HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-31, Page 10RAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEW ERA � AiAA4r44AAIiI11�4rrl�ppQ/i r { Ap®rA4r ►AA/ 4A4#Mxal Ar Ek aliq► 14 ink Snap . y, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in of POPULARITY for' the suits. They made cif the men and women's are finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craftsmen. They are soft and ----yet firm and strong; They are:rich " u lustre --- and will neither:grow "shiny"in feel and lustre��-- are the result or r. with use ----nor fade. They years of experience in the weavers art. INCIDENTALLY ---We stock "INDIGO SERGE". in all weights and prices. We sell guaranteed indi o s' at $3.00 less per yard than the manufacturers g arge for unguaranteed and unreliable goods. now charge If you like blue serge cloihing-_-_do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny.. `BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE"because we are behind it with an abso- lute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Canada. Corne in and see them. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings, Phone 67 Next to Royal Bank '0 �i ..,...,,=...,...=.....7..... ,...,==.‘,...,,w,..z...E.:.. e"".'"m..,,,,,...ano...s.=o,..Z,..',.....,.....,,.,...,,..,,...,,,..n..............,..,'''*=L..............m'**v.r..*...z.............o.•,............,...".................nm . ....,................,,..om"..............K... ....„..............".""''' ,......----....----........„....---,- 'Ovf"h T&Cups\ Air. and Mrs. R. R, Sloan, of Blyth, .� =" "'"--.....+^4 •-ree a or m were in town an Saturday, Mr, E, Rozell was 1t visitor in Bross- of eo els over Sunday. Miss Jean Ho' t with depe e Mr. James. Thompson, of Seaforth Mr. Fred Tucker`"flu". Hogg is ver, sick Ch the was ame on was fn Exeter(do Saturday, over the week end, Mr. H, Pollock spent Wednesday in theArnold Glazier, of town, has entered Mr. Thomas Trick is visiting with London. Western n U+tiv> art st r 1 ' a L eat!• 1 t of to ,d s s (Rev,) ev, ( ) Stewart is back after a visit in Toronto. 9 MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite Public Library L,l N Vieitgre Eeriest! visitors t Hill se iielC"the' is 1 neer �� 7 hu4s it is J9oPed the iionetes will. be free from the disease, Entertained S, S. Class Last Friday evening Mr Jones School entertained the young ladies. at !the $tittdey sehOoi el res tit his homes A most enjoyable evening was spent jly all, Looking Into it, The matter of burping Soft, coal at the local post office and thereby sav- ing the 46 tons of hard COgl 011 hand is being looked' into by fife author!- lies, Voter's List. Printed The Clinton Voters' List was posted up'oil briday of last week. There are 629 names in Part 1; abet 150 in Part H. 315 persons are qualified to serve as jurors, • 'Tempus 'Fueli;: CWS xt1.t}rsciay, October 3'1$tt rrYLtrirVVVVVYVVVVVViriOrTrit • w Cauneil meets Monday The regular Meeting of Council will meet on Monday evening' of :next week, Mewed Mr, Wm, Butts and family mover! to one of Postmaster's Scotts houses on Townshend street, Sift Your Coal Ashes It is iflpossihie to make an exact estimate of the coal wasted In Canada each year through the carting away cf ulteonsumect carbon, but it is tire- nlencioes. A glance at any ash heap in the spring, after elle melting snow or spring tains hay? washed away aslhos from the cinders, will show 1115c11 coal ui)colnlSated, Massage from Former Pastor Saturday's 13rantforcl Expositor gave messltges frpm Brantford pastors and among them is one from 0 former Clin- ton pastor, Rev, W. Smythe, pastor of Ontario St; Methodist Church many years ago:— FIAVE FAITH IN GOD "I believe in God," we have been aught' to repeat But the condition of the world far more than four ears has tested the reality of our aith. We have had 'to hold, on to our faith in God—His goodness and lis Fatherly 'care of all I•lis crea- fures; His revealed purpose 10 respect 0 the human race, His Purposes will not he wasted, nor his promises tail of tilt/inftent. The reigning Redeemer aid to His servant John: 'Behold, I stake all things," John says, "1 saw the ew heavens and the new earth that to be." it is, being reconstructed ow. We are now seeing the light that to the cloud. The prevailing epidem has a voice end speaks to us. of many lhmgs, But is supreme utterance is cod, Seek o e1to frst thee4�Kingdonlto 1eof od and meekness for the life what to come," The oldsters of the town recalled Sunday morning that old and familiar 't copy -book headline: 1.ost-.Sonne\yitere between sunrise and sunset, Sixty gold- y en minutes. No reward is offered for f they are gone forever," Another Alaratt 1 Just before one o'cloek on Thursday t the fire alarm was sounded as the n chimney at the double house east of f the Baptist church was on fire. No S damage Was done, however, and the n firemen were right there to see it n More Town Coal is Last Thursday the !'own received a is -car of coal, X18 tons, and by Friday is noonof- coal, was ofall anmtdine)P and one cars a screened are on the way, The town G has less than 100 tons stored of the G first shipment of 8 cars, is Advertising in War Times has Experience, showndecisively stof tli t all pays better even during world war than to the 'piping time of 'peace. This to statement has been distinctly and de- W ly proved, beyond the possibility d i,bylithetilheads„df all busshould inessellhat 0d to any extent on publicity, Needs no Waaarant The anti -loafing taw has been amend- ed in such a manner • as to ao vu arrest provide for wtfit ) cut a warrant. "Any Peace Ofiestl without warrant anycis,l person wham he believes on reasonable and probable grounds to he violating the provisions hereof, i.e., the anti -loafing law and such peace 0)1icer is justified in making such arrest_ Huron Deanery Pledges Support At meeting teetuh of ft,Chapter g Ia aft . 17L Deanery •. of Huron utClinton., 1, the following resolution tvus1Scarrizd unanimously: "That tate elargy of t 15 y pledge their utmost support, ry YO r way,the fa rthomi u g Vic - u• a» c• . u n a n. and g urge upas urch people of the Deanery the n Vic- ondseeessity of 11) 11ae limit of their ability, ubscriptions Direct to Office. w. 581 Sydenllm Street Church, Mother of Former Citize�ts The followng obituary »tette the mother of Messrs. Geo esley Walker...former citizens Wawatn<)sh the oldest fpthe pioneers to the world unseen on Sunda the home of her son, Eltsha when t Al rs M. 11 Walker, t ke r paid d , del t it n her 83rd, year, She h in failing health, for some year few days before her death su stroke of paralysis. She was a of Ireland and was married in country and they came to Caned the country was all bush. So years ago they celebrated their wedding and it was a few year .:when her life partner passed The desr:tserl wits a Methodist i gionl 'rhe funeral tn"k plaec ooh day to Wingham cennetery, heir largely a. rl .. 1 .tt tend• as • Six stens, us ,Jack the Tomato police force; R. A , 11gode hien, Toronto: George, of y; Isaac ast • of the old !homestead: Godo ich wereathesha pall -bearers, a r :1 deceased's ae d other of h&m, tvasstundo taker. James s, Arntstong of Toronto, the only d terdeath, was Threeher bri brothers, Rher befor G Jackson, of Walkerville; Irwin to . smz If Toronto; 11)1(1 James Jackson of y townsilhp ghee were present at !neral. n Dead e Goderich Star reports the death 81111 of Air. Chas• Wallis:—;lie !(11(11 place on Sunday East "f Mr, s J1 B. Wallis, brother of Mr. Millie, of town, at the latter's hue The deceased was a sou of to lir, and Mrs, John Wallis, of cls Township ile had been a e for the greater part of his life, London, m ledfurci, Mrs, Seignor, of London, Was a Mr, Andrew Porter, of Goderich, visitor at the parental house etiving was in town on Tuesday, the past week, The old friends of Mr, Thomas Haw Rev. J, E. Hogg was confined to MS lents are glad to see Will out after his room during tine past week with the severe sickness, grippe. MY, W. Coats, of Goderich, was in Air. and Alrs. J. C. Stewart of town on Monday attending the funeral Stratord, have been visiting witl't the of Miss Kate McTaggart, Letter's sister, Nurse McTavish. Mr, George Major M. 17. RIc'I'aggart was called McRae and young. e fort, of Detroit, are visiting with the for - home from London last friday owing rner's mother and sisters i)1 town. {,} the serious illness of his 1 u sister,, s }r and to Miss d A1r 5. AiSttit �1, tr h M1 rata . ag an baby. ggd , 1'11. •. of Stratford, have been visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Innis, of Tor- the litter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. onto, _were visitors in town during Jos, Wheatley, the past week with his parents, ldr. Mrs, Geo, Roberton anti h td Mrs. . A. hints. ns Mrs, Geo. 0. At • �Le tan. 111 All'S. returned Iia IAD d f 1 Tevery and esus Hattie Saturday in atter •s�andiDgtloeouple Massey spent several days Fast weak at 1)F weeks int that city, ;the home of the former's daughter, Mrs, l;iiii'ord !Keys of Vanra, apt. Anderson, of the S. A. staff Pte. Erskine Evans of the 1st Tank at Palmerston was callling on old Battalion at e Evag's Height's, Lon- friends in town during the pert week,I dun, returned to 'am) 00 Cart, Ahtdersou was a former after spending + 1 'Monday here, oduer P' 6 a Couple of weeks at 1 his hoina here, I Mr, 1?, Sweet who is employed in M' Si Davis, of Toronto was re- Samir taus been home for the past +leering old friendships in tow,t last weee. Hs doesn't look a day older week with the prevailing cold, bu,t is thee when he left stere. His old note out again, 11e exPecte to re - friend, were glad to 1 Barrister Best, of Seaforth, was in town Wednesday, Mr, 'Gordon McDonald, of Brussels, was in town this week, Mr. Ales. Anderson, of Brussels, was in town on Wednesday, Mrs. Wn1 Carter, Ontario St., is seriously ill with pneumonia, License Inspector Mitchell, of Wing_ hash t, was ' 4 in town n Wad i 1 eS da• Mr Thornton , nh .5 visiting • n Mustard, of Toronto 4 1)t town and Vicinity. Mr, Donald McDonald is Deaner movi t the McGorvre cottage this week, t g to t to eve h�I Mrs. Gus. for v L Collyer Lcuand Otlnchildren, dof 11 arethe he • visiting her parents in c.1t tonin.supre» Word has been..recelved th1)t Mrs. tory 13 I Bert. Johnson, . of Chippewa, is ser- Send S (tousle' ill. Crown Attorney Seager and County Constable Pellow, of Goderich, were in town this week. Mrs Allin and daughter, 351)0 have been visiting here were called home to Toronto last Tuesday to see her son Pte, Clinton A11in, who was on his last leave, prior to going overseas, see tit» once turn to 1115 work this week, i -e .. lB��+Cid®fir- ...€Jrdml,P9vitipa, CH t } 1 ur :' ills I do not sell any bran or shorts but what I make myself. It is clean and whole- some as there is not any dirt ground in with them. Polio wing are prices tet the mi11:- 13whn Shorts North Stift' B7npie Leaf PHONE NO, 8; All in these newspapers are Paper under advan etct, sharply in price and wages and other .i'11101.1e materials have gone u t ie Consequently k.- Coua} The New Era, like other leading wSCk- 1y papers, is compelled to withdraw Tli All agents or postmasters' commissions of a c tionsthe mustice be the full 1.50 etived for all uthero - Cherie lice, Subcribers therefore will not ask 1', R. postmasters to send the stoney in as resale) t 3 receive no comfnissiOO for the la Goderh _ crippl et result of intlamntatory rheuutaf froth O'Jticll he suffered' when el yeagog this of age, fall an, dhisl father mother six bete •sixteen and seventeen years et!& T, 11. !Vallis, of aisle , and his si iss Susfel Wallis, of Toronto, are survivors in the family, Mr. W was a member of the Methodist ch and while he was able he was alWay be seen tin a Sunday wending his to the church. Since August las had been Confined to his bed, funeral took place on Tuesday, the s vice at the house being conducted Rev, Dr. Rutledge and at the grave Rev, Dr, Ford, 'rhe pall -bearers w Messrs, Walter Wallis, Herb Jenki David Clark and Geo, 141acVicar, M YTHE, e refers rge and of town of East , passed y last at Walker, Nature's s ad been B anda tiered a native the old a when me ten golden s Etter away. n reii- Tues- g very son, (1 f ,} ' f Gs - i Grimy_ Elisha, ( ey, of n the It � ("•' Wing- id i n '- ra,X E ..� J. augh- i. Undertaker anti Funeral Director. Alight • Phone i”, `t9J, rf y&es PREPARE FOR rd fall. „ 9 Nigh s p r We Jtave Decorations Featuring all the Symbols of 1110 night ----MASKS--.10 add a more important feature to the ,frolic - -COMIC CAPS ---10 wear on the street or at the party ^"-CUT-O(JTS_f0r decorating the table, the curtains or yourself --TABLE COVERS and NAPKINS—In unique altd witching design, ----LAMP SHADES—in emoting shapes to give the mystic and lurid effect i MANY . OTt1E1@ NOVELTIES, CREEPY AND SHIVERY, TO ADD INTEREST AND FANTASY IN CELEBRATION OF TFII3 EVENT, a✓ at eeseee.ra tam THE Fair eo. ten the etleapest—ilitways till* .,est AllizzaWARM A Tested Lens ----- An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation.-- Good peratiosn..•-- -.. Good Pictures ria All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good „pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from 0.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results--- Despensing Chemist The Features ttf Our �,1' m n i To which we 1115118 special attention are its beau( y, its •555)11.511 Comfort, its ieei( cul,51)U5ltrn, and its 1 clow the »5I lqi t rite.. i Anyone ter n 1 t}1 'f . 5 e', ,points would al d ,rb atHc.i rte t lo earn r n t t n preference, When they are all Com - cd wn feel sore you wilt realize hit (his is a hind tore buying nppor- turnfty you eitimot idl'ord to ignore I VAT ": .+ K? "G xz.• e� p3R`. � e her t4 1 and Sundaynwl alts answered atf lltesidetnce over store eorg they lin 'WITH Tart i M7 1 tiullPP? .,,acTavtacecaitaiiri9tailarei- n The Puts on &Nation Army, D of State cuter warning all patriotic societies, g13 st su ng permits to persons who nifty conduct entertainments on a percentage basis, that is, when only'a percentage of the gross receipts is handed over to weir charity purposes, under the penalty of having their 'eer- tilicates cancelled, No objection is taken to entertainments advertised 017 shouldtheir own not beeproclaime dots war ch, but har- ities when the principal beneficiaries are the performers, ,Good Salvage Wont • weekealldfioners are Sundayfwilt hioild their M1 !n farewell meeting in the evening at 7.30 p.m, ibe Brakes Department of the Sec of Ottawa has issued retuy a cir- iFidstilro�ifSO '---------�, e ®wemwooue00114weacvula 170 per 100 lbs. pa 100 " ' btt trIutIc Notes 6 75 " OS ' 606 " " CANADA P003) LTCIENBE NO, 4 ,JOHN --- - C O NHAL 1 THE DIFFERENCE IN SROES! TH E Difference between the sort of shoes we sell and the "Other ° Sort" will be perfectly apparent to - one who compares our "GOOD SHOES" Just Shoes!" with "Just Our Better Shoes! Our Shoes sire built up. to a' standard and Not Down to a Price!. The result is that our shoes are more e econ- omical o n mtc al than uncertain Shoes. They wear so much longer and look so much be than u better anShoes," � "Bargain a g m that they are a Better Investment Dollar' for Dollar, than any shoes which sell for less money. -The true test of Shoe value is not the 111rst Cost but ' the final cost not what they cost Per Pair, but what they cost per Year.. It is upon 'this simple test of val'vn that the successful growth of our Shoe Business is llaai:eal, FRED„ cS 11 .. �, THE PRACTICAL Siii(1�'.MAgei d •sate» rwewoeseeeesuueummesue 876, There will be no meeting on Friday 1 afternoon of .this week, (I All the Knitters are asked to keep 1 to their knitting as the cry for more 1 socks is great, •MP, teroeCAN O.PE5tAnne CARS ili A few Japanese women hove been nut on the ears in the 55)3)35 enteetrle Cempat.ny, because of the shortage o£ men iaboreta, .who have entered the. 'heck me.n0faetming activities. If these we - 1 1115,5 cenduC)5.. prove satisfactory, 1n0 55 ,5311 be simltarty employed, L17 .rT� sen T79 I Only 75 in 1.,000 ,otters delivered in the ' united I{hlgdo1 a come from abroad, "AND" IN Tuts 1q 1 ,IiL, rJ The word 'and" oecuree 5,4525 thnea 1n ere 9ehtpt0r0.1fo,545 times in the Did Teti ',ant and $5,545 times- 01 the 'Itiew Testament. AlliZONA'S. C0 A X,� � Utr 111 Aa'lzotin,.. wlitch 1110(1855)5 more than IPyr eent, of the relined copper in tbo hatted States ir:t year, is-expCcteci to etceed Me record this 5'Sar,' the Salvae ge1lDepa administration England dian army overseas has effected' s sav- ing of x",257,369 to the Canadian people during the last year. The object of thare the collection and conservat omflof 5111 waste material, the keeping of a- ctose h all breeches )tofctihesery service, thwaste e idisposal of, by-product's. by sale, and the. education of all military units to Sppreciate the value of stores, The Canadian Salvage Corps has led the way in this work, ted its methods have been adopted, by 11 -Imperial e er' p 1111 Ariny, Minor Locale •0t ',:1!',r r.;,,• sts, had the Flu? r 1st---•tomorrOW, neets on Monday, for the Tax Collector, y for the coming' of Win - ha` Win - has been aSked ske df dreadnoughts o vote l - sox battle- d 140 smaller vessels at a f 600 � o00 000 elation of Hearst's news - New York American, has ,000 Because of its traitor - toward American particl- e war, and its attempt. to 'Cemex \ Sharp fro Have you 'eNovehnbe Council 1 Get ready Get read tet', Con r' g ess new super - cruisers, an total a cost 0 The eirce paper; The dropped 460 ouS attitude ' patiOn in th 'Ile Carload of grind Germany's axes, Canada I Cement has arrived at our ware- The Corps in the West h. Y M hind, a member of the OHSe. iss Cora _ staff Of the an authority SOLE AGENT FOR with evident ten Bushels an 7BIIIV4S nif11ien httsllel �- Strictly Cash, SaSkatchelva)t of 92 million. Tr ,f ant! Alberta f; e [ iiopvaj, nnifiion Busile! 1.4 't'[te Otter grad 146:3:14-. ptrOrre iter and flax lThvn ',. lie' the e0nd}t Manitoba Free Press and of wide repute, estimates reluctance a wheat yield Prairie provinces of 149 s 01' an average of'bartev acre. Matin .' ,1 c, ° n !ng away, out of the annual ordeal rr heron; 1Te 1•-••eac'•. Wind, flp "ag they made their way to )" in , ;11014 they drove to Union • the electric car, and there they "d by more friends with con- y , t K5t, rvilte. They left a0 U lrcit, tia»tilton, roron.I •fthet points, and -will be et 1 ".11c'r friends after Nov, 15th, j SCRANTON & D. i -i & + m the three ANTON L. nulhon Bushel , hail ft S11i, evert ear's I Lxtra ()utility Brooms peen 90c Mr, •-;l® izner Gold or Comfort Soap ti u`'` 'M Sc per bar 13 liars for $1.00 erve Betio: FRUIT SAVERS —Our Bulk torn' Syrup, ioc per Ib. Laundry Soap BIJ JELLY POWDERS t1i hlcLarens 3 Bars for 20c 15 Bars for ei.00 2 pkgs for 25 cents N14S Q�9rMulti TEA SPECIAL —Bulk or Mixed 65c i Per lb, 5 lbs for ;13,00 Iter; �Finagamtwromma Che 11ti4s ufCll g to way last Tile e1' - by by ere The Cio:iter Grocery her HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE w,. - - Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7249 TERMS ---SETTLEMENT OF ALL ACCOUNTS TWICE A MONTH—PHON& t.il PHONE ORDER$ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Wallis was up From Toronto for 1 brother's funeral; also Mr John J kits, Mr, and Mrs, Roland and 1'6 l�� AND [ETi��l l{ 1 Ir. ds, 1-•-�------•.cap---.�..,,,ar ter I BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT 1 HAVE ere: 1!t REPURCHASED Mr, Herbert Jenkins, of -Clinton; h anMrs, herb Cox, Mr, John Woo Miss 'Carrie McKenzie and Mr, Wal Willis, froth Goderich township, w here for the funeral, Neice Married e slakes reference of tton lesweddit ng of vs neice of Mr, J. G. Medd, of town: A very pretty wedding was solen Meed on Wednesday of last week 1 the home of the bride's uncle an aunt, Mr, And Mrs, J. D. Aitsli Clark an'd Wellington streets, when their neice, Miss Alice Lawrence be- came the Wife Of Mr, J, Benson Tyrrman, or Seitidei i, The cereniony was performed by rte ., Dr Medd, of Chathatti' uncle of the bride esslsted , b Rev, Y A W,t Ste eY p p d 13 ch pastor Sf01" of KrrciX 'Presbyt9riful Church. The bride was given Away ,by her 811510, Mr. J D, Ainslie, Mrs. Medd In t tp Y n the b Wedding March, Only a few of the immediate relatives of tile bride Were present. The rooms were prettily decorated with asters, 505)05 p11101, snap -dragons and mesas. The bribe wore a navy blue trare8in sulk 11 g e 151St. t .y g the s,l,ning, of the register Mrs. Medd sang "i Love You Truly?" After the ceremony the o0nfp lily Sat clown 10 8 dainty lunch, the table beillg beauti- fnJly decorated with flolyet.5, The pre- sents were: numerous and 'tech in value, shOwtug the high eeteeile in which the bride is h.14 by a wide 'circle of friends who tvisiteJ to honor them on their n they were given a vent - of confetti, old slippers, Is Co ing it (1 0, Ost, Med fun ,t•ith d s from 2,600c ilas an e$f?i . ;• C from r} Jta,1.. Rh}. credited it , a,':, from a 0i')) 1„ t atopS, (1 t 14.1'1 1 111 r%E11I 1 l , +,,; i00 affe 111ai, ' Be prepared by having your old) furnace overhaul-' ed or a new one installed by the Grocery Business recently sold to Mr, Rorke and 1 Invite my former' customers to continue the patronage• which fhe have v e o s generously extend- , f Cd to nhe i1) the past, I Owing to the financial conditions of the times and the rule of the who1e5ale houses which detna»d cash payments I shall henceforth conduct a purely cash; business. Regular customers not im arrears who are wage earners credit, may be allowed until *'•e next succeed. ing pay-day, All cit: ars will please obr' serve e Our new ru s . t 1) i payc asl 1 /i 7BSmeeting cotafi',us this t M1r I trust to give my bibs#others the best goods and best service at the lowest prices, s, !f will t �.xboPavhyouand mC,. E. E. ik unRfor 4 T. Hawkins wW�y,n� �, 11FKwkIi1S Phone 63 Anent for HECLA Furnaces Shop -over itoWlanti's Hardware Piping Ansi Fittings Always On CANADA'S TIMBER RESOURCES Canute lite over 100 paper end pulp lulus, Canada elands 10)511) in this respect in the world, Canada's timber exports [lave readied 830,000,000. hes 1,000,000 square miles ' of standing timber. Ai';, 1✓anada hal the largest pine and pulp Ak" fonCanad liash359obillion feet Of timber under D01111)1;0'1 control, SUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canadian Food Contrailitipense. No. 8.3423. P88Oc0I14L15 NEW SCHEngtp, Trains from East, Arrives 11,10 5,1r Larves..11,30 a,tit,,, Arrives 6,08 p,l, beaus. 6.45 p.m. Arrives •11,18 p,' 'eaves 91,18 p,ut Trains from West •r1ves 6,18 am. Leaves =IS edit Arri.• 1.58 v.:it.Lea n 11.58 pant.' i Vals bean;,1NV th Arr,vt:; t1) +n, LeaVes 7,50 tun. .n„ Leayes, 4.15 tet ,. r Ovidi p• LeaveS, 1 1.8 1 A.111, L1lve8, 6.40,p••10',