HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-7, Page 3( J 4TON NEW ISI A
EW a111aF� �,I,��,$�:
The government, bucked up by
supporters of protection,, urge the
people back'' to the land, and encour-
age them by imposing excessive tax-
ation on everything needed in farm
operation, 11 a farmer buys imported'
goods. the tax goes to the govern-
ment. , If he buys home-made ;goods,
the tax goes to 'private indi iduals.
*The first thing the "back to the
land" has to do on arriving On his
homestead Is to build a home, The
governments helps 11in1 by imposing
a fax of: ---
32.A per cent on lumber,
211;4% per hundred pounds on nails.
325. % on sash and door,•
3 7%5% bn wire doors and on wire
42%% cents on locks and hinges.
25% on lime,
30% on brick.
37A %a on paints,
Wllein 11 "Feta' the !Muse built,` be- 1'
fore his wife erin cook heals, the
gOveriiinen1 taxes 111 111!*
321' %<, on solves 1
42A %a On pots and pans.
12Aa/> on .tea-ketilc, • I
27 Vo on brood and scrub -bruin,'
2 cents per pound on bacon,
00 114,-0ts 00 Mirel of flow!'. 1
Ci ceu,s per pound on yeast cake
find banking powder,
75cents on 100 pounds of oatmeal,'
14.00/141.0Ods4 A, cents per pound on canoed
40 cents per barrel on apples, •
5 cents per pound On. 101111,
Ten tree, •
75 cents on 100 pounds of rifle,
%p on scu,
7 A % vin ibi00'poitunds of salt,
. 1 A % per po011d 00 starch,
3 cents per pound on ginger,
27% cents per pound On canned
3 cents per pound on fresh meat.
30% on fresh tomatoes.
1% per pound on'corn 1u021 soap,
Bandanas, pineapple, pomegranate,
When the wife goes to furnish her
bedroom; she is taxed:
373 % on dresser,
37 % % on chair's,
37 . % on looking glass,
37%%p on bed.
I2A%a on counterpane,
4254%a on blankets. ,
42.'4% on pillow ,cases,
42/ % on sheets. 1
4254 cents on brush and comb.
37 u% on. mattress,
40% on lamps,
40% on 'hairpins,
42A% on Jewellery of any material
for the adornment of the person.
Diamonds free.
When he is getting ready for a crop
he is taxedt
2754%a. on plow.
27 %% on harrow:
2Z%% on seed drill,
111. Thomaq Wade, of A1oas w,B.,
accidentally applied scene acid t0 a
SOr'e 1011, thinking the bottle eon -
bawd liniment, Writing of take
effect, he says; •
• 'The acid burned, deep into. my
Bosch rind set up pelsoning, causing
' due intense pato. I really tliauglft.
I should lose my log, but a friend
advised mo• to try Zaxih-Buk, I did
So, and the effect was marvelleuel
Zamd3uk very quickly ended the
Pain, and 'dr'ew out the 6012011.
Eventually it completely healed the
sore place,2
Zaire:Butt^le bent for all skin. fa -
Juries and diseases: All dealers,
hoe: box, 3 for $1.25, CHILDHOOD AILMENTS.
The ailments of childhood—consti-
pation, indigestion, colic, colds, etc,--
tc,—can be quickly banished through the
use of Baby's Qwn Tablets, They are
a mild but thorough laxative which
instantly regulate the bowels and
sweeten the stomach. They'^'are guar-
anteed to 'cOptein no harmful drugs
and can be giver' to the youngest baby
with perfect safety. Concerning them
Mrs. Alcide Lepage, Ste, Beatrix, Que.,
writes ,"Baby's Own Tablets were of
great help to my baby. They regulat-
ed her bowels and stomach and made
her plump aid well.'r The Tablets
are sold' D
by medicine dealers or y
nail at 25 cents a box from The r.
Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville,
30%d on hoe, rake, pronged fork.
32,54 % 021' cutter, Ont,
30% on lawn mower..
32%%a on wagon.
011 buggy..
1 %
f des • for horses,
37,e on Ill I b 4
Barbed wire mud cream separator e"
1'Or eh/thing 110 is 1meea
42%.% en flannels .cif all kinds.
37%% on boots an dshees,
4,254�4�% ,on undcielotlies ,
421 e % o11 mitts
4254% on Inds and caps,
32% °lo Bili c ittons,
32% on Willa -rubber boots,
4254%p on JMdia-rubber clothing.'
if he succumbs to the burden Of
customs dirties, high freight rater,,
' extortion of grain ex 11;01 es, plunder -
log' of abbatou's and packing plants
find passer' on to the bourne where.
lean is exempted 'frern eustonl dsi'ties,
the government enables the co lin
eoMbine to collect from his heirs 3254
per cent of his 101ln; 40 per cent of
his shroud; and 42 per cent, Oe the
screw nails that fasten his coffin cover,
• anti, charges the 'grave- digger 4254%a,
' on the shovel with which he digs his
i grave —Grain Growers' Guide.
27A % on manure spreader.
27 54 %A`oir binder.
12%% 011 mower.
20% On horse rake,
274% 011 tractQn engine,
2734% on threshing engine,
32%a on hay loader.
32% on potato .digger, \
32% Qu grain crusher.
32%�yy on threshing mill,
30% on axe.
Riceis the easiest or all foods to
digest, and roast' veal the hardest,
The Bridde to the
ritish Market
The Victory Loan is a bridge
over which the farmers of Can-
ada drive their hogs, their cattle,
their grain ,and all their surplus
crops to the profitable British
For, the money raised by the
Victory Loan enables Canada
to give credit to Great Britain.
And only by means of that cred-
it can Great Britain buy the
products of Canada's' farms.
Therefore, when you come for-
ward at your country's call and
loyally lend your money that
Canada may continue her vig-
orous prosecution of the war,
you are also benefitting your -
It is the duty of every earnest
Canadian not only to invest
heavily in Victory Bonds 1918,
but to work among his neigh-
bors to make the loan a success.
Before the subscription lists
close, every man should realize
the sterling character of the
investment; the good interest
return of 5.%; the undoubted
security offered in the Bonds of
this wealthy nation; and the
vital importance to all classes of
people, particularly to the farm-
ers, of the Victory Loan 1918.
Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in
co-operation with' the Ministerof Finance of
the Dominion of Canada.
They give 'mille:Ude relief twom
llrvckoel,o, blueoua, aria, Dust ere
pewit", apd 'Bladder trpgbleo meed
UY eeilgusted Icl,iaoye,
Sold for 11)10, 10 Uo% 1110004
everywl ere, 110
s1. *
by A. Maynard Barbour'
* * * 4 *
(Continued from 'last Week)
details, not even the cringing form of
Hobson, who quailed and seemed to be
trying to shrink still further into con-
cealment as he felt himself included in,
the search -light of that gaze. But no
one saw the slip of paper 'which, a
moment later, was headed to Alfred
Baron; and by him passed to Mr, Su-
therland, There was a hurried filling
out of blanks lying among the papers
on 'he table, a messenger was dese
patched, two or three lieu edged them-
selves into the crowd -in Hobson's vi-
emit,=alnd that was all!
'Thursday, No
the 1111111 flashed suddenly upon him. lee
"The face of old Maiewaring him.
self!" h
a men -erect in 1Olr k 211111 add- fd
eft, a1t1x nn oath, "fool 1111!! l was 1101
to !:71111 1(110011 1 mune a 1'llai woman
()peeing, Fire,
The lfrst witness Balled to the stmt! 1
bv. Mr. Sutherland was' James Wilson, RA(ES
'There were 11ai1 resent who noted
11111 reseniblaiice between him and his
son, Jo11q Wilson, w11(4 had given testi- I
molly at the inquest, though unaware
1'21 the relationship between them, 'Thousand a Cases Reported'
dialer 7111, j951
Promptly at the' time appointed the
case was called, There was perfect
silence throught the court -room as Mr.
Sutherand arose, holding in one hand
the'ancie'nt •will, and with breathless
attention the crowd listened for the'
opening words of what WaS to prove
one of the fiercest and most bitter
contests o11 record, and of ,whose final
terininatiOn even the participants them-
selves little dreamed.
After a few preliminaries, Mr,, Su-
therland said addressing the court,—
"Before proceeding, farther, your,
honor, !,will give orders for the sub-
pcena, as a witness in this case, of one
'Richard Hobson, alias Dick Carroll."
'Then turning towards the crowd in
the rear of the court -room, he added,
"Let, the papers be served at once('
There was a stir of excitement and a
sudden craning of necks in the direc-
tion indicated by the attorney's glace,
where three men had sprung forward
in obedience to his orders,
, Hobson,' at the first mention of his
name, had glanced quickly ,about shim
as though seeking some means of es -
,cape, but . on hearing the alfae—the
name he had supposed unknown in A-
merica --he paused for an instant, seem-
ingly half paralyzed with terror. But
the sight of the approaching sheriff
broke ,the spell and he made a sudden
plunge through the crowd in direct -
tion of an open window, Flis progress
1vaS speedily checked by one of the
deputies, however, and after a short,
ineliiectual struggle he sullenly sub-
Bring the witness forward," said
Mr. Sutherland. with his calm, slow
smile; "we niay, call upon hila before
long, and he would: probably prefer a
seat convenient to the witness stand."
As he was seated opposite and facing
the English party, it was noted that the
face of the old servant lighted up with
a look recognition, and he watched the
new -comer with evident interest. Hob-
son, having carefully avoided the eyes
of both Alfred Barton and the private
secretary, soon became aware of Wil-
son's scrutiny, and after regarding hila
fixedly for a moment seemed sudden=
ly to recognize him in turn, and also
to realize at the same time the import.
of his presence there, which, apparent-
ly, did not tend to lessen his agitation.
Slowly Mr, Sutherland unfolded the
document he held, yellow with age,
the edges of its folds so frayed and
tattered as to render the writing in
some places almost illegible. Slowly
in deep, resonant tones, he rend the
opening words of the old will; words
of unusual solemnity, which caused a
hush ,to fall over the crowed court -
"Mr,' Wilson;" said the attorney, af- • With Many Deaths.
ter the usual preliminaries, "I under-
stand you were for a number of years •
in the employ ,of Retell Mainwaring,
"Yes testasirtor," wawhosse thnaeivereplisy,
1112(ed t0
this will ,is that so?„ • '
while the
attteention of the crowd was at once
riveted Upon the witness,
"Wilt you state how long you were
In his employ, ,ana"it what eapaeity?" •
"1 was his valet, sir, from his twenty-
fifth year until the day of his death, a
little•over thirty-fiveyears, sir; and
divine This hist illness; of about three
months, I was with hint constantly, you l..
!night say, sir,"
'Do you recognize the document Just
read in your hearing as anything which
.You have' heard' before?"
"That'I do, sir,"
State when and raider what err-,
cumstances you have previously heard,
"At the death -bed of Mr, Ralph
Mainwaring; sir, twenty-five years ago
the seventh of last November. I was
present at the making of that will, the
night before Mr. Mainwaring died. I
heard him' give those words to the
lawyer, and then heard them read to
111111 before the will was signed.
"By whom was it drawn?"
"By Richard Hobson, sir; the man
sitting there,". pointing to the shrink-
ing figure Of Hobson,
"Do you postively identify that man
as the writer of this will?"
"That i do, sir," with marked em-
phasis; "when one once sets eyes on
the likes oe• him, he's not likely to for-
get hind seen,"
"Was Richard Hobson the attorney
of Mr. Mainwaring?" •
"Ah, no, sir," with evident scorn;_
"his attorney was Mr. Alfred Barton,
the father, sir, of this gentleman in-
dicating• Hie- English barrister, while
the interest of the crowd deepened.
"l-iow, then, was this man employed
to draw the will?" '
• "Mr. Barton was out of town, sir;
and as Mr, Mainwaring was dying and
naught would satisfy him but to -have
a lawyer, they brought ,Mr. Barton's
"State the circunl.tsances under
which this will was drawn; was Mr.
Mainwaring influenced by any one to
make it?"
"He was influenced by none but his
own conscience sit, You see, • sir,
three or four years before, 11e was very
angry with his elder soil, and cut 11in1
off without a shilling and gave every-
thing to Mr. Hugh. But it broke his
heart to do it, for Mr, Harold was his
favorite, as indeed he was everybody's,
though he never mentioned his name
again until the night ire made the will.
Well, • sir, ell that day we knew he
was dying, and he knelt' it, and he was
restless .till late at night, when of a
sudden he tells us to get his lawyer.
Mr, Hugh tried' to put him off, and
told us his mind was wandering; but
'twits no use; and the carriage Was sent
for Mr, Barton, and when nord was
brought back that he was out of town,
it was sent again and brought Lack Its
clerk. Everything was all ready, and
he propped up in bed by pllows, his
eyes burning as though there was tire
in them. He repeated those words
while the lawyer wrote 0001 down,
and then had them read to him, and at
fifteen minutes of twelve o'clock the
will was signed and sealed."
"You were present during the draw -
"In the name of God; Amen. Know
ei1 that I, Ralph Maxwell Main-
waring, being of sound and disposing
mind and memory, but now upon my
death -bed, soon to appear in the pre-
sence of my Maker, do make and
:publish this, any last will and testa-
ment; •hereby revoking and setting a-
side any and every will at any trine
heretofore made by me."
Then followed, in quaint phrase,.
olo.gy, the terms of the will; by which
the full right and title of the first-born
sen, under, the English law, were con-
veyed to Harold Scott Mainwaring, and
all legal processses theretofore eiiter-
ed'into, depriving him of such rights,
were 'forever annulled; restoring to
the said Harold Scott Mainwaring, as
his rightful inheritance, the entire
family estate, Including other valuable
property; the said property at his
death to pass to his eldest son, or in
case ofhis dying without issue, to 're-
vert to his brother 1•lugh, were the
latter living, if not, to the nearest liv-
ing Heirs of the Maihwarings; but on
net account was any portion of the
•estate or property to pass to the wife
of Harold Scott Mainwaring, should
site survive 102111.
As the rending of the wile progress-
ed Hobson's feelings, too deep and
genuine at that moment for disguise,
Were plainly: mirrored in his face fin-
ing for years believed the old will de-
stroyed,. as he now listened to the
words dictated to himself upon that
memorable night, so_ long apo, it was
little wonder that to his cowardly soul
it seemed like a voice from the dead,
and that astonishment, fear, and dread
were depicted 0i' his features, merg-
ing into actual terror as the attorney
at last pronounced the na01115 of. the
{witnesses, Alexander McPherson and
Richard Hobson.
fora few seconds his brain reeled,
and he saw only the face of the dying
map, as it looked thatnight,—stern
and pale, but with dark, piercing eyes,
deep-set, within whose depths still
gleamed the embers of a snlo0lderfng
Ore which now seemed burning Into
his inmost shut. 9'.remleting from
(read to •foot, Kobson, with a Mighty
erica, regained his scattered faculties
and' again 'became conscious of. his
surroundings,only to find the eyes of
the secretary fixed upon his face, end,
as he shrank from the;r burgling gaxo.
fcRUIT-A-TIVGS"—The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine—Gives the Power
ro Reeist This Disease.
The epidemic of Spanish Influenza
which played such havoc in Europe,
bas reached this continent. Thou-
sands of cases of the strange malady
have appeared and many deaths are
already reported; Sure eon•Ueneral
Blue of the United States Public
Health Service: having stated that
"Spanish Influenza will probably
spread all over •the country in
s&x weeks",
Prnetieally ,,every ship .which
touches our shores from abroad,
brings those infected with the
Surgeon -General Blue urges that
"the individual take all the precau-
tions he can against contracting
the disease by care and personal
hygiene". Plenty of exercise should
be taken ; the dietshouldberegulated,
Spanish Influenza affects most
severely elderly persons and others
whose powers of resistauce are
weakened by illness, work or worry.,
especially those who are "run-down"
or "not feeling up to themark."
The really great danger from the
disease is not so much in the disease
itself, as that it often develops into
What everyone needs now is a
general tonic like i 1 ruit-n-Lives"
This wonderful fruit medicine is not
a germ -killer. it is a body-builder;
a strength -maker; a blood-purifler;
a power in 'protecting against the
ravages of disease.
"Fruit-a-tives" regulates the
kidneys and bowels, causing these
organs to eliminate waste regular'y
and naturally as nature intended.
"Tru f t-a-tives" keeps the skin active,
and purifies and enriches the blood.
"Fruit -a-Lives" tones up and
strengthens the organs of digestion,
insuring food being properly digested
and assimilated.
Everyone can take ordinary pre-
cautions, avoid crowded places, and
use "Fruit-a-tives" regularly to
insure sound digestion, to keep the
bowels and kidneys regular andthe
whole system in the best possible
condition, Then vee are safe from
"Fruit-a-tives" is sold by dealers
everywhere at e0e a box, 0 for $2.50,
trial size 25c or sent postpaid on •
receipt of price by Fruit-a•tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
Ing up of the will?"
"Yes, sir, l was present through it
•111, but not where the others saw me.
When the lawyer came, Mr, Hugh told
me to leave the room; but as 1 was go-
ing his father called ane back and bade
ale • stay, and 1 was standing at the
foot of the bed, hidden by the curtains
of the canopy, so none but the old
gentleman saw 111e,"
(Continued next week.)
A Soldier's offering to his
sweetheart is naturally the
sweetmeat that gave him
most refreshment and great-
est enjoyment when on duty.
I021'* Keep the boys in
service supplied,