HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-7, Page 4;r1lurs(iay, November 7tb, 19'1'S LIVE (POULTRY WANTW , 1000 HENS 1000 CHICKENS { 590 DUCKS Each week at our Poultry Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918. Prices paid according to quality and fancy prices paid for large properly fattened milk fed chickens. NEW LAID EGGS Meatless days are making very high prices for eggs. Al- though grain prices are high it will pay you to take special care of your stock of hens and pullets, Goll -Loo leis & Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone t90 'N. W. Trewaraha, Manager or Holmesvflle 4 on 142. CIAAAAAA AAA•AAAAAAA AJLAAAAA s. 4 4 4 4 4 • • • • •• • a 4 Pianos 1 See and here our finest E New Stylish designs of G Doherty Pianus and Organs, ► special values in art C ► • ► EP ► (ease.4 Pianos and organs rent ed, t;hoice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. .3i one E';iporium. C, Rothe N"v"r'<7`6`1rtl' V v6' V'+a7?• A V v t PL-UMBING, ROOFING TROUGHING ALL KINDS OF PUMPS ON HAND s ELECTRIC WIRING 1 AND FIXTURES Call or Phone for prices 1 Byani & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians 1 Phone 7. VMNVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWwwVVVVy Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the meet economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of oheap jewelry in the land Now to get personate -If yell would like to miss shat sort altogether- COME HERD If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in-OOMF HERE And even at that, no person ever. said our prices were unfair W. eounter Jeweler and Optician u er el Marriage Lit'enses FORD ct McLEOD A Carl of Govt.Standard 9 .i FEED �1-1. � E D Just Arrived THE CLINTON IiEALTII TAI.tK SPANISH INFLt ENZA OR ORiP RS' DB. LEE it. MTG. An old enemy is with us again, and whether we fight a German or a germ, we mese put up a good tight, and not be afraid. Tho influenza runs a very brief course when the patient is oarefpl, and H we keep the system in good a ndition and throw off the poisons which tend to accumuia$e within our bodies, we can escape the disease, Remember these three C's. -0, clean mouth,, a clean skin, and clean bowels. To carry off poisons' from the system and keep the bowels; loose, daily doses of a pleasant laxative should be taken. Such, a one is made of May -apple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap, and called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Ilot lemonade should be used freely if attacked by a oold, and the patient should be put to bed after a hot mustard foot -bath, To prevent the attack of bronchitis or pneumonia and to control the pain, Anuric tablets should be obtained at the drug store, and one given every' two hours, with lemonade. The Anuno tab- lets were first discovered by Dr. _Pierce, and, as they flush the bladder and cleanse the kidneys, they carry away much of the poisons and the urio aoid. It is important that broths, milk, but- termilk, ice-cream and simple diet be given regularly to strengthen the sye- tem and inorease the vital resistance. The fever is diminished by the use of the Anuric tablets, but in addition, the fore- head, arms and hands may be bathed with water (tepid) in which . a table- spoonful of salaratus has been dissolved in a quart. After an attack of grip or pneumonia to build up and strengthen the system, obtain at the drug store a good iron tonic, called " pontic" Tab- lets, or that well known herbal tonic, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. "How fast is Myrtle getting on with her knitting?" "About fifteen knots an hoy1."-- Life. First Fresh ----"My father is a veteran and has a hickory kg." Second Fresh—"Snothing. My sis- ter has a cedar chest," W. Lanai l)t)N BAttLIIST/,R SOLIOfTOIt NOTARY PL"31.10, ETU or,TN'ION H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSOEANOE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire In surance Oompanios. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt, attention. M, G Cani;:rof3, It C. Barrister, Solicitor, rlOouve iner' E t c Office on Albeet Street, occupied tee Mr. Hooper, In Ulieton on every Thursday. and on any day for which appointments are made. ( Moe hours from 0 a, :n. to 6 p m. A. geed vault 10 connetLion with the nff: e. Utiloe open every week day, Er. Hooper will m.tke any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medial• DR. J. C. GANDIER Office at Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, — • — Ontario DR. W. GUNN • Office at Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton Ontario OR. e. R. rexeeN DENT4ST Crawl' and Itradge work a Specialty. Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago. sad 11,0,0.E Toronto. Reynold on Mondays. May 1st twit OR. id. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S aerie Special oar° taken to make dental trey ment as painless as poeaible. THOMAS GUNDRY' Live stock and general Auction 'e" GODERIOH ONT. tel tr,etoac sales a apeohan/. 01 dere at , NEW HRA otece, ClaptonL peen r 7 aofierm, to, Terme reasonable. Parmerii tale, not Recounted G. D. McTaggart M, 1). MoTaggar McTaggart Bros, , _RANKERS ALBERT ST , GL:INTO'S General Deakin§ Huotneas1 transacted ...TOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed s depocite The McKillop Mutual dire insurance eo. Farm and Isolated Town Props arty Only Insured. Mead Office-Seafortil. Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderlch, President,; Jas, Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Trios. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. ^ -eras "'Pluton; Edward yEs ',ma g ft. Alex, Leitc', Hinchley, tnoudvit!,. Jarmutl.,: ,, . tt erri' ,,, , . 1 F' 0 1111) & NI i'0.11 ,(,-!„.,,...;,,(,„1.4.,,:,,,,,,,,,t,:,,,....:, . i a 17: c 1 V{n1traa It .f �;: ,;,: MMic4rf,1t(hx,, V0a, r ,Y,;,.•:,-, il, IMPROVED UNIFORM IN1fsRf 4Tl`.ONdf, ESSON NEW E114. (ny REV, 1': rd 2'71'GWATPTt, Teacher or En lash Sable In the Mcedy Bible Institute of Chleago,) (Copyright, 1918, Western Newspaper tenlone LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 10 JACOB DECEIVES HIS FATHER. LESSON- TEXT—Genesls 27:18-29, GOLDEN TEXT -Speak every man truth with his neighbor,—Lfpheaians 4:26, DEVOTIONAL READING—Epheslans 4:26-82. ADDITIONAT 111ATE1T5 L—Genesis 27: 1-45; Proverbs 12:17-20; eeaharlah 8:18-17; Acts 5:1.11, 1. I aaprs Purpose Regarding the Birthright, (27:1.4). The infirmity of old age reminded Isaac that he should set has house in order. The particular matter needing attention was the determination as to who should be the head of the house when he was gone. As to whether Isaac knew what God had told Re- bekah concerning Jacob's priority we are not told (Gen. 25:28), but it is evident that he lacked spiritual dis- cernment, being under the sway of his appetite. Even though he was ignorant of God's plan as revealed to Rebekah, Emu's action in marrying heathen women (Gen. 26; 84, 35), ought to have convinced Isaac that Esau was unfit to be the head of the house which was lu line of the covenant blessing. I1. Rebekah's Soheme to Frustrate rsaac's Plan (vv. 5,17). Having heard Isane's instructions to Esau,she took steps to divert the fa- .ther's blessing from Esau to 'Jacob. She knew it was God's will that Jacob should have the birthright, but, had no scruples as to what method should be used in its eccompllshmen t. 1, Rebekah's instructions to Jacob (vv. 5-10). ._,..._....N ", She sent Jacob to bring two kids from the goats, promising that she would make savory meat, such as Isaac loved. She knew that Isaac's weak spot was his stomach. 2, Jacob's hesitance,' (vv. 11-17). GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze theuice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and juet see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful amine will surprise you, ' Peps will give you relief.' limply e eeeive 0 reps tablet lu ; your mouth. Your breath carries the medicine) Pine 'mote' which is released, to all parts of the throat; nasal and air passages; where a liquid tncdicin'e could not p stroys a1I germs with which it ossibly reach. This vapor de. •comae • in contact, soothes and s [ho infiaiil Id mmnan fortifieshealyou against cougebrah:,,es coldsd, sore throat, bronchitis and gt'ippe. Paps ciente'.i absolutely no harm- ful drugs and are therefore the' safest remedy 1'-,r children. Mro 5 "1' 1 L nthis »earn.«. rfw++ article`Cuta, wtrite serous it the n in,e and date of this paper, and mail .•t (with lc. stamp to payt'rctnrn postage) to Peps Co„ Toronto. A free trial packet will then be sent i ou. All drug- gists and Stores sett Peps, 50c, box. lM${if 611AT/1Y6 fist sae roresflw tae U1n etnry auu uuugcr which confronted him, His hesitancy was not because he had conscientious scruples against doing the -deed, but was afraid of being found out. Some have a desire to do evil, but refrain from it because they are afraid of be- ing caught. Rebekah undertakes to bear the curse that may come, so Jacob's scruples are set aside. She clothes him with Esau's raiment, and places into his hands the food. I 111. Jacob, Decelves Esau (vv. 18-29), 1.Intervigv between Isaac and Jttcob8-25). The qulekness with which the savory meat was brought, aroused sus- picion in the mind of Isaac. In order to allay that suspicion Jacob deliber- ately lied. Be not only lied, but blas- phemed the Hume of God in declaring thnt his success was due to the help of Jehovah. This lie is again repeat- ed when Isaac questions him further: One lie calls for another. Having started on the road of deception he was obliged to Ile in order to cover up his deceit. 2. The paternal blessing (vv. 26-29). It embodied the following particu- lars: (1) A fertilee soil and abundant products (t'. 28). Man is dependent upon God for the fruitage of the soil. Few stop to consider their obligation. to him for temporal blessings. (2) National pre-eminence (v. 29). God was to give him a numerous and pow- erful offspring. This has in a large measure been fulfilled, but in a still larger measure it remains to be ful- filled. ea) Pre-eminence among bis kindred (v, 29). "Tile elder shall serve the younger.” (4) The object of God's especial care (v. 20). Being PAGE 4 leoe's Melee,encu otelgares liunyoit to care Poe Mita, Bose who would tlii$use Jacob would suffer; those wl1o. Would favor Jacob would be favored, Those wlio ere chosen of God enjoy 1115 special care, and woe be to him Who would dare to molest them,, This included temporal and spiritual bless- ings, . happy 1e 11e who enjoys the friendship of God. IV. Seat's Remorse (vv„30.38). setu'cely had Isa00 ceased blessing Jacob till Esau calve for the blessing. The secret was now out, Lying and deceit cannot long be hid. In the, face of what had been dope, Isaac shakes with fear, No doubt this 1s due to Me manifest presence of Jehovah. Esau Elves forth a terrible wail, While shedding bitter tears of disappoint- ment, he rages with passion and plans to murder ,Jacob after Isaac's death, This is a most bitter experience for Esau, but he is merely reaping what the sowed. For a. brief indulgence of his flesh he sold his birthright, May Esau's folly warn us of choosing flesh- ly indulgence rather than spiritual blessings. Whenever one turns from the love of God to the gratification of worldly lusts, he .is guilty of Jlsau's profanity. Source of Power. - Only those who are lifted up from the earth draw hien unto them. The world is possessed by those who are not possessed by it: The momentum of love is the 'source of power.—Fran- els G. Peabody. Sabbath Observance. If Sunday had not been observed an a day of rest during the last three centuries. I have not the slightest doubt that we should have been at thin moment a poorer people and less tdvilized.—Macaulay. HEART PALPITATED FAINT AND' DIZZY SPELLS.' WOULD FALL DOWN IN FAINT. Palpitation of the heart is very often accompanied by weak, faint and dizzy spells, and is generally caused by some sudden fright, or associated with condi- tions of a nervous breakdown, but what- ever the cause, it is of considerable im- portancethatthe heart should bestrength- gne(l, and brought back to its regular beat.-„.,*:,n.-.- lYiillutin's Heart' and Nerve Pills are just they remedy to do this for you._ Mr, Henry Fawcett, Killanl's Mills, N.B., writes:—"I have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for heart trouble. I was very weak and run down, my heart would palpitate, I would take faintand dizzy spells and sometimes I would fall down in a faint, I'startetlto take your pills and I must say they have done wonders for me. I will always speak a good word for your heart and Nerve Pills.” Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e. a box at all dealers or mailed' direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. MADE NEWSPRNT POSSIBLE in 1872 Professor Mttecherlielt, a Swede, first produced papal. from bleach- ed wood pulp on a commercial scale. J 1 The Dreaded Message - IT is the women that have suffered most ' in this terrible war— "For men must work And women must weep." Theirs hasbeen the worry, and anxiety. The watching and waiting in constant dread of what might happen. Because mental suffering is far more distressing and debilitating than physical pain and discomforts women have had the greatest burden to bear. The strain has been both severe and long, and the result is an alarming increase in diseases of the nerves. Nervous head- aches, neuralgic pains, nervous prostra- tion and exhaustion, restlessness, irrita- bility and melancholy. These are some of the indications of nervous breakdown. The building up of an exhausted ner- vous system is oftentimes a somewhat tedious process, but with the persistent use of Dr. Chasf)'s Nerve Food yiou can be sure that I'esto: ttion is both natural and lasting. • Get out into the fresh sir as much as ,ef Jpi.b19Spelt; the companionship or t ly, chi 9'ftfl people, atld depond eft 11.s food cure to enrich the blood and sup- ply to the depleted nerve cells the nourish- ment essential for their restoration. jyfrs. 9. N. Hurst, Barrie, Ont., writes : "About thirteen years ago, owing 'to a shock I had received, my nerves simply got the better of ane. I could not sleep at night nor wont in the 'day time, I suffered from a trembling sensation' in my Stomach, which kept up continually. 1 doctored for about a year and a half without getting any benefit. Then someone advised. me to try Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. I did so, and at first was nearly dlsconraged, .but as. 1 was finishing the era box I found I wa.e getting a little better. I then Continued the treatment until I had taken six boxes, and during this time soehhied to bogetting stronger and better as time went on. The trembling inmy stomach Ceased, and 1 was able to oat and sleep without any difficulty, - I alit very grateful for having Mee advised to 080 De, Cluteee. 'verve Food, as I had about'giveneup 110*, a „f ever getfibre any relief. I therefore e emmt.::ed the Me ,'�. ..ao suffering use oft from'sm'vo+r • e.; ene kind," 1p, rlt'il 1. 1 .. file Di", t'r 3k1 to"., + t (77 .' e 19 t viii �t Vii, It <..`1 i r f y ,tting the genu- "t•o.: .t is only Ileo- ." 'Slit: and sicrnatlres .i)., :he fsralous; Rerioi t la. 1' K you buy. C)B)t* l r yY � a ..F{:"N, 01 i..i(llnsnst3ll. s:.''1 'if' cafe; 9ibdron Cry for I 'tIetcho s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which 'has been in use for .over, thirty years, has borne the signature of. and has been made under his per- - sonal supervision since its infancy. ' • Allow no one to deceive you in this.. i A11 Counterfeits, Imitations and fust -as -good a are but Extferirnents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and CChildr a—Experience against Experiment. tak I;A hat FIsCASTOR[;��i� Castoria is a harmless a'abstitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and. by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids. the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The ,Kind You Have Always Bought THE CC NTAUq COMP". 4y NEW YORK CITY. SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF CANADA UNITE TO HELP VICTOR! LOAN WAR MEMORIAL over, a Three weeks elapse. No cable. Jacob cables Isaac: 'Isaac! Woe is uslOur storage warehouse burned deadownd?last week. Total loss. Settled for 875,000. I am nearly crazy from grief. Why don't you cable? Are you " 1. Three weeks more. No reply, Jacob cables again: "Isaac] Woe is usl Our main office burned last week. Settled insurance for $90,000. I will die if you don't .cable. Haven't heard from you at alt Where are you? Are you alive?" Answer comes next day: "Jacob, stop that nonsense—spend- ing all our money for cables), Pm all right. You just keep the• home fires burning!" ONE MILLION SCIIOLAI:S 1 ONE MILLION DOLLARS! 03NFOOCS Ria0SYht)algii The Great PnplieIi011eaaedlql, Toues and invigorates the "wboie nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Owes No rot", DeLilit;/, Dianeal and Brain Worry', Despon- dency, es on.dencu, loss of Energy, Falpienlion of the .Heart, Foiling Memory. Price 91 per box, six torS6 One will please, err, willl cure SoldlJd by all 'inage or mailed in plain' pkge 00receiptof 7^F®iC,TaaCOT nOn"OO1SricLFTm9'912 D Said Mrs, Biggiuus to her cook, with first concern for, Mr, Hoover, "1 think we will Have some chicken croquettes to-dav out of that left -over pork and calves' liver," ' "Y0s'nt,' was the reply. "An' we got a little bread-dressin' what went wad the pork mumu, Shall I make some apple sauce out's hit, glum?".— Richmond Times -Dispatch, A million Sunday School scholars VICEMS SIF t� gam and members of Youn Peo le's Asso- a �1L. ciations of the Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and Congregational laic CI hes are co-operating on a, plan which .has the three -fold purpose of helpingto boost the Victory Loan Over he Top; assisting the Churches to extend their mission work, and commemorating the heroism of church members who have fallen at the' Front: "Every School at least one bond" is the cry that will help to carry the 1913 Victory Loan to the Sunday Schools' million dollar objective. A- bove is a reproduction of the shield to be presented to each Sunday School subscribing a bond. Cnlaren, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA REPORT WANTED , ON WAR GIVINGS TREASURERS OF ONTARIO MUNICI- PALITIES ASKED TO PRE- PARE IT To the treasurer of each Ontario municipality a request ihas been for- warded to prepare a report dealing with Ontario's contribution to the war. Returns are to be confined to those funds which have been raised within the municipality, The report will be put in permanent form. it will be included in all Canada's re- port. it is urged that the treasurer get ie touch with 'every organization en- gaged in war work and obtain froni them the details, A list of funds, extensive but all active, is subjoined: Armenian Relief, Belgian Relief, British Red Cross, Catiadiau Patri- otic Ftind, Canadian Red Cress, Catholic Army Huts (Knights, of 'Col - embus), Great War Veterans Associ- ation, Hospital Ship Fund, Itali ui Red Cross, Montenegrin Relief Ma- chine Guns, Navy League of Canada (Sailors' Relief) Palestine Relief, Polish, (Jewish) Relief 'Recruiting Purposes, Red Triangle Fund (Y, M. C. A, Military Work). Save a Soldier, Soldiers' insurance, Salvation Aritly (Comfort Huts),: Secours' Natio.' i Pew Red Cross (French ), Serbian Syrian. Relief Tobacco Fund, Red (:rest (estimated value • and .tuplilles purchased whir not beeni, incl:rdr,1: Car; British Red Cross 'Com' rile ,'.,.h,1 Isaac had boon drifts' d 451 Prance Jacob, hi;l peril's'' 1 •.!••„i• I.! begged haat le eta* vlit n 'be ;,ma , Left Weak, Disheartened and An Easy Prey to Other Troubles. A Nova Scotia Man Tells How He. Found New Health and - Strength. fi you have had an attack of ha grippe, or Spanish influenza you are not out of danger until your blood es restored to normal. Influenza leaves behind it weakened vital powers, thin blood, impaired gestion, and over -sensitive nerves. In this condition the system becomes an easy ` prey to deadly pneumonia, bronchitis, nervous prostration, rheu- matism and even consumption. Ask anyone who has had an attack of in- fluenza what their present condition of health is and most of them will ass- war "Since I had the grippe 1 have never been really web." This gen- eral feeling of weakness will continue until the blood is built up again, and for this purpose nothing can equal a fair treatment with. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilary. From the first to last dose make , , red blood whithesech reacpillslhes everyneworganrichand nerve in the body, and through this weak, ndent victinis influenza are trandesposformed into chofeerful, healthy, happy Jaen and women. Among the many victims of la grippe who proclaim the value of Dr. Willinnis''Pink Pills is Mr. Amos Kaul- back, of Petite Riviere, N. S , who saver—"1 was taken down vilh a seY ere attack of la grippe, or,inflaeneite, . After a time the early symptoms, oh+ the trouble left vie, but ) did not re- gain any usual strength, and I had al- , ways been a strong 111111. There were times When i felt I could hardly crawl about and 1 was set run down 1 could scarcely go about shy• business, t continued taking medichie but it did me so good. Then 1 found the trouble Was affectia'g my - digestion and the disagreeable feeling a om' this added - to lily general misery, I was tinnily " advised to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to try ,them. f had only been taking the pills a few weeks when 1 found my serengtlt re - ling, my appetite improved, and "',tinning the use of the pills efts more found me restored ' dree vigor. I can most 'end' aDf, Wms Pink 've passed tihroilnh ,1 uenz, as a safeilliahnedt- ,+hn theiWr strength.'' 1',,, Williams' Pink Pills: nnediciue, or lay. "ter sax I oa sp for. ilkins f(tudj4iite