HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-31, Page 91.6ff 1SI a8t3.oppQ 'llps,flitl h a*M»,�una.wwrcrc+,yry,.p,.,A.�»•.w,..w.a:reAnw,+r.wwx,uwn�+..,..n,.•w..-»w.w,.w,«+�.:.,,.»„•s�,,,wy„pT,vy..,a,.n.wy,,;„,yr,„„h,.;6" ^Itir.+"-ATA11au1".'tt:.;i �i... Glasses In the Fflaking of glasvos one iaf the important considerations 9s the .proper selection endAdjust- Meeto6 the frame or mounting, If you are to take the comfort. froth g,Iasses that.shtuld accena- the ti: n , 7 7alyi mounting meed lit. We We ,tan F gaarantee you this eonhfort aid freedom from an- oyflnce in the patented Fits-U- Eyeglassea and Spectecies. The fits -U is made in ;tn unique yet simple way, by which it is pass- ible for us to obtain the greatest latitude til adjusting the guards to your features, This ranee 'absolute comfort and freedom from nerve taxis annoyance and irritation, g Fits -U Glasses possess unusual merits—they are handsome, very. inconspicuous when worn, and can be !Host comfortably- adjust- ed. In the eyeglass fern' they itiay .be put on , and taken off with one hand without 'touching •the lenses. We carry a stock of the complete line of Fits -LI Eye- glasses and Spectacles and use our judgment of the selection of the one size and style that should wear, Let us show the FITS -U, I. iltELVJJ JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses CLINTON MARKETS. Bogs Butter Our Mee Caine back find saint that at the point -.where the valley. joineot the Meesewe could :not get on any farther, as elle villagers were ''ahoot- t,i' l ttes from f na !,t us £ 1 y lt0 . We, shot the whole' lot sixteen of 'their), They were (intern up in three make--- tlie 41;tnie slot did for titi'ee at .t time, The'men had elrealy 'shined their brutal instincts, the sight c the 1 ,' f t odiea t f all the. inhabitants who hitd been shot was indeset i'abte. , every cry bowie ' In the whole Village wase dtstruyed, We. dragged the villagers. one after csuther our. of the most un- likely corners. 'Cite sten were shot, as well ars the women turd children who were. In the convent; since shirts had been fired 'In/Mettle 'convent win- dows, tent we burned -it afterwards, He also had these ilmpdesive entries n;l his diary: August 8, Fleet 'fight and set Pira to several villages. . August9, !Returned to old quartet's, where we searched all the houses, and shot the mayor and shot one roan down from the chimney -pot, and thee again set fire to the village, 'October 11, We had 110 fight, but we caught about twenty men and shot teem.. Twice Persia inches Arable, Look of a limp of AN'lai,%and yo'fi will find' these c'7toitrlas next door to one another. A Med contpa•isim. Montenegro ,. n ant lwa,nfleih 1114 slat at England. Africa Is 240 i'ngittede, four Attsira- lets, eight Nettle, , or (nearly) two Siberias H would lake fifty linglentts Li cover, the great Selma Desert,' Agrictanre Aided By 1%1 .tory Loam Wonderful TradeExpansion �' lA i1,r1Qit1 Due to Seut;eeoe ref Can- ada s Loan Issupla Since the war started Canadian ag4illiure has grown 111 .inlitortttnesi as a national Sndustrv, More Chari over it is n source Uf strengtl Le tl>e country, The demand 1»' Great -13fi- tatn foe food, not only the her sol- doers batt.for her civilian population, has opened Si market of tremendous ASTORIA. For Infants and Children hi Use For Over 30 Years Always bears rkie`�...mr t Signature of `�^i% �t.�,-sckvK ENGLAND AND THE WARS SOME COMPARATIVE FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT TERRITORY possibilities, In 1915 our total eget- cultural exports amp'unted to 8200,- 000,000. At the ,eed of the fiscal year of 1917-1 S, the total had rumored to $740,000,000. This wonderful addition to the National wealth was, to large es.. ent, due to the Victory Loan of 1917, It was'so in this way: Great Brltein Quad that, owing to her vast expen- cfitures on her army and navy, and he necessity of giving monetary aid to some of hey stricken Allies, she was no. longer able' to pay for her purchases of food with ready caslh. Rather i.han see our products lose a sure market the Dominion Govern- ment decided. to ad•vance.sueh sums out of the proceeds of the Loan issues to pay for a good Sart of the food hat was sent to Great Britain. Theniners had been asked to "produce more food" and th.ey,had responded with a will; it was, of course, for theGovernment to see Haat the increased production was marketed.In this way Canada's entire expo.'t- able surplus of wheat, cheese, bacon and other commodities was financed. Tb.is year there will be for export possibly 100,000,000busihelsof wheat valued at 8225,000,000, If the pro- ceeds of the Victory Loan meet the expectations of the Finance *Ministera great part oe thie' wheat will be financed by the Government. The export of cheese will be over 740,- 000,000, and of buttes, eggs and con- densed milk another $10,000,000. aeon runs into millions, in the past Here is a geographical nhultipllca- t7 Non table, which shows the compare- Ia tive sizes of ; the most important countries` of the world. Add' together Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey (as it was be- fore the war), and you will find that together they are equal to no more than 25 England;, Against thls put Canada, Australia, the United States $i 7 5 '—to say nothing -of the rest—and `the luta; are "up; against" three na- Mot to 48c tions whose combined territory is 52.09 nearly eight times bigger than. their $2:14 own! Eggs Spring wheat Fall Wheat Oats Bailey Buckwheat Hay Bran Shorts Millfeed 70 to 75c Twice England is equal to New Zea - seen -teed, $1.00 to $1.05 3 tunes England makes Japan 01' ele,00 to $12.00 Abyssinia, 13 valve month's the Government has $45:00' q times England makes France a1 t dvanoed neatly $ioo,00o,000 to. $50,00 GermGermany.a 75 $2. cwt. 5 times England stakes ,Morocco d or Algeria, Sian or Ecuador. 6 tines England makes -Afghanistan, 7 times England makes Patagonia. 8 times England makes Columbia or Venezuela, in 10 times England snakes Peru or Lt7o Bolivia. Told iri f En'1ies so that nearly the whole town was 'reduced to ashes. It was. a terribly Sight, wleu he 1 lesswomen and chit - 'dies, utterly destitute, are herded to- gether and driven into France, (From tithe dairy,.of Private Fischer, Eighth Bavarian regiment of infantry, Thirty- third Reserve division,) The inhabitants have fled in the 1 was horrible. v £. t illa' gThere was clotted blood on all the beards -and what faces one saw, terrible to 'behold, The dead, sixty in all, were at; once buried. Among then were ltany old women, some old When, await to see; three children had clasped each other, and died thus, (Front the dairy of Lance -Corporal 'Paul Spielnlann, of the Erastz, First 'brigade of Infantry of the Guard.) In the night the inhabitants of `Liege became lanrtinous. Forty per- : -sons were shot and fifteen houses demolished; ten soldiers shot. The convent windows were broken, and we --burned It afterward, ' A REAL 1-IUN `Bombeedied Wetzel is a emotionless Huns, if one, may judge from the dairy -of an oflichr, calnnly recording the sack- ing of a convent, and the siglits here make you cry, The .following extract from the t,diary of en officer calmly records the :murder of the inmates. Mark how i.Ihltitiotis••were conserved: Hance„exports of live stock products, ARTIFICIAL LIBII38 IN 700 33.‘C. • Artificial legs and arms wore in use EgYpt as, early as' 700 B. C. They re made by the priests, who were physicians of that early time. 15 times England makes Persia. 15 times England makes. Mexico or Bri i tshou ' S th Africa. cn 15 tinges England nakes Mexico or the Soudan, 77 times England snakes the Ar- gentine Republic, 24 tinges Englund makes Arabia, 30 times England makes India. 40 times Engalnd shakes Russia, 60 times England makes Brazil. 70 times England ,tand-m1k2 s 'Canada. a. 70 times England makes the United States 1 10 times England makes China, 123 times England stakes Siberia, 150 times England makes the British Empire. Of the ,smaller countries, Scotland •uid Ireland are each three-fifths of England, and Wales just under one- sixth. Belgium fund holland together are equal to one -(half, Greece one-half, Portugal two-thirds, Switzerland and Denmark a little less than one-third each, Roumania is the same: size as England. Serbia is two-fifths, Italy is just under two and a quarter,” Nor- way two and two-fifths, and Sweden three and two-fifths, Australia Is just twice as big as India,. The distance to Australia is also the ,distance to India, Germany is really slightiy larger than France, but only the size of Wales—or one-sixth of England— extra. Twice Afganistan shakes Persia. onon000noonseeeeetxeeeeeoee Locai Tern eeliononoossonoorsososoconeso • To -Might's the Night Hallowe'en to -night, get out the Iwatch do t va h g fS Aect al Meetings The ch Urchoffi o ci a1 s of the various . loos churches stet. on Wednesday night as also did, the School Boards to discuss what best to ere) for the coming week, Effie Rath Dead This morning (Thursday) Eftie Rath, daughter of Mrs. William i Rath died after a severe illness' of Pneumonia. It is exactly five montlhs to -day since her father died. A young brother, Grant, is now ill with the influenza. No arrangements have yet been made with regards to funeral. Had Better 13e Careful A, T. Macdonald, a former 'Clinton boy and until a few years ago business teenager of the Toronto News, and more recently news editor of the Tor- onto Globe is in charge of the Milwau- kee newspapers recently purchased by Arthur Brisbane, the Hearst writer, who bought tine Washington Times t011hr1, ough 1 "loan" by German-Amerl- E12VC We cordially invite you to* our Garage where we are specially equipped to extend prompt and efficient Service. A full line of accessories and repairs carried Overhauling and Painting our Specialty. Phone S0, AUTOMOBILE LIVERY House Phone 140 Bicycles and Repairing'—Bicycle and'eneral repairing airin competent workmen. Quick service always. p g done by End HAND CARS FOR SALE 1 1VIcLAUGHLIN 5 PASSENGER 1'STUDEBAKER, 7 PASSENGER 1 MARATHON ROADSTER The Clinton tae r P 1' TNE CSI "I"; Sel:ond Iia Totally Meati On 1Viaduesdily evenhag, Tressy 11•6ne, beloveit'ivit'e 01 Mr, 'John Gore 1 .itt, 0I lluHali, anti daughter el Mr. and,Mrs. Isaac Curter, passed; away 'aged 19 ye;u'7 3 3n0nlbs, 08083984 111)5 base ;trio eslY itt With infuania end pn1lnhlouha• A brother died on Monday. The funeral will be held on. Saturday after000p' at 3 o'clock, ser- vice at the:huusc to 2,3o,: The syna- pAtby goes get tathe ,young husband And to thy jyiu'ents of taaa deceasefl, Category "R" Defaulters District military orders 00005111 in- structions as to the contse ofproce- dure to he adopted in the .tlase of cle- faulters arrested under fig M. S. A, and found 00 medical examination 10 be Category "13" Wren. After the med- ical examination end the completion of the man's papers lie is to be hand ed ihy the military police to the civil authorities for trial and the officer in charge of the mobilization centre will notify the Deputy Registrar, M, S. A,, and the A. A. G. Onrelease from 'civil custody the defaulter will be banded a certificate by the A. P, M: Deserters and defaulters who Sur- render anti are found to be Category "E" ere to have their trial expedited' and to be discharged from the service. Niece Of Mrs. Bawden Doad, Exeter Tilnes. A young li'fu in the bloom of youth was cut short last week i11 the deatla,of Mrs, Joseph 0. Landry, nee Miss Mary'Acheson, aged 21 years and 10 months, '!'hg ^de- ceased was taken down with Spanish in- fluenza and was 111 nearly two weeks, The circumstances are particularly sad as Mrs, Landry had only been a bride of about four mouths. Site was a daug- hter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos: Acheson, her mother, a younger sister and two brothers` being down' with the disease the former being ie too critical condi- tion to be informed of her daughter's death, Airs. Landry Was one of Exe- ter's popular and talented young ladies and her demise in the Bower of youth is siecerely regretted by a wide circle of friends. Besides ' her parents; she is survived by three brotihers and two sisters; Mrs, H. 'Walters, `Garvey, of St, Thome; Beverley, Ameia and Charles at home. The funeral, private was held smutty afternoon, the remains being taken to the Trivitt' Memorial church where 'service was conducted by Rev. A; A, Trumper, interment in the Exeter cemetery, Among those who attended the funeral from a dis- tance were: Garvey, of St; Thomas; Mrs, L. Billings, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Oke; Mr, and. Mrs. W. 00, Levert, anti Mrs, J. Atcheson, of London; Mrs. Knight and son, .of Merton, Former Alma Corner Boy killed A Saskatoon paper of recent date has the following 1100108 regarding a Alma boy:—"Corporal J. V. Good, Ai, Al,, was killed in yesterday; Isis birthday. He was 31 -years old. Corp. Good is the son of Mrs, Mary Good and brother of Mrs, J. 0,:Btack- stock, 165 Poplar Avenue, Corp,' Good enlisted'. with the 65th Battalion, In 1915 a'hd has served as a Battalion runner since: _lie was wounded on August 25th of last year but was able to rehire to the trenches in December of that year, Was slightly wounded about 3 weeks ago. Corp. Good won the Military Medal when the was re- commended for carrying messages 00 the Somme and Vimy Ridge under shell fire, and on the attack on •the outskirts Of Lens, Previous to enlist- ing Corp. Good was employed in 'C, 1'. Woodside's grocery. He was t i bo Brussels, Ont., and lived i,r 1" n Saskatoon 10 years. ile has 2 brothers in the army, Harold, a bugler, who was gassed' Wounded and taken a prisoner in 'April of 1915. He has been working' in a salt mine in Germany since. W. J. Good, who was editor of the Mirror Journal, Alberta, has been gassed; but has recovered sufficiently to serve as musket instructor in Brhtnishot coulee' Brother Dead. • The Brussels Post this week refers to a brother of Mrs. Wna. Agnew of town$;—ACh old and well known resi- dent of Brussels passed away to his reward last Tuesday morning In the person of David deist, of Albert st., aged 82 years. lie died on his birth-. day; While he had not enjoyed rugged health for 'many years he was usually able to be about sulci assist in work in the garden and house, at which he had few superiors. In his earlier days Ise was a carpenter and was an industrious honest going man, whose only desire appeared to be to do right. Mr, FIaist is survived by his wife, and 3 sons, (William, of Atwood George, of Strat- ford and Henry of Grindstone, Mich,) John, a son living at Winthrop, died as few weeks ago. The Heist. home has always been a haven of rest to those who wanted s good boarding house or those who were old turd feeble aad_the khtdiin�s, care and good husekeeptng and nursing received has been prover- bial for long years past. Mrs, Mist will be --left alone now, as far as her immediate family is concerned, al- though her sister, Mlrs, M. Doll and brother, George Edwards, are residents or -Brussels. The funeral of Mr, heist tv111 be held friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock with service half an hour earlier Interment in Brussels cemetery, For a' number of years the deceased teas an fictive member of the Salvation Army when that body was laborilg'leere but he has held adherence to the Methodist church, The, subject of this notice was born in Puslingh township, Waterloo Co., gird married to Miss Martha Ed- w'1rds, of McGillivray township, A41d- dlesex Co., one Jan. 1010, 1864 his now bereft partner, 9 children were born to the home of whom only 3 survive,' Mr, and Mrs, deist celebrated their Golden Wedding 4 years ago. They had lived in Brussels for the past 53 years and have enjoyed the confidence of the community, who sympathise With those now bereaved, Mr, Heist's death was caused by an injury lie're- ceived 3 weeks ago. While ,using a carpenter's brace and hit he split this breast bone and at iris age recovery Was likely to be low but pneumonia and a weak heart soon closed up the eertll- ly record,ole was the eldest son of Matthew and Catharine Heist and has 2 sisters still lhv111g, Mrs, WW1. Agnew, of Clinton' and Mrs, Little of Los Angel- es, Cal, His deceased 01111dre5 are/Jno, Chas, .and Sarah, who reached manhood and w0lflitthoed, and Annie, i3enjamin an Beltjanhin, who died in infancy, BRITI911-11lieti'LOTweleNT Oeneleff05 (neat Belittle i11111 100 0ovarinent rim. ployment °Macs. 13A1..ett 7. 6 tN 13051N00 +i.113Ti)S H1e thousand bakers trl'o employed 111 Buenos n(ras, ttcgeaithta. RUGl'il raLJL I -N T1111, TRAIW77S Fleeing in tie Thames at Pompton 1Vick, o, main ettngllt as eel 3 Coat 2 Inches long. Weigbirng 11 potm,ls. 1.2 • The l h;e of the Al pulse who commenced in tie' 'y 7 'S t li tl y l anti lou s of 7"enlpenutae p1r i ing 51.35 a 111011th 00 a policy 9Y 1 of 82,000 havMThe nto 1 0,40 a month. To the Editor of the New Fria (lie above item taken front `l'lttusdays issue of the New Era I far fetched that most headers yv recognize it at office as. au lnisp but apart from the figures an ee bus i1preSs1On lute been -given, as 1 am satisfied you were not in ti0oitify administering ;t slain to Royal Templer Order, I would space to make at' correction of figures in Ione with table of rates received 'from !read office, Only sans who' have reached the -age of are Accepted for insurance; and u 'old rate sante would pay' for $2 $1,40 per month, Under the rates 11e is asked to pay from $1.5 62.70 according to his present This new table of rates is endo by the Goy't Actuary, and when Fraternal Companies Have revised 11 rates as 111aee necessary by recentsul'ance legisltatioe, and most of 1l have already done so; the Tem rates wilt be found to compare v favorably With any other, ars t membership being limited to abst• eort1st s ers givessat tlhsoenh 11111ah1184 of adysatuttage1eiis4 10 as recognized by all leadleg'.insure experts. There are but two Prat nal Companies in Canada to -day w larger cuslh balances in proportion total insuralSce carried, than Tempters'; and those two have ways had and still have, higher rat 'Trusting' you Will give this correct same publicity as accorded to it referred to; hist 0.90 ould 51114ron- ''1 aud ten - the ask y0nr just per- t? Icier f 000, 17,811 0 to age, 'sed all lett'1 in-. Tena pier ery tett 2i1 - ver 5% nee er- ica to tlae al- es. ion em - W. S. DOWNS Fin, Sec, Lgqyalty Council ' R. T. of le, 'Clinton . —.. VOTERS' LISTS, 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON - Notice is hereby given that I have Transmitted or delivered to the par- ties mentioned 111 "'section 9 of The Ontario Voter's List Act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the iis1, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality' to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at et j,:tons for members of the Legsilative Assembly and at Muni- cipal elections and that the said list was first posted up, at my office in the Town ball, Clinton, on the 25th day of October, 19-19, and remains there for inspection, And I hereby ,call upon on all vot- ers to take ivne' t£ eedu roc 1 1 P to gs have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated this 26th day of October, 1918. , D., L, MACPHERSON, Town Clerk, Clinton TENDERS FOR CUTTING WOOD The Municipal al n P C unci] of Clinton asks for tenders for cutting two acres of hardwood bush, situated on James Snell's farm, Hallett, into four foot wood, with privilege of cutting hard splitting trees into two foot wood. For further particulars apply to R. J. MILLER, Chairman Phone 119_ Clinton Annual Meeting.' The annual sheeting of the Clinton Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday even- ing, Nov, 6th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of hearing the 'treasurer's re- port and for the election of officers for the coming.yeer, T. Cottle, _ Sec.. Treas, Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements, 1 mile North of Clin- ton, Base Line, Lot 34, Godericll Twp, on Monday, Nov. 4th, at 1 o'clock, the following: -1 draft horse 8 years old; 1 draft horse 4 years old; 1 draft mitre 3 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 9 yea's old; 1 gelding driver 2 year old; 1 ladys driver 4 years' old; 1 road mare 6 years old; 1 cow 8 yea's old due in May; 1 cow 9 years old due In May; 1• cow 2 years old due in June; 14 yearl- ings; 13 calves; 1 Wagon and hay rack; 1 set bob -sleighs and platform; 1 Mas- sty Harris seed drill; 1 Nlassey Harris cultivator; 1 Deering binder 7 foot cut; •1- Massey Harris !hay rake nearly new; 1 Massey Harris scutfiler and bean har- vester, nearly new; 1 pea harvester and bencher; 1 rubber tire buggy nearly new; 1 rubber tire buggy second hand; 1 cutter nearly new; 1 walking plow; 1 2 -furrow plow; 1 set iron: harrows; 1 turnip puiper; 1 turnip drill; 2 set whipple'trees' and double trees;,1 wheel barrow; 1 set 2000 lb scales; 1 set heavy team harness; $ set single hare Hess; 1 deLaval cream Separator nearly 1800; 30 tufted rock hens; 1 cook stove 1 heater; chains, forks, etc. Every- thing Must be disposed of as tote pro- prietor is giving up fa•nhing. Ali stems under 810, 0210011, over that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing approved jonoint$tnotes.otes, 4% discount will be given T. Gundray, Edward Straughan, Ahhcttolneer, •, , Proprietor, FOR SALE OR RENT Thirty acres, very best land, House, good bairn, °relin:d. Backe -eye ditcher; gasoline fuel 130X 5, GODERiCH P, 0 WINTER COWS FOR SALE 'fen young cows which were fresh - aped between November aud Februa'ry. TERMS ---Cash or Bankable Notes, ye 'stile south of Grand TrUnk Sta- tion, 1Sayfreid Lille, Apply to GEORGE HOLLAND, Prop,ieeo,', WANTED Man wanted for nigh( s ,if t to assts{ Ie 111' men on Shelf Machine,y, One who can lace melts and do general re- pairing to countershafts, 111te ;thefts, etc,, preferred, Apply at once to The 12oht, Bell Engine & Thresher C., Seafortit, Ontario, PAQJ Thi will F^. w P Fe 114 all Summer done,, -.and the mind.of the 1iotlse. ,keeper turns to getting her home• cried family ready for the and coblei''season; Don't forget that our counters , -our assistants are here l"eady,to help you, Fuji stocks—promptand courteous SerViee--- i R,ght prices. • See the fall number of the New' odea Quart- erly, just out, his malt, attractive sty le book pa on sale at our New Idea Pattern De 8284 --Ladies' Dress Department Blew 34 20,n 40, • 42, 44, 40 $sachem . bust measure. b2 arm -+:an^, i)lsteel Br 'hv Small Profits Phone 25. (Moro Pinsincrs THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS • ninatreanamemeostaaSMMONSIMSIMCMia,IMETOMMnentle Notice Alt accounts not paid by October 30th, will be placed in other .hands for collection ',vitt added costs, • • E. Scxuton. Wanted A Janitor is wanted for the Ontario St, M 8001041st church. Make applica- tion to Mr. C. H. Holland, Clinton PRIVekTE SALE Of high class furniture. Royal Oxford range, nearly new; 4 burners for ficton of stove; bedroom suits; tables; chairs; book case; kitcihen cabinet; couches; refligrrator; wardrobe; baby cutter; general household furniture. Apply to NiRS. I'IlOM1AS E. MY:KENZIE, JR. COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF CLINTON Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Town of Clinton will be held in .the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Thursday, October 31st, 1918, at 8 o'clock p. 01. for the pur- pose r - Pose ofheartnA and determining com- plaints against the Assessment Ralf of the said town for the year 1918. Per- sons having business at the said Court will please attend at the said time and place, D. L. MACPHERSON, Clerk. I ENGINES FOR SILO FILLING LLING WATERLOO 130Y TRACTORS— Just what you need for Silo Filling, Threshing, Plowing, 'Cultivating, Ns - eine or any work on farm. We Have them in stock for immediate delivery. Rebuilt Steam Traction Engines, 20 0. p., 18 Ih.p., 17 11,p., a,1d 16 lh.p., Pot- able Rebuilt Engines from 12 h.p. up- wards, Separators from 24 inches x 40 inches for individual farmer. All for immediate delivery, The Robt. Ball Engine .0 Thresher Co.. Seaforth, Ontario, EA Wanted Call at Mr. Watson's Grocery store gal, cans and tly oret ill 6, can est, 1 wior ll test and pay for each can sep- erately, every week and give you the price for the 'following week, Highest prices and a square deit! guaranteed. Cream received at Summerhill store any day. T. E. 'hone S 011171.61i-1051 il 166, ee, F. B. License Na. 5-10532, i AR -RIVED Rqla AJ CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN We have also secured a qualitity of Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE and also •. EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have on stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed, which we are selling at reasonable prices, Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Huh Choice) and also our usual line of {'lour, Bran, Shorts and Feed, VY.JenkinsaSon FOR SALE FLOUR AND FEED Phone 549. ' Reeidesee. s na ,49 House and int on Huron st., now occupied by Mrs, John Scruton, for sale, cheap for cash, Stable and shed on property. Apply to WILLIAM COATS, Goderioh,�_ SECURITIES FOR SALE The Administrator of the Betide of Alice Ml, Fowler deceased, offers for sale the following sec'tn•ities at lowest market prices: War Saving Certificate $ 25.00 3 War Savings Certificates each 100,00 Town of Welland Debentures 1000.00 Town of l•lespier Debentures 500.00 William Davies Ltd, Debentures 500.00 Western Canada Flour Mills, Ltd. Debentures 500.00 Doninion of Canada, War Loan 300.00 the Theabove serwill fro n0S% % sold t to ;rates 7%o eet per annum, Apply to. - R. E. MANNING, Administrator W. BRYDONE, solicitor, LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14-635 W. MARQUIS Clinton, Ontario FOR SALE 8 -roosted house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences, Corner of Mill and Beech streets, Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton, DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Pekes Delivered free of chargeto the put- claaser Or at this Bank.-'. VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 W. BRYDONE,'Clinton$ A Desirable Property .For Sale A two storey ,brick resideence on Huron street, just West of tine Baptist church, Good cellar and furnace; also the one storey ebttage for sale or to rent' on Ratlenbm•y street, west of the English Church, For particulars ply Mrs, to Y„ D 1c o' ' p) M C iv,1 e at the Huron on , St,, residence,For ;Sale A good flame bat'li 28X40. C. J. WeApply>yimtoi Id'$r HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA The home of the Red Deer and Moose OPEN SEASONS, DEER—November 1st to November 15th inclusive. MOOSE—November 1st to November 1 5th inclusive, in some of the northern, Districts of Ontario including T1nlagahni and the territory north and south of the Canadian Government Rail- way from the Quebec to 00m». toba Boundary open season for Moose is frpnh Octobar 1st to November 3010 inclusive, Write for copy of "Playgrounds --- tine flaunts of Fish,and Game" giving Gane Laws, Bunting Regulations, etc,, to C. E. HORNING, District Passenger. Agent, Union Station, Tomato, Ont. John Ransford & Son, city -passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A, 0. Pattison, station agent. Laid Up For 2 r n2iss WITH PAINS IN BACK. Pain in the back is one of the first signs showing that the kidneys are not in oho condition they should be, and it should be gotten rid of immediately, ifnheglertecl; 00ri0ua kidney troubles are likely to follow. There is a Ivey to "shake off " for ever tlae constant pain of backache, tho ann0y- anco of urinary troubles and all clangers of kidney ills. Go to your druggist or dealer; get a box of Doan's 7Cidncy 1'iils; tante a few closes' end see hots quickly your backache will disc )pear, ].lir. Iiaigh Morton, Dayslantl, ,Alta„ writes. --"I am gilt ) feel it my duty to lei you know whtl roat relief I found by using your Doan's .Kidney Pills. 7. was laid up for two months with pains in my back and I found roller after having taken half a box of ".Doan's." I cannot r000mmondthem too highly to anyone having weal: kichhoys, as they have been agreet ' help Lo ate, "r 'The phenomenal ;detect of !loan's Kidney11 ,1 . lis in all period the rot, n world brought forth many imitations ,ate that you gel; "Doane ' When you sink for them. Our trade wok 'Tire Maple Leaf" is on ovary box, Price 60c. et all de lots, or availed direct on receipt of p121e b, The T. Milburn Co,, Linited, '.ro onto, Ont, 7