HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-11-7, Page 1Esiaklisfied 1865, Vola 53, No. 19 'OURS ,not to do an z weak+�+aeovvvVvvwatrw�+reovoaVvW vetev'��rvvarv�wv�aVwvwrvaaa�rvo Rep ‘struction. It will be vitally necessary for thdse,suffering from Influenza off• the Grippe to renew their vitality, •and for this purpose WAMPOLE'S TASTELESS EXTRACT of. COD LIVER OIL will be found an excellent reconstructor, it will also fortify the system against contagion, and sickness. FOR SALE AT THE REXALL STORE W. S. i 10, LM333 j P/1111. B. BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE WVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVeIVVVVVVVVV4.' 1 tte RoYai Bark' OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 14,000,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 151000,000 Total Assets . 360,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 520 Branches with world-wide connections. General Banking BusinessTransacted. R. E. MANN IN G, Manager Clinton Branch INCORPORATED 1855 111 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOVEMIER, 7t11,, 191.8 1 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers, .. die ' os but las go and rsUY Victory Bonds 1918. iii THE MOLSONS BAN CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP; Manager Clinton ....I.......,s.......•10••••••.1}0.****n...„11..n Ordered• I Ready -to. Wear Clbthn►t 6 Clothing summer= xamemmainzafessenzamaxistaccasessarmar t3 � ' riC S [3Y clothing __N O +-- The clothing we are showing was bought months ago and is priced accordingly for quick selling. The prices are a sound investment for anyone who expects to require a suite this year, or two, or three years. hence. PRICES ARE BOUND TO GO UP AT $15.00 Young men's Suits of Grey Tweed, single breasted belted, patch pockets, cuff on trousers, sizes 34 $15 to 38. • Price AT $22.50 Men's suits of fancy worst- ed, three buttonsack, good trimmings, well made, trous- . ers with belt loops, plain bottoms or cuff $22.50 sizes 35 to 44 AT $20.00 Men's suits of a variety of patterns in tweeds and wor- steds, bench tailored trousers plain or cuff, sizes 35 $20 to 44,........... AT $25.00' Men's suits 'of English worsted, in small check pat- tern, soft , roll, semi -fitted back, big range of patterns sizes 36 •to . 46 $25 price three -button sacks, Men's ;Blue Suits, two or tar plain icack,semi-fitting or, belted, $16.50 to $32 'MV rti$ Cl tghir 9 dor The Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co. IiA Squire Dai'tor Every blaM1” Council Takes. $3,500 in Victory Loan OFFICIAL REPORT signed at 11 a 1 Armistice 7 ]. i 1 with Reeve Ford in the chair and Coen any interest in the liquor; Which the Iostilltles Ceased at p. 117. Council met on Monday evening nor the Government of -.Ontario had 1 alllorsWiltse, Miller Langford, Cooper Dominion Government sub -sequently Shepp'trd' and Mcbwan• present. Mayor by Order -in -Council' directed should - _. Thompson, being absent. I be delivered to Jacob Weber, which A letter was read from Mr. Arthur was accordingly done, . If, therefore, Cantelon threatening action in regards you have any legal claim, (which is to water backing up frons a drain. perhaps open to some doubt) y Mr, Caiitelon's letter was left over should preaent the same to the Dom - for further discussion, inion 'Government. The Board of The Huron Co, Warden, W. R. Elliott License Commissioners for Ontario i at of this natier.Yours Truly Goderieh, Oct. 24th 1918 \sett- the following letter: have no Itywhever n respec ect 11 Dear Sir: -1 have been- requested E, SAUNDERS. by the Department of Finance through On motion of Councillors Cooper the Victory Loan 1.918 organization of and Miller the letter was fyled, this County, to draw to your attention Chairman Sheppard of the Charity the imperative importance of using Committee reported that 4 a cord of every influence we have tosee that wood had been supplied a family on this County does its part in buying Saturday last, owing to sickness. the Bonds that will be offered for sale On notion of Miller and Cooper from October 28th to November 16th, the payments for two cars of coal re - 1918, Aside from the question of ceived from B, Blair, Woodstock, to - duty to your Country on which I gether -'n'ith the freight and duty on need not dwell because 1 know that same be confirmed, and that the every Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Conn- Treasurer be further authorized to'pay cillor in this County appreciates this for the four more cars from B. Blair feature to the' full. I would point when received and the freight; duty, out to you that the sale of our farm and teaming on sane. The motion products at good prices hangs absol- utely on the securing of this money. We the the' County of Huron eeves and Dareubefit appealReeves - ed to in this matter as the representa- tives of the people, in our several lo- calities, because the interests of our rate -payers are particularly at stake. If only the money that is raised in our County is spent for the purchase of Chairnman Miller of the Street Com- mittee recommended that the Main street and grades be cleaned before Winter set in. Chairman McEwan of the Fire and Water Committee reported that the hose cart was being repaired. Chairman Cooper of the Property Committee, reported:— Your Property our crops, we need to be sure that Committee reports'that on further in - the amount is sufficient to maintain vestigation we found that the stove re - our prosperity. The minimum that is comunend" d was slightly small for use in the Council Chamber and a size larger has been ordered which will cost about $3 more. We recommend that an outside wind' w be placed on the Clerk's office. The Finance Minster'; report may be read on another page. On motion of Councillor and 'Cooper the Council will t„ke 81,5110 of Victory Bond; ter 1S years 1 he money to collie frons toe Sinking Fund Revs. Jones and Ford awaited on tale Council and Rev. Jones addressed asked for the 'County is only $2,750,- 000, but the more that is raised the more prosperity there will be and the greater will be the benefit accruing to our citizens, t would be glad if you would ask every one of your council- lors to 111 turn their influenee with their constituents to buy the Bonds to the limit of their resources, There is no sacrifice•In buying the Bonds as they are the strongest security Can- adians can buy and the rate of interest paid is the highest ever _paid by the Dominion of Canada. It would be the members as to the paying of ex - very beneficial if the Councils would penes incurred by the ladies who are meet and take action in connection .waiting on the sick about town. On motion of Councillors Cooper and Sheppard the following motion was passed:— That the Council express its thanks to the Relief Committee for their timely work in connection with the present epidemic. We also assure the Committees . that any reasonable expenses would be met by the Council on presentation of accounts when pro- perly certified to. Councillor McEwen brought up the question of payment to Firemen Con- nor and Kennedy for lost time. This her of copies will be mailed you as matter was left over until next meeting Sono as printed, , Thanking you, to make a further report. gentlemen to give this .your immediate 'Councillor Miller, of the Special attention, Your's fur success. Vic- Fuel Committee. reported that 2 cars tory Loan 1918, of the last six ordered were sold and W. R. ELLIOTT, Warden. the invoices of two more had been re - P, S.—If enclosed proclannatior is ceived, He had let the tender for cut- ting the wood in the Snell bush, Was used it will only be necessary to have trying to get teams to haul In the re - it properly signed and sent to (lode= mainder of the wood bought last year. rich, - He had a chance to buy some small Proclamation wood. Committee was given power We, the undersigned Councillors to do what they think best about the of do express our hearty endorsment hereby frthe tv'Council adjourned, , Victory Loan 1918 and request all citi- zens of this municipality to give it FOCH NOTIFIES HUNS WERE PEACE WILL BE SIGNED with the above. I. would -suggest that a proclamation be posted on all im- portant places in the different muni- cipalities endorsing the Loan and ask- ing every one to support it. 1 have drafted -a proclamation and enclose Isere with a copy, this is only a suggestive copy, and when this is passed by the Council you kindly ad- vise the Secretary of the Victory Loan Committee at Goderich and they will then have such proclamation printed with your name attached and a nuns - London, Nov. 7 — Marshall Foch has ,notified Germany ny High Command of place fixed .on for interview with armistic delegates Name of place not given. REVOLT BREAKS OUT IN HAMBURG the most hearty support, we believe that the continued prosperity of the people of this municipality particular- ly depends upon the raising of this money. rarena .4' .a. RedVe ,,,,:. On motion of t chldiilloi's Wiltse and Miller;—That Hie ' Mayor, Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign cir- cular regarding the Victory Loan. From E. Saunders Secretary of the License Commissioners the 'following letter was sent to the Council in re- gards to the Jacob Weber liquor:— Your letter to the Board.. of License 'Commissioners dated the 22nd in- stant,enclosing a bill of $150, storage charges for liquor stored in the town hall at Clinton, has been handed to me by the chairman. Von are cor- rect in 'your supposition (hat the Board' is "aware of the circumstances in connection with this seizure and subsequent litigation" and this know- ledge enables therm to answer your communication.' The liquor was seiz- ed by a constable under an act of the Dominion Parliament and dealt with under the said ,Act. Neither the Board ry�The .New- -Rra 1 Copenhagen despatch reports revolt broken out in Hamburg and artillery battle raging in streets. KAISER'S ,SEAMEN REVOLT AT KEIL AND SPREADS Revolution willich broke (out infleet at Keil is spreading into Holstein where several garrisons, have deserted and are marching on Kett carrylng red flag s. :Re- volutionists are reported to have occupied AF'tona hand Fleusburg and major portion of Province of Schlesovig. WORD COMES TO CLINTON. Betwen 12 and 1 o'clock word flashed into town that Germany had signed for armistice and war stopped at 2 o'clock. At 2 o'clock the town bell pealed out the '.gull news to be followed by all the factory whistles. It was not,long before the Kiltie Band was an parade. The stores and houses were soon decorated. A rumor from New York and Washington says armisitce is not signed yet. GERMANS ABAND CITY OF GHENT Despatch from Belgian front states white flag has been hoisted in Ghent. Germans abandoning city. I AWES PURSUE HUNS ALONG ENTIRE FRONT. WITH TAN .CUL1RCITES. Woslolt Church, Regular Sunday services will be held on Sunday. Sunday School in the af- ternoon, The usual amid week services will be held as usual. • Willis Church Regular Sunday services will be held at the regular hours, St. Paul's Church, Regular services will be held ao Sun- day. Sunday School at the usual hour. • Salvation Arany. The new officers will conduct the regular Sunday services and meeting during the coining week, Baptist Church Rev, E, 0, Forde will take for his morning subject at 11 a.n.—"What is the Gospel Worth" At 711 s --"How the Plague was 9., Stayed." Specials Fresh Salmon Trout Finnan Haddie Oysters Grape Fruit California Grapes Sweet Potatoes Oranges, Bananas Oversea Parcels for soldiers iwaiiiiiimewilUmwantosta W, T. 'NEI L THE RUB GROCER r , Ira License 1 2.30 Sunday School will meet. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even- ing at 8 o'clock. Ontario St. Church Regular services 011 Sunday' at 11 a. in, and 7. p.m. The Pastor will preach at both services, - Sunday School will meet at 2,30. Epworth League on Monday even- ing ' Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8 o'clock. French war office statement says along entire French front pursuit of retreating Germans re- sumed this morning. ADDRESS AND ENTERTAINMENT HEARS GERMANY DECIDES TO ACCEPT Montreal, Nov, 6.—The Star this 'evening publishes the follow- ing:-1—"London, Nov. 6.— Semi - Official report declare that Ger- many has decided to accept Foch's terms." - On Monday 'nth at 8 p. m. there will be a meeting at the. Town Hall in the interests of the Victory Loan. Addresses will be given and there will be a free moving picture show. Free to all over 16 years. Lend as they have fought—Buy a bond. Minor Locals Novelnber. Schools reopen on MOndMy. The Clinton School of 'Commerce opened up on Monday of this week. The L. H. $t B. traits coming up from London Saturday morning was over 40 minutes late, Engine trouble was the cause. You are safe in Looking out for— Snow. Heavy frosts. A fuel shortage, Great allied Victory, Winter, perhaps long and severe. Loan. r Splendid response 10 Vncto y o�n. High priced, ine,tI, eggs and butter, Mote assessment appeals before Judge, THE OUSTS. '1S. f Your country needs your fln- cial help to meet its crisis to -day. You may need financial re- sources to Meet a possible crisis • In your affairs later on. There is one sale, sane, sure way to meet either kind of crisis. in TO MEET MARSHAL FOCH AT ONCE. London, ,Nov. 6.—The corres- pondent of Le Matins at British Headquarters says that the Ger- man envoys sent to arrange an armistice crossed the lines to- night and will meet Marshal Foch at once. BERLIN ANNOUNCES THEIR DEPARTURE Huron Boys lid Casualty lien Berlin, Nov. 6, via London.— An official statement issued here today says:—"A; German dele- gation to conclude an armistice and take up peace negotiations has left for the Western front." KILLED IN ACTION Pte, R, Wgods, Auburn, WOUNDED Pte. 11. H. Palmer, Goderieh, Pte, J, C. McTavish, Wingha ns Pte. W. M. Pfaff, Exeter Pte, J, Smith, Zurich, - GASSED and WOUNDED. t Pte. W, D. Goldha vk Seafort It ILL Pte, 1-1, Witmore, Goderich Twp, DIED Pte. J. M, Mugford, Benmiller Pte, P. Diehl, Stanley Twp, New Officers ,,Elected for Horticultural Society J ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON WED- NESDAY EVENING—REPORTS ACCEPTED• The annual meeting of Clinton Hor- ticultural Society was held in the Conn- cii Chamber on Wednesday evening of. this' week. The Secretary -treasurer's report was• read and accepted; shrub's saute for treesand $46 was granted at the Library Park, The new officers elected are:— President, C. D. Bouck, 1st Vice President, R, 5, Manning. 2nd Vice President, Mrs, W. 0, Fair. Secretary, 11, R. Sharp. Directors, Mrs, Brydoee, Mrs: Axon„ Miss Cunningham, Mr, T, Cottle, Mr_ J. 'Cook, Rev. A, E. Jones, Mr. J. L. Kerr,. Mr. A Cudmore, Auditors, W, Brydone, and. W. D.. Fair - Delegates, Cottle, Cook, and Sharp, aeocoeeE1eomeE5oF9C•3zezeca epot,a, Over The Teacups O a aomeeoewAae,cme. e000p,w®tzeloe or.3 Mr. A, T. Coop>,er is in Toronto on London, Nov. 6—The Genian, business. armistice delegations which a l Mrs, Kilty is in Sandwich visiting her daughter, German official statement this Miss Jessie O'Neil returned to her afternoon 'announced had left for school at Burlington. the western front "to conclude an armistice and take up peace ne- gotiations," has reached the allied lines. This information reached the lobby of the House of Com- mons late to -night. CAN YOU COMPREHEND IT? What Money Spent on War Would Have Accomplished. To the average person who thinks in hundreds if be is a professional man or in thousands if he is a munition worker, the information s Yr t thew orld • war from its beginning till its °fourth . anniversary hits cost the belligerents a total of £32,000,000,000 (5160,- 000,000,000) conveys nothing. An Amerletn paper, however, has cone to the rescue and has expressed this total in comprehensible terns. The entire cost of the Anherican Civil taking it you discharge your I War has been duplicated every 12 duty to your country and to weeks th a e and eawarch period would dfy f five f weeks s Yourself. 'Yalta it to -day. ri'iy of Franco-Prussian war, Victory Bonds. Buy all you can, The £32,000,000,000 would pay for 400 Panama canals, or you could con - LEND TO CANADA. struct 92 world -encircling railway syn-' tams with it.—Tit-Bits. gik tfi J To Your Utmost the Vivtory Loan 1918 MU ST be a Colossal Success 99 This Advertisement Contributed to Winning the War by 'UI ;r+ "N TON NEW ERA Mrs, McLean afte g pend„•prise with the enemy. Ma!or and co'�• tawy with l n 'n ".' u }� �,;,g a C:unttnii t an, fi Mrs, .Clara Rumball spent a few hours in Goderich on Monday. Pte, Curl_ who is with the Siberian forces was here over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. C.• E. Dowding were visitors in town during the past week. Mrs. Wm. Tiplady was called to St. Catharines owing to the death of her niece, , Mrs, R, Churchill, of Detroit, was here attendi g the funeral of Miss Ros- etta 'Carrick, Mr. Tobin, of the Inland Revenue Department, Stratford. was in town on Tuesday. Mrand Mrs. Haggitt, of Blyth, at., tended the funeral of Rossella Carrick on Monday, Mr, Wylie was a visitor at the Manse over the week with hiS daughter, hterr Mrs. (Rev.) Hogg. Malcolm McTaggart, who is attend- ing college in St, 'Catherines, is home on sick leave. Mr, Wm;' Haggitt and Mrs. Double- tree, of Stratford, were here attending the funeral of Rosella Carrick, • Mrs. Grant returns this week to her home in St. Marys after visiting her daughter, Mrs. J, Wisenhan, Nurse Annice Bartliff, who has been - attending Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rumbalt at Goderich, for the past month re- turned home this week, Corp, Richard Walton, who is Con- nected with the Royal Flying Corps at Toronto, was a visitor at his home here during the past week. Mt, and Mrs. David Cook are pack- in5 up and Moving to Toronto. Both' Mr. and Mrs, Cook will be missed in town. The best wishes accompany them to their new house; Rev. A, J, Agnew, chairman, of the Goderich District, of the Methodist church, Is attending a meeting of the Conference Special Committee at Lon- don today. Rev. A. E, Jones, who is the Miss- ionary Secretary of the Goderich Dis- trict, is in London today attending the meeting of the London Conference Spnewecialm'isslol BCommitteeudget.t,o deal with the A specialist was at Goderi'ch this werleto Mr, mnolds, fornty ye of Cliseenton, MJar, ReynoldsesReyhas bee - a seriously 111 with pneumonia, lint wld)e. he was recovered he is not gag,• . as he should be. His old frien;ag will hope fora decided change. ]Vats. Annie Beacom, of Ttlnson;to,; was here during the past week.. Mirtc Lt»ndon Aclvertiser —Major and Mrs'.. E M. McLean, (formerly of Clinton,), arrived horse from overseas on TueS- day, •Major McLean, who was second in command of the 1420d Battalion, at:, ter it, was broken up in England, has. been with various units, in.fruCtional and headquarters staffs overseas and Mrs, McLean has been taking a very active part in hospital and other war work. Major McLean states that the war is going well, although many are looking hopefully for an earlyermined on peacetoo and the great masses of the people of En land are stonfly det