HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-17, Page 4PAGE 3
3000 HENS
( r 1000 ClACKENS
Goch week at our. Poultry
reeding Plaat for the balance
of 4.918, Prices paid according
to quality tied fancy prices paid
for large properly fattened milk
fed chickens,
Meatless days are making
very 1 igh prices for eggs, Al.
though grain prices are high
It will pay you to take special
ore of your stock of hens and
- a lors &Co,i Wild
The up-to-date Finn
Clinton Brunch Phone 190
N. W. Trewertha, Manager
or Holmesville 4 on 142.
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty. Pianos and
special values Litt Art
Pianos and Organs rent
ed. tThoice new Edison
phonographs, M usic &
variety goods.
.if EES IC Exp 11011
C. Hoare
ilitEVVV.rrineyntrvrentenvye'vr m
Call or Phone for prices
1 Byam & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7,
MK4NYvv4/W WV!/W V W Vv4yyyV
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price end know exactly what You
are getting,
You will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it -and vet there is no
scaroity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to "mise that sort altogether -
0021E HERE
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -COME MERE
And even' at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
w, R,'eounter:
Jeweler and Opticlian
u er of Marriages Licenses
A Carload of
OVt Stand and
Our Canadian
nurses aro noed-
ea "over there"
now fol never be-
fore. alio is the
time to learn
how' to take nue
of the wounded,
the sick or any
omergenoy, You
Gan learn a groat
deal by obtains.
ing the Medical
Adviser" from
yuour nearest
t a boolc
Oof pages,
bound in oloth,
terson)l'irst Aid,
Anatomy, Hy.
gleno, marriage,
Mother and Babe; or send 500 to Dr,
Pierce, Courtwright St,, Bridgeburg, Ont,
Thousands of women In Canada haveovercome
their e e cringe, pnd have bean pored of woman's
by r, Pieroe a Favorite Prescription, Faint-
ing Hoene, chills or great pain at regular or irregu-
lar Intervale ahouid be correotod, and every
woman who suffers from beeicaclm, headache
nervousness, should take thin •'Presoription" of
Dr. Pieroeb. Send ten cone for trial package to
Dr. Pieree'a Invalids' Notal, Buffalo, N. Y., or
branoh, Bridgeburg, Ont„ or write for free con-
fidential median) advice.
Toronto, - Ont. -"As
a tanto and builderI
can highly recommend
Dr. P,eroe'e Favorite
Prescription to tired
and run-down women.
eight chile eP nd have
frequently had need of
such a tomo but did
not know what to take
until my teeter gave
me some of die'Favor-
ite Prescription' whioh
alio herself had found
to be good. It wag
exactly _the tonic my
system required and
one bottle did wonden for me, et, I take pleeeure in
telling others, hoping that they will give the Pre-
scription' a trial and be bonetted Mat as I have
len..: Mra, Slirabgth 2'aplor, 264 Ontario Sl,
In the last membership campaign
conducted by the Red Cross, Alaska
obtained as members 94 per cent. of
the entire population, this being fully
twice the percentage secured by any
other territory or state.
London's electric Lights are provided
by about companies, which supply
current at voltage ranging from 1 10
to 240.
W. B1tYIatt$te
Notary Public, Conveyanclir,
Financial and Real Itetete
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In
suranee Oomnenies. -
Division Court Office.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W, Doherty's phone
81, will receive prompt attention,
11 (m' (Calle' I'(lfn, i*; (1.
'Barrister, aSilicit•,r, t'o;veyare:t r, Hite
UtH^e nn Athert til reel, ocenpi-d l•y
IUP, Hooper, I11 011, inn nn ever
Thursday, and on any day t'ut' which
appointnleuts are hada, ( Moe hones
from 0 n,os, to 0 pin. A gond vault in
connecting with the off), e. 011iue.gpen
every week dsy, Mr. Hooper will ruelke
anyO \
ointments for iin,U,tn r
Pp Cameron.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, - -- Ontario
Office at Residence
Corner High and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
crown and Bridge Work a Specialty,
Graduate of O,C,D,S.,. Chicago, and 14,0.0.1,
Reynold on leo dav$, Slav lot to D
i@fit. R. IOWLE9t,
Offioee over O'NEIL'S store,
Spooiai care taken to make dental trot'
meet ae painless es possible.
Live stock and general Auction ser
kat matoea sales a seeelalt4, 0ldete et
NEW End' once, rt.nr t,y attend,
to. Terms reasonable. Clinton,'Farmers• sale not
G. D. 11leTaggars M. L. McTaggaa
McTaggart Bros,
General Banking ismetaetil
Drake leaned. Interest allowed a
The McKiilup Mukaaai
Fire Insurance :ea.
para, and Isolated TGWU Prep,
erty Oniy Insured.
Head Office-Seaforthi Out
- Officers
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas,
Evans, Deechv,nod, Vice -President;
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary -
a urer.
Leitch. r v' o. 44 Clinton; Edward
Hinchley, Se,tforth; Wm. Chesney. it
Btondville J. W. Yeo aselch; fit. o
Jarinttth, Proi?k:r;
Wm, Rhin: t,,• •
neweis,,Bro lh t,:,1
Woodi M. Picot
Connolly, ettid r
No. 3, Se ,for 1;
Walton! Hobert 1
MCCarttte, lt'ty, 3, ,
0114 t�cn-
s Busch-
• Jams
0,'G Ager,
Mb, 4,
octet Gee.
htoldly answered by Air, Stothol's,
Klee Mabel Bailie, ar Dungannem told
\V, 13, acbnstou cavo Ole reports of 13"1
tlologaloe t0' the 0, l9, A, pasties giv
lag a 9,vnopsts of the addresses delivered
Ow urged en many teacherg as possiile
to attend t d pecallso of the luteiicetuad h1-
splratlon received as well as the' greet
pleasure telt 111 meeting toathers fern all
parts or the province.
lavenlug Meeting
lnspeotol' Tom oeeupled the ollair.
The m'osident, lllee laotile Medd, took
a9 the 0nbpect or mar address "Tree Pat
Pietism," and 111 1141 eloquent manner she
told the audience what alio c0nsldered
True Pension:4m. She didn't think it was
that love of country, that loved 00121011y,
00 that loved one's land so as, to tilde to
faults, but It wan the o t
q t ve that1•t
10 one's orre ovthose'9 faults,
and eontee
10 e1 et chop faults, Our country
eheuld be bettor for our Jiving Jn it,
Teachers have the greatest' honor Unmet
upon 011 then because they have the Priv-
doge of training the future citizens of
OM' land, %%eefem they should ,teach
w11Y and holy We are govel'1ned, beginn-
ing first with the home: the child learns
Why 160c1 placed us in families, that we
may learn -sell-denialfor the other
members of :the dome. as well as obed-
ience, From the home We Paso to the
school section, -'then to township until at
last we reach the Dominion Government.
Wo should teach our children Ideate, mere
faots aro not enough. She appealed for
teaQhers for the foreign 00ltool9 of the
West. The secret of Britain's greatness
Is het. great motiles love for all peoples
and her desire to lift. The addressees
a splendid effort, equal to thehest of
former years, Words of praise were
heard 00 every hand after the meeting,
Dr, Silcox delivered an illustrated
lecture on .Belgium and Franco. The
lecture which was much enjoyed by all,
was an attempt on the part of the tect-
urer to snake a 111110 clearer the magni-
ficent spirit of the men and women of
the two countries In whicl1, the present
war is,
being waged. The 1r'ed lantern were
slidesdallow beautifully,
of colored
with a•
few showing'the
brought upon Belgiuby he invading
horde of the German army, especially
Belgium with itsllvaluable university
made a -heap of ruins. In this recent
publication of Dr, Muohlol's diary on
the early stages of the war, Other
views showed the beautiful buildings of
Brussels and Antwerp, Paris and Ver,
sallies, whose history Is so interesting in
connection w1111 the German invasion
and oecupatiol of 'Franco by the Ger-
moatdehsothe1reh nlshyunrLoui
by 111e speaker himself in 1813 were
by the apeaeker himself In 13111 were
shown and addedto the interest of the
The musical part of the entertain-
inent WAS 01/e110d by a well -rendered In-
strumental solo from Miss Isabel Foster,
Miss Lyttie sang a solo which was en-
cored, as was also a violin selection- by
Mr. R, R, Redmond, Miss Florence
Young recited one of Miss Pauline-John-
ston's poems, 'The Cattle Thief," very
Cleve ly. Each number was excellent,
Could Not Work
Headaches are generally caused by
some disturbance of the stomach, liver
or bowels, and although not a serious
complaint, the cause should be removed
before they become habitual and make
your lifo miserable.
You will find that Milburn's Laxa-
Liver. Pills will remove the causo by
moving the bowels gently, safely and
surely, refreshing and strengthening the
stomach, toning up the liver, and thereby
banishingthe e headaches.
Mrs. j. Armstrong 7 Barris St., St.
John, N,B., writes: -.1`I take pleasure fa
writingyou concerning the good I have
received from using Milburn's Lexa-Liver
Pills, I had such severe headaches I
could not do, my work but after using
two vials of your pills, t can now do my
work with comfort and pleasure,"
s Lam -Liver er Pil l
s contain
purely vegetable natter and do not gripe
tike Harsh mineral purgatives do. - Prim
25c, a vial at all dealers, or milled direct
en receipt of price by The T. alilburp i •0„
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
:0 i9 4t * :W it * ii it *
Have you visited tite attic
lately? Just climb up there
and take a peek. "Whew," you
say, "isn't it hot up here, and *
such a place as this is getting *
to bel 1 had no idea there was *
so much stuff accumulated- *
what in the world shall l do *
with it all?" Well, the thing to 'f
DO with it is to get it down in- *
to the yard, Where it is cool, *
and sort it over. Then get a *
copy of this paper and turn to a`
and you may find some person
is looking for just what you *
have to sell, If not, try a FOR *
SALE ad. yourself. You'll be *
surprised the number of appli- *
cations you will gets *
it 4t * it •# * * .F it *• to
"lin { raWiee
Bad Results
follow a lazy liver: -
Constipation; Disor-
dered Stomach; Head-
ache; Biliousness, and
other evil, painful,
dangerous things.
Good Old
cones to the rescue;,
Take two or three pills
at bedtime -once. After
that, ODD each night; two,
nowandtben,if necessary.
Genuine bears 'Slgneteiw
Colorless faces often snow
the absence of Iron in the
Ciawfiery � Iron Ma
will help this condition.
A 1V
11 yott worn find 1)f
421:111 hoOelllwfortae
tlea. total of 004,03:,
colds and brerihlt ,110 errhiln to its
. 410tion oil all cl tot 11l,uble3 as 01111-
toxin 114 on diphtheria, ol'valol latall cn
sm:111-put, W8161111(.youfeel lake giving
It a trial?
.Pops is the discovery! •
Peps are little tablets, celltyiuing.
0erta!u lueclicllal"ini;rwiteets, which,
0,1302 Tau
p.a0216 141)011 (0ut,ua, 10121111(11-.
at01y 11110 futo 1201)021111,1' 02121 ah'o nt muco
broathod down tr2, air 1• -21(1(5(35(0 the
lunge, Ca their 30uruty, they Boothe
the Inflamed and irritated nacl;tbra,es
of the brouoltial tubes, the del lei 1 o w•11113
of the air ptlseages, and ihllt,l,v e11t21'
and e,trry relief and healing 10 010 lungs,
le a wort, while no ]!quid or solid
can get to the lungs and air passages,
these Peps 1'uulee get there direct, and
at 01100 commence their work of healing.
rr�e TRIAL Cut out this l
article, write
across it the. name and date of thispuper,
and mail i UStvith lc, stamp to pay return,
postage) to Peps Co,, Toronto, A free•
trial packet will then be sant You. - A'1
druggists and stores sell Pees.nee. box.
In fact the evening meeting woo one of
the best 110111 by the Association.
The singing of the National. Anthem
brought the mooting to a close,
Frklay Morning
The president occupied Lhe chair, De-'
votlonai exercises were conducted by Dr. I
Silcox, The minutes of the afternoon
and evening, sessions of yesterday were
read and. approved. The auditors' report
showing a balance of $84,08 on hand was
received and adopted,
The eleetlon of officers resulted in the
election of the following; Pres„ R. R,
Redmond, Belg1'ave; vice Pres„ Miss M,
L, Coleman, Varna; 440c. treas., W. 24,
Johnston, Rippon; 1st councillor, Miss
Vosper, Exeter' 2nd councillor, Mists
,Laird, .Dashwood; 8rd, . councillor, Iter,
Elawson, Elxeter• auditors, J, H. Johnston
Goderloh, R. Stonehouse, Belgrave; re-
solution, G. S. lioward, Dosltwood, W.
Moltay, Mansell, Miss IKinslnan, Exeter,
AMr. Rosa, Dungannon, Miss McLaughlin,
Lueknow, Miss E. M. Phillips, Auburn;
Mr. Tom, Goderich,
The report of the 10001101s' reading
course committee suggested the follow-
ing hooks to be read by all Leachers: 1st,
kIistory Manual; 2,1 volume of Chron-
icles of Canada; , I(indsley's llypatla.
The report was received and adopted.
The resolution committee I'00omme,d-
ed that all the resolutions passed by the
0. E.. A,wit1 the exeeptton of No. 7,
which relates to the public 0011001 course
In granumu', be adopted by this Associa-
tion. They also recommended that the
amount of grammar to he taught should
be increased Pathe• than diminished, The
report was adopted,
Ili'. MacKay for the committee on the
revision of the readers recommended the
following, which were adopted:
I. (a) Thee should be a new fourth
boots and a 110W 1.1111•11 13001 designed
811001011y for teaching oral reading. If
to be used Por both reading and literature
the book should be in two parts. Fart 1,
to contain the selections for reading and
Pat 2 the selections for literature, (lc)
The books sanuld be entailer than the
present M. and IV. readers..(b) Son1e
ill troduetory pages on the principles of
trading, with examples from the lessons,
should be added as In the high se
reader, also exercises In pronunciallon
or difficult words be Indicated at bottom
or the pages, (e) Thee should be suit-
able preparatory questions on each les-
son as In high school reader. (d) There
Should be a greater elumbee or selections
front the 711 --q
orale of) Prose may be
used 1 for memorization. not (e) Prose ael'rho
lona for Penning to bo tont;. (f) 'Phe
selections to contain only good English.
(g) Delete all selections lin which the
moral teaching is doubtful.
That the teachers or the priniai7
divisions 111 Goderich schools, together
with the school inspector, report sug-
gestions ro the second book, lira,. book
and the primer,
8. That the golden rule books bo used
partly as supplementary reading in the
rural :schools.
The following WAS also presented aria
adopted: 'Moved by .0, 1'. jium0 and se -
Oolidod by .1. 31. ,3011n810u, that bite
1'11010es of 'West hluren haepettorete new,
in session would memorlallse the Vitiator
Of Eldueation, expreaeing their eppreelilt-,
ion of the suhatantlal roduetion lu Klee
iftal lino been 'Made unt10r the repent
;velem 011 teat beset pm'em:sett0n (3111 1'e-'
/;Potting that ibis ' geed feature • 01' the
17111on11ol1al Denertmenl's nlanagemett
1s being annulled by the too krega0nt 1.0-
elgcemant of c.' authorized text by a
new boojt and more pnt'Iteula•lb' by a re-
vised million will smell mmol' ca;ree-
bone on to matte preetioaliy no material
6hanen in the old edition and asking (t)
t11at the 80110058 of the province be 6•Ive1
until Oat. let to nave the 2140 or tiro old
Lott bnolc, wh021 h0ltif. 1'Oinlac0d by It
new book, sanctioned by I'esoltilio 1 01'
the sebocl bond 32) that where only n,
revised edltinn of a Reboot book Is to
be M4.01110811, c+a1'rvh1K only minor
01111114329, the. Scho01 91)0alet be peteil11106
to use 0)2011 old Mates as long us 11 le re-
quired by the students already 2os9es9-
ing a copy.
Ar, Silcox !1lsellssed staltlexcl taste
for public school pantie. He o0i5,1104
that now there are scales by which
pupils h1 epe111ng, in writing, ilrawhlg,
reeding„ 0011100Rit101), eta, 0atn b0 ab-
sotu(oly grained as to th011' stanfling in
comparison with poples or any other
school Moen ofthe matter of this in-
tensely inler0eting and instructive ad-
dress was new to the majority of the
teachers present end many 1041h'i05
were asked of tbo 100411.er who ansWee-
od them to the satisfaction of an. '
Dr, Silcox recommended esnecially a
book by Daniel Starch, entitled edu-
cational measurements,
It is needless to say D0. SHAWL gave
three splendid addressor., that were 0e1'-
talnly ap11reelated by the teachers pre-
There welo about 13G 1000110es, title
tne,lc1ng. almost a 1'ecot•d attendance,
240011y votes of thanks were passed
thanking the Goderich Scheel Boallj.•for
the' use of their beautiful x011001, • the
Goderich teachers for their trouble
taken` in securing boardinghouses for.
visiting teachers, the re1.1ng officers
of lastyear, to all those taking part In
last ,i,
r evening's s
g entertainment,
and .Dr,
'Silcox for his able assistance
The singing of the National Anthem.
brought • Very 6. t a vt> auccr,Eafulmeeting to a
Make this beauty lotion cheaply for,
iyour face, neck, arms and hands.
' At the cost of a small jar of ordinary
cold cream one can prepare a full quar-
ter pint of the most wonderful lemon
skin softener and complexion beautifier,
by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem-
ons into a bottle containing three ounces
1 of Orchard white, Care should be taken
to strain the juice through .0, fine cloth
so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo-
tion will keep fresh for months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
to bleach and remove such blemishes as
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two leptons from the grocer and make up
a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant
Iemon lotion and massage_ it daily into
the face, neck, arnis and hands. It is
marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands, •
Please save some booze
Until we've read
The gladsome news:
"The kaiser's dead!"
The Fall: weather is the most severe
season of the year for colds -one day
is semen, the next is wet and cold
and unless the another is on her guard
the little ones are seized with colds
that may bang
on all winter.ter. Baby's
Own Tablets are mothers best friend
in preventing or banishing colds. They
act as a gentle laxative, keeping the
bowels and stomach free and sweet.
An occasional dose will prevent cold
or if does coin on suddenly the
prompt use of the Tablets will quick-
ly cure it. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
COL. GEORGE HAM, a few days ago the well known publicity n1a1 of
the C. P. R. staff celebrated his 71st birthday. A dinner was given In his
honor at the Place Viger Hotel, Montreal, by his business associates, when he
was presented With -a portrait of himself in oils, executed by V..4. Long, of
Winnipeg, 'Col, Hans is a cousin of Mrs. H. P1111111 eel of town,
'Canadian patriotism demands .the practice of thirft by Ili her sons, ,
The meal wito are itolding the lines at home are they who are snaking it
easy for the business of the country to go' on wits, little jar to its tech.
anima,', The steady pulling -together of all citizens in the production. of
goods and ut the conservation of all field crops marks the thrifty nation.
rigon the part of n• -t• iambs isoing to be the, greatest insurance
we will have in C , est a period of depression after the war. ' The
combined capital - individuals who make the country will forte a
flied of sufficient power to drive business along 111 a most satisfying way'
spite sof, tate prevaiithig hard tines of such a period,
saving is therefore a real patriot. Ile has Canada's 141(02eSfs
`i1 , at heart, Nilly his tribe increase in these days when
We 1. i;, ' up tinder the spur of war-tiibte efforts, S6Ve because
11 14 i I:, , It 1s 1 high form of netrintlsm. And it gives' 011e'e
ems t t , a crit;,
•ae, i „( by that extra dollar now The
lent l,l:, ., • re will Make a line that will riot -Wavers-.
lIllt ,cull•, c i,
Helping ature
the Key to Gem,
Watch for these Symptelfis
Kidney or bladder 5ff00tions don't
develop seriously until Nature 'has
given you plenty of warning that the
trouble has commenced,
Constant hoaAac11011, dizziness, pains
in the beak or sides, swollen joints alta
ankles, bleak dust deposits, or painful
urination should make you realize posi-
tively andbeyond doubt that your
kidneys are out of order and need
Nature to wiee and never sende out
2nn000050ry or foolish warnings. I3er
call is for help, and you must do your
part by bringing relief to diose over-
burdened kidneys, or suffer the cense-
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Gravel, Stone to the Bladder, Nour
algia, eta, are all caused by inflamed
or congested kidneys and the cense
giient deranged kidney action. Don't
suffer the agonies produced by these
diseases. Help Nature to relieve the
congestion to heal those inflamed
kidneys and to make them strong once
more -by taking Gin Pills.
Gin Pills are the beet remedy for,
Kidney and Bladder : troubles on the
market to -day. This is a fact proven'
by hundreds of testimonials. Try them
and be ere
u ofnatant relief, Por sale
everywhere at 600 a box, A sample
box free if you write to -
The National Drug & Chemical Co,
of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Ontario,
'U.S. residents should address Na-Dren
Coe Inc., 209 Main St., Buffalo, N.T. If$
Abou Ben Had' em -may his tribe
Awoke one night from a deep dream
of peace.
He rolled trim over, and his form the
Ile fixed hisd! pillow -then, behold, • he
He cooled his forehead with 'a, pillow
slHe said "By Jingo; I have got the
He called -his household angel quick-
ly came,
With lamp in hand; a good and port-
ly dame,
gave hint harks, she gave him
boneset tea,
naugh4 relieved his fearful miss
She gave hint stuff that made poor
Abou sweat,
Then rubbed hint down, but Still be
suffered yet,
She gave him pills and squills both
thin and thick,
st 11 her patient was most awful
An 1die?
And must poor Abou 0 'Fearful
She got 50411e whiskey and she made
She f11iled1 rout
up Abou to his noble
And made him fuller than an alley
He rose and dressed himself -he left
his bed,
And crest
t11en he painted half the city red.
Next day beneath the magisterial
Abou Ben llad'em's name led all the
roof, -The Khan.
The most fateful years i,1 a. Wo-
man's life are those between forty-
five and fifty. Many of the sex en-
ter this period under depressing con-
ditions through overwork-. or worry
about the home, or through a condi-
tion in which the blood is weak or
watery and so they suffer heavily,
Among the commonest symptoms
are headaches, feverish flushes, pal-
pitation of the heart, dizziness, back•
ache- depression and other well re-
cognized disturbances of the health
which signalizes that the blood re-
quires attention. Women urgently
need rich, red blood all their lives,
but never more so than in middle•
life, when the nerves are also weak
and overwrought:
Now every woman can prove the
prompt help afforded to her health
by renewing and building up, the
blood. It is a test that any ailing
woman can nneke by taking Dr, Wit.
Ikons' Pink Piils, for these pills
make rich, red blood, which in turn
stimulates themppetite, strengthens
the nerves and restores full rabus-t
health, ' Thousands of women have
found in Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
new health and strength and with
these a new happiness and interest
So if you suffer, avail yourself at
once of the splendid home treat-
ment which Or. Williams' Pink Pills so
easily afford, quid you will be among
those who rejoice, in regained health.
These pills are sold by all dealers in
medicine or may be had by mail at
50 cents a box or six ,boxes fore2,5o
by writing the Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine 'Co., Brockville, Ont,
Over 200,0004000' pounds of cod
fish were caught and landed in --Nova
Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec
last year, The fresh cod exported
me d to 673
400 1i
, ou s
, d of
which 5,063, S00 pounds went to the
United States,
The dry salted cod exhorted
antotiuted 16 80,725,000 Bou.' d the
tithed aud 21.
831,900 poundspickled and thv:e,011efy21
to 5;352,832 pounds,
111 s 0sti4hated that 601)4
twee!: 90,000,000 and 1(rtb 0t
pounds Of Cod should be av 14.11,
export this year 1f shipped sir-,;,,
itoxen; and between
50,000 out)
55,000,000 pounds if Cured,
'i"11t1sday, Octoiber 1;.7tb, 1918
Sheet 3eadeble 'items for Our Reodent
The intend Revenue returns for the
month of September show Jt :net lit -
crease over the eorrespondiag 111011111
last year of #1,853,894, the totet re -
3%11,1s foErxcisthee ta111xe911sth brobeiungght, 1)4,4$1ifi
in2, 4,-
604,904, and war taxes 134,462,540,
No British bluejacket while abroad
shpeJFnhitwsthe Mo-
tionalip is anthenl tot oe time ""Dehiadle Matrcel In
Saul' unless it is being played by the
(.,'!'abs areest masters tel the yin .p One ofit art o f
camouflaging. 6 their favorite
devices is t o take advantage of their '
reseinblanee to certain rocks,
A Fren1h army aviator, who is a'
naturalist as well, has observed that
ascenlntnv, Ile leasfoseenoevbalflies go$ asin 1)151111eir
as 2,970 feet, • after which they die.
Grasshoppers cling to the basket of
the ballloou• until the air becomes too
rarefied for them, when they let go
and 11,LIlhe h
a gIOriOfaIS timee catchsaysting theseswallows insectsave,
Wasington-Reports that this year's
cott041 crop was estimated at 11,818,-
00o equivalent S00 -pound bales, by
the Deparment of Agriculture, basing
its estimate on the condition of the
crop on Sept, 25, which was 54 per
cent, of a normal.
It is, understood that Ford Motor
'Company has 'taken order for 3450,-
000,000 of tanks. Production of tanks
by England and United states
ppushedrogram,at an enormous pace next year.
The Ford order is simply part of a big
Major J, 0. Tobnie, member in the
Ontario legislature for the Windsor
electoral district, who has been in
France .for more than two years, -toy
arrive home at Christmas on furlough,
waccordingife, to a letter received by his
Fifty thousand jobs to Pennsylvania
are available for wounded soldiers,
HER Unit
Mrs. John Reinhardt, Ridgetown, Ont.,
writes: -"My little girl at the ago of a
year and a half old had an awful cough.
She would cough until she would fairly
choke, and I was afraid it would go to her
lungs. I thought I would use Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, as I knew of quite
a few persons who had used it with good
results. I am glad I did so, as I only
used one bottle. It 1s a sure cure for
coughs and colds."
There is no reason why Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup should not be recog-
nized as the very best cough and cold
remedy on the market to -day, combining
as it does the lung healing virtues of the
Norway pine tree, to 'which are added
wild cherry ill
t. y bark, squills, and other sooth-
ing and healing pectoral remedies.
It has stood the test for the past 30
years and is becoming more generally used
every year on account of its great merits
in curl coughs, o u
6ha, colds, bronchitis, croup,
whooping cough, asthma, sore throat, and
preventing pneumonia and in many cases
So great has been its success that there
have been a great many imitations put
on the market to take its place. Seo that
none of these so-called pine syrups" are
handed out to you when you ask for
"Dr. Wood's." The genuine and original
is put up in a'yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mark; price 25e. and 50e.
Manufactured only by ,Tho T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
City Oceuvied by British Forces Dates
Back to the Dawn of History
Damascus which is now occupied by
Allenby's forces, is the Turkish base
in Syria and Palestine, and its report-
ed fall probably means the end of all
Turkish resistance to General Allenby
i11 Palestine and Syria: The city,
which dates back to the dawn of his-
tory, is the junction point of railroads
leading to the port of Beirut and
Aleppo, 480 miles northeast,
Aleppo is the molt important Turk-
ish base 111 this region of Asia Minor,
as it is a junction point of the rail-
roads from Palestine and Mesopotamia.
Damascus is the capital of vilayet
of Syria and has a population of
about 150,000. It is one of the holy
cities of the Mohammedans and the
Arabs regard it es one of the four
paradises on earth,
The capture of Damascus marks
an advance of 130, miles by General.
Allenby's forces since Sept. 20, the
day he launched his victorious at-
tack north of Jerusalem, In that
time the British have captured mole
than 50,000 prisoners, 'destroyed at
least three Turkish armies a,,d driv-
en the enemy from Palestine and a
great part of Syria.
For Infants and Childre'
In Use For Over3
Always bears _
Signature of
• Of interest it4ePahadian sportsnla'
is the Octobenalie ofa
1111 Gu
With its hunting 'stto al of dee'.
moose, bear, etc., in lififfifa id'St Can
a tl
n vin`
o d It well maintain
S t
ed rep erten '"; j e '�'�,tt9ug,�, to gulls midi
em11 en :.3.1 taleGi' e "ii �e
r• y r, •I,'C."7lnlfdon on
t le Deer" appears in this
tber also Rod and Gun , is pub-
d b W, J, Tetylor Linllted4 Wood -
k, Ont.