HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-24, Page 2PACK
every ."day
Fashion, Day I PHONE 78
v� T` ,��v9caanartrs,
This Store for Higl;Class
Ii New
Tilat are Different eat
Graceful, charming and Practical in
all the new Autumn shades, $1S; .$20;
$25; $30; $35; $40; and $45.
Our present showing is one of the
events of the season. The qualifies
are unexcelled and the prices sensible
in view of war time.
Materials are of wool, velours, broad
cloths. ' Sults guaranteed. Plushes,
Cheviots _and. Tweeds warmly inter-
Over .one hundred different styles
to choose from,
The Perplexing iluestion
My New Suit
What Shall It Be?
You women who have yet to choose
your new salt for, Fall and Winter
wear will find at tits store such a fine'
showing that making a choice will be
a pleasure.
Suits made of serges, gabardines,
pofully bs an'd elted, cltothers withoutevoits, 'These suits
warmly interlined and some are finish-
ed With Braid. Over forty different
suits to choose from. .
Furs Of High Quality .
When buying Furs Never loose sight
of Reliability. Our fur businew.. has
been built upon that foundation. We
consider a satisfied customer the best
medium of advertising,
The increas-
ing volunme of our fur business assures
that this is correct.
Furs and Ready -to -Wear Garments.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Thursday, 0
(iter 24t1i, i9 8
been shipped to whole sale and retail
grocers: Ottawa, 1,150,000 pounds;
'Montreal, 2,835,700 pounds; Toronto
3,258,700 pounds; Calgary, 1,010,000
pounds. Judging from these quan-
tities of sugar going to the private
consumers there must be a consider-
able mount of house -hold hoarding
going on, which should stop at once.
At a special war savings week held
in Mauchline £97,622 was raised, an
Late New.so:
Mr, and Mrs, W N. Powe, Gen.;
lnalia, have received a nnessege, stating!
that their son, Pte Wm, Ewart Powe,
Inas received a guneha1 „yvound In the
back. This Is the third` time he has
been wounded,
Donbass Cobi
',lediel,, .al S 1 of Rev. G.
ft, Cobbledick, Edmonton, formerlof
Brussels is. listed among the wounded
in France. He was born here but Was
only a child when he left Brussels,
A novelty was received, through the
mail by
0, L. Jackson, In the shape of
a metal military helmet, It was sent
by Lieut Leon 1'. Jackson who iS.do-
ing duty In France, The hitter is a
former resident of BrusSelS, who has,
been most active in military nfl'airs,
1'le was a member of the South Afri-
can contingent that did valorous deeds
years ago.
Miss Harriett, daughter of. Rev, and
Mrs ' Abey, formerly of Brussels, is at
tending the Normal School at London
this. term. Arthur Abey is a student
at the t,ondon Collegiate, • Edmund,
another son, spent 3 weeks in France
last year but was •returned .as under
age. 'This Fall he tried to g'et into
the Flying Corp's at London and also'
at Toronto and Hamilton but as he
will not be 17 years old until Novem-
ber Isis request was not granted. His
spirit is worthy of praise and emula-
tion. Rev. Mr, Abey, while looking
well and getting around fairly good,
is not up to old time. vigor we are
sorry to state. His family has ,a warm
spot in the hearts of many old friends
in Brussels.
Durhig the past week a number of
families in Brussels and locality have
been apprised of the reality of the war
by the reports of casualties to rela-
tives. In the list are:—Pte. W.. G.
Henderson, of 3rd Iitle Morris, who
was wounded on the hand October fist.
Pte. Garfield Jamieson, whose par-
ents live on 3rd line, Morris, who was
shot in right. hip, on 3rd inst. Pte.
Geo, Champion_, Brussels, who was
injured in the hip early in the month.
Pte. ' Lawrence . Armstrong, whose
parental hone in on the 5th line, Mor-
ris, suffered from a scalp wound on
October 5th. Pte, Jno, G. Anderson,
,son of Jas and Mrs, Anderson, 5th
line, Morris, who on October 7th, re-
ceived a gun shot wound in the chin
A sad massage was received at the
holyie of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Dobson,
of .Ethel, informing them' of the death
of their son, Pte, Elwin Dobson, which
occurred in England on October 18.'
Pte, Dobson left London for overseas
on September 18 and had only been in
England a short time when._ he suc-
cumbed to pneumonia following a cold
which he had contracted before leav-
ing Canada.
Carswell Bros„ who had conducted
a general store in Brussels for the past
year, have decided to give up business
here and return to their home town of
Thomas Davidson, of town,. has pur-
chased the home of 'Chris. Seel, on.Al-
bert street, and will get'possession on
November 15. The purchase price was
the last three weeks the average of £40. per head of the popu-
quantities of sugar have •
Rheumatism, lumbago,neuralgia, sprains,, lame back toothache, ear-
ache, sore throat, swollen Joints and all similar troubles are quickly '
relieved be Hirst's Pain Exterminator. It has been sold for40 years, 35
and should be in every household—ins a hundred uses. BOTTLE
Ail dealers or write, us. HIRST REMEDY a0., Hamilton, Canada
, .
}qr , '1
ieq�c4 W
t.a n'
St S ..
x t
OU serve
yourself and your
• colla try—save your money and
promote the Do ninio.q's thrif yll
an 'C)verlfltid
spirit when you drlae
car: -,
With an Overland you can do mart
1 railroads
release . i
Work in less time, c
y ;
Tip your war -winning
find s speed Ll)
in every
r v a car complete rete C
1 Yet naeJ
- 1
.antPhotos6 qhlY 'modern and rotected
by aur aatart iLo Lake care serv3ce
Five paints alDOrla:d sat r 3
Appearance, lCrfornanc
CotJort Service andd Price
Light Stint' Mosel Do TouriuB.C.dr ,4!0551 go .Sedan
AfOdtISS•4Tota•infi Car .-
Local Dealer Phone 5
.._. .. .._. ..... ,.,1
sj( II�g�I�(tlFgtyy� �ryy��yy��rrw� t1o�
l': -
Wit1ys-Overland, L,mite
and Overland Motor Caro and
flight Commercial Wagon.
116,44 CiteWorks, WetTortlnt0 On rfo
}iranthesMontreal, Qnc„11intiPeQ,Maro,Rignd,5dSk,!MICK
Miss Iona Stothers, who Iles been
teaching school in the West, returned
home; last week,
Messrs, Poplestune 8 Gardiner have
had the south •section of. their block an
Queen street improved bypettingon
a new front and roof.
Mr, James Burns and N, A, Taylor
enumerators for Polls one and two in
131y1h, have completed 'heir ,valets'
lists and copies thereat
lorwarcier to
Returning Officer Walker, of Gorrie,
Pte Arthur Tieway, son of Mr. and
Mrs, J, 13, Tierney has been killed in
R. D. Birkett, of 'the Western -
Foundry Company's staff, is seriously
ill with the sane disease.
Jerry Madigan, of Toronto, a mem-
ber of the Western Foundry Com-
pany's staff, died Friday morning.
Many local families are down with
the influenza, The hospital is full and
Owing to the: epidemic of Spanish
influenza in so may parts of the
country,all public entertainments
have ben called off within the. cor-
poration during the :remainder of tate
month Of October.
Miss ,Doreen Murdock is improving
at St. Joseph's hospital, London, fol-
lowing her operation of a few weeks
ago, and expects. to be home shortly,
Miss Peart Hildebrandt who recent-
ly returned from St, Joseph Hospital,
London, where she underwent an
operation -for appendlcitls, Is recuper-
ating nicely. '
We believe that Mr. Shaddock of
this village, expects his son, wlio en-
listed ati1on0 the very first from our
village, and who has been quite ser-
iously wounded several tines, .home
A little son of Mrs. F. W. Jones,
of this vUlage was suddenly attacked
by appendicitis and was taken to the
London hospital for an operation.
The little fellow is only six years of
age and his father is overseas on
active service,
Rev. Mr, Garrett, of St, Paul's, re-
cently received the sad news of the
death in action of his brother Br.
Garrett, who has been doing active
service as a doctor in the army for
several years. This is the second
brother killed in action besides anoth-
er brother was recently wounded. As
Rev, Mr. Garrett is a returned veteran
having served and been wounded the
sacrifices made by his family are 10 -
deed noteworthy. -
Mr. Nelson Blatchford recently re-
turned from a trip to his former home
in Dakota, where he 'was ' combining
business with a pleasure trip, but we
regret to learn that on /arriving hone
he was taken quite 111 together with
Mrs. Blatchford, and during the past
week, have been confined to their
room but we are pleased to learn that
they are now both improving a little.
Mr. A. S. Case, G, T R., agent re-
ceived a message on Wednesday last
advising hum of the death of iris cou-
sin, -Joseph case, son of the late, 'Thos,
Case, ..late rof Usborfe. '- The deceased
was a young mean and was residing at
Another bright young ami formerly
of Hensalt in the person of the late
John H. A, ,Stoneman, late of 245 Al-
bany Avenue, Toronto, and the young-
est son of the late John C, Stoneman,
late of Hensel!, has given his life for
his King and. Country; and the follow-
ing' which we take from one of the
Tdronto dailies, will -be of much in-
,terest to the relatives and friends in
Nensall and vicinity, as well as else-
where: "Lieut. John Herbert Adams
Stoneman has been killed in action.
His widowed mother, Mrs. Margaret
A, Stoneman, 215 Albany Avenue re-
ceived the news last night. He is one
of Mrs. Stonenman's two sons, both
of tvilom went to France and though
tine news came as a severe blow to.
her, she still carries on and hopes
the war will not end till the Huns.
are Crushed. Lieut. Stoneman was
the doctors find 11 impossible to at- born in Hansen, Huron County, On -
tend to all cases, tario, 25 years ago, and attended
Norman Nichol, son of Al!. Nichol,
who went to Toronto, after returning
from France some weeks ago, died
last night,
Harry l'lenscliffe, who has been
working . in Stratford, returned with
the "flu", only to . find his whole
household down with it.
Elgin Currie, son of -Mr. and Mrs,
John T, Currie, of East Wawanosh,
has been reported suffering from
shot wounds in the back;
but was'given his
lieutenancyncY againa{n
tree clues.b
Mr. and Mrs, T, Hall, of Pasadena, while in the n
Edwin Ourti Stone -
, celebrated their .golden wedding Flight Sub -Lieut E tv n L s S
a l was a
ct er .3rd. Mr. H, I s
on O ob
former publisher of the' Advance.
I i•der t try to check' the spread.
In o 0
of the Spanish "Flu" epidemic • the
Medical health Officer has ordered ed
the ai
schools, colleges, churches, picture
6 r etc.
uhouse, p opera of room; e c.
closed, .
Exeter and Clinton' Collegiates, en-
tering Victoria College, Toronto, at
the age of 17, and .graduated in arts
three years later. Upon leaving Vic-
toria he entered Osgoode• Hall and
Went into the law office which is now
that Starr, Spence, Cooper and
Fraser. He Joined the 220th Batta-
lion and later traisferred to the
Beavers Battalion, going overseas in
March, 1916, Before going to France
Lieut. 'Stoneman reverted to private,
Fred TenP
I ntan
went overseas with the airsi Contin-
gent from Winghain has been awarded
for distinguished
a used al service on
the battlefield Lance Corp,Temple-
luau 'has certainly done his bit in the
Richard James, one of the pioneer
residents of this section, passed away
very suddenly at his .home on Francis
street, Mr. Janes had been poorly
fOr a few days, bit had been up 'Ind
around on the
day, of
ath, De-
was born in Cornwall, Eng-
land, eighty-six veus Igo and came
he. was nine ears
da when v 5
'Cama \ Y
age. Fifty two years' ago last April
he came to
,Last W t
1n05 and
00 a farm on the gravel road,
two and a half miles south of Wing -
Mem. Twelve yeas' agb
he retired
from the farm and moved to Wingham,
The "floo” is spreading rapidly here
and throughout the country. Malty
families are down with it, John Hop-
per, whole fam'-
ia in his w o e
of Monts v s
llyribed with it, eight in all Milton,
the oldestson died Thursday morning
22 t
Mary Currie, clerk at J. A. Null's
store is seriously iii With the diseease,
Mrs. George Roberson and child,
whose husband is with the navy, has
been seriously 111 for several days; in
the hospital, but is slightly improved.
Lower Wnngliam :closed the school
Willnun Fryfogle,, Jr„ was taken to
the hospital with the Spanish influ nza
lowly ill in Wingham hospital with
pneumonia. Harvey Shane, of the
Brunswick Hotel, is, another of the
"flop" victims, ,also John Melina, mer-
chant, of town Otllera, who were in
their hones, are on the mend and
since yesterday morning no deaths
have taken place,. Dr, Rednioud, of
town, is down with the influenza. At
the present time it is not known how
Serious lie is, '
is in Italy. He
mah, isnow on service men,not Y
threemonths in France
aa pilot, nearly oing to Italy last January.
1'iuu shroud s
dr,s. James Mack, Trenton, Ont.,
I suffered for
with a bad cold Some frfonds told m
about Dr. Need s Norway ]�nc S lu)
ism. Before
nn Pott
of was ado �
had used two bottles 1. could et some
I n B
gest hick I could not do
bore, 1 had
tried everything, but "Dr. Wood's" was
thin that gave
tato only g g Y
terribly i 1
lI husband
uffe ec
bronchitis, and not know didfrom
he was going to recover or not, At mydruggists, 11r. J. 11. Dickey,. 1 was no
vised to try your aSnl) Uhl 1tldidr
and nm so tlptinlcful that 7 temet necom=
month It Inghly'ohouglr "
in of the
1 t;lm final sign o
e con
Many o g
Y p
• thinking,
•, actin t
` cold or cough uc e 6,
slight co ct
g g 8
perhaps, it will disappear in a clay or two,
out the longer it Is let run rho worse it
gots until it settles on the lungs and
serious results ensue. -
On the first sign .of a cough or' cold,
get rid of it before ill gets settled. Takia.
tow closes of Dr, Woods Norway Pine
Syrup and Seo flow quickly it will dis-
This sterling remedy has boon on the
market for the past 30 years, and stands
heal and sbotiiders over all other cough
Put up in a yellow Wrapper; three pine
trees the trade hark; price 25e. and 5Oc,
Manufaetnred only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited; Tdronto, Ont.
0-'1'"Sue} nelle! I felt when' T Ap-
plied tum -Bak to a badly, scalded
usual Writes Ml's', A. Mislay, 01
41-6 Timothy St., NlontrAal
1 was standing near till stove
when the kettle hosted over on my
band, I nppliecl 'some' ointment
w1'l':lt I had In ,the house. but It
didd,not nee the -burning,. The satin
p ei vi off and rho path was so bad
tri t I Cot no niece for two nights,
;hon I commenced 11241,:gGam-
Ilr.1c, and the ti:" -t application gave
n10 l.onde tut relief. It seemed to
enol theli ' : Fra that I was able
to sleep, and from then the scald
began to 'bent. lam tial grew now
ry i o''er the Fore pin..e a ±:1 beeere
Pale: my hand. was quite ;Wright,
u -Burr should always be kept
its the 'hence for ctt's, barns and
1•noch •, and fey suz n a, ringworm,
pint blood • poienning,
pile::: ,:W
and pil•it. Cannot be
e•ina!1e:1, , e1 r.alers or Iran alk
Gto, Ir , n
'1(11 box, 11 LC 1 "1.
Dr, Stant-slims Brisson who has been
practising medicine in' Chatham died
oe Stindky morning after' a'ten-day ilk
mess with Influenza and pneumonia.
lie had been practising there but a few
, months, coming Trout Tilbury, \where
he had practiced for about a year, He
was born in St, Joseph, Ont., 07 years
ago. Surviving relatives are his father
Aserich Brisson,' of St, Joseph; two
brothers, Cd, et St, ,Joseph and Loins
at Drysdale, anti two sisters Mrs, Chas,
B oreDrysdale an A r 1
e of sd, A ld ibA t ne cif
Porcupine, Rev. pother M. Brisson, of
London, is a cousin, The remains
were taken on Monday to St, Joseph
for interunent,
Mr, G, J. Flalgh is seriously 111 with
influenza. -
Miss Lynne Gillespie was a Strat-
ford visitor.
Miss Nelson, formerly ,of the Col.
legiate staff, was a holiday visitor,
Miss Helen Fitzgerald, of , Toronto,
is visiting her sister Mrs. I-larry Stew-
The telephone operators here have
all been off duty as a result of 'the
Mrs. Israel, of Walkerville, is here
attending her "son Mr. Geo.' Israel, who
Is quite ill with influenza,
Mr. E. Robinson an employee in the
Bell munition works, who moved here
recently from Blyth, succumbed to
Mr, August Wankel was also official-
ly notified that his son Pte. Manley
Wankel was dangerously ill in the
same hospital,
The Bell munition plant closed
down on account of the influenza
n la
epidemic, most of the men employed
being laid off through illness.
Mr, James Bullard, of McKillop, re-
ceived word on Thursday that his son
Pte. John Eldon Bullard, who is in the
Canadian General Hospital at Letre-
port, is seriously Ill with pneumonia.
Miss Bertha O'Connell, youngest
daughter of Mrs. 8, O'Connell, John
street is another victim of the plague.
She died at her home after a brief ill-
ness. The another and eldest daugh-
ter are also ill with the same malady,
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of Dr. J., G. Scott, on Wed-
nesday of last week when his broth-
er Mr. Andrew Scott was united in
marriage. to Miss Rachel. Hellen,
daughter of Mrs, A. Neilan'a, of San.
forth. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev, F. 11, Larkin, D, D., in the
presence of the immediate relatives of
the bride and 'groom
Miss Agnes Frances Andrew,
youngest daughter of Mrs. W. W.
Andrews, of Seaforth; passed away on
Wednesday. Miss Andrews was taken
ill with influenza about a week ago,
.and developed pneumonia, in spite of
the best medical attention. She' was
a'sister of Mrs, W, Crich and had as-
sisted Mr. 'Crich in the store for sev-
eral years where she was popular be-
ause of her happy, obliging disposi
Much sympathy is expressed with
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Reid an the death
of their only daughter, Gertrude, an
estimable young lady, which oceurred
at her home -on Friday, October 18111.
Miss Reid was for some years' in the J.
McTavish store, A few weeks ago she
left f fortotrain inthe hos-
pitalWelland there as a nurse, but having con-
tracted a severe cold she rettlrned to
het•hole later. Pneumouta developed
in spite.
of the
best medical' care
from which she never rall-
ied. Miss Reid was a n' 'tuber of the
Methodist choir an an :tive church
worker. A brother .tent. Leslie Reid
fh of h boys who
wasthe-it oft Se oft b s
gent overseas payI tothe supreme
e t
MrsHarry Beattie received word
I 'red Ireland, only
that her nelce nail
� W
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Ireland,
liarriston, had died in Toronto on Fri-
Niiss Muriel Wallis eldest daughter
of Mr, and Mrs W G Willis is seri
ntity ill,
The Spanish influenza epidemic is
still serious here. Upwards of 400
cases being reported. During the past
week five deaths ocCurred, The eight
year-old daughter
of Mr, and Mrs,
her is
iI bkirk died and another daughter a
seriously ,Y ill
The condition of McKellar, ex-
press gent, who is suffering from pneu
mania, is much improved, The schools
churches and •moving
Have been closed since Thanksgiving
Day and business is practically at a
Eg o ille
' r111 'eiland of m adv
Mrs. S,t , W, b
received .word from Ottawa that her
San, Gunlper Frank Weiland, Machine
Gun Corps, had died at sea from
na- neumoni on October
brand p a
d H at fornierl
England, e w
his wayto s Y
a printer In 'il Expositor office ale
Sea -
forth. A younger brother was killed
In action in France less than a month
in addition to the three .deaths from
pneumonia last week two more occurr-
ed ui ' wife
Mr John
nl V
ed Tuesday. s, Q
of the G. T R. bttggageuen here , was
only ill a week, and leaves one little
child -A sad feature of this case is
the death of her brother, at Galetta,
Ontario, about the satire Hour, and
front the same malady. Their fattier
is Mr, Estabrook, of Exeter. The other
death, in Pawn was of WiWian,Olighton
''1n employee at the Bell Engine Works,
He leaves his Widest, and three child-
ren. ire Was a native of Seaforth, and
a member of the Seaforth tire brigade,
Death ' Of Henry. Dowsop:—On
Thursday October 10th death remov-
ed one of the pioneers of Stanley r it
the person of Mr, Henry Dowson, of
the Babylon Line. Mr. Dowson had
reached the' age of 75 years,, he has
been in failing health for Some time
, and the end was not unexpected, His
wife died a few years ago, since then
he has made his !Tome with his son
John, in which house he will be very
much missed, Mr. Dowson .was a
kind friend and neighbor and an affec-
tionate father. The sympathy of the
sorrowing fatnlly of whoa 5 daughters
and 2 sous survive, Mrs, R. Graham.
and Mrs, P. Couch of Clinton, Mrs:
W. Taylor, Mrs, E. Foster and Miss
Edith, of Stanley, William and John of
the Babylon Line, The -funeral ser-
vice was held on Saturday, was con-
ducted by Rev. D. Johnston. the re
mains were laid to rest in Bayfield
Mr Harry G, lless was appointed
as manager of the Zurich Telephone
Central at a salary of $1200 per an-
Williams Bros, have sold the two
dynmos, formerly used in the
electric light plant, to the Canada
Steel Co., Bellvilie, and have shipped
them to that -company,
Mr, Wnt. Lamont, of Zurich, was
appointed Local Fuel Controller for
Hay Township under provisions of
Order -in -Council No, 664, dated Ot-
tawa, March 20th, 1918.
Mr. Joseph Routledge, V, 5.; of
Dashwood, has purchased the good
will and practice of Mr. E. W. Stos-
kopf, V. S., of this 'village and will
take possession in a few weeks. Mr.
Rbu_tledee and family intend to move
to Zurich to reside.
Mr. Daniel Smith has sold his fine
farm on the Sauble Line, known as
"Peach Grove Farm" to his son, Mr.
'Clayton 0. Smith, who gets posses-
sion next spring. The farm con-
sists of 210 acres and lies along the
lake shore and is one of the finest
farms hi that section,
The Exeter papers are advancing
their subscription rates to a $1.50 a
The Ontario Flax Company •is giv-
ing their still Exeter North, a thor-
ough overhauling, .
Miss Carrie Dyer disposed of her
dwelling and two acres of land situat-
ed on Carling street to Mr. Ben Ma-
kins, who recently sold his farm in
Usborne 'Township. The price paid
was $2200.
Organizers from Toronto for the
coming Victory Loan were in town
on Tuesday and an behalf of the Dom-
inion government appointed Mr. J, G.
Stanbury in charge of the campaign in
this section,
Mr, Jas, Weekes received void that
his nephew Lorne Weekes, son -of Mr.
George Weekes, of Ciecinnattt Ohio,
had succumbed to the Spanish intlu-
enze and that the wife of the -deceased
also died shortly afterwards,
Two returned heroes arrived in
town from overseas, They were Pte,
Jackson Woods, of Elimville and Pte
W. Mtllson, of town. Both went
overseas with the 161st Battalion
Pte. Mtllson was wounded in' the eye
and gassed. He was - accompanied
home by his bride,
"hSoldiers' Aid Society,of
eter, has just concluded a very saris
ata work. The amount o
s were as follows: Sock
2,236, pillow slips
and towels
seeveless sweaters and pyjamas 90,
total of2,546, includinging
increase o
717 pairs of and -knit
socks over last
Year. t74 quarts of pickles and fruit
C 1 of oke and chocolate
sand one box
isa glance on
were also eat. There
\\ S
of 47.17, e following owin are
n I
the officers for the
coming Y
ar: P
idem' Miss • Dow; vice-presidents,
Miss1, Rivers, Mrs, T. Disney; secre-
Miss E, Huston; treasurer, Miss
L, Martin,
Per SP ni a I and other
heals of ,interest frena
New Grp representetit eS
The Little Doctor always ready
always oil band to relieve kid-
ney and bladder troubles, and
help natlu'e put'iiy the blood.
The Ratlttnnt 0rna dt (Menden) Oe,
of alauada. Io once, •reroute. ns7
•Reportorderof for meritS.S, , N'0,Trio5, se Hallett,
missed exaninatlonsi—Sr. lY —Rosalie
Crawford 62%; Dora Vodden 62; Wel-
Wigton Me:3061.60; Percy Gibbings xx
51, Jr, IV—Margaret Brows 17%;
Jr, 7d1,- Evelyn Gibbings; Laura Snell.
Alvin Cartwright; Edith Gorbutt. tSr.
ll.—Waren Gibbings;\Gertie Quinney,
Jr, 11—Clues. Weymouth, Chas. Brown •
and Harry Snell equal; Herbert Vodden;
Hugh Radford. Sr. Printer—Berta Nott
Norma Snell and Ernest. Brown equal,
Jr. Primer—Ivan Carter; Willie Stevens
Eddie Radford; Fred Vodden; George
Radford. Best spellers were Sr. IV—
Wellington McCool; Jr, 111 — Laura
Snell; Sr. 11—Warren Gibbings; Jr. 1I
Charlie Brown. I: Cornish, Teacher.
C. G. Newton died at his hone on
North Street Thursday, following an
operation for gall stones. He was 67
years of age and was one of the oldest
merchants in town, haying for some
years conducted a gents, furnishing
business. He leaves one son, Gerald.
The _funeral was held on Saturday,
The Spanish influenza does not ap-
pear to be abating much here as yet.
New cases are reported every day, al-
though the cases this week seem to be
of a milder type than last week. ft
is estimated that there are about 300
cases in town. The latest victims of
pneumonia following the "flop" are
11. R Babb, a young pan of about 32
years of age, who ran tine -rural mail
route to Sheppardton. He was sick
only a few days.. He was a Son of the
late, Capt. Wm, Babb.
Another victim was Pte,. Geo.
Thompson, a war veteran, of about 25
years of age. Fle was a member of the
original first contingent and was, per-
haps, the first man to enlist in God-
erich. 1 -le was wounded and gassed
some time ago and returned horse a'
few months ago: He was ill only a
few days and succumbed Friday morn-
ing: A brother was drowned off the
Mariska steamboat last summer. A
peculiar and sad feature of his early
death is that he was to have been mar-
ried Saturday.
Goderich Signal After along per-,
iod of ill health, Mrs. Lane• wife of
Mr, William Lane, county treasurer
of Huron, departed this life on Sunday
last in her sixty-second year, The de-
eceased whose maiden name was Hanna
Stewart, tvas born in the township of
Ashfield, and resided there until the
year 1891, when Mr. Lane was ap-
pointed county clerk and the family
removed to Goderich, Besides her
husband, two sons survive: W. Stew-
art Lane, barrister; of Vancouver, B. C.
and Dr. Charles Lane; of Detroit, The
' youngest son, Lieut. M, P. Lane, was
killed in action at the Saltine, Septem-
ber 28th, 1916, • Three brothers and
three sisters of the deceased also sur-
vive, Charles Stewart, ex -Reeve, of
Ashfield; David of Huron township,
John, of Regina; Mrs. W. Finlayson,
of Kincardine; Mrs, Murdoch McKen-
zie, of Brandon, Manitoba and Miss
Mary Stewart, Ashfield, The funeral
took place Thursday afternoon, the in-
, ternent being made in the Kininit
cemetery, Rev. A. L, G. Clarke and
Rev R. C, McDerm.id conducted the
; funeral service at the grave. The pall-
- bearers in Goderich were Judge Dick -
son, Judge Lewis, Sheriff Reynolds,
Messrs, G. Seeger, D. McDonaldnald and
G. W. Holnan,-and
at Kintail the 'two
sons, Stewart and Charles Lane, and
two brothers,David and Charles Stew-
QM?. COMBRoot iaim@ioiAn8D;,
7•C Tt, n
4 safe, reliable nh
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dx 7 t3eld in ahmo de+
708 ct tc.
• s h --No. 1 1'
, etrN t , 3 ,
p� g g
lF-,., Sol 2, Se; No. 3, 55 or boat
.r.druggists,or San
�y�J receipt orico
2:: r byon ret
, 0 G{fi
um hlcG AdrlrOea'
�reo i
e P P
•rNx eoor� iyanoicewli: co.,
cr� .0 Minn, O:dT. (Formrllu 1Nfalso,J
We are installing u p to date butter making equipment
fit our new quarters on the 'midway. Owing to the illness
of the Proprietor we will be unable to open up until
Saturday, Nov. 2nd.
We will furnish cans, pay the
highest market
prices for
butter -fat and remit daily.
es convenience
Call and s
are•Y ouY can atyour ear
as the present supply is limited.