The Clinton New Era, 1918-10-31, Page 2T>t
owl, wilt ilea:0000t'st+1 wholly ia+t CLotnd4
a lora antic. I
'of 4lil� &aq:r.'tv�llt,l�� �oa�r iftart Wax t?otsl� �
TM: MiSWAM or VinadeI2 or IMP Pti,r1NIon bit CANAbA
VIC ta.
$300,90 9 lIl.i 5%°. Gold Bonds, e
Peering Interest from November 1st, two maturities. the choice of which. re optional with tate nubacriber aa..
1016, and offered t follows:
I 5'year Bonds due November 1st, 1023
'.. - 16 year ponds due November 1st, 1033 1 t the
V0. o a
it 1
f]ita5 ,
ller•A his payable ei er Gerascharge at 0, 01 of ne, clutrlolteIer o Vi,1I1ontr al rorroiltQ, Winni Winnipeg, Regina, .Calgary
Office of llm�esistant Receiver General at I3gnfna, 7
and Victoria. ,
Bonds may be registered to principal or as to Principal and Interest, at ony of the above•Centtlda d offle Chartered
Interest pnY0.ble, NitllodE ehgrgv, galbyearly, May let and November 1st, at any brand; in a.
Bank. Prfnelpal and Interest payable In Gull • , ; a I
13enominptlons: $60, $109,5500 rind 51,000
PM Ser Pt bile Subscription the,
and ,.ecru h=d interest
Issue Price: 100
Income B•eturn. 51/2% per Aainuni
Free from tache -Including ply incubus tax.-Imposed110 pursuance of le$ielatfori enacted. by the Parllamcnt of
Caof the Loan will be used for war purposes -only, in lu spent e p lrcila gunndain, foodstuffs, moat-
The proceeds t tions and outer supplies, and
Payment to be made as. follows: ' 10% on application; 20% January 0th, 1010;
20% December 031,1018; ' 20%February 9th,1010;
3f,16% March Otlti 1010.'
t.. 1(3%
The last payment of 31.16% covers 30% balance of principal and 1,10%a representing accrued Interest at G e from '
November ful to due data of the respectiveill b instalments.
S full half year's y be
sawill be paid On May of pmakat 100 without Interest Do and interest
or on any instalment clue date
r togolber with may accrued
dant r stt at the the
of 5 application'3 nm n1. ' upon the
thereafter together joau authorized
This Loan is authorized under Act of the•Pnrnnlnent of Canada, and both principal and Interest are a charge
Consolidated lievenue Fund. 000 exclusive of the amount (f any) paid for. y tele, surrenderI tG ..of bonds
The Amount of tete issue n ice ,how
previous issues. The Iviinieter of Finance, however, resercea the rtgitt to allot the whole or any art o
In excess of 8300,000,000.
Conversion Frivile,es
Bonds of ftt310 issue will,
the event Issues future
ade broad, be accepted'at 100 aud accrued intereslt'aeGovernment,
th equivale of calsh
remaining period of t _
for the purpose of subscription to such issues. ,.Payments
'erin instalments, are to be made ayabie'to the Credit Minister
ini tercof Finance
All seamen drafts, etc., env Rp
be 0050nt when due a dl render previous10%a portentsnit subscribed forfeiture. Canvassers will forward sub.
Failure to pay any i of tate e
oslptions ora must o h In Canaf n deposit ed Ban . Ire •eon• or issue
any instalment due date (here.
sctlPtlonsubany .brandsay Canadaeid of.Mint tianatof applcationtat 100 cceptnit'1oginetand issuereceipts.
Subscwith m may int res is hda meat of subscriptions may
after together with accrued interest to time o[ making payment in frill. Under this Provision, payment a .
be made as aid infollowt: •
If rellinfuelo, or albenne pardon Dec.31 p1010, balance of 00%and interest, 500,45 per 5100.)
I• f remaining instalments paid on Dqe f 50%,and interest, 70184 per
If remaining instalments ]mid orn] Feb. tb 1 8'lO balance o 70% o d merest (701,0 Par 810J
If remaining instalments paid o
It remaining tastalucnt paid on Mar: 0th, 1019,'bal¢nce 0180% and interest; (531.10 Per 8100.
Denomination and Registration
ons will be Issued in denominallona of 800., 81001919 0., and 91,000., and may be registered
f center bondf with columns,
as to principal. The first bondn attacher of on whichdistYpaid direct to the owner byGovernmencheque, of , will 1,0 issued to
Fully registered 5 0.,bonds.3the 1,000.,1
denominations of 550., 5100., 5300., 51,000., 6,000.. 510,000., 525,000., 150.000;, 5100,000.. or any multiple
Payment of Interest
A full half years interest at the rate of 5%%f per annum will be. paid May let, 1919.
Foran of Bond and Delivery
Subscribers must indicate on their application
plic are tto'f form of bondiand,11110 denominations required, and the securitiesmaking
indicated will Bearer bondsdelivrf t isy thessuewnk opo P Y yapplication act al interest, well ro deilverak to
• Infullbonds of reit issue willbe available only, or delivery
egisterled es rprincipal
and d interest,
ill bed R
111 full. Sands ret in fug,stered a p
subscribers making Payment in fall, as soon as the required registration originally
can be made.
Payment Non-negotiable
receipto svI be furnished 10 am subscriberst be made at the ,tal,ad desire to pays by instalments. These receipt will be
able at lbscrt receipts will
exchangeable at aubecribtr's bank for bonds on any Instalment date when subscription is paid ;n full.
Form of Bonds Interchamm¢eable
of 25 cents for each new bond issued,
sue ds orders of
full registered
el have the rtdsh tit convcoupons,
rt; on ,win
Subject to the payment
r¢ve the right to without
into bonds with time, o application o of any 000Loan Committee, member
registered brads fpput maybe obtained from the
ter from Financeay Victory or any Aoas slantitee,Receiver General.
Farms 0 application0318 ,01F
thereof, or frau any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank.
Subscrlptiolt Lists will close on or before November 16th, 1918 0
OTTAWA, October 2Sth, 1918.
Behind the Gun the Man • Behind the Man the Dollar
Make Your Dollars Fight the Hun 143
General rai Conference
J( Thomson,„, and daughters, former
'Brusselites; and A. 11. Kay and family
'at Dundas; 441', and Mrs. Dodson (the
littler" was formerly Miss Sara Bray, of
'Wroxeter, whose parents .now reside.
near Brussels) were kind enough to
invite us to accoeep3ny then; and Rev.
1. A. McKelvey. of Oil Springs, to a
line tour of i•lamiltan, Burlington and
on to Oakville 'in their comfortable
Ford Sedan, 00(10 the much
Hamilton and Toronto Highway. It
was a delight indeed, splendid with a
'capital D. The scenery was beautiful
'and the growth and development mar-
'. -venous. We are still in 0 thankful
mood for the favor of renewing the
.old acquaintances and for the royal
ttreatnent accorded.
The outlook` in tine roreigit fields
of China and Japan 1s most en-
couraging,Chief conh?laipt being
shortage of sten and women to keep
pace with the good work; Staff re-
port people most anxious. to learn of
the Christain faith and adopt the habits
and life of the Western world. The
Methodist church has ,many reasons,
•enbtniuntioual and personal, - for
standing by the cause, Oriental ser
vice in our own Dominion is looming
'up large as the foreigners becomeC the
' 'Idents of Canada and the dutieslt t
'leaders in this department are feo
be most important both for the pees-
-.ent and future -Of our, Carnelian land.
The new Finance Department to be
ivaagurated was well discussed before
being adopted and unproved conditions
ere expected from it, Well known
business experts 1,018 oast c plan to oad Coast ..assisted in the e
�'working .out in detail will be of great
"import. it is expected teat.a liire bl
surance department, to cover
pproperty rlSks, :unit also a
to dell with embarrassed,churches
.pareonage0 will be fee:tures
Ines a
ici sued w,
11 t
a p
r 1
s ste
d t
u Y
1'b S
'wgrking !iasis is attained, It was felt
"that church 'finances have 1015 been
'permitted to run along unbusinesslike
•methods and the !tope is that what is
',in the mind of the Conference will pro-
Nide an easy and systematic way of
' mprovement,
The intense patriotism of the dele-
gates Was evidenced again and again la
spenstaneo11s outbursts during the
,Conference, such demotlStratlOns. us-
.tually .3otlo0Ving some fine patriotic
message or receipt of special news
from the war. There ,were remarkable
featuresin the progress of the War
during the period ,of the Conference.
The relation of the 'Church to the
war and patriotism found expression
tin the report of the committee ap-
pointed to deal with the subject. Glad
recognition was rade of the large re-
sponse of the Church in the fields of
service presented by the 'war,
Nothing, was left undone by the Con-
ference Committee of Arrangements,
Bad Cough For Weeks.
The oold starts with, a little Swat ng
the nose, the head becomes stiffed up,
but little attention is paid to it, thinking
perhaps 11 will go away in a day or two.
You neglect i3, and then et getsdown
into the throat' and from there to the
lungs, mut it is a case of cough, cough,
morning, noon and night,
elowcver slight a cpld you have yon;
should never neglect it. In all pessl-
biliey if you do not treat it in time, it
will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia,
or some other serious throat or 1ung
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is a
universal remedy for those who suffer
from any bronchial trouble. It stimu-
lates the weakened bronchial organs,
soothes and hetes, the irritated parts,
loosens the phlegm and 3111050115 and aids
nature to clear away rho morbid. aeeUmu-
Mrs. Wm. Itaye, Talmage, Sask.,
�writCs;-"Last winter 1 Look a severe
cold which settled of my chest. I had
shad cough for weeks, 1 got 001110 medi-
c no
i did In
• r hut it ' 1<,tO b
115 from
good. At last a friend advised in tog
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which
I did, and' after using one bottle I found
that my, cold was better, 1 have re-
commended it to my neighbors, and they
say, they 'would not be without, it."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is for
sale b all dealers.. Price 25e. and 500,
The eholr eeleet1o11(1 0011 5010e' went
musical Hosts.
1130) ,ul Yriteluslelg sliity, wits 101d
sty 111d rot tuned 4;1141/Mille' Wee were
ttielutliip. '(<ii'CO3i(ureuee and i'el were
re,itler lc eeuil1 1 tire, Capectie r bu)'s 1U'st
place for eoerage and 1eroisni, '
Aprayer, teas Sul/netted al. the Col.
fo3enfce foe use by the elet3y of the
Methodist Olin' 0111 "Gtutr(l, 0 God,.
those svIto ,guard us, 'mid guide those
who Overt; us.
Rev S, Weeley 1)etin, now Scea'ettu'Y
of the Me(llndist Union of Toronto, is
*tied for the post of Seerettuy of the
l'tnanctal department of the N:thndist
Church of C.iuutda and will likely take
over his neiv duties about the
ui r of the ]teY yea!, Mr. D.tusatt
pasttinl>n was uuspnght and, t 11
pected, but he would do the best he
could to 1111 the now leosition,
It is possible that there may .be a
development along Fire 111031111105 '1113(30
111<31 in the Properly and lone depltrtr,
meet' of the (ieenclel end 01 the work..
of the chereh in the pear future,
Oslo 1
the visitor ill „
that the C rreclien Fire Uudertv1it- � stcll (31045cll011,
ere' Ahs0tiatee.1 1113: In lee really t- ("emeriti 51011 l5 ninth 111 world's
tempts to , � ifrrodltee p u Jy 1111111e. 1 ore plo(u(lion
f'efat Pt,
1i W' snent+ns, Jt int rvobldtary 1C• 117nnage,
;nee ey, all � comps les in the luatter-,-is obviottsly illlpossible• M,tny, "'fl . LOST C01413 (WOOD)"
cripaplexities enter into any etteMpt.
ttfJmp bl c' o n t t p a rpm the ere
tilt pulnllc' opinl(in in Canute is tl
ed outsittu. interference between
l d Agents but the treed :auk' f tt D of a Kitchen
Warde radical reform either by the C
eofltpenies themselves or lev ()overlie •
uniform. legislation be drafted Into s
r• noun . 1 was Ia.irlaiuk` LIP keel for st'lppee
Lha: Iaomininn and I elishlial l . Verth.the engulf' bethve(31 lily knees
'utce Acts to establish isle P1ln-
earl is, Oen,
"Slated 'ane day at thr. 'organ,'
It therefore, 1'ecannemded that j' "Slated
weary and iP!' at Baso,
Opts of ,,rent-sharleg commieelone, ; tin•not know what I was Wending
stele• and agents to ; ( tltf 1' was dreaming then. I
wilt ti t, 7r wl
a � ,• the
leaving 1
work' t "Lane " lit conneetkell put I struck 'what scented to be the
JS Onoy and .11ladeer lerottb1e1 don't
atta('lt yeti sudtlunly, t'hro114t+ ijlsoasos
of those 'orgll01< aro generalle She r5'
aulte. of n/4(lcet, N1i4e0 g1v00 you
Illenty of warning wIloll your (5141103'5
0105 out of order and izocd. 315810111nee1
ref Itoiier+ a dull pale I,i,:tne fool'150113. .
yogi are duly, lhava houdaubee,
languid, tired anti ltleless.
'Chert ie no inlet alcing til) sytnp•
'tome, and when Nature tvfu'ns yy0p^
en will. regret it.
obey--••nr later y
1'itttlag ole never cures, (Hal k'fllo
do. Al the first sign of leidney .or
lilticldier. Trouble,, buy a box of (31n
and thkn them. 417ey Will 110P
'snafus your.liidneys to perform thea' proper
et once solve excessive fire
p as to 01 Y)I a httel3' hunente1 1531, ft/petiole and renew .your pvev1On0
+ x05ssiva tiro waste of � siren *111 tout vigor,.
thele 11 eel e
Ila het with tutu would undoubted- ot11,`'Great , k env4n"sI" 1 cried, „`Cls a Among nue, hundreds of tosthnotllnlo
I 3115 with the appl'ovnl of the Ih• t chicken," 1 Is ono from Mr, 13, (1. David, Kitig'e
With my Band :81.,eagm!e;fgriteanereiBleieedereetflodr, 1Co• N,S \74',Davidwrftvs:surlrg.pubhg,eui� that isinvariablyput up toWsol'deredthe' I wa�sufforing front a tlxoudful
Cl1q1(s1I , lame bs It .and Lipp, so. inu0lt sa
lite0tbfeMntels0 .xldrerl 0ry And they selnt instead.
�,✓ r1 � up,
i hton
�1 st
r P
n (1
t g
u hi
In I
eo d Y
nU hill Ali t t
"Havel e M
n tt
been u ,
you be 1 r
p ,
'organ,' r 111
• la
before is
loomed u
In p
The > O d hymn iz
Ito Y
therewith, Such legislation would
1. and they
I got a box 311; Gin Pills 111 1 Y
n i
Ala o the ( ht .,
HER sir have
R f E . e L 1 a
0 �T
.r to
tel Iv
� un is
i mo
i rt lett a
helped n it P 'y.
'ehM broke k AI p
1'he mess sergeant stodit with a tear rbutlnuoil to take Gin l lits, and
-. _ ! 1 1' eye now the pilins in both hips' and
s3115k. reacunl0nd Gln Pills to my frtenc s
sect bthet so11'erars'!
"Found at • fast!" and 1,01 cusped to '-r. Davide ensu ie only one oe the
his bosom.'
The lost cord of staple and ash,
'Some son of s gun put the camp oe
the buil '
When ate put all my 'wood in the
=l'he. Stars and Stripes,
"Could we but climb where Moses
stood told view, 1(3,e lasale o'er,"
but the seer of lontiago
entrancing view front Nebo's peak
then presents itself from the mount -
11111 top at 1•tamillon ort a fine day' in
Autumn, 'rhe city has . 1 population
of possibly 120,000 and Inas struck a
gait khat will not be easily checked,
We think Nettllltoni well, bears Out the
good things said about' it by both Its
energetic lflhaleitauts anti well pleased
tourists and visitors, Its ..situation
would be very difficult to improve ttp-
on and the countryside adjacent, con-
duces to the welt serving of the popu-
lation as it relates to markets, which
are Al. There appears to be or
no squalor tied few evidences of slum
life, The fruit belt, so conveniently
located, and the water privilege of bay
and lake combine to make condlffons
well nigh Bdenic-biu'ring the serpent,
we he. -
Many other items crowd In on us
regarding the Conference but we think
we have probably taken enough space
for the time being, ,
Q A S T� R
Benjamin. Bowman Successful in Mani-
toulin Election -Goes to Legislature.
-Succeeds the Late R. R. Gamey
, in the 'Seat.
Gore Bay, Oct, 24.-Benjanlain
Bowman, candidate of the United
Farmers of Ontario, was to -day 'elected
to etlle 'Provincial Legislature for the
constituency of 'Manitadlio by 290
votes over B, A. 'turner, the 'Conser-
vative standard-bearer.
The by -election -Was made necessary
by I hP.
e campaign .death of was a stren12. nuous one,
many nreetittgs being held in the rid-
ing, at which Premier Hearst, Hon.
Finley Macdiarntid and Hon, T, W, Mc-
Garry spoke,
Canadian fall weather is extremely
hard on little 04th, One day it is
warm and. -bright and. the next wet
and cold, These sudden changes
bring on colds, cramps and colic, and
unless baby's little stomach is kept
right the result may be serious.' There
is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets
in keeping the little ones Well; They
sweeten the stomach, regulate the
bowels, breakup colds and make baby
thrive. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by trail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' 1Medicine.
'Co., Brockville, Ont,
Now Fire Waste Nits the People
the total loss sustained. Taking the
losses for the year 1914 it is found
that fi.surance companies under
Dominion license paid 515,347,284
and Provincial licenses .52,273,562 in
meeting claims, or a total -of $17,620,-
846. Omitting unlicensed insurance
as statistics are not available, it
would appear that -at least•' SO per
cent of the total loss was covered
by insurance, The true significance
of the fire waste in Canada can
perhaps be best realized by compari-
son with the losses in foreign coun-
tries. From figures made available
by the National Board of Fire Un-
derwriters it appears - that the aver-
age per capital loss in Canada of
52.73 exceeds that of 'every nation ref
the world. More striking still is the
comparison in the total value of
Canada's loss with that of the Unit-
ed Kingdon; during the war period
of August, 1914, to December, 1916.
Canada's total being $52,027.422
against „41,395,000 in the United
Unfortunately tee real nature of
insurance, the report states, is at
the present time little understood,
and this explains much of the pub-
lic apathy towards all matters con-
cerning' the prevention of tire, The
State suffers an economic loss every
Hine a lire occurs, If a property is
insured the loss is confined to the
destruction :of creative v111ue8• If
insured there is not only the loss
of actual property, but also the loss
incurred in indemnifying the in-
dividual owner. For example 'in
Canada insured with Dominion li-
censed companies amounted to 515-
114,000. To reimburse .the individual
property owners for this loss the
people of Canada were taxed 527,-
784,00, or 512,670,00 in excess• of
the indemnity afforded. In .other
'words, for every dollar distributed
the insurance companies one
and eighty-three cent were collected
from the public,
If each individual property owner
could be made tto bear directly the
loss resulting from his Own action
or inaction,questiOns of fire loss and
fire protection would soot receive at-
tention. Without doubt over -Insure
anee incites to fraud. Full insur-
autce- engenders carelessness, and even
partial insurance leads to a diminu-
tion' of watchfulness. In estimating
the economic value of insurance to
society at large, therefore due regard
must he given to the burden it lm-
eaburden ofupoli owhich y itsrelieveswell sthe
lrn, the 48 years from 1$69 to 1916
covered ey the records of the Depart-
ment.of insurance the total premium
receipts of, licenses companies
amounted to 5450,739,560 and the
suns returned in payment for losses
$272,24 1,94 5, The difference between
these two amounts 01' 5178,497,615 is
what the privilege of insuring property
has cost Canada, as a whole.. In oth-
00 words for every dollar paid out i11
losess in that period the insurance
companies Have collected$1.65.
In 1869 the premium receipts
amounted to $1,785,539 the losses
paid to $ t,027;721) and the value of
property insured 5188,359,809, " In
1916 the premium income was 527,-
14 063
733,852 the losses paid $1,5,1 ,
n ert
rc v
loo p
id fee
53,720,058,23 6; • For the 48 years
period therefore- the increase in net
premiums has been 1,145 per cent.
in losses .1,381 per cent and inPro-
perty insured 1,83'5 per cent.
in catering to the comfort and convene
of the delegates, hence in
church were to be rotund a postotlice,
telephone, stenographer, pen, ink and
stationery on the tables arranged for
correspondence, time table of'trains
and. street railways, &c. The delegates
appreciated the forethought of the
Conference lasted 16 days. It
m'glt Wive rein another da' or so had
not the influenza epidemic been so
prevalent, Several delegates
sand r a call-
ed home owing*ss
Harker, a Hamilton delegate, died while
going to Conference one morning.
50 delegates constituted a quorum
at the Conferelnce and only about .60
remained to the close out of the 374.
It is no easy; matter for laymen, parts-
culuarly to absent themselves franl
home for 2 or 3 weeks.
It was refreshing to ' notice how
promptly Dr, Chown opened each ses-
sion ;tad the Secretary, Rev, Dr. Moore,
w11.8 always at his post ready to push
business. If all public bodies were
as prompt it would mean many hour's
The Conference singing was splen-
did,led by R, G. Kirby, 11 Toronto dele-
gate, and accompanist, on the piano,
was often Rev, T, E. Sawyer, of Lon-
deshoro, both of whom did their part
well. 187 Methodist preachers eau
put up a great volume of sacred song
and when well seconded by 187 lay-
men it was most inspiring.
Where the next meeting place . of
General Conference Wits left to Special
Committee, 'Coronto Wanted it but
some think it may move `West again
for its slilt session, if railway rates
ban 150 obtained. No special rates
were attainable this year, largely in-
creasing the expense.
I Mete0di5toward Clurrch
01 leans
UltiOn bill. is waiting on action of
other denominations interested,
Press, was well Yepre5elnto d and the
newspaper reports, on the whole, gave
'the gist of what ,was being done every
day �iin a very corre,ct manner and in
well written coluluus,
There f5 no pipe organ in the First
Methodist church, Hamilton, yet, al-
though provision is made for It by the
p' his - •
A they hauled out n piece of 1 back '311'0 gone, I sh(tll always
Representative Park Trammell . of
Floridly said the other day:
"The Germans can't open their
mouths without revealing depravity.
Whenever 1 read it German states-
man's speech 1 think of old Aunt
Sukey, ,
Mal old Haut,' said Aunt Sukey
-'inch old 1111111 am der fond of
chicken dat if he couldn't gat' it 110
INCOME AND OTHERother way he'd -he'd buy its
.* 4z * * * * *. *
Eight billion dellars are to .be rais-
ed by taxation in the United States
this year. This will amount roughly
to $80 per head or $400 per family.
A good deal of the total is to be rais-
ed by taxation of incomes. incomes
below 51,000 are ex,enlpt in the case
of single men and up to 52,000 in the
case of nmarried .men.' On an in-
come 'of
n-come'of 52,5000 the national tax will
be 530. The rate increases with. the
men $845 to
son gout cif hiss salary ofesidnt 575,000 wil-
pay hack to the Government 524,595
in taxes, and the man with 55;000,000
a year will be allowed to retain less
than one and one-half million for him-
The American income tax is lower
icomes than the British
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co„ lernited, Totonte, Ont,
on small i
rate but is heavier on larger incomes.
The five million dollar man in the
United States has to stand over 700%
of his income to the Government
while his British brother is taxed only
52 1-3 per cent. .
in addition to income tax there is
a war profits tax as well in the Unit-
ed States. The "war. -profits" tax is
SO per cent on the income of it cor-
poration after an exemption of.thre5
thousand dollars in addition to its
average earnings for the pre war per-
iod, 1911, 1.912, an 1913, has been
Inheritances are .taxed by a system
of surtaxes equivalent to a tax -rate of
6 per cent on estates between 550,000•
and 5150,00, and 40 per cent on
estates over et 0,000,000.
Canada stands first in nickel and
asbestos production,
Canada ranks third in railway mile-
agCanadatnksthird among
ong ars•
world nations in ratio of trade popu-
'Canada ranks third among the silver
producing countries of the world.
It ran s
eighth 'in the list of
Canal k sig
gold mining countries.
Canada stands eighth in world's pig p T MacNeil who has been prier
iron production, 1
Canada stands eighth (n world's
many to which (,in Pitts have brought
immediate eciief. Suffet'ere from Kit;.,,
sey or Bladder trouble should heed
went has been done in mil cases and
try. Gin Pills,
Sold almost overywbers throughout
Canada -30e a box. A free sample
will bo sent you if you write to The
National 'Drug & Chemical Ca. of Can.
a(1a, Limited, Termite, Out. 17. S.
residents shoule address N.Y.rt 174
Inc„ 202,1vfain St„ ,
dered his resignation to the Board
of 'McMaster University, toAke e3-
• feet' November 151. Mr.. MacNeil in-
tends to go into business for himself.
SIR JAMES AIKINS, K.C., Lieutenant -
Governor of Manitoba, who has
been re-elected president of the
Canadian Bar Association.
Children. Cry.
He who has no taste for order wit]'.
be often wrong in lits judgment and
seldom considerate or conscientious in
his actions.-Lavater. .
Value of the Bible.
The Bible is to us what the star was
men nut if we spend all
our time in gazing upon it, observing
its motions, and admiring its splendor
and are not led to Christ by it, the use
of 1t will be lost to us. -T. Adams.
to the wise
When your liver becomes sluggish and
inactive, the bo}vets become constipated,
the tongue becomes coated the breath
bad, the stomach foul andsic , and bilious
spells occur on account of theliver holding
back the bile '.which is so essential to.
Promote' the movement of the bowels
anti the bile gets into the blood, instead
of passing through the 'usual channel.
The only lnopor way to keep the liver
active and working properly 15 to keep
the bowels 'regula' by using Milburn's
taxa -Liver Tills. They work smoothly
and gently, and do not gripe, weaken and
sicken as so many laxative pills do.
Mr. dames P. Colter, Hartford, N.S.,
writes: -"I have used Milburn's taxa -
Liver Pills for constipation and liver cont
plaint. At one time I used to have a
bilious spell every little while and once
was in led for four months. Since tatting
your pills, the bilious spells have left' me.
I have recommended Laxa-Liver Pills to.
many others here, a17d they are growing
in favor every day." '
Price 25o. a vial at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
- Truths From on High.
All human discoveries seem to be
made only for the purpose of confirm-
ing more and more strongly the truths
that come from on (nigh and are con-
tained in the sncre,d writings. -Her•
architect, but a piano is used instead
Aid on S(lnday the large choir Was aC-
conpanied by an o'chestt't of merit
In conclusion the report deals
tvitlt profit sharing c0nuniSSIOnS,
and states Haat in justice it is SltoCO'ii
I will not drink from a German cup,
Or eat from a. German plate;
1 will not deal with a German man,'
All foul with German hate,
I'll use no drug with a German name,
That's grown. on German land;
I'll eat no food and drink uo beer
If made by a German hand.
1 will not use a German tool,
Razor, knife or saw;
will not trade with a German shop
That lives by German lav,
will not salt on a German ship
Where German songs are sung;
will not breathe where God's clean
Is soiled by a German tongue.
will not forget these awful deeds
To girls and little boys;
No more I'll hang on Christmas trees
Those blood-stained German toys.
I will not take a German's word,
He'll break it is he can;
There is no love in a German heart
Or faith in a German man, ,
This is my oath, when war is done,
NI swear to keep it true;
And since 1 know you feel the same,
cipal of Woodstock 'College, has ten- I'll pass it on to you.
4." f4.011.ii ' v,A lc 0 4,ith3t't if
4.�sli;3,p :1;<11'
fee tete
Are Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Freemont, O. -"I was passing through the critical
period of life, being forty-six years of ago and had all
the symptoms incident to that Ohmage -heat flashes,
nervousness, and was in a general run down condition,
SO it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia N. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Componn3d.was recommended to me as
the best remedy for my troubies,whieh it surely proved
to be, .I feel better and stronger in every way sine
taking it, and the annoying' symptoms have disap-
peared.” -Mrs, M. Goansx, 926 Napoleon St., Fremont,
North Haven, Conn. -"Lydia D. Pinlcham's Vegeta-
ble Compound restored my health after everything else
had failed when passing through change of life. There
is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms
•-,Mrs. FL086N08; IBieLLA, Box 197, North Haven, Conn. .
LYa r.. �,x, t �,
a• t
�@ Q ,nn ' w „�a spa , t .good
0� the Ntii� 1� s •,_. ,,a � � `'+- ��d'� � . di. gra �%