The Clinton New Era, 1918-10-10, Page 51'iuu'st sly, October 10111, 1918 Safe Wakch. @ Our Watches are made of the beet ma- terial, beautifully fin- ished and stoutly constructed. Every- thing insures perm- ancy,and accuracy. OUR PRICES are postively LOWEST on the market, and our guarantee the broadest. Select your watch from us. JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses tC Market Reports ,logs 'titter 40c ggs 44-45 Wheat ' $2.11 1 ars' 65c to 70c iffiBuckwheat $t.25 Hay $9,0o to $10.00 :Bran $43.00 -Shorts $45.00 Millfeed $2.7$ cwt. • CLINTON MARKETS BANGER LURKS' IN jI'jC ,e People EERYONEOFijS,........................ ItI3 CiA801411,110 SA.VIMO We Are As Rill of Eoeadly To thepd11ol a' the New 14lvll Poisons As A Germ papa to oxpress hnr'soh' regavdiu€f gime- Laboratory. line sieving. 7' think R lb ,easy Lo Noe t14:1t'the towns people els to whole have been very patriotic in eb0ying Um re- +Ittest of the Fuel Moiled' but With the .. rulal stollens 1. do hot beli0va tote rp AUTO.I T H OXICATION 0U SELF q „the iuth eaneesslon or GodeIieh 'i'own- POISONING ship. 7araetleally tell too ears lull Cite .. - writer has obset' 'od: out on Sur da ' were 1 t ) 1 - .... 1'a1113Ui''a earls. Surely our ' farmers ' i are as patelottc as ant ono and will ob- "FRUIT•A-TIVES" Absolutely P. `serve the requeet to conserve In gaaoltne ' vents This Dangerous Condition Perini':mea feW lines to your worthy truest hoed been gOns2darod v0v untoh; One Suniiay u1g11 'Lhi'eo oar 1n elope 1 5ticoeaaton were no Igod turn Irg• down Tke chief cruse of floor bealtla is our neglect of the bowels. Waste matter, instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, is allowed to remain there, generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who is habitually constipated, is poisoning himself. We know now that Auk - intoxication, due to non -action of the bowels, is directly respo,Fsible for serious Kidney and llladderTroubles; that it upsets the Stomach, pauses Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum- atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, are relieved as soon as the bowels become regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, Eczema and other Skin Affections disappear when "fruit -a -fives" are. taken to correct Constipation. "Fruit-a-tives" will protect you against Auto -intoxication because this wonderful w dot I fruit medicine eats directly on all the eliminating organs. 60e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 26c. At alt dealers or sent on receipt of price byFruit-a-tives Limited,OttawA. 10 COMM ANDMENTS TO COMMANDMENTS, GUIDE WIVES ThelateQueenof Roumania, whose pen name was Carmen Sylvia, r S de w y , up ten commandments to help young woman who had just been married. (1) Never begin a quarrel, but if there is any disagreement do not give way until the matter has been put right. (2) Never forget that you are the $19:00 wife of a man and not. of a god, Do not worry''too' much over his weak- nesses, (3) Do not always be asking your husband for money. (4) •If you discover that your hus- band has a big heart, remember also that he has a stomach. Look well af- ter f ter his stomach: '(5) From time to time, but not too often, allow your husband to have the last word. That pleases' him and does not harm you. (6) Read all newspaper, not mere- ly the sensational bits. Your husband will willingly discuss with you politics' and the day's happenings, . (7) During a period of sulkiness do not vex your husband, (8) Pay your husband a compli- ment from time to time. At the same time let him understand that you yourself do not always steer: clear of mistakes. (9) If your husband is good arid active, be a comrade to him. If he is heavy and slow. be a friend and adviser to him. -(10) Above all show respect to your mother-in-law. 'Remember that your husband loved her before he lov- ed ou, THANKFUL MO [HER • Mrs, Willie Theriault, Pacquetville,. N. B., says "i am extremely thank- ful that 1 tried Baby's Own Tablets ,for iffy baby. Through their use baby thrived wonderfully and 1 feel as if 1 • cannot recommend them too highly." Baby's Own Tablets break up colds and simple fevers; cure constipation,, colic an 'd indigestion and make teething easy. In fact Alley cure all the minor, ills of little oiler, They are sold by 'medicine d'ealers or by mail at 38. cents a box from The Dr. Williams' -.Medicine Co Brockville Ont ••Y Mr, JosiahKestle has disposed of his 25 acre farm in the Townshipof Step- ' p ten, being Lof 23, Concession 8, to Mr. Wesley Wein, son of Mr. Gottfried "Wein. The price paid was $8,700 and possession'•will be given in March; Mr. Jas. S. Carr has said his 50 -acre farm on the 12th of East Wawanosh, to Messrs. Robt. Mowbray and Wm, Ar- j3uckle, jr., Mr, Mowbray taking the .buildings' and front 25 acres and Mr.- :.:Arbuckle the rear 25 acres. Bastions were invented by the ital= tan engineers of the sixteenth' cen- tury to prevent the enemy from col- lecting in the ditch around a fortified town, -The Porta Rica Government announc- ed that the sugar crop for 1918 is 453,796 short tons, as compared with 503,081 tons in 1917, a decrease of slightly over' ten .per cent, The pro- spect for- the 1919 crop indicate that there -will be a further reduction in the amount of sugar raised next year. cmlaunlpClen• When we think that out Gevol nor pelletal winced three. miles to church It is Surely not too mu00 10 ask our Chutoh 0oel•a to d0 like wise, - - .. COUNTY C01ttilWSl'ONDION'r .BEIWINI$CIINSES OF ,TOS. SC3 1VIfN, Tho following letter appeared In Tues. day's Globe and will recall to the mind er 1010ny -eld residents of those parts; the late Joe. Bert ell:— Po the Ildtlor of The Globe: 'Having noticed several reminiscences of ;Joseph 8oriven, hymn writer and . author of the 1'amtII, r and beautiful hymn, "What a 1,fend vve have in'Jesup,'' fn your paper T hog to offer my Ilt610 contribution and tribute. My father as a bqv in hisfather's home met and Icnehv Joseph Soriven end ro No the 1olowlg inrormation. about : At the trine the Grand Trunk Rlway was being limit through from Clinton to Goder'loh Aar, Striven bached' with another man .just across the road from us about a 1110 out from where the town of Clinton now stands o the Huron !toad between Clinton and Gods, - rich, Ho came there from Brantford, where he taught school for a 'while (night school), and was also for a time tutor to a gentleman's son.- 13e would go on Sundays and ]reach to the navvies working hog on the railroad, getting small thanks for his pales." My 'father said: "I have worked whole days with him and he has been in my father's house more than once. He was an Irishman of good fatally and education, being a graduate of '.Trinity College. Dublin. He cared Mho, how- ever, for this world's goods, and was - always readyandpleased to help others. In appearance he was a big man, of plea- sant countenance and bele god to the rellgloys sect called Plymouth Brethren. He lived there:about two years, beloved. all who knew hi f a v m for h h sg curiae piety." A lady whose mother knew Mr. Sei'tven in. Brantford just after they came to Canada and aftei'wrds 111 Clin- ton 01111 lives in the --home of her mother' near Clinton, where Joseph Striven has Silent nights with r. aP g her Parentis, the room be slept in still behh,, in Caat.. I3or Mother bore the following testimony: I never knew another person who avas as consistent a Christian. He would keep only .what' be barely deeded for necessl- tos, though pressed to take more. Ile disored not honor or any other worldy thing, but wished to he free to serve Ms Master with a pure conscience in a humble way. He used to write letters for us and was always so careful- to put Clown only what ho knew to be absolutely true about this country when letter's Wore sent to friends In the old land," This lady. thinks Mr, Scrven went to Port Hope from Clinton, A lady in Toronto who knew 311'.crt eh S g t when he was a child says was given money while 111 Port Hope to pay Ole way to .Toronto to attend a religious gathering, but meeting with a case of disress he gave away the money and walked from Port Hope to Toronto, Clinton, Ont. Elizabeth M. LIndsay 4• POETS, ATTENTION • The Dominion Press News and Fea- ture Committee of the Victory Loan 1918 organization announces a poem contest in connection with the coming campaign. 'Canadians with poetical talent are invited to submit offerings not exceeding 200 words, which will be judk'ed largely on their effective- ness as publicity designed to persuade Canadians to buy Victory Bonds, A prize of a $50.Oo bond of the new issue will be awarded for the hest poen, submitted, The' neate best 24 will be awarded 'special, mention and $5.00 will be paid those which the I colmnittee'decides to use in the course of the campaign, Professor M, W. Wallace of the' Toronto University and the editor of Victory Loan Na- tional Press News and Feature Service will be the judges. The committee offers to supply in- formation concerning the urgency of the situation necessitating . the . coin- ing loan, to all contestants who may apply to the committee's office, 15 King Street West, Toronto. , The contest closes on October 15tbr, and awards will be announced a few days later. , SERVICE We cordially invite you to our Garage where we are specially equipped to extend prompt and efficient Service. A full line of accessories and repairs carried Overhauling and Painting our Specialty. Phone 80. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY House Phone 140 Bicycles and Repairing—Bicycle and general repairing done by - competent workmen, Quick service always, 2nd HAND CARS FOR SALE 1 McLAUGHLJN 5 PASSENGER 1 STUDEBAKER, 7 PASSENGER 1 • MARATHON' ROADSTER a1 ' THE C I4TO,N NEW ERA. -What To JO PA ES.. In Case Of Wen A1\T 11VSU1IANCTI AfAN'S ADVICE 1'014 1103111, USltl_PREIC .U'1IONS -1N PIt7.\?1 i RIOBiD31IO LIS —'artNO f3 TO DO AND TO A'VO77J 0JNi3•;.._., 13UfNS 0f P11:RU13 DACUU1IES AND 111810'lli 1'it'mAT1117N'T, ; (Now YaI'k 'Butt') neve Is a ivlce rl'Olh all )11') 1).sn10.11 as to what to clo 111 ease of fire 111 year h01n0 and as t0 preceutons to take against. Oro, Considering the dangers and the 1redgent ooeurrence of fires In dwelling !louses he 00;05 it isamazing holy little' thou. ht 1s invert to fire proven. tion 111 gene'al� al113 t.0 the tn'ompt 'eX- tng'ulshnlent o1' small fires in private re., silences hi PnrtIceici'. 1l'ew hohtes pees - ass even the most primitive facilities for 01111(1(1? putting •001 a'fil•o, 'Water is the best of fire extinguishers, but the water nluet be at hand hl a readily; avnllablo receptable, Buckets Specially constructed with rounded. bot - tons.‘ -tills feature to lessen the chance of the buckets being utilized for house- hold purposes......_filled with Water and placed on a suitable. shelf, preferably In 1110 kitchen, .are the cheapest end most convenient fire extingelsbers, A bpeltot of water will do more geed thrown on to blaze 'with a dipper or with a broom thaw dashed on at once, Smother an ole fire with wet. rags, cloth, sand, ashes e1 frau,,. A little water thrown on burning oil will aggra- vate 1110 Ie. Doleotilrve flues 40 stovetsipoe,, over- heated stoves, open fireplaces, naked gas jets and earolessnes• with snatches and Inflammable ells are prolific causes o1' fires In private houses, 1f there are flues a.1 are cleiir hoof irwoodworkrhnand see that from cracks. An open fireplace should be Pro- tected with a wire amen, Open fires inalte an upward draught of air from the room, and this draught will draw light material into the flames if it comas near' enough. The dangers fromcarelessness with parlor 'matches are numerous. When scratched the head often explodes, •or the stick- breaks and the flaming head flies off to set fire to tiny Inflammable Material 11. drops on, the clothing of women and children Included„ A'Iatches left. lying • around where children .can reach them t OI en o•�where ergr may be blown or brushed off Co. ohohe -ground may cost dear. Don'tlightmatches in dark closets filled ivIOlhanging clothe*. 1latcihes should be kept La .metal receptacle, Inobghout dthte'i11 (louse. ind'Usernisafoty matches, They are just as cheap and. far less dangerous than Ute- parlor match, p o 10 1'P IL• should be your misfortune tont t have it oro In your home try to keep 0 cool head, tr the blaze burning start- ing throw water on the burning allb- stance, not nt the bla.zo, If you cannot extinguish the fire at a once o nt. h a ' nd then call the tire department. Make 1mooudrself familiar with the flredepart- depart- ment, call lit your immediate neighbor - Do not leave a door open /when you PIM to give the alarm. If the doors and windows are closed when a fire starts sometimes the fireman can reach the spot in thne to confine the lire to one room. After you have given the fire alarm work. at getting out: your things, If this can be done without clanger. Don't throw the clock out of the window and carry out the bedclothes. 1f amakelled in the night by the sin011 a, an alarm of fire don't wait to dress. Wrap yourself in a blanket or quilt from the bed and•eC g out the rlu gh. way. Shut the ,loons you pass through. tl If the fire is. on the first floor 1C is dangerous to go .upstairs for anything. You can get through a smoke lilted hall by dropping on your hands and kneesand crawling end you !night !'all choking if you ran, • :folding a wet towel or anything made of wool or oven a coat collar over the mouth lessens the danger or'injurhog the lungs frons inhaling hot smoke. Never jump froma window until an hope of resuce is lost. One should wait for help until scorched or badly chocking By that time the firemen will in all probabtlty be on the spot with rescuing adders or 11fe saving nets. . A person with clothing on Ore should not run or scream. Running fans the flames and screaming takes deep breaths, which drawthe heat Into the lunge. To extinguish the dames quickly wrap°•your- self in a blanket, rug, portiere or any - ting of a like character available and roll upon the floor. You can help yourself In this way better than by tieing water, which quickly .rns off: Any one seeing a person's clothes oil fire should so wrap and roll him. The, person whose clothing Is on fire hasusually to be thrown down by force, In conclusion a few hints 'an burns and their treatment may not be out of place. 13urns• are of three degrees. In burns of, the first degree only the outside of the Skin is affected. The burned place is red,' painfully hot and tender. To: stop the pain the air must be kept"away' horn it. Lint or cotton moistened with water to which has been added a little baking soda should be placed over Ise. burn and held by a bandage. If there is no soda use sweet ol1 or molasses. In burns of: the second degree there are blisters. Blistersare caused by water ff'om the blood being 'poured out to cool the spot. The skin over the blister should net be taken awal",but the water should be taken away by a needle griolt at the end. Burns or this kind should be covered by soft raga or cotton dipped in carron oli or with cloths sheared with tallow. Burns of the third degree take the life out of all the layers of the skin and sometimes out of the flesh under- neath. A deep burn should have the. care of a doctor immediately,- 'Until lie arrives the patient should be wrapped in a blanket or placed in e. bath -tub of warm water if the injuries are extensive. Exercise carefulness with fire. and fire. breeding materials. Carelessness is re- sponsible for more thati ane -ball' of 010 average 4200,000,000 direct loss. by fire In Lh0 United States annually. OTUDNG PEOPLE NEEDED The need for people to be healthy is urgent, Those whom illness has put outside the ranks of robust men and women feel their position keen- ly. They are handicapped in every walk of life and weak men and nerve -worn women need more earn- estly than ever to put their health right and become active and strong. Malty who began "patching" months ago are as 111 now as on the day they began vainly tinkering with common drugs. Every ailing man and wo- man should remember that the ills of debility, nerve exhaustion, indiges- tion, sleeplessness, neuralgia, and depression come from a faulty blood supply. Worry, over -work or other causes have impoverished the blood and left the life-strtaim impure, The nerves thereby are starving and the whale system is languishing for new blood. In this condition many thou- sands ' have won back strong nerves and new health and strength through the new ricll blood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually makes, In a weak or, bloodless condition it is not only a waste of time and moneyy,, but also a further menace to your heaitit to tinker with common drugs, Fol- low the example of so many thou- sands by giving Dr, iWillilms' Pink Pills a, Fair trial, and they will trend - form you into healthy, active, .men and woolen, You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr,. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Friends of Rev, and Mrs. T, J, Char- Ilan of Giencoe,' f0rnteriy of Mitchell, will deeply regret to leans that their sot, Blackburne R, B. Charlton, was probably a passenger on the steamship Gateway Castle h•,•pert,yed ,,,alt the Mise of Pah This is the ltiev, A. D. Meleod'e opinion of Zanl•B111r, This clergy - roan, who lives at )Iareourt, b,13„ writing to the proprietors, remarks upon the unusual 'popularity which lam-Bulr enjoys in the homes of the people of h1s parish, He says: • "I know •of noticing that can compare with it, Having charge of an extensive misslon, over which I travel constantly, Imneet with many pick and afflicted people, and I have boon amazed at the good which Zam-Bulc is doing daily. I have learned, as au absolute fact,- "that act,"that 'for 'ball, ulcers, old wounds, eczema and stun diseases of all hinds the healing !lowers of Zane- Buk are simply marvellous, For the painful ailment, Tiles, also, it is excellent. Many a doctor's bill is eaysd by' the use of Zam-Buk," For auto, -burns and scalds Zara. Bilk is equally good, Nothing ends pain and heals so quickly, 50e. box, 8 for $1,25. A11 dealers or Zam-Bak 'Gb„ Toronto. Send le - stamp for free trial box. l Best Cartoon Gets $50 Bond .fit $$# In connection with the cooling Vic- tory Loan campaign, the Dominion Press News and Feature Committee announce a cartoon contest. Artists are invited to submit sketches suitable for a two -column engraving, which will be judged on their merits as pub- licity calculated to assist in the sell- ing of Victory Bonds, The commit- tee offers a $50.00 bond of the new issue for the best cartoon, A number of car will1 p teen also be awarded spe- cial cial mention. The sketches submitted are to become the property of the committee and a nominal fee will be paid for anythat are used in the campaign. Mr, C. F, Crandall : managing editor of the Montreal Star, g ad the editor of Victory Loan National Press News and Feature Service will be the judges. The contest will close on October 15th, and awards wilt be announced a few days later. 11eeeee6•0008910ao CIIS•900VaMe e V Odds and Lids of Gounci • e ceuaeoue ocia®®eescrasoeseeee Pay street for September for the streets was 829'•03, S. J. Andrews was paid $10,18 for' tile. $14.45 was paid the Canada Ingot Iron Co., for auto street signs, The street lighting account for the month of September was $138,54 and $3.31 for lighting hall. Rent and account ter telephones was $11:95. Pay sheet for Property account was $7.S7; and for flags for Ball $1.50. W. J. Coats was paid 81.00' for draw- ing hose, 01, Carrick's salary for September was -paid $54,17. The salary of J: W. ' Shobbrook, of $50.00 for September was paid. For shovelling coal the Fuel Account was charged up with $1.13. Wilson Elliott was paid $3'.75 for lumber at cemetery and $1.00 for sharpening• axes.. Miss Hattie Greig was paid $1.00for typewriting law papers. J. W. •Shobbrook reported $21,50' for work at cemetery. Chief Wheatley reported ,$4,45 for market scales and $25,00' hal' rent, LOST A right hand undressed kid glove on Saturday evening, Sept. 2801. between ' 11,. Hill's hone and Elliott's Livery barn Finder please leave at New Era Office, PIGS FOR SALE. Things you will Need in the I Summer done ---and the 1'nind of the !louse- -. keeper turns to getting her home anti family reedy:for the new and cooler season Don't forget that our counters, our assistants ' are here ready to het you.Full stoc cs--pr'- p ) j ampt and, courteous service- Right1? rices, See the fall number of the New Idea Quart- erly, just out. This smart, attractive style book 8264—Ladles' Draw on sate at our New Idea Pattern Department. sixes 34, ae say 40, p 4b2tst 44m, 4ea6 lasure.ches bu, O Small Prolits Phone 25. More Business THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS MUSIC. LESSONS Miss Edna McCaughey Is prepared to take a limited number of pupils for pilulo at her home, Huron street Pu- pils prepared for Toronto or London Conservatory examinations. Phone 58, ENGINES FOR SILQFILLING WATERLOO BOY TRACTORS— Just what I t t you need eed f or Silo Filling, Threshing, Plowing, 'Cultivating, 'Bis- cing or any work on farm, We have them in stock for immediate delivery, Rebuilt Steam fraction Engines, 20 h. P18n.p17 h.P• and 16 i,p Port- able rf_ab,e Rebuilt Engines from 12 h.p. up- wards. Separators from 24 inches x 40 inches for individual farmer, All for immediate delivery, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario. , NOTICE TO Consumers of Coal in Hullett TIl :del; u e el Coltrolier For Ontario has appointed 315 tons 01 coal for IIu•llett. Persons wanting coal must apply to Wm. Jamieson, jr., or John Fingland, Londeseboro, who have been appofnted Fuel Commissioner fr Bullet on or be- fore October 30th, 1943, No person having a supply of wood or other fuel need apply, BY ORDER OF HULLETT COUNCIL FOR SALE. • ffouse and lot on Huron st., 1101V occupied by Mrs. John Scruton, for sale, cheap for cash. Stable and shed on property, Apply to WILLIAM COATS, Godeeieh. SECURiTIES FOR SALE. The Administrator of the Estate of Alice M. Fowler deceased offers for sale the following. securities• at lowest market prices: War Saving Certificate $. 25.00 3 War Savings Certificates each 100.00 Town of Wetland Debentures 1000.00 Town of Hespler: Debentures 500.00 William Davies Ltd, Debentures 500.00 Western Canada Flour Mills, Ltd. Debentures: 500.00 Dominion of Canada, War Loan 300.00 The above will be sold at rates to net the purchaser froth 5 s% to 7% per annum. Apply to. R. E. MANNING, Administrator W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. A four number of Yorkshire pigs for sale weeks old. Apply to William Bedour, Clinton, R.R. 2 Phone 12 on 602. AUCTION SALE of • Horses, Cows, Heifers, Calves and Pigs, ' Thomas Gundry has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 45, Bayfield Road, 154 utiles below Clinton on Thursday, October 31st at 1 o'clock sharp, the following:— HORSES- 1 good work horse, 6 years old; 1 good driving horse. CATTLE -1 cow, 5 years old, due in May; 1 Cow, 6 years old, with calf at foot; 1 cow, 9 years old, due in March; 1 cow, 8years old, due in Mny; 1 cow, 6 years old, good milker; 1 cow, 10 years old, due in April; 1 2 - year -old heifer, with calf at foot; 2 black .heifers to calve in February; 2 Durham heifers -t0 calve in February; 2 gray heifers to calve in February; i H'olstetn heifer to calve in I'ebruary; 2 Hereford heifers to calve in March; 5 Steers, good feeders, 2 years old; 4 Yearlings; 3 good spring cltives; 1 brood sow, first litter; 7 young pigs, 7 weeks old at time of sale; 1 steer calf top buggy nearly new; The above is a choice lot and in prime condition. GUARANTEE -Any cow or heifer proving -not to be with calf within 30 days of time of sale note or money will be refunded. PERMS— All sums of $5.00 and under, cash, Over that amount 6 monthls credit will be given on furnish- ing approved joint notes or a discount of 6% per anunnn for cash on credit amounts, Pigs to be cash, All stock to be settled' for before leaving prem - 1540, R. A. ROBERTON, 'rilOS. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer, WANTED .. Mau wanted. fol night shift to assist repair sten on Shell ,Machinery, One Who can lace belti and'do general re- pairing to countershafts, line shafts, etei,, preferred. Apply at Once to Tine Robt iOoll Ergine & Thresher C., ::aa rth, Ontario. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. -Phone 14-638 W. MARQUIS Clinton, Ontario FOR SALE S -roomed house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at This Bank, VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % • W, BRYDONE, 'Clinton FOR SALE One Huron Raiige,• 3, in good con- dition. An excellent baker. Also Go Cart; Several screen doors, and 40 feet of chicken wire. Cheap if taken at once. W. S. DOWNS Onthrio & William Sta. REA Wanted Call at Mr. Watson's Grocery store and get a can 6, 8, or 10 gal, cans partly or fill then, 1 will test and pay for each can sap- erately, every week and give you the price for the following week. Highest prices and a square deal guaranteed. Cream received at Summerhill store any day, I. L,. f %9n• Phone 8 on 166, B. License, No, 5.10532, A Desirable Property For Sale A two storey brick resideence on Huron street, just West of the Baptist church Good cellar and furnace; also the one storey cottage for sale or to rent on Rattenbury street, west of the English Church. For particulars ap- ply to Mrs. D. McCoryie, at the kluron St., residence. WANTED Capable maid for general housework Small bungalow. Every convenience, Highest wages, two people,. Ie , Apply MRS. BOX, 25 Golthic Avenue, Toronto, or Phone Junction 1504, To- ronto. For Sale A good frame barn 28x40. Apply to C. J. Wallis. JUST A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GiANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE. SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have on stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed,; which we are selling at reasonable• prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Huh Choice) and also our usu8l line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. w.Jenkans&:Son.. FLOUR. AND FEED Phone 199. Residence 1 on 1471 R TRUNK S " M HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA 'Che home of the Red Deer and Moose OPEN SEASONS. DEER—November 1st to November • 15th inclusive. MOOSE—November 1st to November 15th inclusive. In some of the: northern; Districts of Ontario including 19magami and the territory north 0116 south of the Canadian Government Rail- way from the Quebec to Mani - tuba Boundary open season for Moose is from October 1st to November 30th inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgrounds— the Haunts of Fish and Game", giving Game Laws, 1•Iunting Regulations, etc., to C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Union Station., Torooto, Ont, John Ransford tic Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A. 0. Pattison, station agent. Suffered Creat Agony., Pains in the Stomach For Over Three Years. Miss Dorothy Clark, Kouehibouguao N.B., writes; "For over three years 11 suffered great agony from pains in the stomach. I tried several remedies, but got no relief until a friend advised me to take Milburn's Laxa-Livor Pills, I started with two vials, and before 1 had one quite used I found much relief. I continued until 1 used four vials, and they have completely cured me. That was fourteen months ago, and I have not had the slightest return since. The best praise I can give them is not enouggh." Most of the misery and ill -health that humanity is burdened with arise from disorders of the stomach, liver• and bowels. 10 ,you aro feeling out of sorts, have pains in the stomach, especially after eating, bilious spells headaches, sotu'sternaeh,noatodtongue, a tterbrnsb, etc,,' you should hike a few closre of Mil- burn'a Loot:Liver Bile, Yon will be sury; rased how quickly they will fix you up ' 1Vtilburn's Laxa-Livor Pills are 26e, a vial at all dealers or mailed direct 0n re- eeipt dfrico by The T. Milburn 00,, .Limited, Toronto, Ont.