HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-17, Page 3PAGE
y AEI?, P, 13,FITZWAT'161i, p,. .,,,
Teacher or English Bible in the Moody
Aible Institute of Chicago.)
teopyright, 1018, Western )Newspaper
•LISBON TEXT- -Genoels
G0LD11 N TN7XT-T will glue him unto
tho Lord an the days of his 1fr0.-1 Sam.
ue1 1:11,
DEVOTIONAL 111LA1?ING—Luno 11126.
TEACHERS—Genesis 15:1.6118:8.16;
. 1. Abraham Tested (vv, 1, 2). gok
God does not temptmer to, stn
(James 1 :13), but he subjects them to
rigid tests to prove them, In the treat.
ment of Abraham we have supreme
example. God . tested Abraham, not
Lot. Sodom tested Lot, Cod tests
the man 'rho is proof against the tests
of Sodom. God had 'promised Abra-
ham an heir through whom blessings
wore to come to the world. Icor many
years its faith was sorely tried In wait-
ing for its•fultillment. At length, his
heart rejoiced In the realization of
ihot been Tn tow' lad 1n the Tinto -
Had Headache
Fr Twp,. Years
A Barrie Man Tells of Persistent
Headaches and Indigestion—
Finally Found His Way
to Good Health.
For two lcng years the writer of
this letter was subject to severe head-
aches. The nervous system got run
down, digestion failed, and there was
continued loss of weight.
She use of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food
Changed all this, aria liow with scores
o8 'other Barrie people Mr. Nader is
recommending the use of this food
cure as the best means of building up
the exhausted nervous system and
curing headaches, indigestion and
all the annoying symptosis of •a run-
down condition.
IMr. John Nader, 38 Penetang street,
Barrie, Ont., writes : "During the last
two years I had an attack of indiges-
tion, accompanied by severe head-
aches. I suffered from loss of appe-
tite, and my system became run
down. I also lost considerably, In
weight. I, began using - Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food, and as they helped me I
continued this treatment for some
time. My condition is now greatly
improved, my headaches are gone and
any health in general is much better.
T can cheerfully recommend the use
of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to those
suffering from nervousness of any
The reason Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
Is so effective in oases of this kind is
because of its extraordinary blood-
torming influence. By creating an
abundance of rich, red blood it
strengthens the action of the heart,
revitalizes the exhausted nerves and
builds up the system' in every way.
The appetite 9s restored, digestion
Improves, you rest and sleep well, and
the new vigor and energy is felt in
every organ of the human body.' Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food is doing wonders
for men, women and children whose
systems have become weak and run
down. 60 cents a box, 8 boxes for
E.76, all dealers or Pldmanson, Bates
Co„ Limited, Toronto,
end pain, prevent f Bate ring and
heal, This 18 w11Y thole who have
once used 7,am,Bu e will never nae
'ally other ointment.
,)voles Vio1a Ilubley, of Upper Go-
shen, N,B., writes; "111y sister 'bad ,
sores on her foot that commenced
like bolls and then dieohargee, She
outfoxed suet intense pain that she
could not wear be1' shoes and had
to remain in the house, We coma:
meneed tieing lam-ilulc and the
pain soon disappeared, Then the
sores stopped dlscharging and be,
fore long the places were entirely
healed over, We elle)) never be
without Zan -Ault again."
For eczema, blood -poisoning and
piles, outs and burns Zam.Buk is
squally good. All dealers, 50c box.
arch's tent were t,,.,. nod At..1
hopes of the future tc•l,ru his seed
should be as the stars 1'er multitude,
Els was no ordinary expectation. The
human affections and hopes were, no
doubt, included; but a new nation Was
to spring from him, enc) Isane was the
sole link making the connection. Then,
too, he saw the coming Redeemer, for
"Abraham saw my day and WAS glad"
(John 8:66). It 1s only as we thus
see all that Isaac meant to his fa-
ther and God's purpose for the future
of the world, that we really can appre-
elate th$ crucial test that came to
Abraham. A test In soine sense sim-
ilar•comes to any Christian fathers
and mothers. God is calling for sons
and daughters to be offered on the al-
tar of his service. The test is some-
thing terrific, as some who have given
up sons and daughters for the mission
field can testily. It is only as God is
known to be almighty (Genesis 17;1)
shall ability, be given to give them up.
11. Abraham Standing the Test (vv.
1. On the way (vv. 3, 4). Abraham
promptly obeyed. There was neither
hesitancy nor arguing. God had is-
sued the command, At his call. Abra-
ham said: "Here am I" (v. 1). He
could not say "No" to God. In the -
ordinary affairs of life we call a man
weak who cannot say "No," who has
no will of his own; but the 'man who
could not say "No" to God,' we count
strong. Early in the morning he was
on the way.to the place of which God
had told him. All who really believe
in God will yield themselves to hem
without question, reserve, or shrinking.
Anything short of this is not consecra-
tion. We should not stop to ask how
or why. It Is enough to know that God
has spoken.
2. "Abide yo here" (v, 6). This test-
ing experience was too sacred for hu-
man eyes to gone upon. How like
this the words of Jesus 1n Gethsem-
ane; "Tarry ye here."-* Human sympa-
thy is sweet, and 1s to be prized, but
we need to begone to times of great
testing. There are times when hu-
man sympathy hinders us from doing
our duty. When Abraham said: "We
will come down again to you," he
spoke sincerely, for he believed that
God would give him Isaac back from
the dead (Heb. 11:19). -
n. Isaac bearing the WQ.Q8 ninon
[t's the great war-
time sweetmeat.
—the benefit, the
pleasure, the economy)
of a Sc Package of
—has made it the fa-
vorite "sweet ration' 4
of the Allied armies:
send it to your friend
at the front:
—it's the handiest.
longest - lasting re-'
freshment he can
which 110 is to be offered (vv, 6, 7),
`!'lits rem100s 118 of ('holat 1)001103 the
cross on the wny to Calvary, Isaac roust.
Kaye been now a young num, Iia, did
n0 resist , r 1
t n l5t .o i °ly el h, but gr'aQ101IS1Y
sib 1 t
tnitedslownr 11 be C1
k 1 11 h,th1 is making
a Willing sawrlilee,
4, Tile angel of the Lord onlls (vv,
8.12), At the critical moment 'when
Abraham's hand had lifted the gleam -
Ing bled° tie 'Rinke rent the offering,
Cod interfered. Ood.dltl not want Ina
men sacrifice a9 a burnt offering, but
1143 wanted Abraham to give up to 111>n
hos best, the surrender of his 11111
to Idris, God Is always pleased with
submissive obedience, "To obey Is'
better than sacrifice:" Many throe
we are face to face with the test of
giving up our fondest hopes and put'
poses, but when w0 have met 111e test
as Abraham did, we get back our offer
Ing or greater things Instead,
111. God WIII Provide Himself a'
Lamb (vv, 13, 14).
Just behind Abraham was n rain
caught in a thicket by his horns. Him
6bralum offered Instead Of his. eon.
In the words "God will provide Himself
a lamb (v. 8)' we have the whole plan
of redemption outlined. God has pro-
vided the costly sacrifice of his Son to
satisfy himself.
Mf, J, W, Ratz, Fordwich, has dis-
posed of his s hardwa i i
I re 1115 nPSS to
Messrs, Jamieson & Patterson.
Children Cry
Mr. Jonas Sims, of the Crediton
Road, Stephen, had a rather severe
shaking up while assisting at Mr. Jas.
Neil's barn raising on Monday evening.
1 -le was about to descend a ladder when
in some manner it was knocked from
under hint and he fell to the ground, a
distance of about 18 feet. A surgeon
was called, when it was found that no
bones were broken but both ankles
were severely sprained and he was
otherwise shocked,
Children Cry
The Falkland Islands are believed
to be the windiest place in the world
and tree growth is practically impos-
sible -there,
Troubled With Kidneys
For Over Three Years.
Mrs. George Gray,
Hopewell Hill,
N,B., writes:—"I had kidney trouble for
over three years, and was so bad I was
confined to my bed. First I contracted
a bad cold audit went to my kidneys, and
I suffered dreadfully. I got the doctor,
but he did me very little good. I trieti
all kinds of kidney pills, but got very
little help. One of my neighbors came
in to see me and told me to got Doan's
Kidney Pills and give them a gcled trial.
I used five boxes and they have dared me
so that I can sleep all night without being
disturbed, and I feel better in every way.
I cannot say too much in favor of Doan's
Kidney Pills,"
Doan's Kidney Pills are just what their
name implies; a pill for the kidneys and
the kidneys only. When you ask for
"Doan's" see that you get them put up
in an oblong grey box with our trade
mark "The Maple Leaf". Price 50c.
at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
nt. Co.,.
* * * * * * * * * * *
* *
by A. Maynard Barbour x
+ a
8, * * 8r * * * * * •#
(Continued from last Week)
forgery, we 'surely can prove it so; and
if it isn't, wily, all the bluster in the
world won't help it, you know."
Itis father faced hint with a look of
withering contempt, " If' it is forgery:
1 tell you there are no 'ifs' about it.
I suppose, though you are just fool
enough that, if any man made a pre-
tence of a claim to the estate, you
would simply hand it over to him, and
thank him for taking it off your
]'hat's just where you are wrong,
governor. 1 would fight hlm, fair and
square, and'he would have to prove a
better claim than mine before he could
' but the point is this, don't you
know, you can fight better with your
head cool and your plans well laid be-
"The young man is right," said Mr.
Whitney, quickly; "there is every in-
dication that our opponent, whoever
or whatever he may be, is wen pre-
pared for contesting the case, 1 un-
derstand he has plenty of evidence on
his side and the best of legal counsel,"
"Evidence, I suppose," interposed
Ralph Mainwaring, with a sneer, "in
support of a document that never ex-
isted end a man that never lived on the
face of the arch; for Harold Mainwaring
never had a living `son, Have you seen
this remarkable individual?"
"I believe no one ip this country
has seen hint as yet, sir. lie is ex-
pected to arrive on the 'Umbria,' which
1 understand -is due the early part of
next week,"
The face of the other showed slight
surprise at this statement, but, before
he could speak, the young man in-
"1 say, Mr, Whitney, what sort of a
man is this attorney„ Sutherland? Is
he another Robson?"
Mr Whitney shook his head signi-
ficantly. "14tr. Sutherland is one of
the ablest taco) in his profession, 1
consider him a fine jurist, an eloquent
pleader,- and a' perfect gentleman. I
had souse conversation with him after
court adjourned, and while he, of
eour3e, stated no details, he gave ate
t0 understand that his client had a
strong case, He also informed me ilial
Barton & Barton, of London, had been
retained in this case, and that his
client would be accompanied to this
rev:lire llv, the holies member of 5111 a
Prevented by "Fruit -a -lives))
The Wonderful Fruit Niediellie
• 08 MAIsoxxl ovls Sr,, 1101:o, tluii,
"In my opinion, no other nledl01210
1s se good as c' rust-a-tivos' for
Indigestion and Constipation,
' Per years, I sufl°roil with those
dreaded diseases,'trylug all ]rinds of
treatments until X was told I• w116
One day a friend told me to try
Trutt -a -lives', To my surprise, • X
found this medicine gave immediate
relief, and in a short time I was ail
right again".
30e. a box, 6 for $2,60, trial size 213e,
At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tivos
Limited, Ottawa,
firm, Alfred Barton,"
"B1 Jove, that looksbad for
ejaculated young Mainwaring, •while his
father exclaimed, impatiently,—
"Barton & Bartjon? Impossible)
that is mere bombast) Why, man, the
Bartoas, father arid sons, have been the
family solicitors of the Malnwarings for
the past fifty years, The old. firm of
Barton & Sons had charge of the settle-
ment of the estate when it passed into
Hugh Mainwaring's possession at the
death of his father."
"So 1 had understood," said the at-
torney; "1 have heard Mr, Mainwaring
himself speak of them."
"And," Continued althq outer, "'Only
a few days before sailing for America,
Leaned at their chambers In London
and told thele of Hugh's intentions t'e•
ga8111li g nay son and received their COS.
gratalatlons, . Mow, sir, ado you mean
to tea me, in the face of all 1111x, that
Barton & Barton are retained by this
oulshroom claimant, whoever he is?
P00111 preposterous)"
Mr. Whiteley shook his head slow,.
ly,"Mr, Sutherland is not the man.
to make any misstatements or 1111ow
himself to be misinformed, All I have
to say is, if those attorneys are retained
in the case, it certainly looks as 11/00313
0111' oppolhent roast move 50518 tenable
ground in support of iris glair), 1 ant
inclined to think they will Make us a
hard fight, but 1 am confident that we
evil! win in the end. The 1111110 point is
Ms: we )rust be prepared to meet
them, on whatever ground they may
take, 'and, after hearing {hair side and
the proof they set up, we call easily
determine our One of defence,"
"To the deuce with your line of de-
fejcel I tell you, Whitney, there Is
just one point to be maintained, and,
by my soul, it shall be maintained at
any cost!" lire the speaker emphasized
his words by bringing his clinched
handdown upon a table -beside hila
with terrific force; "that point is this:
Harald Scott Mautovaring never had a
living, lawful sou; no such person ex-
ists, or never, Inas existed on the face
of the earth, and i can prove what I
"Have you absolute proof of that?"
Mr, Whitney inquired, quickly,
0'71884% neerhOabg;
The Great English* Remedy/. •
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervouesyetem, makes new Blood
in old Verne, Oul'ex Nmwons
Debi1•itg,1lfental anti Bain Worry, /MOW/.
tlencp, Lose of I:Sternr; Pafpitatinn of the
I/cult, Tailing .111e21101.24, Price 01 per box, nix
for Sao Ono will please, ma : will sure eg$old by all
diniggisim ur mailed in plain pkg, on receipt of
price. novo pamphlet mailed free. TUE W000
11,152101111E CO..TORONTO. ONT. LfarmelsMadier'
i"flet sdihy, OetcbSt' #11, t ttS
Positive Luxury in Infusion
Pure Tea, without adlrlaixture , .
of Any Kind, folreigui to its growth.
has the reputation of nearly a quarter of a
century behind everpacket old
Y sold easy
'el have," replied Ralph Mainwaring,
trivaaphantly, while his cold, calculat,
Ing gray eyes glittered like burnished 1
steel, "If any elan thinks 1 have been
asleep for the past twenty-one years,
lie is c,=urerey mistaken. Mr, Whitney,
since. the day of that boy's birth,"
pointing to his son, "I have had but
one fixed resolve, which bas•been pare-
mount to everything else, to which
everything else has hadtosubserve,--
the Mainwaring estate with its mil-
lions should one day be his. Not a
day has passed in which I have not
scanned the horizon in every direction
to detect the least shadow likely to
intervene between .me and the attain,
ment of the dearest object of my life.
When the news of Iiarold Mainwaring's
death reached Bngland, In order to
guard against the possibility of a claim
ever being asserted in that direction,
I set myself at once to the task of find -
'ng fora certainty whether or not he
had left any Issue. I never rested day
or night until, after infinite labor and
pains, I bad secured the certificate of
the attendant physician to the effect
that the only child of Harold Mainwar-
ing deed within as Hour from its birth.'
"Have you that certificate nowt" in-
quired the attorney,
"Not here; 1t 1s among my private
papers at home."
"Cable for it at once; with the death
(Continued next. week.)
Women tis o1 who aro !losing
weight :and energy who
look, hale ape fi ei l a ;uid--
nev tl o healthful effects sot
Urgent Sen of eo7 Meilaine to the World-'
Bold ..varywbero. to boxes, 26e.
Ir."111°17,111m n,.
why Canada must borrow
money to c krry on
Because Canada has put her hand
to the plow -and will not turn back:—
, —our country is in the war on the
side of liberty and justice and will stay
in it till complete victory is won and
the unspeakable Hun is smashed and
beaten to the ground;
—a nation at war must make tre-
mendous expenditures in cash to keep
up her armies and supply them with
Munitions, food and clothing;
—Canada must finance many mil-
lions of dollars of export trade in food,
munitions and supplies which Britain
and our allies must have on credit;
—for these purposes Canada must
borrow hundreds of millions of
And, this money must be borrowed
from the people of Canada:—
anada:Therefore, Canada will presently
come to her people for a new Victory
Loan to carry on.
+ + +
Canadians will loan the money by
again buying Victory Bonds.
The national safety, the national
honor and the national well-being
require that each and every Canadian
shall do hisduty by lending to the
nation every cent he can spare for this
Be ready when the call comes to see your
country through -in its great war work
Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee
in co-operation with the Minister of Finance
of the TJoniinion of Canada