HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-3, Page 5u'sd yOctober, 3i°d, 1995 fe Our Watches are made of the best ma, terial, beautifully fin- ished' and stoutly constructed. Every- thing insures perm- ancy and accuracy, OUR PRICES are postively LOWEST on the market, and our guarantee the broadest. Select your watch from us.' W.. 11 NERVAR JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses Bayfield Fair will; E. &--R„Snowden judge -W, Harty. LADIES' WORK 13nth towel, Mrs. Ross, Miss Living- ston; phi cushion Mrs Ross. bliss Liv- ingston;: sofa cushion, T, Cameron, 12, Geigel tea --cosy, Miss Livingston Kato • .Ross; Centrepiece in white, W Logan, Mrs Ross; centrepiece. colored, Di% 'Woods R Geiger ; dresser' scarf Mrs. Llvingzton.3 R. Geiger:'; day say lips,l'R Gei- ger . ]tips, ITowrie; pillow cases, Miss Livingston, W. 1, Metcalf; fancy towels, W P Metcalf, Miss Livingston; table ruiner, T. Cameron, Mra ]3owrIe; ladies' underwear. Mrs Howt•ie R Geiger; col- lection ofladles' work NW Livingston, Mrs H otw9e• rat fi ea s shirt, Afro S. .Tions toh Mrs Ross • quilt q cotton S. T3ousi;ct, R Geiger; ln2rs, •g quilt cloth Dr Grieve- Mrs Ross; rag rug, Mra, 8; Rcustot Kate Ross; home made corn- -Forcer• Dr Grieve, Mrs Ross; kitchen apron' Mrs S Houston, R. Geiger; fano)! apronW 1 'Metcalf, Mrs, tHowrie; woof mittens Mrs, S. Houston, Mrs. J Ste - Wart; wool socks, Hors, Pollock,' Dr. Grieve; darning soaks Dr Grieve, Kate Roes;• collection of soldiers' supnlles, F, Keegan Mrs. A E. Erwin; -fancy hand kerchiefs Kate Ross, WP'. Metcalf; Trish .orochet laoe ArRose. W F, Metcalf; crochet table mats, Mrs. How- ' rte, Mrs Ross; crochet work in cotton Miss.L9vingston Dr .Grieve; crochet lace • intott c t Hers TWO011o. Mrs. S Houston; ctocnet face in moot, HTrs. S, Houston, Ross; +duet crochet T Cameron_: W.,J• Metcalf; women's sweater Miss Livingston, Dr. Grieve; tatting, Tt ger, 'f)r Woods; orochet yoke, Mrs Pol- oak, T, Cameron; crochet basket Mrs S Houston, Mrs Howrie; knitted bed= spread Dr Grieve, T,' Keegan; crochet work in woot, Mrs. Rosa, Dr, Grieve; col- lection of lanes, lir Grieve, Mrs. Ross; shadow embroidery, Mrs S .I4ous100, 55 X135. Livingston; eyelet embr'okdet;v, Dr --.Wo,ods .Airs, Howrje; Roman cut work, Dr 'Woods; Mies Livingston; plumb' work 1' W...Livingston Mrs 'T3btvrie; etching' • on cotton, Kate Ross, Mrs Ross; modern -cross.:Stitch, .Mrs Rss, MIs •Livington; braiding, W. I'.' Metcalf Nis: S Mous', ton; drawn. work R. Geiger,Miss./Al/Mg- Sten; luncheon cloth R Geigel;' Mrs. S. 'Houston; child's dress, 'Mrs Moss, Mists Livingston; bedroom. slippers Miss S,lvingstou, Ntrs, Ross. Judges�Mrs, r, Connelly. and Mrs J, 'Scott, •'" PLANTS AND J!'LOWk7RS Bouquet of large flowers, W F. Met- ea1P Mrs Hewson; bouquet of smart Small Rowena., Mrs Howson Mrs• 13fnde; dahlias W. I , Metotilf, Mrs, 13ewson; pansies, Mrs, Tiinde Airs Hew- uon;, geraniums, F Keegan, 11 Geiger; -.Collection of house plants, Mrs, 53Howson, '' Keegan; gladiolus Mrs Hewson, T '+Cameron; fuschias, stirs Newson P: MAGIC BAKING POWDER CQNTAINS,NO ALUM 6`' NIADE'IN CANADA 85 Keegan; foliage plants Mrs fthule, Keegan; asters ]firs owl'le, Mrs, A 11,1 Elton; 1;1oaania, .I.'' Keegan, MrsHow- son; begonias 11' Keegan ]Mil's iieti'solt; sweet peas, i, Cameron. Hat's, ]uratic, ]i'IN533 ARTS,., Pencil drawing, Hit's, Nowt'le • Atlas Livingston; oleyen drawing, bliss 1..1v- • Int,5lon, Mrs Howie; watercolor paint- ing, W 5r, Metcalf .Nits ilowrfe; ell painting W, I1', Netcal;, Mis llow3'le; ]Letlsrngtort painting 11515 Ross Miss Livingston ten and Intl sketch, N'fisa Liv- ingston/ . painting on silk: Mrs, 13owrie, MI's 1'[owr le Mix. Roo; snapshot of Bay field eoonery, U Greenslade. W A Balk- will; burnt work, b, Weekes, • Mies Liv- •ingatoll; Plate, ele and Banner,' 1" IC00^' hen, W 5 Aloteaif; stand painted china, Ur Grieve 'W, F. 14etcali', Judge... -Miss L Grant Clinton. MANUFACTURES Single harness,^ r 'W Tippet:,. 3', Cawn- 01on; double harness1'. Cameron, r W. Tippet; twisted yarn, T, B,r'ownet; woolen yarn, n, T. Bi'ownet: soft soap, E ,& R, Snowden T Brovnet; bard 8051), Dr, Grieve, I', Keegan • JudgeT. Connolly 5I1' Bowie SPECTAI, PRIZES lRathweil Proboei411ss a W. 13' -M foal, collection of 113t35fas, T. 'W. Cameron: setts onions, W 1r, Metea3f; door mat, 'C, Bl'owne1; 11e41C01 yellow globe, W. 13' Metcalf; pepper's, W. 1 Meteall';,-sheaf of wheat 1''T IP Metcalf, • SUPPOSING SPANISH INFLUENZA SHOULD. COME TO CLINTON By PHELAN FLNE. if Spanish influeeze reaches your neighborhood don't give way to alarm and start trying all the remedies suge gested by the neighbors. •Unless, of course, you want to prosper the under- taker, First take stock of your symp- toms, 1f you find these present in your anatomy, Spanish influenza is af- ter )'OU: Chilly feeling, High temperature. Feeling of prostration, Symptoms of coryza or ordinary cold, running nose, cough, etc, When n 'o' uv ] e made sure that 'you are in the grip of the grip, so to speak these are the things you ought to do: Go to bed. Stick faithfully in bed. Call In your fainly physician, cess Get plenty of fresh air, Mas If you want to avoid the pest these was are good things to do or to try to do; the Avoid cataract with those thread ! & C y term Cern THE CLINTON N. IlallninlllllVNllnln4lilN imnGIIIIIIIIntlIVnIIIIniGIIQpimon IiIDVIUIIVInInIIIViIl0lgllll eniln@Illi(UuIUVIUIiIVIIUIIIUIII11gIIIIIIIIVIVVuUIIiIIIIINUIWIiIpIIIIIiVIIIINIId Lc). (Tei. d IplVlinlmnlllllln(mpInpIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIInnIIIIIOVInIIIgIIIiIIIoIIInIIIIIIIIIInmIIUIIlil011NIVllIU pllminlllillllplu@IIgI igiUVllUlllllpnlllllllUiIIIIIIIIiiIllBilllillipllllllllUt Baud Was Here Minor Lootela The W. O, R., No, 4, Band of Len- 0110be3' cion, was in town 51353 sweet, while .ell- 'IhenJsvh'ing Dtiy, October 14 ill roilte 10 and 'from Goderielt fair, Council meets o11 Monday evening, "E" Men Examined Recent 3dvlees from Ottawa seam t0 indlarle more surely that the Canadien All "E" rarest In this se(Uo;i were up Government will •follow the lead •of the for re-examination In 'the Town hall United •States authorities •in regttiring on Friday and Saturday of last week, newspaper told utagazhhe subscriptions The men will be notified later' from tube paid 131 ath,ulce, . The put•ltose of headquarters, this measure is the cortservetion .of Unnecessary Motoring Ie Still In Effect Glint pilper, Sol Roa1e For Ites W EEIAA PAGE The appeal voluntarily to refrain from unnecessary use of mot -Or -driven Moose Jaw, Sask., vehicles issued by the fuel controller • September 21, 54918 on the ninth install Must still remain Editor' of '1•Ile Clantoll,New Era:- • effective. Generally speaking the re- Clluton, Ontario, spouse in Canada from the Atlantic to Dear Sir; • the Pacific has been, with .few exeep- 1 was pleased indeed to notice in lions, complete and spontaneous and your •wide awake paper an item regard - indications are that the saving effected ing free messages to wounded will meet the prevailing scarcity. It in Preece. This ithefirst soldiers may now be taken for granted that in Sawregarding s s lust uotioe e the absence of unforeseen coot lice- g g t this and is thready city tions no steps will be taken to impose and Int favor for several in this cite p d oos rad ats you el one of the upon the public .in Canada the futon- first to send out such welcome news, veilience incidental to a card. system of and it shows that you are doing your gasolinetest control, The present volun- 3 l b Ytry cuwill evidently prove sulfic- )etly effective to attain the end desir- ed.Editor Gets Into Trouble They tell lots of tales on the editors,. bot this is a new one: The editor of a Kansas paper went to attend a - party given by one of his neighbors where Just a few weeks 'before the home had been blessed with a new baby. The hostess met him at the door and, after the usual salutation, he asked after the it in a quiet and unassuming way, .I also regret to notice so many of Clin- tons bright young men have paid the supreme sacrifice„ boys whom 1 well knew, and was proud of, 1 remain, Yours truly, FRANK O'NEIL Clinton Girl Holds Important .Position Froin the July issue of the Bur- roughs Magazine. we take the first ar- ticle, which ryas accoinpaniedl by a picture of Miss -Bessie Brown, daughter of Mrs, R, Brown, of Huilett, who does baby's health. The 'lady was hard of the delicate work in the typenaking hearing, had a bad cold, and thinking ,cieparttnent:-Type for Burroughs Ma- he was asking about herself, answer- 1 chines, the magnitude of the product- ett that although she usually had one I ion and hots it is made in our own every winter, this was the , worst one . plant, form one of the most interesting ever ;tad, ti kept her awake at night a ` chapters of the story of our'industry, great deal, and at first coilfieed her to ' A11 type for Burroughs -machines is her bed Then noticing that the edit- made in Department 24, and while the or was acting very strangely, she said unit does not compare with some of she could tell by his looks and actions the others in size, it handles five times that he was going to have one Just like as „maty parts as any other, the parts, hers, and she asked him to come in out of course being type. Type for 100, of the draft and sit down, -The Lad- 200 and 600 class machines has to be nes' Home Journal,- put through sixteen operations, while Death Of Mrs. Carson type for 300 class machines requires eight operations. All these operations The, death took place last Thursday are made right in No, 21, by 75 men of Anna Louisa Carson, wife of Mr, and young women. Besides staking Harry 'Carson, engineer on the Huron the type for the y?)' 00o machines that & Bruce line. Mrs, Carson carte to our schedule calls for this year, and London from Winglhaln three years which means millions of type, the de - ago. She had been ill for some pertinent tills orders for about 300 months and was 54 years of age. Be special characters daily. These orders sides her husband, : site is survived by consist of type that print special two sous, Pte. Harry, now in France characters, and there are seldom two with No, to Stationary Hospital, and orders alike;; All Burroughs type is Pte, Ralh, in the quartermaster's de- made from steel m atri ces, of which partmenu of .t American regiment, we thousands. •, The matrices are stationed at Jacksonville, Florida; two oblong and made of tool steel and are sisters, Mrs. John Carson, of Tulsa, double-ended.The figures or characters Oklahoma, and Mrs, E. J. Mason, of are engraved on the matrices by an Winnipeg, Manitoba, and one brother, engraving lnachine, which, by the way, E. J. Mason of Kansas City, Mo. De is operated by a young woman, Miss Bessie Brows and she is the first of her sex who ever operated an engrav- ing machine at the Burroughs plant, She understands micrometers, sharpens her own tools and keeps them in per- fect condition. After the operationon the matrices comes the work or) the type Itself, if 7' p ire type Yp made d of A, steel, The'pieces come to the depart- ment in the form If small punchings and the swedging being clone in the punch press department. A glance at the o eratio ns necessary r' to m a kep er- feet type for, 100, 200 and 600 class machines reveals tine great amount of work, For the first operation a ma- trix with the figures or characters en- graved thereon is placed in a kneading machine and the blank type are fed into tine machine and, come out bearing the figures or characters, whatever is contained on the matrix. There are eight .of these kneading machines in the department. Next the type goes to the putsch presses right in No. 24 for perforation and shearing; next they are straddl ed was the daughter of the late J. on, of London. The funeral which of a private nature was held from undertaking parlors of.Smith, Son larke on Saturday afternoon, In - en t being made in Woodland etery. Avoid crowds as much as. possible. Avoid the common drinking cup and Look the common towel, , Sr! Maintain thorough ventilation in of. and, woul scrip Cana page gatiu COn1it COnsu at on't hate your fellow men and love paper the Kaiser, these are the things toedo, date Don't' expectorate in public places. tions, Don'ttsneeze in your neighbor's face, ed an Use your hankerchief ly, a Don't cough without covering your the n mouth with a handkerchief. sal, la Change handkerchiefs frequently. print, That's all, it it ! time flee and house, Observe ordinary rules of hygiene, Even if yon have. a chance to do so, don't overeat, Avoid. stimulants, Don't drug yourself. ' Don't harbor that scared feeling, and at the Label, bscribers to The Clinton New Era in fact, to all country newspapers d_ do well to see that their sub: Hoes do not fail into arrears. The dian Press Association newsprint r coutinittee, tubo has been investi- g the newsprint situation, has re - tended, as a means of reducing the ntption of newsprint in Canada, newspapers discontinue sending a within three months after the of expiration Of thesubscrip- unless the subscription is renew - d paid for. At present this is on - re onuuen ation, but, owing to ecesslty'of conservation of mater- bor and transporation of news - it will no doubt become law, came into force at the present! NewEra malty subscribers of the Clutton Cheer Up! Have you. the "Flu'? copies of the pauld per. t! receive furtheres paper. m e interests of !The New Era and their own interests, We would ask any who are in arrears to see that they are placed in good standing. Our .ttose is red, Our spirits blue, We've a cold in our head And an ache there, too.' 13th a f dct4 '14-1.1111,11. C qtr��A t S :tic^ �am:,rirsx SERVICE We cordially invite you to our Garage where we are specially equipped to extend prompt and efficient Service. A full .line of accessories and repairs carried Overhauling and Painting our Specialty. ' Phone 80. AUTOMOBILE- LIVERY ' House Phone 140 )Bicycles and Repairing -Bicycle and general repairing (lone by competent workmen. Quick service always. 2nd HAND CARS FOR SALE 5 McLAUGHLiN 5 PASSENGER 1 STUDEBAKER, 7 PASSENGER • , n ARA PION ROADSTER Clint 'int GaraPe e milled• then to another shilling machine; next the mill cuts are burred this being the bench operation; next they are corrugated, which is another bench operation; next the holes are burred, also a bench operation; then they go to a punch press, which shears the harasser end; next a hole Is drilled in e,1ch type by machinery: After these operations have been completed, the type is taken to the Hardening Department, After being hardened it is returned to No 21, where the studs are assembled by bench operation; their the studs are riveted by a mach- ine; next the burrs are ground by a machine; then they are straightened by a machine; next slots are milled in the studs by a machine, and last the holes are counter -sunk at a bench. Tliese are the sixteen operations, ex- clusive of the hardening process. Type for 300 4l11SS machines require Just half the number of operations; First, the type go into tine kneading machine; next they go throgh sersddle still op- erations Nos. 1 and 2; next they are burred under the head; then a slot is '. milled in them; then the mill cut is -e, burred; next the corners are burred, and finally they are straightened and fitted to a gauge. This class of type is all finished is No. 21 before it goes to the Hardening Department. The type isn't likely to come through all these operations and still be per- fectly straight, hence the straighten- ing operation, Burring removes any little particles of steel, not a part of the type itself, .that might cause im- perfect printing or fitting, A great majority of these burrs are invisible to the naked eye. but when a type is put under •1 microscope the burr is very noticeable. To get type a perfect. size, the department has a ittiscroscopic machine that measures as fine as the ane thousandth part on an inch: Many users of Burroughs machines employ special characters -cif type''in the preparation of their reports, state- ments, etc,, and these are the "special orders" that No, 21 fills, in addition to making Burroughs standard eype. Ma- chines built for users in foreign coun- tries have different 'typo characters, and these, too, lire made in No. 21, Recently the department prepared fig - ores on it prospective production foe 1949, and they seem astounding, For instance, it is planning to produce 9,- 500,000 type for the yea", Or 32,200 daily, which tlo not include special or mail order type. To make these mil- lions of type, 215,712,000 operations -for the year, or 770,400 every working day, will be necessa'y. Aud, beetle; IhnfOrseen contingencies, the depart- ment will do it, This all-important en11 of our big plant is in J, .A, Kil- patrick's division, and George F, Wolfe is fnl'e05att,' ;Par tnot'.e effective than Stiohy P11 Catchers, Clean to handle. Solei by i'rUggists and Grocers everywhere, 41 13-- * rt iC J'r 9t # S fE N - e is PATRIOTIC NOTES 13 Sb SF' a• * 3 r;- it 0 3+ * il•. The W. ,P, S, will meet its 0300311 Fri- day afternoon at three o'clock, Please bring. needles and thimbles to here towels, The annual Meeting held last Friday resulted in the old officer's ail being returned for the coaling. year. Please remember the Rummage Sale October 1211: and bring your -done - Notts to the Palace store where the committee will be glad to receive them. Below are the annual reports of the different officers, T..hn SECRETARY'S REPORT During the year there were twenty- six general meetings, one exeoutIve, told twelve teas held, the teas being given by the Church Societies, Oto' own $oelety and mr.'3lvl(uats, all for the benefit of the W.1. S. The shipments for tho yoatr were lalg anti etccording to' the word brought fro London the ,work exoellont. The atnoun shipped ae Lollotva. Socks , ,1007 Day -shirts' ' ' ' .... 120 80 Slipsrench (pillow)towels- 128 T . - 1ospltal towels Y40 Scarves Caps 2 18 Handkerchiefs 230 Personal P. :Bags Wash Cloths 2 Feather Pillows I. Q 2,. PacLlilt9lcn.ges'ti1' ;,,kr eottoli' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • A total of two thousand eight•huitilredt titand eighty-nine (2880), an increase of five articles over last -year: ALICE MASON See'y, W. P. S. 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Balance RECEIPTS ]reel Trus 440.42 � 0,25 Monthly Collections .10115313 Donations 148.96 interest148.46 Girls Auxiliary 425.00 County Grant vivaTown Grant Red (•rocs 225,81 0 m 1 yydu»as sitoerH Yarn Sheeting anti d Cott of Flannel Flannelette Girls Patriotic Society Soldiers' Dinner Field Confo'ts Sundries War Stamps French RedCross Balance LSXPEND.ITURES 1307-c2 148,80 171.41 184.43 40.00 3,00 10 17.08 1.00 225,81. 509.03 has you will Need int the Fal l Summer done --and the mind of the house. keeper turns to gutting hes' home and Family ready Or the new and cooler season, Don't forget that our counters, our assistants are here ready to help you, Full stocks --prompt 'and courteous service ---Right prices; See the fall number of the New Idea Quart. erly, just out. This smart, attractive c ive style book on sale at our New IdeaPattern l� gssa-aQ1a'Dross epartment. since 1344,, 34 138, 40, 42, 44, 48 inches , bust measure,, - ! ll, i _pro Small Rrolits Phone 25. , Moro Business TimE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS sznensteweetementnesseexonexestenemeeneeesereseeeeetesessesteseacemeontenemaeliessasemeeleeneiteseft MUSIC LESSONS Miss Edna McCaughey is prepared (to take e limited number of pupils for piano at her home, Huron street, Pu- pils prepared for Toronto or London 1 Conservatory examinations, Phone 58, MUSICAL Miss Beatrice Greene is prepared to Lake a limited number of pupils for piano and the Meyers Kindergarten Me- thod for children, and will also 'give singing instruction, Miss Beatrice Greene, Phone 69, Clinton, Ont. NOTICE TO Consumers of Coal in Hallett The Fuel Controller for Ontario has appointed 21 5 tons of coal for Hullett, Persons wanting coal trust apply to 2880,00' Wo:, Jamieson, Jr., or John Fingland 2850,69 ABSTRACT OF FINANCIAL STATE- MENT OF WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC SOCIETY FROM OCTOBER 1, 1917, TO SEPTEMBER 30, X918. Receipts 2850.09 Bala ndtfures ` Balance . • n� 87.7x, 02860.09 MRS. rox2 w.ren:.4.N Treasurer P1418ONEIt OI' 'WAR FUND Amount received since Nov, '17 0118.10 Amounted remitted 110,10 Balance on hand Balance on hand 010 08,00 MRS, W. D. FAIR, Convenor America's Answer, One tOiiptthtohaa frontherng line of this any other war, is the one that has been AO well read and quoted by Canadians all over the Empire, "Th Flanders Fields." by Lieut, Col, ,Tohn McRae, who himself now numbered among the heroic -Cana- Mans 1vho lost th031• lives in Flanders, anSWer 10 that piece of war -scarred verso R. W. Lillard, an Am • ek Evening pon Pas written In the New York race Post, 'America's Answer." We produce them here, not for the sake of conpar- ison, but more to show the heroic cour- age of the Canadians and the indomitable spirit with which the American forces MVO backng the Allies in this fight. "IN FLANDERS FIELD" Til Flanders fields tate poppies blow~ Between tine 0)0.90es, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The lark still bravely singing By We Scatare U heardeaditlSSho t t the hduns ays aglony, We lived, felt dawn, Saw sunset glow, Loved and w0r0 toyed. and now WO 110 In Flanders fields. Take up the 000:1ei with the foe! To you, :from falling' hands, we throw The torch. Be yotlrs Lo hold 11; high! If yo break faith with us who die We shall not sloop, though tho poppies grow In Flanders fields, AMERICA'S ANSWER Rest ye in peaoe, ye Flanders dead. Tho fight that ye so bravely led We've talret up. And we will keen n111s111each ,oss toikibee,ilhocethaalgdrad torensowifeblo an :od, So let your rest be sweet and deep An blunders fields. Fear not that to have diets for naught; triehe torch ye threw to us we caught, Ten million hands a tis will hold ld it highhA,t freedom's i13t shall l hot cite! - 1o've nl 0lessen that goCigtt 1n Flandersfields. ENGINES FOR SILO FILLING WATERLOO BOY TRACTORS - Just what you need for Silo Filling, .l Threshing, Plowing, 'Cnitivnttng, 131s- 11115 or any work on (arnh. We have them in stock for immediate delivery. Rebuilt Steam Traction Engines, 20 11, ' p., 18 h,p, 47 It.p,, and 16 h,p., Port- able Rebuilt Engines front 12 ILI), up- wards, Separators from 24 inches x 40 niches for individual farmer, All for immediate delivery, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario, WANTED • Mast wanted for night shift to assist repair men on Shell lilachinery, One who cite lace belie and do general re- pairitig to countershafts, line shafts, etc,, preferred. Apply at once to The Rohl. Bell Engine & Thresher C., Seaforth, Ontario, ondeseboro, who have been appointed Fuel Commissioner O Per f rI9ul1 t e o or n be- fore October 30th, 1918, No person having a supply of wood or other fuel need apply, BY ORDER OF HULLETT COUNCIL House and lot on Huron st„ now occupied by Mrs, John Scruton, for sale, cheap for cash. Stable and shed .on property, Apply to WILLIAM COATS, Goderich. A Desirable Property For Sale A two storey brick resideetce on Harron street, just West of the Baptist church. Good cellar and furnace; also the one storey cottage for sale or to rent on Rattenbury street, west of the ` English Church. For particulars ap- ply to Mrs. D, McCorvie, at the Huron St„ residence. WANTED Capable staid for general housework Small bungalow. Every convenience, I(ighest wages, two people, Apply • MRS. BOX, 25 Golthic Avenue, Toronto, or Phone Junction 1504, To- ronto. For Sale A good frame barn 28x40. Apply to JUST C. J. Wellia, ARRIVED A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN We have also secured a quantity of.' Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties ; SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- - [ AGE. SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE 11'' and also -•, t t£ARLY•AME'-uq.VGAR CANE Good pair of bob -sleights, new las winter. Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE SECURITIES FOR SALE The Administrator of the Estate o Alice M. Fowler deceased offers fo sale the following securities at 'owes market prices: War Saving Certificate $ 25.0 3 War Savings Certificates each 100.0 Town of Welland Debentures 4000,o Town of Hespher Debentures 500,0 William Davies Ltd, Debentures 500.00 Western Canada Flour Mills, Ltd. Debentures As the season has err• '' ,Pot-tl,e hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have on stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed, f l w•11}ch we are selling at reasonable r ? prices, t Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Huh Choice) and also our usual line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. 0 0 . V'V.•J eflkiM1S&Sonlr� 500.00 FLOUR AND FEED Dominion of Canada, War Loan 300,00 Phone 509. .'Residency i on 149 Tile above will be sold at rates to net ' the purchaser from 5y,% to 7% per annum. Apply to R. E, MANNING, Administrator W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14-638 W. MARQUIS Clinton, Ontario FOR SALE 8-roocomfortable ed conveniences. Cnace ornerhof Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold et Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank, VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % W. BRYDONC,'Cihrton • FOR SALE One Huron Range, 8, in good con- dition. Ali excellent baker, Also Go Gsrt; Several screen doors, and 40 feet of chicken wire, Cheap if taken at once. W. S. DOWNS Ontario & William Sts. EAM Wanted Call at Mr. WO:soles Grocery store and, get a can 6, 8, or 10 ant, (11115 partly or fill thein, i will test and 'pay for each can sep- erately, every week and give you the price for the following week. Highest prices and a sg11a1'e deal guaranteed. Cream received' at Summerhill store any day. T. Phoee 8 on 166, F. 0, License No, 8.10532. .:trsi. GRAND TRUNK RSV " . 11 Y W) HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA The ;tome of the Red Deer aid Moose OPEN SEASONS. .DEER -November 1st to November 15th inclusive. MOOSE -November 1st to November 15th inclusive, In some of the northern Districts of Ontario including Tintaganti and the territory north and south of the Canadian Government Rail- way from the Quebec to Mani- toba Botnndaly open season for Moose Is from October 1st to November 30th inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgrounds-.. the Haunts of Fish and Game" giving balite Laws,, Hunting Regulations, etc„ to C. E, HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Torooto, Ont, John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A, 0. Pattison, station agent, c NSTE N CURED BY THE USE OF MILRtI ' ; i� tt1 S 6.14134 -LIVER pl1.1.5, • Constipation is,,one of the most pre, valent troubles the huinap race is sublec3 to, and is the greatest cause of many of our ailments. If the bowels cease to work properly, all (ho other organs become deranged, Milburn's Lexa-Liver Pills work on the ' bowels gently and naturally; end wltll cure the worst cases of constipation. Mrs. 'Winslow AIc1Cny, Jordan Branch, writes; "1 have barn sick for a, nuinlier of years with siert headache for, constipation, I tried all hinds offloc- y; tor's mai ieiue, hut none did me tiny good !, until 1 tried Milburn's Laxm-Liver fills, i and after usin four vials I ala Com- ptetoly cured. I would henrtily recoun- ncl thou to alt si:;fr rd, t it"'n Viet disease, 1 keep then t o bald. elf the timtnee. " Milburn's T exa T ser Pills err 2.7e. a vial Sold by ell d reel ef. toe or hailed clireet on renui t 113 .,1;'. byTho T, Milburn Co,, Limited, 1 orontoa Unit, •