The Clinton New Era, 1918-10-31, Page 71
�htii'sdIty, ()deter 3'iel',•'1 )18
1000 HENS
1000 CB1CI Ns
acli week et our Poultry
Feedtn6 Pant for the balance
:of 191$. Prices paid'aceording
to •quality and faucy prices paid
for largeproperiy fattened milk
fed chickens,
Meatless clays are making
very Irl; 1 prices for eggs, Al-
t to 'sl 'prices are high
i. Ub ra aini r b
iwill a you to� tasec d
t p > yke,..P
stock of'hen a
care Of your 1tr'hens d
Giaail Limited
1 e
- a� loin & Co, ,a a.
The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Branch Phone 190
W. Trewartha, Manager
or Hoirnesville 4 on 142.E
®, a A a d a Air. a r,a g p o a teas 4a lte a r
a r
4 ►
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
+.� Doherty Pianos and
,Iperial values in >Art v
Cases i s
Pianos and organs rent%
e3. Choice neve Edison•cb ►
1 phonographs, Music & a
variety goods. •
d p.
4 r
i• MDSJC ttizpoi'ium ►
• C. Hi oare
Call or Phone for prices
Byarn & Sutter
iPlumbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't he tempted to cheap
jewelery. `Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly What Vou
are getting,
Yon will never he snrry- for as a
:matter of money, it is easily lite
•most eeonomictll,
That has been acid 90 often that
eyeryktody by this time should
+� it—and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal —If y oil would
like to miss thea suet altogether—
If you would like to tiny where
dealt i,a `9OM11 but lith h qualities are
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Com' ter
.11MWer and Optician
rit er 4 1*rriage Licenses
• A Carload of
ovt. Standard
Just Arrived
IRD & M��eoo
Thorn wee never 0. time when, the sae.
rifiees and. the help of womenwere more
a precured than .at the preseet Limo,
Wolmar! should learn war -reusing and
nursing at home. `,'hero is no better
way than to study 010 now edition of the
" OornnSon SOME Medical Adviser "'—
with ellapteie ori Firet 4ud, i3aedaging,
Auatorny, ld__,,y Ione; ears of the ,Sick,
Diseases of Women, Mother anti Babe,
Marriage—to be ltp.d at some drug -stores
or send 60e. to Dr, Pierce, Com'twrieht
13riclgebui'g, Ontario.
If a woman eulTers ft
m oak back,
nervolumes or dizziness -if pause afflict
her, the best tonic and corrective is one
made up of native herbs, and macro With-
out alcohol, which makes weak women
strong and sick woman well. It is the
prescription of Doctor Pierce, used by hien
m active' praetioe many years and now
sold by almost every druggist in the land,
in liquid or in tablets. fiend Dr. Florae,
Buffalo, N. Y., 10c. for trial plcg Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are also best for
liver and bowel trouble,
Pierce's Favorite Pre-
sorption was a groat
holp to 'me. During
an expectant period I
became all run-down
weakand nervous and
could not eat—was
nauseated. I also suf.
!erect with baakaobes.
I was a complete wreck
and was down sink is
bad when I bean
taking '.Favorite Pro-
eatipt,on.' I soon coo-
• mooted to feel stronger
and it finally restored
me to health and
strength. I could do all my work and folt Ene, I
had practically no suffering and myy baby was strong
and healthy.—Mrs, Thome BurleiiN, 366 Erie SR
Production of crude • oil for the
world in 1917 amounted to 500,651,-
000 barrels, the United • States pro-
ducing 67 per cent., of 335, 000,000
A substitute for gasoline, invent-
ed by a Trenton loan, ,will be given a
test by the Automobile Club of Amer-
ica. It will cost about 11 cents a
W. I3I:' Yl)1DM E' •
H. 1 AC
Natary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCI Al3ENT-Reprosonting. l9 Ftre Ir
suranee Companies.
Division Court Office.
Piano Tuning
Mr, James Doherty wishes to In-
form the , public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention
M. G Culll:'rolt. K 0.
Barrister, Solicitor, Ooiiveyanoer, alto
Oflre on Albert Street, °erupted t -y
Mr. Hooper. In Oliuton on every.
Thursdrty, and on any clay for which
appointments are made. 1 flice hours.
from 0 a, re. to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any appointments for Mr. Oameron.
• Medial"
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, — — Ontario
Office at Residence
Corner High and.Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
DR. M, a. AXON
Crown and Bridge Work a specialty.
Graduate of 0,0.0,9..1 Chicago, and 11,0,0,9
Bayfield on gtendav$. Bac 1st to 1)
OB,oee over O'NEIL'E store,
Special etre taken to make,dentel tee,,.
moat as painless ee poesible.
Live stunk and general Auction ,
a. S. stela sales as specials), lidera rt
NEW ILEA office, Clinton, prr:m r y att eta
to. Tern,s reasonable, Farmers sale not
liNoeun ted
G. D. M.cTaggat't M..u. MoTaggar
McTaggert Bros.
l.•eneral Banking Bushes,
Drafts issued. Interest allowed 'e
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Perm and Isolated Town Prot a
arty Only Insured.
iHead Office-- Seaforth, Out
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas,
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary -
Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
Hinckley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney Bg
lnondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G
Jai -ninth, Brodhagen. •
Wm. Rhin, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben -
newels, Brodhagen;
en-newels,Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech-
wood; le, MoOwan, Clinton; James''
D, F.McGregor,:
No, 3, Seaforth` J..n
1. Grieve ,No.
r 4,
• TO..1IN't' .VV
No person nut residing and domicil-
ed 1n the Province of Outsrlo,` shall
hulik, take, kill,' wound or destroy :Noy
gaffs, 01' (aIl',Y or 0013 any gun or
rifle for hunting purposes, except.
muler ilte authority of a lieense,
t Deer.....Open season, November 1
to November 15, both days inclusive.
Only two deer play be taken In any
one season by one person,
Moose, Reindeer or 'Caribou ---Open
season for that portion of the provin30
lying to the south of the ma111 line of
the Galadaialt Pacific Rctihvay from
Mattaw,i to the city .of Port Arthur,
front the 1 sI clay of November to the
t5th day of
November, both dayssa
season for that portion ,ef the
province lying north of the said line
of rlUw;ty from Mattawa to the Mani-
toba boundary, and ' that park of the
province lying: to the south of the
Canadian Pacific Railway Froin tate
town of Port Arthur 10 the Manitoba
boundary, from the 1st day of Nov-
ember to the 30th day of November,
both days inclusive,
Only One- bull moose, reindeer or
caribou mays' be taken In one year by
any one person,, and 00 cols 300000, or
young moose, reindeer or caribou, un-
der the age of one year may be hunt
ed, taken or killed, '
No hounds or dogs accustomed to
pursue deer•Itre allowed at large where
deer are usually found,' during the
close season for deer; and hounds or
:dogs found running deer during the,
close season uu be kills sight 'ton t
g by
any person, who shall not be liable for
damage for so doing.
Capercailzie—No open season until
1920, t
Ducks and other water fowl—Open
season from 1st day of September. to
15th day of December.
No wood and eider duck beforelSth
day of September, 1923, •
Bag limit—Two hundred ducks per
Wild Geese—Open season from the
15 tit day of Septemberto the 31st day
of December, both days inclusive.
1•iares—May be taken by any means,
at any fine, between the 15th day of,
October and. the •;5th'day of Novem-
ber, and between the 23rd day of
December and the 2nd day of January
following; and may be taken at any
other time by any other meats than
Cotton -tail rabbit—Notwithstand
tug :anything in this act the wood -
hare or cotton -tail rabbit may be
taken or killed ip any manner by the
owner, occupant or lessee oft' any
land upoli which it can be proved' to
cause actuel damage.
Grouse and partridge and prairie
fowl—No open season MINI 1920
Pheasants—No open season Mite
the 15th day of October, 1920,
Quain—No open season until 1920:
Shore ,birds, band -tailed pigeons, •Ift-
tle brown cranes, sandhill cranes and
whooping cranes, swans, curlews, and
all shore birds nt before the 15th of
September, 1923.
Player and snipe—Black-breasted
and golden plover, Wilson ' or jack
snipe, greater and lesser yellow legs
—Open season 1Sth day of September
to the 15th day of December, beth
days inclusive,
Squirrels (black and grey)—Open
season from the 1st day of November
to the 15th day of November, both
days inclusive.
No 0
pe n season th e counties of
Elgin, Wentworth, Waterloo, York,
Peel, Oxford, Halton, H3ldimand, Sim-
coe, Grey, Wellington and Dufferin.
Turkeys, wild—Open season from
the 1st day of November to the 15th
day of November, both days inclusive.
Woodcock—Open season front the
15111 day of October to the 15th day
of November, both days inclusive.
No partridge, quail, snipe or wood-
cock niay be bought or sold.
Shooting between sunset and sun-
Beaver and otter—Open season. No
beaver or otter shall be hunted, taken
or killed or had in possession by any
person before the 1st day of Novem-
ber, 1916, and after such date the
hunting, taking or killing of beaver or
otter, shall only be• permitted during
such periods and on such terms and
conditions as may be prescribed by
the lieutenant -governor -in -council,
Mink—Fisher . and harten,—Open
season from the 1st day of November
to the 30th of April.
Muskrats—Open season from the
;std ay of March to the 21st day of
April, but no muskrat s11a11 be shot or
speared at any timne.
Insectivorous birds must not be
caught, killed or sold, or'liad in pos-
session without a permit, except
hawks, crows, blackbirds and English
bur -bearing animals—Persons en-
gaged 111 the business of breeding,
game or fur -bearing animals, require a
Buying and selling—Persons buying
and lling protected fur -i
auinalsse, or the skins protectedbearng
110411als, require a license, License
fee, $10,
Fire arias—it is illegal for persons
employed in connection with the con-
onstruction, improvement, or mainten-
ance of any railway, telegraph line or
public work, to have firearms in their
Game dealers—Persons engaged in
the business of buying and selling
game require a license.
Cold storage—Persons engaged in
the business of .cold storage of game
require a license.
Heotels, restaurants and clubs—it is
illegal to supply game or fish, for or
es part of a steal, during the close sea-
son, except under authority of a lie,
}footing licenses—Non resident lic-
ense'fee for deer, moose 'and all kinds
Of game, in season, 550. Ducks ld.
all other sutall game in season, $25,
Nor -resident license to trap for-
bearing animals, fee $50,
Resident license to hunt deer $3.
• Resident license to hunt 010003,
reindeer or carfbott,$5.
icePer5'zs.ods acting is guides to huintitig
incl fishing parties, require a license,
Resident itceese to hunt and trap
fru'-beating anintals,55.
Cook's Cotton Root Celt. pound.
of safe, reliable r•eprtaallnd
itadieicce, Sold in throe do;
growl of etreagth---No. 1, $1t
No, 2, $0t No. 3, 55 per boa.
Sold by all druggists, or seat
repaid, on receipt of pride,
prepaid, pamphlet. Ad,lressa
31 ” TORONTO, OBIT. (Pornrat wi.O.r,)
Walton; Robert Ferris, ifarlock; Geo tet The New Era have the navies of
McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth. ' your visitors.
res ant
,n EverYday elleitotts beverage'
ltow Fall Fairs Can l,e Made a
Cireat Success.
Attend Motu' (40c111 Iralt' 10 Improve
iaduentiort end to glove a Good
(00ntel b used trin Dope rt nig111
AbrlcutbytuOnro,n'6 rontv.)
1116 oaaritetIng of thin ablele
ens le not ear:serving . out
incat supply nor 1s 13 11r,
most .prolttabie Method to
Ilio.. .producers, Present prises. 01
Market.pouler•y admits of the driers,
use of feeds and his marketing u1
well -fleshed birds,
) a .
The beet birds to flesh or tftee
are those of the heavier breeds, suer
as Wyundoties, Reds, and 1101118.
The light breeds, 01101 00 LeghoNM.
seldom pay to fatten pnless they are
very thin 14 flesh,
The bh•dg intended for . fattening
should be confined to a-sma11. pen. 01
slatted coop, The process is not diffi-
cult if you Will but pay 'attention 'to
a few:Pointe that are essential,
Do not feed the •birds for the drill
day they are shut up. You shoult
give them something to drink, bit
it is best to gime 00 feed. After'
first day feed very lightly for two Al
three' day's and then gra uaily rn
crease the ration, being very curette
not to overfeed. We 118,111/11Ystart
chickens on very finely gt'o4lnd green:
at the rate o
f three-quarters a
ee- varters of n
ounce ofer rain feed to each bird
g p biro,
feeding twice daily, This can be in
creased: gradually to two or three
times this temount. Generally fht
most profitable gains are Made doer
ing the first fourteen to sixteen day:
feeding. Such birds will not be ex
cessively fat, but should be fa;
enough to.coolc and eat welt. Soure
markets demand a fatter hard.
The most' profitable gains are mach
on eirds weighing from tures un..•
one -hall' to' four and one -hair poun1.
when put up to fatten. •
The grains •fed should be fine.,
• ground and, if at all po_gytbl:, sheltie
l afixed with sbur' mills. Mix 1.11.:fee o Consistency of a paneatct
batter. The more mills the chicken
will take the better bird you will
have In the end, Milk appears tc
have no good substitute for fattening.
chickens,. 1f you cannot get milk
then add ten to fifteen per cent. of
meat meal to the ration' and mix with
water. The addition of a little green
food daily will help utalleye, hinny
people get better results by feeding
a little salt, About one-half pound
to ane hundred pounds of dry grain
is sufficient. This mixes best be be-
ing dissolved in water and adding a
little at each feed. Be careful not
to use too much.
The best grains available now are
a mixture of ground barley, corn-
meal, finely ground buck,wheat, and
shorts. Oats are good if part of the
bull is sifted out, as are also ground
-brewers' grains, We have used with
good'results a mixture of two parts
of ground barley, two parts corn-
meal, and two parts shorts, nixed
with twice the amount of sour mills.
In general :feed about one-third
shorts and then whatever finally
ground grains you may have about
tate farm.
1f at allos 1 le
p s b mix the ground
grains with sour milk,—Prof, W. R.
Graham, 0. A. College, Guelph.
Black, Green
or Mixed a
. A N
There was an old geezer and rile had
9'101 of sense;
lie started up a business on a dollar- At a meeting of tl e Catholic bishops
elghty pen s— of Ontario resolutions were adopted
The dollar for stook end the eighty for , urging ccinservatioti of coal and the
am ad 1 fullest possible subscription to the
Sealed Packets only
c9. allr 6'
� 6D e1"S
Brought him ti?ree dollar's lovely in a ' coming Victory Loan. ' ' '
• .day, by dull l The Methocllst hook and Publishing
Well, he bought more goods and a 100m31105 ' has brought an action
little niore space, !against the Dominion Alliance and
And ;he played that system, with a ' Ben, 11, Spence, secretary, for the re-
sinile on his face, covery •Of :5510 alleged to be due for
The customers flocked to his two -b . pubtislung 10,000 copies of ""I'Ite Par -
four asrte,"
And soon he had to hustle for a rept- i The American Consul at Jamaica
lar store, announces that large quantities of
coconut shell 'are urgently required
Up on the square, where the people by the United States Government for,
• MASS, the manufacture of gas masks,
a all'
He gobbleda at corner that w
p sTheodore Roosevelt, in a stateulebt
plate glass. ' issued at Oyster Bay, urges against
He fixed up the windows with the best negotiations with Germany and says
that be had allies must demand an -unconditional
And he told em all about it Ina half -
page ad.
. surrender,
i nt ers aged 23,
Mss Sadie Go p ,
Ile soon had 'em coning ande never; daughter of Samuel Campers, presi-
never quit; 9 dent of the American Federation of
And he wouldn't cut down on Ills ads Labor, died at her Bone of Spanish
one lit. influenza,
Well, lie's kept things humping in the Rev. "Billy" Sunday the revivalist
town ever since was notified that Mrs, "Ma" Sunday
And everybody calls him the Mercant Is dangerously ill of Spanish'influen-
za at Winona, Indiana. Her temper-
Some say it's luck, liut that's all ature was 104. Mrs. Sunday was
bunk— taken ill on Wednesday,
Why, he was doing business, when the A resident of M«ssena, N. Y., has
times yvei'e punk, i pleaded guilty td snaking seditious
People Have to purchase and the gee -remarks concerning the president
zee was wise—
and government of the United States,
For he knew the way to get 'eat was and had been sentenced to pay a fine
to advertise— of 51000, There are 'a good many
E. F. Mcinifyre,-in "Rush", loose -tongued men, even in Canada,
The real way to advertise is with who ought: to be handled in a similar
your flag unfurled then sign •an ap- manner.
plication for the New Era. , Sir William Weir, secretary of
state for the royal air force, recently
raised to the peerage, will take a
title of Baron Weir of Eastwood Reit-
For the first time in history- the
guns of a warship boomed last Sat-
urday at Thunder Bay, when the gun
platforms and guns of the Just 10131-
pleted French mine -sweeper Navarin
were officially tested,
Bishop Lucas of the Mackenzie
The Ford is any car, . how anyone can regard coal as ex-
t shall not want another. pensive at $11 a tot His last 'win -
it niaketh me to lie down in wet ter supply cost him $160 per tun, and
places, he was limited to five tons.
lit soileth toy soul, Excavations lately made sear the
It leadeth nie into deep waters, old church at Lauzon, Quebec, have
It leadeth me into paths df ridicule disclosed skeletons of British • soldiers
for its name's sage. interred two centuries ago, as well as
It prepareth a breakdown for me in old time cannons, battle axes and
the presence of nine enemies, other relics of the period.
Yea, though 1 run through the V:11- A Dominion order -In -council pro-
leys, l am towed up the hill hibits the burning of straw of last
1 fear great evil, when it is with me, year's or this year's crop in the prair-
Its rods ;rid its engines discomfort ie provinces without a written permit
me. from the deputy mnister of agricui-
It anointeth my face with oil, ture from the province in which the
Its tank runneth over, straw is situated. The penalty is a
Surely to goodness if this thing fol- line of not niore than 510.00 or more
low Inc all the days of Illy life, lshall than 5100.00 or imprisonment up to,
dwell in the house of the insane for- 30 days, or both fine and imprison -
ever. —The Sussex Herald nient.
Children Cry
mind as the longest -
tasting confection you
can buy. Send it to
the boys at the front.
star Time Economy
in Swe 'tmi ts—
a 5 -cent Package of WRIGLEY'S will
give YOU several days' enjoyment:
it's an investment in benefit • as well
as pleasure, for it helps teeth, breath,
appetite, digestion. •
The Flavour Lasts
Seated tight --Kept right
N ib
Importance of Attending Exhibition.
-Fall exhibitions are a permanent
feature in. the life or Ontario, and
aro of particular Interest and import
to the farmer and bit family. True,
many of the smaller showsmight oe
greatly Improved by the introduction
of more new educative features, and
some of the larger exhibitions have
been criticized in the past for tardi-
ness In placing agriculture in its due
place, but at the present time, with
things agricultural to the fore -front
as they are, exhibitionmanagements
realize the value of a strong agricul-
tural and live -stock department and
are making this a leading feature of
their work. • In fact, no fall fair,
large or small, could exist let alone
prosper, without the products of the
farm well represented.
Bearing this in mind, it is impor-
tant that1
all attend their local fall
fair and their nearest large exhibi-
tion. A well-managed fair Is an edu-
cation, The -boatlive stodk of the
various types and breeds, the highest
quality grain, roots and vegetables,
the newest devices to aid the farmer
and his wife in their work, and the
most up-to-date special attractions
are all there and each has itsvalue
to those who attend with the pur-
pose of improving their knowledge,
1t is worth while to watch the ;judg-
ing being done to get an idea of
approved type and to hs,ve one's in-
terest stlmu'lated that he may go
home .and do better work in breed-
ing live stock or in the production or
farm\crops. Study the work of the
judges. It helps to fix in the mind
the proper type 'of live stock of the'
various' breeds and the requirements
of all farm crops, The boys and girls
should be taken to the exhibition and
encouraged to study and learn as
gtell es to enjoy themselves.
3' Exhibitions also have thele place
in the social welfare of the people,
It le profitable to get away frons wurMi.
for a i'ew days and mingle with oth-
ers, there to discuss matters of in:
terest to all, and to see what ptogl•ess.
is being made in industry ether that,
that 11011t. which the fair -goer gets
his or her living. It snakes for 'big-
ger men and women with a wide,
viewpoint, A little cleat, whole,
some amusement is necessary in o -
der to .get the most out of 11fa.
Go to the exhibfthie with the Idea
of improving your education and an
the saute time to have a real goon
time. itis profitable to get swat
from work occasionally .and the es•
hibition offers not only an Import on
Ify for pleasure but also for profit
—Prof, Wade Toole, 0, 'A, College,
Guelph. •
0, M. Moore, a rancher hailing
from Boy River, Alta., has - taken
sudden leave of Moncton, N: B.,'
draft evader. Ponding Bearing of
his case, he deposited 51,735, four
valuable diamond rings and a rail-
way ticket as cash bait. Then he dig.
f tit 1 h
he building t of news school lityit es
1 S
!, F
in the United States has been for-
bidden in Order that labor may not
be diverted frim war industries,.
A Pene t i':reatopi N1115,
a s,1'si ota(?�a•r,
I hast an,aftuel r n e
,N1 rera'
Eezema; So had, ti) 4t..14y'.chltlios
would bo Wet tlnoulflr•.3't!titrtt e,
Por lour months,l400.01, tel'rUily,
(amid get no Io1fJJiL 4i'Scilill tried
1, rctit a t1%'os anal i y, toNtpuiV/V,
The first treatment•• ityt}:.
tlltogotlter, S lirah o;,.�tg1 >$hreo
boxes of 'Soo'the t,1alveee 'ltd, Cyto pf
'Fruit-a•tives', amlie•3litttealywsll'±;'
: gdttl`? �tiALL,',
Both these ster,T 0 ;� fl>4:1.(e460:alliyrt
o dbvdeal rs asl o a r$?,00,Or senton eckl�ndde o
Fruit -a -tiros Liiniiet i"w•li
n .:
utfl i` ti''
P ui •a- e r .,}�,S 'i i R
1 t tt 5 S'at
t .P p .•,
trial site whicl'i sells,Io:t, e,
SJ -IOP .'
I'iark, hark, the clog dq arm''^x`:3
Christmas shoppers , avyi' scouring q
town .
j v i�x rr
By train,. In auras, �lfltuq' '1 /Lars "" •
And all witlf cash 1a put' own, '
1 h stores are all ready with gift
stocks big,
Froni d a i
i aunond a nib - t; a tittle toy
ShowStiarts YOURoo: Chris ,c" rkilrlt,; gat
t 143
d t.�fa;�,aYt f,.
The sooner begun—tie"st liar you're
through, 4' .: •a '<a
7 P
----µ i1� t
Worse Than the 10.4:eas xltseif-r-
Victims left Weal?'iThlfervous
and Wol trot t
La Grippe. or Spanish ii'fineza, a'
Pp p n s
the epidemic now sWeep43geanver 111
America is called is 11e. ofi,,the most
dangerous diseases ldal";•, efir etc'- man-
kind, Anyone who I@g., rtegt, ats._pangs
is not likely to forgj,-t)ie ;Amble.
La Grippe, or itfluenza,`4tan,is with n
light cold and ends eNeffe ,t;contpli-
cation of troubles It =y`1Ss ;rite vis- .
rim on his back, it 1eat;3iret hint with
fevers and 'chills, headas!hes ,ttid back-
aches. It leaves mint la 'prey it) pneu-
moria, bronchitis, consumption 'and
other deadly diseases; 'Its :.titter ef,
fects are often more setityas'than the
disease itself, it is quilo° possible to
sword rat grippe by kekping the blood
rib and red by the use= oft Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pies—a tonic ''medicine
which enriches the -blood -and strength-
ens the nerves. 11, however • the dis-
ease attacks you, the petient•should at
once go to bed, and calf 11doctor be-
fore complications set in. That is the
only safe way to do. But to -recover
your strength after the severity of the
attack has passed, you will find Dr.
William's Pink Pills an. unsurpassed
tonic Through the use of :this ntedi-'
cine all the evil after 'effects of this
troublewill be banished. ;This has
been proved in thousa'nds•' of - cases
throughout Canada, where in prev-
ious seasons la grippe has attacked'
them. Among the man3t thus restored'
to full health is Miss • tepee Bootes,
Portsmouth, Ont., who say;, -01 take
much pleasure in recotiihtendding Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, because' I have
proved their worth in me ovn case.
Last winter 1 had a severe.attank of la
grippe and it left me •yyeak and all
run down, I had severeip rias in the
chest and under the aritis j5alpitatiou.
of the heart and oflackS;'bf fie'uraigia
which left nie with the feellily ,the life
was scarcely worth tivih ,' L was ad-
vised to try Dr, Williaahl'i'rPiilk Pills
and began their use only 'on the prin-
ciple .that
rinciple_that 1 would try apytlie e that
might better myconditio5 road only.,
been using the pills a copprelcotIcweeks.
when the pains began 'It •If Satxe
Gradually' my strength retifr iedeeny ttii-'
e rte improved,, 1n 'a h r
P 1
d u ifs note`
than moot 1 felt Ql m .. I
at51 1) 'a va
or had returned. 1 un il$ ely glut,'
1 wa persuaded to try Diff 'g3+iltt;tits
Pink Pills, and 1 s11111 a,v,p's •1tt.`
good word' to say for the t ".
Dr, Williams' Pink Ili lioeetat h Jt
cure the disastrous after ,4i tct s t, la t'
grippe, but are also a 1b0lhd 4lr ail11
troubles due to poor bltldtt t) ln tits ,.
anaemia,' rheumatism. 1 1 frgg hon
women's ailments, and 11h Ig'e51irlWy >
worn out feeling that alTec1, sp stagy''
people. You can gee, t.1 e3 pills
through auiy dealer in mgdb i aior%hy•,"
1111111 at 50 cents a box my c kat s for•
52,50 from The Dr, Wilhiiii >Zii,cine`"'
Co., Brockville, Ont.
3,000 Sr-1.T1111L' lir e - 1
in order to increase the. ;iv"Gdt31 supply
and Incident9;11y •todo cwt vt it . •1.1 a
cutting, Demme, Colo., is, it lo
turn sheep Into Its public l3 4l( id The' •
perks in the city will anpppl a p11f 3,001)
sheep, and trio mountain 1113 t1,p131' by;,
will ghee grazing to 0,00A,
iambs, .,nod
•ick v'J
"ALL 1N99 lr fRt BP
Could Not Work or Walk Arie
The efforts put forth to kee ottiiv
" "
ME -
modern r "high. pressure" m` 1
:hie cage soon Iwetu's' out , )
system, slithers the nerves t Pt (11151
y �v
the heart,,rain Fl theme kUs e '9
of home and social lir �li
o cR" , SJe' p
lI, - l
suffering from heart and{ net'vo;ttli3r'ililna.
Tito strain on the sy steno g0.uri, w t1l i ,Ni,tationoftheheart,fanititnllp i vrsppil'N1Ip,S
smothering and sinking sptif t7 tr♦titess•
of breath, eta �ii�'-�y',
Tho reconstructive powers 1(3Ilbufn's
Heart and Nerve Pills is siinit,} : naiWel 4'
lolls, and those whose hcalti fY'f1 I ili
belowar, '
t t.
1 still find a coat .
i s il� m will
s';to io >
soon recuperate then bealthl=And get back
their mental and bodily vigr)oI,
Mt. Oscar Tracy, •lostrtl''yease, Tracy
Station; N.13,, writes "'t\13 1114 3433 ,,•,
I was `all in' as .l thought; coiltvl 1t6JYtu
any work, nor walk any chstarbcq,,t 1 h1 d.,
taken no medicine, but trioct,}ly+ ty tl'
bur'n's heart and t erre. Pill`'„atrd dnt)tl
shah benefit, from the fins 114.p:41,, ic.lf ,,t
continued taking them, ' l yni4 k:sty'
as (gee,m al:,lo to wnrlc .a ray ay, cl•
cuedyerfeeofl iooaw.”
Milburn's Heart and Nerve 11;117 (alae
tk0e. a o 1 r 1 r
box a t all .loRlers, or inailry'(it�rc. ,,
t 1,tt
all receipt of rine by `.I'he•Re ilbiituCo., imited Toronto,Ont.'
tl+ s"t,