HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-3, Page 6PAGI E af. H' E. 1NTON NEW ERA asA44,1 e,ae. 44aa6A11,444444•,44444 4pae44e444 44, 4441,4 40044 uy them nw A dress or, suit --no matter how good its style and tail- oring ---is no better than its cloth. A little stretching, a few wrinkles,. will ruin the most fashionably cut, finely tailored gown ever made. Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a piece of dress goods by inspecting a piece of the cloth. But when that cloth is made up into a garment, its quality quickly showsto everybody. Every piece of • Dress Goods sold at BROWN'S is guaranteed all -silk, all -wool, or silk -and -wool as the case may be ---its high quality showsin the long wear of the garment as well as inthe beauty of the cloth. Well-dressed women have learned that they can rely absolutely upon the quality of all dress goods bought at Women's Store ' Wlen's Store Next Royal Bank Opposite Library Phone 67 BRowNPhone 103 ler 000000 l■(000DKMlK0jK0000ifl[lK0l[00 Fall Millinery Display Now Being Shown ( Xyl No one need have her individual taste unsatisfied this season, for every model has a different line. The short rolled back with wide front is a generally becoming shape; another close to left side with wide right effect; slashed brims in diff- • erent. styles. The rolling brim sailor, also the turban; are featured this season. Crowns are soft and O draped; soft brims are favored. • You are coa:daily iiIVHici to at- • tend f, - O MISS ILA BAWDEN Clinton 1' 0 0 ,)4 000 MO t 000 fa" 0010 Cli 2.tts n Flour ills I do not sell any bran or shorts but what I make myself. It is clean and whole- some as there is not any dirt ground in with them. Following are prices at the mill:— Bran 170 per 100 lbs. Hhorts 100 North Star 5 00 " 98 " Maple Leaf PHONE NO, 8. - CANADA FOOD LICENSE NO, 4.376. 550" JOHN SCHOENHALS Patrio tc Legtuxo Rev, J. W. Spence, of Chatham, will give a Patriotic address, on "Our iini- hire" iu Owen Me130ria1 Hall, under the auspices of the Children of the Public School, Proceeds for Patriot'ic purposes 00 Wednesday evening, Oct Gone to the Hunting Ground Last Saturday Mr, 13d, Johnson's ;fancy hound was sent to --""the happy hunting ground, by being shot by a limiter while on a fox hunt. it is rumored that some le_'gal questions may have to be settled over the shooting. Minot`•. Locals • •••••.•60.0000•0•••• • • • WITH THIP CHURCHES. • 0 • Ontario Street Church, Rev. A. J. Langford, of Mitchell, will preach anniversary sermons in this church on October 27111, Rev, J. E. Ford, of Goderich, will occupy the pulpit for the next two Sundays owing to the Pastor's absence at General Conference. Salvation Army. Treas. Sumners, of Stratford, will conduct the services in the Salvation. Army Citadel, October 6th, 'Do not forget the harvest sale on Monday, October 7th. Bring your purses as you are sure to see some- thing you want. Everybody welcome. Baptist Church The Revival Meetings close*Siniday night next. The Thursday and Triday meetings begin at 7:45. The services on Sunday will com- mence at 11 a, m. and 7:3 Or .. -- -•' -4T1'n"-sen'd,:v ''.•ehool opens in the afternoon on Sunday next at 2:30. • Wesley Chorea, Next Lord's Day will be a general Young People's Day, Rev, C, R: Durrant, of Teeswhter, will preach morning and evening and address the Sunday School in the after- noon. On Monday evening Mr. Durrant will give a Travelogue illustrated by one hundred fine stereopticon views on eleven years experience- as a Miss- ionary in Newfoundland. Silver cot. lection. All are welcome. Mrs. Eddie Shepherd, of the Toronto Conservatory, will assist in a special song service 'Thanksgiving Sunday in Wesley Church The first half hour, from 7 to 7.30 p. in., will be given over to the song service and the choir will give several special numbers. Miss Greene of Clinton, and others will assist. La grippe is bothering a number in town, The New Era gives the news. 25 cants in advance gets it to January 1st 1919, — TryThe New Era for neat and tasty Job printing. A Service Family . From a Jacksonville, Fla., paper, we take the following short note which re- fers to a former Clintonian Mrs Ho- ward Humphreys, of the city, has the distinction of having a son, Sergeant Kelse Hamilton Humphreys, in the army, and five cousins, all of the same family in the British army. The cou- sins are Clarkes, and among then are a second lieutenant, first lieutenant, adjutant, captain and major. Mrs. Humphreys has six cousins besides these in .the British army and all have won distinction, •The Molson's Bank Pig Club Last Saturday was shipping day for the Moison's Bank Pig 'Club and 3t was a big day for the children, Over 52 pigs were sold last April and we are informed•that the children will net a- bout $30 over and above expenses. The following prizes were won by: Largest Hog raised by a boy, Russel Jervis, R. R. N. a, Clinton. Largest hog raised by a girl, Marion McDougall, R, R. No 1, Clinton. Best Type Fat Hog, Annie Shob- brook, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, Best Type Bacon 1 -log, Emily Hunter, R. R. No, 5, Clinton, Composition on "l -low 1 raised my Pig ":- 1 irst, Marion McDougall, R. R. No. 1, Goderich, Second, Josie Mann, R, .R, No. 2, Clinton, Third, Edwin Cartwright, R, R, No. 1, Londeseboro, Let's all get Busy. Ontario St. Church The Epworth League motored down to the House of Refuge last Monday evening and entertained the inmates to an excellent programme and treat. Readings were given by Mrs. MacMur- ray, Miss. Pearl Shipley and Miss Mary Holland. Miss Marion Gibbings sang a solo and with Beatrice Jervis, Vera Stephenson and May Holland rendered a chorus. 'i'he choir of the House gave two 'selections. Short speeches . b S. H. Graham and Mr, Charles Holland. Mr. Brown, the keeper thanked the Leaguers for their kindness. A .nu1n- ber of selections on the gramophone and the singing of Patriotic songs was much enjoyed by the inmates. All Leaguers are requested to be on hard for Roll Call next Monday night when the Christian Endeavor Com- mittee will be in charge. were given y Messrs, S, 13, Stothers, Arch Meeting Viers will' be a big Arch meeting on Friday evening, October 11 in the L. O. Lall, 1t is reported, that several Alwigo "over the top." Very few out Sunday was the third gasless Sunday in Clinton, and reports from all over the town speak of practicallyuniversal observance of the governmental re- quest. Cement The Carload of Canada Cement has arrived at our ware- house. 111* SOLE AGENT FOR SCRANTON •& D; H. & COAL TERMS -- Strictly Cash. A. J. Hollow- ter.. . RHONE 3rq e s 1j Thursday; October, 311d, 1918 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVV,YL/TYVYYVY‘vrirpfVVVVt"v5Vrf The gardens were toughed up with J ick Frost Monday horning of t111s week, Old. Time October 27 •Ottawa, Sept, 23.—Collado will re- sume ordlsary time at 2 it. uJ. October 27th; All clacks will at that timebe put back 60 minutes, Badly Scaldedp While oiling the' engine of W, Cole's on Monday Gordon Livermore was bad- ly scalded in the face when mi oil cup exploded. He is doing as wall as can' be expected,' but h,ts to take enforced - holidays. Some "Puffball" Mr, Alvin Leonard, Huron Road, left in 't1 Puffball this morning that was a "peach," It weighed 8 % lb s , and measured 36 inches one - way and 33 inches the other, It was in The New Era windowfor inspection, Improvements The frame part of the Commercial Hotel will receive a coat of paint, A new roof has been put on part of the big mill. The house oocupied by Mrs. T, Mc- Kenzie, jr., is receiving a coat of paint. Wreck••on Lake. Huron The steamer Mariposa is believed to have foundered on Lake Huron. Word was received Monday •afternoon from Goderich, Ont. that hatch covers, life preservers and wreckage bearing the steamer's name is coning ashore there, • Coming Hone Lieut. George McTaggart, M. C, is on his way home to visit his parents, Mr and Mrs, 0, D. McTaggart. The young officer has been on the Italian front with the Imperial forces for -some, time, The young oflicer's many friends wilt be glad to see hint, Wins His D. C. M. Word has been received that Pte. Lock Cree, who left here with the 161st Battalion has won his disting- uished Conduct Medal, on the battle- field, Pte. Cree has been with the Transport Company and his dutie6 calls him into danger zones all the time. We hope our townsman will come back to wear his ribbon, "Fruit and Pickle Shower" On Saturaday, October 5th the Wo- men's Institute are having a "Fruit and Pickle Shower" to be sent to the Bel- gian Sanitarium for our Returned Sold- iers. All in town and country who are willing to donate to this "shower" —kindly leave at Roy Ball's Studio on the above date, Mrs, Munroe, President Mrs, Fowler, Secretary. Let every citizen join in- the work on Fire Prevention Day, October 9th, Let us make our town. as clean and attrac- tive, as safe from lire, and as free from disease as any city in the Province. The success of the "Clean -Up" depends upon everyone taking part, Many dis- astrous fires are caused by the accumu- lation of rubbish—papers, boxes, etc. —about houses, in attics, cellars and W. F. A. Meets At Gait yards. 'fliis is a business proposition Secretary Chas. Hollins of the W. as "'ell as a hatter of civic pride and F A, announces that a meeting will be health. A thorough observance of this held at Galt in the Y. M, C. A. build - "Clean -Up" Day may • prevent a con- ing on Thanksgiving Day, October 14. flagration that would wipe out a good —The gathering is open to all soccer part of the town. Such conflagrations enthusiastists, and a series is planned are frequently occurring. They are for this autumn, A challenge for the often caused by just such conditions ' Hough Cup, now held by the Listowel as this "Clean -Up" is intended to re- High School, was received by Secre- move, Let everbody get busy and help tory Hollins from the Wingham High to remove the possible cause of such School. Dates for the series will be a disaster in their hoose town. if arranged immediately and additional Dohert 's Won I challenges from high school teams wel- t' 1 corned. Frust Just to finish off the celebration on' A Jubilation Hold Tuesday afternoon, the factory base-1The Doherty Piano employees de - in team defeated the C. C. 1., boys i cided that they would empceleloyees the fn a . innings itch by a score of 13 I collapse of Bulgaria, just like the time fort Kiltie bitched, for 5 innings of the Boer war, and with the Kiltie wthe school boys and went theh the loset ' Band left the factory at 1 o'clock and two, while Cooper whole game for the Piano pushers, Some innings were very ragged, while others were played right up • to National League standard. Mr. Graham of the C, C. 1, staiF was umpire. Following was the line up:— DOHERTY R 0 Deeyes, 3b 2 2 McDermott, ib 2 a Draper, ss 1 2 Dickson, 213 ; ;0 4 71reDonaid,ef ,1 2 1 Cooper, ,p 2 Lawrence, c 0 I{enne ly, t`P 1;13 4 3 Shrink, e . 3 1 a Livermore,°it ;3 1 if 1 2 13 21 Score by innings:__ Doherty's C. O. 1. C. C. x Wallis, Sb 2 Evans, 1b •;1 'klatch, of ; • 2 Murphy, 2b •;2 RIlty, p ,,;,2 en -Reynolds, i'f, ;1 .Elliott. ss , , .1 Stewart, marched to the school of Commerce, got the pupils and then headed by the Union Jack marched to the Public School where the procession was join- ed by the scholars and the C, C. I. pupils, then the Jacksonites lined up, and last but not least the Knitting Fac - 92: tory bunch. Between spasms the old 3 Fire bell was worked to the limit, At 2 ( the Postofce square, led by the Band, the school children sang "01 Canadal" and "Rule Britannia.' The Doherty factory whistle was blown for nearly half an hour. Everybody hopes the good work will continue and that in 132121 a week or so we can celebrate the fall of Turkey and Austria and than the 1 0 1 0 5 3 3.-.13 Kaiser will see that he has been select - 4 510002......12 ed for the "goat," , FIRE PREVENTION Extracts from PROCLAMATION issued by His Honour the Lieutenant -Governor of the Province of Ontario. Whereas next to the care of those who are offering their lives on the front line of battle, the conversation of all our energies and substance is our most important problem; And whereas tite saving of human life, thrift, and the prevent - tion of loss of property through destruction by firel is in and aid which every one should give willingly to the community at large; And whereas the reckless and inlpoverishing fire waste that con - rants the people of our Province is appalling, a 5 5 Therefore, believing that the loss can be minimized only by awakening in the public mind a universal watchfulness. against care- essness accumulation of rubbish and unsanitary conditions; and Because of this great need and in order to arouse a sense of watchfulness, -carefulness and cleanliness, and to create a greater personal resonis p ility b y in reducing the number of preventable fires; We have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Exectutive Council for Our Province of Ontario, to name, and do hereby name Wednesday, the 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918 AS- • - FIRE PREVENTION DAY And We do hereby urge that on this clay, throughout our Pro. vinee of Ontario, attention be called. in schools and public places to the conditions that exist awd to the need of immediate action and co. operation on tife part. of everyone; and special exercises, addresses and other means be employed to impress on the publi• mind lessons of Fire Prevention. * * To insure the success of this great Clean-up Campaign it will be necessary to have the hearty and harmonious co-operation of all a ,a e - who have fOr their objects civics social and indus- trial betterment, .s * The Proclamation should be read in all Schools and at Pubilc Gatherings, Ogled of the File Marshal of Ontario, GEORGE F. LEWIS Department of the Attorney General Deputy l'ire Marshal Toronto, Sept, 21st, 1913. c Be ready when the belt -nags ---We are ready for you with a complete assortment of general supplies as well as all regular text books. We invite you to bring your needs to us algid have them satisfied. The W. D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest --Always the Best A . Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation Good Pictures— All these are assured when you purohase .aKoda!i Anybody can take good pictures with tiKodak-or Blrownie. We - have them from $1.00 up. Corrie in and let us show you how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and g1laraptee good results -4 ;yrt– H2OV" Despensing Chemist The Features of Our rnitt ie . To which weinvite special attention, are its beauty, its assured eolufort,fte solid coustructiou, ..and its below the• usual prices.. Any one of these points'. would be sufficient to earn it your preference, When they are all coal- bined we feel sure, you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor• tunity you cannot afford to ignore x^ '7 l'ndertalcer and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Niglet and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store >� L ,Y are with us again and there is very few who does not enjoy a good cup of Warn1•Tea to keep us warm and is very invigorating. This week we will offer you Black or Mixed Tea ,that is an axcellent draw and extra good qual- ity as Special Price. BLACK OR MIXED 65c per lb. 5 lb for $3.00 some extra good special and ones you can save s0111e money by buying now in LAUNDRY AND TOILET SCAPA, LAUNDRY SOAP 3 Bars for 20c or 15 Bars for $1,001 3 CAKES TOILET SOAP @ 255e BE FARSIGHTED AND GET SOME AT THESE PRICES CAUSTIC SODA for making HOME. And also as we are going to give MADE SOAP , .. 18c er 15. 5 tins 90e HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7241 JOHNSON & eo. TERMS—SETTLEMENT OF ALL ACCOUNTS TWICE A MONTH—PHONE 1+14 PHQNE ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO —_��. - . The Corner Grocery Cold Weather Is Corning Be prepared by having your old furnace overhaul- ed or a new one installed by T. Hawkins Phone° 63 Agent for HECLA Furnaces Shop–over Rowland's Hardware p Piping And Fittings Always On Hand. "LIVE AND LET LIVE" HOW ABOUT BAKED BEANS FOR LUNCH? The chidren come home from school hungry as ].ears, and you want something to satisfy yet not, make a lot of work for you hi the middle of the day. Baked Beans, are easily prepared and served,. nutritious and appetizing mad e- conomical. We have a good as- sortment to choose from, SPECIALS Peaches Grapes Celery and Tomatoes , E. E. lunniford' BUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canadian Food Control License. No. 8-3123. PHONE 45 8 5 tr as s t4 .f• •r 5 * * MONEY FOR YOU Look around in your attic or store room and you will find long -forgotten articles, use- . less to you, but very useful to otters. Turn these articles into cash or swap thein for something useful. An ail. in The New Era will tell hundreds about 1t, 5 ar ,w 5 r e t 4 Y 4 'R` !P 4 4 'di` 6 NEW SCHEN/LE Trains from East. Arrives 11.10 a.m. Leaves 11.10 a.m. Arrives 6.08 p.m. Leaves 6.45 pont, Arrives 11.18 pan Leaves 11,18 pad. Trains from West Arrives 6.18 a.m, Leaves 6.18 a.m, Arrives 2.58 pin, Leaves 2.58 p.1n:. Trains from North Arrives 7.33 a,ni. Leaves 7.50 a.m. Arrives 4.15 p.in. Leaves 4.15 p.nt Trains from South Arrives 10.315 a.ni. Leaves 11,tI &,m. Arrives 4.10 p.at. Leaves 6.40 pain, THE DIFFERENCE IN SHOES! TH E Difference between the sort of shoes we sell and the "Other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to any- one who compares our "GOOD SHOES" with "Just Shoes!" Our Better Shoes! - Our Shoes are built up to a standard and Not Down to a Price!. The result is that our shoes are more econ- omical than uncertain Shoes. They wear so much longer and look so much better than "Bargain Shoes," that they are a Better Investment Dollar for Dollar, than any shoes which sell for Less money. , The true test of Shoe value is not the First, Cost, but the final cost --- not what they cost Per Pair, but what they cost per Year.. It is upon this simple test of value that the successful growth. of our Shoe Business is based. FRED. J_K. V :rum PRACTICAL SHOEMAN Patrio tc Legtuxo Rev, J. W. Spence, of Chatham, will give a Patriotic address, on "Our iini- hire" iu Owen Me130ria1 Hall, under the auspices of the Children of the Public School, Proceeds for Patriot'ic purposes 00 Wednesday evening, Oct Gone to the Hunting Ground Last Saturday Mr, 13d, Johnson's ;fancy hound was sent to --""the happy hunting ground, by being shot by a limiter while on a fox hunt. it is rumored that some le_'gal questions may have to be settled over the shooting. Minot`•. Locals • •••••.•60.0000•0•••• • • • WITH THIP CHURCHES. • 0 • Ontario Street Church, Rev. A. J. Langford, of Mitchell, will preach anniversary sermons in this church on October 27111, Rev, J. E. Ford, of Goderich, will occupy the pulpit for the next two Sundays owing to the Pastor's absence at General Conference. Salvation Army. Treas. Sumners, of Stratford, will conduct the services in the Salvation. Army Citadel, October 6th, 'Do not forget the harvest sale on Monday, October 7th. Bring your purses as you are sure to see some- thing you want. Everybody welcome. Baptist Church The Revival Meetings close*Siniday night next. The Thursday and Triday meetings begin at 7:45. The services on Sunday will com- mence at 11 a, m. and 7:3 Or .. -- -•' -4T1'n"-sen'd,:v ''.•ehool opens in the afternoon on Sunday next at 2:30. • Wesley Chorea, Next Lord's Day will be a general Young People's Day, Rev, C, R: Durrant, of Teeswhter, will preach morning and evening and address the Sunday School in the after- noon. On Monday evening Mr. Durrant will give a Travelogue illustrated by one hundred fine stereopticon views on eleven years experience- as a Miss- ionary in Newfoundland. Silver cot. lection. All are welcome. Mrs. Eddie Shepherd, of the Toronto Conservatory, will assist in a special song service 'Thanksgiving Sunday in Wesley Church The first half hour, from 7 to 7.30 p. in., will be given over to the song service and the choir will give several special numbers. Miss Greene of Clinton, and others will assist. La grippe is bothering a number in town, The New Era gives the news. 25 cants in advance gets it to January 1st 1919, — TryThe New Era for neat and tasty Job printing. A Service Family . From a Jacksonville, Fla., paper, we take the following short note which re- fers to a former Clintonian Mrs Ho- ward Humphreys, of the city, has the distinction of having a son, Sergeant Kelse Hamilton Humphreys, in the army, and five cousins, all of the same family in the British army. The cou- sins are Clarkes, and among then are a second lieutenant, first lieutenant, adjutant, captain and major. Mrs. Humphreys has six cousins besides these in .the British army and all have won distinction, •The Molson's Bank Pig Club Last Saturday was shipping day for the Moison's Bank Pig 'Club and 3t was a big day for the children, Over 52 pigs were sold last April and we are informed•that the children will net a- bout $30 over and above expenses. The following prizes were won by: Largest Hog raised by a boy, Russel Jervis, R. R. N. a, Clinton. Largest hog raised by a girl, Marion McDougall, R, R. No 1, Clinton. Best Type Fat Hog, Annie Shob- brook, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, Best Type Bacon 1 -log, Emily Hunter, R. R. No, 5, Clinton, Composition on "l -low 1 raised my Pig ":- 1 irst, Marion McDougall, R. R. No. 1, Goderich, Second, Josie Mann, R, .R, No. 2, Clinton, Third, Edwin Cartwright, R, R, No. 1, Londeseboro, Let's all get Busy. Ontario St. Church The Epworth League motored down to the House of Refuge last Monday evening and entertained the inmates to an excellent programme and treat. Readings were given by Mrs. MacMur- ray, Miss. Pearl Shipley and Miss Mary Holland. Miss Marion Gibbings sang a solo and with Beatrice Jervis, Vera Stephenson and May Holland rendered a chorus. 'i'he choir of the House gave two 'selections. Short speeches . b S. H. Graham and Mr, Charles Holland. Mr. Brown, the keeper thanked the Leaguers for their kindness. A .nu1n- ber of selections on the gramophone and the singing of Patriotic songs was much enjoyed by the inmates. All Leaguers are requested to be on hard for Roll Call next Monday night when the Christian Endeavor Com- mittee will be in charge. were given y Messrs, S, 13, Stothers, Arch Meeting Viers will' be a big Arch meeting on Friday evening, October 11 in the L. O. Lall, 1t is reported, that several Alwigo "over the top." Very few out Sunday was the third gasless Sunday in Clinton, and reports from all over the town speak of practicallyuniversal observance of the governmental re- quest. Cement The Carload of Canada Cement has arrived at our ware- house. 111* SOLE AGENT FOR SCRANTON •& D; H. & COAL TERMS -- Strictly Cash. A. J. Hollow- ter.. . RHONE 3rq e s 1j Thursday; October, 311d, 1918 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVV,YL/TYVYYVY‘vrirpfVVVVt"v5Vrf The gardens were toughed up with J ick Frost Monday horning of t111s week, Old. Time October 27 •Ottawa, Sept, 23.—Collado will re- sume ordlsary time at 2 it. uJ. October 27th; All clacks will at that timebe put back 60 minutes, Badly Scaldedp While oiling the' engine of W, Cole's on Monday Gordon Livermore was bad- ly scalded in the face when mi oil cup exploded. He is doing as wall as can' be expected,' but h,ts to take enforced - holidays. Some "Puffball" Mr, Alvin Leonard, Huron Road, left in 't1 Puffball this morning that was a "peach," It weighed 8 % lb s , and measured 36 inches one - way and 33 inches the other, It was in The New Era windowfor inspection, Improvements The frame part of the Commercial Hotel will receive a coat of paint, A new roof has been put on part of the big mill. The house oocupied by Mrs. T, Mc- Kenzie, jr., is receiving a coat of paint. Wreck••on Lake. Huron The steamer Mariposa is believed to have foundered on Lake Huron. Word was received Monday •afternoon from Goderich, Ont. that hatch covers, life preservers and wreckage bearing the steamer's name is coning ashore there, • Coming Hone Lieut. George McTaggart, M. C, is on his way home to visit his parents, Mr and Mrs, 0, D. McTaggart. The young officer has been on the Italian front with the Imperial forces for -some, time, The young oflicer's many friends wilt be glad to see hint, Wins His D. C. M. Word has been received that Pte. Lock Cree, who left here with the 161st Battalion has won his disting- uished Conduct Medal, on the battle- field, Pte. Cree has been with the Transport Company and his dutie6 calls him into danger zones all the time. We hope our townsman will come back to wear his ribbon, "Fruit and Pickle Shower" On Saturaday, October 5th the Wo- men's Institute are having a "Fruit and Pickle Shower" to be sent to the Bel- gian Sanitarium for our Returned Sold- iers. All in town and country who are willing to donate to this "shower" —kindly leave at Roy Ball's Studio on the above date, Mrs, Munroe, President Mrs, Fowler, Secretary. Let every citizen join in- the work on Fire Prevention Day, October 9th, Let us make our town. as clean and attrac- tive, as safe from lire, and as free from disease as any city in the Province. The success of the "Clean -Up" depends upon everyone taking part, Many dis- astrous fires are caused by the accumu- lation of rubbish—papers, boxes, etc. —about houses, in attics, cellars and W. F. A. Meets At Gait yards. 'fliis is a business proposition Secretary Chas. Hollins of the W. as "'ell as a hatter of civic pride and F A, announces that a meeting will be health. A thorough observance of this held at Galt in the Y. M, C. A. build - "Clean -Up" Day may • prevent a con- ing on Thanksgiving Day, October 14. flagration that would wipe out a good —The gathering is open to all soccer part of the town. Such conflagrations enthusiastists, and a series is planned are frequently occurring. They are for this autumn, A challenge for the often caused by just such conditions ' Hough Cup, now held by the Listowel as this "Clean -Up" is intended to re- High School, was received by Secre- move, Let everbody get busy and help tory Hollins from the Wingham High to remove the possible cause of such School. Dates for the series will be a disaster in their hoose town. if arranged immediately and additional Dohert 's Won I challenges from high school teams wel- t' 1 corned. Frust Just to finish off the celebration on' A Jubilation Hold Tuesday afternoon, the factory base-1The Doherty Piano employees de - in team defeated the C. C. 1., boys i cided that they would empceleloyees the fn a . innings itch by a score of 13 I collapse of Bulgaria, just like the time fort Kiltie bitched, for 5 innings of the Boer war, and with the Kiltie wthe school boys and went theh the loset ' Band left the factory at 1 o'clock and two, while Cooper whole game for the Piano pushers, Some innings were very ragged, while others were played right up • to National League standard. Mr. Graham of the C, C. 1, staiF was umpire. Following was the line up:— DOHERTY R 0 Deeyes, 3b 2 2 McDermott, ib 2 a Draper, ss 1 2 Dickson, 213 ; ;0 4 71reDonaid,ef ,1 2 1 Cooper, ,p 2 Lawrence, c 0 I{enne ly, t`P 1;13 4 3 Shrink, e . 3 1 a Livermore,°it ;3 1 if 1 2 13 21 Score by innings:__ Doherty's C. O. 1. C. C. x Wallis, Sb 2 Evans, 1b •;1 'klatch, of ; • 2 Murphy, 2b •;2 RIlty, p ,,;,2 en -Reynolds, i'f, ;1 .Elliott. ss , , .1 Stewart, marched to the school of Commerce, got the pupils and then headed by the Union Jack marched to the Public School where the procession was join- ed by the scholars and the C, C. I. pupils, then the Jacksonites lined up, and last but not least the Knitting Fac - 92: tory bunch. Between spasms the old 3 Fire bell was worked to the limit, At 2 ( the Postofce square, led by the Band, the school children sang "01 Canadal" and "Rule Britannia.' The Doherty factory whistle was blown for nearly half an hour. Everybody hopes the good work will continue and that in 132121 a week or so we can celebrate the fall of Turkey and Austria and than the 1 0 1 0 5 3 3.-.13 Kaiser will see that he has been select - 4 510002......12 ed for the "goat," , FIRE PREVENTION Extracts from PROCLAMATION issued by His Honour the Lieutenant -Governor of the Province of Ontario. Whereas next to the care of those who are offering their lives on the front line of battle, the conversation of all our energies and substance is our most important problem; And whereas tite saving of human life, thrift, and the prevent - tion of loss of property through destruction by firel is in and aid which every one should give willingly to the community at large; And whereas the reckless and inlpoverishing fire waste that con - rants the people of our Province is appalling, a 5 5 Therefore, believing that the loss can be minimized only by awakening in the public mind a universal watchfulness. against care- essness accumulation of rubbish and unsanitary conditions; and Because of this great need and in order to arouse a sense of watchfulness, -carefulness and cleanliness, and to create a greater personal resonis p ility b y in reducing the number of preventable fires; We have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Exectutive Council for Our Province of Ontario, to name, and do hereby name Wednesday, the 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918 AS- • - FIRE PREVENTION DAY And We do hereby urge that on this clay, throughout our Pro. vinee of Ontario, attention be called. in schools and public places to the conditions that exist awd to the need of immediate action and co. operation on tife part. of everyone; and special exercises, addresses and other means be employed to impress on the publi• mind lessons of Fire Prevention. * * To insure the success of this great Clean-up Campaign it will be necessary to have the hearty and harmonious co-operation of all a ,a e - who have fOr their objects civics social and indus- trial betterment, .s * The Proclamation should be read in all Schools and at Pubilc Gatherings, Ogled of the File Marshal of Ontario, GEORGE F. LEWIS Department of the Attorney General Deputy l'ire Marshal Toronto, Sept, 21st, 1913. c Be ready when the belt -nags ---We are ready for you with a complete assortment of general supplies as well as all regular text books. We invite you to bring your needs to us algid have them satisfied. The W. D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest --Always the Best A . Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation Good Pictures— All these are assured when you purohase .aKoda!i Anybody can take good pictures with tiKodak-or Blrownie. We - have them from $1.00 up. Corrie in and let us show you how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and g1laraptee good results -4 ;yrt– H2OV" Despensing Chemist The Features of Our rnitt ie . To which weinvite special attention, are its beauty, its assured eolufort,fte solid coustructiou, ..and its below the• usual prices.. Any one of these points'. would be sufficient to earn it your preference, When they are all coal- bined we feel sure, you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor• tunity you cannot afford to ignore x^ '7 l'ndertalcer and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Niglet and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store >� L ,Y are with us again and there is very few who does not enjoy a good cup of Warn1•Tea to keep us warm and is very invigorating. This week we will offer you Black or Mixed Tea ,that is an axcellent draw and extra good qual- ity as Special Price. BLACK OR MIXED 65c per lb. 5 lb for $3.00 some extra good special and ones you can save s0111e money by buying now in LAUNDRY AND TOILET SCAPA, LAUNDRY SOAP 3 Bars for 20c or 15 Bars for $1,001 3 CAKES TOILET SOAP @ 255e BE FARSIGHTED AND GET SOME AT THESE PRICES CAUSTIC SODA for making HOME. And also as we are going to give MADE SOAP , .. 18c er 15. 5 tins 90e HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7241 JOHNSON & eo. TERMS—SETTLEMENT OF ALL ACCOUNTS TWICE A MONTH—PHONE 1+14 PHQNE ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO —_��. - . The Corner Grocery Cold Weather Is Corning Be prepared by having your old furnace overhaul- ed or a new one installed by T. Hawkins Phone° 63 Agent for HECLA Furnaces Shop–over Rowland's Hardware p Piping And Fittings Always On Hand. "LIVE AND LET LIVE" HOW ABOUT BAKED BEANS FOR LUNCH? The chidren come home from school hungry as ].ears, and you want something to satisfy yet not, make a lot of work for you hi the middle of the day. Baked Beans, are easily prepared and served,. nutritious and appetizing mad e- conomical. We have a good as- sortment to choose from, SPECIALS Peaches Grapes Celery and Tomatoes , E. E. lunniford' BUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canadian Food Control License. No. 8-3123. PHONE 45 8 5 tr as s t4 .f• •r 5 * * MONEY FOR YOU Look around in your attic or store room and you will find long -forgotten articles, use- . less to you, but very useful to otters. Turn these articles into cash or swap thein for something useful. An ail. in The New Era will tell hundreds about 1t, 5 ar ,w 5 r e t 4 Y 4 'R` !P 4 4 'di` 6 NEW SCHEN/LE Trains from East. Arrives 11.10 a.m. Leaves 11.10 a.m. Arrives 6.08 p.m. Leaves 6.45 pont, Arrives 11.18 pan Leaves 11,18 pad. Trains from West Arrives 6.18 a.m, Leaves 6.18 a.m, Arrives 2.58 pin, Leaves 2.58 p.1n:. Trains from North Arrives 7.33 a,ni. Leaves 7.50 a.m. Arrives 4.15 p.in. Leaves 4.15 p.nt Trains from South Arrives 10.315 a.ni. Leaves 11,tI &,m. Arrives 4.10 p.at. Leaves 6.40 pain,