3TJ'e SOLID Although 111110$11.0111 11 11011e15', 11 1 salol is be it solid food. His enthusiasm for his work, mechau_ ,gum, half pound tin of dripping, ical ability, and knowledge of air- half -pound carton of biscuit s , half - craft, brought speedy recognition. and pound tin of cheese, one real turtle six weeks ago ire was given a position 3 P square, one packet two dried as Inspector for the United States Gov- ernment with the Bureau of Aircraft Production at Daytoric Ohio. When taken ill he was Final' Inspector of Aeroplanes, and evert, machine turned out by the Dayton Wright Aeroplane Company, one of the largest concerns in the United States, had .to receive has e s, one cake brown Windsor soap, tobacco or cigarettes, Christmas card. Awarded Cross Last Thulksday's Star refers to the grandson of Mrs, Greig and a nephew of Mrs, T, Jackson, Miss Clark and Mr, T. A. Greig, of town: 'Capt. J. W. 0 K before it would be ,accepted by G lark, D. F C., formerly of The Clark 1ordi here was largely aittended." d who according to a cable frail 'Loddon yesterday, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for services in .the Cambrai fighting, and ef00041131 i S isliMV)®213011111 90,9111®ee 1I Odds and Ends of CoslCii • t• siosoestecoosloeeomeoeie®oeaee 'Mr, John Burton, %vas. paid $435 for work on street. Fore repairing tools for street work J. F. Wasman was paid $10.40. For lighting streets the Public Ut- ilities w, s paid 8138.54 for October. For lighting hall and lamp account Hydro was paid 87.83. Coal stove, base burner, in perfect. John Stirling was paid 82.80 for condition, Used one winter only. Ap- work on weigh scales. • ply to , A, J. GRIGG. $9.27 wits. the bill presented by T, McKenzie for lumber: - FOR SALE OR RENT H. Carrick was paid $54,17 for Oct - the War Impel:Omit, The. funeral Sta e3staff and second son of J6seph T. GOT UP IN MORNING WITHHEADACHE A€110 SRCFta STOMACH. ins 'you will Need _ the I all Summer done snit the mind 'of the. house., keeper turns to getting her home and fatuity ready for the new and cooler season. Don't forget, that our counters, our assistants are here ready to help you, Full, stocks ---prompt and courteous service --Right prices, See the fall number of the New Idea Quart- erly, just out. This smart, attractive style b,00lc 82¢4-1.ndiee Deese on sale at our New Idea Pattern Department, ' fusee 84, 20, 58, 40, 42, 44, 46 lashes bust Plu stee Bros. Small 1 t,ohbs Phone 25. lllo'o Bntsiness THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS , ' FOR, SALE obey, salary.' Thirty Acres, very best land. House, 3. W,. $laobbrook's salary` as, 'Came- good bafn, orchard. Bucke-eye ditcher; tei'y Superintendent for October was gasoline fuel. $41.66: BOX 5, GODtRICH P. 0,• Chief Wheatley reported $7.65 from weigh scales. Superintendent Shobbrook reported $69.50 for care in perpetult1 and sale of lots in 'Cemetery. It cost the town $S.OS for posting A11 accounts not paid by October of Assessment notices. 30th, well be Placed in other hands Three -prentiuins of insurance on for collection with added costs. town hall cost 842.00. D, L. Macplierson's salary as Clerk Notice, • , E. Seruton, for the past three'months was 5125. I WANTED Chief Wheatley's salary of $125.001 was paid. R, Welsh's salary for past three months of 5112.50 was paid, News Record had a bill of 559.35 for printing, Nee:, lira had an account of 510.25 for printing, W. D. Fair & Co.. was paid $3.45 , for celebration supplies. Bell Telephone Co., had an account for 90c. For selecting jurors the Mayor, Clerk and Assessor was paid „6.00, Police Magistrate Andrews and Ex - Councillor Paisley were visitors at the Council meeting. $3,00 was paid for wood for the has beam promotedcaptain mid flight commander in his squadron. tae rs still an observer, having been. incapici- tated in the services for taking his Course as pilot. He went to France with the 75th Battalion in August, 1916 and transferred at the front to the Royal Flying Corps in January, 1917, Mr. P. M. Phelps, Stanbric1g,a East, Que., writes:—"I have been taking Mil- How to. Send Them and What it Costs. burn's Laxa-Liver Pills with ;such good results I. thought 1 would write, you, 'I had Stomach and liver •trouble; turd wooed get up it the morning With iu,heaclache, stomach sick andfeel clizny. After taking two vials I was cured of these troubles, and constipation as well, Carelessness and neglect, and oftrin times wilful' disregard 01 natures law's will put th system all'out of sorts, The stomach 'becomes upset, the bowels clogged, and the liver inaetivn, To bring the system back to its normal state must be the obioet of those who wish to 1,0 well, This. can, quickly be done by using Milbur n s Laxa-Livor Pills. They liven up the liver, get the bowels back to their natal condition end tole up the stomach, malting the entire system sweet and clean, 114ilburn's Laxa-Livor Pills aro 215e, rti vial at ail -dealers, or 'mailed direct en receipt of price, by Tire T. Milburn Cc, It is absolutely necessary that aril parcels should be very carefully and securely ;lacked: The following forms are recommended by the post office department: ('1) Strong double card- board boxes, preferably those made of corrugated cardboard having lids which completely enclose the sides of the boxes, "Strong wooden or tin boxes. (3) Several folds of stout packing paper. Additional security may be had by the use of strong linen, calico, canvas or other textile secure- ly sewn up, Address should be clear- ly written in ink on cover preferably in two places, also name,.and address of sender should be clearly written in ink on parcel, Parcels which do not comply with this condition Will be re- fused ---the contents of the parcel should be stated on the cover, Additi- •onal information could he secur'^.4 Man wanted for night shift to assist repair men on Shell Machinery, One who can lace belts and do general re- pairing to countershafts, line Shafts, etc., preferred. Apply at once to The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher C., Seaforth, Ontario, Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the, Clinton Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday even- ing, Nov, 6th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of hearing the 1 reasurer's re - Charity Committee. port nn The Assessor's salary was ordered the coming year. T. Cottle, paid of 8135.00. Sec.- Trews. _ ENGINES FOR SILO FILLING VOTERS' LISTS, 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the par- ties mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario Voter's List Act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at elk:to1s for members of the Legsilative Assembly and at Muni- cipal elections and that the said list was first posted up at my oflice ill the Town Hall, Clinton, on the 125th day of October, 1918, and retrains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon on all vot• ers to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated this 26th day of October, 1918. D. L. MACPHERSON, Town Clerk, Clinton Toronto, Ont.. ,. from the post ofliee,,,. The Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements. 1 mile North of Clin- ton,, Base Line, Lot 34, Gbderich Twp. on lttonday, Nov. 4th, at 1 o'clock. the following: -1 draft horse 8 years old; t draft horse 4 years old; 1 draft mare 3 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 9 years old; 1 gelding driver 2 years old; f ladys driver 4 years old; 1 road mare 6 years old; 1 cow 5 years,old'due in May; 1 cow 9 years old due in May; 1 cow 2 years old due in June; 14 yearl- ings; 6 calves; 1 wagon and hay rack; 1 set bob -sleighs and platform; .1' Mas- sey Harris seed drill; 1 Massey Harris cultivator; 1 Deering binder 7 foot cut;. 1 Passey Harris hay rake nearly. new; 1 Massey Harris sniffler and bean liar- vestef, nearly v w; 1 pea harvester and bencher; 1 ruMer tire buggy nearly new; t ribber tire buggy second hand; 1 critter nearly new; 1 walking plow; 1 2-fanrrOW plow; 1 set iron Barrows; 1 turnip pulper; 1 tarnip drill; 2 set whippie trees and double trees; 1 wheel 8 -roomed house, furnace and other borrow; 1 set 2000 tb 'scales; 1 set . comfortable oonveniences. Corner of heavy team harness; 1 set si1ogie gar- Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Huss; 1 deLavnl cream Separator nearly Brydone, Clinton. new; 30 barred rock heals; 1 cook stove 1 heater; chains, forks; • etc. Every - WATERLOO BOY TRACTORS— Just what you need for. Silo Filling, Threshing, Plowing, 'Cultivating, Bis- cing or any work on Sarre. We have them in stock for immediate delivery. Rebuilt Steams Traction Engines, 20 11. p., 18 h.p,, 17 h.p., and i6 h.p., Port- able Rebuilt Engines from 12 h.p. up- wards. Separators from 24 inches x 40 inches for individual farmer. All for immediate delivery, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.. Seaforth, Ontario. FOR SALE House and lot on Huron st., now occupied by Mrs. John Scrutou, for sale, cheap for cash, Stable and slued on property. Apply to WILLIAM COATS, Goderich. SECURITIES FOR SALE The Administrator of the Estate of Alice M. Fowler deceased, offtlrs for sale the following securities at lowest market prices: War Saving Certificate $ 25,00 3 War Savings Certificates each 100.00 Town of Welland Debentures 1000.00 Town of Hespler Debentures 500.00 William Davies Ltd. Debentures 500.00 Western Canada Flour Mills, Ltd, Debentures 500.00 Dominion tf Canada, War Loan 300.00 The above will be sold at rates to net the purchaser from 51.4% to 7%,Mier annum. Apply to R. E. MANNING, Administrator W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. LiVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Piano 14.638 W. MARQIJIB • Clinton, Ontario FOR •SALE .=13111511•111=e3:5e thing must be disposed of as the pro- prietor i5 giving up farming, All sums tinder $10, cash, over that. amount 12 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, 4% discount will he given on notes.' T. Gundray, Edward Straughan, Auctioneer. .. Proprietor. WINT'ER COWS FOR SALE Ten, young cows which Were fresh- ened between November• and February. TERMS—Cash or Bankable Notes, 14 smile south of Grand Trunk Sta- tion. Bayfield Line Altai)/ Ap lly GEORGE iOLLANPr, 1 i oto , Wanted A Janitor is wanted for the Ontario St, Methodist church, Make applica- tion to Mr, C. H, Holland, DOMINION PROVINCIAL and REAM Wanted .C,ail alt IYir, Watson's Grocery store and get a can 6, 8, or 10 gal, cans partly or fill them, I will test and pay for each can sdp- erately, every week and give you the price for the following week. Highest prices and a square deal guaranteed. Cream received at Summerhill stone any day. E, ASH 'hone 8 on 166, 10. F. B. License No. 8-10532. lUS1 ARRIVED A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN We have also secured a. quantity of , Choice Seed Corn in .the following varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT PROI!IFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE. , SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have on stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed, which we are selling at reasonable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Hull Choice) and also our usual line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. - W.Jenkins&Son FLOUR AND FEED Prone 199. Reeideoca i on 141 kN_DTRUN SY�M: HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA The home of the Red Deer and Moose OPEN SEASONS. DEER—November 1st to November 15th inclusive. MOOSE—November 1st to November 15th inclusive. In some of the northern! Districts of Ontario including Titlinganit and the territory • north and south of the Canadian Government Rail- way from the Quebec to Mani- toba Boundary open season for Moose is from October 1st to November 30th inclusive, Write for copy of "Playgrounds— an Game giving Haunt of. Fish d tart•, s Game Laws, Hunting Regulations, etc,, to C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Torooto, Ont. John Ralrsford & Solt, city: passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A. O. P3�h tison, station agent,' HAD d �9s LES LL OVER r -- �,, ; MUNICIPAL • BONDS The nasty, unsightly little pimples that break out on the face and other parts of the body. are simply little ni'italtng re- minders that the blood is out of order and 1" I3uiresnrdo nurifymg1 eft Bloocliitters bili been on the market fon the past forty years, and its reputation fs unrivalled as a medicine to drive ail the impurities out of the Bought ant Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank. VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % W. BRYDONE,'Ciint00 A Desirable Property For Sale A two storey brick resideence on Huron street, just West of the Baptist church, Good cellar and furnace; also the one storey cottage for sale or to rent on Rattenbury street, west of. the English Church,. For particulars ap-. ply to Mrs. D. McCorvie, et the Huron St., residence. For Nato '11':151 Apniv to blood, thus eradicating the pimples mid leaving a bright, clear complexion. Mr, T. W. Steward, 105 Avenue "Road, Toronto, Ont., writes;.—"I was troubled with pimples all over my body. 1 hap - polled to mention it to a friend who ad- vised me to.0511 Burdock Blond hitters, I nn 131032 using the third,bot tie, and .. nn very pleased will, the results. 1 have no 1 more irritation and feel a whole Int bettor In every way, Your medicine seems to have fixed ane up in general," t "Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured ured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toronto Ont, , See that their name ,,,,,ars orl.the wrapper. ...... t i